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Topic: Curriculum Development in Japan

Course Title: Curriculum Development (EDU-559)

Presented By:

Nida Qadir

Roll no. 18-37

M.A Education

1st Semester

Session (2018-2020)

Presented To:

Mrs. Somia Yaqub

Department of Education

Government College Women University Faisalabad

Table of Content

Sr.No. Title Page No.

1 Curriculum 2
2 Curriculum development 2
3 Japan (briefly introduction) 2
4 Education system of japan 3
5 Curriculum of japan 5
6 Student life of japan 6
7 Review 7

1 Curriculum

Curriculum is a set of subject, a Set of material.

And also a course of study, a program of study, a plan for learning.

(Mukhtar Ahmad Ch.)

The world curriculum originate from the Latin word “currier” referring to the oval
track upon which comment chariots raced .it is necessary to note that the word curriculum
does not have any fixed meaning . Currier which mean to run.

The word “curriculum” literary mean to run a course. Curriculum is singular and
curricula is plural.

2 Curriculum Development

Curriculum development describes all the ways in which training or teaching

organization plans and guides learning. This learning can take place inside or outside a class
room. It can take place in an institutional setting like a school, college or training center, or in
village, or a is central to the teaching a learning process.

(Rogers and Taylor 1998)

Curriculum helps us;

Selection of aims

Selection of content and learning experience

Organization of content and learning experience

Evaluation of learning outcomes

3 Japan (briefly introduction)

Japan was great power before world war 2 .but that war the part of japan
divided .America decided to use atomic weapons to see the increasing power of japan. As a
result, the back bone of japan had broken. Atom bomb dropped on the two city of japan.
After that japan faces many bans .the people of japan was very hard work. They puts all their
wits for /on invention for this purpose .they improved their educational system. Today the

education system of japan is considered the best system of the world. There are dozens of
universities of high level in every county of japan.

These lines very important /famous about japan

a) King of technology
b) Earth of rising sun

In 06 august 1945 America attack on japan. “little boy Nammi” is a first atom bomb
dropped on earth .this attack on the city “Hero Sheema “ and people died 2 lac. 9 august 1945
America again atom bomb on japan, now this attack on “Nagasaki” and 80 thousand people

4 Education System of Japan.

Japanese school system according to the age grades and available education facilities
school year start in April and end in march ,for Japanese national, six year at junior high
school (total 9 year ) are compulsory 5

(www.Kokyo-ice-jp )


April: entrance ceremony for April student, level test.

May: golden week holidays

June: theology briefing: EIU summer excursion (BBQ or Hark one) vacation

July: JLPT entrance ceremony for July student, Yukata trail,

August: exchange party with Japanese college students summer vacation

September: international speech contest vacation

October: entrance ceremony for October student’s level test

November: autumn vacation EJU (2time) autumn excursion

(Fumiko highland)

December: JLPT graduation excursion, winter vacation

January: entrance ceremony for January students, level test, some toumament

February: tea ceremony

March: school speech contest, graduation ceremony and party.

( )

Age. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Grade | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |

Compulsory education

5 Curriculum of Japan

Subject of japan;

Students in academic high school typically take three years each of following subject
mathematics ,social studies ,Japanese ,science of English . Other objects includes psycallu,
education music art and moral studies.

( )

Education in japan;

Primary language Japanese

Total 99.9 %

Male 99.9%

Primary 10.9 million

Secondary 3.8million

Post-secondary 3.7million

Secondary diploma 94.3%

Post-secondary diploma 59%

( )

Subject in elementary school;

*Japanese language

*social studies (3 to 6 grade)


*science (3to 6 grade)

*Life skills (1 to2 an grade)


*drowning and hand craft

*home economics (5 to 6 grade)

*physical education

6 Student Life of Japan

1. Cleaning responsibilities

2. No good appearance are allow

3. You cannot arrive late

4. You cannot bring food from home

5. There are no substitute teachers

6. Greeting

7. Relationship in japan

1 Cleaning responsibilities

The main responsibilities of Japanese students to clean school and their houses they
almost done their works honesty.

2 No good appearance are allow

There is no permission to students that they looking beautiful and follow the any step
of fashion .even no permission to use nail paint.

3 You cannot arrive late

They follow the time strictly .if the student reach late for school, he has to accept
punish .the school timing is 8:30.

4 You cannot bring food from home

There is no permit to bring any type of food from home .lunch have been given to
students in school.

5 There are no subsume teachers

There is no any system of substitute teacher .if the teacher is no present in school the
students done to self-study

6 Greeting

The main thing that have Japanese is meet with greetings .when they meet their elder
or older smile is presence on their faces.

7 Relationship in japan

Japanese have never relationship with one another .they only concentrate on their


Our education system should be as Japanese school system that our country progress
and add the list of top countries of the world. The main thing before Japanese proved the best
country is their educational system would be best then our country also proved the best
country of the world.



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