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“We do not learn from experience, 

we learn from reflecting on experience”
- John Dewey

Reflection Journal
This reflection journal is meant to help you make your thinking processes visible, and you should use it in an authentic
way to:

Document your observations and learning in class or through your own experience methodically. There’s no need to
interpret or analyse at this point.
✓ Document what interests, fascinates and/or bothers you.
✓ Record what you experienced (see, hear, touch, feel, think) and did (actions).
✓ Document both successes and mistakes - making a note of what worked / did not work since they may lead to new
ideas for future use
✓ Use a range of means that suit you - observation drawings, writings, doodles, or graphical concept maps

Interpret new knowledge and use it to inform your learning and drawing.
✓ Understand your drawing successes or mistakes encountered in relation to concepts of perception
✓ Which concepts challenge and/or built upon what you previously thought?
✓ Describe the concepts that ‘came alive’ or became clearer as you personally encountered them first hand
✓ Describe how you solved problems or overcame challenges with new knowledge learnt
✓ In what ways do you think you need to improve

Reflect on your thoughts, experiences, actions and discussions in class and during the drawing process
✓ Make connections between your previous knowledge and assumptions, what you have learnt in class, and/or what you
need to unlearn and relearn.
✓ What was particularly satisfying or frustrating — and consider ‘what if you could it differently?’
✓ In what ways were your encounters / processes similar or different to your classmates’
✓ What do these experiences tell you about yourself and/or how you learn
✓ What were your goals for this exercise? Did your goals change as you worked on it. Did you meet your goals?
✓ Did anything surprise you - how and why?

Plan how you can use your reflections and insights to implement new ideas and strategies
✓ Consider possible scenarios and the course of action you would implement similarly or differently (new ideas,
strategies or insights)
✓ What are some things you have learnt from your classmates that you’d like to try in your own drawing
✓ What did you do that was helpful / not helpful in the previous drawing that you’d like to remember to do in the next one
✓ What’s one goal you would like to set for yourself the next time
✓ Where else might you apply some of these skills / concepts you have learnt

Note: These questions are meant to be suggestions to guide thinking for learning
By Nicola Choo & Tricia Goh AAA18E / Jan 2017

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