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of the jury,
I present...
the nursing
56 Nursing2006, Volume 36, Number 1
& gentlemen
By following this advice when you document patient care, you may sidestep a lawsuit—or be well
prepared to defend yourself in court if you have to. BY SALLY AUSTIN, ADN, BGS, JD

YOU WAKE UP in a cold sweat after dreaming that In a lawsuit alleging professional negligence, the
you’re the defendant in a medical malpractice case. plaintiff has the burden of proof. This means that to
The plaintiff’s lawyer was about to point out the flaws prevail, the plaintiff must prove all four of the follow-
and gaps in your documentation. Thankful it was ing elements:
only a dream, you vow to make sure your charting is • A duty to the plaintiff existed. Duty is established
up to snuff. when a health care professional assumes care of a

No matter how skilled a nurse you are, poor nurs- patient under her scope of practice, licensure, and
ing documentation will undermine your credibility if employment.
you’re ever involved in a lawsuit. Read this article for • The standard of care was breached. The standard of
practical guidelines that will not only improve patient care is based on what a reasonably prudent profession-
care, but also help shield you from legal fallout if al with similar expertise and responsibilities would
something goes wrong despite your best efforts. have done under similar circumstances. The standard
is set by, but not limited to, the state nurse practice act,
Telling the whole story accreditation bodies, professional journals and text-
Your patient’s medical record is a legal document books, and facility policies and procedures.
that tells the story of his encounter with you and • The patient was injured.
other professional caregivers. It should provide a • The injury was caused by the breach in the standard
complete and accurate account of his condition and of care.
the care he received. (See Who regulates medical
Although the medical record has various functions Who regulates medical records?
(see One record, many purposes), I’ll focus here on its Licensing statutes, accrediting organizations, state laws,
role in lawsuits alleging professional negligence. Let’s federal laws, and case laws regulate the content of the
start by reviewing some basic terms and concepts. medical record. In particular, the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations mandates that
Professional negligence is failure to provide the prevail-
hospital documents be recorded accurately on a timely
ing standard of care to a patient, which results in
basis and that the medical record be readily accessible to
injury, damage, or loss to the patient. The person fil- appropriate personnel. For example, when a patient is
ing a lawsuit is the plaintiff. Knowing what the plain- transported to radiology for a computed tomography (CT)
tiff’s attorney would look for in the medical record scan, her medical record needs to be immediately avail-
will help you make good decisions about how and able to CT scan staff, radiologists, and other staff.
what to document. Nursing2006, January 57

If the plaintiff prevails, he’s awarded damages based
on his economic losses, such as lost wages and med- Looking for red flags in the record
ical expenses, and possibly noneconomic losses, such An attorney seeking to bring a professional negligence
claim examines the medical record for evidence that will
as pain and suffering. In cases of professional negli-
help him prove his case, such as:
gence, unlike in general negligence claims, an expert
• lack of treatment
must testify about the errors of the treating health • delayed, substandard, or inappropriate treatment
care provider. State law determines who can testify as • lack of patient teaching or discharge instructions
an expert. • charting inconsistencies such as lapses in time
In most states, Good Samaritan laws shield health • references to an incident report
care professionals from liability if they volunteer to • patient abandonment
help someone in good faith in an emergency outside • battles between health care providers
the scope of their employment. • lack of informed consent
• late entries that aren’t documented as such or that
Finding flaws in the record appear to be self-serving rather than genuine addendums
• fraudulent or improper alterations of the record
The medical record is rich with written facts—or it
• destruction of records or missing records.
should be. If it’s riddled with inconsistencies, inaccu-
racies, or voids, the plaintiff’s attorney can use it to
establish and prove his case (see Looking for red flags
in the record). These flaws are sure to catch his eye: the space available could look like a cover-up or,
• pages without any patient identification, such as the more generally, raise questions about why documen-
patient’s stamp in one of the corners tation was done after the fact. If you need to add
• notes written with the wrong date or with times that more information later and your facility permits
don’t correlate with the remainder of the chart entries up to a limited time, follow its policies for
• long narrations that don’t seem to be sequential making an addendum. It’s best to include the reason
• an entry written over a previous entry to correct or when an entry is made more than a few days later.
change it Failing to accurately and completely document
• changes in slant, uniformity, or pressure of hand- the events of an adverse incident and subsequent
writing or changes in ink or pen on the same entry treatment can result in an unsolved mystery. The
• any erasure or obliterations plaintiff’s attorney will try to solve it by creating a
• itemized billings for medical expenses that are theory about what happened. Based on speculation,
inconsistent with tests, medications, or equipment this theory may not be accurate. But without solid
referenced in the chart, which could indicate that the documentation, you’ll have trouble refuting it.
patient was given the wrong medication, test, or What you should do is document all medically rele-
treatment or didn’t receive an item for which he was vant facts related to an incident in the medical record,
billed according to your facility’s policies. Document the
• pathology report or diagnostic test findings that investigation of an incident in the incident report or
don’t correlate with physical assessment findings or the form your facility uses. Don’t add to your docu-
that don’t show the medical necessity for a proce- mentation in the patient’s medical record that “an inci-
dure. dent report was filed.”
Bias. Writing inappropriate comments about a
How to avoid documentation pitfalls patient or labeling the patient or his behavior sug-
Base your documentation on your objective assess- gests that you were biased against him. Examples of
ment findings using your senses of sight, touch, labeling include using words such as obnoxious, bel-
hearing, and smell. Document at the same time as ligerent, hostile, or rude. These terms might suggest
the intervention if you can, or as close to it as possi- that you didn’t provide the patient with the same
ble. Beware of the following shortcomings in docu- level of care that you gave to other patients who
mentation that could allow an attorney to raise were more agreeable and can lead to allegations of
questions about the quality of care you gave the professional negligence or defamation.
plaintiff. Keep your personal opinions out of the record.
Gaps. Make sure you don’t leave any mysterious However, without editorializing, you should factually
gaps in the medical record that would permit someone and objectively document the patient’s behavior
to speculate about what happened. Your charting (including any failure to adhere to treatment) if it’s rel-
should never cover up an incident or document care evant to his care. This could help your lawyer demon-
that wasn’t provided. strate that the patient contributed to his own problems
Don’t leave space so you can add more documen- while you maintained a high standard of nursing care.
tation later. Documentation that’s later squeezed into For example, if you find your patient up and walking

58 Nursing2006, Volume 36, Number 1

without her antiembolism stockings on, you’d docu- the care plan based on the patient’s signs, symptoms,
ment this, what you told her, what she told you, and immediate needs and a determination of how sta-
which health care provider you notified, and how the ble he is. Document all findings and interventions
treatment plan for the patient was modified. consistently with your facility’s policies and proce-
Deviation from policies and procedures. When doc- dures. Write the complete date, including the year,
umenting, consistently follow your facility’s policies and the complete time, including a.m. and p.m. or fol-
and procedures. To deviate from the established norm lowing a 24-hour time, following your facility’s prefer-
can allow an attorney to create an unflattering sce- ence consistently. Authenticate all documentation
nario for the jury. entries by signing your name and credentials.
For example, if your facility uses charting by Continually reassess your patient’s condition and
exception, you can create problems if you chart rou- revise the nursing care plan when his condition
tine findings along with exceptions. For example, as changes—and document all reassessment findings and
you start your shift, you assess your patient’s wound interventions according to the same standards.
site and document your findings. Periodically Failure to monitor the patient’s condition can be
throughout your shift, you evaluate her wound, find- alleged as any of the following circumstances:
ing no change in its status. Under charting by excep- • failure to properly monitor the patient’s care, treat-
tion, you don’t document that the wound site is ment, and condition
unchanged. • failure to monitor in a timely fashion
• failure to use the proper equipment to monitor the
Where nurses went wrong patient
Now let’s consider the most common allegations • failure to document the monitoring.
brought against nurses in professional negligence As a nurse, you’re responsible for monitoring your
cases and review guidelines that can protect you patient’s condition to ensure that he receives proper
from liability in similar circumstances.* care and treatment. Patients and their health care
providers rely on you for this. Failure to monitor is a
Failure to accurately assess and breach of the standard of nursing care that exposes
monitor the patient’s condition you to liability.
Scenario 1. John Dooley was admitted to the hospital
after sustaining serious injuries in an automobile acci- Failure to notify the health
dent. After 15 days in the trauma intensive care unit care provider of problems
(ICU), he was transferred to a private room in the Scenario 2. In this case, patient Matilda Bennett’s
medical/surgical unit. At the time of transfer, Mr. Dooley condition was worsening. Her nurse called the attend-
had a tracheostomy tube because he was having diffi- ing physician several times to report the deterioration
culty breathing and was coughing up large amounts of but failed to document her initial unsuccessful
thick yellow mucus. Because he was intubated, he attempts to reach the physician. In a deposition, the
couldn’t speak. Mr. Dooley had a slightly elevated tem- nurse testified that she’d called the physician as soon
perature and a blood pressure reading of 210/100. His as she noted a change in Ms. Bennett’s condition. Her
physician ordered an arterial blood gas (ABG) test and nursing documentation indicated that the patient’s
nitroglycerin paste. His nurse called for the ABG test and condition changed for the worse at 2:40 p.m., but an
applied the nitroglycerin paste, then left the patient attempt to contact the patient’s physician wasn’t doc-
alone. Mr. Dooley tried to summon the nurse with a call umented until 3:45 p.m. The attending physician cor-
button but fell out of bed making his attempt. He was roborated the nurse’s testimony, saying that he’d
found lying on the floor and was determined to have a received a call from her at 3 p.m., but the jury refused
comminuted fracture of his hip and a head injury. He to overlook the lack of documentation.
was transferred back to the trauma ICU. Suit was brought
against the nurse and the hospital. The jury found for Your duty to monitor the patient’s condition and
Mr. Dooley and granted him a large award. your duty to notify the patient’s health care provider of
pertinent information go hand in hand. You’re expect-
To avoid allegations of failure to monitor and assess, ed to use your judgment to determine when to notify
you should obtain a nursing history and perform a the health care provider and what to communicate. If
complete initial nursing assessment for each of your you fail to communicate and that results in harm to
assigned patients. Follow a systematic process for the patient, you can be held liable.
assessing your patients so that you don’t overlook Depending on the situation, communication with
important data. Use sound judgment in developing the health care provider can be in person, by tele-
phone, or through your documentation. When the
* Scenarios presented here are based on real cases. Names of individuals have
been changed to protect their privacy. information being communicated is routine, commu- Nursing2006, January 59

nicating through the written record is appropriate. But transcribed and carried out.
urgent situations require notification in person or by You’re responsible for more than simply carrying
telephone. Notification is more than merely making a out orders in a timely way; you’re also expected to
call; it’s also clearly communicating the pertinent identify inconsistent or inappropriate orders that
information. could endanger the patient—and to intervene appro-
When you make calls to relay urgent information, priately. Make sure you clarify any confusing or con-
make sure that you relay all important information flicting orders, then document that the orders have
and that you document the date and time of each been reviewed by a senior physician or other appro-
attempt you make to reach the provider (whether or priate health care provider before you carry them
not you reach her), the time you reach and speak to out.
her, the information you communicate to her, and her
response to the information you provide. Be sure to Contributing to medication errors
include the provider’s name in your documentation; Scenario 4. A physician ordered doxycycline hyclate
don’t refer to her as simply “the MD.” (Vibramycin), intramuscularly (I.M.), even though intra-
venous (I.V.) administration is the only parenteral route
Failure to follow orders approved for doxycycline hyclate. Based on the order,
Scenario 3. Lily Huang was admitted to the hospital the patient received doxycycline I.M. rather than I.V. In a
with the diagnosis of sinusitis and an upper respiratory lawsuit, the patient alleged that she suffered a mass at
tract infection. Her physician ordered a computed the injection site, resulting in pain, swelling, and disabili-
tomography scan and an opioid analgesic to alleviate ty. The nurse who gave the injection was named in the
her pain. According to the written order, Ms. Huang was lawsuit.
supposed to receive opioid analgesic every 4 hours,
p.r.n. Ms. Huang’s physician had also ordered that her Lawsuits arising from medication administration
vital signs be checked every 4 hours. At midnight, her errors are common. Typically, allegations involve a
nurse noted that Ms. Huang’s blood pressure reading nurse’s failure to appropriately follow a physician’s
was 90/60, down from an 8 p.m. reading of 160/80. order or to carry out the order. But as in the case of
Because Ms. Huang was still complaining of pain, her Scenario 4, you can also be cited for following an
nurse administered another dose of meperidine only 2 inappropriate or erroneous order; the prescriber’s mis-
hours and 25 minutes after her last dose, without con- take doesn’t let you off the hook.
sulting with the patient’s physician. When the nurse Always follow the “five rights” of medication
checked Ms. Huang at 4 a.m., she found her in cardiac administration: right drug, right patient, right time,
arrest. Ms. Huang was resuscitated but suffered severe right dose, right route. If you give a drug parenterally,
hypoxic brain injury. The hospital and nurse were sued. document the specific site. Besides ensuring injection
site rotation, this information can be used to correlate
Failure to give nursing care as ordered can be a the sites used with any subsequent claims of injection
deviation in the standard of care unless you have legit- injuries.
imate concerns about the appropriateness of the order For all medications you give to patients, you must
based on your nursing assessment. A plaintiff’s attor- know indications, contraindications, dosage parame-
ney will look at the health care provider’s orders to ters, and adverse reactions. Make sure that the ordered
determine what time orders were written and at the medication is appropriate for the patient. Question
nurse’s documentation to determine when they were any unclear or seemingly inappropriate order. Many
errors stem from the prescriber’s sloppy handwriting.
If you can’t read an order, don’t guess; clarify it with
One record, many purposes the prescriber. When you question an unclear or
Your patient’s medical record serves several purposes. potentially inappropriate order, document the inquiry.
• It’s a vehicle for communication among health care pro-
Include the date and time, the prescriber’s name, and
viders about the patient’s care and response to treatment.
the prescriber’s response.
• It’s used for reimbursement purposes.
• It may provide data for research studies.
Once you’ve given a medication, monitor the
• It may be the basis for planning and implementing patient for signs and symptoms of drug toxicity or
quality improvement measures. other adverse reactions, and document his response.
• It’s the most credible evidence in various legal proceed- If he has an adverse reaction, document whom you
ings, including professional negligence and malpractice notified and what actions were taken (including any
lawsuits, disability determinations, workers’ compensa- new orders and your nursing interventions) and the
tion actions, domestic abuse cases, and competency patient’s response to your nursing interventions. This
determinations. creates a record establishing that you met the stan-
dard of patient care when administering medication.

60 Nursing2006, Volume 36, Number 1

Failure to convey discharge instructions Failure to ensure patient safety
Scenario 5. Stephanie Henning was admitted as an Scenario 6. David Evans, 74, underwent surgery for an
outpatient to have drainage tubes placed in her rectal abdominal aneurysm. Several days after surgery, while
area to treat a fistula. Following the procedure, she was he was a patient in the surgical ICU, he fell from his
discharged. It isn’t clear whether she received dis- bed and hit his head on the floor. He died as a result
charge instructions to follow up with her physician. of the head injury from the fall. The hospital was sued
Approximately 5 years after the procedure, Ms. for failing to ensure patient safety.
Henning developed abdominal pain. She was evaluat-
ed by a physician and determined to have an abscess, Patient falls lead to many lawsuits against health
which was reportedly related to the drainage tube. Her care providers. You should know which patients are at
abscess was drained, but no tube was found during particular risk for falling and you must know your
this procedure. Ms. Henning denied having been told facility’s policies and procedures for addressing fall
that she was to follow up with her attending physician risks and other patient-safety issues. Some patients
after the tube was placed. She sued the facility and the who are more prone to falling include those with a
nurse responsible for discharge instructions. history of falling, heavily sedated patients, patients
with equilibrium problems, frail patients, mentally
If you were a defendant in such a malpractice ac- impaired patients, patients who get up in the night,
tion, the plaintiff would have to prove that you had a and uncooperative patients. An attorney investigating
duty to advise her about follow-up on discharge and a fall case will want to know if:
that you failed to do so. She’d also have to prove that • an order for a bed alarm was written and if it was
this failure resulted in an injury. Lack of documenta- carried out (as documented in the medical record)
tion about discharge instructions leaves questions for • the nurses followed established policies and proce-
a jury to decide. dures related to patient safety
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of • the patient was injured from the fall
Healthcare Organizations has established a standard • the patient was properly evaluated and treated after a
of care requiring that patients receive discharge fall
instructions when they’re released from the hospital. • the attending health care provider and family were
These instructions should include an assessment of notified of the fall
the patient’s continuing health care needs and a plan • conditions in the surrounding area were hazardous
of care to meet these needs that the patient can real- at the time of the fall (for example, the floor was wet)
istically carry out. The instructions should spell out • the patient was restrained at the time of the fall.
the patient’s responsibilities for her ongoing health Because restraints can increase the risk of falls and
care and include any teaching you provided to the injury, use them only as permitted by your facility’s
patient or her family to help them meet their respon- policies and procedures on restraint use.
sibilities. Document all fall precautions you took as well as
You should always provide written instructions to instructions you gave to the patient; for example,
prevent confusion about what the patient was told. instructing him to call for assistance before trying to
When documenting your teaching and discharge get out of bed. Complete an incident report but
instructions, include the instructions you give the don’t note in the medical record that an incident was
patient about activity restrictions, ongoing treatments, filed.
medications, diet, and potential complications. Also If he falls, you should document the incident appro-
document any teaching about equipment or proce- priately, including your observations but not your
dures and note whether follow-up is needed. Because assumptions or speculations. Include the following:
so much legal emphasis has been placed on the dis- • the patient’s condition when you found him; for
charge instructions when evaluating the potential for a example, if you found him lying on the floor you’d
malpractice action, you’d be wise to have the patient note that, but you wouldn’t assume he’d fallen
sign a copy of the discharge instructions and make • any direct quotes from the patient, including com-
this part of the medical record. plaints or denials of pain
If the patient doesn’t speak and understand • your physical assessment findings
English well, provide written discharge instructions • safety initiatives taken to prevent harm or further
in his primary language. Use an interpreter to verify harm to the patient
that the patient understands the written and verbal • efforts taken to contact the physician to evaluate the
instructions, then have the patient sign the discharge patient
instructions to indicate he understands them. • the time the physician arrived
Document the methods you use to address any lan- • any diagnostic studies performed as a result of the
guage barriers. fall and the results of the studies Nursing2006, January 61

• any contact made with the patient’s family and what Failure to properly delegate and supervise
was said to them Scenario 8. A charge nurse asked a patient-care tech-
• anything else required by the facility’s policies and nician (PCT) to perform a finger-stick blood glucose
procedures. test for a patient with diabetes. The PCT performed
the test and documented the reading on the chart. At
Failure to follow policies and procedures the end of the shift, she asked the PCT what the read-
Scenario 7. Sheila Bell, a patient in the ICU, went into ing was. He said it was HHHHH. Alarmed, the charge
cardiac arrest during the early morning hours. During a nurse repeated the test and got a reading above 800
successful resuscitation effort, she was intubated. mg/dl. The patient was transferred to the ICU.
Later in the day, after she’d been weaned and extubat-
ed, she suffered another cardiac arrest. The crash cart Staff members who supervise others—including
that had been used for the earlier code was just out- licensed nurses who supervise other nurses or unli-
side her room, but it hadn’t been checked and censed assistive personnel—are expected to know
restocked. Because the appropriate-sized laryngo- the skills, experience, and expertise of staff when
scope blade wasn’t on the cart, the physician couldn’t making assignments. Supervisory staff members are
intubate her. After he’d made several unsuccessful also expected to ensure that members of the staff
attempts, a nurse left to get the correct size blade. The have received proper orientation to the unit and
physician then intubated the patient, but the delay appropriate policies and protocols and proper
caused severe brain damage. Ms. Bell died without training on the equipment and supplies being used
regaining consciousness. for patient care. Supervisory staff delegating tasks
should tell the person which circumstances need to
Facility policies and procedures establish a stan- be reported immediately. According to facility poli-
dard of care. Any deviation from standards can result cy, managers should provide documentation that
in liability exposure. As this case demonstrates, a demonstrates that appropriate assignments have
patient was injured because the staff failed to follow been made. (See Remember the “five rights” of dele-
established protocol for checking and restocking the gation.) To avoid allegations related to improper
crash cart. delegation, you must know which patient-care
In such a case, the plaintiff’s attorney would request needs can be met by a PCT and which require a
copies of the facility’s policies and procedures to deter- professional nurse. Know and follow your state’s
mine whether pertinent policies were followed. For nurse practice act about delegation and the skill set
example, he’d want to see a copy of the code cart of the person who will be performing the task.
checklist and a list of staff assignments at the time of
the event. Documenting nursing actions taken shows What would a jury think of you?
that you followed the proper protocols and did what a Because legal actions may be initiated years after
reasonably prudent nurse would do. care was provided, you may not remember the inci-
dent in question—until you review your careful
Remember the “five documentation. Not only will it bolster your credi-
rights” of delegation bility in the jury’s eyes, but it can also establish
Before you delegate a task to someone else for a particu- that the nursing care you gave met the standard of
lar patient, consider these five rights: care.‹›
• right task for a specific patient. For instance, it should SELECTED REFERENCES
be a task that recurs frequently in the day-to-day care of Adams v. Cooper Hosp., 295 N.J. Super. 5; 684 A.2d 506 (November 13,
a patient, it doesn’t require nursing assessment or judg-
Alford DM. The clinical record: Recognizing its value in litigation. Geri-
ment, it doesn’t require complex or multidimensional
atric Nursing. 24(4):228-230, July-August 2003.
application of the nursing process, the results are pre-
Ashley RC. How do I avoid being sued? Critical Care Nurse. 24(6):75-76,
dictable, the potential risk is minimal, and a standard, December 2004.
unchanging procedure is used. Ashley RC. Weighing the evidence in your favor. Critical Care Nurse.
• right circumstances, considering factors such as appro- 25(1):60-61, February 2005.
priateness of patient setting and available resources. Flores v. Cyborski, 257 Ill. App. 3d 119; 629 N.E.2d 74 (December 14,
• right person is delegated for the task; that is, one who 1993).

has the appropriate skill set Roberts D. The legal side of nursing. Medsurg Nursing. 13(4):210, 225,
August 2004.
• right communication, which includes a clear, concise
Smith LS. Documenting refusal of treatment. Nursing2004. 34(4):79, April
description of the task, including objective limits and 2004.
expectations St. Germain v. Pfeifer, 418 Mass. 511; 637 N.E.2d 848 (August 3, 1994).
• right supervision, with appropriate monitoring, evaluat-
Sally Austin is associate general counsel for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta in
ing, and intervening, as needed. Georgia. The author has disclosed that she has no significant relationship with or
financial interest in any commercial companies that pertain to this educational

62 Nursing2006, Volume 36, Number 1


“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present…the nursing documentation”

GENERAL PURPOSE To provide nurses with an overview of the legal implications of nursing documentation and practice.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading the preceding article and taking this test, you should be able to: 1. Identify liability
issues in nursing practice and documentation. 2. Identify documentation and practice pitfalls you should avoid. 3. List the four
elements necessary for professional negligence.

1. Which statement is correct about done under similar circumstances. ties for the nursing staff.”
professional negligence lawsuits? d. the requirements of care as proposed b. “The patient threw the water pitch-
a. The person filing the lawsuit is the by the legal community. er across the room during shift
defendant. change.”
b. The defendant has the burden of 4. In cases of professional negli- c. “The patient’s rudeness prevented
proof. gence administration of his medications.”
c. The plaintiff needn’t prove injury, dam- a. the plaintiff’s lawyer determines who d. “The patient’s dressing change was
age, or loss. can testify as an expert witness. interrupted by his belligerent behav-
d. The plaintiff must prove that a breach b. expert witnesses aren’t required to ior.”
in the prevailing standard of care testify.
caused an injury. c. an expert must testify about the errors 7. When the patient’s condition sud-
of the treating health care provider. denly changes for the worse, you’re
2. The burden of proof in a lawsuit d. federal law determines who can testi- required to notify the health care
alleging professional negligence fy as an expert witness. provider
requires that a. by marking the documentation in the
a. a duty to the patient existed. 5. Leaving space in the medical chart as urgent.
b. care was given only by registered pro- record so you can add documenta- b. in person or by telephone.
fessional nurses. tion later c. no later than the end of your shift.
c. the injuries were caused by the a. is an approved way to evaluate the d. when the health care provider
patient’s failure to follow procedures. effect of care before documenting it. appears in the unit for scheduled
d. the patient’s injuries occurred only b. prevents speculation about what actu- rounds.
after his discharge. ally happened.
c. prevents the appearance of a cover- 8. All of the following are errors in
3. The prevailing standard of care is up. medication administration that you
based on d. raises questions about why the docu- can be liable for except
a. the skills of the nurse delivering the mentation was done after the fact. a. failing to carry out a proper order.
care. b. following an inappropriate order.
b. the patient’s perception of the care he 6. Which statement is best to docu- c. questioning a medication order that
received. ment a patient’s behavior in an seems inappropriate.
c. what a reasonably prudent profession- unbiased way? d. failing to document follow-up action
al with similar expertise would have a. “The patient’s hostility created difficul- for an adverse reaction.

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“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present...the nursing documentation”
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9. If you aren’t sure about a medica- 12. If a patient falls, your documenta- d. can expect that they’ll know which cir-
tion order, you should tion should include cumstances need to be reported
a. administer the medication if you trust a. your assumptions about why the immediately.
the prescriber. patient fell.
b. administer the medication as ordered, b. direct quotes from the patient about 15. Which task isn’t appropriate to
then contact the prescriber. his complaints or denial of pain. delegate to UAPs?
c. confer with another nurse before c. speculations about events leading up a. emptying and measuring a urinary col-
administering the medication. to the fall. lection bag
d. clarify the order with the prescriber. d. accusations of blame. b. determining whether a pressure ulcer is
10. If a patient being discharged 13. Documentation in the medical c. reporting a nearly empty I.V. bag
doesn’t speak and understand record should always include d. assisting an ambulatory patient out of
English well, you should a. references to any incident reports you bed
a. advise her to find an interpreter at completed.
home to explain the discharge instruc- b. a detailed explanation of your dis- 16. The medical record
tions. agreement with the health care a. is the most credible evidence in vari-
b. try to clarify the discharge instructions provider’s order. ous legal proceedings.
nonverbally. c. late entries that you squeeze into the b. can’t be relied on for reimbursement
c. provide discharge instructions in her appropriate section. purposes.
primary language. d. the name of the health care provider c. may never be used to provide data for
d. omit the discharge instructions. with whom you discussed a patient’s research studies.
condition and the time of the discus- d. may not be introduced as evidence in
11. Which statement about patient sion. domestic abuse cases.
falls is true?
a. Patient falls lead to many lawsuits 14. When you supervise unlicensed 17. When you delegate a task, good
against health care professionals. assistive personnel (UAPs), you communication includes all of the
b. Most patient falls are unavoidable. a. can assume that they’ve been oriented following except
c. Heavily sedated patients are no more to the unit. a. a clear description of the task.
likely to fall than other patients. b. know that they’ll use only the equip- b. any limits for performing the task.
d. Frail patients rarely fall because they’re ment and supplies they’re trained to c. permission to delegate the task to
too weak to get out of bed. use. another person, if desired.
c. should know their skills and expertise. d. what the person needs to report to you.

✄ ENROLLMENT FORM Nursing2006, January, “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present...the nursing documentation” ✄
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3. ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 7. ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 11. ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 15. ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
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