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Grade 3



Matthew Cruz
 He writes very slow. (When I sit beside him, he writes but once you leave him he starts to wonder
and play with his towel) He doesnt want to write or copy the writings if it is long.
 Easily distracted.
 Lack of focus.
 Easily irritated/upset by Kayla's misbehavior that’s why he keeps on teasing her.
 He wont do the activity if he finds it difficult though its very easy. He just wants to finish the activity
 He misbehave once he didnt get what he wants. (Ex. Kicking a chair, throwing pencil or eraser etc.)
 Lack of discipline and respect. He doesnt know how to respect his classmates even his own teacher.
 He always telling “I dont care" “Why should I?”
 Instead of saying excuse me he says “Get out of the way"
 He doesnt know how to say “Please"
 Lack of patience. He doesnt want to wait for his turn.
 Can do the activity with little supervision.

Kayla Tuinayan

 Easily get jealous and mad. She wants to be the first one to answer the activity/ question, to open
and close the door and to be called instead of others.
 She wants to be included in the activity or game.
 Lack of focus.
 She always finish her work quickly. Thats why I gave her m
 ore activities to do.
 She doesnt want to finish the other activities if she finds it difficult.
 Lack of patience most especially in waiting her turn.
 Started to misbehave and meltdown when she didn’t get what she wants.
 She apologize immediately whenever she make mistakes.
 She listens and follows teacher. She behaves immediately if teacher get mad.

Kiel Zhi Consigo

 Easily distracted.
 Lack of focus most especially when teacher is discussing infront.
 Easily upset.
 Having a difficulty in writing clearly and visibly, spelling, word spacing and having a trouble
expressing his thoughts on paper. (Dyslexia/Dysgraphia)
 Having a hard time picking up the input info easily. You have to explain it over again until he fully


John Kurt Balmedilla

 Can only understand the topic with the help of pictures or diagrams (Visual Learner)
 Can only read common one syllable english words
 Having a hard time remembering and memorizing.
 Having a hard time picking up the input info easily. You have to explain it over again until he fully
 Nakababasa ng simpleng salita sa tagalog ngunit papantig.
 Nakakasulat at nakakakopya ng mga salita ngunit paisa isa o dala-dalawang titik lamang.
 He writes slowly.
 Cant multiply and divide simple numbers without the help of pictures.
 Easily upset on simple things.

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