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Why not to TEACH

1. Low pay
2. Low prestige
3. Too much paperwork
4. Too many concerns
5. Too many hardheads
6. Little time for oneself
7. Love threatening

1. Most sterling nobility
2. Divine delight
3. A sense of wonder
4. It deepens humanity
5. Human adventure
6. Great reward

1. He teaches students, not subjects
2. He “plays” time well, constantly
3. He toughens his students
4. He teaches ideals, not loyalties
5. He teaches so that students learn and serve

Principles of Effective Teaching

1. Prepare really thoroughly
2. Start absolutely right
3. Set clear objectives
4. Have a super attitude
5. Balance activities well
6. Develop enviable skills
7. Communicate effectively

Elements of Teaching and Learning

1. Learner
---Union of sentient body and rational soul

** Triads is possible. Teacher, Learner and Content

2. Teacher
3. Learning Environment
4. Curriculum
5. Material of Instruction
6. Administration

Cognitive Faculties
1.Five Senses
2. Instincts
3. Imagination
4. Memory
5. Intellect - reasoning out and making judgement

Appetitive Faculties
1. Feelings and emotion - on/off switch for learning
2. Rational will

Factors that contribute to the differences among learners

1. Ability
2. Aptitude - learners innate talent or gift
3. Interest
4. Family and Cultural Background
5. Attitudes and Values

** Learner is Domain 3 PPST

-- venue of social interaction
- provides instructional process
a. Teacher
b. Learner
c. Subject Matter

Types of Learning Environment

a. Classroom (formal instruction)
b. Home (informal instruction)
c. Community

4 Factors of Classroom Environment

1. Physical Climate - classroom itself

2. Intellectual Climate - activities
** intellectual environment- teacher guides learner

3. Social Climate
- Autocratic -- teacher directed
- Laissez Faire
- Democratic Climate

4. Emotional Climate
** Domain 2 in PPST ( Learning Env.)

** Domain 6 - Community Linkages

** 13 Facititative Learning Env. (Pine and Horne)

** Ecclesiastes 12:9-11

T - reasure
E - mphatize
A - ccentuate
C - are and Credibility
H - elp

** Varied roles of teacher in the classroom

1. Manager 6. Public Relations Specialist

2. Counselor 7. Parent surrogate
3. Motivator 8. Facilitator
4. Leader 9. Instructor
5. Model

Personal Attributes of a Teacher

Enthusiasm - eagerness and excitement
Values and Attitude
Commitment - solemn promise

Concept of Teaching

- connotes the performance of certain activities for duties. It may be in the form
of service your students in order to help them succeed in life.

-is equal footing with other professions by virtue of PD 1006 and RA 7836
(Philippine Teacher’s Professionalization Act of 1994)

Other Reasons why Teaching is a Profession

* has its own body of specialized knowledge
* upholds service over and above personal and monetary profit.
* for professional competencies, requires continuous professional growth
* establish its own policies, standards for professional exercise
* has its own unique professional organization

- like other professions, teaching must subject itself to an organized and objective
planning, preparation and execution of the lesson in order to direct learners toward the
different learning episodes.

- it is in the concept of teaching that a teacher is committed to endure in the
teaching profession against all odds.
Twelve Principles of Effective Teaching and Learning

1. Teachers knowledge of the subject matter is essential to the implementation of

important teaching tasks.

2. Active involvement of the learner enhanced learning.

3. Interaction of the teachers and students is the most important factor on student’s
motivation and involvement.

4. Students benefit from taking responsibility for their learning.

5. There are many road to learning.

6. Expect more and you will achieve more

7. Learning is enhanced in the atmosphere of cooperation

8. Materials must be meaningful.

9. Both teaching and learning are enhanced by descriptive feedback.

10. Critical feedback is only useful if the learner has alternative to pursue

11. Time plus energy equals learning

12. Experience usually improves teaching


Formal Education - Private and Public

Non-Formal Education - OSY-Out of school youth, adult, the illiterate and


Open Leaning - courses flexibility designed to meet individual requirements.

Flexible Learning - has been used to promote a shift from formal whole class didactic
toward individual or group managed learning.

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