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Knowledge is the biggest asset you can

‘Knowledge can be facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or
education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject’.

There is an old story of the mechanic who is called to a ship because none of the
technicians could mend the problem with the engine that would only make clunking and
sputtering noises. Standing next to the machine, he listened for a few minutes, pulled
out a little hammer and made two taps. Before their eyes, the machine clunking was
transformed into a steady whir, humming along a perfect, smooth tune.

The old mechanic then presented an invoice for $10,000. The owner was irritated by
this and argued that all the mechanic had done was make two tiny taps with his
hammer.“True,” said the mechanic. “The taps were only $1.00 each. The knowledge to
know where to tap costs $9,998.00.”

In the story, the mechanic got paid what he asked for , just because of his
knowledge.The basic driving force behind our every action is knowledge. Flying an
aircraft or cracking CAT, everything requires knowledge.

But is knowledge is the only asset you should accumulate :


 Builds confidence: Knowledge provides you with confidence to speak, even if

have no interaction with a specific individual you’ll be able to communicate
easily , because youll know exactly what to say.
 Improves communication skills: For acquiring knowledge we need to read
more, observe more , ask more questions, do research reading, discovering new
facts and figures everyday, making notes of things you learn, Discussing with
people makes that certain snippets stay in your head and once we are through
with that we are able to speak and talk intelligently automatically , because the
journey makes you an informed person.
 Knowledge and experience go hand in hand : Having knowledge about
various areas is important not just for doing peculiar tasks but even for
sustaining as without knowledge about how to operate various objects or
situations in daily course .When companies and organizations look to hire for
positions, they are forced to weigh both the education and the experience that
applicants have to offer. Society rests so much esteem on attaining a degree
that the need for experience is often undermined. So make sure when you are in
the process of learning, you do get experience of modes operandi.
 Knowledge imbues us with authority : and enables us to act and interact with
others in a more moral way. True knowledge commands more respect that
mere empty authority within a hierarchy ever could. If we have knowledge, we
can direct others’ decisions and help them to enhance their lives. Having
knowledge about a relevant subject imbues us with authority. No matter who
we are, or how old we are, if we have knowledge that is useful to other people,
then those people will respect us.

 The more knowledge you gain,

 the more enlightened your vision becomes”.
 Knowledge is power and knowledge empowers us to make the best choices and
decisions that will produce a happy, healthy, successful life to us and the people
around us. It is something which cannot be taken back from you, you gain knowledge
into every step of life, being knowledge is the greatest asset in life. Knowledge makes
you wise and happy everyday. Knowledge can be facts, information and skills
acquired through experience or education, the theoretical or practical understanding of
a subject. It builds confidence , improves our communication skills and imbues us
with authority. But on the other hand, expressing knowledge is difficult.

 “Knowledge is power
 soak up every drops”.
 The rich people and the biggest industries are rich simple because of the knowledge.
Knowledge drives all business activities, growth of the company and it is a company’s
differentiator. Your greatest asset is your earning ability, to apply your knowledge,
skills in order to get results which others will pay. You are always on the right track if
your knowledge is worth more than your current income.
 “There is no wealth like knowledge and
 no poverty like ignorance”.

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