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In this part some theoretical background relating the research will be presented

such as definition of syllabus, ESP ( English for Specific Purpose), the concept of

material development, need analysis in ESP, national standard working

competence for food and beverage service food and beverage services theory,

empirical review, and conceptual framework. The theory will be more explain as


2.1 Syllabus

Syllabus is a specification of the content of a course of instruction of the order on

which the content will be presented. It means that syllabus is consist of content of

course that will be thought to the students. All content in syllabus is designed

based on what is the students need or what students have to has about. Nunan

( 1988: 6) syllabus is a statement of content which is used as the basis for

planning courses of various kinds, and that the task of the syllabus designer is to

select and grade this content.

Grunert (1997) as cited in Eberly, Newton, and Wiggin ( 2001: 58 -59) She views

the syllabus as an initial and important point of interaction between instructor and

student; it clarifies mutual responsibilities, helps set the tone of the course, and

describes the instructor’s beliefs about the educational purpose of the course. The

syllabus becomes that much more critical because its content serves the dual role

of providing specific information for the course, as well as establishing the

foundation for the yet to be negotiated, unwritten rules for the ways in which the

class will function.

According to Matejka and Kurke (1994) as cited in Parkes and Harris (2002:55)

syllabus is used as a contract between instructor and the students. The syllabus

serves to set forth what is expected during the term of the contract typically a

semester and to guide the behaviors of both parties. More specifically, the syllabus

should delineate the responsibilities of students and of the instructor for various

tasks, including attendance, assignments, examinations, and other requirements. It

means that syllabus is used to link the instructor to the students. The instructor

helps the students to gain their target and the students have to follow up the

instruction designed in syllabus. The syllabus includes various task assignment,

examination, and other requirements.

As with other contracts, some syllabi can be heavily negotiated and others not. In

introductory or foundations courses, for example, there are likely to be

expectations of the breadth and depth of coverage that would cause the instructor

to dictate the course content, whereas in advanced seminars, students may

participate in designing the course content. It means that syllabus is designed

based on what the students need or expected. The students' need will be the

foundation in creating the content in syllabus.

In addition parkes and harris (2002:57) stated that syllabus cab be use as a

permanent record of what was taught during the course. By providing details of

what was covered, what students were expected to do, and how these outcomes

and performances were assessed, syllabi can be quite helpful in efforts to evaluate

both individual instructors and entire programs. Hutchings (1996) in Parkes and

Harris (2002:57) claimed that As part of the review process, course syllabi are

often used to communicate information about the instructor’s teaching ability. It

means that syllabus can be use for evaluation source about what was done in

course. Syllabus can show whether the objective of the course already complete or

not. Syllabus is also used in determining the quality of the teacher, it is because if

the objective is done well, it means that the teacher is able to deliver the content in

syllabus well.

2.2 English for Specific Purpose

English for specific purposes is a term often which is used to describe a language

which cannot be accessed by people who are not members of a particular language

community (Frendo, 2005:6). Based on Celce - Murcia (2001: 143) stated that

ESP is a movement based on proposition that all language teaching should be

tailored to the specific learning and language use needs of identifies students and

also sensitive to the socio cultural context in which these students will be using

English. Moreover, Hutchinson & Waters (1987:65) define ESP as an approach to

language teaching in which all decision as to content and method are based on

learners' reason for learning. It means that ESP is a term where English is used for

particular goal in learning. ESP is learnt for special goal of learning. Learners

learn ESP because there is a specific purpose that will be achieved. According to

Day and Mark (2011: 1) ESP (English for Specific Purposes) involves teaching

and learning the specific skills and language needed by particular learners for a

particular purpose. The P in ESP is always a professional purpose – a set of skills

that learners currently need in their work or will need in their professional careers.

ESP and General English are two different terms. One of the fundamental

differentiations between GE and ESP are about the aim of instruction of each

terms. In GE all skill such as listening, speaking, reading, writing are stressed

equally while in ESP the instruction which is thought based on the students' needs.

ESP practitioner design the material based on the students need. If the students

lack of speaking skill, ESP only focus to improve the students' speaking. ESP is

focus language learning and teaching situation which is developed based on the

purpose and learners' need. ESP more emphasizes on the language use in the real

context than just learn about structure of language or grammar rule.

Dudley-Evans & St John (1987: 5) provide their definition about ESP. there are

absolute and variable characteristics of ESP as follows:

1. Absolute characteristics

a. ESP is designed to meet specific needs of learners.

b. ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and activities of the

disciplines it serves;

c. ESP is centered on the language (grammar. Lexis register), skills,

discourse and genres appropriate to those activities.

2. Variable characteristics

a. ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines;

b. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from

that of ‘General English’;

c. ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners; either at a tertiary level

institution or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be used

for learners at secondary school level;

d. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students. Most ESP

courses assume basic knowledge of the language system, but it can be used

with beginners.

Basically, ESP can be divided into two classified main branches such as English

for Academic Purposes or EAP and English for Occupational Purposes or EOP.

EAP (English for Academic Purposes) refers to any English teaching that relates

to academic study needs. Dudley-Evans & St John (1987:5) argue that in the area

of EAP, English for Science and Technology (EST) has been identified as the

focal area, but English for Medical Purposes (EMP) and English for Legal

Purposes (ELP) have always gained their places. More recently, English for

Management, Finance, and Economics (EMFE) has increasingly been important

to Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses. According to Robinson

(1991:21) stated that EOP (English for Occupational Purposes) involves work-

related needs and training”. Dudley-Evans & St. John (1987:5) elucidate that the

term, EOP includes professional purposes in administration, medicine, law and

business, and vocational purposes for non-professionals in work or pre-work

situations. For example, English for Medical Purposes (EMP) is a course focusing

on practicing doctors and English for Business Purposes (EBP) is developed for

communicative functioning of English in business contexts.

For the statement and theories above, it can be conclude that ESP is term of using

English for special need and purposes. In ESP, learners need is the foundation in

running the ESP. ESP has two branches namely EAP ( English for Academic

Purposes ) and EOP ( English for Occupational Purposes).

2.3 Material development

Tomlinson (2011) stated that materials for language for language learning refers to

things that can help students to learn the language. The material include books,

videos, graded readers, flash cards, game, websites, and mobile phone

interactions, though inevitably, much of the literature focuses on printed materials.

Material is one thing that is needed to support the learning activities of the

learners. By using appropriate with learners need will help the learner to gain the

information and knowledge easily and efficiently. Learners will get the knowledge

as they wish in their goal.

Celce - Murcia (2001) defined material as the centre of instruction and one of the

most important influence on what goes on in the classroom. It means that material

can give significant in order to help learner learns particular knowledge.

Tomlinson (1998) there are four fundamental things in developing appropriate

material for learners.

1. Material should have an impact on the learners and arouse learners' curiosity,

attention, and interest. Impact refers to material that is used give significant

progressive to the learner in gaining information.

2. Material exposes to real language which is attained by giving learners

opportunities to use language un real life communicative activities. The

teacher can ask the students to do some activities such as role play, class

interviews, group discussion and also drama. By giving these activities will

help students to apply real language in particular situation.

3. Material should address different learning styles and intelligence. In designing

the material the teacher have to be able to facilitate each students learning

style. The material should give the same opportunities for the students to

accept the information.

4. Material should guide students' autonomy and independence. The material

which is used should give the students the choice to solve the problem. By

giving the students opportunities to choose their problem solving will build

them for being autonomous and independent. In the material, the task have to

give freedom for students to solve it.

Material plays an important role in ESP. in designing the material for ESP have to

consider some aspect such as the appropriateness between material and the

learners need. Hutchinson and water (1987:108) state that there are six principle

of ESP material development as follows:

1. Material provide a stimulus to learning

Appropriate material can motivate learner to learn. Appropriate material

consist of interesting activities that influence students to think critically and

stimulate their prior knowledge.

2. Material have to help the learner to organize the teaching learning process by

providing a path through the complex mass of the language.

Appropriate material have to have clear and coherent unit structure which can

lead the teacher and learner through various activities and maximize the

learning chance. The material needs to provide the interesting and fun

activities. Through interesting material will prevent the students to get bore.

3. Materials embody a view of the nature of language and learning.

In designing material, the author need to have principle and theories of

language and learning which reflect what the author thinks and feels about the

learning process and language learning. The material need to consist of the

task the can stimulate learners to think critically.

4. Materials reflect the nature of the learning task

Language learning is a complex process which involves many different types

and level of knowledge. Material have to reveal a balances outlook reflecting

the complexity of the task but make it appear manageable.

5. Material can have a very useful function in broadening the basis of teaching

training by introducing teacher to new techniques

Material should be able to stimulate teacher to be creative in designing the

activities in the classroom. The activities should be interesting and enjoyable

for the learner.

6. Material provide models of correct and appropriate language use

In this case the material should be learnable to be used as a source of

appropriate example of language use in the particular area.

Moreover Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108) state that the model of ESP material

design consist of four elements; input, content focus, language focus and task:

1. Input

The input can be in the form of a number of things such as stimulus material

for activities such as a stimulus material for activities of new language items,

correct models of language use, and a topics for communication. This could be

a text, dialogue, video recording, or any piece of communication data

depending on the needs of learners

2. Content focus

Language is a mean of conveying information and feeling about something

and it is not only for learning purposes. Material design should have non

linguistics content in order to generate meaningful communication in the

classroom. The material may consist of the culture base of the students

background or particular places of students.

3. Language focus

The purpose of language teaching is to be able to use language accurately. In

order to encourage learners use language, the material should in due with

enough language knowledge. Appropriate materials should provide both of

opportunities and synthesis.

4. Task

The ultimate purpose of language learning is to use language

communicatively. Therefore, material have to be made to guide towards a

communicative task in which learners use the content and language

knowledge they have built up through units.

Walace (1992) in El Imane (2013) gave some criteria in selecting appropriate ESP


1. Adequacy: the selected materials should content appropriate language and

information about the course

2. Motivation: the material should present interesting content in order to guide

the learners to be active, work hard and have good understanding about the


3. Sequence: it is important to have materials that are related each other.

4. Diversity: the material should lead the range of classroom activities, be a tool

for teaching specific language structure and vocabulary and promote reading


5. Acceptability: the material should accept different cultural customs or taboos.

In conclusion, designing appropriate material is needed in order to help the

learners achieve their goal in learning language. In developing material, The

author have to consider some aspect such as the activities design that should be

fun and interesting. The activities also enable student to think critically. The tasks

in the material have to lead students to be autonomous and independents learner.

The most important thing is the material that is made can cover the students' need.

2.4 Need Analysis in ESP

Need analysis is an analysis to know what is needed by the learner in gaining

knowledge. Based on Celce - Murcia ( 2001: 57) claimed that need analysis is a

set of procedure of determining the needs of communicative needs of the learner.

This statements also quite similar with Richards (2001:51) stated that need

analysis is a procedure used to collect information about learners' needs. It means

that need analysis is the an activity that is done to know and understand what

learners need for their learning goal.

According to Robinson ( 1991:7-8) word needs has different meaning. First, needs

refer to the students' study or job requirement, that is what they have to be able to

do in the end of their language course. Second, needs refer to what the user

institution or society at large regards as necessary or desirable to be learnt from a

program of language instruction. Third, needs refer to what learner needs to do in

order to acquire the language. Fourth, need refer to what students themselves

would like to gain from the language course ( personal aim). Fifth, needs refer to

the lacks, that is what the students do not know or cannot do in English.

Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 54) states that needs can be in the form of target

language. What is learners need to in the target situation and learning needs. In

order to know the students needs, asking them about the reason why the learners

take the course is one way that can be done. By understanding the learner

background and interest will help the teacher to analyze the students need.

Robinson (1991: 8- 10) proposed three approach can be used to design need

analysis, they are target situation analysis (TSA), present situation analysis (PSA)

and the language audit. Target Situation Analysis is a need analysis approach that

focused on learner's needs at the end of a language course. Present Situation

Analysis (PSA) is a need analysis approach which seeks to establish what the

students are interest with at the beginning of their language course. Investigating

their strength and weakness, finding information regarding with the students

themselves, the language teaching establishment and the user-situation. The

language audit is a need analysis approach which combines the principle of TSA

and PSA. The language audit is frequently used in business and industrial

purposes. The procedure of designing needs analysis using the language audit is

started form finding target profile of language skills as a part of job description.

After that, ESP practitioner needs to find a profile of present ability of the learner

match up with job requirement. Finally, ESP practitioner have to determine how

much language training is needed.

Dudley - Evan and St John ( 1998: 125) design a current concept of need analysis.

Need analysis is classified into eight dimension as follows:

1. Professional information about the learners; the task and learners activities

will be using English for target situation analysis and objective needs

2. Personal information about the learners; factors which affect the way they

learn as previous learning experiences, cultural information, reason for

attending the course and expectation of it. Attitude to English watns,

means, subjective needs

3. English language information about the learners; what their cuurent skills

and language use are - present situation analysis, which allow the ESP

practitioner assess

4. The learners' lacks

5. Language learning information; effective ways of learning the skills and

language learning needs

6. Professional communication information about knowledge of how

language and skills are used in the target situation ( linguistics analysis,

discourse analysis, and genre analysis)

7. What is want from the course

8. Information about the environment in which the course will be run ( means


Hutchinson & Waters ( 1987 : 59 -63) introduce the framework of need analysis.

The frame work can be divided on two indicators call as target language and

learning needs. The framework shows how to analyze target needs and learning

needs in making a policy

Table 1. Hutchinson & Waters' Need Analysis Framework

Indicators of Hutchinson and Waters' Need Analysis Framework

Target needs Learning needs
1 Why language is needed Why the learner are taking course
 For study, work, for  Compulsory or optional
combination of these; for some  Apparent need or not
other purpose e.g. status,  Are status, money, promotion
examination, promotion involve?
 What do learners think they will
 What is their attitude towards
the ESP course? Do they want
to improve their English or do
they resent the time they have to
spend on it?
2 How the language will be used What the learners learns
 Medium: speaking, writing,  What is their learning
reading etc background?
 Chanel: e.g. telephone, face to  What is their concept of
face teaching and learning?
 Types of discourse: e.g.  What methodology will appeal
academic text, lectures. to them?
Informal conversation,  What sort of techniques are
technical manual, catalogues likely to bore/ alienate them?
3 What the content areas will be What resources are available
 Subject e.g. medicine, biology,  Number and professional
architecture, shipping, competence of teachers
commerce engineering  Attitude of teachers to ESP
 Level e.g. technician,  Teacher's knowledge of and

postgraduate, secondary school attitude to subject content
 Materials
 Aids
 Opportunities for out of class
4 Who the learner will use the Who are the learners
language with  Age/sex/nationality
 Native speakers or non native
 What do they know already
 Level of knowledge of receiver
about English?
e.g. expert, layman, student
 What subject knowledge they

 What are their interests?

 What is their social- cultural


 What teaching styles are they

used to?

 What is their attitude to English

or to the cultures of the English
speaking world?

5 Where the language will be used Where the ESP course take place
 Physical setting; e.g. office,  Are surroundings pleasant, dull,
lecture, theatre, hotel, noisy, cold etc?
workshop, library
 Human context; e.g. alone,
meetings, demonstrations, on
 Linguistics context; e.g. in own
country , abroad

6 When the language will be used When the ESP course take place
 Concurrently with the ESP  Time of day
course of subsequently  Everybody/once a week
 Frequent, seldom, in small,  Full time/ part time
amount in large chunks  Concurrent wit need or pre-need
Needs analysis includes a wide of variety of techniques for collecting and

analyzing information, both about learners and about language ( Celce - Murcia

2001:57). Hutchinson and Waters (1987:58) states that interviews, questionnaires,

observation, data collection (e.g. gathering texts) and informal consultation with

sponsors, learners and other can be used for analyzing needs.

2.5 Food and Beverage Services

Santosh (2015) defines food and beverage services is the service of food made in

the kitchen and drinks prepared in the bar to the customers at the food and

beverage premises, which can be restaurant, bars, hotels, airlines, cruise ships,

trains, companies, schools, college, hospitals, prison, take way etc. Dennis and

John (2006) in Todi (2015). Food and beverage students is the essential link

between the customers and the menu, beverage and other services on offer in a


Based on Cousin, Dennis and Suzanne (2014 : 2) Food can include a wide range

of styles and cuisine types. There can be classified by country, for example,

traditional British or Italian; by the type of cuisine such as oriental or particular

specially such as fish, vegetarian, or health food. Beverage include all alcoholic

and non - alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic beverage include wines and all other types

of alcoholic drinks such as cocktails, beers and cider, spirits and liqueurs. Non -

alcoholic beverage include bar beverage such as mineral waters, juices, squashes,

and aerated waters, as well as tea, coffee, chocolate, and also proprietary drinks

such as Bovril.

Based on Salai (2008) in Todi (2015) state that waiter and waiters are special

name for someone who works related with food and beverage services and works

at restaurant or bar attending customers and supplying them with food and drinks

as requested promptly and pleasantly. The duties of waiting staff include preparing

tables for a meal, taking customers' orders, serving, drinks and food, and cleaning

up before, during, and after servings in a restaurant.

According to cousin et al (2014:11) Good customer service is often characterized


1. meeting/exceeding customer expectations

2. knowing the benefits/features of the services and products on offer

3. being able to listen actively

4. being friendly and polite

5. avoiding the use of jargon

6. forming professional relationships with customers

7. achieving customer satisfaction

Being able to adapt methods of communication to meet the individual needs of a

range of customers, for example those with language or learning difficulties,

health issues, different age groups and cultural differences

It can be conclude that food and beverage servicer need to use well language in

order to give the best serviceable for the costumer. Server not only has to has good

listening but using appropriate language will build good relationship with the

costumer. Reading and writing also important in building good relationship with

the costumer by giving clear information if the costumer make a reservation

thorough email.

2.6 National Standard Working Competence for Food and Beverage Service

Based on Undang - Undang No 13 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan ( employment

regulation), training program have to refer to standard working competence. In

addition, Peraturan Pemerintah No. 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang System Pelatihan

Kerja Nasional ( government regulation of job training system) stated that

training program and certification of workforces have to refer to Standar

Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (national standard of working competence),

Standar Kompetensi Kerja Internasional (international standard of working

competence), and Standar Kompetensi Khusus (specific standard competence).

SKKNI does not only focus on discussing about the professional skills of each

division in tourism aspect, but it also focus on the standard of English proficiency

that have to be mastered by the students.

The expected English proficiency of the students of food and beverage department

has also been regulated in SKKNI. It is as mentioned in keputusan menteri tenaga

kera dan trasmigrasi republik indoesia nomor: kep.318/ Men/ IX/ 2007 tentang

penetapan standar kompetensi kerja nasional indoensia sector penyedia makanan

dan minuman sub sector restoran, bar, dan jasa boga. In general, the English skills

which have been made appropriately with the expected professional skills of the

students of food and beverage department are mentioned below:

1. exchanging information in conversation using English
This unit is related with knowledge, skills, and working attitude needed in

exchanging information conversation using English in food and beverage

service. The elements are stated below:

a. Providing and asking general information about costumer. This covers

asking and giving the information with the costumer about familiar

topics, such as names, date, country, job, and phone number

b. Showing understanding of the conversation and exchanging

information. This includes greeting, giving, and asking for details and

clarification. It is also about general expression and informal

c. Responding to and handling complainant from the costumers. It is

about understanding guests' complainant and giving appropriate

d. Evaluating and reporting the result of the conversation. this is about

reporting the information in the conversation and evaluating it based

on the management policy.

2. Doing Short Telephone Communication using English
The units contains the knowledge, skills, and working attitude needed in doing

short telephone communication using English in food and beverage service.

The elements are explained below.

a. Making phone calls and responding incoming calls and ending the

phone calls. Students are expected to be able to communicate on the

telephone, give greeting and the identity of the caller/receiver and the

company, offer help, transfer the calls, and phone calls.

b. Taking message. It is about politely asking for clarifying and

understanding the information related with the message, taking note, of

the name of the caller ot the company and the message based on the

time calling.
c. Evaluating and reporting result of telephone conversation. This is

about reporting the information in the conversation and evaluating it

based on the management policy.

3. Handling complainant using English

This unit contents of the knowledge, skill, working attitude needed in handling

complainant using English in food and beverage service. The points are stated

a. Building character and complaint details of the costumer using

English. This is related with the appropriate body language and

politeness in responding guests' complainant. It is also deals with

clarifying technique, identifying guests' feeling and the potential of the

conflict and understanding the problem.

b. Offering feedback to solve the problem using English. This is about

explaining the situation and providing solution to the problem causing

the complainant occurred.

4. Breaking the ice and developing good relationship

a. Providing and asking for information about general topic. This is

concerned to talk about general things with proper grammar and

vocabulary and using interactional strategy.

b. Showing comprehension upon informal conversation. The students

need to be able to chat in informal situation.

c. Responding complainant appropriately. The students need to be able to

give responses towards costumers' complainant in order to maintain

good relationship with the costumers.

The material will be developed according to the standard of English proficiency

synchronized with the standard of food and beverage service competences, will be

added by doing need analysis.

2.7 Empirical Review

There are some researchers that have conducted the research about developing

material for ESP class. The researches were carried out by Kadek Todi (2015),

Eka Grana (2015) and Hardina (2014). Kadek Todi did his research about

developing integrated computer based English material for food and beverage

service in mediteranian bali hotel school. In his research kadek made an integrated

computer based reading material to help students more understanding in mastering

English for F&B services especially in reading comprehension. In the study,

computer based is used because it is interesting and prevent the students to feel

bored and the material will be easier to be understood. The result of the research

was that the integrated computer based are compatible to both common Asean

Tourism Curriculum and criteria of good learning material proposed by Tomlinson

(1998). Eka Grana (2015) conducted the research about developing authentic

listening materials for food and beverage students in Singaraja Hotel School Bali.

The aim of the research is about developing authentic listening materials that are

needed for food and beverage services. The result of the research was based on the

expert judgment the materials are excellent and the implementation of the

developed material were also excellent based on teacher and student point of view.

Hardina in 2014 conducted the research about developing English teaching

material for students room division department in STP Nusa Dua bali. The aim of

this research is to analyzing the topics needed by the students of STP Nusa Dua

Bali to support their expertise at Room Division Department. In developing the

material, Sugiyono's design was used that consist of some stages. The result of the

study was the product need to be renewed to give the students up to date material

that will support their ability in mastering English.

From some previous research above, there is no researcher that make a research

that focus on the all language skill. So, the similar research would be conducted

in order to help the students to communicate in English well by giving the

material that consists of all language skill. The aim of the research is developing

English material for food and beverage service students in Singaraja Hotel School.

The material development will consist of all skill in English such as listening,

speaking, reading , and writing.

2.8 Conceptual Framework

In conducting the research, the researcher will begin this research by making need

analysis. Need analysis is needed to know what appropriate product will be made.

Need analysis also needed to make draft of the product. By drafting the product,

the content can be arranged well. The next step is designing the product, content

in the product will be designed by following need analysis and draft of product.

Product testing is the next step when product was designed. Product testing will

be done by giving material content validity in the form of try out and

questionnaire. After testing the product, the researcher will evaluate it by

discussing what are the lacks of this product to the advisor and researcher will

revise before the product becomes final product and ready to use.

The conceptual framework of the research also can be seen on the following


Need analysis Product Evaluation

Figure 1 conceptual framework

Drafting Revision


Product Testing Final product


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