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213 dni in 11 ur ..... 8:47 ....

239 in 19 ur ... 00:46 ... 7.96 ... .... 28+31+31+30+31+30+31 (avg)
124+28+60 = 212

Do 239 ostane 27 dni .... torej za 239 dni .... datum, ko so bili token snakazani na moj ether
naslov, je bil 23 avgust minus 27 dni = v juliuju od konca odšteješ 4 dni in dobiš 27 julij
Prvi tokens so bili nakahzani 27 julija

213 dni
Drugi tokens so bili nakazani ... ? kdaj?v.... 7 mesecev da 212 dni., kot jen videti zgoraj ...
Pred 212 dnevi (tj pred 7 meseci) je biul 23. avgust. .... pred 213 dnevi pa 22. avgust!

Na spletni strani
je razvidno, kdaj sem dobil tokens iz pre-ico in ico.
V novembru gotoov nisem kupoval več ničesar s spletne strani. To je razvidno tzdi iz
mailov, ki sem jih dobival

Pismo ... ga oblikuj do konca

Dear dr. Kertesz,

First I must apologize myself because I have written my previous response to you in
3 imperfect, although continuing and interconnected short letters, which mihgt have
given a confusing impression and was not nice for reading. Lately I bought a new
laptop and had quite some dificulties with adaptation – it just happened to me (and
on quite some occasions) that I just sent the draft letters before finishing them. I
really feel sorry that I have aggravated your reading by permitting myself diese kleine
When reading your short response of yesterday, I got the impression that my
insistence somehow annoys you. Permit me (A) to state some things before
proceeding to the explanation of my request, while proving the solid foundation of it
an the veracity of my statements; and (B) to the second point that is of much
bigger importance for me (for the customers and users in general) and for
(A) Due to the fact that I got the impression that you have some difficulties believing
to my arguments, I decided I'd insist on that point more than I planned. I even feel
obliged to insist upon; I have the arguments that will convince you if you take yourself
time to read everything through, and it's something that will show beneficial not only
to me, but also to you and to your company. So, before a thorough explication of my
position on my loss of HODL rewards, I want to make it clear:
1) I do not consider it morally right to be »robbed« of the HODL reward tokens
(summum ius summa iniuria), not out of a caprice of some sort, but on the basis of
what I believe is a thorough, valid argument. Permit me to respond to you and
present my conviction in the below – even if I understood you that you hardly believe
I did not understand the hodl rules. I'm sure I'll show you beyond doubt that I was not
really able to obtain the necessary information within the average interest of an
average investor in tokens (ie. without being a »crypto fanatic« or an expert in crypto
market, let's say at least an avid reader of crypto litterature) – and will convincingly
show to you where's the problem and how it has mislead me and how the similar
lapses can negatively influence In the process I'll also show you
where there are imperfections with, which can casue some distress ot
the customers (my troubles are just one such example, even if a little bit more drastic
one) and demand a professional multilayer solution, which uniquely I can offer for the
good of the company into which I firmly believe and want to see
flourishing. With your firm resolution to give your best to the company, wiht your
personal engagement to attend to the needs even of a small investor personally, I
believe you are an even bigger believer in ETHEAL than I am and we can find a
common ground to help eliminate what casuses the small, but too big disturbances in
the development of ETHEAL, especially in its relationship with the customers and/or
2) even if I'm sure I'm at least morally justified in my claim for the HODL rewards,
I'DO NOT AND WILL NOT (re)search the legal aspect of the issue. It is right and
correct that I demand viva voce what is mine (or what I firmly believe belongs to me),
but I give precedence to the success of ETHEAL project. I'll not die if I do not get
my rewards, I appeal on your sense of justice and honour, but it will not be an
obstacle for ETHEAL if you don't want to see the problem of the HODLing rewards
as I do see it. You could even insist that ingorantia iuris nocet and that it's all my
problem if I did not get the pertaining information. However, I don't believe that's the
approach you believe in. As I see you as a person of high moral standing and admire
the ETHEAL's quest for transparency, I believe you'll try to understand and justly
evaluate my best arguments and will act accordingly.
3) Before continuing, though, to proceed with my personal grievance, I want to point
out something that is of uttermost importance for ETHEAL and its relationship with
the outer world.
In fact, in your e-mail you have written:

»You are the first person, that I know, out of 1000+ contributors who lost the HODL
reward due to not knowing the HODL rules.«

that I'm convinced that I'm not the only person that has this problem.
The research in the field says that on one unhappy customer

I believe that the others have not raised it viva voce, but it's known that besides one
person that raises voice about whatsoever, there are


Analiza teksta, ki ga on sam daje, kot dokaz ....kontekst jasno določen s prejšnjim
stavkom! Koherenca besedila!
the last letter I felt you don't take my letter lightly. I don't want to annoy you but at the
same time I'm grateful for your engagement even in such a detail. For me the
success of ETHEAL is of uttermost importance, even if for now I have only a small
investment. But the fact is that your
in november I did not look the page any more. I invested in summer, it was rather a
small investment, and even if I hoped to invest more in the ICO, I did not have the
I believe that the people who invested in november, during the ICo, had all the info
available, as you told, you sent me not the pre-ico but the ico page.
As I told you, I understand, I don't insist (even if I deeply disagree: summum ius,
summa iniuria). But as I want the ETHEAL project to suceed as much as possible
and believe in its potential - just because of your personal engagemenmt, I proposed
certain measures (and I believe that the need to overcome this problem and to give
my proposition shows that deep down there's a problem in the field of the customer
care, communication and marketing!). In fact, I believe that such infos that touch the
interests of the existing investors (or other groups that might have legitime interest in
one of another aspect!) should be informed in a much more aggressive way, with
the use of different colours, sizes of letters or at least degrees of urgency.This,
dear dr. Kertesz goes beyond my parochial interest which you have the right to
overlook, quoting your arguments that are legitimate even if in no way convincing for
me (and for all the other people that had this problem and are rather taciturn - you
know that behind every voice epressing a probldem, there are peopčle that remain
silent! So, if I can help in this field, you can count on me, I'm ready, as much as the
hodl reward is concerned, I'd appreciate it as I'm sure that morally the issue is clear
(even if juridically you might defend your position) - as I said, it's not a sum that would
ruin me, and for me the success of ETHEAL is much more important, as I believe in
your project, in the concept, in the people, especially in you dear. vc

On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 6:53 PM Dr. Mihaly Kertesz <>

Dear Matej,

Please allow me to attach a screenshot of the contribution website as it was shown in

November 2017. Every contributor had to actively accept that they understand the
HODL terms.
(See the blue highlight in the attached screenshot, please.)

You are the first person, that I know, out of 1000+ contributors who lost the HODL
reward due to not knowing the HODL rules.

Kind regards,

On Mar 17, 2019, at 8:35 AM, Zalozba Ignis <> wrote:

Dear Dr, Kertesz,

thank you so much for your kind response. I appreciate very much that you take your
time and personally respond to the letters as the mine. I understand it from the fact
that you write to me now, at this late hour on the evening on Saturday, the time that
usually is to be wiht the friends or with the family.
Thank you for this gentle approach of respect to your nvestors, and at the same time
the one that more than any declaration communicates your personal commitment to
the success of ETHEAL.
1) As much as the hodl-ing of the tokens is concerned, I did not get the information. It
is true that I'm not a social media person (even if I started toi study the issue of social
media marketing when I got the info about the efficiency of it - before I did not even
know that it exists, and I'm slowly and prudly becoming an expert of it) and did not
regularly read your page. I simply had confidence I can forget about everything (as
I'm not personally involved in the development of the company), because I know that
you will make ETHEAL one of the best companies in the world - and the HEAL token
the best and the most profitable token in the world. But the consequence was that the
info about this additional rule just did not come to me. Especially, if you look at how
IDEX presents the tokens of somebody that holds the tokens from the ICO and the
ones bought, one are HODL OLD and others HODL NEW (or at least that was the
case in november, I did not check it again as Iwrite that). The info just did not get to
me. If you (ie. the company) can not correct this issue with my account, I'll unhappily
accept it, considering it unjust (summus lex summa iniuria) and inflexible, but - what
can I do? it's not the issue of life and death, however, as I see the level of your
commitment (the fact that you have personally responded to me), permit me, please,
to give you a suggestion about communication. I know that there's a possibility to
mark the e-letters with a special level of importance, so that a person that get such a
letter understands it is urgent to read it
So, to sum up: I'm infinitely disappointed, but at least I can suggest an issue that
you'll maybe consider reasonable and in the best interest of the company. Especially
due to the fact that in a smaller community (as Slovenia or Austria) on one person
that reacts, there are 100-1000 people that have suffered the same fate without
raising the voice - and in a lobal community (which etheal is), tue numbers are much

On Sat, Mar 16, 2019 at 10:02 PM Dr. Mihaly Kertesz <>

Dear Matej,

Thank you for you message.

1./ HODL reward

Thank you for your support and thank you for holding your ICO HEAL tokens.
Unfortunately, if you move out any HEAL tokens from you contributing ETH address,
your HODL reward gets invalidated.
When you participated in the ICO, you accepted the HODL
It states in the beginning that you can buy additional HEAL tokens, but as soon as
you move out any HEAL tokens, you won’t get HODL reward.

Besides, we reinforced the HODL rules in hundreds of emails and public messages in
our Telegram group.
We tried to do everything humanly possible to communicate the HOLD rules clearly.

2./ Yobit
As far as you describe the issue, it’s Yobit’s issue and we can control the situation.
Please contact with Yobit support.
If Yobit support need any help from HEAL developers we will be glad to help.
At this point we can’t do anything with your tokens.

Thank you for you understanding.

KInd regards,
Mihaly Kertesz
Dr. Mihaly Kertesz
Co-founder, CEO - Bringing transparency to the $100bn medical tourism
Winner of CES Las Vegas 2nd place
Winner of Audience Award at d10e in Ljubljana
2.5 million visits/year

<Etheal - The OS of Healthcare - based on blockchain.png>

On Mar 15, 2019, at 6:53 AM, Zalozba Ignis <> wrote:

Dear Mrs Puskely,

I tried to write to Mr Barnabas Debreczeni as he is recognizeable, from the web
page, as the person who is most likely theETHEALs blockchain authority and expert.
Unfortunately I did not have the right address. So I send the content of the mail to
you and ask you to help me witrh the both issues that trou ble me.
Expecting your help, and expecting the good news, I send you my best regards,
while the most faithful of your servants I remain
Matej Leskovar
PS the text of the letter to Mr. Debreczeni (or anybody within ETHEAL who can help
Dear Mr. Debreczeni,
on the web-page of etheal I found that you are the main etheal expert for blockchain.
I have 2 serious problems - and I know that you'll be able to help with the both.
2) EXCHANGES and access to the tokens - a problem that needs ETHEALS
1) problems with HODL/rewards
in the presale/sale I bought 2942 and sth. tokens. That were my first steps into
crypto, that's why I did not buy more. Then I started to slowly buy more. However
there appears a problem
a) on the page
there's the information about the tokens I bought directly from etheal in the pre-ico/ico
The number of tokens I actually have is identical to those on my eth account
I think that CLEARLY shows I have not sold the tokens bought in the pre-
b) It is true however that I bought some tokens from IDEX, and I later sold them.
there was a difference between the both tokens because IDEX showed these bought
in preico/ICO as the HEAL (OLD) and the ones bought later as HEAL (NEW).I was
surprised, but then checkin with etherscan got assuranmce that I'm not touching my
HEAL that I must hodl, if I sell the ones bought later. At an occasion I sold the tokens
bought on IDEX- but never the ones bought at pre-ICO/ICO
c) I'm not a computer expert, I use the windows and know how to use internet, but I
have no special knowledge of computers or of programming. However I'd expect
that your software is able to distingusih between the tokens bought in pre-
ICO/ICO and the ones bought afterwards-.
However when llooking at I found that I don't have the right
to the hodl rewards any more. That means that I'm punished and not rewarding
for hodling. As you have evidence thaT:
- the remembers the both occasions when etheal transferred my tokens
ot my address
- the number of my tokens got from etheal directly is unchanged
- from my address only the heal tokens that I bought from IDEX were sold back when
It is UNACCEPTABLE that I'm not recognized my right to my HODL REWARDS.
Nobody has explained that I must not sell or move the tokens that I bought
afterwards - according to everything written it is clear that only and only the tokens
bought at pre-ico/ico are subject of the rewarded hodling.
THat's why I ask you to help me with that and put your technology in order so that I
get the rewards that belong to me - or find a way that I'm transferred the belonging
rewards phisically, if the programs don't obey.
2. Problems with exchanges/transfer
I wanted to start slowly buy more HEAL tokens, as long as they have acessible price.
As there were no HEAL's on Idex when I decided, lately to start slowly buying them, I
went to There I bought my first 2211 tokens and tried to transfer them to my
address 0x17a5e3199d65a1379266ac486e6e09750478a413
The tokens disappeared, or better, there was an info on etherscan that they might be
The support of cancelled the transaction, and that was it.
Then I tested how is it to send 90 tokens. After 24 hours, there were no tokens at all
once more, ant etherscan told once more that they might be lost. the yobit operator
once more cancelled the transaction and I got also these tokens back.
Can you help somehow? Is it possible that etheal, together witht he staff of iobit,
resolves the problem of withdrawing ewtheal tokens from In fact when IDEX
does not have tokens to be sold, yobit is, for now, the only solution, and Iwant to buy
more tokens and keep them (biut I really want to get my reward for hodling, for my
most faithful hodling, that is confirmed by etherscan!). m
I hope to hear from you soon - and I'+m really looking forward towards the positive
solution of the both problems, ie. 1) THAT I GET MY HODL REWARDS AND 2 )
With this expectation expressed, I ask you to daign receive my best regards
while the most faithful of your servants I remain.
Matej Leskovar
On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 12:38 PM Zsofia Puskely <>
Hello Matej,

We've received your email. How may I help you?

Zsofia Puskely
Project Manager

'This is the end of the message.'


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