English Admin Notes

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Degrees of Adjective:

 Positive
 Comparative (comparison of two things)
 Superlative (comparison of one thing with all)

 She is an intelligent girl.

 She is more intelligent than her (comparative)

 Senior
 Junior
 Superior
 Inferior
When such adjectives are used one have to write “to”.

 He is junior TO Ahmed.
1) Ali is smallest to his brother. (false)
2) Ali is the smallest of all his brothers. (true)
3) One of the two brothers is less intelligent. (false)
4) One of the two brothers is less intelligent. (true)
5) Of Islamabad and Karachi former is the best. (false)
6) Of Islamabad and Karachi former is the better. (true)
Shall is model verb. Will, could, should, can, would, might, must, “after these model verbs one have
to use first form of verb.”
Conditional Sentences:
1st Condition:

 If he comes (present simple), I shall help him. (future tense)

 If he worked hard, he would succeed. (future tense)
 If he had worked hard (past perfect), he would have succeed. (future perfect tense)
Whenever time is known simple past will be used.
1. He went to Karachi yesterday.
2. Where he went in the evening. (false)
3. Where did he go on the evening? (true)
4. He forbade me not to smoke. (false)
5. He forbade me to smoke.
Infinitive/ gerund:
Verbs which are placed in the place of noun are called infinitive / Gerund.
 He agrees to tell story.
1. Agree 2. Ask 3. Expect 4. Invite 5. Offer 6. Plan 7. Promise 8. Refund
“We can only put infinite verbs with these verbs.”
He enjoys telling story.
1. Admit 2. Appreciate 3. Enjoy 4. Avoid 5. Complete 6. Consider 7. Delay 8. Deny 9. Discus 10. Finish
11. Keep 12. Mention 13. Miss 14. Postpone
After such verbs “gerund” is used.
1. He orders me if I am his brother. (false)
“Whenever as if is used past tense is used.”
He orders me as if I was his brothers. (True)
2. I would rather you apply for this post. (false)
I would rather you applied for this post.
3. It is limit we go out. (false)
It is limit we went out. (true)
4. I wish I stayed at home.
Adjective degrees:

 He is more stronger than his brothers. (false)

He is stronger than his brother.(true)

 He is taller than any boy in the class. (false)

He is taller than any other boy in the class. (true)

 Ali’s style is better than Ahmed (false)

 Ali’s style is better than of Ahmed.(true)
 The weather of Hyderabad is comfortable than Sukkhur. (false)
 The weather of Hyderabad is more comfortable than of Sukkhur. (true)
 This is the most perfect method of teaching. (false)
 This is the perfect method of teaching. (true)
Usage of “some” and “any”
Some: used for positive
Any: used for negative and integrative.
Many is used for numbers.
Much is used for quantity.
Beside (k sath), besides (in addition to)
Few (negative), a few (positive but for little things), the few (positive but for all).
Elder and older:
Elder is used for family relations.
Older is used for generation.
Farther (distance), Further (in addition to)
Latter (position), later (time)

 She came later than I.

 Ahmed and Akram are good friends. The latter is more intelligent.
Direct & indirect (narration):

 He said (reporting speech), I will get late (reported speech)

He told that he would get late.
 He said, “I am feeling unwell.”
He said that he was feeling unwell.
 He said to me, “I lost my bag”
He told me that he had lost his bag.
 My father said, “what will you do tomorrow”
My father asked what I would do next day.
 Ali said to his friend, “when are you going to Lahore?
Ali asked his friend when he was going to Lahore.
 I said to him, “which team will win the match?”
I asked him which team would win the match.
 He said to me, “will you go to Karachi tomorrow?’
He asked me if I would go to Karachi next day.
 Ali said to me, “do I know your name?”
Ali asked me if he knew my name.
 He said to the waiter, “bring me cup of new”
He ordered the waiter to bring him cup of tea.
 I said to the candidate, “please be seated”
I requested the candidate to be seated.
 Alia said to the passenger, “please do not smoke”
Alia requested the passenger not to smoke.
 The teacher said to the students, “do not write on the wall.”
The teacher forbade the students to write on the wall.
 The old woman said to him, “may you live long”
The old woman prayed him that he might live long.
 The poet said, “Alas! I have no inspiration left.”
The poet exclaimed sadly that he had no inspiration left.

 He said to me, “let us see movie”

He suggested me that we should see movie.
Active voice & passive voice:

 They obey the orders. (AV)

The orders are obeyed by them. (PV)
 Hold the candle. (AV)
Let the candle be held. (PV)
 Always speak the truth. (AV)
Let the truth be spoken always. (PV)

 I said to her, “how to swim/

I asked her how to swim
 He said to him, “please eat mangoes”
He requested him to eat mangoes.
 Ali said to me, “hurrah! We have won the match”
Ali exclaimed excitedly to me that they had won the match.
 Close the door (PV)
Let the door be closed.

 He is much happy today.

He is very happy today.
 He is much fat.
He is very fat.
 He is much happier today (true)
 He is much interesting. (false)
He is very interesting. (true)
 I am very surprised at your attitude. (false)
I am much surprised at your attitude. (true)
 He peaks truth always. (false)
He always speaks truth. (true)
 He always is right. (flase)
He is always right. (true)
 I (got) three books back four days ago.
 I (had posted) letters three days before.
I, had and you were involved in family

 He, you and I. (true)

 May a leader (went) to become minister of Pakistan.
A great many Pakistani is (are) in poverty and ignored.
 You must (avail) (yourself) this opportunity. (will like reflective pronoun)
 Enjoy, absent, set, resign, revenge, entered, and distinguished. (they will like reflective
Since / For:

 He has been working in wapda for 6 years.

 I have been living in Hyderabad since 1991.
 They have been studying in college since 2011.

 Aim, laugh, rejoice, sneers, knock, alarm.


 Eligible, hope, computer, apologize, famous, notorious, long.


 Alright, disqualified, prohibit, differ.

He alighted from train at 6 pm.
 Consist, persist, absent, excel, confide, indulge
Happiness consist in the presence of mind.

 Accuse, approved, ashamed, await, boast, devoid, jealous, seek, proud, ignorant, die.
He was accused of theft.

 Congratulate, insist, go, defend, revenge.

I congratulated him on his success.
By bus = on foot
By train = at noon
By boat = at 6’ O Clock
By plane
 Both, always, early “and” in sentence.
e.g: he is both intelligent and hard working.
 “Not only” has an agreement “but also” it always carry.
e.g: not only he is intelligent but also hardworking.

 “est” has an agreement “should it always carry in sentence.

 Whe there is “until” or “unless” the first part of sentence will be affirmative.
e.g: until you work hard you will be succeed.

 Both Alia as well as Razia are intelligent girls.

Both Alia and Razia are intelligent girls.
 Unless he will not write well nobody will understand.
Unless he writes well, nobody will understand it.

 He made a goal against our team. (false)

He scored a goal against our team. (true)
 No less than twenty people died in accident.(false)
No fewer than twenty people died in the accident. (true)
 He aim to please everybody. (false)
He aim at please everybody. (true)

 Image: picture
(a) Busy – space, (b) room – space, (c) salad – supper (d) screen – antenna
 Crum – bread
(a) Ounce – unit, (b) splendor – wood, (c) water – bucket, (d) cream – butter.

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