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Unit 1 - Introduce yourself!

She is Mary Smith. She is from England.

What is her name? .................................................

What is his name? .................................................
Where is she from? .................................................
Where is he from? .................................................

John Smith: Hello! My name is John Smith.

George Taylor: Hello! My name is George Taylor.
John Smith: Nice to meet you!
George Taylor: Nice to meet you!
John Smith: Where are you from?
George Taylor: I am from England, from London. And you?
John Smith: I am from the United States, from New York.

What about you?

What's your name?
Where are you from?

My name is ..................
I'm from ................... I'm ............

Gyorsan fussuk át ezeket a mondatokat magyarul is, hogy teljesen világos legyen a

Introduce yourself! Mutatkozz be!

My name is ... Az én nevem .. .
I'm from + country (ország) .. országba valósi vagyok
I'm + nationality (nemzetiség) .. nemzetiségű vagyok
This is my wife. Ez a feleségem.
This is my husband. Ez a férjem.
This is my girlfriend. Ez a barátnőm.
This is my boyfriend. Ez a barátom.
She's from + country (ország) Ő (lány) .. országba valósi
She's + nationality (nemzetiség) Ő (lány) .. nemzetiségű
He's from + country (ország) Ő (fiú) .. országba valósi
She's + nationality (nemzetiség) Ő (fiú) .. nemzetiségű
Nice/Pleased to meet you! Örülök, hogy megismertem /megismertelek!
What's your name? Mi a neved/neve?
Where are you from? Hova valósi Ön/vagy?
And you? És Ön/te?
What about you? Mi a helyzet Önnel/veled?

Az egyik legszembetűnőbb különbség az angol és a magyar között, hogy az angol nem tesz
különbséget a tegezés és a magázás között. Ezentúl mindent tegező formában fogunk
magyarul megjeleníteni, de természetesen ugyanazokat a mondatokat használhatod tegező és
magázó formát igénylő beszédhelyzetekben is.

Hogy minél több variációban el tudjuk mondani ezeket a mondatokat, tanuljunk meg egy jó
pár országnevet és nemzetiséget!

Az országneveket, nemzetiségeket és a nyelveket mindig nagy kezdőbetűvel írjuk



Hungary Magyarország Hungarian magyar Hungarian magyar
Germany Németország German német German német
France Franciaország French francia French francia
Italy Olaszország Italian olasz Italian olasz
Spain Spanyolország Spanish spanyol Spanish spanyol
Great Britain British brit English angol
Portugal Portugália Portuguese portugál Portugese portugál
Japan Japán Japanese japán Japanese japán
China Kína Chinese kínai Chinese kínai
Australia Ausztrália Australian ausztrál English angol
The United Amerikai
States of Egyesült American amerikai English angol
America Államok
Sweden Svédország Swedish svéd Swedish svéd
Switzerland Svájc Swiss svájci Germ, Fr, It ném, fr, ol
Egypt Egyiptom Egyptian egyiptomi Arabic arab
Holland / the
Hollandia Dutch holland Dutch holland
Russia Oroszország Russian orosz Russian orosz
Israel Izrael Israeli izraeli Hebrew héber
Greece Görögország Greek görög Greek görög
Turkey Törökország Turkish török Turkish török
Austria Ausztria Austrian osztrák German német
Croatia Horvátország Croatian horvát Croatian horvát
Poland Lengyelország Polish lengyel Polish lengyel

Most, hogy már be tudunk mutatkozni, be tudunk mutatni valaki mást, meg tudjuk mondani,
hogy hova valósiak vagyunk és milyen nemzetiségűek, itt az ideje, hogy megtanuljunk
napszaknak megfelelően köszönni!

Good morning! Jó reggelt!/Jó napot! (délig)

Good afternoon! Jó napot! (déltől sötétedésig)
Good evening! Jó estét!

Természetesen nem csak a napszaknak megfelelően lehet köszönni, mondhatjuk azt is, hogy:

Hi! Szia!
Hello! Hello!

Természetesen ez a két köszönés feltételezi, hogy baráti, közvetlen viszonyban vagytok!

(magyarul tegeződtök)

Elköszönéskor nagyon sok kifejezés közül választhatsz kedved szerint!

Good bye! Viszontlátásra!

Bye-bye! Viszontlátásra!
Bye! Viszontlátásra!
See you soon! Viszontlátásra! (szó szerint: nem sokra látjuk egymást)
See you later! Viszontlátásra! (szó szerint: később látjuk egymást)
See you tomorrow! Viszlát holnap!
See you next week! Viszlát jövő héten!
See you! Viszontlátásra!
Good night! Jó éjszakát!


A 'How do you do?' kifejezés úgy néz ki, mintha egy kérdés lenne, de láthatod a
párbeszédben, hogy a válasz is ugyanaz: 'How do you do?'. Tehát ez nem egy kérdés, hanem
egy bemutatkozáskor használatos udvariassági kifejezés, ami annyit tesz nagyjából, mint a
'Nice to meet you!', azaz 'Örülök, hogy megismertelek!'. A 'How do you do?'-t talán úgy
lehetne lefordítani, hogy 'Örvendek!'. Manapság sokkal inkább a 'Nice to meet you!'-t
használják, de előfordulhat, hogy hallod a 'How do yo do?'-t is (pl. Marie Fredriksson-tól
vagy Per Gessle-től). A lényeg az, hogy ne keverd össze a 'How are you?'-val, ami azt jelenti,
hogy 'Hogy vagy?'. A 'How do you do?'-ra a válasz ugyanaz: 'How do you do?'.


Mary: Hello John! How are you?

John: Fine, thanks. And you?
Mary: Me, too. Nice to see you!

A 'How are you?' kérdés azt jelenti 'Hogy vagy?'. Az angolban ezt a kérdést viszont nem
csak arra használjuk, hogy érdeklődkünk valaki hogyléte felől. Amikor az angolok vagy
amerikaiak találkoznak valakivel, akkor a köszönés után rögtön meg is kérdezik, hogy 'How
are you?', tehát érdeklődnek a másik hogyléte felől, de ennek nem kell különösebb
jelentőséget tulajdonítani, ugyanis ez a kérdés szinte hozzá tartozik a köszönéshez, mintha
annak egy szerves része lenne, és igazándiból senki nem érdeklődik komolyan a másik
hogyléte felől (legalábbis nem minden szituációban), ezért a választ is az szokott lenni, hogy
'Fine, thanks.', vagyis 'Köszönöm jól.', függetlenül attól, hogy valójában hogyan érezzük

Itt van még két másik alternativa ugyanerre a kérdés feltevésére:

How are things? - Mizújs?

How's it going? - Hogy ityeg a fityeg?

Ha valaki tényleg kíváncsi arra, hogy hogy van valaki, akkor természetesen ugyanezt a
kérdést használják. Nyilvánvalóan felismered azt a szituációt, amikor valaki tényleg kíváncsi
arra, hogy hogy vagy (beteg voltál, kórházban vagy, rég találkoztatok, orvos az illető, stb).
Ilyen esetekben nyugodtan megmodhatod, hogy ha nem vagy túl jól, és akarod, hogy ezt a
kérdező tudja is. A következő válaszok közül választhatsz:
I'm fine, thanks. - Köszönöm, jól vagyok.
I'm very well, thanks. - Nagyon jól vagyok, köszönöm.
I'm feeling very well. - Nagyon jól érzem magam.
I feel bad. - Rosszul érzem magam.
I feel good. / I'm feeling good. - Jól érzem magam.
I feel sick. - Rosszul vagyok.
I'm sick. - Rosszul vagyok / Beteg vagyok.
I'm ill. - Beteg vagyok.
I feel dizzy. - Szédülök.
I have a temperature. - Hőemelkedésem van.
I have a fever. - Lázas vagyok.
I have a hangover. - Másnapos vagyok.

Persze meg lehet kérdezni azt is, hogy valaki más hogy érzi magát: 'How is your wife?' (Hogy
van a feleséged?), 'How are the twins?' (Hogy vannak az ikrek?), de ilyenkor a 'to be' igét
ennek megfelelően kell ragozni! A válaszadásra is ugyanez érvényes, azaz a 'to be'-t és a 'to
have'-et számnak és személynek megfelelően kell ragozni.

She is fine. - Jól van.

He has a temperature. - Hőemelkedése van.


Betűzd kérlek a neved!

Az első lecke utolsó nagyobb témaköre a betűzés és az ABC, tanuljuk meg ezt is!

Ahhoz, hogy a nevünket vagy bármi mást el tudjunk betűzni tudnunk kell az ABC-t!

Mindenképpen hallgasd meg a helyes kiejtést!


Próbáld meg hangosan betűzni a neved! Gyakorold, amíg nem megy gyorsan, olvasás
Le is írhatod ide, hogy jobban meg tudd jegyezni!


about -ról/-ről
And you? És te?
boyfriend barát (fiú)
Bye! Viszont látásra!
Bye-bye! Viszontlátásra!
correct helyes
country ország
exercise feladat
from ... ...-ból/-tól
girlfriend barátnő
Good bye! Viszont látásra!
Good night! Jó éjszakát!
He is + nationality (nemzetiség) Ő (fiú) ... nemzetiségű
He is from + country (országnév) Ő (fiú) ... országba valósi
He is from + country (országnév) Ő (fiú) ... országba valósi
he ő (fiú)
Hello! Hello!
Hi! Szia!
How are you? Hogy vagy?
How do you do? Örvendek.
husband férj
I'm + nationality (nemzetiség) ... nemzetiségű vagyok
I'm fine, thanks. Köszönöm jól vagyok.
I'm from + country (országnév) ... országba valósi vagyok
in order rendben, sorrendben
Introduce yourself! Mutatkozz be!
My name is ... Az én nevem ...
my az én ...-m
name név
nationality nemzetiség
Nice to meet you! Örülök, hogy megismertelek!
Nice to see you! Örölök, hogy látlak!
nice kedves, szép
order rend
See you later! Viszontlátásra! (szó szerint: később látjuk egymást)
See you next week! Viszontlátásra jövő héten!
See you soon! Viszontlátásra! (szó szerint: nem sokra látjuk egymást)
See you tomorow! Viszlát holnap!
See you! Viszontlátásra!
sentence mondat
She is + nationality (nemzetiség) Ő (lány) ... nemzetiségű
She is from + country (országnév) Ő (lány) ... országba valósi
she ő (lány)
Spell your name! Betűzd a neved!
Spell your name, please! Betűzd kérlek a neved!
This is my boyfriend. Ez a barátom.
This is my girlfriend. Ez a barátnőm.
This is my husband. Ez a férjem.
This is my wife. Ez a feleségem.
this ez
to introduce bemutatni, bevezetni
to meet találkozni
to spell betűzni
twins ikrek
What about you? Mi a helyzet veled?
What about? Miről?
What? Mi? Mik?
What's your name? Mi a neved/neve?
Where are you from? Hova valósi vagy?
Where from? Honnan?
Where? Hol?
wife feleség
word szó
you te, ti, (Ön, Önök)
Elengedhetetlen magyar-angol kisszótár párt keresőknek (2012 szept)

Sosem tudhatjuk, hogy kivel ismerkedünk meg az idei Borfesztiválon. Talán életünk nagy
szerelmével? Az is lehet, hogy nem magyar lesz a nagy Ő, hanem külföldi. Ebben az esetben
viszont jó, ha van a tarsolyunkban néhány előre megfogalmazott ismerkedős mondat, amivel
bemelegíthetünk. A Budavári Borfesztivál szervezői összeállítottak nekünk egy csokorra való
hasznos mondatot : )

Ne haragudj, nem tudod mennyi az idő?- Excuse me! Do you happen to know what time it
Szia, mit iszol? Nagyon szép a színe! – Hi! What are you drinking? It has a nice colour.
Tudsz nekem ajánlani egy finom fehér / vörös bort? – Can you recommend me some good
white / red wine?
Eddig melyik bor ízlett legjobban itt a Borfesztiválon? – Which wine have you liked the
most so far at the Wine Festival?
Honnan jöttél? – Where do you come from?
Nálatok is vannak finom borok? – Do you also have fine wines in your country?
Mi a véleményed erről a borról? – What do you think of this wine?
Úgy csillog a szemed, mint a bor a poharamban! – Your eyes shine just like the wine in my
Szerintem hozzád jobban illene egy vörös/fehér bor. – I think red / white wine would suit
you better.
Megkóstolod, ami az én poharamban van? – Would you like to taste what I have in my
Megkóstolhatom a borodat? – Can I taste your wine?
Ez a bor olyan karakteres, mint amilyen te vagy! – This wine has a character like you.
Egészségedre! Igyunk az első közös borozgatásunkra! – Cheers! Let’s drink to our first
wine tasting!
Nem eszünk valamit? – Shall we have something to eat?
Hú, te aztán bírod az italt! – Wow! You know how to drink.
Jaj, ne haragudj, valaki meglökött! Várj, mindjárt letörlöm. – Oh! I am sorry, someone’s
pushed me. Wait, I’ll wipe it off!
Hoppá, a vörösbor foltot hagy. Nem lakom messze, gyere, bedobjuk a nadrágodat a
mosógépembe! – Red wine leaves stains. I do not live far. Come on, we’ll throw your pants
in my washing machice!
Lenne kedved tovább beszélgetni egy újabb bor társaságában? - Would you like to talk
some more and have some more wine?
Azt hiszem, kicsit megszédültem. Hazakísérnél? – I think I am a bit dizzy. Would you take
me home?
Örülök, hogy találkoztunk! – I am happy that we’ve met.
Megadod az e-mail címed? – Will you give me your e-mail address?
ALL ABOUT WINE (2012 szept)

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Wineis an alcoholic drink. People have been making wine for about 5000 years. The word wine usually
used describes drinks made from the juice of grapes, although people sometimes call alcoholic drinks made
from the juice of other fruits – such as apples, cherries, plums or blackberries - wine.

Wine is a popular drink in many countries. The countries that drink the most wine are: France, Italy, USA,
Germany, Spain, Argentina, United Kingdom, China, Russia and Romania. However, if you make a list of
countries where the average person drinks the most wine, the list is different: Luxembourg, France, Italy,
Portugal, Croatia, Switzerland, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay and Slovenia. Wine is made in many countries. The
countries that make the most wine are: France, Italy, Spain, USA, Argentina, South Africa, Portugal and Chile.

alcoholic [ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk] - alkoholos

to describe [tu dɪˈskraɪb] - leír
although [ɔːlˈðəʊ] – bár, habár
average person [ˈævərɪdʒ ˈpɜːsnn] – áltag ember


a szöveghez videó is tartozik, ezt itt nézheted meg:

What is wine?
Wine is an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice.
How is wine made?
Wine is made by crushing the grapes, and then the juice that comes from them has yeast added to it. That yeast
kick-starts a fermentation process where the sugars within the juice is turned into alcohol, producing wine.
How is white wine made?
White wine is made using the pressed juice of both red and white grapes. It picks up no colour at all from the
skins because it has no contact with them.
How is red wine made?
Red wine is made using the pressed juice of red grapes, and that juice is then left in contact with the skins of the
grape, which leaks the colour into the final product - red wine.
How is rosé made?
Rosé wine is made in two different ways. One is that the pressed juice is left in contact with the red skins for a
small amount of time just to give a light tint. The other is to have a small amount of still red wine added to the
white wine to give it a small amount of colour and create Rosé.
Where is wine made?
Wine is made all over the world, from very traditional countries such as France, Germany and Spain; to New
World countries such as America and Australia, and even places such as Great Britain and China.
Where was wine first made?
That's very debatable, but there're a number of sources that pin point countries such as Armenia and Georgia as
the first countries that produced wine.
When was wine first made?
There is a lot of debate as to when wine was first made, but there are a lot of historical sources that pinpoint wine
being made as far back as 1750 B.C.
FRÖCCS (2012 szept)

Fölfelé megy borban a gyöngy, jól teszi.

Tőle senki e jogát el nem veszi.
Törjön is mind ég felé az, ami gyöngy,
Hadd maradjon gyáva földön a göröngy.

És ürítsük a hazáért e pohárt:

Egy pohár bor a hazáért meg nem árt!
Testet éleszt és táplál a lakoma,
De ami a lelket adja, az bora!

(Vörösmarty Mihály: Fóti dal)

Fröccs, a.k.a the Spritzer is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in Hungary. It is actually
wine (mostly white wine) mixed with soda water. And most importantly, not with mineral
water as is often the case nowadays, but with good old fashioned soda water. (You probably
remember those Soda Streams we used to have in the 80s!)

The origins of the drink

Both Hungarians and Austrians lay claim to the origin of the fröccs, but since soda water, one
of its key ingredients, and the soda bottle was invented in Hungary, we can definitely say that
fröccs is a Hungarian drink.

Different types of fröccs

So, here is a guide to all the different fröccs available on a typical Hungarian menu:

The Cheapskate(in Hungarian: Sóher): 900 ml of soda water to 100 ml of wine

The Tenant (in Hungarian: Kisházmester): 400 ml of soda water to 100 ml of wine
The Long Stride (in Hungarian: Hosszúlépés): 200 ml of soda water to 100 ml of wine
The Jerk or Big Spritzer (in Hungarian: Nagyfröccs): 100 ml of soda water to 200 ml of
The Concierge (in Hungarian: Házmester): 200 ml of soda water to 300 ml of wine
The Landlord (in Hungarian: Háziúr): 100 ml of soda water to 400 ml of wine
The Blockhead (in Hungarian: Mafla): ½ l of soda water to ½ l of wine
The Mayor (in Hungarian: Polgármester): 400 ml of soda water to 600 ml of wine
The Krúdy (in Hungarian: Krúdy fröccs) 100 ml of soda water to 900 ml of wine
The Bailer (in Hungarian: Csattos): ½ l of soda water to 1 l of wine
The Illuminator or Lamplighter (in Hungarian: Lámpás)


A fröccs szó eredete

Vörösmarty 1842. október 5-én írta meg híres versét, amelyből megtudhatjuk, hogy "Fölfelé
megy a borban a gyöngy". Igen ám, de a borban csak akkor megy fölfelé a gyöngy, ha
szódavizet adunk hozzá! A jelzett napon Fáy András, aki a kor szelllemi-irodalmi és
bankéletének is központja volt, néhány barátját szüretre hívta. A barátok között ott volt
Czuczor Gergely, a nem kevésbé kitűnő költő, aki magával hozta Jedlik Ányost, aki nemcsak
az elektromosság nagy tudósa volt, hanem a szódásüveg magyar feltalálója is. (A szódavizet
magát egyébként nem Jedlik Ányos találta fel, hanem az angol lelkész Joseph Priestley 1767-
ben.) Jedlik a szüretre is elvitte a világ legelső szódásüvegét, ahol a házigazda és a vendégek
elképedésére elkészítette a Fáy-birtokon a legelső fröccsöt. Ő azonban – németesen -
spriccernek nevezte. Vörösmartynak ez a szó nem tetszett és helyette találta ki a fröccs szót.
LONDON 2012 (2012 aug)

In July the Olympic Games will take place in London with many other events being held all
over the country. The Games start on the 27th of July and continue until the 12th of August
2012. This will be the third time that London has hosted the Olympics, the games were also
held there in 1908 and in 1948. Athletes from 204 countries are expected to compete. The
2012 Summer Olympic programme features 26 sports and a total of 39 disciplines. For
example in boxing there are 13 different weight categories so there are a total of 13 gold
medals available for competitors. Other sports include water polo, swimming, cycling,
volleyball and table tennis.


By far the most popular sports at the Olympics are the track and field events. The track
events are held on the running track and include running, hurdling and walking. The field
events include the javelin, discus, hammer, long jump, high jump, pole vault, shot putt and
triple jump. In total there are 47 track events in athletics. The shortest running event is the
100 metres and the longest is the marathon which usually closes the ceremony.

Olympic Stadium

The Olympic stadium is a brand new state-of-the-art sports stadium built especially for the
Olympics. It was started on the7th of November 2007 and construction took four years,
finishing in 2011. It is an original 80,000-seat stadium, it will be the centrepiece for the 2012
Games, hosting the opening and closing ceremonies and the athletics events, converting
down to a 60,000-seat permanent stadium after the games. It is located at Marshgate Lane in
London's Stratford district in the Lower Lea Valley in east London. It is the country’s third
biggest stadium.

The Olympic park

The Olympic Park is situated to the east of the city, next to the Stratford City development.
The total area of the park is 2.5 square kilometres. It contains the Olympic stadium and the
Olympic Village. There are 6 other sports venues which include the Aquatics Centre where
the water sports will take place. The London Velopark where the cycling events will take
place. The other venues will host field hockey, water polo, basketball, handball and fencing.

The football events will take place all over the country. There are many more venues around
the city that will be used for many different sports, for example the ExCeL will host the
boxing and some other sports and the Greenwich stadium will host the equestrian events.

So, this summer the Olympics will dominate not only the sporting calendar but will be the
news event of the year. No doubt there will be great performances, scandals, tragedies and
tears but that is what sport is, it is the drama of the masses.

to take place [tə teɪk ˈpleɪs] - megrendezésre kerül

to host [tə həʊst] - vendégül lát
to be expected [tə bi ɪkˈspektɪd] - valamitől várnak valamit
to compete [tə kəmˈpiːt] – versenyez
available [əˈveɪləbəl] - elérhető, megszerezhető
competitor [kəmˈpetɪtə] – versenyző
to include [tu ɪnˈkluːd] - magába foglal, beleért
track and field events [træk ənd fiːld ɪˈvents] - atlétikai számok
running track [ˈrʌnɪŋ træk] – futópálya
hurdling [ˈhɜːdəlɪŋ] – gátfutás
javelin [ˈdʒævlɪn] – gerelyhajítás
discus [ˈdɪskəs] – diszkoszvetés
pole vault [pəʊl vɔːlt] – rúdugrás
shot putt [ʃɒt pʌt] – súlylökés
triple jump [ˈtrɪpəl dʒʌmp] – hármasugrás
brand new [brænd njuː] – vadonatúj
state-of-the-art [steɪt ɒv ðə ɑːt] – legmodernebb
especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] - különösen, főként
construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] – építkezés
centrepiece [ˈsentəpiːs] - asztaldísz (itt: középpont)
to convert down to [tə kənˈvɜːt daʊn tuː] – átalakul
district [ˈdɪstrɪkt] – kerület
development [dɪˈveləpmənt] - fejlesztés, fejlődés
venue [ˈvenjuː] - helyszín
fencing [ˈfensɪŋ] – vívás
equestrian [ɪˈkwestrɪən] – lovas
to dominate [tə ˈdɒmɪneɪt] - dominál, uralkodik
no doubt [nəʊ daʊt] - kétség kívül
performance [pəˈfɔːməns] - előadás, teljesítmény
scandal [ˈskændəl] – botrány
tear [ˈtɪə] – könny
mass [mæs] – tömeg

a szöveget itt hallgathatod meg:

When damages to a vehicle happen, the car mechanic is responsible for finding out what
the problem is and making sure the repairs get done. Keeping a vehicle in good shape for as
long as possible is very important, so maintenance of cars and light trucks is another huge
part of the car mechanic’s job. Proper maintenance also prevents further damage. Routine
maintenance is performed on all parts of the vehicle, including the engine, transmission,
brakes and electrical system. Inspections are also part a mechanic's job. People bring in their
vehicles for inspection at regular intervals throughout the year. Businesses also bring in their
company vehicle for regular inspection. The purpose of inspection is to make sure all the
parts are in good working order and not becoming worn out or faulty.

Mechanics use several different types of tools: hand tools, power tools, computer diagnostic
tools and machine tools. Car mechanics regularly use pneumatic wrenches, screwdrivers,
pliers, welders and grinders.

damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] - kár

vehicle [ˈviːɪkəl] - jármű
to happen [tə ˈhæpən] - (meg)történik
car mechanic [kɑː mɪˈkænɪk] - autószerelő
to be responsible for [tə bi rɪˈspɒnsəbəl fɔː] - felelősnek lenni valamiért
to keep something in shape [tə kiːp ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn ʃeɪp] - jó állapotban tartani valamit
maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns] - karbantartás
light truck [laɪt trʌk] - kisteherautó
proper [ˈprɒpə] - megfelelő
to prevent [tə prɪˈvent] - megelőz
to perform on [tə pəˈfɔːm ɒn] - végrehajt (valamit) valamin
including [ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ] - beleértve
transmission [trænzˈmɪʃən] - hajtómű/sebességváltó
inspection [ɪnˈspekʃən] - vizsgálat, kötelező szerviz
at regular intervals [ət ˈreɡjʊlər ˈɪntəvəlz] - rendszeres időközönként
purpose [ˈpɜːpəs] - cél(ja valaminek)
to be in good working order [tə bi ɪn ɡʊd ˈwɜːkɪŋ ˈɔːdə] - jól működő állapotban van
worn out [wɔːn aʊt] - kimerült, elhasználódott
faulty [ˈfɔːlti] - hibás, meghibásodott
hand tools [hænd tuːlz] - kéziszerszám
power tools [ˈpaʊə tuːlz] - elektromos szerszám
pneumatic [njuːˈmætɪk] - lég-, légnyomással működő
wrench [ˈrentʃ] - csavarkulcs, villáskulcs
screwdriver [ˈskruːdraɪvə] - csavarhúzó
pliers [ˈplaɪəz] - csípőfogó, kombinált fogó
welder [ˈweldə] - hegesztő
grinder [ˈɡraɪndə] - köszörű



az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Mechanic: I have some bad news for you about your car.
Woman: Oh, no! I thought there may be something wrong. It's not been driving very well.
Mechanic: Yes, we have found one or two things that will need fixing before you can take it
away today.
Woman: Well, I need the car today because I have to pick the children up from school later.
Mechanic: Well, we need to change two tyres on the front and your brakes will need
Woman: Oh dear! How much is this going to cost?
Mechanic: Well, with parts and labour costs you are looking at about £214.
Woman: Well, if it must be done, please go ahead. When should I pay?
Mechanic: You can pay when you collect the car. We will have it ready in about two hours, so
if you can come back later it will be ready.
Woman: Ok, shall I come back about 3 o'clock?
Mechanic: Yes, that will be fine.


I have some bad news. – Rossz hírem van.

It’s not been driving well. – Nem megy jól (kocsi – az utóbbi időben).
something needs fixing – valamit meg kell javítani
to change tyres – gumiabroncsot cserélni
the breakes need replacing – a fékeket ki kell cserélni
How much is it going to cost? – Mennyibe fog kerülni?
With parts and costs you are looking at about … . – Az alkatrészekkel és a költségekkel
együtt nagyjából … lesz.
When should I pay? – Mikor kell fizetnem?
when you collect the car – amikor felveszi az autót
Roadside assistance (2012 aug)

a hanganyagot itt hallgathatod meg:

Breakdown cover is a service that provides assistance to motorists whose vehicles have
broken down and need urgent help. In most areas, the service is provided by commercial
service providers, with an annual fee to purchase the service. In some areas, there is a
government-sponsored monopoly, and the service may come in the form of an insurance
policy with premiums, instead of a member subscription fee. In Europe, it is popularly
available via each country's national automobile membership association. Many
automobile manufacturers offer roadside assistance for their customers, sometimes for free for
some period after the purchase of a new vehicle.

United Kingdom AA roadside assistance

The term breakdown cover is most common in the United Kingdom, elsewhere, it may also be
referred to as emergency roadside repair or roadside assistance. When communication
technology and availability made it practical, a network of emergency phone boxes by the
roadside was introduced in some countries. In recent years, the widespread ownership of
mobile phones has supplanted the need for an emergency phone network.

Breakdown cover may include jump starting an automobile, towing a vehicle, helping to
change a flat tire, providing a small amount of fuel when a vehicle runs out of it, pulling out
a vehicle that is stuck in snow or helping people who are locked out of their cars.

breakdown [breɪk daʊn] - lerobbanás (kocsi)

cover [ˈkʌvə] - fedezete valaminek
service [ˈsɜːvɪs] - szolgáltatás
to provide assistance [tə prəˈvaɪd əˈsɪstəns] - segítséget biztosít
motorist [ˈməʊtərɪst] - gépjárművezető
to break down [tə breɪk daʊn] - lerobban (kocsi)
urgent help [ˈɜːdʒənt help] - sürgős segítség
annual fee [ˈænjuəl fiː] - éves díj
to purchase [tə ˈpɜːtʃəs] - megvásárol
government-sponsored [ˈɡʌvənmənt ˈspɒnsəd] - kormány által támogatott
in the form of [ɪn ðə ˈfɔːm ɒv] - valaminek a formájában
insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns] - biztosítás
instead of [ɪnˈsted ɒv] - valami helyett
member subscription fee [ˈmembə səbˈskrɪpʃən fiː] - tagsági díj
automobile membership association [ˈɔːtəməʊˌbiːl ˈmembəʃɪp əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃən] - nemzeti
to be referred to as [tə bi rɪˈfɜːd tuː æz] - …-ként is hívják/említik
repair [rɪˈpeə] - javítás
to be introduced [tə bi ˌɪntrəˈdjuːst] - bevezetve lenni
widespread [ˈwaɪdspred] - széleskörű
to supplant [tə səˈplɑːnt] - valami helyébe lép
to include [tu ɪnˈkluːd] - belefoglal, beleért
jump starting an automobile [dʒʌmp ˈstɑːtɪŋ ən ˈɔːtəməʊˌbiːl] - „bebikáz” egy autót
to tow a vehicle [tə təʊ ə ˈviːɪkəl] - elvontat egy járművet
to change a flat tire [tə tʃeɪndʒ ə flæt ˈtaɪə] - kicserél egy lapos kereket
fuel [ˈfjuːəl] - üzemanyag
to pull out a car [tə pʊl aʊt ə kɑː] - kihúz egy kocsit (pl. hóból)



a hanganyagot itt hallgathatod meg:

Roadside assistance: Good morning!

Woman: Good morning is this the AA?
Roadside assistance: Yes, madam. You are speaking to George. How can I help?
Woman: Well, I hope you can. My car has just broken down on the M20 at junction 12. I’m
on the hard shoulder of the motor way and my car just will not start.
Roadside assistance: Don’t worry! We can have someone with you in less than twenty
minutes. Can I take some details please?
Woman: Yes.
Roadside assistance: Can you tell me the car registration number and the make of car,
Woman: Yes, it is a Renault Espace and the registration number is LM 01 MFP.
Roadside assistance: Thank you. I will call an engineer now to come and get you on your
Woman: Oh, thank you so much.


Is this the AA?– Autómentők?

How can I help? – Hogyan segíthetek?
My car has just broken down. – Lerobbant a kocsim.
on the M20 at junction 12 – az M20-as autópályán a 12-es csomópontnál/elágazásnál
hard shoulder – leállósáv
in less than twenty minutes – kevesebb, mint 20 percen belül
Can I take some details? – Megkaphatnék néhány adatot?

Szinte nincs is olyan szóbeli vizsga (legyen az nyelvvizsga vagy érettségi, ahol ne lenne
képleírási feladat). A pontozás általában három szempont alapján történik:

beszédkészség-kommunikatív érték: Ahogy a neve is mutatja, azt méri, hogy mennyire tud
gördülékenyen kommunikálni az adott nyelven a vizsgázó. Itt NEM azt nézik, hogy mennyire
hibás, és mennyire gazdag a szókincs, hanem azt, hogy mennyire megy folyamatosan az
interakció a vizsgáztatóval, mennyire reagál gyorsan a kérdésekre a vizsgázó.)

szókincs: Azt méri, hogy az adott szinten elvárt szókincset mennyire használja a hallgató,
esetlegesen vannak egy olyan helyzetek, amikor az adott szituációhoz kapcsolódóan nem tud
bizonyos alapvető kifejezéseket.
nyelvhelyesség: Azt méri, hogy mennyire beszél nyelvtanilag helyesen a vizsgázó.

Példaképpen az ITK nyelvvizsgán a következőképpen adják ki az összpontszámot az egyes


alapfok: 20-10-10
középfok: 25-15-10
felsőfok: 30-20-15

Láthatod, hogy a nyelvhelyesség pontozása adja az összpontszám legkisebb részét, tehát a

legfontosabb az, hogy megértsd amit mondanak neked, tudj rá gyorsan reagálni (folyamatos
legyen a kommunikáció), és a szókincsed is megfelelő legyen az adott szint elvárásaihoz.


Alapfokon leginkább azt várják el, hogy azt mondjuk el, hogy mit látunk a képen konkrétan,
tehát ki mit csinál, hol készült a kép, kin milyen ruha van, és hogyan néz ki.
Középfokon emellett elvárják, hogy egy kicsit el is tudjon vonatkoztatni a képtől a vizsgázó,
és fejtse ki véleményén a látottakkal kapcsolatban, vagy meséljen el valami személyes
élményt, ami a képről eszébe jut.
Felsőfokon általában olyan képek közül kell választani, amelyek eleve egy elvontabb témáról
szólnak, vagy egy mélyebb beszélgetésbe vonják bele a vizsgázót.

Fontos szabályok képleírással kapcsolatban:

1) először célszerű behatárolni, hogy milyen képről van szó:

This is s colour/black-and-white photo of …-ez egy színes/fekete-fehér képe …-ról/-ről

This is a paparazzi shot of …- ez egy lesifotó …-ról/ről
This is a landscape of …- Ez egy tájkép …-ról/-ről
This is a painting of … - Ez egy festmény …-ról/-ről
This is a picture of … - Ez egy kép … -ról/-ről
This is a portrait of … - Ez egy portré …-ról/-ről
2) Aztán elmondhatjuk azt is, hogy szerintük hol, és mikor készült a kép (középfoktól még
azt is hozzá tehetjük, hogy miért gondoljuk mindezt):

It/The picture/The photo must have been taken in summer because …- A kép minden
bizonnyal nyáron készült, mert …
It must have been taken in a restaurant – Valószínűleg egy étteremben készült
It was taken last year – Tavaly készült
It was taken this winter when … – Ezen a télen készült, amikor …

3) Ezt követően rátérhetünk a konkrét képleírásra azzal, hogy elmondjuk mi van a képen.
Ehhez használjuk a következő kifejezéseket:

in the background– a héttérben

in the bottom left-hand corner – a bal alsó sarokban
in the bottom right-hand corner – a jobb alsó sarokban
in the foregeround – az előtérben
in the middle of the picture– a kép közepén
in the top left-hand corner – a bal felső sarokban
in the top right-hand corner – a jobb felső sarokban
on the left-hand side – a bal oldalon
on the right-hand side – a jobb oldalon
above– fent, felül, felett
next to … - … mellett
near … - … közelében
close to …- …-hoz/-hez/-höz közel
behind … - … mögött

Itt jegyzem meg, hogy ennél a résznél nagyon fontos a THERE IS/THERE ARE nyelvtani
szerkezet, és a prepozíciók helyes ismerete, ezeknek is nézz utána!

4) A képen folyó cselekvéseket és események leírásához mindig PRESENT

CONTINUOUS TENSE-t (folyamatban lévő jelen idő) használunk.
5) Nagyon fontos, hogy pontosan le tudjuk írni, hogy ki milyen, és hogyan néz ki. Ehhez
néhány hasznos kifejezést tanuljunk meg most:

Néhány példa:

He’s in his 40s. – A negyvenes éveiben jár.

He’s got brown wavy hair.– Barna hullámos
haja van.
She’s got blue eyes. – Kék szeme van.
He’s got a scar on his face. – Van egy sebhely
az arcán.
The woman in the picture is a bit
overweight. – A nő a képen egy kicsit túlsúlyos.
He’s fit for his age.– Jó kindiban van a korához
She’s tanned. – Le van barnulva.
He’s balding. – Kopaszodik.

People come in different sizes and shapes, so there are plenty of ways to talk about physical
appearance. Let’s see it step-by-step!


- My grandmother is quite old, in fact, she is an old age pensioner (she has a pension) or a senior
- My mother is 55, she is middle-aged.
- My sister is 24, she is a young adult.
- My brother is only 17, he is a teenager.
- The boy in the middle is 2 years old, he is a toddler.
- The baby is around 5 months old.

useful expressions:

baby [ˈbeɪbi] – bébi

toddler [ˈtɒdlə] - totyogó, kisded
kid [kɪd] – gyerek
child/children [tʃaɪld ˈtʃɪldrən] - gyerek/gyerekek
teenager [ˈtiːneɪdʒə] – tizenéves
young [jʌŋ] – fiatal
young adult [jʌŋ ˈædʌlt] - fiatal felnőtt
in his/her 20s [ɪn ɪz hə ˈtwentɪz] - a 20-as éveiben
in his/her 30s [ɪn ɪz hə ˈθɜːtɪz] - a 30-as éveiben
middle-aged [ˌmɪdll ˈeɪdʒd] – középkorú
elderly [ˈeldəli] – idős
old [əʊld] - öreg


As we’ve said before, people are built in all shapes and sizes. There are those who are fat and
overweight. Some people are extremely overweight and are obese. Other people are naturally slim, but
others look have absolutely no fat on them and are thin, or skinny. Personally, I am stocky –small,
but well-built. My father is tall and lean – with very little fat. My sister is short, but wiry – she is
quite thin, but muscular. Both my brothers are athletic and well-proportioned. My mother looks like
a 1940's film star. She is curvaceous, with an hour-glass figure. My grandfather is fitfor his age
and takes plenty of exercise. He doesn't want all his muscles to get flabby.

My sister has fair hair and fair skin. She doesn't tan easily and has to be careful in the sun. My
mother is blonde, also with a fair complexion. I am a red-head – with red hair. Like many other
people with a pale complexion, I get freckles from the sun – small brown dots on my face and arms.
In contrast, my father has dark-brown hair and he is quite dark-skinned.


Faces, like build, vary a lot. Some people have oval faces – their foreheads are much wider than
their chins. Other people have heart-shaped, square or round faces. Features also vary. My
grandfather has bushy eyebrows, a hooked nose and high cheekbones. My mother has abroad nose,
but she is lucky to have even or regular teeth. My sister corrected her crooked teeth by wearing a
brace which straightened them. She has rosy cheeks, small ears and a snub nose, which goes up at the

I have long, curly hair, though my sister is the opposite, with short, straight hair. Her hair is fineand
doesn't weigh very much, but mine is thick and heavy. My mother's hair is wavy – in between straight
and curly. It's cut in a bob and she also has a short fringe, where it is cut horizontally across her
forehead. My father is losing his hair – in fact he is going bald, which makes him very sad.

stocky – köpcös, zömök

small - kicsi
well-built - erős testalkatú
tall - magas
lean - sovány
short - alacsony
wiry - izmos, szívós
athletic - sportos
well-proportioned – arányos testalkatú
curvaceous – gömbölyded
hour-glass figure – homokóra alakú
fit - fitt
flabby - petyhüdt
fair hair – világos haj
fair skin – világos bőr
to tan easily – könnyen lebarnul
fair complexion – világos bőrű és hajú
red-head – vörös hajú
pale - sápadt
freckles - szeplő
dark-skinned – sötét bőrű
oval - ovális
forehead - homlok
chin -áll
heart-shaped – szív alakú
square face – négyszögletes arcforma (mint az enyém : )
round face – kerek arcforma
bushy eyebrows – bozontos szemöldök
hooked nose – horgas orr
high cheekbones – magas arccsont
snub nose – pisze orr
bob - bubifrizura
fringe - frufru



This is a colour photo of a mother and her baby. I think it was taken in a supermarket, because
the baby is sitting in a trolley. They are at the fruits and vegetables department of the
supermarket. The baby is wearing a blue T-shirt, so I guess he is a boy. The mother - who is
wearing a black top - is picking up some vegetables for dinner. She is giving a tomato to the
baby at the moment. Both of them are smiling. I think the baby is around 8 months old, so he
is old enough to eat vegetables and fruits. Maybe he likes tomatoes, that’s why he’s so happy.
Besides the tomatoes I can see a lot of different vegetables. From left to right there are green
peppers, broccoli, cucumbers, cabbages and eggplants. In front of the mother I can see
lemons, limes, spinach and avocados.

a colour photo OF …- egy színes fénykép …-ról/-ről

a photo was taken somewhere/sometime – egy kép készült valahol/valamikor
trolley – bevásárlókocsi
department – osztály/részleg
to pick up – felszed, felvesz valamit
eggplant – padlizsán

In this picture I see a young couple. They are comfortably sitting on a sofa in the livingroom.
They are looking at a thick magazine or some kind of album with pictures. They probably
have shared interests and they are spending their free time together. Reading together can be a
very good way to relax after work or in your free time. But lots of people prefer to watch TV
or movies at home or at the cinema. There is an open laptop on their coffee table between two
red mugs. Maybe later they will watch a movie on it. They might also look for some programs
in the city, like concerts or theatre performances. However, not many young people go to the
theatre nowadays and they almost never go to the opera or to see a ballet performance, for
example. Instead it is more popular to spend hours in front of the Internet. We seem to forget
that we could choose from a variety of hobbies. Listening to music, playing some instrument,
painting, going to the library to borrow books, horse-riding, taking dancing lessons and so
many more.

comfortably– kényelmesen
thick – vastag, vaskos
to share interests – közös érdeklődési körük van
performance – előadűs
instead – ehelyett
variety – változatosság, sokaság
to play an instrument – egy hangszeren játszani

In this picture I can see a fighting couple and between them

is their son covering his ears with his hands. He probably
doesn't want to hear his parents shouting at each other.
Unfortunately, this is not a very surprising situation
because it reminds me of the fact that the number of
divorces is increasing year by year. First of all, it is more
and more fashionable to remain single and unmarried as
long as possible. Everybody is building their careers, living
their lives, enjoying their freedom and they do not believe
in long-lasting marriages or relationships as much as the
earlier generations did. In addition, many of those people
who were brave enough to marry and have a family have
divorced after a couple of years or are thinking of it at
present. This results in many single parents or middle aged
people with no kids at all. And children who experience a
divorce will probably not believe in the institution of
marriage either. So, we are heading towards a world of many single and perhaps lonely
people. No wonder nations are dying out. It is interesting, however, that this is mainly
characteristic of western and industrialized countries. Even in these countries, it is more likely
that more children will be born in a family that has a lower life standard than in one where
they could afford having a larger family. Perhaps in a poorer family, where many generations
have to live together, the concept of 'family' is stronger and they value it much more. In
families such as these, the older generations, the grandparents, are also paid more attention to
and they are respected and cared for. In western countries it is more commonplace that the
grandparents go to a nursing home, the parents are divorced, lead individual lives and the
children live on their own from a very young age. Perhaps because it can be afforded. It does
not seem to strengthen family ties.

Thankfully, there are always exceptions and sometimes people do find the right kind of
partners, have children and bring them up to respect the elders and learn from their wisdom.
This way, they are raised to respect 'the family', are less likely to turn to drugs, to turn into
criminals or lonely sad people and can be the type of people that are a hope to a nation.

surprising situation– meglepő helyzet

to remind somebody of something – emlékeztet valakit valamire
to increase – növekszik, növekedik, novel
in addition – ráadásul
to head towards something – valami felé haladni
can afford to do something – megengedheti magának, hogy csináljon valamit
commonplace – elcsépelt, közhely
nursing home – öregek otthona
to strengthen – megerősít
wisdom – bölcsesség



This is a picture of a three people, a man, a woman and a young girl. The man is a doctor,
because he is wearing a white coat and has a stethoscope around his neck. The man has grey
hair and a grey beard. He is wearing glasses. He is wearing a light blue shirt with a dark tie.
He is holding a clipboard in his hands. The little girl has light brown hair and is wearing a
yellow top. The woman is probably her mother. She has long straight dark hair and is wearing
a purple blouse with little black dots. Her hand is on the little girl’s shoulder. The doctor is
smiling at the little girl. I think they are at the hospital for a checkup.

checkup - ellenőrzés, kontroll

This is a picture of a pretty girl with long black hair in a nice peach-colored dress. She is
holding a couple of colorful giftbags. She must be at a shopping mall because she is standing
in a big modern place and in the backbround I can see stands filled with all kinds of things.
She has probably bought some presents for her friends or family, because I think she would
have simple bags if she had shopped only for herself. Nowadays it is more and more popular
to do all of your shopping at huge shopping centers. You can buy your groceries, your clothes,
anything for the household and all kinds of things at these places. Here you can also find post
offices, cleaner's, bank branch offices and there are many other services, all in one place.
People do not have too much time and they do not have the energy to run around from shop to
shop after long working hours. At shopping centers they can usually get almost everything
done. Of course, if you need any other services, like the police or a mechanic, you wouldn't be
able to find it here, but maybe in a few years this will also be possible. People usually do their
shopping during the weekend and at places that are open until late or all night. It is more and
more popular and comfortable to pay by credit cards instead of cash. You can always do this
at big shopping malls where you can also find ATMs from which you can withdraw your
money. You cannot always pay by credit card at retailers, smaller stores. This is only one of
the reasons why they are going out of business and more and more giant shopping centers are
being built.

grocery– élelmiszer
cash – készpénz
ATM – pénzautomata
to withdraw money – pénzt felvenni
retailer - kiskereskedő

This is a picture of a wide road with cars, a bus, motorcyclists and traffic lights. It doesn't
seem to be too crowded, especially compared to the usual situation on roads nowadays in
Budapest. Traffic jams can occur at any time of the day, not only in the morning and late
afternoon rush hours. There is a constant and more and more serious problem of the amount
of cars on the streets, the pollution they contribute to and the lack of parking space. Because
there are more cars than parking spaces and you have to pay to be able to park your car, there
are continuous conflicts between drivers and parking attendants. There are also many parking
lot construction projects, which many times include cutting out the few trees that have
survived in the city center. I think a better solution would be to ban private cars from the
center. Although there are numerous buses, metro lines, trolley buses and trams too, people
still prefer using their vehicles. This is also surprising because there a number of ongoing and
upcoming constructions of city areas, bridges and road repairs, all due to the lack of space for
traffic, the bad state of the roads filled with potholes, and this results in neverending traffic
jams and accidents. You would think drivers would want to avoid leaving for work at least an
hour earlier and arriving home later. Naturally, there are many commuters who would have to
travel longer hours by railway or coaches to get to their workplaces, but the Hungarian
railway system is continually improving in spite of the momentary crises that affects it. You
can get a driving license from age 17, so many young people drive cars. This is quite
worrying because there are too many so called 'disco-accidents'. In spite of the very strict
rules against drinking and driving, there is zero tolerance, there are still a numberless
accidents that result from this. Many drivers also pay no attention to red lights and ignore
speed limits and pedestrian zebra crossings. Another growing concern is caused by the lack of
bicycle lanes because the people who choose to protest against traffic, pollution and for a
healthier life by using bikes are a nuisance to both drivers and pedestrians.

parking attendant – parkolóőr

to ban - be/kititani
ongoing - folyamtban levő
upcoming – közelgő
pothole – kátyú
commuter – ingázó
bicycle lane – bicikliút
nuisance - kellemetlenség

Hallgasd meg a párbeszédet, majd válaszolj az alábbi kérdésekre!

1) How long will he be staying at the hotel?

a) just one night
b) two nights
c) three nights

2) What kind of room has he booked?

a) a single room
b) a double room with a shared bathroom
c) a double room with a private bathroom

3) Is breakfast included in the price?

a) Yes, breakfast is included in the price.
b) No, breakfast is not included in the price.
c) No, the hotel doesn’t serve breakfast.

4) Will he be able to connect to the Internet from his room?

a) No, there is no Internet connection in the hotel.
b) Yes, and it’s free.
c) Yes, but he has to pay for it.


Receptionist: Good afternoon, Apollo Hotel. Can I help you?

Man: Good afternoon! I’d like to book a room.
Receptionist: Certainly. When for?
Man: April the 23rd.
Receptionist: For how many nights?
Man: Just for three nights.
Receptionist: What kind of room would you like, Sir?
Man: A double room with an ensuite bathroom. I’d also like the room
with a view of the sea.
Receptionist: Certainly, Sir. Let me check what is available. Yes, we have a room on the 3rd
floor with an excellent view.
Man: How much is it per night?
Receptionist: It’s 83 euros per night, including breakfast.
Man: Is wi-fi available in the room?
Receptionist: Yes, wi-fi is available in the entire hotel, and costs 5 pounds per hour.
Man: All right. I’ll take it.
Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Man: Yes, my name is Jonathan Brians. Can you confirm my booking via e-mail.
Receptionist: Of course. What is your e-mail address?
Receptionist: Thank you for choosing our hotel Mr Brians. Goodbye.
Man: Goodbye.


Can I help you? – Segíthetek?

I’d like to book a room. – Szeretnék egy szobát foglalni.
When for? – Mikorra?
For how many nights? – Hány éjszakára?
What kind of room would you like? – Milyen szobát szeretne?
I’d appreciate if I could … - Nagyra értékelném, ha tudnék …
Let me check what is available. – Hadd nézzem meg milyen szoba foglalható (elérhető).
How much is it per night? – Mennyibe kerül éjszakánként?
Is wi-fi available in the room? – Van wi-fi a szobában?
Wi-fi is available in the entire hotel. – A wi-fi szolgáltatás a hotel egész területén elérhető.
It costs 5 ponds per hour. – 5 fontba kerül óránként.
Can I have your name, please? – Megadná kérem a nevét?
Can you confirm my booking via e-mail? – Vissza tudná igazolni a foglalásomat e-

to book – lefoglal
single/double/twin/triple room – egyágyas/franciaágyas/kétágyas/háromágyas szoba
apartment/suite – apartman/lakosztály
ensuite bathroom – fürdőszobás szoba
to appreciate – nagyra értékel, díjaz
room with a view (over) – szoba kilátással (valamire)
including breakfast – reggelivel együtt
available – elérhető, megszerezhető, kapható
entire - teljes/egész
to confirm – visszaigazol, megerősít
via – valami útján


Hallgasd meg a párbeszédet, majd válaszolj az alábbi kérdésekre!

1) When did they book the room?

a) a week ago
b) two weeks ago
c) a month ago

2) What kind of rooom did they book?

a) a single room
b) a double room
c) a twin room

3) When can they have breakfast?

a) any time in the restaurant
b) from 7 to 9 in the morning
c) any time, as breakfast is served in the room
4) When did they ask the wake-up call for?
a) 7 o’clock
b) 7.15
c) 7.50


Man: Hello. We have a reservation for tonight.

Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Man: Paul and Victoria Smith.
Receptionist: Paul and Victoria Smith. I’m sorry, but I can’t find
it. When did you book the room?
Man: I booked it two weeks ago via Internet.
Receptionist: Let me check it again. Yes, I found it. A double
room for three nights.
Man: Yes, that’s right. The price includes breakfast as well,
doesn’t it?
Receptionist: Of course. The restaurant is open from 7 am to 10
am for breakfast. And here is your key, room 147.
Man: Is it on the first floor?
Receptionist: Yes. The elevator is over there, next to the entrance.
Man: Thank you.
Receptionist: … and I need your documents.
Man: Are the passports all right?
Receptionist: Of course.
Man: … and we’d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning at 7.15.
Receptionist: Certainly. A wake-up call tomorrow morning at 7.15. Enjoy your stay!


We have a reservation for tonight.– Van ma éjszakára egy foglalásunk.

Can I have your name, please? – Megkaphatnám a nevét kérem?
When did you book the room? – Mikor foglalta/foglalták le a szobát?
Let me check it again. – Hadd nézzem meg még egyszer.
A … room for … nights. – A … szoba … éjszakára.
The price includes …, doesn’t it? – Az ár tartalmazza a/az …, ugye?
Of course. – Természetesen.
Is it on the … floor? – A … emeleten van?
The elevator is over there. – Ott van a lift.
I need your documents. – Szükségem van az irataira/irataikra.
Are the … all right? – A/Az … jó lesz?
I’d like a wake-up call. – Szeretnék egy ébresztést kérni.
Enjoy your stay! – Kellemes itt tartózkodást!


reservation – foglalás
to book – lefoglal
via Internet – interneten keresztül
to check – ellenőriz
single/double/twin/triple room – egyágyas/franciaágyas/kétágyas/háromágyas szoba
apartment/suite – apartman/lakosztály
to include – magába foglal, beleért
over there – (am)ott
next to … - … mellett
wake-up call – ébresztés
to enjoy – élvez


Guest: Hello. We have a reservation for tonight.

Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Guest: Maria and Luigi Rossi.
Receptionist: Right, Maria and Luigi Rossi. I’m sorry, but I can’t find it. When did you book
the room?
Guest: I booked it 2 weeks ago via Internet.
Receptionist: Let me check it again…. Yes, I found it. A double room for 3 nights.
Guest: Yes, that’s right. The price includes breakfast aswell, doesn’t it?
Receptionist: Of course. The restaurant is open from 7 am to 10 am for breakfast. And here is
your key, room 147.
Guest: Is it on the first floor?
Receptionist: Yes. The elevator is over there, next to the entrance.
Guest: Thank you.
Receptionist: I need your documents.
Guest: Are the passports all right?
Receptionist: Certainly.
Guest: … and we’d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning at 7.15.


Receptionist: Good morning, Sir!

Mr Goodmann: Good morning!
Receptionist: May I help you?
Mr Goodmann: Yes. I’d like to check out.
Receptionist: Certainly. Can I have your name and room number, please?
Mr Goodmann: My name is Peter Goodman, and my room number is 404. Here is the key.
Receptionist: Did you have anything from the minibar?
Mr Goodmann: Just a mineral water.
Receptionist: Here is your bill. Would you like to check it?
Mr Goodmann: Yes. What’s the 9 pounds for?
Receptionist: That’s for the phone calls you made from theroom.
Mr Goodmann: Can I pay by traveller’s cheques?
Receptionist: Of course. Can I have your passport, please?
Mr Goodmann: Here it is.
Receptionist: Could you sign the cheques for me?
Mr Goodmann: Sure.
Receptionist: Here is your receipt.
Mr Mann: Thank you. Good bye.
Receptionist: Good bye.

reservation - foglalás
to book something - lefoglalni valamit
via Internet - Interneten keresztül
to make a phone call - telefonálni


Hallgasd meg a párbeszédet, majd válaszolj az alábbi kérdésekre!

1. Why did she call the reception?

a) She wanted to leave earlier.
b) She wanted to check out later.
c) She wanted to stay longer.

2. When is the check-out time at the hotel?

a) at 10 am
b) at 11 am
c) at noon

3. How did she go to the airport?

a) by taxi
b) by bus
c) on foot
4. What else did she ask for?
a) a pillow
b) a duvet
c) a blanket


Receptionist: Reception. Good morning. How can I help you?

Woman: Good morning. My name’s Amanda Cook. I’m calling form room
317. I wonder if I can extend my stay for two more nights.
Receptionist: Just a moment, please, madam. All right. I´ll extend your
reservation until Wednesday.
Woman: When do I have to check out?
Receptionist: You have to check out till noon. Would you like me to
arrange you an airport-transfer for Wednesday?
Woman: No, thank you. I’ll get a taxi.
Receptionist: Anything else, madam?
Woman: Oh, yes. There are no clean towels in my room. Could you please have them
Receptionist: Certainly. I’ll send a maid up to your room right away.
Woman: … and one more thing. Can I ask for an extra blanket?
Receptionist: Certainly.
Woman: Thank you very much.
Receptionist: All right, madam. Enjoy your stay.
Amanda Cook: Thank you.
Receptionist: You´re welcome.


How can I help you? – Miben segíthetek?

I’m calling from … . - A …-ból/-ből telefonálok.
I wonder if I can extend my stay. – Szeretném tudni, hogy meghosszabbíthatom-e a
Just a moment, please. – Egy pillanatot kérek.
I’ll extend your reservation until … . – Meghosszabbítom a foglalását …-ig.
When do I have to check out? – Mikor kell kijelentkeznem?
You have to check out till … . - …-ig kell kijelentkeznie.
Would you like me to arrange you … ? – Szeretné, ha intéznék Önnek …?
I’ll get a taxi. – Fogok majd egy taxit.
There is/are no … in my room. – Nincs … a szobámban.
Could you have it/them changed? – Ki tudná cseréltetni?
I’ll send a maid up to your room right away. – Felküldök egy szobalányt azonnal a
Can I ask for an extra … ? – Kérhetnék még egy …?
Certainly. – Természetesen.
Enjoy your stay! – Kellemes itt tartózkodást!
You’re welcome. – Szívesen.


to call – hív, telefonál

I wonder if … - Szeretném tudni, hogy …
to extend – meghosszabbít, kiterjeszt
to check in – bejelentkezik
to check out – kijelentkezik
to arrange – szervez, elrendez, intéz
towel – törölköző
to have something changed – kicseréltetni valamit
maid – szobalány
right away – azonnal
blanket/pillow/sheet/duvet – takaró/párna/lepedő/paplan


Hallgasd meg a párbeszédet!


Receptionist: Good morning, Sir!

Man: Good morning!
Receptionist: May I help you?
Man: Yes. I’d like to check out.
Receptionist: Certainly. Can I have your name and room number, please?
Man: My name is Peter Goodman, and my room number is 404. Here is the key.
Receptionist: Did you have anything from the minibar?
Man: Yes, a small packet of peanuts and a can of beer.
Receptionist: All right … and here is your bill, 190 pounds.
Man: Hm, what’s the 9 pounds for?
Receptionist: That’s for the phone calls you made from the room.
Man: Oh, yes. I’ve nearly forgotten.
Receptionist: How would you like to pay?
Man: In cash.
Receptionist: Here is your receipt.
Man: Thank you. Good bye.
Receptionist: Good bye.


May I help you?– Segíthetek?

I’d like to check out. – Szeretnék kijelentkezni.
Certainly. – Természetesen.
Can I have your name a room number? – Megmondaná a nevét és a szobaszámát?
Here is the key. – Itt van a kulcs.
Did you have anything from the minibar? – Fogyasztott valamit a minibárból?
Here is your bill. – Itt a számlája.
What’s the 9 pounds for? – Mi került 9 fontba?
I’ve nearly forgotten. – Majdnem elfelejtettem.
How would you like to pay? – Hogyan szeretne fizetni?
Here is your receipt. – Itt a számlája/blokkja.


to check out– kijelentkezni

to check in – bejelentkezni
room number – szobaszám
a packet of peanuts – egy csomag földimogyoró
a can of beer – egy doboz sör
bill – számla
to make a phone call – telefonálni
to forget – elfelejteni
to pay in cash – készpénzzel fizetni
to pay by credit card – bankkártyával fizetni
receipt – blokk, számla

a párbeszédekhez tartozó hanganyagokat itt hallgathatod meg (le is töltheted):

There’s something wrong with the toilet

Daniel Swift: Hello. Reception?

Receptionist: Yes?
Daniel Swift: I'm calling from Room 342. There's something wrong with the toilet. It
doesn’t flush.
Receptionist: I'll have someone check it right away, sir. Could I have your name, please?
Daniel Swift: My name's Daniel swift. Room 342.

I’d like a wake-up call

George Adams:Hello. This is George Adams in Room 337, and I´d like a wake-up call
tomorrow morning.
Receptionist: At what time, sir?
George Adams:Wake me up at 7:30, please.
Receptionist:All right, sir.
George Adams:Thank you.

Cleaning services

Receptionist:Good morning. May I help you?

George Adams: Yes. This is Room 337. I have some clothes to be cleaned. Can you send
someone up to get them?
Receptionist:Certainly, sir. There's a large brown paper bag in the closet. Put your laundry in
it and leave it in front of your door. I´ll send someone to pick it up right away.
George Adams: Thank you. Will that be ready by 9:00 tomorrow morning?
Receptionist:Certainly, sir.

There's something wrong with the toilet. - Valami gond van a WC-vel.
It doesn't flush. - Nem folyik le.
I'll have someone check it. - Megnézetem valakivel.
I'd like a wake-up call tomorrow. - Szeretnék ébresztést kérni holnapra.
I have some clothes to be cleaned. - Van néhány tisztítani való ruhám.
Put your laundry in. - Tegye bele a szennyesét.


Receptionist:Reception. Good morning. How can I help you?

Amanda Cook:Good morning. My name´s Amanda Cook. Room 317.Can I extend my stay
for two more nights?
Receptionist:Just a moment, please, madam.... All right. I´ll extend your reservation until
Amanda Cook:Thank you.
Receptionist:You´re welcome.

Woman:Hello. I´d like to cash an American Express traveler´s check.

Cashier:Sure. Can I see your passport, please?
Cashier:Would you sign the back of the cheque please?
Woman:There you go. Can you give me thirty-five dollars in small bills, please, and ten
dollars in change?
Cashier:No problem, ma´am.


Man:I'd like to cash this traveler's check, please.

Cashier: Certainly, sir. Please sign the check on the dotted line and show me your passport.
Man:There you go.
Cashier: Thank you. How would you like your money?
Man:Two hundred-dollar bills, 1 fifty-dollar bill, 3 twenty-dollar bills, 4 ten-dollar bills and
the rest in five-dollar bills, please.
Cashier:All right. Here's your passport, and here's your money. Have a nice day.

Can I extend my stay? - Meghosszabbíthatom az itt tartótkodásom?

I'll extend your reservation. - Meg fogom hosszabbítani a foglalását.
in small bills - kis címletekben
dotted line - pontozott vonal


az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Some people prefer staying at home, they rarely leave their home town. But other people are
different, they are interested in exotic places and different cultures, so they travel abroad
whenever they can. If you are young, travel is a good opportunity to learn about the world.
People in their thirties, forties and fifties travel often travel on business, and on vacation, too.
After retiring, people like travelling because they don’t have a job to worry about. In Hungary
pensions are very low, so Hungarian pensioners don’t travel a lot.
If you want to travel abroad, you need personal documents, like an ID card, or a passport. If
you travel in the EU, an ID is enough to identify yourself, but if you go to the United
Kingdom or Ireland, you have to carry your passport, too.

If you go abroad, you need to arrange travel and accommodation. You can book everything
online, or you can go to a travel agency where an agent will do it for you.



If you go on holiday you have to stay somewhere.

It is a good idea to book your accommodation instay in a hotel,
you can also stay in a Bed & Breakfast (also called B&B or Guest House).

Types ofaccommodation:

hotel - szálloda

motel - motel

camp site - kemping

B&B (Bed and Breakfast) - szállás reggelivel

guest house - vendégház, vendégfogadó

youth hostel - diákszálló

vacation rental - kiadó nyaraló

Hotel rooms and services

Types of hotel rooms – szállodai szoba típusok

single room – egyágyas szoba

double room – franciaágyas szoba
twin room – kétágyas szoba
full board - teljes ellátás
half-board - félpanzió
with private bathroom – saját fürdőszobával
ensuite bathroom – a szobában lévő fürdőszobával
suit - lakosztály

Hotel amenities – szállodai szolgáltatások

cable TV – kábel TV
continental breakfast - kontinentális reggeli
handicapped facilities - létesítmények mozgáskorlátozottaknak
hot tub – jacuzzi, pezsgőfürdő
indoor / outdoor heated pool – küldső/belső úszómedence
kitchenette - főzőfülke
24 hour room service– 24 órás szobaszervíz
WIFI internet access– WIFI internet csatlakozási lehetőség
babysitting services – gyermekfelügyelet
spa– gyógyfürdő
dry-cleaning service – ruhatisztítás
baby cot – gyerekágy
pets allowed – háziállat vihető
Hogyan mondják angolul a következő mondatokat és kifejezéseket? (2011 juni)

(A héten mindet megtanultuk:- )

Foglalásunk van ma estére.

Mikor foglalta le a szobáját?

Az árban benne van a reggeli, ugye?

A lift ott van, a bejárat mellett.

Az útlevél jó lesz?

Szeretnék kijelentkezni.

Fogyasztott valamit a minibárból?

Fizethetek utazási csekkel?

Itt a blokkja.

Valami gond van a WC-vel. Nem folyik le.

Szeretnék ébresztést kérni holnap reggelre.

Van néhány tisztítandó ruhám.
Tegye a szennyest bele, és hagyja az ajtaja előtt.

Meghosszabbíthatom az itt tartózkodásomat még két éjszakával?

Meghosszabbítom a foglalását szerdáig.

Tudna adni nekem 35 dollárt kis címletekben kérem, és tíz dollárt apróban?

Szeretném beváltani ezt az utazási csekket kérem.


franciaágyas szoba -
kétágyas szoba -
teljes ellátás -
félpanzió -
saját fürdőszobával -
a szobában lévő fürdőszobával -
lakosztály –


We have a reservation for tonight.

When did you book the room?
The price includes breakfast aswell, doesn’t it?
The elevator is over there, next to the entrance.
Are the passports all right?
I’d like to check out. .
Did you have anything from the minibar?
Can I pay by traveller’s cheques?
Here is your receipt.
There's something wrong with the toilet. It doesn’t flush.
I´d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning.
I have some clothes to be cleaned. Can you send someone up to get them?
Put your laundry in it and leave it in front of your door.
Can I extend my stay for two more nights?
I´ll extend your reservation until Wednesday.
Can you give me thirty-five dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change?
I'd like to cash this traveler's check, please.

double room – franciaágyas szoba

twin room – kétágyas szoba
full board - teljes ellátás
half-board - félpanzió
with private bathroom – saját fürdőszobával
ensuite bathroom – a szobában lévő fürdőszobával
suit - lakosztály
US astronaut Neil Armstrong dies (2012 aug)

US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, has died aged 82. A statement from
his family says he died from complications from heart surgery he had earlier this month.

He set foot on the Moon on 20 July 1969, famously describing the event as "one small step
for a man, one giant leap for mankind". US President Barack Obama said Armstrong was
"among the greatest of American heroes - not just of his time, but of all time".

Last November he received the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest US civilian award.
He was the commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. More than 500 million TV viewers
around the world watched its touchdown on the lunar surface. Armstrong and fellow
astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting
samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. "The sights were simply
magnificent, beyond any visual experience that I had ever been exposed to," Armstrong once

Mr Aldrin told the BBC's Newshour programme: "It's very sad indeed that we're not able to
be together as a crew on the 50th anniversary of the mission. I will remember him as a very
capable commander."

Apollo 11 was Armstrong's last space mission. In 1971, he left the US space agency Nasa to
teach aerospace engineering. Born in 1930 and raised in Ohio, Armstrong took his first
flight aged six with his father and formed a lifelong passion for flying. He flew Navy fighter
jets during the Korean War in the 1950s, and joined the US space programme in 1962.

Correspondentssay Armstrong remained modest and never allowed himself to be caught up

in the glamour of space exploration. “I am, and ever will be, a white-socks, pocket-
protector, nerdy engineer," he said in February 2000, in a rare public appearance.

In a statement, his family praised him as a "reluctant American hero" who had "served his
nation proudly, as a navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut". The statement did not say
where Armstrong died. He had surgery to relieve four blocked coronary arteries on 7

statement- nyilatkozat
complication - komplikáció
heart surgery - szívműtét
to describe – leír, körülír
event - esemény
giant - óriási
leap – felfedezés, ugrás
mankind - emberiség
civilian – civil, polgári
award - díj
commander - parancsnok
spacecraft - űrhajó
TV viewer - tévénéző
touchdown – földetérés, leszállás
lunar – hold-, holddal kapcsolatos
surface - felszín
fellow astronaut – űrhajós társ
to collect samples – mintákat gyűjt
to conduct experiments – kísérleteket végez
sight - látvány
magnificent – nagyszerű, pazar
visual experiencing – vizuális élmény
to be exposed to – valaminek kitéve lenni
crew - legénység
anniversary - évforduló
aerospace engineering - repülőmérnök
to be raised – felnevelve lenni
to form a passion for – szenvedély alakul ki benne valami iránt
lifelong – élethosszig tartó
fighter jet - vadászrepülő
to join - csatlakozik
correspondent - tudosító
to remain - megmarad
modest - szerény
to allow oneself to –megengedi magának, hogy
glamour – varázslat, csillogás
exploration – felderítés, feltárás
nerdy – unalmas/számítógép és technikai kütyük bolondja
rare - ritka
public appearance – nyilvános szereplés
to praise - magasztal
reluctant – kelletlen/vonakodó
to serve one’s nation – a hazáját szolgálja
proudly -- büszkén
blocked - elzáródott
coronary artery - szívkoszorúér


Sun [sʌn] Nap

Mercury [ˈmɜːkjʊri] Merkúr
Venus [ˈviːnəs] Vénusz
Earth [ɜːθ] Föld
Mars [mɑːz] Mars
Moon [muːn] Hold
Jupiter [ˈdʒuːpɪtə] Jupiter
Saturn [ˈsætən] Szaturnusz
Uranus [jʊˈreɪnəs] Uránusz
Neptune [ˈneptjuːn] Neptunusz
Pluto [ˈpluːtəʊ] Plútó

galaxy planet asteroid comet

galaxis bolygó aszteroida üstökös

eclipse new moon crescent moon full moon

napfogyatkozás újhold félhold telihold
Liu Yang: China's first female astronaut sent into space (2012 aug

China sent Liu Yang - its first woman astronaut - into orbit on Saturday, along with two
others, to achieve the country's first manual space docking. Shenzhou-9 is China's fourth
manned space mission and blasted off on schedule at 6:37 p.m. local time from the Jiuquan
Satellite Launch Center the Gobi desert in the northwest of the country, according to Agence
France-Presse. Chang Wanquan, commander-in-chief of China's manned space program, said
the rocket had entered orbit and declared the launch a "complete success."

Liu, a 33-year-old air force pilot, Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang will dock with a prototype
space lab created last year in a major step toward building a larger, more permanent space
station by 2020, reported the Guardian. The astronauts will be there for about a week, with
two living and working inside the module to testlife-support systems and one remaining in
the capsule to deal with any emergencies.

"I believe that we can achieve this goal of a permanent space station by 2020, because we
already have the basic technological capability," Zhou Jianping, the chief designer of China's
manned space engineering project, told reporters before the launch, according to Reuters. The
launch was seen on state television and showed the three astronauts waving from the cabin
until moments before the blast-off, reported Reuters. A red sign with the Chinese symbol
forgood fortune hung behind them.

source: Global Post

astronaut[| ˈæstrənɔːt] – űrhajós

orbit [ˈɔːbɪt] – űrpálya
to achieve [tə əˈtʃiːv] - elérni valamit
space docking [speɪs ˈdɒkɪŋ] - űrdokk, űrkikötő
manned space mission [mænd speɪs ˈmɪʃnl] - emberi űrmisszió
to blast off [tə blɑːst ɒf] - rakétát kilőni
commander-in-chief [kəˈmɑːndə ɪn tʃiːf] – főparancsnok
rocket [ˈrɒkɪt] – rakéta
to declare [tə dɪˈkleə] – kijelenteni
launch [lɔːntʃ] - indulás, kilövés
air force pilot [eə fɔːs ˈpaɪlət] - légierő pilótája
to dock [tə ˈdɒk] - összekapcsolni (űrhajókat)
major step toward [ˈmeɪdʒə step təˈwɔːd] - hatalmas lépés valami felé
life-support system [laɪf səˈpɔːt ˈsɪstəm] - létfenntartó rendszer
capsule [ˈkæpsjuːl] – űrkabin
to deal with something [tə diːl wɪð ˈsʌmθɪŋ] - foglalkozni valamivel
permanent space station [ˈpɜːmənənt speɪs ˈsteɪʃnl] - állandó űrállomás
basic technological capability [ˈbeɪsɪk ˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪkll ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪti] - alapvető technológiai
to wave [tə weɪv] – integetni
good fortune [ɡʊd ˈfɔːtʃuːn] - jószerencse

az interaktív-hangos összeállítást itt tudod elindítani:

to see stars
meaning:to see flashes of light in front of your eyes
magyarul: csillagokat látni
example: She bumped her head hard enough to see stars. – Úgy beverte a fejét, hogy
csillagokat látott.

star-crossed lovers
meaning:ill-fated lovers
magyarul: balsorsú szerelmesek
example: Romeo and Juliet were star crossed lovers. – Rómeó és Júlia balsorsú szerelmesek

to thank one’s lucky stars

meaning: be grateful for being fortunate and lucky
magyarul: szerencsecsillagnak hála
example: Thank my lucky stars, I wasn’t injured in the accident. – Hála a
szerencsecsillagomnak, nem sérültem meg a balesetben.

to reach for the stars

meaning:to set one’s goals high
magyarul: magasra tenni a lécet/a határ a csillagos ég
example: You shouldn’t settle for second best. Reach for the stars! – Ne elégedj meg
kevesebbel. Tedd magasabbra a lécet!

to moon away
meaning: to waste time grieving over something
magyarul: sajnálkozásra pazarolni az időt
example: Ever since his girlfriend dumped him, he has been mooning his days away. –
Amióta a barátnője kirúgta, ő sajnálkozásra pazarolja a napjait.

once in a blue moon

meaning: very rarely, almost never
magyarul: nagyon ritkán, szinte soha
example: Once in a blue moon he goes to the theatre, but otherwise he just sits at home all the
time. – Nagy ritkán elmegy színházba, de máskülömben csak minduntalan otthon ül.

to be over the moon

meaning: to be very happy, extremely pleased
magyarul: nagyon elégedeett, rendkívül boldog
example: He was over the moon when his daughter was born. – Rendkívül boldog volt,
amikor megszületett a lánya.

to ask for the moon

meaning: to have outlandish requests
magyarul: túl sokat kérni
example: She was never satisfied with anything she got and she always asked for the moon. -
Sosem volt elégedett azzal, amit kapott és mindig túl sokat akart.

to make hay while the sun shines

meaning: to do as much as you can in a day
magyarul: amit ma megtehetsz, ne halaszd holnapra
example: Make hay while the sun shines! Don’t leave these tasks for later! – Amit ma
megtehetsz, ne halaszd holnapra! Ne halogasd ezeket a feladatokat!

There is nothing new under the sun.

meaning: everything has been seen before
magyarul: nincs új a nap alatt/nincs olyam, ami már ne történt volna meg
example: I am not surprised they also got divorced. There’s nothing new under the sun. –
Nem csodálkozom, hogy ők is elváltak. Nem újsonság.

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Doctor: Good morning, Mr Morgan!

Man: Good morning!
Doctor: How do you feel, Mr Morgan?
Man: Not very well.
Doctor: What’s your problem? What can I do for you?
Man: I have a terrible headache. I’m coughing and my nose is running.
Doctor: Do you have a fever?
Man: No, fortunately I don’t have a fever but sometimes I feel a bit dizzy.
Doctor: I see. Get undressed, please. I have to examine you.
Man: All right.
Doctor: Well, I don’t see anything serious, but I think you should stay at home for a few days. You
shouldn’t go to work. You should drink a lot of hot tea, but you shouldn’t drink any cold drinks. If you
feel worse, come back.
Man: Thank you. Do I have to take any medicine?
Doctor: Yes, you have to take these pills three times a day always before your meals.
Man: All right. Thank you very much. Bye!
Doctor: Bye!


How do you feel?– Hogy érzi magát?

Not very well. – Nem túl jól.
I feel ill./I feel sick. – Betegnek érzem magam./Rosszul vagyok.
What’s your problem? – Mi a problémája?
What can I do for you? – Mit tehetek önért?
I’m coughing./My nose is running. – Köhögök./ Folyik az orrom.
Get undressed! I have to examine you! – Vetkőzzön le! Meg kell vizsgálnom!
All right. – Rendben van.
I don’t see anything serious. – Nem látok semmi komolyat.
Do I have to take any medicine? – Kell valamilyen gyógyszert szednem?
Take these pills … times a day before/after your meals. – Vegye be ezeket a tablettákat …
alkalommal naponta étkezések előtt/után.


to have a … ache– valakinek fáj a …

headache/stomach ache/earache/toothache – fejfájás/gyomorfájás/fülfájás/fogfájás
to have a sore throat – fáj a torka
to have nausea/to have diarrhoea – hányingere van/hasmenése van
to be constipated – szorulása van
to be/feel sick – rosszul van, hányingere van
to have a temperature/a fever – hőemelkedése van/láza van
to feel dizzy – szédül
to examine – megvizsgál
serious – komoly
to feel worse/better – rosszabbul/jobban érzi magát
to take medicine – gyógyszert szedni
pill/tablet/painkiller – pirula/tabletta/fájdalomcsillapító
THE BILL (2012 juli)

Useful dialogues - The bill - mp3

Ebből a két rövid párbeszédből megtanulhatod, hogyan kell a számlát kérni az


Version A

Man: Excuse me! I’d like to pay.

Waitress: I´ll get your bill immediately, Sir.
Man: Thank you.
Waitress: Here you are. Thirteen pounds and fifty-five pence, please,
Man: Thank you. Here´s fifteen pounds. You can keep the change.
Waitress: Thank you very much, sir. Have a nice day.

Version B

Man: Can you put these drinks on my tab?

Waitress: Yes, sir. May I have your name and room charge card?
Man: There you go. My name´s Smith, and I’m staying in room 412.
Waitress: Thank you. Would you like to sign here?
Man: Sure.


Excuse me!– Elnézést kérek!

I’d like to pay. – Fizetni szeretnék!
I’ll get you bill immediately. – Azonnal hozom a számlát!
Here you are. – Tessék (itt van/vannak).
You can keep the change. – Tartsa meg a visszajárót.
Have a nice day. – Szép napot.
Can you put this/these … on my tab? – Hozzáírná ezt/ezeket a számlámhoz?
May I have your name? – Megmondaná a nevét?
Would you like to sign here? – Aláírná itt kérem?


to pay– fizetni
bill – számla
immediately – rögtön, azonnal
to keep something – tartani, megtartani valamit
change – visszajáró, aprópénz
to sign – aláír
AT THE BAKER’S (2012 juli)

Useful dialogues - At the bakers - mp3

Ebből a párbeszédből megtanulhatod, hogy hogyan kell pékségben vásárolni angolul.

Woman:Good morning.
Baker: Good morning, madam. What can I get you?
Woman: I would like a package of sliced bread.
Baker: White, brown, rye or wholemeal?
Woman: White, please.
Baker: How much?
Woman: Half a kilo.
Baker: Anything else, madam?
Woman: Yes, I need some cheese topped rolls.
Baker: How many of them?
Woman: Four. Do you sell buns?
Baker: Yes, what kind of buns would you like?
Woman: I’d like four raisin buns and give me two croissant as well, please.
Baker: Here you go, madam. Do you need something else?
Woman: No, thank you. How much do I pay?
Baker: £ 4.10


What can I get you?– Mit hozhatok Önnek?

I would like a package of … . – Szeretnék egy csomag …-t.
How much? – Mennyi/Mennyit?
Anything else? – Még valami/valamit?
I need some … . – Szükségem van egy kis/egy néhány …-ra-/-re.
Do you sell … .? – Árul/árulnak …-t?
What kind of … would you like? – Milyen (fajta) …-t szeretne?
Give me … . – Adjon nekem …-t.
Here you go. – Tessék, itt van.
Do you need something else? – Szüksége van még valamire?
How much do I pay? – Mennyit fizetek?


package– csomag
sliced bread – szeletelt kenyér
white/brown/rye/wholemeal bread – fehér/barna/rozs/teljes kiőrlésű kenyér
cheese topped – sajtos/sajntos tetejű
roll – zsemle
bun – zsemle, buci
raisin – mazsola

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Clerk: Good morning! Can I help you?

Man: Yes, I'd like to open an account.
Clerk: Certainly. What kind of account would you like?
Man: Just a basic account.
Clerk: Do you have any form of ID with you?
Man: Will a driving licence do?
Clerk: Yes. I’ll have to make a copy of it. In the meantime, could you please fill
in this form?
Man:Sure. Can you give me a pen, please?
Clerk:Here it is.
Man: Thank you.
Clerk: Here is your driving licence back. Have you filled the form?
Man:Yes, it all done.
Clerk: All right, sir. If you could sign it here ... and here. Thank you. And could I have a
specimen of your signature here, please.
Man: Yes, here you are.
Clerk: Thank you. Let's go over to the counter and you can deposit the money.
Man: Great. Thank you for your help.


Can I help you?– Segíthetek?

I’d like to open an account. – Szeretnék egy számlát nyitni.
What kind of account would you like? – Milyen típusú számlát szeretne?
Do you have any form of ID with you? – Van önnél személyi azonosító okirat?
Will a/an … do? – A … jó lesz?
I’ll have to make a copy of it. – Kell készítenek egy másolatot róla.
Could you please fill in this form? – Ki tudná kérem tölteni ezt az űrlapot?
Have you filled the form? – Kitöltötte az űrlapot?
If you could sign it here. – Alá tudná itt írni kérem?
Could I have a specimen of your signature? – Kaphatnék egy aláírás mintát öntől?
You can deposit the money. – Befizetheti a pénzt.


to open an account – (bank)számlát nyitni

bank account –bankszámla
ID – személyi igazolvány
driving licence – vezetői engedély, jogosítvány
to make a copy – másolatot készíteni
in the meantime – eközben, ez idő alatt
to fill in a form – kitölteni egy űrlapot
to sign – aláírni
specimen – minta
signature – aláírás
counter – pult
to deposit money – befizetni/letétbe tenni pénzt
The brief history of London (2012 juli)

hanganyag indítása itt:

The Romans founded London about 50 AD. Its name is derived from the Celtic word
Londinios, which means the place of the bold one. After they invaded Britain in 43 AD the
Romans built a bridge across the Thames. They later decided it was an excellent place to
build a port. The water was deep enough for ocean going ships but it was far enough inland
to be safe from Germanic raiders. Around 50 AD Roman merchants built a town by the
bridge. So London was born.

By the 2nd century the Roman London had a population of 60,000. During the 7th century
the Anglo-Saxons developed a new settlement about 1,000 yards upstream from old
London, which is now known as Covent Garden. This blossoming city on the Thames river
suffered repeated attacks from the Vikings until 886 when Alfred the Great, made peace
and the Saxon city of Aldwych was established, which is now in the Modern city of

The battle for London continued until 1066 when William the Conqueror, who was the
Duke of Normandy, was crowned King of England in the new Westminster Abbey. The new
King granted the citizens of London special privileges and built the Tower of London in the
south-east section of the city to control their lifestyle. London continued to grow over the
next 600 years through civil wars, the plague known as the Black Death, the Peasants
Revolt, floods and other religious upheavals. Then in 1666 the city was almost completely
destroyed by The Great Fire of London.

In the 18th century London became the world’s largest city and the first rapid transit system
was built to handle its growing population. The rest, as they say, is history. The city is now a
sprawling area of over 659 square miles, which has survived two 20th century World Wars
and a number of internal catastrophes.

to found [tə faʊnd] - alapít

AD (Anno Domini) [æd] - Krisztus után
to be derived from [tə bi dɪˈraɪvd frɒm] - ered valahonnan
bold [bəʊld] - merész, bátor
to invade [tu ɪnˈveɪd] -megszáll
to decide [tə dɪˈsaɪd] - elhatároz, dönt
excellent [ˈeksələnt] - kitűnő
port [pɔːt] - kikötő
deep [diːp] - mély
inland [ɪnˈlænd] - szárazföld, belföld
Germanic raiders [dʒəˈmænɪk ˈreɪdəz] - Germán támadók/fosztogatók
merchant [ˈmɜːtʃənt] - kereskedő
population [ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən] - népesség
to develop [tə dɪˈveləp] - fejleszt, fejlődik
settlement [ˈsetlmənt] - település
upstream [ˌʌpˈstriːm] - ellentétes irányban
to be known as [tə bi nəʊn æz] - úgy ismert, mint
blossoming [ˈblɒsəmɪŋ] - virágzó
to suffer something [tə ˈsʌfə ˈsʌmθɪŋ] - elszenvedni valamit
repeated [rɪˈpiːtɪd] - ismétlődő
attack [əˈtæk] - támadás
to make peace [tə meɪk piːs] - békét kötni
to be established [tə bi ɪˈstæblɪʃt] - megalapítva lenni
battle for something [ˈbætəl fə ˈsʌmθɪŋ] - harc valamiért
William the Conqueror [ˈwɪlɪəm ðə ˈkɒŋkərə] - Hódító Vilmos
to be crowned [tə bi kraʊnd] - megkoronázva lenni
to grant somebody something [tə ɡrɑːnt ˈsʌmbədi ˈsʌmθɪŋ] - adományoz, engedélyez
citizen [ˈsɪtɪzən] - állampolgár
special privilege [ˈspeʃəl ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] - különleges kiváltság
south-east section [saʊθˈiːst ˈsekʃən] - délkeleti rész
to control [tə kənˈtrəʊl]- felügyel
to grow [tə ɡrəʊ] - nő, növekszik
civil war [ˈsɪvəl wɔː] - polgárháború
plague [pleɪɡ] - pestis
peasant revolt [ˈpesnt rɪˈvəʊlt] - paraszt felkelés
flood [flʌd] - árvíz
religious [rɪˈlɪdʒəs] - vallásos, vallási
upheaval [ˌʌpˈhiːvəl] - felfordulás
to be destroyed [tə bi dɪˈstrɔɪd] - lerombolva lenni
almost [ˈɔːlməʊst] - majdnem
completely [kəmˈpliːtli] - teljesen
rapid [ˈræpɪd] - gyors
transit system [ˈtrænsɪt ˈsɪstəm] - tranzit rendszer
to handle [tə ˈhændəl] - kezelni valamit
sprawling [ˈsprɔːlɪŋ] - burjánzó
to survive [tə səˈvaɪv] - túlélni valamit
internal [ɪnˈtɜːnəl] - belső
London top 10 sites (2012 juli)

London is one of the most visited cities in the world, it is a cultural capital, the home of
Dickens, the Globe Theatre, the West End. A city that never sleeps and a city to get lost in.
This year in July, London will host the Olympics, which means thousands of tourists will
descend on the city from all over the world. Once again London will be the centre of the

The London Eye

The London Eye was completed in 1999. It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the
most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over 3.5 million
people annually. The London Eye is a popular attraction giving you the opportunity to see
the city skyline from a birds-eye view. It is the world's highest observation wheel, with 32
capsules, each weighing 10 tonnes, and holding up to 25 people.

Madame Tussauds

At Madame Tussauds, you'll come face-to-face with some of the world's most famous
people. This is the most famous waxwork museum in the world with many famous people,
from the royal family to the latest celebrities. Marie Tussaud, was born Anna Maria Grosholtz
in Strasbourg, France. Tussaud created her first wax figure, of Voltaire, in 1777. Eventually,
she settled down in London. Nowadays, the waxwork museum is located in Baker Street,
which is also the home of Sherlock Holmes.

British Museum

The British Museum exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modern times from every
part of the globe. The exhibition includes the Elgin Marbles, the Rosetta Stone and mummies
from Ancient Egypt, as well as artefacts from every major ancient culture from Babylon to
Ancient Rome. The museum is a must see on any visit to London. Entry is free but special
exhibitions require tickets. The nearest tube station is Russell Square.

National History Museum

If you like animals and dinosaurs, then the National History Museum is a must see. As well as
the dinosaur exhibition, the Natural History Museum has a collection of the biggest, tallest
and rarest animals in the world. The building itself is a magnificentachievement and a great
example of innovative architecture. Entry is free. The nearest underground station is South

Tower of London

The Tower of London is one of the most infamous sites in London, an ancient fortress with a
colourful history. It is located close to Tower Bridge, a drawbridge which can rise to let ships
pass. You can take a tour with one of the Yeomen of the guard around the Tower. In its 900
years old history it has been a royal palace, a prison, a place of execution, an arsenal and
home to the crown jewels. In its dark history many people were executed in the Tower of
London, including Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, who were the wives of King Henry
the Eight. During the reign of King Richard the Third it was said that the king had his 2
young nephews killed. The story of the young princes is one of the great mysteries of the
tower, the princes were held in the tower but there is no proof that Richard killed them, so
their disappearance remains a mystery.

to host[tə həʊst] - vendégül lát

to descend on [tə dɪˈsend ɒn] - megrohan, megrohamoz
to be completed [tə bi kəmˈpliːtɪd] - elkészül
Ferris wheel [ˈferəs wiːl] - óriáskerék
paid tourist attraction - [peɪd ˈtʊərɪst əˈtrækʃən] fizetős turitsa látványosság
annually [ˈænjuəli] - évente
opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti] - lehetőség
skyline [ˈskaɪlaɪn] - távoli várossziluett
from a birds-eye view [frəm ə bɜːdz aɪ vjuː] - madártávlatból
observation [ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃən] - megfigyelés
to come face to face [tə kʌm feɪs tə feɪs] - szemtől szembe kerülni
waxwork museum [ˈwækswɜːk mjuːˈzɪəm] - viaszmúzeum
wax figure [wæks ˈfɪɡə] - viaszbábú
eventually [ɪˈventʃʊəli] - végül, végül is
to exhibit [tu ɪɡˈzɪbɪt] - kiállít
exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən] - kiállítás
mummy [ˈmʌmi] - múmia
ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] - ókori
artefact [ˈɑːtɪfækt] - műalkotás, tárgyi lelet
major [ˈmeɪdʒə] - fő-
entry [ˈentri] - belépés
a collection of [ə kəˈlekʃən ɒv] - … gyűjtemény
rare [reə] - ritka
achievement [əˈtʃiːvmənt] - érdem, eredmény
a great example of [ə ˈɡreɪt ɪɡˈzɑːmpəl ɒv] - remek példája a …-nak/-nek
innovative architecture [ˈɪnəveɪtɪv ˈɑːkɪtektʃə] - innovatív építészet
infamous [ˈɪnfəməs] - hírhedt
fortress [ˈfɔːtrɪs] - erőd
drawbridge [ˈdrɔːbrɪdʒ] - felvonóhíd
Yeoman [ˈjəʊmən] - önkéntes lovas katona
place of execution [ˈpleɪs əv ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃən] - kivégzési hely
arsenal [ˈɑːsənəl] - fegyvertár
crown jewels [kraʊn ˈdʒuːəlz] - koronaékszerek
to be executed [tə bi ˈeksɪkjuːtɪd] - kivégezve lenni
reign [reɪn] - uralkodás
to be held [tə bi held] - megtarva/tartva van
there is no proof that [ðə z nəʊ pruːf ðæt] - nincs bizonyíték arra, hogy …
disappearance [ˌdɪsəˈpɪərəns] - eltűnés
to remain a mystery [tə rɪˈmeɪn ə ˈmɪstəri] - valami rejtély marad
London top 10 sites - part 2.

6. St Paul’s Cathedral

This is one of the most famous cathedrals in the world. It was designed by Sir Christopher
Wren. The original cathedral was burned down during the Great Fire of London in 1666. The
present cathedral was completed in 1677. It has been used for some of the most important
funerals and weddings in the history of England. Princess Diana and Prince Charles were
married here in 1981.

Recently it was famous for the anti-globalisation protests, which took place outside of the
church. There is a £14.50 charge for admission to sightseers (£12.50 when purchased
online). The nearest tube station is St Paul’s.

7. The Victoria and Albert Museum

The Victoria and Albert Museum is the world's largest museum of arts and design, housing a
permanent collection of over 4.5 million objects. Named after Prince Albert and Queen
Victoria, it was founded in 1852, and has since grown to cover 51,000 square metres and
145 galleries. Its collection spans 5,000 years of art, from ancient times to the present day, in
virtually every medium, from the cultures of Europe, North America, Asia and North Africa.
Entry is free except when there are special events. The closest tube station is South

8. Hyde Park

Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London. It is famous for its Speakers' Corner
where members of the public can speak on any topic they desire. The park is divided in two
by the Serpentine River, which is actually a lake. The park is close to Kensington Gardens.
Hyde Park covers 142 hectares, so it is a great place to relax and unwind in the centre of the
city. The closest tube station is Hyde Park corner.

9. Houses of Parliament

The Palace of Westminster is the seat of government for the United Kingdom. The parliament
is divided into the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It lies on the north bank of
the River Thames in the heart of London, close to the historic Westminster Abbey and the
government buildings of Whitehall and Downing Street. The nearest tube station is

10. London Dungeon

The London Dungeon is a popular London tourist attraction which recreates various bloody
and strange historical events in a funny style, attempting to make them appealing to a
younger audience. It uses a mixture of live actors, special effects and rides. It opened in 1974
and is now one of the most popular attractions in the city. The dungeon has many different
areas dealing with different historical events in the history of the city, including the Great fire
of London, the plague and Jack the Ripper. Prices for the 90-minute tour are £24.00, but
you can get special deals by booking online. The closest tube station is London Bridge.

to be burned down[tə bi bɜːnd daʊn] – leég

funeral [ˈfjuːnərəl] – temetés
anti-globalisation protest [ˈænti prəˈtest] - globalizáció ellenes tüntetés
charge [tʃɑːdʒ] – díj

admission[ədˈmɪʃən] - belépés, beengedés

sightseer [ˈsaɪtsiːə] – városnéző
housing [ˈhaʊzɪŋ] - befogadva, elhelyezve
permanent [ˈpɜːmənənt] – állandó
object [əbˈdʒekt] - tárgy, kiállítási tárgy
to be founded [tə bi ˈfaʊndɪd] - alapítva lenni
to grow to [tə ɡrəʊ tuː] - valamivé nő
square metre [skweə ˈmiːtə] – négyzetméter
gallery [ˈɡæləri] – műcsarnok
member [ˈmembə] - tag(ja valaminek)
topic [ˈtɒpɪk] - tárgy, téma
desire [dɪˈzaɪə] – vágy
to unwind [tu ˌʌnˈwaɪnd] – kikapcsolódik
government [ˈɡʌvənmənt] - kormány (országé)
bank [bæŋk] - part (folyó)
to recreate [tə ˌriːkriːˈeɪt] - újjáalkot, újjáéleszt
bloody [ˈblʌdi] – véres
historical event [hɪˈstɒrɪkəl ɪˈvent] - történelmi esemény
to attempt to [tu əˈtempt tuː] - megkísérel valamit csinálni
to appeal to [tu əˈpiːl tuː] - elnyeri valaki tetszését
audience [ˈɔːdiəns] – nézőközönség
ride [raɪd] - vidámparki látványosság
to deal with [tə diːl wɪð] - foglalkozik valamivel
plague [pleɪɡ] – pestis
Jack the Ripper [dʒæk ðə ˈrɪpə] - Hasfelmetsző Jack

Brief History of the Olympic Games (2012 juli)

With London 2012 just around the corner, what better way to prepare than a brief summary
of the history of the Olympic Games? Here is the short story of how the Olympics started
more than 2700 years ago in Olympia, in southwest Greece.

The beginnings

The Olympics started in Ancient Greece, where the different city states competed against
each other in a number of sporting competitions like the marathon, which is still part of the
modern games. Nowadays the Olympics are divided into summer and winter games. They
happen every four years. The Olympic flag is made up of 5 rings representing the 5
continents. Over 200 countries will participate in the Olympics this summer. The first
modern Olympics took place in 1896 In Greece.
a hanganyagot itt hallgathatod meg:

All we know about the beginning is that the first record of Olympic contest originates from
776 BC which records the name of the very first Olympic Champion Coroebus, who was a
cook by profession. At the very beginning, the only event was the stade (192 m) distance run.
The beginning of the event was signalled by lighting the fire on the altar of Zeus which was
followed by an approximately 200-meter distance run in the full length of the stadium of

About 40 thousand people gathered every fourth year for an attraction which lasted only
half a minute. In these years the athletes ran naked as it was considered a good omen for the

Seeing the popularity of the games the Greek decided to extend the Games by introducing
several other events, like boxing, wrestling and pancration. Further popular events were
tethrippon (four horse carriages racing on 14 thousand meter distance), the ancient pentathlon
(stade run, long jump, high jump, discus throw and – interestingly – wrestling), and armed
running (the athletes had to run in full armour). The ancient Olympic Games grew and
continued to be organised every four years for nearly 1200 years. In 393 CE, the Roman
emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, abolished the Games because of their pagan influences.

to compete against [tə kəmˈpiːt əˈɡenst] - valaki ellen versenyezni

competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən] - verseny
to be divided into [tə bi dɪˈvaɪdɪd ˈɪntə] - … részre osztva lenni
to happen [tə ˈhæpən] - (meg)történik
flag [flæɡ] - zászló
to represent [tə ˌriːprɪˈzent] - képvisel
to participate in [tə pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt ɪn] - részt vesz
to take place [tə teɪk ˈpleɪs] - megrendezésre kerül
beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ] - kezdet
to originate from [tu əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt frɒm] - ered valahonnan
to record [tə rɪˈkɔːd] - feljegyez
to be signalled by [tə bi ˈsɪɡnəld baɪ] - jelezve lenni valami által
lighting the fire [ˈlaɪtɪŋ ðə ˈfaɪə] - a tűz meggyújtása
altar [ˈɔːltə] - oltár
to be followed by [tə bi ˈfɒləʊd baɪ] - követve lenni valami által
approximately [əˈprɒksɪmətli] - nagyjából, megközelítőleg
to gather [tə ˈɡæðə] - összegyűlik
attraction [əˈtrækʃən] - látványosság
athlete [ˈæθliːt] - sportoló
naked [ˈneɪkɪd] - meztelen
to be considered something [tə bi kənˈsɪdəd ˈsʌmθɪŋ] - valamit tartanak valaminek
popularity [ˌpɒpjʊˈlærɪti] - népszerűség
to decide to [tə dɪˈsaɪd tuː] - elhatározza, hogy …
to extend [tu ɪkˈstend] - kiterjeszt
to introduce [tu ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs] - bevezet, bemutat
armed [ɑːmd] - fegyveres
in full armour [ɪn fʊl ˈɑːmə] - teljes fegyverzetben
to abolish [tu əˈbɒlɪʃ] - betilt
pagan influence [ˈpeɪɡən ˈɪnflʊəns] - pogány behatás

he modern revival of Olympic Games

Approximately 1500 years later, a young Frenchmen, named Pierre de Coubertin, began the
revival of the Games. Coubertin is now known as „le Rénovateur”. He was a French
aristocrat born on January 1, 1863. He was only seven years old when France was overrun
by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Some believe that Coubertin
attributed the defeat of France not to its military skills but rather to the French soldiers'
lack of vigour. After examining the education of the German, British, and American
children, Coubertin decided that it was exercise, more specifically sports, that made a well-
rounded and vigorous person.
In 1890, he organized and founded a sports organization, Union des Sociétés Francaises de
Sports Athlétiques (USFSA). Two years later, Coubertin first pitched his idea to revive the
Olympic Games at a meeting of the Union des Sports Athlétiques in Paris in 1892. Two years
later, Coubertin organized a meeting with 79 delegates who represented nine countries. The
delegates at the conference voted unanimously for the Olympic Games and also decided to
have Coubertin construct an international committee to organize the Games. This committee
became the International Olympic Committee (IOC; Comité Internationale Olympique) and
Demetrious Vikelas from Greece was selected to be its first president. Athens was chosen as
the location for the revival of the Olympic Games and the planning was begun.

Thus, the Modern Olympic Games began from the year 1896 and were held in Athens,
Greece, the place of birth of Olympics. The Olympic Games have since been held
successfully twenty six times. The Games were successfully held after a gap of four years but
it was only on three occasions that the Olympic Games could not be held. These were the
warring periods in the history of modern world. In the year 1916, 1940 and 1944 the
Olympic Games could not take place due to the destruction and devastation caused by the
World Wars.

revival[rɪˈvaɪvəl] – újraélesztés
to be overrun by [tə bi ˌəʊvəˈrʌn baɪ] - hemzseg valamitől
to attribute something to [tu əˈtrɪbju:t ˈsʌmθɪŋ tuː] - valamit valaminek tulajdonít
defeat [dɪˈfiːt] – vereség
military skills [ˈmɪlɪtri skɪlz] - katonai képességek
lack of vigour [læk əv ˈvɪɡə] - erő/erély hiánya
well-rounded [wel ˈraʊndɪd] - sokoldalú, széleskörű
vigorous [ˈvɪɡərəs] - erélyes, nyomatékos
to pitch one’s idea [tə pɪtʃ wʌnz aɪˈdɪə] - hangot ad az ötletének
delegate [ˈdelɪɡeɪt] - delegált, követ
to represent [tə ˌriːprɪˈzent] – képvisel
to vote unanimously [tə vəʊt juːˈnænɪməsli] - egyhangúan szavazni
committee [kəˈmɪti] – bizottság
thus [ðʌs] – így
gap [ɡæp] - űr, hézag, rés
occasion [əˈkeɪʒən] – alkalom
warring period [ˈwɔːrɪŋ ˈpɪərɪəd] - háborús időszak
due to [djuː tuː] - köszönhető valaminek
destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃən] – rombolás
devastation [ˌdevəˈsteɪʃən] – pusztítás


Utazás metrón
a szövegeket itt hallgathatod meg:

Man: Excuse me Madam, how can I get to the city centre from Heathrow Airport?
Woman: Well, you can take The Tube. Where exactly are you going?
Man: I’m going to Camden... You said the Tube, but how about taking the 'Airbus' coach?
Woman: You can get stuck in a traffic jam on the coach. It’s rush hour. I think you should
take The Tube, it is more convenient.


Ticket seller: Yes?

Woman: I'd like a ticket, please.
Ticket seller: Where to?
Woman: To Camden Town.
Ticket seller: Single or return?
Woman: Single, please.
Ticket seller: That's £7.40.
Woman: Thanks.


Man: Excuse me, Madam. I would like to go to Camden town. Which line shall I take?
Woman: You have to take the blue line, called the Piccadilly line.
Man: ... and which direction?
Woman: We are now at the end of the line, so you have to go eastbound.
Man: Okay, this will take me east into town then. Do I have to change trains?
Woman: You have to get off and change.
Man: Where shall I get off?
Woman: At King’s Cross, then you take the black line, called the Northern line, and go north.

How can I get to …? – Hogyan jutok …-ba/-be.
You can take the Tube? – Mehet metróval (londoni).
Where exactly are you going? – Pontosan hová megy?
How about …? – Mit szól(na) …?
You can get stuck in a traffic jam. – Dugóba kerülhet.
It’s rush hour. – Csúcsforgalmi idő van.
It’s more convenient. – Az kényelmesebb.
I’d like a ticket, please. – Szeretnék egy jegyet.
Single or return? – Egy irányba vagy oda-vissza?
Which line shall I take? – Melyik vonalon kell mennem?
Which direction? – Milyen irányba?
You have to go eastbound. – Keleti irányba kell mennie.
You have to get off and change. – Le kell szállnia/szállnod és át kell szállnia.
Where shall I get off? – Hol kell leszállnom?


To find out – megtud

Host – vendeglato
Information desk – informacios pult
To get stuck – ottragad, beragad
Traffic jam – kozlekedesi dugo
Rush hour – csucsforgalmi ido
Convenient – alkalmas, kenyelmes, megfelelo
To go eastbound – keleti iranyba menni
to get to - elérni valahova
city centre – városközpont, belváros
to take the underground/bus/tram – metróval/busszal/villamossal menni
exactly – pontosan
to get stuck in – beszorulni valahova
traffic jam – közlekedési dugó
coach – távolsági busz
rush hour – csúcsforgalmi idő
convenient – megfelelő, kényelmes
ticket – jegy
single/return ticket – egyirányú/oda-vissza jegy
line – vonal
direction – irány
east/west/north/south – kelet/nyugat/észak/dél
to get on – felszállni (járműre)
to get off – leszállni (járműről)
to change –átszállni


a párbeszédet itt hallgathatod meg:

Woman: Does this bus go to Rubery Great Park?

Bus driver: Yes, it does. Step up.
Woman: What´s the fare?
Bus driver: £1.20. Deposit the fare in the slot, please.
Woman: Can you change a ten pound note?
Bus driver: Of course, I have plenty of change.
Woman: Thanks! Can I leave my bag in the luggage rack?
Bus driver: Yes, of course but be sure to keep an eye on it, there are thieves about.
Woman: Could you tell me when to get off?
Bus driver: Okay. I´ll call it out for you, ma´am. Move to the rear, please.
Woman: Excuse me. How many more stops is it to the park?
Bus driver: It’s the fifth stop from here, but I will give you a shout.
Woman: Thank you for your help.


Does this bus go to …?– Ez a busz megy …-ba/-be?

Step up! – Szálljon fel!
What’s the fare? – Mennyibe kerül a jegy?
Deposit the fare in the slot! – Helyezze a viteldíjat a nyílásba!
Can you change a … note? – Fel tud váltani egy …-os/-ös bankjegyet?
Of course. – Természetesen.
Keep an eye on …! – Tartsa a szemét a …-on/-en/-ön!
There are thieves about. – Tolvajok vannak a környéken.
Could you tell me when to get off? – Meg tudná mondani mikor szálljak le?
I’ll call it out for you. – Szólítani fogom.
Move to the rear. – Fáradjon hátra!
How many more stops to … ? – Hány megálló van még a …-hoz/-hez/-höz?


to step up– fellép, felszáll

fare – viteldíj
to deposit – letétbe helyez. letesz pénzt
fare – viteldíj
slot – nyílás
note – bankjegy
change – aprópénz
luggage rack – csomagtartó (állvány)
to keep an eye on - szemmel tartani valamit/valakit
thief/thieves –tolvaj
to get on – felszáll (járműre)
to get off – leszáll (járműről)
to call out for - kihív valakit
stop – megálló


a hanganyagot itt hallgathatod meg:

Woman: Excuse me. How many more stops to the shopping centre?
Bus driver: Which one?
Woman: There is a shopping centre at Churchill Square, isn’t there?
Bus driver: Churchill square? Yes, there is an enormous shopping centre.
Woman: How many more stops do I have to take to get there?
Bus driver: I’m afraid, but you’ve missed your stop!
Woman: Oh, no!
Bus driver: Don´t worry! Get off at the next stop and get a bus going back.
Woman: What’s the name of the next stop?
Bus driver: The next stop is St Peters Church. Get off, and take the bus with the route
number 25 back to Churchill Square.
Woman: How many stops do I have to take?
Bus driver: Two stops. The second stop is Churchill Square.
Woman: Thanks a lot.


How many more stops to … ? – Még hány megállót kell mennem a …-ig?
Which one? – Melyik?
I’m afraid. – Attól tartok./Sajnálom.
You’ve missed your stop. – Túlment(él) a megállón.
Don’t worry! – Ne aggódj(on)!
Get off! – Szállj(on) le!
Take a bus back! – Fogj(on) egy buszt, és menjen vissza!
How many stops do I have to take? – Hány megállót kell mennem?


stop – megálló
shopping centre – bevásárló központ
square –tér
enormous - hatalmas
to get somewhere – eljutni valahova
to be afraid (of) – félni (valamitől)
to miss something – eltéveszteni valamit
route – útvonal

a hanganyagot itt találod:

Man: I’d like a ticket to London, please.

Railway Station Clerk: Which station?
Man: Liverpool Street Station.
Railway Station Clerk: A one-way ticket or a return ticket?
Man: A return ticket.
Railway Station Clerk: When do you want to return?
Man: I’m not sure. I would prefer an open-return ticket.
Railway Station Clerk: All right, first or second class?
Man: First class. How much is it?
Railway Station Clerk: First class is £80.
Man: Where does the train leave from?
Railway Station Clerk: From platform 9.
Man: … and when exactly?
Railway Station Clerk: At 10.35 am.
Man: Excuse me, just one more question. When does it arrive in London?
Railway Station Clerk: At 13.34 pm.


I’d like a ticket to …, please.– Szeretnék egy jegyet …-ba/-be.

A one-way ticket or a return ticket? – Egy irányú vagy oda-vissza jegyet?
When do you want to return? – Mikor szeretne visszajönni?
I’m not sure. – Nem vagyok biztos benne.
I would prefer an open-return ticket. – Jobb lenne egy nyitott végű retúrjegy.
How much is it? – Mennyibe kerül?
Where does the train leave from? – Honnan indul a vonat?
From platform 9. – A 9-es vágányról.
When exactly? – Mikor pontosan?
Just one more question. – Csak még egy kérdés.
When does it arrive in …? – Mikor érkezik …-ba/-be?


ticket – jegy
station – állomás
one-way ticket – egy irányú jegy
return ticket – retúrjegy, oda-vissza jegy
to return – visszatér
to be sure – biztosnak lenni
to prefer – előnyben részesít, jobban kedvel
to leave – elindul
platform – vágány
exactly – pontosan
question -kérdés

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Public transport is a way to travel around. Using the means of public transport people can
travel around without using cars. Public transport lets many people travel at the same time.


Public Transport started a long time ago around 1826 in Nantes (France). The first forms of
public transport were ferries (big public boats), and animals, such as horses. Horses also
pulled carts. People sit in the carts and the horses pulled them where they wanted to go.

Types of public transport

Nowadays the main types of public transport are buses, trolleybuses, trams and trains. Long
time ago, in the late 1860s, horses pulled the trams, too. Now trams are electric and run on a
line of cable.

Many people use public transport. Many people who don’t have cars use buses, trolleybuses,
trams to travel around. Public transport is easy to use. When using public transport, people
need a ticket or card to be able to get on.

Public transport is also very good for the environment. When people use public transport it
means that there are fewer cars on the road. With fewer cars on the road there is less pollution
in the world.

public transport– tömegközlekedés

means of public transport – tömegközlekedési eszközök
ferry – komp
to pull a cart – szekeret húz
nowadays - manapság
tram – villamos
cable – kábel, vezeték
environment – környezet
pollution – szennyezés, légszennyezés


The bus network in London is one of the largest urban transport systems in the world.
Every weekday over 6,800 scheduled buses carry around six million passengers on over 700
different routes.

By buses you can go to any place in London. If a bus is full you will not be allowed to get
on, but will have to wait for the next one. Always allow plenty of time for your journey, if
you need to keep an appointment.

Buses in London are recognizable all over the world. Bigdouble-decker red buses are the
best-known symbol of London!

London has the most extensive night bus network in the world. All night bus networks begin
with letter "N".

If you want to travel by bus in London you must have a ticket or a TravelCard. Single tickets
allow you to travel from one place to other, only once. You can get a ticket from the bus
staff.TravelCards are more convenient - they allow you to travel by the underground, buses,
and by the local train services in the area of London. They may be valid for different periods
of time, for example: a day, a week, a month, or even a year. In addition you can buy one-day
Travelcards from ticket machines at many places in London.

network– hálózat
urban transport system – városi közlekedési hálózat
scheduled bus – menetrend szerinti busz
route – útvonal
to be allowed to – lehet valamit csinálni, meg van engedve valami
recognizable – felismerhető
staff - személyzet
valid for - érvényes
in addition - ráadásul


a videót itt tudod megnézni:

If you want to get around London quickly, you

should take the Tube, which is London’s
version of the subway. The Tube is a vast
network of tunnels and trains that get you
anywhere in London.

The London Underground (The Tube) is the

oldest metro system in the world. Trains
generally depart every 3 or 4 minutes, less frequently at weekends and late at night.

At the moment there are 275 stations on 12 lines, and 253 miles of route. London’s
Underground system is divided up into several zones. Most tourist places are in Zones 1 and

If you want to travel by the Tube, you must have an appropriate ticket for every journey or a
Travelcard. Tickets can be bought from automatic ticket machines or from ticket sales offices.
You need to use your ticket first when you go through the automatic barrier gates, for the
second time when you want to leave though similar gates at the end of the journey. Single
tickets allow you to travel from one place to other, only once.

TravelCards are more convenient - they allow you to travel by the underground, buses, and
by the local train services in the area of London. They may be valid for different periods of
time, for example: a day, a week, a month, or even a year. You can get them at underground or
national railway stations from a ticket office. In addition you can buy one-day TravelCards
from ticket machines at the stations.

tunnel – alagút
to depart – indul
frequently – gyakran
to be divided into - …-ra/re osztva lenni
appropriate – megfelelő
barrier – gát
allow you to – lehetővé teszi neked, hogy …
convenient – kényelmes
valid for – érvényes
All about museums and exhibitions (2012 juni)

Fine Arts and Applied Arts

Fine art or the fine arts encompass art forms developed primarily for aesthetics and concept
rather than practical application. Historically, the five greater fine arts were painting,
sculpture, architecture, music and poetry, with minor arts including drama and dancing.
Today, the fine arts commonly include the visual art and performing art forms, such as
painting, sculpture, collage, decollage, assemblage, installation, calligraphy, music, dance,
theatre, architecture, film, photography, conceptual art, and printmaking.

Applied art is the application of design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday
use. Whereas fine arts serve as intellectual stimulation to the viewer or academic sensibilities,
the applied arts incorporate design and creative ideals to objects of utility, such as a cup,
magazine or decorative park bench. The fields of industrial design, graphic design, fashion
design, interior design, decorative art and functional art are altogether considered applied arts.

Different kinds of museums:

archaeological: statues, artefacts, bodies (skeletons, mummies), tombs, buildings (ruins),

aqueducts, archaeological digs
art: galleries, paintings, pictures, photographs, statues, installations
historic house: gardens, old houses (country manors, mansions, palaces, castles), rooms,
galleries, antique furniture, weaponry, armour
maritime: ships, boats, fishing nets, submarines, uniforms, photos, models, maps, compasses,
oxygen tanks, diving equipment
war: weapons, planes, uniforms, helmets, tanks, canons, cannonballs, photographs, medals
specialized: cinematic, clock, waxworks, toy, etc.
science: flight, space flight, scientist, experiments, planetarium (stars, planets, astronomy),
interactive exhibits
natural history: animals (stuffed animals, pre-historic, dinosaurs), evolution, fauna and flora

fine art [faɪn ɑːt] - képzőművészet

applied art [əˈplaɪd ɑːt] - iparművészet
to encompass [tu ɪnˈkʌmpəs] - körülvesz, körülölel
to develop [tə dɪˈveləp] - fejlődik, fejleszt
primarily [ˈpraɪmərəli] - elsődlegesen
aesthetics [iːsˈθetɪks] - esztétika
rather than [ˈrɑːðə ðæn] - inkább, mint
practical application [ˈpræktɪkəl ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən] - gyakorlati felhasználás
historically [hɪˈstɒrɪkəli] - történelmileg
painting [ˈpeɪntɪŋ] - festészet
sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə] - szobrászat
architecture [ˈɑːkɪtektʃə] - építészet
poetry [ˈpəʊɪtri] - költészet
to include [tu ɪnˈkluːd] - magába foglal
application of [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən ɒv] - valaminek az alkalmazása
to incorporate [tu ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt] - egyesít, magába foglal
artefact [ˈɑːtɪfækt] - tárgyi lelet, műalkotás
tomb [tuːm] - sír
weaponry [ˈwepənri] - fegyverzet
armour [ˈɑːmə] - páncélzat

At the museum

to be on display - kiállítva lenni

exhibition - kiállítás
temporary exhibition - időszakos kiállítás
permanent exhibition - állandó kiállítás
to exhibit - kiállít
collection - gyűjtemény
art gallery - képtár, műcsarnok
to hang a painting - kiakaszt egy képet
hall - csarnok
Forms of art (2012 juni)

art – művészet
artist – művész
sculptor – szobrász
sculpture – szobor
mural – freskó
movement - mozgalom, irányzat
contemporary art - kortárs művészet


stroke - ecsetvonás
paintbrush - (festő)ecset
easel - festőállvány
painter - festő
palette - (festék)paletta
to paint - festeni
frame - keret
canvas - vászon
painting - festmény
shade - árnyalat

portrait self-portrait landscape still-life

portré önarckép tájkép csendélet

sketch drawing abstract art photograph

skicc, karcolat rajz absztakt művészet fotó

The Museum of Applied Arts (Iparművészeti Múzeum) (2012 juni)

The Museum of Applied Arts is a museum in Budapest, Hungary. The Art Nouveau building
was built between 1893 and 1896 to the plans of Ödön Lechner and Gyula Pártos. It is one of
the most characteristic and most representative forms of Lechner's architectural style,
featuring Hungarian folk ceramics, including Zsolnay pottery and majolica, also showing
Islamic and Hindu motifs (another example of this style is the Geological Institute not far
from City Park).

The Museum of Applied Arts has a rich collection of European decorative arts, arranged in
the following collections: Collection of Furniture, Collection of Metalwork, Collection of
Textiles, Collection of Ceramics and Glass. In addition, the museum has a public library
collection. The Museum of Applied Arts has two branches: The Ferenc Hopp Museum of
Eastern Asiatic Arts and the Nagytétény Castle Museum.

The permanent exhibition, Collectors and Treasures, presents pieces from the museum's
collection. Works of art illustrate the founding and history of the museum, as the exhibition
deals with the most important stages in the history of the museum, beginning from 1872.

Art and Design for All – The Victoria and Albert Museum

Iparművészeti Múzeum (Museum of Applied Arts), Budapest, June 14 – September 16,


The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is the world’s leading museum of art and design
and has been a near-inexhaustible source of inspiration, innovation and knowledge since
its foundation in the mid-19th century. From day one, the museum was celebrated as an
exemplary educational institution that reached an unusually wide audience. Not only did
its collections help improve the aesthetic quality of British manufactures and industrial
products, they also provided models to be emulated and acted as a school of public taste,
educating the museum audience in matters of discernment and taste.

The exhibition Art and Design for All reconstructs the focus of the original core collections
of the Victoria and Albert Museum and sheds light on its innovative approach and its
function as a role model for other institutions. The exhibition also presents the results of
recent research into the continental roots of the V&A, which can be traced back to the ideas
of Queen Victoria’s German husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, a graduate of
the University of Bonn, and the museum landscape of 19th-century Germany.

Art and Design for All showcases some 350 spectacular items from the rich holdings of the
V&A, which is lending on this scale for the first time in its history. The exhibits are
complemented by other exquisite pieces from other British collections, the Berlin
Kunstgewerbemuseum and the Museum of Applied Arts in Budapest. The exhibition will be
shown in Budapest from 14 June to 16 September 2012.

plan [plæn] - terv

characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk] jellemvonás
representative [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv] - jellegzetes
architectural style [ˌɑːkɪˈtektʃrəl staɪl] - építészeti stílus
folk ceramics [fəʊk səˈræmɪks] - népi kerámia
pottery [ˈpɒtəri] - fazekasság, agyagedény
motif [məʊˈtiːf] - motívum
a rich collection of [ə rɪtʃ kəˈlekʃən ɒv] - gazdag gyűjtemény valamiből
to arrange [tu əˈreɪndʒ] - elrendez, szervez
in addition [ɪn əˈdɪʃən] - ráadásul
branch [brɑːntʃ] - ág, ágazat
permanent exhibition [ˈpɜːmənənt ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən] - állandó kiállítás
to present [tə prɪˈzent] - képvisel
to deal with [tə diːl wɪð] - valamivel foglalkozik
inexhaustible [ˌɪnɪɡˈzɔːstəbəl] - kimeríthetetlen
source of inspiration [sɔːs əv ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən] - inspirációforrás
innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən] - innováció
knowledge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ] - tudás
foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃən] - alapítás
to be celebrated [tə bi ˈselɪbreɪtɪd] - ünnepelve lenni
exemplary [ɪɡˈzempləri] - példás
educational institution [ˌedʒʊˈkeɪʃənəl ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃən] - oktatási intézmény
to reach a wide audience [tə riːtʃ ə waɪd ˈɔːdiəns] - széles közönséget elér
unusually [ʌnˈjuːʒʊəli] - szokatlanul
to improve [tu ɪmˈpruːv] - fejleszt, fejlődik
manufacturer [ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərə] - gyártó
industrial product [ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl ˈprɒdʌkt] - ipari termék
to provide [tə prəˈvaɪd] - lehetővé tesz, ellát
to be emulated [tə bi ˈemjʊleɪtɪd] - felülmúlva lenni
public taste [ˈpʌblɪk teɪst] - közízlés
discernment [dɪˈsɜːnmənt] - ítélőképesség
reconstruction [ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃən] - rekonstrukció
to shed light on [tə ʃed laɪt ɒn] - reflektorfénybe helyez
innovative approach [ˈɪnəveɪtɪv əˈprəʊtʃ] - innovatív megközelítés
research [rɪˈsɜːtʃ] - kutatás
spectacular [spekˈtækjʊlə] - látványos
to be complemented by [tə bi ˈkɒmplɪməntɪd baɪ] - kiegészítve lenni valamivel
exquisite [ˈekskwɪzɪt] - tökéletes, kitűnő
LET’S GO TO THE BEACH (2012 juni)

Spending a day on the beach is the best idea on a hot summer day! Apart from
swimming and sunbathing there are usually many other fun activities you can choose
from at a sea or lakeside. If you can swim well you can go for a banana boat or a water tube ride, and
if you are even more courageous, you can try parasailing (when a person is towed behind a boat while
attached to a specially designed parachute to be carried up into the air). You can also try kayaking
or jet skiing as well, on most beaches.


You will probably need to protect yourself against the sunrays, so a high-factor suntan lotion is
very useful. Sunglassesand a sun hat are also recommended. Some people sit under parasols, which
are like large umbrellas. On English beaches, where the weather is more unpredictable, a wind-
break (piece of fabric stretched between wooden poles) will keep the wind away! If you stay for a
longer period, you can rent a beach hut, so you won’t have to carry your beach stuff every day, and
you can even change clothes there.

On the beach, you can sit on a deckchair, or recline on a sun-lounger. Some people even lie on an
inflatable mattress in the sea, called a lilo. Or you can lie out on a towel under the sun to catch as
many rays as possible. Children like bucketsand spades so they can build sandcastles. Some people
take along beachballs, or Frisbees to throw to each other.

Nowadays people take along their mp3 players, iPads or e-book readers, too. But perhaps the most
common thing to take to the beach are mobile phones!

apart from …- … mellett, …-tól/-től eltekintve

sunbathing - napozás
courageous - bátor
to be towed – vontatva lenni
to be attached to - valamihez hozzácsatolva lenni
specially designed – speciálisan tervezett
parachute - ejtőernyő
to be carried - szállítva, hordva lenni
to protect oneself against – védi magát valamitől
sunray - napsugár
suntan lotion - naptej
recommended - ajánlott
parasol - napernyő
unpredictable - kiszámíthatatlan
to be stretched between - kifeszítve lenni
wooden poles – facölöp, fapózna
beach stuff - strandcucc
deckchair - nyugágy
to recline – fekszik, támaszkodik
sun-lounger - napozóágy
inflatable mattress – felfújható matrac
lilo - gumimatrac
ray - sugár
bucket - vödör
spade - ásó
to build sandcastles – homokvárakat építeni
to take along – magával visz
the most common – legmegszokottabb

A MISSING CHILD (2012 juni)

az audiókat itt hallgathatod meg:

One moment your child is digging in the sand, the next he or she is gone. When his parents
realize it, they feel a shiver of panic. At the height of the summer season, many kids get lost
each day on the beach. What to do if your child is missing? Report it as soon as possible to
the lifeguards so that they can contact the lifeguard base to seek help and make an
announcement so concerned beachgoers could help find the missing child. If your child is
smart (and old) enough he or she can seek help alone, and ask somebody to help him or her
finding the way back to his or her family. In this case, you’ll hear an announcement like this:

"Hello everybody. We have a lost boy named Peter, who was found on the playground, and
he's looking for his mom and dad. He's five years old, and he's wearing blue trunks and a
white baseball cap. You can find him at the check-out counter at the main exit, right next to
the ice-cream van.”

The good news is that most kids are reunited with their families in less than half an hour. You
don’t have to worry about ocean depth and currents much either as lost kids are almost never
swimming or playing in the water. They are usually walking along the shore or go across the
street for a snack or just want to explore the line of shops, arcades and restaurants across
from the beach.

Lifeguards say children also become disoriented in crowds and when the size of the beach
changes as the tides roll in and out. It’s easy to get lost in a big crowd. Parents should point
out landmarks for kids. Like, there is the Casino and our blanket is in front of that. Let them
know where they can go for help.
to dig – ásni
to realize – rájön
shiver of panic – pánikroham
to get lost – elveszni
to report – bejelenteni
lifeguard – életmentő, vízimentő
to make an announcement – bejelentést tenni
concerned – aggódó
beachgoer – strandoló
smart – okos, ügyes
to seek help – segítséget keresni
way back – visszaút
playground – játszótér
trunks – fürdőnadrág
check-out-counter – pénztár
to be reunited with – újra együtt lenni valakivel
current – áramlat
shore – part
to explore – felfedez
arcade – játékterem
disoriented – zavarodott
landmark - iránypont


Woman: Hello.
Lifeguard: Hello.
Woman: Could you please help me? I can’t find my daughter.
Lifeguard: Don’t panic! When and where did you last see her?
Woman: We were playing in the sand, like 5 minutes ago when her little brother started
crying and I turn around to see what his problem was. When I turned back, I couldn’t see her
any more.
Lifeguard: How old is she?
Woman: She is 5 years old.
Lifeguard: Could you describe her appearance and what she is wearing?
Woman: She’s got blond hair, blue eyes and she’s wearing a pink, polka-dotted bathing suit.
Lifeguard: What’s her name?
Woman: Her name is Jessica.
Lifeguard: All right. I’m going to make an announcement, and call my colleagues for help.
Stay here, please, till I get back.
Woman: Certainly, and thank you very much.

az audiókat itt hallgathatod meg:

To make your day at the beach as comfortable as possible, you'll want to know where the
nearest toilet and shower facilities are. There are usually several public toilets along the
beach and most have both male and female facilities, an accessible toilet and baby changing
facilities as well. (Míg a brit és a nemzetközi nyelv a toilet és bathroom szavakat használja,
addig az amerikai angolban a restroom kifejezéssel szokták a mellékhelyiséget illetni.)


Woman: Excuse me!

Lifeguard: Yes?
Woman: Could you tell me where the toilets are?
Lifeguard: Of course. The nearest bathroom is right next to the Marina Pavilion.
Woman: Are there hot showers, too?
Lifeguard: Yes, hot shower facilities are available in the toilets at Marina Pavilion and in the
toilet block near the Lifeboat Station.
Woman: What about baby changing facilities?
Lifeguard: There are baby changing facilities in both of them.
Woman: Thank you.
Lifeguard: No problem.

A trip to the seaside is supposed to be a fun-filled adventure and a chance to

enjoy the day. But a beach trip can quickly turn sour if an injury occurs
while soaking up the sun. No one likes to think about the dangers at the
beach when heading there for a good time. But there are certain things that
can pose risks at the seaside. Here are some of the top dangers.

Sunburn: Heading to the beach requires applying a high SPF product and
reapplying it at least every hour, maybe more frequently for those who are spending a lot of
time in the water. Pay special attention to the often forgotten areas of the body, such as the
back of the knees or the tops of the feet. Use an umbrella to create a shady spot when sitting
in the sand.

Jellyfish stings: Many jellyfish stings are not life-threatening, but they can certainly pack a
wallop of pain. If a sting occurs, remove the stinging cells with a stick or something else and
rinse the area with salt water. Fresh water can irritate the stinging even more. Those with a
severe allergic reaction should visit a hospital.

Shells and hazards: Cuts, abrasions and even broken bones are possible on the beach. That’s
because people are often paying attention to the scenery and don’t realize what’s right under
their feet. Crab claws or broken shells can cause deep cuts on the feet. Some people simply
twist or break an ankle from a hole in the sand.


Man: Hello.
Nurse: Hello.
Man: I think I need some help. I’ve just cut my foot.
Nurse: I see. How did it happen?
Man: I was coming out of the sea and something at the bottom of the water cut my foot. I
have no idea what it was, and it started to bleed.
Nurse: Okay. Put your foot up, please. I’ll flush it out with water, clean it, and put some
antiseptic ointment on it. It may hurt a bit, but don’t worry, you’ll be all right soon.
Man: Will you bandage it, too?
Nurse: Yes, of course. It has to be bandaged to prevent any sand or dirt contact with the
Man: Thank you.
Yoda 'speaks like Anglo-Saxon'

a videót itt nézheted meg:

Star Wars character Yoda's sentence structureis similar to old Anglo-Saxon, a linguistics
experthas said. Author David Crystal also says a number of characters in the Lord of the
Rings are excellent examples of non-standard English for children to study. In his book The
Stories of English, the academic even discusses the effect on pronunciation of the BBC and
on vocabulary by the Sun. He said he wanted to attack purists who would not tolerate non-
standard English.

'Devil speaks Queen's English'

Mr Crystal, a professor of linguistics at Reading University for 20 years, said Yoda - a Jedi
master in the Star Wars films - was a good way to get children interested in how preferences
in English word order changed from the Anglo-Saxon era to that of Middle English.

He told BBC News Online: "It is a nice example if you want to persuade kids and get them
interested - if you say Yoda did it they are all ears.

"It is a clever little trick on George Lucas's part to get an effect. He reverses the order: 'full
of the force I am'. The end of the sentence comes at the beginning."

The author also contrasted the standard English spoken by some of the characters in Lord of
the Rings, such as Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, with the non-standard English, containing slang
and dialect, spoken by others.

"Normally in fantasy and science fiction you don't get variety of English.

"The devil speaks standard English, the fairies do, everybody does. In sci-fi, you go out to a
different planet and you meet aliens, but they speak standard English.
"Sam Gamgee speaks non-standard English, Gollum speaks a weirdnon-standard English.
Tolkein is special."

Mr Crystal said his mission was for non-standard English to be recognised.

"The history of English is a history of the non-standard language.

"The people I'm attacking are the purists who say language should never change and be 'like it
was when I was a lad'. The message should be that we welcome diversity."

alien– földönkívüli
Anglo-Saxon – angolszász
at the beginning - kezdetben
author - szerző
devil – gonosz, ördög
dialect - dialektus
diversity - különbözőség
effect on sth – valamire gyakorolt hatás
excellent - kitűnő
fairy - tündér
lad – ifjú, legény
linguistics expert – nyelvész szakértő
message - üzenet
planet - bolygó
preference - kedvezmény, előny, előnyben részesítés
pronunciation - kiejtés
purist - purista
sentence structure - mondatszerkezet
slang - szleng
spoken by others – mások által beszélt
to attack - megtámad
to be similar to sth – hasonló valamihez
to contrast sth with sth – valakivel ellentétben
to discuss – megvitat, vitat
to get an effect – hatást gyakorolni
to get children interested in sth – gyerekeket érdekeltté tenni valamibe
to persuade - meggyőz
to recognise - felismer
to reverse the order – megfordítja a sorrendet
trick - trükk
weird - furcsa
word order - szórend
TREES (2012 majus)
GARDEN TOOLS (2012 majus)

Do you like music?

Can you play any musical instruments?

There are many different styles of music, for example:

chamber music, blues, heavy metal, folk, jazz, soul, pop and country music.

What style of music do you like?

What style of music do you think the people in the pictures are playing?

pop/rock music folk music classical music blues opera

pop/rock zene népzene klasszikus zene blue opera

............................... ............................... ...............................

............................... ...............................

Music can be:

chamber music kamarazene loud music hangos zene

classical music klasszikus zene modern music modern zene
country music country zene pop/rock music pop/rock zene
folk music népzene peaceful music békés zene
jazz music jazz relaxing music nyugtató zene
live music élő zene deafening music süketítő zene
Instruments of an orchestra:

There are 4 different sections in an orchestra:

strings húros hangszerek

woodwind fafúvós hagnszerek
brass rézfúvós hangszerek
percussion ütős hangszerek

Which section do these instruments belong to?

violin hegedű
viola brácsa
cello cselló
double bass nagybőgő
harp hárfa
French horn francia kürt
trombone harsona
trumpet trombita
tuba tuba
oboe oboa
clarinet klarinét
bassoon fagott
flute fuvola

piano conductor opera singer

zongora karmester operaénekes
Karake: ABBA
Light your fire! (2012 majus)
by Peter Gyorgy Farago

A music contest that has more than 100 million viewers around
the world. This is Eurovision Song Contest (ESC)! This year the
event is held in Baku, Azerbaijan, as last year Azerbaijan won
the competition with Eldar & Nigar's song "Running Scared".

In 2012, the 42 participating countries will perform in the two

semi-finals on 22 May and 24 May, and the qualified
contestants will appear again in the Grand Final on 26 May.

The venue, Baku Crystal Hall, is a newly-built arena, situated close to the seaside. But don’t
worry, if you can’t be there personally, you can still follow the show on the Hungarian
Television Channel 1 (m1) or online, on the official website of the song contest.

To select the Hungarian participant of the event, the Hungarian Television held a national
contest “A Dal”. The electronic rock band Compact Disco won the competition, so this year
they are representing our country in Baku with their song Sound of Our Hearts, written and
composed by Gábor Pál, Attila Sándor, Csaba Walkó and Lotfi Behnam.

The four-member band has been performing and recording music together since 2005. Now
they are one of the most popular acts in Hungary. They have released two albums (Stereoid,
II), singles and a lot of remixes so far. In 2011, they won the Fonogram Awards (Best
Performance in Electronic Music) and the MTV Europe Music Awards (Best Local Artist -
Hungary) with their electronic acts.

contest - verseny
event - esemény
participating – résztvevő (melléknév)
to perform –előad, szerepel
semi-final - elődöntő
qualified - kvalifikált, tovább jutott
contestant - versenyző
to appear – megjelenik, fellép
venue – helyszín
newly-built – újonnan épített
situated - elhelyezkedik
participant – résztvevő (főnév)
to represent - képvisel
to compose – zenét szerez
to release – kiad (lemezt, zenét)

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Easter is a Christian holiday, when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
According to the Bible, Jesus has returned from the dead three days after his death on the
cross. Christians believe that Easter is the holiest day in the year, and is celebrated on the first
Sunday, following the first full moon, and the first day of spring. As part of the Easter season,
the death of Jesus Chris by crucifixion is commemorated on Good Friday, always the Friday
just before Easter. In Western Christianity Easter marks the ending of Lent, a 40-day period of
fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline in preparation for Easter. Lent begins
on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. spiritual discipline in preparation for Easter.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. Eastern Orthodox churches
observe Lent or Great Lent, during the 6 weeks or 40 days preceding Palm Sunday with
fasting continuing during the Holy Week of Easter. Lent for Eastern Orthodox churches
begins on Monday and Ash Wednesday is not observed.


Shrove Tuesday – húshagyó kedd

The day before the first day of the Christian period of Lent. In the UK, Shrove Tuesday is also
known as Pancake Day (or Pancake Tuesday to some people) because it is the one day of the
year when almost everyone eats a pancake.

Ash Wednesday – hamvazó szerda

The date of Ash Wednesday varies each year according to the date of Easter. It is always six-
and-a-half weeks before Easter. The earliest possible date of Ash Wednesday is 4 February
and the latest possible date is 10 March. Ash Wednesday is a Christian festival. It marks the
beginning of six and a half weeks of repentance, fasting and abstinence in preparation for the
most important Christian festival of Easter.

Palm Sunday – virágvasárnap

Palm Sunday is the sixth and last Sunday of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week. On Palm
Sunday Christians celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week
before his death and resurrection. Holy Week is the week before Easter, commemorating
events in the last days of Jesus' life on Earth. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter

Maundy Thursday – nagycsütörtök

The Thursday before Easter. Also referred to as "Holy Thursday" or "Great Thursday" in some
Christian denominations. Is the feast or holy day on the Thursday before Easter that
commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. During the meal Jesus
took bread and wine and shared them with his disciples. Christians continue to share bread
and wine as part of their worship in church.

THE LAST SUPPER: The Last Supper was probably a Passover meal – the meal which
Jewish people share together to celebrate the time when God delivered Moses and the people
from slavery in Egypt. The night of Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was
betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Good Friday – nagypéntek

The Friday before the Christian holiday of Easter, that Christians remember as the day Jesus
Christ wascrucified. On this day Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death
on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Easter Sunday (Easter Day)- húsvét vasárnap

The most holy of Christian sacred days. The day commemorates the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from his death by crucifixion. Christians gather together on Easter Sunday for a
Sunrise Service. This service takes place on a hill side so everyone can see the sun rise.

Easter Monday – húsvét hétfő

Easter Monday, another UK Public Holiday, has little religious significance but is the
occasion for numerous secular customs.

Ascension Day – áldozó csütörtök

On Good Friday, Jesus died on the cross. On Easter Sunday, he came back to life.
During the forty days which followed that first Easter, he kept appearing to his
followers.Ascension Day marks the last appearance of Jesus to the disciples after his
resurrection at Easter. The name 'ascension' comes from the accounts in the Bible in Mark's
Gospel and Luke's Gospel that tell of Jesus being taken up into heaven - he ascended.

according to … [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tuː] - … szerint

to believe [tu bɪˈliːv] - hinni
to celebrate [tu ˈselɪbreɪt] - ünnepel
full moon [fʊl muːn] - telihold
to commemorate [tu kəˈmeməreɪt] - megemlékezik, megünnepel
to observe [tə əbˈzɜːv] - megtart, megünnepel, megfigyel
ash [æʃ]- hamu
to vary [tu ˈveəri] - váltakozik, változik
festival [ˈfestɪvll ] - ünnep
to mark [tu mɑːk] - jelez, jelöl
in preparation for … [ɪn ˌprepəˈreɪʃnl fɔː] - …-ra/-re készülve
triumphal [traɪˈʌmfəl] - diadalmi, diadalmas
entry [ˈentri] - belépés, bevonulás
denomination [dɪˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃnl] - elnevezés
feast [fiːst] - lakoma, ünnep, ünnepség
to share [tu ʃeə] - oszt, megoszt
to deliver [tu dɪˈlɪvə] - szállít, átad
slavery [ˈsleɪvəri] - rabszolgaság
to betray [tu bɪˈtreɪ] - elárul, cserbenhagy
suffering [ˈsʌfərɪŋ] - szenvedés
significance [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns] - jelentés
occasion for … [əˈkeɪʒnl fɔː] - …-ra való alkalom
to appear [tə əˈpɪə] - megjelenik
follower [ˈfɒləʊə] - követő
appearance [əˈpɪərəns] - megjelenés, jelenés
PANCAKE DAY (2012 apr)

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash
Wednesday. Lent - the 40 days leading up to Easter - was traditionally a time of fasting and
on Shrove Tuesday Christians went to confession and were "shriven" (absolved from their
sins). It was the last opportunity to use eggs and fats before embarking on the Lenten fast
and pancakes are the perfect way of using up these ingredients.

A thin, flat cake, made of batter and baked on a griddle or fried in a pan, the pancake has a
very long history and featured in cookbooks as far back as 1439. The tradition of tossing or
flipping them is almost as old.

Certainly these days part of the fun of cooking pancakes is in the tossing. To toss a pancake
successfully takes a combination of the perfect pancake and good technique - it's so easy to
get it wrong and end up with half the pancake still stuck to the pan while the other half is
stuck to the ceiling or floor. All in all, it's probably best to practise a few times without an

In the UK, pancake races also form an important part of the Shrove Tuesday celebrations -
an opportunity for large numbers of people to race down the streets tossing pancakes.

source: BBC

all in all [ɔːl ɪn ɔːl] - összességében, végül is

batter [ˈbætə] - tészta (nyers)
ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] - plafon
combination [ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən] - kombináció, elegy
cookbook [ˈkʊkbʊk] - szakácskönyv
fasting [ˈfɑːstɪŋ] - koplalás
feast [fiːst] - ünnep
flat [flæt] - lapos
floor [flɔː] - padló
griddle [ˈɡrɪdəl] - serpenyő
ingredients [ɪnˈɡriːdɪənts] - hozzávalók
lent on Ash Wednesday [lent ɒn ˌæʃ ˈwenzdeɪ] - böjt, nagyböjt
probably [ˈprɒbəbli] - valószínűleg
races [ˈreɪsɪz] - gyorsasági verseny, futam
shriven [ˈʃrɪvən] - gyóntatás
shrove Tuesday [ʃrəʊv ˈtjuːzdi] - húshagyó kedd
sin [sɪn] - bűn
successful [səkˈsesfəli] - sikeresen
thin [θɪn] - vékony
to be absolved from the sins [tə bi əbˈzɒlvd frəm ðə sɪnz] - feláldoz a bűnök alól
to be stuck to sth [tə bi stʌk tə ] - valamihez hozzáragadva lenni
to embark [tu ɪmˈbɑːk] - beszáll, hajóra száll, nekifog
to be featured [tə bi ˈfiːtʃəd] - kiemelt helyen szerepel
to flip [tə flɪp] - feldob
to form an important part of sth [tə ˈfɔːm ən ɪmˈpɔːtnt pɑːt əv ] - fontos részét képezni
to fry [tə fraɪ] - forró zsiradékban kisüt
to toss [tə tɒs] - feldob (és megpörget a levegőben)
traditional [trəˈdɪʃənəl] - hagyományos

Pancake Day video

a videót itt tudod megnézni:


Of all the symbols associated with Easter the egg, the symbol of fertility and
new life, is the most identifiable. The customs and traditions of using eggs have
been associated with Easter for centuries. Originally Easter eggs were painted
with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-
egg rolling contests or given as gifts. In medieval time eggs were traditionally
given at Easter to the servants. In Germany eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.

The first eggs given at Easter were birds’ eggs. These eggs were painted in bright colours to give them
further meaning as a gift. As chocolate became more wide spread in the 20th Century, a chocolate
version of the traditional painted egg was developed. The size of the chocolate egg has grown over the
years and is now more likely to be the size of an ostrich egg rather than a small bird’s egg. Chocolate
eggs are given to children. The eggs are either hollow or have a filling, and are usually covered with
brightly coloured silver paper.


Pace Eggs are hard boiled eggs with patterned shells, they are traditional in northern parts of England
at Easter, with local variants in the name, such as Paste Eggs. Its name is derived from Pesach
(Passover). Pace Eggs’ background colour is provided by onion skins with designs created by leaves
and flowers placed next to the shell.


An Easter egg hunt is a common festive activity, where eggs are hidden outdoors (or indoors if in bad
weather) for children to run around and find. This may also be a contestto see who can collect the most


Egg rolling is very popular in both England and the USA. Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill.
Customs differ from place to place. The winner's egg may be the one that rolls the farthest, survives
the most rolls, or is rolled between two pegs.

custom - szokás
tradition - hagyomány
symbol - szimbólum
associated with ... - valamivel összefüggésbe hozható
fertility - termékenység
identifiable - felismerhető, beazonosítható
presidential - elnöki
murky - homályos, sötét
to peeve - bosszant, idegesít
to nix something - megvétőz valamit

itt hallgathatod meg a leckét:

The post office is an important place in every village, city or town. People go to the post
office to send letters and packages and to buy stamps and money orders. Many post offices
also have P.O. boxes where you can receive letters. A mailman or a mailwoman or postman or
a postwoman is an employee of the post office or postal service, who delivers mails and
parcel posts to residences and businesses.

post office – posta

to sendletters – leveleket küldeni
package – csomag
stamp – bélyeg
money order – pénzesutalvány
P.O. box – postafiók
to receive letters – levelet kapni
mailman/postman – postás
mailwoman/postwoman – postásnő
employee of the post office – postai alkalmazott
postal service – postai szolgáltatás
delivery – kézbesítés
mail – postai küldemény
parcel post – csomagküldemény


Buying stamps - Bélyegvásárlás:

Air mail – Legiposta:

Sending a parcel - Csomagküldés:

Sending a letter - Levélküldés:


A telegram is a message sent by telegraph. The first telegraph was sent more than 150 years
ago. The prototype of the telegraph was demonstrated by Joseph Henry in 1830. This
device was refined and developed by Samuel F. B. Morse. On May 1, 1844, the first official
telegraph message was sent. The telegraph was one of the two most important technological
advances that contributed to U.S. settlement of North America west of the Mississippi
River. (The other was the railroad.)

The telegraph is still occasionally used for communication, but the Internet and the telephone
are employed far more often.

Western Union, a U.S. based financial and communications service company, was founded
in the 1850s to take advantage of the then new technology. Since then, Western Union
conveyed telegrams all over the world. However, as the Internet and e-mail have become
increasingly prevalent around the globe, the telegram has been less frequently used and
considered more and more anachronistic. In January 2006, Western Union announced on
the Internet that it would no longer be sending telegrams.

message– üzenet
prototype – prototípus
to be demonstrated – bemutatva lenni
device – berendezés, eszköz
to refine - finomít
to develop – fejleszt
official - hivatalos
technological advances – technikai vívmányok
to contribute – hozzájárul
settlement – gyarmat, település
railroad – vasút
occasionally – esetenként
to employ – alkalmaz
financial – pénzügyi
to be founded – alapítva lenni
to take advantage – előnyt szerez
to convey – hord, szállít, átad
however – ennek ellenére
increasingly – egyre növekvően
prevalent – gyakori, elterjedt
frequently – gyakorta, gyakran
to be considered – valamit valaminek tartanak
anachronistic - korszerűtlen
to announce – bejelent


az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Are you ready to order? - Tudják már mit szeretnének?

Would you like anything to drink? - Szeretne/Szeretnének valamit inni?
Anything else? - Még valamit?
Sure. - Persze.
Certainly. - Természetesen.
What would you like for the main course? - Mit szeretne főételként fogyasztani?
I´m afraid we’ve run out of … - Sajnos elfogyott a ….-unk.
Here you are. - Tessék, itt van.
Excellent choice! - Remek választás.
May I help you? - Segíthetek?
We´re pretty busy today. - Eléggé teltház van ma.
Thank you for choosing ……….. Restaurant. - Köszönjük, hogy a … éttermet választotta.
Do you have a reservation? - Foglalt asztalt?
Would you like a smoking or a non-smoking table? - Dohányzó vagy nem dohányzó asztalt
Follow me, please. Here is your table. - Kövessen, kérem. Itt az asztala/asztaluk.
I´m sorry, that table is already reserved. - Sajnálom, az az asztal már foglalt.
Would you like coffee? - Szeretne/Szeretnének kávét?
I´ll ask in the kitchen. - Megkérdezem a konyhát.
I´m so sorry, Sir. I´m afraid the orders got mixed up. - Sajnálom uram. Összekeveredtek a
I´ll get you a …………………. right away. - Máris hozom a …-ját!
I´ll get your bill immediately. - Azonnal hozom a számláját!
May I have your name and room charge card? - Elkérhetném a nevét és a szobájának a
Would you like to sign here? - Aláírná itt kérem?
May I suggest something? - Ajánlhatok valamit?
Endangered and Extinct Species (2012 marc)

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Almost all of us know that there are many animals and plants today that could die out in the
near future. We also know that many species are already extinct. Unfortunately, it is possible
that many of our present world’s endangered species will also disappear if we do not pay
more attention to saving them. In order to survive they need our protection, but first of all, we
need to know about them.

Extinct animals are the animals that are no longer alive. Prehistoric animals fall into this
category. A large number of them died out because of natural disasters or environmental
changes such as changes in climate. Dinosaurs and the animals that lived in their time
disappeared at least 65 million years ago. Sadly, there are also some more modern age animals
that also no longer live on our planet. An example is the dodo bird that was hunted down for
food and the Tasmanian tiger.

Today biologists say that at least three animal and plant species become extinct every day.

Endangered animals are the animals that exist only in small numbers and they could become
extinct in a very short period of time. Apart from these highly endangered animals, there are
also some that face serious problems but if they are protected in time, they can be saved at
present. They are not in immediate danger of extinction.

The existence of these animals is in danger for various reasons, but the general danger they
face comes from us, humans. One of the main reasons is that we destroy their habitat so
quickly that the animals do not have time to adapt to the changes and they cannot survive. As
the human population rises, the animals have less and less space to live in. We build more
homes, shopping centers and take wood, oil and other products from their land. If they are left
with nowhere to live and nothing to eat, it is not surprising that some of them can only survive
in the cages we build for them in zoos or the luckier ones in nature reserves.

Another reason is that humans introduce exotic foreign species into new habitats and the new
and the local animals cannot live next to each other. Humans can also cause harm when they
try to save a species and do not think of other animals living in the same environment. When
the protected animal population jumps suddenly, the others can be put at risk because it can
affect the food chain. The trade in animal parts is also a great source of danger to certain
species. In several parts of Asia, for example, there is a strong market for traditional
medicines made from tiger bone and rhinoceros horn.

We, humans are also responsible for endangering animals by poaching, polluting the
environment and overcollecting certain species. If nothing is done against these serious
actions against our animals, the list of extinct species will keep growing day by day.

species [ˈspiːʃiːz] - fajok

extinct [ɪkˈstɪŋt] - kihalt
endangered [ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd] - veszélyeztetett
prehistoric [ˌpriːhɪˈstɒrɪk] - őskori
natural disasters [ˈnætʃrəl dɪˈzɑːstəz] - természeti katasztrófák
environmental changes [ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmentll ˈtʃeɪndʒɪz] - környezeti változások
immediate [ɪˈmiːdɪət] - azonnali
existence [ɪɡˈzɪstəns] - létezés
habitat [ˈhæbɪtæt] - élőhely
to adapt [tə əˈdæpt] - alkalmazkodik
nature reserves [ˈneɪtʃə rɪˈzɜːvz] - természetvédelmi terület
to put at risk [tu pʊt ət rɪsk] - veszélynek kitesz
to affect [tə əˈfekt] - hatással van valamire
food chain [fuːd tʃeɪn] - tápláléklánc
poaching [ˈpəʊtʃɪŋ] - orvvadászat
polluting [pəˈluːtɪŋ] - szennyezés
How many animals do you know that are in danger of extinction?

Siberian tiger

There are less than 200 Siberian tigers, and they live in nature reserves.
The Siberian tiger has nearly died out because poachers killed the
animals for their skin and meat. They are also in danger because losing
their habitat.

Loggerhead Turtle

This is quite a common turtle that lives in the Mediterranean and in the
Black Sea and can also be found in the Atlantic Ocean. It is in serious
danger. It is not only hunted for its meat and eggs, but it also gets
caught in fishing nets. What’s more, in Turkey huge hotels are built
directly on its breeding ground.

Jackass penguin

The Jackass penguin is one of the ten most endangered species in the
world. This penguin used to live in very large numbers in South Africa,
but today it is constantly in danger because of oil spills and pollution.

Black rhinoceros

Today there are less than 2500 black rhinos left in the world. Living in
West Africa, they are mainly victims of poaching, as there is still a
great demand for their horns.

Yangtze River dolphin

This fresh water dolphin lives in Eastern China’s busiest waterway. This dolphin is
endangered by the pollution of the river.

Bactrian camel

There are less than 1000 of these Gobi desert camels left in the
world. It is a two-humped camel with long, narrow nostrils that the
camel can close in sandstorms. It also has two rows of eyelashes to
protect its eyes. Although it used to live in a very harsh environment, the loss of habitat and
hunting has almost made it extinct.


Africa’s most endangered antelope is dying out because of poaching and

loss of habitat. There are only 600 of them left in eastern Africa.

Great apes of Africa and Asia

Gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos that live in African regions are hunted for commercial
meat trade. In Asia, deforestation and construction are the main causes
why the orangutans are in danger.

Apart from the listed animals, polar bears, pandas, koalas, cheetahs,
snow leopards and grizzly bears can also become extinct in the near

nature reserve – természetvédelmi terület

to die out - kihal
poacher - orvvadász
in danger - veszélyben
habitat - élőhely
common - megszokott, egyszerű
to be hunted for – vadásznak rá valami miatt
to get caught – megfogják, elejtik (vadat)
fishing net- halászháló
breeding ground - tenyészterület
constantly - állandóan
oil spill - olajfolt
pollution - környezetszennyezés
mainly - főként
victim of – valaminek az áldozata
great demand for – nagy igény valami iránt
horn - szarv
fresh-water - édesvíz
two-humped - kétpupú
nostril - orrlyuk
eyelashes - szempilla
to protect - véd
harsh environment – durva/kegyetlen környezet
extinct - kihalt
commercial - kereskedelmi
deforestation - erdőírtás
cheetah - gepárd

1) Match the endangered animals with the dangers:

1) koala a) global warming

2) grizzly bear b) hunted for fur

3) cheetah c) habitat destruction

4) panda d) mistaken for legal game

5) polar bear e) fire, disasters

2) Choose the right word:

a) The world’s endangered/ dangerous species are in danger of dying out.

b) Many animals are threatened/ in danger with distinction/ extinction.

c) Collectors and poachers already treat/ threaten thousands of species.

d) Thousands of raw/ rare animals are sold to collectors/ gatherers even on the

3) Match the animals with the reason for hunting or capturing it:

1) elephant (2x) a) skin handbag

2) fox b) medicine from body part

3) crocodile c) ivory bracelets

4) rhino d) for pet

5) chimpanzee e) leather foot stool

6) tiger f) meat

g) fur coa


I/ 1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a

II/ endangered, threatened, extinction, threaten, rare, collectors
III/ 1-c, 1-e, 2-g, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d, 6-f

a cikkhez tartozó videót itt nézheted meg:

When Yuri Khudi, reindeer herder and hunter noticed the animal body parts sticking out from
the snow, he thought he had found a dead reindeer. However, his discovery proved to be
much more significant. The dead animal turned out to be the remains of a frozen baby
mammoth, which the north-west Siberian ground had preserved for thousands of years.
Scientists were called in and the female calf named Lyuba after the hunter’s wife was
transported to the regional capital of Salekhard. Further examination showed that Lyuba
weighs 50 kg, is 85 centimeters high and 130 centimeters from trunk to tail. She had been
lying in the frozen ground for at least 10, 000 years after her death at about one month of age.
The deputy director of the Russian Academy of Science's Zoological Institute, Alexei
Tikhonov told reporters that the mammoth’s remarkable condition may serve as a potential
base for future genetic, molecular and microbiological studies.

The outer shaggy fur was missing, its nails and parts of an ear were gone, and the tail had
been bit off, but the rest of its body was undamaged. The unique skin conditions protected the
internal organs from modern microbes and micro-organisms. In fact, scientists have even
been able to identify milk from her mother in her stomach.

Scientists say that it’s possible that Lyuba drowned in a mud-slide and the clay-like
substance preserved her in such an extraordinary state. Lyuba’s unique skin conditions
explain why many scientists believe that she is the world’s most valuable discovery.
Scientists hope that they can clone the mammoth in the near future. This is because the woolly
mammoth shares 99.4 % of its DNA with its closest living relative, the Asian elephant. What’s
more, the mammoth genome was the first genome that scientists have reconstructed from an
extinct animal.

Tikhonov personally does not think that the cloning will be successful because Lyuba’s body
was protected by the freezing conditions, in which cells usually burst. However, cells need to
be whole for cloning. Others are still optimistic and have not given up hope to bring the
mammoths back from the dead. One way would be to create a hybrid by injecting mammoth
sperm into the egg of a relative, the Asian elephant. Another way would be to fuse the
nucleus of a mammoth cell with an elephant egg cell without its DNA.

Lyuba’s adventurous modern-age life has just begun. One of the first stops on her journey
around the world was St Petersburg. There she was displayed with Dima, a male baby
mammoth discovered in Russia’s far-eastern Magadan in 1977. Various exhibitions and
researches will follow until she is finally taken back to her home museum in Salekhard.
Lyuba’s discovery is not only important because it might bring the mammoths back to life, but
also because she may be the key to solving many questions about this extinct animal and what
caused its disappearance from earth.

to prove [tu pruːv] - bizonyít, bizonyul

significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] – jelentős
remains [rɪˈmeɪnz] – maradványok
preserved [prɪˈzɜːvd] - ép,sértetlen
calf [kɑːf] – borjú
trunk [trʌŋk] - ormány, törzs
remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbll ] - kiemelkedő, figyelemre méltó
shaggy [ˈʃæɡi] – bozontos
internal organs [ɪnˈtɜːnll ˈɔːɡənz] - belső szervek
mud-slide [ˈmədslaɪd] – sárlavina
clay-like substance [kleɪ laɪk ˈsʌbstəns] - agyagszerű anyag
extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔːdnlri] – rendkívüli
valuable [ˈvæljʊəbll ] – értékes
genome [ˈdʒiːnəʊm] – génállomány
reconstructed [ˌriːkənˈstrʌktɪd] - újraépít, újraszerkeszt
extinct [ɪkˈstɪŋt] – kihalt
cell [sel] – sejt
to burst [tu bɜːst] - durran, fakad
to give up hope [tu ɡɪv ʌp həʊp] - feladja a reményt
egg [eɡ] – petesejt
to fuse [tu fjuːz] – fuzionál
nucleus ˈ[njuːklɪəs] - sejtmag
The Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-1849 (2012 marc)

On March 15th we commemorate the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of

1848-1849. This is also a public holiday in Hungary.

The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 was one of many revolutions that year and closely linked
to other revolutions of 1848 in the Habsburg areas. The revolution in the Kingdomof
Hungary grew into a war for independence from Habsburg rule.

Many of its leaders and participants, including Lajos Kossuth, István Széchenyi, Sándor
Petőfi, József Bem, are among the most respected national figures in Hungarian history, and
the anniversary of the revolution's outbreak, on March 15th , is one of Hungary's three
national holidays.

The Revolution started on March 15th in 1848, with bloodless events in Pest and Buda,
followed by various insurrections throughout the kingdom, which enabled Hungarian
reformists to declare Hungary's new government and the first Prime Minister of Hungary,
Lajos Batthyány.

The new government approved a sweeping reform package, referred to as the "April laws"
(also referred to as the "March Laws"), which essentially created a democratic political
system in Hungary. They also demanded that the Hungarian government receive and expend
all taxes raised in Hungary, and have authority over Hungarian regiments in the Habsburg

In the summer of 1848, aware that they were on the path to civil war, the Hungarian
government ministers attempted to gain Habsburg support against Conservative Josip
Jelačić. By the end of August, the imperial government in Vienna officially ordered the
Hungarian government in Pest to end plans for a Hungarian army. Jelačić then took military
action against the Hungarian government without any official order. War between Austria and
Hungary had officially begun.

Initially, the Hungarian forces (Honvédség) achieved several victories fighting with Austrian
armies (at Pákozd in September 1848 and at Isaszeg in April 1849). The war led to the
October Crisis in Vienna, when insurgents attacked a garrison on its way to Hungary to
support Jelačić's forces.

After Vienna was recaptured by imperial forces, General Windischgrätz and 70,000 troops
were sent to Hungary to crush the last challenge to the Austrian Empire. Julius Jacob von
Haynau, the leader of the Austrian army who then became governor of Hungary for a few
months of retribution, ordered the execution of 13 leaders of the Hungarian army in Arad
and the Prime Minister Batthyány in Pest.

to commemorate- megemlékezik
revolution - forradalom
war of independence - szabadságharc
public holiday – nemzeti ünnep
closely - szorosan
to be linked to – kapcsolódik valamihez
kingdom - királyság
to grow into – valamivé nő, fejlődik
Habsburg rule – Habsburg uralom
leader – vezető, vezér
participant - résztvevő
including - beleértve
respected - tisztelt
anniversary - évforduló
outbreak – kitörése valaminek
bloodless – vér nélküli
insurrection – felkelés, lázadás
throughout - mindenütt
to enable – lehetővé tesz
to declare – deklarál, kinyilatkoztat
government – kormány (országé)
to approve – helyesel, jóváhagy
sweeping – elsöprő, nagy lendületű
reform package - reformcsomag
referred to as – úgy nevezik
essentially - alapvetően
political system – politikai rendszer
to demand – igényel, követel
to expend - költ
authority – fennhatóság, hatalom
regiment - ezred
aware – felkészült, körültekintő, óvatos
on the path - úton
to attempt - megkísérel
to gain support – támogatást gyűjt
officially - hivatalosan
to take military action – katonai lépést tesz
initially - kezdetben
victory - győzelem
Sándor Petőfi: National Song (2012 marc)

a verset itt hallgathatod meg angolul:

On your feet now, Hungary calls you!

Now is the moment, nothing stalls you,
Shall we be slaves or men set free
That is the question, answer me!
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

Slaves we have been to this hour,

Our forefathers who fell from power
Fell free and lived as free men will,
On land that was their own to till,
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

Whoever now his life begrudges

Deserves his death with thieves and drudges,
For setting his own worthless hide
Above his country’s need and pride.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

The sword shines brighter than the fetters

It is the finery of our betters,
Of slaves and fetters we grow bored.
Leap to my side, ancestral sword.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

Magyars, once more our name and story

Shall match our ancestors’ in glory
The centuries of shame and hurt
Can now be washed away like dirt.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

And wheresoever we may perish

Grandchildren those graves shall cherish
Singing our praises in their prayers
To thank us that our names are theirs.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.
by Szirtes, George
St Patrick’s Day (2012 marc)

St. Patrick was an ordinary man who did extraordinary things in Ireland

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

The Story of Saint Patrick

Born in Wales to wealthy parents at the end of the 4th century, at the tender age of 16, young
Patrick was taken prisoner by a group of Irish raiders and whisked across the Irish Sea,
where he spent the next six years in captivity working as a lonely shepherd. His religion was
his solace, and so he became a devout Christian.

After six years, Patrick heard God’s voice telling him it was time to leave Ireland, so he
escaped from his captors and made his way back home. Here, he had another vision from an
angel who told him he should go back to preach Christianity to the Irish. After 14 years
studying to be a priest, Patrick returned to Ireland where he built churches and spread the
Christian faith for the next 30 years until his death on March 17th, 460AD.

St. Patrick is said to be buried in Down Cathedral in Downpatrick, County Down, Northern
Ireland. Since his death, March 17th has become the day set aside for spiritual renewal and
offering prayers for missionaries worldwide. A must-see for travellers, The Saint Patrick
Centre in Downpatrick, County Down is an award-winning visitor centre dedicated to
telling the story of St Patrick, and explores the full truth behind his amazing Christian
legacyusing interactive exhibitions and Imax presentations.

Down Cathedral was built on the ancient hill of Down in the 12th century, and has become a
place of pilgrimage for over 1500 years. People from across the globe travel to Down
Cathedral to leave wreathson the massive granite stone that marks St. Patrick’s Grave.
Traditionally, emigrants leaving Ireland took a handful of the ‘old sod’ with them from the
grave to remindthem of Ireland.
Behind the myths

Did St. Patrick really banish snakes from Ireland, how did he select the simple shamrock as
his emblem and why does the colour green symbolize Ireland and the Irish across the world?

Behind the myths of St Patrick

First, let’s tackle the snakes. Apart from our modern-day zoos, it’s true that there are no
snakes slithering around the green isle. But this has little to do with St. Patrick and probably
more to do with the fact that there have never been any indigenous snakes in Ireland. Driving
the snakes from Ireland was most likely symbolic of putting an end to pagan practices, which
disappeared from Ireland in the centuries after St. Patrick introduced the seeds of

Why do people wear green?

With 10 times the population of Ireland in the US claiming Irish ancestry, one in four Britons
doing the same, and countless more in other countries around the world, it seems that people
wishing to become ‘Irish for the day’ have opted for the green of the Irish flag to express
their Irishness. In fact, in the US, it’s not uncommon to spot folks sporting hand-drawn
shamrocks on their cheeks with streaks of green running through their hair. Some cities
like Chicago go all out and dye the entire Chicago River green just to mark the big day!

What about the Shamrock?

St. Patrick used this simple green herb to explain the concept of The Holy Trinity – The
Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit – and how they could all exist as separate elements of
the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.

And here’s something you mightn’t know...

The Irish didn’t always look so kindly on donning the colour green. Irish folklore considered
the colour unlucky as it was the favourite shade of the Good People – leprechauns. Those who
wore too much of the colour – especially children – could be stolen away. Some cynics may
tell you there are no such things as leprechauns, but there are those who beg to differ. True
believers will swear that if you take a stroll along a quiet country lane in Ireland, you can
actually hear the mischievous leprechauns giggling by the side of the road.


wealthy – gazdag, vagyonos

at the tender age of 16 – 16 éves zsenge korában
prisoner – rab
raider – fosztogató, támadó
to whisk - surran
in captivity – fogságban
solace – vigasz, megnyugvás
devout - ájtatos
to escape from – megszökni valahonnan
captor – fogvatartó
to preach - prédikál
priest – katolikus pap
faith – hit
to be buried – eltemetve lenni
to set aside – félretesz
spiritual renewal – szellemi megújulás
prayer – imádság
award-winning – díjnyertes
to be dedicated to – valaminek szentelve lenni
ancient – ókori
pilgrimage – zarándoklás
granite stone – gránitkő
a handful of – egy maroknyi
to banish - száműz
shamrock - lóhere
to tackle – megbirkózik, megold
apart from – valamitől eltekintve
slithering – csúszó-mászó
indigenous snake – benszülött, őshonos kígyó
pagan – pogány
to disappear – eltűnik
to claim – igényel, állít
ancestry – eredet, származás
countless – számtalan
to opt for – valamit választ
uncommon – nem megszokott
to spot – észrevesz
streak – csík, sáv
herb – gyógynövény
to exist – létezik
separate elements – külön elemek
entity – egység
follower – követő
custom – szokás
to don – feltesz, felvesz
to beg - könyörög
to differ – különbözik
to swear – esküszik
to take a stroll – járni egyet
mischievous - csintalan
to giggle - kuncog
The most common Irish Symbols (2012 marc)

The shamrock

The shamrock is undoubtedly the most identifiable symbol of

Ireland. Shamrock comes from the Irish Gaelic word Seamrog, a
word that refers to the plant's three leaves. Legend has it that
during a religious debate with the Druid priests, St. Patrick
plucked a shamrock to demonstrate the mysteries of the
Christian Trinity--three leaves held together by a single stem.
Whether or not this story is true, the shamrock is regarded as the
national plant of Ireland and always worn on St. Patrick's Day.

The Harp

The harp, of the small portable type played by Celtic

minstrels, is the oldest official symbol of Ireland.
Through not as recognizable as the shamrock, the harp is
widely used. It appears on Irish coins, the presidential
flag, state seals, uniforms, and official documents. But
the harp is most often associated with Guinness, which
adopted the harp as its trademark in 1862.

The Leprechaun

The legend of the leprechaun has never quite left

Ireland. Traditionally dressed in green with a cocked
hat and leather apron, he is about 2 feet tall and
possesses a pot of gold. If you can find a leprechaun
and keep him in your sight he must tell you where
the gold is. While many have claimed to see a
leprechaun (usually after a long day in the pub) his
existence has yet to be proven.
shamrock– lóhere
the most identifiable – a legjobban beazonosítható
to refer to – vonatkozik valamire
legend has it – az a legenda járja
to pluck - leszakít
to demonstrate – bemutat
to be regarded as – valamit tartanak valaminek
portable – hordozható
minstrel – költő, trubadúr
recognizable - felismerhető
to be associated with – valamivel összefüggésbe van hozva
trademark – védjegy
cocked hat – háromszögletű kalap
apron – kötény
in sight – látszik, látható

IRISH CUISINE (2012 marc)

Mutton stews, boiled pork, creamysalted butter, rich cheeses and potato make up the backbone of
Irish cookery, with modern Irish chefs adding sophistication to its simple style. Irish cuisine is not
complete without potato which was brought to Ireland from Peru in the 17th century.

There are many Irish dishes involving potatoes. Colcannon is a dish made of potato and one of wild
garlic (the earliest form), cabbage or curly kale. Champ consists of mashed potato into which
chopped scallions (spring onions) are mixed.

Other examples of simple Irish meals are Irish stew, and also bacon and cabbage (boiled together in
water). Boxty is another traditional dish. A dish mostly particular to Dublin is coddle, which involves
boiled pork sausages. Ireland is famous for the Irish breakfast, consisting mainly of pork, and may
include fried potato farls.

While seafood has always been consumed by Irish people, many shellfish dishes have increased in
popularity in recent times, especially due to the high quality of shellfish available from Ireland's
coastline, e.g. Dublin Bay Prawns, Oysters (many oyster festivals are held annually around the coast
where oysters are often served with Guinness, the most notable being held in Galway every
September ) as well as other crustaceans. Salmon and cod are perhaps the two most common types of
fish used.

Traditional Irish breads include soda bread, wheaten bread, soda farls, and blaa, a doughy white bread
roll particular to Waterford.

boiled- főtt
common - gyakori
creamy - krémes
crustacean - tengeri páncélos állatka pl rák vagy homár
cuisine - konyhaművészet
curly kale - kelkáposzta, fodorkel
due to sth - vminek köszönhetően
garlic - fokhagyma
in recent times - az utóbbi időkben
mashed potato - tört krumpli, krumpli pure
mutton - birkahús
notable - figyelemre méltó
oyster - osztriga
pork - disznóhús
quality - minőség
scallion - újhagyma
seafood - tengeri ételek, tenger gyümölcsei
sophistication - kifinomultság,
spring onion - újhagyma
stew - ragu, pörkölt
to add sth to sth - vmit hozzáadni vmihez
to be famous for sth - vmiről híresnek lenni
to consist of sth - vmiből áll
to consume - elfogyaszt
to increase in popularity - nő a népszerűsége
to involve - maga után von, magával hoz

Ross’s Tan - Ross csúnyán leég:) (2012


A Jóbarátok (Friends) sorozat egyik legviccesebb jelenete.

Monica:(entering) Hey!
Ross and Chandler: Hey!
Monica: (to Chandler) Hey sweetie! (they kiss)
Ross: (looking at Monica's legs) WOW!
Chandler: Hey! Stop staring at my wife's legs! No no! Stop staring at your sister's legs!
Ross: I'm sorry, it's just... how did you get so tan?
Chandler: She went on one of those spray-on tan places.
Ross: Eh, you got a spray-on tan?
Monica: Chandler gets pedicures!
Ross: (laughing) Why, why you do, like with the-the toe separators?
Chandler: (To Monica) Why...why?
Ross: Still, I can't believe that's sprayed on... I mean, it looks really good. I wonder if I should
get one!
Chandler: Sure, then you should get a mini skirt so you can really show it off.
Ross: So, do you get colours or just French tips?
Monica: There. Here's their card.
Ross: Thanks. (he takes the card) Hey, I know where this place is! It used to be an X-rated
(pauses when he realizes what he is saying) florist. (he goes away)

(Scene: At the tanning salon. Ross and a male assistant are walking through a hall)

Assistant:Alright Mr. Geller! Right this way! So, how dark do you wanna be? We have one,
two or three.
Ross: Well... I like how you look, what are you?
Assistant: Puerto Rican.
Ross: Two, I think a two.
Assistant: You've got to face the red light. When the red light goes on the spraying is about to
start so close your eyes. When the spraying stops, count to five. Pat yourself down to avoid
drip marks then turn around so we can get your back. Got it?
Ross: Spray, count, pat, then turn, spray, count and pat.
Assistant: Wow, you catch on quick.
Ross: Well, I have a PhD, so... (assistant walk out, not impressed by this statement)

(Ross takes his bathrobe off and he enters the tanning booth. He stands up in front of the red
light and the sprayer starts and sprays his face and torso)

Ross:One Mississipi, two Mississipi, Three Mis...(the sprayer starts again, spraying him in the
face and torso again) WAIT! WAIT! I'm not-I've not finished counting!! (he leaves the booth)
(the assistant enters the room)
Ross: You sprayed my front twice!
Assistant: You've never turned?
Ross: No, I barely even got to three Mississippi.
Assistant: Mississippi? I said count to five'!
Ross: Mississippilesly? (pause) Well, how bad is it?
Assistant: Ain't that bad yet, but it keeps getting darker for the next four hours.
Ross: So, how dark is it gonna get?
Assistant: You got sprayed with two two' s and...
Ross: I'm a four?
Assistant: Yeah, but you're back's a zero. You're gonna wanna even that out.
Ross: (sarcastically) Really!
Assistant: You might wanna get back in there.
Ross: (annoyed) Ok!

(The assistant leaves and Ross goes back in the spray-on tan booth and turns his back to the
spray nozzles, facing the back wall)

Ross:Wait, wait a minute, there's no light on the back wall! How do I know when it's gonna
start? Hello? (he slowly turns and the spraying begins, on his face) Ah, oh, ah! (he turns, but
then he turns again and is sprayed in the front again) Ah! (he spits and angrily goes out of the
spray-on tan booth and the assistant enters the room) The same thing happened again!
Assistant: You got two more twos?
Ross: (hysterically) I'm an eight!

(Chandler is at the table reading; Monica puts some food for him on the table. Ross walks in
looking very tanned. Chandler and Monica look up at him smiling.)

Chandler:Hold on! There is something different.

Ross: I went to that tanning place your wife suggested.
Chandler: Was that place... The Sun?
Ross: Oh! And it gets worse! (Turns his side to Chandler and Monica and pulls up his shirt.
There's a distinct line across his body, where his belly is very tanned and his back is very
Chandler: Oh My God! You can do a duet of Ebony and Ivory all by yourself!
Monica: How could you mess this up? It's so easy? You go into the booth, you count to five
and you turn around!!
Ross: (looks at her suspiciously) How do you count to five?
Monica: One Two Three...
Ross: (Yells) Damnit! (Goes to the door to leave. Rachel just enters, sees him and starts
Rachel: (laughing) oooh! Oh oh!
Ross: (Still yelling) I Know!
Rachel: oh oh! What is up with Miss Hawaiian Tropic?

(Glenda, who works here, and Ross are walking to the room with the spray-on tan booth.)

Glenda:Now, let me explain how this works. You go into the booth, and...
Ross: I'm gonna stop you right there, Glenda. Okay? Does it look like this is my first time,
huh? Now I want 4 two's... and I want them all on my back.
Glenda: (quietly) Okay...

(Ross enters the room, takes off his robe and enters the booth. He stands with his back to the
nozzles and then realises that this booth has nozzles at both sides of the wall)

Ross:Wait a minute, there's two sets of nozzles, which one is it?

(He turns around frantically from side to side.)

Ross:Which... which... which... Which one is it?

(He then stops turning, facing one of the nozzles, which starts spraying in this face and front


(He now turns to the other side, which also starts spraying his face and front.)

(Ross is reading a National Geographic on his sofa when Chandler knocks on the door.)

Chandler:Dude, it's Chandler. Let me in.

(Ross's face is now a VERY dark shade of brown.)

Ross:Go away! I don't want to see anybody.

Chandler: I know, I went to the tanning place and the same thing happened to me. You have
to let me in.
Ross: Really? Did you count Mississipily?

(Ross walks to the door and opens it.)

Ross:Dude, you're not tanned.

Chandler: No, I just had to get a picture of this.

(Chandler holds up a camera and takes Ross's picture.)

Chandler:I see you later!

(Ross closes the door)

angrily- mérgesen
bathrobe - fürdőköpeny
belly - has
booth - fülke
distinct line - megkülönböztető/elválasztó vonal
drip marks - cseppek nyomai
dude - haver, cimbi
florist - virágbolt
French tips - Francia manikűr
I wonder if ... - Azon gondolkodom, hogy vajon …
keeps getting darker - egyre sötétebb less
nozzle - fúvóka, szívócső
Son of a bitch! - K…va anyád!
spray-on tan - „felspriccelős” barnító
suspiciously - gyanakvóan
sweetie - édesem, drágám
tan - barnaság, lebarnulás
tanned - lebarnult
tanning salon - szolárium
to catch on quick - gyors a felfogása
to even out sth - kiegyenlít
to face sth - szembe nézni vmivel
to get colours (on nails) - kilakkoztatni a körmeit
to knock on the door - kopogni az ajtón
to pat oneself - megveregeti/megütögeti magát
to spit - köp
to stare - bámul
to suggest - javasol
toe separator - lábujj elválasztó (pedikűrözéshez)
torso - felsőtest
X-rated video - 18 éven felülieknek való film, pornófilm/szexfilm

Malcolm a beszélő kutya (2012 marc)

A brit My Hero sorozatból nézhetsz meg egy nagyon vicces jelenetet felirattal.

George: Ok, I’m ready.

Janet: What are you doing? That’s not dog.
George: No. Oh, sorry. I’ve slippedone. Right, I’ve got it. Hello. My name’s George. What’s
Dog: Bloody hell, no human’s ever spoken to me before.
George: Janet! We’re communicating!
Dog: Sorry, what did you ask me?
George: I asked you what’s your name?
Dog: Malcolm, but they keep calling me Biggles. I hate Biggles.
George: Janet! He says he hates being called Biggles. His real name is Malcolm.
Janet: Malcolm? What sort of name is that for a dog?
Dog: It’s better than bloody Biggles.
Janet: George! Ask him if he likes me!
George: Do you like Janet, Malcolm?
Dog: I think she’s beautiful. In fact I fancy her. I get excited when she touches me.
George: Yes. He’s certainly quite fond of you.
Janet: And I’m very fond of you, Lovely boy!
George: I wouldn’t do that too much, though! Do you like Ella and Stanley?
Dog: What do you think?
George: What’s wrong with them?
Dog: How long have you got? They took me away from my mother when I was only one
week old...and they made me wear this stupid coat. Other dogs think I’m gay.
George: I’m sure they don’t.
Dog: They do. Why do you think they keep sniffing my bottom?
George: Refuse to wear it. Assert yourself!
Dog: I’ll try. Thank you. You’re the best.
George: What a lovely dog! Janet, we really have to help this dog.
Janet: There’s someone at the door. It’s a dove, George. I think he wants to speak to you.

bloody- átkozott, francos

bottom - fenék
dove - gerle
ear - fül
gay - meleg, homoszexuális
hell - pokol
lovely - bájos, szeretetreméló
mission -küldetés
piece - darab
to assert oneself - kiáll az igazáért
to be committed to - elhivatottnak lenni vmi iránt
to be allowed to do sth - vkinek meg van engedve, hogy csináljon vmit
to be fond of sb - vkit imádni
to be thrilled about sth - oda lenni vmiért
to bond with sb - kötődni vkihez
to discover - felfedez, rájön
to fancy sb - oda lenni vkiért
to get excited - izgalomba jönni
to go on a mission to ... - küldetést vállalni, azért, hogy ...
to keep doing sth - vmit folyamatosan, megállás nélkül csinál
to offer - felajánl
to refuse - visszautasít
to reunite with sb - újra összehoz vkivel
to slip - kihagy véletlenül, megcsúszik
to sniff - szagol, szaglászik
to touch - megérint
to watch sb - vigyáz vkire

Friends: Ross with his new sofa (2012 marc)

Nóri 2010. szep. 16 10271 alkalommal 1 hozzászólás

Nézzük meg ezt a mókás jelenetet Ross új kanapéjáról!

[Scene: The lobby of Ross's building, he's sitting on the couch at the bottom of the stairs, and
he's practicing enticing women to join him on the couch.]

Ross:Come here to me. No-no, you come here to me.

Rachel: (entering) Hey Ross! I brought reinforcements.
Ross: Oh great! What, you brought Joey?
Rachel: Well, I brought the next best thing.
Chandler: (entering) Hey!
Ross: Chandler?! You brought Chandler?! The next best thing would be Monica!
Chandler: Y'know, I would be offended, but Monica is freakishly strong, so…
Ross: Look, I-I drew a sketch about how we're gonna do it. (Showing them) Okay Rach,
(points to the sketch) that's you. That's the couch. (Points again.)
Rachel: Whoa-oh, what's-what's that? (Points.)
Ross: Oh, that's me.
Rachel: Wow! You certainly think a lot of yourself.
Ross: No! That's-that's my arm!
Chandler: (looking at the sketch) Oh, I see. I thought you just really, really liked your new
Ross: Y'know what? Just-just follow my lead.

(Chandler and Ross head for opposite ends of the couch.)

Chandler: Okay.
Ross: Come on, Chandler.
(They pick up the couch and after throwing off the last pillow; Rachel helps out on Chandler's

Ross:All right. (They start up the stairs. Ross is first.) Okay, here we go!

(Chandler has moved forward and is now underneath the couch as it heads up the first set of

Ross:All right, ready?

Chandler: Yeah.
Ross: Turn.
Chandler: (straining) Okay.
Ross: Turn! Turn!

(As they turn the couch, Chandler gets sandwiched between the railing and the couch.)

Chandler:Okay, I don't think we can turn anymore!

Rachel: Ross, I don't, I just don't think it's going to fit.
Ross: Oh yeah it will! Come on, up! Up-up-up! Up! Yes! Here we go! Pivot! (They start up
the stairs again. Chandler is between the couch and the wall now.) Pivot! Piv-ot! Piv-et!! Piv-
ett!!! Piv-et!
Chandler: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!

(They set the couch down.)

Ross:Okay, I don't think it's going to pivot anymore.

Chandler and Rachel: You think?!
Ross: All right, let's uh, let's bring it back down and-and try again.

(As they start back down the couch drops a little bit and gets jammed. They try to free it to no

Chandler:Okay, yeah, I think it's really stuck now.

Ross: I can't believe that didn't work!
Rachel: I know, me neither! I mean, you had a sketch!
Chandler: Oh, y'know, what did you mean when you said pivot?

to entice- csábít, elcsábít

reinforcement - erősítés
freakishly - furcsamódon
to draw a sketch – vázlatot rajzol
pillow - párna
underneath - alatt
pivot - tengely
Shut up! – Pofa be!
Rém Rendes Család (2012 apr)

Vicces jelenet a Rém Rendes családból (Married with children) angol feliratokkal.

Kelly:Mom, you know what I’m thinking?

Peggy: That we should go upstairs and split up Marcy’s shoes?
Kelly: No. I was just wondering what I was thinking but I forgot.

Bud:Hi, Dad! This is Petal.

Petal: It’s part of a flower.
Bud: Isn’t she great? I met her at quantum physics. Hold my calls.
Al: There never are any, son.
Bud: Never mind that now, Dad. See you tomorrow.
Al: Hey, young Lady! You do realize that that’s my son’s bedroom you’re going to?
Petal: Yes.

Petal:Hey! Nice shoes!

Bud: Dad, don’t!

Kelly: Come on, Bud! Get over it! What is one girl in the grand scheme of your life? Just
your only chance! Oh, come on! You’re not a lonely mess! I myself have never had a woman,
and I’m fine. And neither has mom.
Peggy: … and lately, neither has your father!

upstairs - fel, fent (emeleten)

to split up - hasogat, szétszaggat
to wonder - elmélkedik
quantum physics - kvantum fizika
to hold a call - tartani a telefonhívást
to realize - rájön, felismer
to get over sth - túlteszi magát vmin, túljut vmin
grand - nagy, előkelő
scheme - terv, elrendezés, cselszövés
chance - esély
lonely - magányos
mess - zűrzavar, rendetlenség
lately - utóbbi időben
neither ... - ...sem
a videót itt nézheted meg:

Hello, hello, baby;

You called, I can't hear a thing.
I have got no service
in the club, you see, see…
Wha-Wha-What did you say?
Oh, you're breaking up on me…
Sorry, I cannot hear you,
I'm kinda busy.

K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy.

Just a second,
it's my favorite song they're gonna play
And I cannot text you with
a drink in my hand, eh…
You shoulda made some plans with me,
you knew that I was free.
And now you won't stop calling me;
I'm kinda busy.

Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Can call all you want,

but there's no one home,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

Call when you want,

but there's no one home,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!


Boy, the way you blowin' up my phone

won't make me leave no faster.
Put my coat on faster,
leave my girls no faster.
I shoulda left my phone at home,
'cause this is a disaster!
Callin' like a collector -
sorry, I cannot answer!

Not that I don't like you,

I'm just at a party.
And I am sick and tired
of my phone r-ringing.
Sometimes I feel like
I live in Grand Central Station.
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls,
'cause I'll be dancin'.

'Cause I'll be dancin'

'Cause I'll be dancin'
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause I'll be dancin'!

Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.

Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Can call all you want,

but there's no one home,
you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

Call when you want,

but there's no one home,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

We're sorry… the number you have reached is not in service at this time.
Please check the number, or try your call again.



You called. – Hívtál.

I can’t hear a thing. – Nem hallok semmit.
I have got no service. – Nincs szolgáltató (magyarul nincs térerő).
What did you say? – Mit mondtál?
I’m kinda busy. – Nem nagyon érek most rá.
Sorry, I cannot hear you. – Sajnálom, de nem hallak.
I cannot text you. – Nem tudok SMS-t írni neked.
You’re not gonna reach my telephone. – Nem fogod elérni a telefonomat.
Tonight I’m not taking (no) calls. – Ma este nem fogadok hívásokat.
We're sorry… the number you have reached is not in service at this time. – Az Ön által hívott szám jelenleg
nem kapcsolható.
Please check the number, or try your call again. – Kérjük ellenőrizze a hívott számot, vagy próbálja meg
később a hívást.


to break up on somebody – szakítani valakivel

to sip – kortyolganti
bub – peszgő (szleng)
to blow up – felrobbant
disaster – katasztrófa
to be sick and tired of - totál elege van valamiből

ALL ABOUT HORSES 1. (2012 febr)

seat side saddle horseshoe bit riding crop

ülés női nyereg patkó zabla lovaglópálca


filly colt foal stallion mare

kancacsikó csikó (hím) csikó csődör kanca

horse race steeplechase harness race

lóverseny akadályverseny kocsihajtás

rodeo showjumping carriage race

rodeó díjugratás fogathajtás

trekking dressage polo

túralovaglás díjlovaglás lovaspóló

walk – séta
canter – könnyű vágta
trot – ügetés
gallop – vágta
jump – ugratás
halter – kötőfék
stable – istálló
groom – lovász
paddock – kifutó
arena – lovarda
flat race – síkfutás


a videót itt nézheted meg:


I feel these four walls closing in

Face up against the glass
I'm looking out, hmmm
Is this my life I'm wondering
It happened so fast
How do I turn this thing around
Is this the bed I chose to make
There's greener pastures I'm thinking about
Hmm, wide open spaces far away

All I want is the wind in my hair

To face the fear but notfeel scared
wild horses I wanna be like you
Throwing caution to the wind, I'll run free too
Wish I could recklessly love like I'm longing to
I wanna run with the wild horses
Run with the wild horses, oh

whoahh Yeah, oh oh, ye-yeah

I see the girl I wanna be

Riding bare-back, carefree
Along the shore
If only that someone was me
Jumping head-first, head-long
Without a thought
To act and damn the consequence
How I wish it could be that easy
But fear surrounds me like a fence
I wanna break free
All I want is the wind in my hair
To face the fear, but not feel scared

Oooh, wild horses I wanna be like you

Throwing caution to the wind, I'll run free too
Wish I could recklessly love like I'm longing to
I wanna run with the wild horses
Run with the wild horses, oh

I wanna run too.

ohhh ohhh

recklessly abandoning myself before you

I wanna open up my heart tell him how I feel

woah woah

Wild horses I wanna be like you

Throwing caution to the wind
I'll run free too
Wish I could recklessly love, like I'm longing too
I wanna run with the wild horses,
run with the wild horses, run with the wild horses

ohh woah ohh woah


I wanna run with the wild horses**********

to close in [tə kləʊz ɪn] - bezár
to look out [tə lʊk aʊt] – kinéz (Look out! – Vigyázz! – van egy ilyen jelentése is)
I’m wondering [aɪm ˈwʌndərɪŋ] – Azon elmélkedem/Szeretném tudni
to turn around [tə tɜːn əˈraʊnd] – megfordít, megfordul
to make the bed [tə meɪk ðə bed] - beágyazni
pasture [ˈpɑːstʃə] - legelő
to think about [tə θɪŋk əˈbaʊt] – gondolkodni valamiről
wide open space [waɪd ˈəʊpən speɪs] – nagy tág/nyílt tér
to face the fear [tə feɪs ðə fɪə] – szembenézni a félelemmel
to feel scared [tə fiːl skeəd] – félni, félelmet érezni
to throw caution to the wind [tə ˈθrəʊ ˈkɔːʃən tə ðə wɪnd] - elővigyázatossággal nem törődik
recklessly [ˈrekləsli] - vakmerően
to long to [tə lɒŋ tuː] – vágyik valamire
to ride bare-back [tə raɪd ˈbeəbæk] – nyereg nélkül üli meg a lovat
carefree [ˈkeəfriː] - gondtalanul
shore [ʃɔː] - part
without a thought [wɪðˈaʊt ə ˈθɔːt] – gondolat nélkül
to damn [tə dæm] – elátkoz, elítél
consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] - következmény
to surround [tə səˈraʊnd] - körülvesz
fence [fens] - kerítés
to abandon [tu əˈbændən] – elhagy, magára hagy


az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

One of the things I miss most about London, are the bookmaker shops. On a Saturday
afternoon I would go into one of these bookie shops and bet on the football and the horse
racing, then to the pub for a pint of Guinness and to watch the races on television. So here are
some sports involving horses.

Horse Racing – Turf and Harness Racing

Horse racing is a multi-million pound industry where horses can be bought and sold for very
high prices. It is also at the heart of a very profitable gambling industry. People can gamble on
course, in bookmaker shops or online. It is sometimes called the sport of kings.
The turf(lóverseny) is a speed race on a track where jockeys ride horses, usually at a gallop,
while harness racing (fogathajtás) is a speed race on a track for trotters or standard bred
pacers harnessed to sulkies.

National Hunt Racing

This type of racing takes place over fences and hurdles. Hurdles are small fences which are
easier for horses to jump. They are run over many distances and courses. A course is another
name for a race track.

The biggest race in England takes place at the Aintree course in Liverpool. The race was
first run in 1836. Nowadays it is one of the most important events on the British sporting
calendar. The race will take place this year on the 10 th of April. The race is run over 7km and
involves the horses jumping 30 fences; some are about 2 metres high. About forty horses
usually take part in this race.

Last year the winner was Mon Mome who won at a 100/1, which means if you bet 100 forints
on him to win you would win 100,000 forints! This is one of the biggest betting events of the
year and nearly everyone likes to have a gamble, but just for fun!

When the horses go down to the start and the tape is lifted, you hear the roar of the crowd, the
thundering of hooves as the horses charge towards the first fence. During the race many
horses fall and on some occasions horses have also died. Nowadays the fences are a lot safer
and have been made smaller to protect the horses.

Cheltenham festival

The Cheltenham festival takes place in the English countryside in March. This is also for
horses over fences. It is basically a competition between the best horses in England and
Ireland. It is famous because about a 100,000 Irish fans, gamblers and punters invade rural
England to bet, drink, play poker and watch their favourite horses. The great thing about
national hunt racing is the horses are often not that expensive and are owned by ordinary

Flat Racing

Flat racing takes place on a course with no fences. One of the most famous races is the Epsom
English Derby. This usually takes place in June and is one of the most valuable races in the
world. The prize money this year will be 1.25 million pounds sterling!

Many people believe him to be the greatest horse of all time. He is the only horse to have won
the 2000 guineas, the English Derby and the Arc de Triomphe in the same year. He is bred and
trained in Ireland. He earned 4.5 million pounds most of it in 2009. He will now go to stud in
Ireland which means he could earn 100 million in breeding rights. This is why horse racing is
such an important industry in Ireland! Going to stud means making love to a nice mare and
having little horse babies! Great job if you can get it!


Showjumping takes place indoors in an arena. The horse and rider have to jump a number of
different fences without knocking them over. The fences can be of different heights and
lengths, some can be water jumps. For every fence a rider knocks down he incurs 4 faults.
Some competitions are against the clock and the winner with the fewest faults and fastest time
wins. This sport is an Olympic event. At one Olympics Ireland won their only gold medal in
Show jumping only for the horse to fail a drug test!

by Raymond McManus

equestrian [ɪˈkwestrɪən] - ló-, lóval kapcsolatos

bookie [ˈbʊki] - bukméker
bookie shop [ˈbʊki ʃɒp] - fogadóiroda
to bet on [tu bet ɒn] - fogadni vmire
profitable [ˈprɒfɪtəbll ] - hasznot hozó
gambling [ˈɡæmbll ɪŋ] - szerencsejáték
speed race [spiːd reɪs] - gyorsasági verseny
track [træk] - pálya
jockey [ˈdʒɒki] - zsoké
to take place [tu teɪk pleɪs] - megrendezésre kerül
hurdle [ˈhɜːdll ] - akadály, gát
roar [rɔː] - ordít, üvölt
hooves [huːvz] - pata
ordinary [ˈɔːdɪnri] - hagyományos, rendes
folk [fəʊk] - népség, emberek
valuable [ˈvæljʊəbll ] - értékes
to breed (bred, bred) [tu briːd bred] - tenyészt
mare [meə] - kanca
show jumping [ʃəʊ ˈdʒʌmpɪŋ] - díjugratás
to knock over [tu nɒk ˈəʊvə] - lever

And now, answer the questions!

1) When was the first Aintree Grand National run?

A:1888 B:1822 C:1836 D:1850

2) What is the prize money for the English Derby?

A:1.25 million dollars B: 1.25 million euros C: 1.25 million pounds D: 1.25 million Guineas

3) Give another word for horse track

A: Road B: Lap C: Course D: Hunt

4) Which horse won the 2009 Arc de Triomphe?

5) What is another name for a rider of a horse?

A: Player B: Hunter C: Joker D: Jockey

6) In which city is Aintree race course?

A: Leeds B: Cheltenham C: London D: Liverpool
7) In showjumping how many faults do you get for knocking down a fence?
A:1 B:2 C:4 D5

8) Which of these are a definition of stud?

A: Breeding horse B: Something you can wear C: A part of a football shoe D: Something
found on a belt

9) Which of these is a famous Hungarian race horse?

A: Overdone B: Overdose C: Over and out D: Death by chocolate

10) About how long is the Grand National?

A: 8 km B: 6KM C: 7km D: 4km

Answers: 1-c, 2-c, 3-c, 4 - Sea the Stars, 5-d, 6-d, 7-c, 8-a, 9-b, 10-c

The history of Valentine’s Day (2012 febr)

a hanganyagot itt éred el:

Every February we celebrate Valentine's Day by giving flowers,

candy and cards to those we love. We do this in honour of Saint
Valentine. You may be wondering, "Who is St. Valentine"? Time to
brush up on your Valentine's history!

Legend has it that Valentine was a priest who served during third century Rome. There was
an Emperor at that time by the name of Claudius II. Emperor Claudius II decided that single
men made better soldiers than those that were married. With this thought in mind he
outlawed marriage for young men, in hopes of building a stronger military base.
Supposedly, Valentine decided this decree just wasn't fair and chose to marry young couples
secretly. When Emperor Claudius II found out about Valentine's actions he had him put to

Another legend has it that Valentine was an imprisoned man who fell in love with his jailer's
daughter. Before he was put to death he sent the first 'valentine' himself when he wrote her a
letter and signed it 'Your Valentine', words still used on cards today.

Perhaps we'll never know the true identity and story behind the man named St. Valentine, but
this much is for sure...February has been the month to celebrate love for a long time, dating
clear back to the Middle Ages. In fact, Valentines ranks second only to Christmas in number
of greeting cards sent.
Another valentine gentleman you may be wondering about is Cupid (Latin cupido, "desire").
In Roman mythology Cupid is the son of Venus, goddess of love. His counterpart in Greek
mythology is Eros, god of love. Cupid is often said to be a mischievous boy who goes around
wounding both gods and humans with his arrows, causing them to fall in love.

candy - cukorka, csoki

in honour of ... - ... tiszteletére
to brush up sth - felfrissíteni vmit
to serve - szolgál
Emperor - Császár
single - egyedülálló
with this thought in mind - ezzel a gondolattal a fejében
to outlaw - törvényen kívül helyez
in hopes of ... - abban a reményben, hogy ...
supposedly - feltehetőleg
decree - dekrétum, rendelet
to put sth to death - halálra ítélni vkit
imprisoned - bebörtönzött
jailer - börtönőr
identity - azonosság, kilét
to celebrate sth - ünnepelni vmit
the Middle Ages - a középkor
to rank second - második helyre sorolható
mythology - mitológia
goddess - istennő
counterpart - tars
mischievous - pajkos, csintalan
to wound - megsebesít
human - emberi lény


a dalt itt hallgathatod meg:

If I
Should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go
But I know
I'll think of you every step of
the way

And I...
Will always
Love you, oohh
Will always
Love you
My darling you

That is all I'm taking with me
So good-bye
Please don't cry
We both know I'm not what you
You need

And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you
You, ooh

I hope
life treats you kind
And I hope
you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish youjoy
and happiness
But above all this
I wish you love

And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you

I, I will always love

Darling I love you
I'll always
I'll always

in your way– az utadban

bittersweet – keserédes
to treat somebody kind – jól/kedvesen bánni valakivel
to dream of – álmodni valamiről/valakiről
joy – öröm
happiness – boldogság
above all this – mindezek felett
Valentine’s Day Customs (2012 febr)

There are several Valentine's Day customs and traditions associated with festival but these
vary in different countries because of the social and cultural differences. What remains the
same everywhere though is celebration of love by lovers.

Looking for dates

One of the most popular customs of Valentine's Day observed worldwide is to go on a date
with sweetheart. Those without a date start looking for one, days before the festival. The
custom originated from the popular English belief that birds chose their partners on February
14. For this reason, Valentine’s Day was called “the Birds' Wedding Day” in parts of Sussex.

Wishing ‘Happy Valentine's Day' to all We Love

In the beginning, Valentine's Day was associated with romantic couples only but in recent
times the festival is seen in much larger perspective. Now, people take opportunity of the
day to wish ‘Happy Valentine's Day' to anyone they love be it father, mother, teachers,
siblings, friends, co-workers or just anyone special to them. The idea behind this tradition is
to celebrate love, get love and give love to everyone around us.

Valentine's Day Custom of Exchanging Notes

One of the most commonly observed Valentine's Day customs is the exchange of love notes
called ‘Valentines'. Initially people used to exchange handwritten notes but starting with the
19th century, the practice of sending hand written notes was replaced by the exchange of
mass-produced greeting cards. Today, Valentine's Day festival is estimated to be the biggest
card-sending occasion after Christmas. Most commonly used pictures in Valentine's Greetings
include images of popular Valentine's Day symbols, like red roses, hearts and Cupid.

Valentine's Day Tradition of Exchanging Gifts

There exists a strong tradition of indulging one's beloved with gifts of love. Some of the most
popular gifts exchanged between lovers on Valentine's Day are fresh flowers - mainly roses,
chocolates and teddy bears. Fine jewelry is increasingly becoming a popular Valentine's Day
gift for women due to the rigorous marketing campaign by diamond industry.


a bunch/a bouquet a box of

a teddy bear fine jewellery
of flowers chocolates
egy doboz bon-
egy csokor virág egy plüss maci előkelő ékszer

several - számos
custom - szokás
to be associated with – valamivel összefüggésbe hozva lenni
social – társasági, társadalmi
to remain – megmarad, marad
to observe - megfigyel
sweetheart – szerelme valakinek
belief - hiedelem
for this reason – ebből az okból kifolyólag
in the beginning - kezdetben
perspective – kilátás, perspektíva
to take the opportunity – megragadni a lehetőséget
commonly – szokás szerint
exchange of – valaminek a cseréje
initially - kezdetben
handwritten – kézzel írott
practice of – valaminek a gyakorlata
mass-produced – tömegesen gyártott
to be estimated to - azt becsülik róla, hogy …
to exist - létezik
to indulge – kényeztet, kedvében jár
gift - ajándék
fine jewelry – minőségi ékszer
increasingly – egyre növekvő mértékben
due to - köszönhetően valaminek
diamond - gyémánt

Nézzük, mire emlékszel a heti leckékből!

I. Válaszolj az alábbi kérdésekre magyarul!
1) Mikor élet Valentin a legenda szerint?
2) Milyen rendeletet hozott II. Claudius császár?
3) A római mitológia szerint Cupido kinek a fia?
4) Ki a „megfelelője” Cupido-nak a görög mitológiában?
II. Hogyan mondják angolul?
1. virágcsokor
2. bonbon
3. ékszer
4. szokás
5. hiedelem
6. gyémánt
7. kezdetben
8. kézzel írott
9. kényeztet, kedvében jár
10. ajándék
III. Kösd össze a kifejezéseket a magyar megfelelőikkel!
1) break one`s heart
2) eat one`s heart out
3) heart goes out to
4) heart skips a beat
5) open one`s heart
a) megáll valakiben az ütő
b) összetöri valaki szívét
c) kiönti a szívét
d) nagyon akar valamit
e) megszakad a szíve valakinek valami miatt
1) Mikor élet Valentin a legenda szerint? III. században
2) Milyen rendeletet hozott II. Claudius császár? Megtiltotta a házasságot a fiatal férfiaknak, mert
abban hitt, hogy a nőtlen férfiak jobb katonák.
3) A római mitológia szerint Cupido kinek a fia? Vénusz
4) Ki a „megfelelője” Cupido-nak a görög mitológiában? Eros
II. a bunch/a bouquet of flowers, box of chocolates, jewellery, habit, belief, diamond, in the
beginning, handwritten, to indulge, gift
III. 1-b, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a, 5-c


Hogyan kérjünk bocsánatot angolul


- Excuse me!
- Pardon me!
- I beg your pardon!
- Sorry!

These are polite expressions that we use when we do something that could be slightly
embarrassing or rude. Let’s see some examples!

- You usually use SORRY to apologize after you have done something wrong.

- Use excuse mewhen you want to interrupt someone, say something to a person you do
not know, or get past someone

“Excuse me, do you know the time?”

“Excuse me, can I just reach across and get my bag?”

- Use EXCUSE ME when you have to leave someone for a short time.
“Excuse me for a moment while I make a call.”

- “Excuse me!”can also be used, especially in American English, when you have not
heard or understood what someone has said.

“You're late.” “Excuse me?” “I said you're late.” “Oh, sorry.”

- Speakers of British English usually use pardon.

“My name is Timothy.” “Pardon?”

- In American English, it is also possible to use PARDON ME in these situations. In

British English, you usually say “Pardon me!”when you have done something slightly
impolite such as burping or sneezing.

- In American English, you usually say “Excuse me!”.”I beg your pardon!”is a rather
old-fashioned expression used to apologize for doing something embarrassing or for making a
mistake in what you have said

“There are 65 - I beg your pardon - 56 students on the course.”

- Do not confuse the verb excusewith the noun excuse, which means a reason for doing
something wrong, often an invented or false reason.

Néhány tipp ahhoz, hogy hogyan kérjünk bocsánatot - ha erre kerül a sor - angolul.


- A SORRYkifejezést akkor használjuk, ha bocsánatot szeretnénk kérni, mert valami

rosszat csináltunk.

- EXCUSE ME! – főként beszélt nyelvben használjuk

A) akkor használjuk, amikor udvariasan fel akarjuk hívni valakinek a figyelmét valamire,
főleg amikor egy kérdést szeretnénk feltenni:

„Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum please?” – Elnézést kérek, meg tudná
mondani az utat a múzeumhoz?”

B) akkor használjuk, amikor elnézést szeretnénk kérni egy általunk elkövetett durvaságáért
vagy kellemetlenségért:

„Oh, excuse me. I didn't know anyone was here.” – Oh, elnézést kérek. Nem tudtam, hogy van
itt valaki.

Kifejezések az EXCUSE szóval:

excuse somebody – megbocsájtani valakinek

„I'll excuse you this time, but don't be late again.” – Most elnézem neked, de többet ne késs!

excuse somebody for (doing) something– megbocsájtani valakinek valamiért

„Please excuse me for being so late today.” – Bocsásd meg, hogy ennyit késtem ma.

excuse somebody from (doing) something - elnézni valakinek valamit, felmentést kapni
valami alól

„Can I be excused from swimming today? I have a cold.” – Felmentést kaphatok úszás alól
ma? Meg vagyok fázva.

excuse yourself – exkuzálja magát

„Richard excused himself and went to his room.” – Richard exkuzálta magát, majd bement a

Excuse me (for living)! – Bocs’ hogy élek!

Hogyan kérjünk bocsánatot angolul

EXCUSE használata:

Excuse me! – főként beszélt nyelvben használjuk

a) akkor használjuk, amikor udvariasan fel akarjuk hívni valakinek a figyelmét valamire,
főleg amikor egy kérdést szeretnénk feltenni:

„Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum please?” – Elnézést kérek, meg tudná
mondani az utat a múzeumhoz?”

b) akkor használjuk, amikor elnézést szeretnénk kérni egy általunk elkövetett durvaságáért
vagy kellemetlenségért:

„Oh, excuse me. I didn't know anyone was here.” – Oh, elnézést kérek. Nem tudtam, hogy van
itt valaki.

c) akkor használjuk, amikor udvariasan meg szeretnénk kérni valakit, hogy menjen arrébb,
hogy mi is elférjünk

„Excuse me, could I just walk past?” – „Elnézést, átmehetnék itt?”

d) akkor használjuk, amikor udvariasan közölni szeretnénk, hogy el kell mennünk:

„Excuse me a moment. I'll be right back.” – Elnézést kérek egy percre. Rögtön jövök.

e) akkor használjuk, amikor nem értünk egyet valakivel, de szeretnénk ezt udvariasan
„Excuse me, but I don't think that's what he meant at all.” – Elnézésed kérem, de nem hiszem,
hogy ő ezt így értette.

f) az amerikai angol akkor is használja, ha egyet nem értésüket vagy meglepetésüket

szeretnék kifejezni:

„You're going to pay, right?” „Excuse me?” – „Te fogsz fizetni, ugye?” „Hogy mondtad?/Már

g) az amerikai angolban gyakori akkor is, ha szeretnének valakit megkérni, hogy ismételje
meg, amit mondott:

„What time is it?” „Excuse me?” „I asked you what time it is.” – „Mennyi az idő?”
„Tessék?” „Azt kérdeztem, hogy mennyi az idő.”

Kifejezések az EXCUSE szóval:

excuse somebody – megbocsájtani valakinek

„I'll excuse you this time, but don't be late again.” – Most elnézem neked, de többet ne késs!

excuse somebody for (doing) something– megbocsájtani valakinek valamiért

„Please excuse me for being so late today.” – Bocsásd meg, hogy ennyit késtem ma.

excuse somebody from (doing) something - elnézni valakinek valamit, felmentést kapni
valami alól

„Can I be excused from swimming today? I have a cold.” – Felmentést kaphatok úszás alól
ma? Meg vagyok fázva.

excuse yourself – exkuzálja magát

„Richard excused himself and went to his room.” – Richard exkuzálta magát, majd bement a

Excuse me (for living)! – Bocs’ hogy élek!


Hogyan kérjünk bocsánatot angolul
TO BLAME - hibáztat

to say or think that someone or something is responsible for

something bad

Don't blame me - it's not my fault.– Ne engem hibáztass, nem az

én hibám!
I blame his mother. She does everything for him. – Az anyját hibáztatom. Minden
megcsinál helyette.

blame somebody/something for something– hibáztatni valakit valamiért

Marie still blames herself for Patrick's death. – Marie még mindig saját magát hibáztatja
Patrick haláláért.

blame something on somebody/something– valamiért hibáztatni valakit

One of the computers is broken and she's blaming it on me.– Elromlott az egyik
számítógép, és engem hibáztat miatta.

somebody/something is to blame (for something) – valaki okolható/hibáztatható valami

miattused to say that someone or something is responsible for something bad
Police believe that more than one person may be to blame for the fire.-A rendőrség úgy
véli, hogy több, mint egy ember okolható a tűz miatt.

partly/largely/entirely etc. to blame– részben/nagyban/teljes mértékben

I don't blame you/you can hardly blame him etc.– Nem hibáztatlak/Aligha hibáztathatod őt
spoken used to say that you think it was right or reasonable for someone to do what they did:
She's left her husband. I don't blame her, after the way he treated her. – Elhagyta a
férjét. Nem hibáztatom azok után, ahogy bánt vele.

Don't blame me! – Engem ne hibáztass!

spoken used when you are advising someone not to do something but you think that they will
do it in spite of your advice:
Buy it then, but don't blame me when it breaks down.– Vedd meg, de aztán ne engem
okolj, ha tönkre megy.

somebody only has himself/herself to blame– valaki csak magát hibáztathatjaspoken used
to say that someone's problems are their own fault:
If he fails his exams, he'll only have himself to blame. – Ha nem megy át a vizsgáin, akkor
cask magát hibáztathatja majd.

BLAME – vád, szemrehányás

responsibility for a mistake or for something bad

take/accept the blame (=say that something is your fault)– valaki felvállalja a hibáját/ a
get the blame (=be blamed) - valaki hibáztatva van valamiért
put/lay/pin/place the blame (for something) on somebody (=blame someone, especially for
something that is not their fault)– valakit okolni valamiért
shift the blame (onto somebody) (=blame someone else for something you did)– valaki mást
okolni saját hibánk miatt

Akon – Sorry, blame it on me

1) Fordítsd le a következő mondatokat angolra!

a) Annyira sajnálom!

b) Most elnézem ezt neked, de csináld ezt többé!

c) Bocsásd meg, hogy ennyit késtem ma!

d) Felmentést kaphatok ma a takarítás alól?

e) Ne engem hibáztass, nem az én hibám!

f) Susan még mindig saját magát hibáztatja a baleset miatt.

g) Vedd meg, de aztán ne engem okolj, ha tönkre megy.

2) Milyen prepozíció hiányzik a kipontozott helyekről?

a) excuse somebody … doing something - megbocsájtani valakinek valamiért

b) excuse somebody … doing something – elnézni valakinek valamit

c) blame somebody … something – hibáztatni valakit valamiért


Talking about weather is a good way of starting a conversation. People talk about the weather
on the phone and in person. Friends and family talk about the weather before they discuss
what's new. Co-workers talk about the weather before starting a hard day of work. Even
strangers discuss the weather.If you want to talk about the weather, you can use a lot of
words and expressions. When we talk about the weather we usually tell how many degrees it
is outside, for example, "It is eighty-five degrees (Fahrenheit)./It is twenty-nine degrees
(Celsius)." If we want to find out how the weather is going to be we can listen to weather
report on the radio or on TV. Weather forecasts usually give information about the current
day and about the next five days. Listening to the weather forecast helps people decide what
to wear when they go outside.

conversation - beszélgetés
on the phone - telefonon
in person - személyesen
to discuss – megvitat, beszélget
what’s new – mi újság
co-worker - munkatárs
stranger - idegen
expression - kifejezés
degree – (hő)fok
weather report – időjárásjelentés
on the radio - rádióban
on TV - tévében
weather forecast - időjárásjelentés
current - aktuális, jelenlegi
to decide - elhatároz


interaktív „nyomkodós” feladatsor indítása itt:

This is CBB and I'm Melanie Smith with weather. We couldn't

ask for a better day for the first day of spring. Right now it's
fifteen degrees and clear. We're expecting blue skies
throughout the day with a ten percent chance of showers!
It's raining cats and dogs up north, so we should see rain by morning. Unfortunately this
good weather can't last forever! Don't forget your umbrella tomorrow. And now, let’s
continue withlocal news.

We couldn’t ask for … - Nem is kérhettünk volna …

right now - éppen most
degree - (hő)fok
clear (weather) - tiszta időjárás
to expect - vár, elvár, remél
throughout - mindenütt
percent - százalék
chance of - esélye valaminek
shower - zápor
It’s raining cats and dogs. - Úgy esik, mintha dézsából öntenék.
Unfortunately - sajnos
It can’t last forever. - Nem tarthat örökké.
local news - helyi hírek


What is the weather like today?- Milyen ma az idő?

The sun is shining. It's It's snowing. It's

It's raining. It's rainy.
sunny. snowy.
Esik az eső. Esős idő Esik a hó. Havas idő
Süt a nap. Napos idő van.
van. van.


clear sky party cloudy cloudy

tiszta égbolt helyenként felhős felhős

overcast scattered showers thunderstorm

beborult elszórt záporok mennydörgés
snowy blizzard rainy
havas hóvihar esős


egyéb időjárással kapcsolatos szavak

hail - jégeső
fog - köd
foggy - ködös
hurricane - hurrikán
lightning - villám
twister - forgószél
rain - eső
sky - ég, égbolt
thunder - mennydörgés
lightning - villám
storm - vihat
cloudy - felhős
blizzard - hóvihar
chilly - fagyos
avalanche - lavina
drought - aszály, szárazság
frost - fagyos, hideg
humidity - páratartalom
tornado - tornádó

What’s the weather like in England? (2012 febr)

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

In England you never know what the weather will be like from one day to the other. It can
be sunny one day and rainy the next. As the climate is very variable and changes from day to
day, it is difficult to predict the weather. In general they have warm summers and cool
winters. The summers are cooler than those on the continent, but the winters are milder.
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t rain every day in England or in the rest of the UK!
However, it is always advisable to bring some type of waterproof clothing and keep yourself
psychologically prepared!
…. what the weather will be like - milyen lesz az idő
climate – klíma, időjárás
variable – változatos
to predict – megjósol
in general – általában
milder – enyhébb
contrary to popular belief – a közhiedelemmel ellentétben
advisable – tanácsos, tanácsolható
waterproof clothing – vízálló ruházat
prepared – felkészült

Question and Answers

Q: What is the weather like today?

A1: It’s a beautiful day! The Sun is shining, the sky is clear, and it’s at least 25 degrees
A2: Unfortunately the weather is very cold and dump today. It’s raining, too. I don’t like
rain, and Idon’t like to be cold.

Q: What will be the weather like tomorrow?

A1: According to the weather forecast, it will be clear and sunny tomorrow, but there
might be scattered showers, too.
A2: According to the weather forecast, it will be snowy and cold tomorrow.

Q: What sort of weather do you like most? And least?

A1: I like when it is hot and sunny outside.
A2: I like when it’s snowing.

Q: Do you sleep with windows open?

A1: Yes, I like fresh air, and I always sleep with open windows, even in winter. I sleep
much better when it’s not too hot in the room.
A2: I sleep with open windows only in summer. In winter, I always turn on the heating
because I hate cold! I generally open the windows for 5 minutes to let in some fresh air.

Q: Do you like sitting in the sun?

A1: Oh, yes! I love sitting in the sun. I always look forward to my holidays. I generally go
to the seaside.
A2: Actually I don’t really like sitting in the sun. I prefer shadows. If the weather is too
hot, I usually have a headache.

Q: Which month does it rain most in Hungary?

A1: I have no idea. I am not a weatherman/weathergirl.
A2: I think it is April or May, but I’m not sure.

Q: Do you like rain/snow?

A1: I like snow, and I like winter in general because I can do a lot of winter sports, like
skating and skiing. I don’t like rain, because you can’t do anything when it’s raining outside.
A2: I don’t really like snow, I prefer summer to winter. I hate rain, too. I hate getting
soaked to the skin.
Q: How do you protect yourself from rain?
A: If it’s raining you can protect yourself with an umbrella or with a raincoat. You can
also put on rubber boots.

Q: Do you like snow? What do you do when there is snow?

A1: I like snow, if there is a lot a snow I build a snowman or I go to sledge.
A2: I hate snow, so if it’s snowing I generally stay at home, in the warm room.

Q: What is the climate in England like?

A: The climate is very variable in England, so it is difficult to predict what the weather
will be like. In general they have warm summers and cool winters. Contrary to popular belief,
it doesn’t rain every day in England.

The Statue of Liberty, officially named Liberty Enlightening the World, is a monument
symbolizing the United States, and is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. It
welcomes visitors, immigrants and returning Americans travelling by ship. For many years, it
was one of the first glances of the United States for millions of immigrants and visitors after
returning from ocean voyages.

A sculptor by the name of Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi designed the statue, and Gustave Eiffel
(the man who designed the Eiffel Tower) was responsible for the iron framework
underneath the copper plating. It is placed near the entrance to New York City harbor, on a
small island known as Liberty Island.

The statue is of a woman with a book in one hand and a torch held high in her other hand. It
stands on the top of a giant pedestal. The entire structure is 305 feet (93 m) tall from the
ground to the tip of the torch. The statue is the central part of the Statue of Liberty National
Monument, administered by the National Park Service. The National Monument also
includes Ellis Island.

The Statue of Liberty commemorates the signing of the United States Declaration of
Independence. It was given to the United States by the people of France, to represent the
friendship between the two countries established during the American Revolution. It
represents the political freedom for new immigrants to America, and is known around the
world. The building project of the statue was sponsored by ordinary citizens of both
countries, and it took a very long time to raise enough money to finish construction.

The construction of the statue began in Paris in 1875 and was not completed until 1884.
Crews worked round the clock, seven days a week, for nine years to finish the Statue of
Liberty. Various parts of the statue were on display throughout Paris as they were completed.
When it was complete in 1885, the statue was broken down into 350 pieces – which were
packed in 214 crates – and then shipped to New York City. It took 4 months just to put the
Statue of Liberty back together again!

The Statue of Liberty was officially dedicated and unveiled on October 28, 1886. A million
people attended the parade and other festivities that were held that day to celebrate the

In October 1924, the Statue of Liberty became a national monument, and in 1982 it was
restored at a cost of $ 87 million. Two years later, in 1984, the monument was named a
World Heritage Site by the United Nations.



liberty [ˈlɪbɪti] - szabadság

monument [ˈmɒnjʊmənt] - emlékmű
to symbolize [tə ˈsɪmbəlaɪz] - szimbolizál
recognizable [ˈrekəɡnaɪzəbəl] - felismerhető
glance [ɡlɑːns] - pillantás
voyage [ˈvɔɪɪdʒ] - hajóút
sculptor [ˈskʌlptə] - szobrász
to design [tə dɪˈzaɪn] - tervez
responsible for [rɪˈspɒnsəbəl fɔː] - felelős valamiért
iron framework [ˈaɪən ˈfreɪmwɜːk] - vas szerkezet
underneath [ˌʌndəˈniːθ] - alatt
copper plating [ˈkɒpə ˈpleɪtɪŋ] - réz bevonat
to be placed [tə bi ˈpleɪst] - el van helyezve
torch [tɔːtʃ] - fáklya
held high [held haɪ] - magasra tartott
pedestal [ˈpedɪstəl] - talapzat
structure [ˈstrʌktʃə] - szerkezet
tip [tɪp] - valaminek a csúcsa
to be administered [tə bi ədˈmɪnɪstəd] - igazgat, intéz
to include [tə ɪnˈkluːd] - magába foglal
to commemorate [tə kəˈmeməreɪt] - megemlékezik
signing of ... [ˈsaɪnɪŋ ɒv... ] - valaminek az aláírása
Declaration of Independence [ˌdekləˈreɪʃən əv ˌɪndɪˈpendəns] - Függetlenségi Nyilatkozat
to represent [təˌriːprɪˈzent] - képvisel
to be established [tə bi ɪˈstæblɪʃt] - létre van hozva
revolution [ˌrevəˈluːʃən] - forradalom
freedom [ˈfriːdəm] - szabadság
to be sponsored by [tə bi ˈspɒnsəd baɪ] - fizetve, szponzorálva , támogatva lenni
ordinary [ˈɔːdɪnri] - átlagos
citizen [ˈsɪtɪzən] - állmpolgár
to raise money [tə reɪz ˈmʌni] - pénzt gyűjteni
construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] - építés, építkezés
to be completed [tə bi kəmˈpliːtɪd] - befejezve lenni
crew [kruː] - brigád
round the clock [raʊnd ðə ˈklɒk] - napi 24 órában
various [ˈveərɪəs] - különböző
to be on display [tə bi ɒn dɪˈspleɪ] - kiállítva lenni
to be broken down into ... [tə bi ˈbrəʊkən daʊn ˈɪntə... ] - ... részre törve lenni
crate [kreɪt] - láda
to ship [tə ʃɪp] - szállít
to put back together [tə ˈpʊt bæk təˈɡeðə] - újra összetesz
officially [əˈfɪʃəli] - hivatalosan
to be dedicated [tə bi ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd] - felszentelve lenni
to be unveiled [tə bi ˌʌnˈveɪld] - leleplezve lenni
to attend [tu əˈtend] - részt vesz valamin
festivity [feˈstɪvɪti] - ünnepség
to celebrate [tə ˈselɪbreɪt] - ünnepel
event [ɪˈvent] - esemény
to be restored [tə bi rɪˈstɔːd] - felújít, helyreállít
World Heritage [wɜːld ˈherɪtɪdʒ] - Világörökség
United Nations [juːˈnaɪtɪd ˈneɪʃənz] - ENSZ
The history of the Eiffel Tower (2012 jan)

The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris. The Eiffel Tower is named after its main
designer; the French metallic structure expert and engineer, Gustave Eiffel. What many
people do not know is that the Eiffel Tower was originally planned to be constructed in
Barcelona, for the Universal Exposition in 1888, but the people of Barcelona did not want it,
saying that it was “too expensive and strange”. Instead, Eiffel tried to build the Eiffel Tower
in Paris for the Universal Exposition in 1889 and this time the building was approved.
There were 107 bids submitted to construct the Eiffel Tower, 50 people worked on the
design, and more than 100 built the parts. 132 workers assembled the parts on site.
Construction began on January 28, 1887 and was concluded on March 31, 1889. When the
tower was built, it was only meant to be kept for 20 years. During its planning and
construction phase, many protested against the construction of the Eiffel Tower. Even after
its construction, the Eiffel Tower was highly controversial amongst the Parisians. One
famous quote is from novelist Guy de Maupassant, who hated the tower but still went to its
restaurant every day. When asked why, he said it was because it is the only place in Paris were
one cannot see the structure.

After the 20 years , the tower became the property of Paris again. By this time, the city had
learned that the tower could be used to help with communications. The military used the
tower to communicate during battle. The tower was used in the capture of the spy, "Mata

The Eiffel Tower also experienced the German occupation of Paris during the Second World
War. During the occupation, the lift cables inside the tower were cut by the French. This to
make sure Hitler had to take the 1665 stepped stairs if he wanted to scale the top, since the
proper parts to repair the lift were impossible to obtain during the war. When visiting Paris,
Hitler remained on ground. That’s why it’s said Hitler conquered France, but he did not
conquer the Eiffel tower. At the liberation of Paris in 1944, the Eiffel tower became a symbol
of liberty when a French flag, made of three bed sheets sawn together, was raised on the top
of tower.

So, as time passed, more and more people started to like the building. Today, almost all
Parisians love the tower. The tower is without a doubt one of the most famous buildings in
the world. If you plan to visit it, you won’t be the only one to see the tower, as it is the most
visited paid monument in the world. An estimate of over 200 million people has seen the
tower, on site, since its construction in 1889. Visiting Paris, but not the Eiffel Tower, is no
visit at all.



landmark [ˈlændmɑːk] - feltűnő építmény, jelenség

to be named after [tə bi ˈneɪmd ˈɑːftə] - valaki után elnevezve lenni
metallic structure [mɪˈtælɪk ˈstrʌktʃ] - fém szerkezet
expert [ˈekspɜːt] - szakértő
to be constructed [tə bi kənˈstrʌktɪd] - megépítve lenni
instead [ɪnˈsted] - ehelyett
to be approved [tə bi əˈpruːvd] - jóváhagy
to submit a bid [tə səbˈmɪt ə bɪd] - ajánlatot előterjeszt
to assemble [tu əˈsembəl] - összegyűlik
to be concluded [tə bi kənˈkluːdɪd] - befejezésre kerül
construction phase [kənˈstrʌkʃən feɪz] - építkezési szakasz
to protest against [tə prəˈtest əˈɡenst] - tiltakozik valami ellen
highly controversial [ˈhaɪli ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl] - sokat vitatott
novelist [ˈnɒvəlɪst] - regényíró
property of [ˈprɒpəti ɒv] - valakinek/valaminek a tulajdona
to learn something [tə lɜːn ˈsʌmθɪŋ] - megtud valamit
military [ˈmɪlɪtri] - katonai
battle [ˈbætəl] - csata, harc
to capture [tə ˈkæptʃə] - elfog
spy [spaɪ] - kém
to experience [tu ɪkˈspɪərɪəns] - megél
occupation [ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃən] - valaminek az elfoglalása
cable [ˈkeɪbəl] - kábel
to scale the top [tə skeɪl ðə tɒp] - felmászik valaminek a tetejére
impossible [ɪmˈpɒsəbəl] - lehetetlen
to obtain [tu əbˈteɪn] - megszerez
to remain on ground [tə rɪˈmeɪn ɒn ɡraʊnd] - földön marad
to conquer [tə ˈkɒŋkə] - meghódít, elfoglal
liberation [ˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən] - felszabadítása
bed sheet [bed ʃiːt] - lepedő
sawn together [sɔːn təˈɡeðə] - összevart
without doubt [wɪðˈaʊt daʊt] - kétség kívül
estimate [ˈestɪmeɪt] - becslés
The Leaning Tower of Pisa (2012 jan)

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a building in Pisa, Italy. It is a bell tower. The circular bell
tower stands next to Pisa’s cathedral. It is famous because it leans to one side, and it looks like
it might fall over. Over the years, the tower became a symbol of Italy and an important tourist

By 1990, the top floor leaned 17 feet (520 cm) to the south. Several attempts were made to
straighten the tower, but some of them made the situation even worse. A lot of restoration
work has been done so far to stop it from falling over completely.

The height of the tower is about 55 metres from the ground. Its weight is about 14,500
tonnes. It now leans at about 3.99 degrees. The tower has 294 steps leading to 7 bells at the
top. The outside of the tower is decorated with arches and columns.

The construction of the tower began in 1173. After the third floor was built in 1178, the
tower started to lean, due to having a small three-meter foundation in soft soil. The design of
the tower was bad from the beginning. Shortly afterwards, constructions had to stop and
didn’t continue until 1275 because Pisa was at war. Then the next three floors were built even
with the ground to try to correct the lean. When they were finished, the tower leaned to the
south. Finally, the last two floors were added in 1350.

During the long building delays, the tower’s weight compresses the ground under it, which
strengthened its base enough to keep it from falling, even though it still leaned a bit more
each year. The tower actually leans because it’s too heavy for the ground it is built on. The
uneven layers of sand and clay beneath it have caused the tower to sink more in certain

In 1990, the Italian government closed the tower to the public and began a 10-year effort to
stabilize the situation. A group of international experts tried different solutions, but nothing
worked. Then, in 1999, a British engineering professor found a solution to the problem. The
soil was removed slowly from the high side, so that the tower could settle back into the
ground. This proved to be successful and by 2001 the tower was 16 inches (40 cm) straighter.
The building is said to be safe for at least for another 300 years. The tower re-opened to the
public in June 2001.

bell tower [bel ˈtaʊə] - harangtorony
circular [ˈsɜːkjʊlə] - kör alakú
to lean - [tə liːn] dől
attempt [əˈtempt] - kísérlet
to straighten [tə ˈstreɪtən] - megerősít
restoration [ˌrestəˈreɪʃən] - felújítás, visszaállítás
to fall over [tə fɔːl ˈəʊvə] - felborul
height [haɪt] - magasság
weight [weɪt] - súly
degree [dɪˈɡriː] - fok
to lead to [tə liːd tuː] - valamihez vezet
outside of [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd ɒv] - valaminek a külseje
decorated with [ˈdekəreɪtɪd wɪð] - valamivel díszítve van
arch [ɑːtʃ] - boltív
column [ˈkɒləm] - oszlop
construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] - építkezés
foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃən] - alapozás, alap
soft soil [sɒft sɔɪl] - puha talaj
shortly afterwards [ˈʃɔːtli ˈɑːftəwədz] - nem sokkal később
to add [tu æd] - hozzáad
delay [dɪˈleɪ] - késleltetés
to compress [tə kəmˈpres] - összenyom, összeprésel
ground [ɡraʊnd] - föld, talaj
to strengthen [tə ˈstreŋθən] - megerősít
base [beɪs] - alap
uneven [ʌnˈiːvən] - egyenetlen
layer [ˈleɪə] - réteg
clay [kleɪ] - agyag
beneath [bɪˈniːθ] - alatt
government [ˈɡʌvənmənt] - kormány (országé)
effort [ˈefət] - erőfeszítés
expert [ˈekspɜːt] - szakember
Short story of the Titanic (2012 jan)

itt tudod megnézni, és meghallgatni a történetet:

On April 15, 1912, one of the deadliest maritime disaster in history occurred. At 2:45 am on
April 15; 5 days after its original departure from Liverpool, England, the Titanic struck a large
iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. The ship Titanic was the second in a three ship set; the
Olympic, Titanic, and Britannica. She was 300 yards long, and weighed several hundreds of
thousands of pounds. The great ship, made mostly of metal, was thought to be unsinkable.

Then the impossible happened. Captain Edward John Smith had altered the Titanic’s course
slightly to the south, hoping to avoid the icefields that had been spotted and reported by other
ships. Unfortunately, the change in course didn’t help much. In the late hours of April 14, the
Titanic collided with a large iceberg.

Upon striking the berg, the Titanic's flood compartments, made for just such an occasion,
began to fill with water. The titanic could have stayed afloat if only 4 of the compartments
were flooded, but the water quickly filled 6, making the bow sink slowly into the 28 °F degree
(-2° Celsius degree) water. Many passengers were actually spotted playing soccer with the
chunks of ice, unaware of the danger posed to them.

There wasn’t a rush to get into the lifeboats at first, because passengers would rather stay on
the warm ship, than go out into the cold and the unknown of the sea in a small boat. The first
of the 20 lifeboats simply left with 28 people aboard, although they were designed to hold 65

When the danger became apparent, 3rd class passengers were locked down into their 3rd class
area, unable to escape to the safety of a lifeboat. 1st and 2nd class passengers got to the
lifeboats quicker and easier, because they had boats on their decks. The stewards and
stewardesses didn’t lock the 3rd class passengers because they wanted them to die. They
locked them until they were given orders. Once the orders were given to let the women and
children out first and not let any men out, they unlocked the doors, but had a hard time getting
just the women and children out. Desperate men actually dressed as women so they would be
allowed to enter a lifeboat. There are undisclosed rumors, still to this day, that say the Titanic's
crew shot passengers who wanted a lifeboat. The lifeboats were picked up by the Carpathia.

This is where the Titanic's journey ends. She soon went down "head-first" into the icy depths.
Hundreds perished that night, men, women, children, even dogs. One of the passengers
describes the ride down with the sinking ship "like an elevator ride". The survivors recall that
there were so many dead, they could hardly row through the bodies. Out of the 1523 people in
the water, 7 were found alive. Out of the 2228 passengers aboard the ship only 705 survived.
All of the men in the engine room died.

On April 17, 1912 the 705 survivors finally reached their destination of New York City. The
Carpathia arrived at 9:35 p.m. and started to unload the survivors. Interviewers swarmed the
passengers asking them what had happened. All of them agreed that their lives would never be
the same again.
deadly - halálos
maritime disaster – tengeri katasztrófa
to occur – megesik, megtürténik
to strike, struck, struck - ütődik
iceberg - jéghegy
unsinkable - elsüllyeszthetetlen
impossible - lehetetlen
to alter – megváltozat
course - útvonal
slightly - enyhén
to avoid – elkerül, kikerül
ice field – jég mező
to be spotted – észre véve lenni
to be reported – jelentve lenni
to collide with – összeötközik valamivel
compartment - rekesz
to stay afloat – tengeren/vízen maradni
bow – hajó orra
to sink - elsüllyed
passenger - utas
to play soccer - focizni
chunk of ice – nagy jág darab
unaware of … - nincs tudatában annak, hogy …
rush – ruhanás, sietség
lifeboat - mentőcsónak
unknown - ismeretlen
aboard - fedélzeten
to become apparent – nyilvánvalóvá válik
to be locked down into – bezárva lenni valahova
to be unable to escape – nem képes elmenekülni
deck - fedélzet
to be given orders – utasítást/parancsot kap
to have a hard time doing something – nehéz dolga van
desperate - kétségbeesett
to dress as a woman – nőnek öltözött
to be allowed to - meg van engedve, hogy …
crew - legénység
to be picked up by - felvéve lenni valaki által
icy depth – jeges mélység
to perish – elpusztul, elvész
to describe - leír
survivor - túlélő
to recall - felidéz
to row through - átevez
destination – úticél
ALL ABOUT SHIPS 1. (2012 jan)

barge canoe car ferry cruise ship fishing boat

uszály kenu komp tengerjáró hajó halászhajó

lifeboat rowing boat speedboat submarine yacht

mentőcsónak csónak motorcsónak tengeralattjáró yacht


A hagyomány szerint a hajókat az angol nyelv nőnemű személyes névmással illeti (tehát she az it helyett),
éppúgy, mint az országokat és az óceánokat. A hagyomány eredete ismeretlen, azonban jelenleg ez a trend már
hanyatlóban van, leginkább a hajókra használják már csak. 2002-ben a brit Lloyd’s List brit lap bejelentette, hogy
a jövőben a hajókat it névmással fogja illetni.

Right and left, east and west may be proper directions on land, but for seaworthy navigation,
use these terms to find your way around a cruise ship.

BOW: The front of the ship.

magyarul: hajó orra

STERN or AFT: The rear of the ship.

magyarul: hajófar, tat

PORT: The left side of the ship when facing the bow.
magyarul: a hajó bal oldali részel

STARBOARD: The right side of the ship when toward the bow.
magyarul: a hajó job oldali része

BRIDGE: The control center of the ship, typically in the bow.

magyarul: a hajó orránál található rész, ahonnan az irányítást végzik

DECKS: Floors of the ship.

magyarul: fedélzetek

GALLEY: Where food is prepared; the ship’s kitchen. Larger vessels may have more than
magyarul: hajókonyha

MUSTER STATION: The designated meeting spot for passengers during emergencies or
evacuations. Your muster station will be noted in your cabin.
magyarul: gyülekező hely veszély esetén

CABIN or STATEROOM: Your room or sleeping quarters on board.

magyarul: hajókabin

LIDO: A term meaning resort often used to describe a particular deck, usually where pools are
magyarul: általában egy bizonyos fedélzet(i részre) vonatkozik, leginkább arra, ahol a
medence és a nyugágyak vannak

GANGWAY: The entrance / exit area of the ship used while docked, typically on a lower
magyarul: kikötőhíd
itt hallgathatod meg az audiót:

Healthcare Centre: Thank you for calling Medipoint Healthcare Centre. How can I help
Emily: Hello. Emily Woods calling. I have a terrible headache and I wonder if Dr Brinkman
has some time to see me this afternoon.
Healthcare Centre: I’m sorry Ms Woods but Dr Brinkman is booked for this afternoon. Can I
put you in for 2 pm tomorrow? How does that sound?
Emily: That would be fine.
Healthcare Centre: I’ll have to give you the address of our new office.
Emily: Oh, that’s right. You moved your office last month.
Healthcare Centre: Yes, we moved downtown. Do you have a pen?
Emily: Could you hold on a second? Okay, go ahead.
Healthcare Centre: Okay, we are at 327 Balkan Avenue. The office is on the ground floor.
Emily: Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow then.
Healthcare Centre: Thank you for calling. See you tomorrow.
Emily: Thank you. Bye!


Thank you for calling Medipoint Healthcare Centre. - Köszönjük, hogy a Medipoint
Healthcare Központot hívta!
How can I help you? - Miben segíthetek?
Hello. Emily Woods calling. - Hello. Itt Emily Woods beszél.
I have a terrible headache - Szörnyű fejfájásom van
and I wonder if Dr Brinkman has some time to see me this afternoon. - és szeretném
tudni, hogy Dr Brinkman tudna-e fogadni ma délután.
I’m sorry Ms Woods but Dr Brinkman is booked for this afternoon. - Sajnálom Ms
Woods, de Dr Brinkman teljesen be van táblázva ma délutánra.
Can I put you in for 2 pm tomorrow? - Holnap délután 2 óra megfelelő lenne Önnek? (szó
szerint: Holnap délután 2 órára betehetem?)
How does that sound? - Ez hogy hangzik?
That would be fine. - Az jó lenne.
I’ll have to give you the address of our new office. - Meg kell, hogy adjam az új irodánk
Oh, that’s right. - Oh, így van.
You moved your office last month. - Múlt hónapban elköltözött az irodájuk.
Yes, we moved downtown. - Igen, a belvárosba költöztünk.
Do you have a pen? - Van tolla?
Could you hold on a second? - Tudná tartan egy pillanatra?
Okay, go ahead. - Rendben, mondhatja.
Okay, we are at 327 Balkan Avenue. - Rendben, a Balkan Avenue 327 szám alatt vagyunk.
The office is on the ground floor. - Az iroda a földszinten van.
Thank you. - Köszönöm.
I’ll see you tomorrow then. - Holnap találkozunk akkor.
Thank you for calling. - Köszönjük a hívását.
See you tomorrow. - A holnapi viszontlátásra.
Thank you. - Köszönöm.
Bye! - Viszontlátásra!

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Gregory: Hello!
Katie: Hi, is this Gregory?
Gregory: Yes.
Katie: It’s Katie here. Is Martha at home?
Gregory: No, she left a few minutes ago. Can I take a message?
Katie: Yes, thanks. I wanted to ask her to meet me at Cinepoint Movies at 8 pm tonight.
Gregory: Sure. Just let me write that down. Could you hold on for a second? I have to answer
another call.
Katie: No problem.
Gregory: Sorry about that. I am here again. Now, could you please repeat that information?
Now I have a pen, too.
Katie: It’s the Cinepoint Movies at 8 pm tonight.
Gregory: Okay. Is there anything else?
Katie: No. That’s it. Thank you! Bye!
Gregory: Bye!


Can I take a message? - Átvehetek egy üzenetet?

Just let me write that down. - Engedje meg, hogy leírjam.
Could you hold for a second? - Tudná tartani egy pillanatra?
I have to answer another call. - Fel kell vennem egy másik hívást.
Could you please repeat that information? - Meg tudná ismételni ezt az információt?


Isn’t it hard to believe that with all human accomplishments in space, the entire history of
manned spaceflight is still less than a lifespan of an average person? This year marks the 50
years of manned spaceflight with the anniversary of Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s first
ever orbit of the Earth by a human.

Gagarin's orbit of the Earth was a major catalyst for the space race that eventually led
America to shoot for the moon. Gagarin's first flight and the first satellite in space - Sputnik 1
- were the highlights of the Russian space program. According to reports one major reason
Russia was able to beat America into space was the way NASA had its program for manned
flight laid out. NASA wanted ground stations all around the world so astronauts could be in
constant communication. Russia sent Gagarin into orbit using ground stations only in Russia
so the capsule was out of communication for a long period of time.

Gagarin's life was cut short on March 27, 1968 when he and a flight instructor Vladimir
Seryogin were killed when a MiG-15UTI crashed during a routine flight near Kirzhach.
Gagarin was at the time training for his second space flight. Ironically, Gagarin's superiors
had tried to keep him from flying out of fear that the national hero would be killed in a

accomplishment [əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt] teljesítmény, eredmény

manned [mænd] ember vezette/irányította
spaceflight [speɪs flaɪt] űrrepülés
lifespan [ˈlaɪfspæn] élettartam
catalyst [ˈkætəlɪst] katalizátor
satellite [ˈsætəlaɪt] műhold
ground station [ɡraʊnd ˈsteɪʃnl] földi állomás
flight instructor [flaɪt ɪnˈstrʌktə] repülés oktató
superior [suːˈpɪərɪə] felettes
to keep somebody from doing something [tu kiːp ˈsʌmbədi frəm ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ]
visszatartani valakit attól, hogy csináljon valamit
out of fear that[aʊt əv fɪə ðæt] attól való félelembe, hogy

4 surprising facts about the first manned space mission

How long was Gagarin up there?

The total mission lasted just 108 minutes, and the trip once around the Earth at 17,500 mph
(most of the way) took less than an hour and a half. In that time, Vostok 1 completed one not-
quite-circular orbit, at a maximum altitude of 203 miles, before slowing down to the point
that the capsule was pulled back into the atmosphere for ballistic reentry.

What kind of vessel was the Vostok 1?

The Vostok was a spherical capsule, designed to eliminate changes in center of gravity. In
that way, the craft could assure comfort for its one-man crew no matter its orientation. What it
wasn't designed to do was land with a human still on board, so Gagarin had to eject before
reaching ground, at an altitude of around four miles. But since the achievement would not
have been regarded as the first successful manned mission to space unless it included a
manned landing, the Russians kept this little detail out of official press releases.

What prevented earlier missions from reaching orbit?

Nothing else than speed. In order to escape Earth's gravitational pull, a ship needs to hit
17,500 mph, or about 5 miles per second. Before the Vostok 1 mission, no rocket was
powerful enough to get a vessel going that fast. The Vostok capsule's cannonball shape
helped the rocket and spacecraft reach the necessary velocity.

How did they test the Vostok before Gagarin’s mission?

A few weeks prior, a prototype of Gagarin's craft, the Vostok 3KA-2, completed one low-
Earth orbit carrying a life-size dummy named Ivan Ivanovich and a dog called Zvezdochk.
Ivan was sold in a Sotheby's auction in 1993.

mission [ˈmɪʃnl] küldetés

to last [ˈtu lɑːst] időben tart
altitude [ˈˈæltɪtjuːd] magasság
ballistic [ˈbəˈlɪstɪk] ballisztikus
reentry [ˈriˈɪntri] visszatérés, visszalépés
spherical [ˈˈsferɪkll ] gömbölyű
capsule [ˈˈkæpsjuːl] kapszula
to eliminate [ˈtə ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] kihagy, felszámil, megsemmisít
gravity [ˈɡrævɪti] gravitáció
to eject [ˈtə ɪˈdʒekt] kilövell, kiad, kilő
official press release [ˈəˈfɪʃll pres rɪˈliːs] hivatalos sajtóközlemény
rocket [ˈrɒkɪt] rakéta
vessel [ˈvesəl] edény, hajó
cannonball [ˈkænənbɔːl] ágyúgolyó
velocity [ˈvəˈlɒsɪti] sebesség
life-size dummy [ˈlaɪf saɪz ˈdʌmi] életnagyságú bábú
auction [ˈɔːkʃnl] aukció

Bertalan Farkas(born August 2, 1949) is the first Hungarian cosmonaut

in space. With Charles Simonyi’s travel, Farkas is no longer the only
Hungarian who has been to space (he is still the only astronaut, as
Simonyi flew as a space tourist).

Farkas graduated from György Kilián Aeronautical College in Szolnok in

1969, then he attended the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute in the
Soviet Union, from where he graduated in 1972. After earning his qualifications at University,
Farkas joined the Hungarian Air Force and rose to the rank of Brigadier General. In 1978 he
volunteered to become a cosmonaut and was selected as part of the fifth international
programme for Intercosmos. His backup cosmonaut was Béla Magyari. Farkas, along with
Soviet cosmonaut Valeri Kubasov, was launched into space on Soyuz 36 from Baikonur
Cosmodrome on May 26, 1980. While in orbit, Farkas conducted experiments in material
science. After 7 days, 20 hours and 45 minutes, and having completed 124 orbits, Farkas and
Kubasov returned to Earth, landing 140 km southeast of Dzhezkagan. Bertalan Farkas was
awarded the title Hero of the soviet Union on June 30, 1980.


Charles Simonyi(born September 10, 1948) is a Hungarian-American

computer software executive who, as head of Microsoft’s application
software group, oversaw the creation of Microsoft’s flagship Office
suite of applications. He now heads his own company, International
software, with the aim of developing and marketing his concept of
international programming. In April 2007, abroad Soyuz TMA-10, he
came the fifth space tourist and the second Hungarian in space. In March
2009, abroad Soyuz TMA-14, he made a second trip to the International
Space station. His estimated net worth is 1 billion USD.

Simonyi was born in Budapest. While in high school, he worked part-

time as a night watchman at a computer laboratory, overseeing a large Soviet Ural
mainframe. He took an interest in computing and learned to program from one of the
laboratory's engineers. By the time he left school, he had learned to develop compilers and
sold one of these to a government department.

In early 2006, Simonyi expressed interest in becoming a space tourist and signed agreements
with the space tourism company, Space Adventures Ltd. for a ten-day mission to the
International Space Station (ISS). In August 2006, he passed a pre-qualification medical exam
by the Russian Federal Space Agency, called the state Medical Commission, and he started
training at star City in September 2006. He was launched on April 7, on board Soyuz TMA-
10. He shared a ride with two Russian cosmonauts and returned aboard Soyuz TMA-9,
scheduled to depart from the ISS on April 20, 2007. Upon arrival to the ISS on April 9, 2007
Simonyi said, "It is amazing how it appears from the blackness of the sky. It was very, very
dramatic. It was like a big stage set, a fantastic production of some incredible opera or
modern play. That's what I was referring to when I said I was blown away.” Simonyi's
expected return on April 20, 2007 was delayed by one day due to 'boggy ground'. He returned
to Earth on April 21, 2007 along with an American astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut.

In October 2008, he booked for a second trip to the ISS through Space Adventures on board
Soyuz TMA-14. On March 26, 2009 he returned to space aboard Soyuz TMA-14. He returned
to Earth on board Soyuz TMA-13. Along with Soyuz Commander Yuri Lonchakov and
Michael Fincke, Simonyi landed in Kazakhstan on April 8, 2009.

cosmonaut [ˈkɒzmənɔːt] űrhajós

astronaut [ˈæstrənɔːt] űrhajós
space tourist [speɪs ˈtʊərɪst] űrturista
to graduate from [tu ˈɡrædʒʊeɪt frɒm] diplomát szerez
to attend [tə əˈtend] jár (iskolába)
Brigadier General [ˌbrɪɡəˈdɪə ˈdʒenrəl] dandártábornok
to volunteer [tu ˌvɒlənˈtɪə] önkéntesnek jelentkezik
orbit [ˈɔːbɪt] űrpálya
to conduct experiments [tu kənˈdʌkt ɪkˈsperɪmənts] kísérleteket végez
to oversee [tə ˌəʊvəˈsiː] felügyel, ellenőriz
flagship [ˈflæɡʃɪp] zászlóshajó
to head [tu hed] vezet, élén áll valaminek
aim [eɪm] cél
estimated net worth [ˈestɪmeɪtɪd net wɜːθ] becsült nettó vagyon
night watchman [naɪt ˈwɒtʃmən] éjjeliőr
compiler [kəmˈpaɪlə] szerkesztő (program)
scheduled [ˈʃedjuːld] tervezett
to be delayed [tu bi dɪˈleɪd] késleltetve lenni (valami által)
boggy [ˈbɒɡi] mocsaras

skis poles binding

sílécek síbotok síkötés

ski boots helmet goggles

sícipő bukósisak síszemüveg


gloves hat ski jacket

kesztyű sapka sídzseki

ski pants ski suit ski boots

sínadrág síoveráll/síruha hótaposó bakancs

Nyomj az ikonra az audió meghallgatásához, majd a szöveg meghallgatása után válaszd ki a

helyes megoldást!
1. What kind of sports centre is the Snow Dome?

A. It’s is an indoor ski and skate centre.

B. It’s an outdoor ski and skate centre.
C. It’s an artificial ski slope and a spa.

2. How can you access to top of the slope?

A. There is a lift.
B. There is a lift and a rope-tow.
C. There are two lifts and a rope-tow..

3. What kind of equipment is needed?

A. You cannot use your own equipment.

B. The centre provides free equipment or you can use your own.
C. The centre provides free equipment as you cannot use your own.

4. Can children ride the toboggans?

A. They must be 5 years old or older to ride the toboggans.

B. They must be taller than 1 metre to tide the toboggans.
C. They must be at least 5 years old be taller than 1 metres.

5. Where can you eat and drink?

A. For health and safety reasons you have to bring your own food and drink.
B. There’s a Strarbucks coffee bar.
C. There are 2 bars on site and a Starbucks coffee bar.

Welcome to the Snow Dome winter sports centre! Before you start your activities, I’d like to
give you some information about us! The Snow Dome is the UK’s premier real snow centre
and the leading choice for skiers and snowboarders. Real snow, all year round, provides the
ultimate Alpine surface to learn and enjoy these exciting sports in a fun environment. The
slope is 170 metres long, 30 metres wide with an incline of around 1:7. There are also 2 lifts
for access back to the top and one rope-tow. We offer a wide variety of skiing and
snowboarding lessons and sessions delivered by professionally qualified instructors. In the
recent years we have added a learner slope underneath the main one, and an ice rink
surrounded by an ice skating track. Remember that no specialist equipment or expensive
clothing is required, just warm clothes, gloves and a sense of adventure! Skis, snowboards and
boots are provided free of charge or you are welcome to use your own equipment if you wish.
Please note that wearing protective headwear is also compulsory for all snowboard lessons.
Remember also that children must be over 5 years old or over 1 metre tall to ride in the
toboggans and any children under 10 years must be accompanied by an adult in the
toboggan.The complex also contains a 25-metre swimming pool and a gym. There are also 2
bars on site, one with views over the main slope, the other overlooking the snow play area.
Both provide free wireless internet access. There is a small shop in the main building as well.
You can also find a Starbucks coffee bar in the complex with wireless internet access.

Answers:1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-C, 5-C

A SKI ACCIDENT (2011 dec)

Egészítsd ki a szöveget a megadott ige megfelelő alakjával!

Kim went skiing at Mount Sutton with friends, and on her first run she fell and hurt herself.
She's at the hospital now, and she is calling her friend Bob. Here is their phone conversation.

1. Kim: Hey Bob. Kim here. Guess where I ........................ you from. (call)
2. Bob: No idea. ........ me. (tell)
3. Kim: From a hospital. I had an accident. I leg. (break)
4. Bob: That's terrible. What ........................ happened?
5. Kim: It was really stupid. I ......................... down this expert run when I hit a patch of ice
and fell on my face. (ski)
6. Bob: I suppose that, when it happened you ..............................down the hill very fast. (go)
7. Kim: Too fast. That was the problem. And the fact that it ....................... at the time didn't
help much. (snow)
8. Bob: Who ........................... you down off the mountain? (bring)
9. Kim: The ski patrol. Luckily they ............................ that part of the mountain when I had
my accident. (patrol)
10. Bob: I suppose they ...................... you straight to hospital. (take)
11. Kim: I wish! Once they got me down the hill, they called the hospital and I ......................
more than an hour and a half for the ambulance to come. (wait)
12. Bob: Because of the snowstorm, I suppose. So you ................ at the hospital since this
morning. (be)
13. Kim: Yes. The doctor ............................ me already, but now I have to wait for the X-ray
results. (see)
14. Bob: When you .............................. the X-ray results, will you be able to come home?
15. Kim: Apparently. These days the only ........................... people in the hospital if they are
really sick and need a lot of care. (keep)
16. Bob: Well, that's the good news. You'll need a lift, so when the doctor ...................... you
can leave, call me and I'll pick you up. (tell)

accident - baleset
to fall, fell, fallen - elesni
to hurt oneself - megüti magát
conversation - beszélgetés
to guess - kitalál, találgat
to break, broke, broken - eltör
patch - folt
patrol - járőr
to patrol - járőrözni
to suppose - feltételez
straight - egyenesen
to take sb to hospital - kórházba vinni vkit
I wish! - Bárcsak!
ambulance - mentőautó
snowstorm - hóvihar
X-ray - röntgen
result - eredmény
apparently - feltételezhetően
care - gondozás, ellátás
to pick sb up - elmenni valakiért (kocsival általában)


1. I'm calling
2. tell
3. broke
4. happened
5. was skiing
6. were going
7. was snowing
8. brought
9. were patrolling
10. took
11. waited
12. have been
13. has seen
14. keep
15. tells


Alpine Freestyle:This style uses aerial acrobatics and balance, balance being necessary for
rails. In this type of skiing, skiers do jumps or use rails to do aerial tricks. These tricks are
developed in technique and style every day.

Freestyle/Newschool:This is also a type of skiing with tricks. The skis are designed to do
tricks backwards as easily as forwards. Tricks are generally spins and flips sometimes
combined with grabbing the ski to show a good trick. Freestyle skiing takes place in terrain
parks at ski resorts, with a wide variety of jumps, rails, etc.

Freeskiing/Freeride:Freeriding is related to freestyle skiing but it’s done on the natural

mountain. Freeride skiing has been growing in popularity in recent years as more and more
skiers can afford gear and skis.

Nordic Skiing:Also called Cross-country skiing or Cross-country racing. Takes its name from
a type of ski race that is one third up, one third down, and one third flat. Cross-country races
can be either freestyle or classic. In freestyle racing, any technique is allowed as long as it is
human powered and on skis. In a classic race, skating techniques are prohibited. World wide,
Nordic skiing may be the most popular form of skiing since it does not require a specialty ski
a Cross Crountry Skiing videót itt nézheted meg:

Nordic Jumping:Also called ski-flying and ski jumping. A competition in which skiers slide
down a ramp called a jump and attempt to go the furthest before landing on the ground. This
is done with Nordic style skis, meaning that the heels of the boot and the binding are detached
from the ski. The skis are much longer and wider than other types of skis and jumping is
typically done without ski-poles.

Telemark skiing: It is also known as "free heel skiing". Just as in Nordic skiing, the skis have
a binding that only connects the boot to the ski at the toes. But in that case, skiers going

Alpine- alpesi

Nordic- északi

cross country skiing- sífutás

equipment- felszerelés

binding- kötés

to assist- segíteni

B. C.- időszámításunk előtt

to refer to sth- utalni valamire

slope- lejtő, lanka

to track down- lesiklani

to get someone’s kicks- élvezni amit csinál

balance - egyensúly

rail- korlát

spin- forgás

flip- repülés

terrain park- sípark

prohibited - tilos

to require- igényelni

to slide down- lecsúszni

to attempt- megkísérelni

Buying a ski pass – Síbérlet vásárlás (2012 dec)

Mr Jones: Hi could you help me please? I am looking for some information about purchasing
a ski pass.
Receptionist: Of course, Sir. What type of pass would you like? For how long and for how
many people?
Mr Jones: We are here for 4 days and there are 4 of us. Do you do discounts for children?”
Receptionist: We do a family ticket, but we need passport IDs for the children. They also
have to be under 16.
Mr Jones: Actually, my daughter is 14, so there will be 3 adults and 1 child. Fortunately, I
have our passports with us, so I also need a safe place to put our valuables. Just to be on the
safe side.
Receptionist: Of course, Sir. I can put your passports in a security box in our office. I will
just need you to fill out a form and you need to sign it.
Mr Jones: OK. And how much is the ticket?
Receptionist: That will be 122 euros for 4 days skiing, all inclusive for 3 adults and 1 child.
How would you like to pay?
Mr Jones: Can I pay by credit card…VISA?
Receptionist: Yes. I will just print out your ticket and while that is happening I will put your
passports in the box and then give you the key.
Receptionist: OK. This is your ticket and here is your key. Any problems, please contact
reception on extension 501. Have a good stay at our hotel and happy skiing.
Mr Jones: Thanks for all your help and good night.


lift pass- liftbérlet

skis - sílécek
to hire (skis) - sílécet bérelni
piste map - sípálya térkép
ski jacket - sídzseki
ski pole - síléc
gloves - kesztyű (egy pár)
helmet - bukósisak
ski instructor - síoktató
snow forecast - hójelentés
bad weather warning - rossz időjárásra való figyelmeztetés
ski lift - sílift
to ski - síelni
off-piste - pályán kívüli
ski equipment - sífelszerelés
goggles - védőszemüveg
ski boots - síbakancs
hat - sapka
ski school - sí iskola
chalet - faház
snow - hó
avalanche risk - lavina veszély
mulled wine - forralt bor

I’m a beginner.- Kezdő vagyok.

I’m intermediate. - Középhaladó vagyok.
I’m advanced. - Haladó vagyok.
I’d like to try snowboarding/cross-country skiing. - Szeretném kipróbálni a
A family pass for a week, please. - Egy családi síbérletet szeretnék egy hétre.
What’s the now like? - Milyen a hó?
It’s good/icy/powdery/soft/slushy. - Jó/jeges/porszerű/puha/kásás a hó.
Where’s the next refuge? - Hol van a következő menedékház?
Is it open? - Nyitva van?
I’ve lost my pass/sticks/board. - Elhagytam a bérletemet/botjaimat/deszkámat.
Danger! - Veszély!
Are you ok? - Rendben vagy?
My arm/leg/ankle/head/shoulder hurts. - Fáj a karom/lábam/fejem/vállam.
Sorry, I’m still learning. - Ne harahudj, még tanulom.
Help! - Segítség!
I need a doctor! - Orvosra van szükségem.
It’s an emergency! - Vészhelyzet van!
Watch out! - Figyelj!

Visit the best Christmas markets in Europe (2011 dec)

a szöveghez tartozó audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Whether in the historic squares of Prague or beautiful gardens of Copenhagen, you can pick
up unique presents and experience European traditions.


Traditional food, folk dances and live music can be found daily in amongst the cottage-esque
market stalls of Vörösmarty tér from mid-November. Based at the centre of the Pest district
near the start of 'Fashion Street', this market regularly has up to 150 stalls, and plenty of local
art and culture, including puppet theatres. To add to the authenticity of celebrations, all
products sold in the market are guaranteed as traditionally handmade by the Association of
Hungarian Folk Artists. The market also has a gastronomic side. Visitors can taste traditional
Hungarian foods like kenyérlángos (a flat bread like dough cooked in a cob oven),
kürtőskalács (a cone-shaped sweet yeast cake), rétes (strudel), pecsenye (roast meats), and
last but not least, the most of typical winter drinks, forralt bor (mulled wine).


Berlin could easily be described as the capital of the Traditional Christmas Market, if judged
on quantity alone – it has sixty markets across the city this year. The most popular and most
visited, with around four million visitors last year, is the one that takes place around the
Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche. The market isn’t as large as one might expect, with around
one hundred stalls, housed in traditional rustic and wooden. There’s the usual array of
traditional arts, crafts and Christmas decorations, but the fact that the city is home to some of
Europe’s leading cutting-edge artists and designers, you have to visit this place. You can also
find there a good selection of more radical artworks and decorations, as well as an eclectic
selection of antique and contemporary jewellery.


The focal point of Munich in December is the famous Marienplatz, the heart of the old centre,
flanked by the grand neo-gothic town hall and filled with hundreds of stalls in the run-up to
Christmas. There are a number of smaller markets dotted around the city, but this is the
largest and dates back to the 17th century. The market is inaugurated on the Friday before
the first Advent, when thousands gather in the square to watch the thirty metre-high
Christmas tree light up for the first time. Over 140 stalls are set up in the square, selling
hand-carved wooden Christmas decorations, glass baubles, jewellery, arts and crafts.


Dating from 1786, this traditional Christmas fair has expanded to more than 300 stalls selling
all manner of handcrafted Christmas decorations and gifts, along with mistletoe, poinsettias
and Christmas trees. The most popular figure on sale for Nativity scenes is the curious
Catalan figure of the caganer (crapper), a small figure crouching over a steaming turd with
his trousers around his ankles. There’s also a Nativity scene contest, musical parades and
exhibitions, including the popular life-size Nativity scene in Plaça Sant Jaume.

The Czechs take Christmas seriously, and the capital hosts a number of cultural events, folk
displays, concerts and theatre in December. Prague's Christmas markets takes place in Old
Town Square and Wenceslas Square. The idyllic Baroque setting of the cobbled square
seems perfectly suited to a quaint seasonal market. A central petting zoo, complete with
ponies, goats and sheep, is the big attraction for kids. The rows of colourfully decorated
wooden huts stock some attractive hand-made stocking fillers, including the locally made
wood-carved puppets, jewellery, toys and candles. You may also find some good deals on
Bohemian crystal. A central stage hosts daily carol singers and bands playing seasonal tunes.


Winter is the most quintessentially Austrian time of year: snow blankets the city and the
Christmas markets appear. The ‘Christkindlmarkt’ on the square in front of the magnificent
Town Hall is Vienna's classic Christmas market. It is one of the best-known and most visited
in Europe, attracting millions of visitors to its rows of wooden huts leading up to the Hall. It
is certainly one of the oldest, dating back over seven hundred years, and starts early – from
mid-November – which is handy for those, who wants to avoid the pre-Christmas crowds.
Christmas for the Viennese is a social affair, where people meet up at the markets for Punsch
or Glühwein (the local mulled wine), chestnuts and spicy Christmas cookies. The Vokshalle,
within the Town Hall, is home to a daily workshop for kids in Viennawhere parents can drop
them off to make presents and bake Christmas cookies. An added attraction is that throughout
December choirs from around the world perform in the Festival Hall at weekends.


Christmas in Brussels seems to get bigger every year. The Christmas Market now extends
along the streets from Grand’Place to place Ste-Catherine, covering almost 2 kilometres. Each
market stall is a little wooden-roofed hut selling mainly arts and crafts or food and drink, all
of them having a pan-European flavour. The Fish Market is transformed into a temporary ice
rink in December, making it a big attraction for locals. Carols are filtered through
loudspeakers, and jugglers, street musicians and painters brave the cold to entertain the
crowds. From December 23rd, many of the stalls switch hands, and the market becomes
more of a gastronomic affair.


Europe’s oldest amusement park, the Tivoli Gardens, hosts Copenhagen’s annual Christmas
market. The setting is out of Hans Christian Andersen, with hundreds of Christmas trees and
over half a million lights illuminating the stalls and park. There are plenty of food stalls – the
main draw here is glögg, Danish mulled wine mixed with liquor and spices. Hot apple
dumplings make for a warming mid-shopping snack. Based in the centre of the capital it
attracts up to a million visitors, so expect crowds.

historic square [hɪˈstɒrɪk skweə] - történelmi tér

to pick up [tu pɪk ʌp] - talál, szerez
cottage-esque [ˈkɒtɪdʒ ˈesk] - kunyhószerű
stall [stɔːl] - stand, árusító bódé
puppet theatre [ˈpʌpɪt ˈθɪətə] - bábszínház
authenticity [ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti] - hitelesség
handmade [hændˈmeɪd] - kézzel gyártott
dough [dəʊ] - tészta
cob oven [kɒb ˈʌvən] - kerti (kő) sütő
cone-shaped [kəʊn ʃeɪpt] - kúp alakú
yeast cake [jiːst keɪk] - élesztővel készült sütemény
rustic [ˈrʌstɪk] - falusias
array of [əˈreɪ ɒv] - valamin elrendezése
craft [krɑːft] - kézművesség
cutting-edge [ˈkʌtɪŋ edʒ] - legmodernebb, legjobb
eclectic [ɪˈklektɪk] - összeválogatott
jewellery [ˈdʒuːəlri] - ékszerek
to flank [tu flæŋk] - oldalról támogatott
run-up [ˈrʌn ʌp] - rákészülés, felfutás
dotted [ˈdɒtɪd] - tarkított
to inaugurate [tə ɪˈnɔːɡjʊreɪt] - felavat
to gather [tu ˈɡæðə] - valahol üsszegyülés
to light up [tu laɪt ʌp] - kivilágít
to set up [tu set ʌp] - felállít
hand-carved [hænd kɑːvd] - kézzel faragott
glass bauble [ɡlɑːs ˈbɔːbəl] - üveg csecsebecse
all manner of [ɔːl ˈmænər ɒv] - mindenféle valamiből
mistletoe [ˈmɪsltəʊ] - fagyöngy
poinsettia [poɪnˈsetɪə] - mikulásvirág
Nativity [nəˈtɪvɪti] - Krisztus születése
curious [ˈkjʊərɪəs] - furcsa, különös
crapper [kræpə] - ürítő, kakiló
to crouch over [tu kraʊtʃ ˈəʊvə] - valami felett guggol
steaming turd [ˈstiːmɪŋ tɜːd] - gőzölgő ürülék
life-size [ˈlaɪf saɪz] - életnagyságú
Old Town Square [əʊld taʊn skweə] - Óváros tér
Wenceslas Square [wenceslas skweə] - Vencel tér
cobbled [ˈkɒbəld] - macskaköves
quaint [kweɪnt] - furcsa és régies
petting zoo [ˈpetɪŋ zuː] - állatsimogató
wooden hut [ˈwʊdən hʌt] - fakunyhó
to stock [tu stɒk] - raktáron tart
stocking fillers [ˈstɒkɪŋ ˈfɪləz] - karácsonyi ajándékok
candle [ˈkændəl] - gyertya
Bohemian [bəʊˈhiːmɪən] - cseh
quintessentially [quintessentiallei] - tömören
blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] - takaró
to lead up [tu liːd ʌp] - felvezet
handy [ˈhændi] - kényelmes, alkalmas
social affair [ˈsəʊʃəl əˈfeə] - társasági esemény
chestnut [ˈtʃesnʌt] - gesztenye
wooden-roofed hut [ˈwʊdən ruːft hʌt] - fafedelű kunyhó
craft [krɑːft] - kézművesség
flavour [ˈfleɪvə] - sajátosság, légkör
ice rink [aɪs rɪŋk] - műjégpálya
to filter [tu ˈfɪltə] - átszűrődik
loudspeaker [laʊdˈspiːkə] - hangszóró
juggler [ˈdʒʌɡlə] - zsonglőr
brave the cold [breɪv ðə kəʊld] - tűri/bírja a hideget
switch hand [swɪtʃ hænd] - tulajdonost vált
amusement park [əˈmjuːzmənt pɑːk] - vidámpark
illuminating [ɪˈluːmɪneɪtɪŋ] - világító
apple dumpling [ˈæpəl ˈdʌmpəlɪŋ] - bundás alma
mid-shopping [mɪd ˈʃɒpɪŋ] - vásárlás közepi

a mesét itt tudod meghallgatni és letölteni:

Once upon a time a there was a little old woman and a little old man. They lived in a cottage.
One day the little old woman made a gingerbread man. She used currants for eyes and
cherries for buttons, and put him in the oven to bake. The little old woman and little old man
were very hungry and wanted to eat the gingerbread man. As soon as he was baked, the little
old woman opened the oven door. The gingerbread man jumped out of the tin and ran out of
the open window shouting, 'Don't eat me!' The little old woman and little old man ran after the
gingerbread man. 'Stop! Stop!' they yelled. The gingerbread man didn’t look back. He kept
running saying, 'Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!

Down the lane he came to a pig. 'Stop! Stop! I would like to eat you," said the pig. The
gingerbread man started to run faster saying: "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me,
I'm the gingerbread man. As he kept running he met a cow. 'Stop! Stop! little man,' shouted
the hungry cow, 'I want to eat you.' Again the gingerbread man was too fast. He came down
the road saying, "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man."
The cow began to chase the gingerbread man along with the pig, and the little old woman. But
the gingerbread man was too fast for them. It was not long before the gingerbread man came
to a horse. 'Stop! Stop!' shouted the horse. 'I want to eat you, little man.' But the gingerbread
man speeded on. He shouted 'Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the
gingerbread man.

A sly fox came out from behind a tree. 'I can help you cross the river,' said the fox. 'Jump on
my tail and I will swim across the river with you.' 'You won't eat me, will you?' said the
gingerbread man. 'Of course not,' said the fox. 'I just want to help you. 'The gingerbread man
climbed on the fox's tail. But soon the gingerbread man began to get wet. 'Climb onto my
back,' said the fox. So the gingerbread man climbed onto the fox’s back. As he swam the fox
said, 'You are too heavy and I got tired. Jump onto my nose.' So the gingerbread man jumped
onto the fox’s nose because he didn’t want to get wet. As soon as they reached the other side,
than the fox tossed the gingerbread man up in the air, opened his mouth and 'Snap!' that was
the end of the gingerbread man.

along with– együtt

as soon as – amint
button – gomb
cottage - kunyhó, házikó
currant - áfonya
gingerbread – mézeskalács
lane – út
oven – sütő
sly - ravasz, ravaszdi
tail – farok
tin – tepsi
to chase - üldöz, kerget
to climb - felmászni, megmászni, mászni
to come to ... - érkezni valahova
to cross the river - átkelni a folyón
to get wet - nedvesnek lenni
to keep doing sth - valamit nem hagy abba, folytat
to speed on - tovább siet
to toss - dob, hajít
to yell - kiált

Fordítsd le a következő mondatokat angolra!

Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy kis öregasszony és egy kis öregember.
A kis öregember és a kis öregasszony éhesek voltak, és meg akarták enni a mézeskalács
A mézeskalács emberke gyorsabban kezdett futni.
Ahogy futott tovább, egy tehénnel találkozott.
Fuss csak, fuss amilyen gyorsan csak bírsz! Úgyse tudsz elkapni, én a mézeskalács emberke


Once upon a time there was a little old woman and a little old man.
The little old man and the little old woman were hungry and wanted to eat the gingerbread
The gingerbread man started tor un faster.
As he kept running, he met a cow.
Run, run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

6 December, Saint Nicholas Day

The tradition of Saint Nicholas Day, usually on 6 December, is a festival for children in many
countries in Europe related to surviving legends of the saint, and particularly his reputation as
a bringer of gifts. The American Santa Claus, as well as the Anglo-Canadian and British
Father Christmas, derive from these legends. "Santa Claus" is itself derived from the Dutch

In Hungary children typically leave their boots on the windowsill on the evening of December
5. By next morning Nikolaus (commonly known as Mikulás in Hungary) leaves the boots
filled with goodies (traditionally with candies, tangerines, walnuts, apples, dates and Santa
shaped chocolate figurines), and small toys if they have been good. If they have been bad,
Mikulás puts a bunch of golden twigs in the boot, indicating a beating is in order. (Most kids
generally end up getting small gifts but also a small bunch of twigs.) There is no Mrs. Santa in
Hungary, but Mikulás often comes with one or two small evil boys, called "krampusz."

24-26 December, Christmas

In Hungary the Christmas tree is decorated on Christmas Eve. In addition to the usual
decorations, we also put fondant candies on and under the tree. According to the Hungarian
tradition, the Christmas presents are brought by baby Jesus, although some families (who
belong to other religions or atheists) follow the Santa Claus tradition, which was promoted
also by the communist government that ruled until 1990.

Typical Hungarian Christmas dishes include: fish soup or bouillon, stuffed cabbage, roast
turkey with stuffing, and the famous poppy seed or walnut rolls.

Beigli, the famous poppy seed or walnut rolls

The poppy seed or walnut roll is a traditional Hungarian pastry, mostly eaten during the
winter holidays. It is basically a sweet bread, known as beigli in Hungary. During the last few
decades other variants (such as chestnut, plum jam, prune, or even cocoa) have become
popular, too.

Did you know?

Poppy is widely consumed in many parts of Central and Eastern Europe. The sugared, milled
mature seeds are eaten with pasta, or they are boiled with milk and used as filling or topping
on various kinds of sweet pastry.

In countries where eating poppy seed is not so common, people think that it can be dangerous
or even lead to a positive drug-test.


Szaloncukor (literally: "parlour candy") is a type of sweets, traditionally associated with

Christmas in Hungary. It is usually made of fondant, covered by chocolate and wrapped in
shiny coloured foil. It is often used as decoration on Christmas trees, hung on with strings or
small metal hooks.

Fondant candies originally came in a few flavours (vanilla and strawberry for example), but
now there is a wide variety of different kinds of candies, including jelly, coconut, hazelnut and
lots of other flavours.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! (2011 dec)

It's that time of year again already – the end of it – and with the coming of the New Year there
is a sense of hope and a fresh start. Crossing cultural and religious borders, New Year's Eve
is celebrated all over the world in many shapes and forms, but one thing is sure: it usually
involves a big party! Check out our selection of top places to be on the final day of the year,
and in the words of poet Dylan Thomas, “Do not go gentle into that good night”!


This is where it all starts, due toSydney's time zone. Over one
million people gather roundSydney's Harbour Bridge to witness a
spectacular fireworksdisplay in a spectacular setting. If you are up
for being down under this year, but it's just too damn far away, you
can still catch a live broadcast of the festivitieson TV in many places
throughout the world.


If it's a party you're looking for, head to party central – Amsterdam,

The Netherlands. Don't expect elaborate official fireworks here.
Revelers take more of a hands-on approach and set off their own
firecrackers, bottle rockets and other entertaining explosives. The
epicenter of the party is Nieuwmarkt (Newmarket) Square, but the
fun spills over into all parts of the city. Get yourself a bottle of
champagne, maybe some protective eyeglasses and gelukkig nieuwjaar ("prosperous new


The city of light really lives up to its name on "la Saint-Sylvestre", the
French term for New Year's Eve. The Eiffel Tower is simply gorgeous in
the midst of Paris' pyrotechnics. After washing down some oysters and foie
gras with a little bubbly, head down to the beautifully illuminated Champs Élyséees. All of
this combines in making it the perfect place for a midnight kiss.


The activity is centered on the banks of the Thames and around the city's
mammoth Ferris wheel, the London Eye, where they serve up a fireworks
display fit for a king. Around a million cosmopolitan spectators are
expected to attend this year, and if you drink too much and lose your
money, don't worry. From the time Big Ben strikes 12 midnight until 5 am, the city known for
expensive public transportation will actually provide free underground service to help get you

Rio de Janeiro

At the Copa, Copacabana – that's where it's at! Rio's famous beach glows with
the light of thousands of candles for its New Year's celebration called
Reveillon. It's the middle of summer there so pack your thong if you're
planning on joining the 2 ½ million people ringing in the new year in Rio.

religious[rɪˈlɪdʒəs] - vallásos, vallási

border [ˈbɔːdə] – határ
to involve [tə ɪnˈvɒlv] - magával hozza
due to [djuː tuː] - köszönhető valaminek
to gather around [tu ˈɡæðər əˈraʊnd] – összegyűlik
spectacular [spekˈtækjʊlə] – látványos
fireworks [ˈfaɪəwɜːks] – tűzijáték
festivities [feˈstɪvɪtɪz] – ünnepségek
elaborate [ɪˈlæbəreɪt] - gondosan kidolgozott
reveler [ˈrevələ] - mulatozó, tivornyázó
hand-on [hænd ɒn] - házi készítésű
approach [əˈprəʊtʃ] – megközelítés
firecracker [ˈfaɪəkrækə] – petard
explosive [ɪkˈspləʊsɪv] – robbanószer
gorgeous [ˈɡɔːdʒəs] – csodás
bubbly [ˈbʌbli] - pezsgő (szleng)
illuminated [ɪˈluːmɪneɪtɪd] – kivilágított
Ferris wheel [ˈferəs wiːl] – óriáskerék
to glow [tu ɡləʊ] – ragyog
thong [θɒŋ] - tanga

HALLOWEEN (2011 nov)

(2011 nov)

My sister, Susan, got pregnant in October and her baby was

born in July. She waited until the second trimester to tell
people the good news, as by then there is less risk of having
a miscarriage. During the pregnancy she had terrible
morning sickness and she also had cravings for pickles and
iced tea.

Susan and her husband, Brian, prepared their house before

she went into hospital. They decorated the nursery, and also
bought some baby equipment, such as a baby bath, a changing mat ababy carrier, a cot, a
mobile and some soft toys. They got quite a lot of baby clothes from their friends and family,
so they didn’t have to buy any.

The birth itself was uncomplicated. She went into labour at around midnight, and the baby
was born shortly after at 7 a.m. She didn't feel too much pain, although she hadn’t asked for
an epidural.

Instead, the doctor put her on oxytocin drips to make the contractions come a little quicker.
Her midwife was with her during the birth, just to make sure that everything went well.
Luckily, it was a normal delivery and she didn't need a Caesarean section. The doctor cut
the cord and put the baby on her chest so that she can try to breastfeed the baby.

Egészítsd ki a szöveget a megadott szavakkal! Ha nem értesz egy-egy szót, használd a

Longman online szótárát, szerintem ez az egyik legjobb!

a) birth

b) child

c) preschool

d) kindergarten

e) bottle

f) stroller

g) diapers

h) pacifier

i) crawl

j) parents

k) maternity ward

l) labor

m) gynecologists

n) godparents

o) pampers

p) relatives

The .......... (1) of a .......... (2) is a happy event. Of course, having children brings many
challenges and rewards to the .......... (3) . After many visits to the .......... (4) the big day
arrives. Parents usually rush to the .......... (5), often with some .......... (6) coming along to
help. The soon-to-be-mother goes into .......... (7), which can last for a very long time – or
go rather quickly. The fun has just begun! Many parents choose .......... (8) from among
their family or friends. These however, don’t usually have to do some of the more difficult
tasks. For the first few years changing the .......... (9) can be a challenge – even though the
use of .......... (10) has made their task easier. A baby will often cry until the .......... (11)
or .......... (12) is firmly in its mouth. One of the most important things to buy is the ..........
(13), which allows parents to continue to go about daily tasks. Soon the child begins
to ......... (14), and, before you know it, the child is walking! After a few years, parents
begin to think about school. Before grade school begins, children sometimes first go
to ........(15), but usually go to ......... (16) before their first day in “real” school.

answers: 1-a, 2-b, 3-j, 4-m, 5-k, 6-p, 7-l,8-n, 9-g, 10-o, 11-e, 12-h, 13-f, 14-i, 15-d, 16-c
FINDING A NANNY (2011 nov)

a hanganyagot itt hallgathatod meg:
Monica and her husband Peter are trying to find a nanny for their
three-month old daughter, Emily. They have already seen a couple of
applicants but, none of them seemed to be fine for them.

Monica: I feel we’re never gonna find a nanny!

Peter: Don’t give up, there is somebody coming in 5 minutes. Maybe she’ll be the right

The next applicant, Anna, a 24-year old girl, has just arrived.

Monica: So I don't go back to work for another four weeks, but we would like our nanny to
start right away, so that Emily could get a chance to know her.
Anna: I think that's really smart. The easier we can make the transition for her, the better.
Monica: Anna, could you tell me something about your qualifications?
Anna: I took part in a babysitter’s training program organised by the British Red Cross. Here
is my certificate. The program included a certification in infant and child CPR, too.
Monica: What do you think, the most important qualities are to be a good babysitter?
Anna: In my opinion, a babysitter has to understand how hard it is to leave your child with
another person. A babysitter has to be able to choose safe and age appropriate toys and
games for the child, has to carry out basic care, such as feeding and changing, at last, but not
least has to be able to perform basic first aid, and ensure a safe babysitting experience.
Monica: All right, Anna. You could read in our ad, that we are looking for a nanny who can
take care of Emily every day from 8 am to 5 pm. Is it okay with you?
Anna: Yes, certainly.
Monica: When can you start?
Anna: If you need, I can start from tomorrow.
Monica: That sounds great. We’ll be waiting for you tomorrow at 8 am, and I’ll show you
everything then.
Anna: Thank you Mrs Collins. See you tomorrow.

nanny - bébiszitter
applicant - jelentkező
to give up - felad
to get a chance – kap egy esélyt
smart - ügyes
transition - átmenet
qualification – képzettség, szakképzettség
Red Cross - Vöröskereszt
certificate - bizonyítvány
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation ) - újraélesztés
in my opinion – véleményem szerint
age appropriate – kornak megfelelő
basic care – alapvető ellátás
to perform basic first aid – alapvető elsősegély nyújtást biztosít
to ensure – biztosít, lehetővé tesz

a jelenetet itt nézheted meg:

Ross and Rachel's apartment. They're interviewing Sandy.

Sandy: I really do understand how hard it's gotta be to leave your child with another person. I
mean, it's leaving behind a piece of your heart...
Rachel: Sandy, that's exactly what it is...
Ross: Are you gay?
Rachel: Ross!
Sandy: It's okay. I get that a lot doing what I do. But I am straight. I'm engaged actually.
Rachel: Oh!
Sandy: Her name is Deliah.
Rachel: Oh, that's pretty.
Ross: So you're just like a... guy who's a nanny?
Sandy: I realize how it's... a bit unorthodox for some people, but I really believe, the most
satisfying thing you can do with your life, is take care of a child.
Ross: Okay.
Sandy: Like in my last job, I met Daniel when he was three weeks old. And I got to watch
him grow into this awesome person... When I left, I said: I'll see you soon... And he said to
me: Skdandy... That was his name for me... I'll see you every day... right in...
Ross: Yeah, kids say all kinds of crap.
Rachel: Oh God, she must need her diaper changed.
Sandy: Oh, oh, I can do it for her, if you want...
Rachel: Oh, that would be great! I love him, I love him, I love him...
Ross: Oh, come on, Rach, he's a guy!
Rachel: So wh..? He's smart, he's qualified. Give me one good reason we shouldn't try him
Ross: Because, it's weird!
Rachel: Why?
Ross: What kind of job is that for a man? A nanny? It's like if a woman wanted to be...
Rachel: Yes?
Ross: King?
Sandy: I er... I hope you don't mind. I used some of my home-made lotion on Emma. It's a
mixture of calendula and honey cream. It'll dry that rash right up. Plus... It keeps the hands
Rachel: Please? Yes! Sandy you're hired.
Sandy: That's great! I'm sorry. It's just... such an emotional thing when you're welcomed into
a new family...
Rachel: Oooh... come here.
Ross: You gotta be at least bi...

to leave behind [tu liːv bɪˈhaɪnd] - maga mögött hagy

exactly [ɪɡˈzæktli] – pontosan
gay [ɡeɪ] - meleg, homoszexuális
straight [streɪt] – heteroszexuális
engaged [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd] - el van jegyezve
actually [ˈæktʃuəli] – valójában
nanny [ˈnæni] – bébiszitter
unorthodox [ˌʌnˈɔːθədɒks] - liberális szellemű
satisfying [ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ] - kielégítő
to take care of somebody [tu teɪk keər əv ˈsʌmbədi] - gondoskodni valakiről
to grow into [tu ɡrəʊ ˈɪntə] - valamivé nő/felnő
awesome [ˈɔːsəm] - csodálatos, lenyűgöző
crap [kræp] - badarság, hülyeség
to change a diaper [tu tʃeɪndʒ ə ˈdaɪəpə] - pelenkát cserélni
smart [smɑːt] - ügyes, derék
qualified [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd] – szakképzett
to give somebody a reason [tu ɡɪv ˈsʌmbədi ə ˈriːzən] - okot ad valakinek valamire
weird [wɪəd] – furcsa
home-made [ˈhəʊm meɪd] - házi készítésű
calendula [-] – körömvirág
rash [ræʃ] – kiütés
emotional [ɪˈməʊʃnləl] - érzelgős, érzelmes
bi [bi] – biszexuális
BABY CARE (2011 nov)
Love Me, Love My Dog! (2011 nov)

The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a mammal from the family Canidae. It
has been domesticated by humans for a long time. It was the first animal
ever to be domesticated. People keep dogs for both work and as pets. For
example, there are police dogs, fire dogs, rescue dogs, guard dogs, hunting
dogs, herding dogs, and guide dogs for blind people (also called seeing eye
dogs). There are also dogs that are trained to smell for diseases in the
human body or to find bombs or illegal drugs. These dogs sometimes help
policemen in airports or other areas. Sniffer dogs (usually beagles) are
sometimes trained for this job. Dogs have even been sent by Russians into
outer space, a few years before any human being. The first dog sent up was
called Laika, but died while there.

Dogs can smell and hear very well, but their sight is worse than humans’. This is because
dogs have fewer cone cells in their retina (cone cells are responsible for seeing color), and
also because they see only two primary colors (blue and yellow), while humans see three
primary colors (red, blue, yellow). Dogs usually live about 10 years or more. The size and the
breed of the dog may change how long the dog lives. Smaller dog breeds usually live longer.

Dogs have lived with people for at least 30,000 years. There are at least 800 breeds of dogs.
Dogs whose parents were the same breed will also be that breed: these dogs are called
purebred or pure pedigree dogs. Dogs with parents from different breeds no longer belong
to one breed: they are called mutts, mixed-breed dogs, hybrids, or mongrels.

Some of the most popular breeds are sheepdogs, collies, poodles and retrievers. It is
becoming popular to breed two different breeds of dogs and calling the new dog's breed a
name that is a mixture of the parents' breeds' two names. A puppy with a poodle and a
pomeranian as parents might be called a Pomapoo. These kinds of dogs, instead of being
called mutts, are known as designer dog breeds. These dogs are normally used for prize shows
and designer shows.

Dogs are the most popular pets as they are playful, friendly and listen to humans. They are
sometimes referred to as "man's best friend" because they are kept as domestic pets and are
usually loyal and like being around humans.

mammal - [ˈmæmll ] emlős

to be domesticated - [tu bi dəˈmestɪkeɪtɪd] háziasítva lenni
rescue dog - [ˈreskjuː dɒɡ] mentőkutya
guard dog - [ɡɑːd dɒɡ] őrző kutya
hunting dog - [ˈhʌntɪŋ dɒɡ] vadászkutya
herding dog - [ˈhɜːdɪŋ dɒɡ] terelő kutya
guide dog - [ɡaɪd dɒɡ]vakvezető kutya
to smell for disease - [tu smel fə dɪˈziːz] kiszagolja a betegséget
sniffer dog - [ˈsnɪfə dɒɡ] kábítószer kereső kutya
outer space - [ˈaʊtə speɪs] űr
sight - [saɪt] látás
cell - [sel] sejt
primary - [ˈpraɪməri] elsődleges
breed - [briːd] fajta
purebred dog - [ˈpjʊrˈbred dɒɡ] fajtiszta kutya
pure pedigree dog - [pjʊə ˈpedɪɡriː dɒɡ] fajtiszta, törzskönyvezett kutya
mutt - [mʌt] korcs
mixed-breed dog - [mɪkst briːd dɒɡ] keverék kutya
mongrel - [ˈmʌŋɡrəl] korcs
sheepdog - [ˈʃiːpdɒɡ] juhászkutya
poodle - [ˈpuːdll ] uszkár
to breed - [tu briːd] tenyészt
puppy - [ˈpʌpi] kölyökkutya
instead of - [ɪnˈsted ɒv] valami helyett


1. Do you like dogs?

a) Yes, I love dogs! I’ve always had dogs. As I live in a small flat now, I can only have a
little one, so I keep a tiny Yorkshire Terrier, who is very smart and cute.
b) I do not particularly like dogs, I prefer cats. I cannot tell you why, it’s been always this
way. When I was a child I used to have a cat, called Mimi, but she died when I was 16.

2. Are dogs really man’s best friend?

a) Dogs are loyal to humans, mostly to their owners. I’ve heard stories when dogs couldn’t
or didn’t want to leave their owners grave, as there was such a strong bond between them.
Dogs can also walk hundreds of miles to find their way back home if they get lost somehow.
b) I don’t know much about dogs. I’ve never had one, and I’m not really interested in dogs.

3. What kind of dogs do you like and dislike?

a) My favourite dog breed is Golden Retriever. I think they are the most beautiful and
smartest dogs on Earth. I do not really like toy dogs, like Chihuahuas, as for me a dog should
be at least medium sized.
b) I love those tiny little toy dogs you can carry around in a cute dog-carrier bag!

4. Do you think dogs are the best kind of pet?

a) Apart from the emotional side dogs can guard your house and help to keep burglars
away. If you live in a house, it’s a good idea to keep an at least medium-sized alert dog.

5. Do you think dogs have a good life?

a) It depends on the owner. If they are considered as a member of the family, they
undoubtedly have a good life. Unfortunately, someowners can be very cruel to their dogs, and
abuse them, and lot of dogs are abandoned year by year. Unfortunately, dog shelters cannot
provide enough places for all these dogs, so it’s very important that people adopt these poor
dogs instead of buying puppies.

6. Are you ever afraid of dogs?

a) No, I’m a real dog-lover! I’ve always had dogs, and I have never been afraid of any of
b) Yes, I’m afraid of dogs, and I cannot imaginekeeping a dog at home. When I was a child I
was bitten by a dog at the playground, and since then I’ve avoided dogs.
7. Do owners have to clean up after their dogs in your town?
a) Unfortunately, not every dog owner likes to clean up after their dog, so there are parts of
the city which are literally full of dog dirt. If caught on the spot, these owners should be fined
so that they can learn how to keep a dog properly in society.

8. What do you think of dog hotels, dog cafes and dog parlours?
a) I think they can be useful sometime. For example, if you want to go on holiday and
cannot take your pet with you, your dog can stay at a dog hotel where it will be looked after
by a professional staff. I have never seen a dog café in Hungary, but heard that there are dog
and cat cafes abroad. If your dog has long hair, you have to groom it. If you don’t know how
to do it, or you don’t have time to do it, you can take your dog to a dog parlour.

Hungarian Dog Breeds

Hungarian Dog Breedsare said to be some of the oldest dog breeds in existence. Hungary
has some of the best sheep herding dogs as well as hunting dogs. In Hungary you can now
find a variety of dog breeds that are descendants of their homeland as well as dog breeds that
originate elsewhere.

The Hungarian Vizsla originated in Hungary and was bred to locate and collect game for
hunters. Hungarian Vizslas are extremely sweet, cuddly dogs that thrive on any affection they
get! These dogs have an unusually high energy level and will need a large amount of exercise
daily to be happy and healthy.

The Kuvasz is probably one of the oldest of all breeds. Some says that the Kuvasz has been
known since 200 B.C., in the age of the Huns. After World War II, there were only 30 Kuvasz
left in the world, but with the perseverance of many breeders, the Kuvasz has been
repopulated in Hungary.
The Komondor is a descendant of Tibetan dogs. For a long time, people thought it was
brought by the nomadic Magyars to herd sheep. In 1920, the breed started to be presented in
dog shows and became more popular.

The Puli is also a sheep dog, that was brought to Hungary by the Magyars to be used as sheep
dogs. During World War II, this breed almost disappeared, but a breeding program
successfully brought the breed back to life.


collar leash dog toy

[ˈkɒlə] [liːʃ] [dɒɡ toɪ]
nyakörv póráz kutyajáték

dog food bone treats

[dɒɡ fuːd] [bəʊn] [triːts]
kutyakaja csont jutalomfalat

dog bed dog house kennel

[dɒɡ bed] [dɒɡ haʊz] [ˈkenll ]
kutyafekhely kutyaház kennel

Obedience is very important, so teach your dog some basic rules!

Bark! - Ugass!/Hangot!
Bite! - Csibész!
Come! - Hozzám!
Down! - Fekszik!
Fetch! - Hozd!
Good boy! - Jó fiú!
Good girl! - Jó kislány!
Good job! - Szép munka!/Ügyes vagy!
Heel! - Lábhoz!
Here! - Hozzám!
Hi five! - Pacsi!
Leave it! - Eresztd!
Play dead! - Tetszhalott vagy!
Roll over! - Bukfenc!
Shake-a-paw! - Rázz kezet!
Sit! - Ül!
Stay! - Marad!
Track! - Keresd!


bitch [bɪtʃ] - szuka

litter [ˈlɪtə] - alom
to howl [tu haʊl] - nyüszít
pedigree [ˈpedɪɡriː] -törzskönyv
flee [fliː] - bolha
tick [tɪk] - kullancs
puppy [ˈpʌpi] - kölyökkutya
to bark [tu bɑːk] - ugat
to wag one's tails tail [tu wæɡ wʌnz teɪlz] - csóválja a farkát
stray dog [streɪ dɒɡ] - kóbor kutya
breed [briːd] - fajta
obedience [əˈbiːdɪəns] - engedelmesség
RSPCA(2012 nov)

Preparing the way

In 1822, Richard Martin MP piloted the first anti-cruelty bill giving
cattle, horses and sheep a degree of protection through parliament.

World first
`Humanity Dick´ as he was known, was one of the 22 founders of the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which was launched in London in 1824. The SPCA became
the first national animal protection society in the world.

No compassion
At that time, compassion for animals was regarded as bizarre. Animals were regarded as little
more than commodities supplying food, transport or sport.

Changing attitudes
In its early years the Society´s major campaign was to win over the hearts and minds of the
general public, and to change people´s indifference to animal cruelty.

Cruelty exposed
The 181 convictions for cruelty that the Society achieved during 1832 - the first year such
figures were recorded in its annual report - made a telling impact on public opinion about the
treatment of animals.

Royal approval
By 1840 the Society´s work was held in such high regard that Queen Victoria gave her
permission for the SPCA to be called the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Law enforcement
Its practical welfare work developed quickly. The single inspector appointed in London to
check on markets and slaughterhouses, was joined by others. Together they formed a law
enforcement body that pre-dated the police force.

National network
News of the work of the Society spread outside London. By 1842, campaigners in Bath,
Brighton, Bristol, Coventry and Scarborough had all requested the appointment of an
inspector of their own.

Sufficient funds
With the increasing number of donations and bequests the Society was attracting, there were
funds to expand beyond the capital.

Branches established
Regional inspectors were appointed, with local campaigners promising to raise Ł20 a year
towards `their´ inspector´s wages. This development created the nucleus of a national network
of 187 branches in England and Wales that exists today.


annual report- éves jelentés

anti-cruelty - kegyetlenség elleni
appointed - kijelölt
attracting - vonzó
bequest - hagyaték
bill - törvényjavaslat
bizarre - bizarr
campaign - kampány
capital - tőke
cattle - szarvasmarha
commodity - árucikk
compassion - könyörület, szánalom
conviction - meggyőződés, hit
degree of protection - védelmi szint
donation - adomány, adakozás
enforcement - végrehajtás
founder - alapító
fund - forrás, tőke
indifference to something - közömbösség valami iránt
inspector - felügyelő, ellenőr
law enforcement body - törvény végrehajtó testület
MP- Member of Parliament =országgyűlési képviselő
network - hálózat
nucleus of something - atommag = valaminek a középpontja
prevention - megelőzés
public opinion - közvélemény
royal - királyi
slaughterhouse - mészárszék, vágóhíd
society - társaság, társadalom
to achieve sth - elérni valamit
to be held in high regard - magas megbecsülésben van
to be regarded as something - valamit valaminek tartani
to expand - kiterjed
to launch a bill - törvényjavaslatot kezdeményez
to make an impact on something - hatással/kihatással/befolyással lenni valamire
to pilot - irányít, kalauzol, kormányoz, kísérletez, kipróbál
to promise - megígér
to raise - megemel
to record something - rögzíteni valamit (adat, hang stb)
to spread - terjed, elterjed
to supply - ellát
to win over - megnyer magának, maga oldalára állít
wage - bér (általában heti)
HOME, SWEET HOME (2011 okt)

a párbeszédet itt hallgathatod meg:

Martha:Hello Peter, come in!

Peter:Hello Marta! I had to arrange something in
this area, and stopped by to see how you are getting
on with the redecoration. Have you been painting?
Your jeans are covered in paint!
Martha:Yes, I have been painting the bedroom for hours. John painted the living room last
week, but while he was painting the kitchen ceiling, he fell off the ladder, and broke his leg so
badly that he’s been in hospital since Sunday.
Peter:Poor John! Do you need any help? The kids are in a summer camp, so I can give you a
hand! Martha: Really? I would be really grateful, if you could come over to help me.
Peter:Apart from the painting what else needs to be done?
Martha:The kitchen is completely furnished with all the latest appliances, but the former
owner left it so dirty that it needs to be cleaned.
Peter:What about the bathroom?
Marta:The toilet is blocked, and the tap is dripping. But I have already called a plumber.
He is coming tomorrow.
Peter:Shall I start with the kitchen then?
Marta:If you don’t mind, yes. In the meantime I’ll try to find an electrician because some of
the light switches need to be replaced, and some sockets need to be fixed.

to arrange– megszervez, elrendez

to get on with something – haladni valamivel
redecoration – felújítás
ceiling – plafon
to fell off … - leeseni valahonnan
to give somebody a hand – segíteni valakinek
grateful – hálás
furnished – bútorozott
appliance - készülék
former owner – korábbi tulajdonos
blocked – el van dugulva
tap – csap
to drip – csöpög
plumber – víz- és gázszerelő
electrician – villanyszerelő
light switch - villanykapcsoló
to replace – kicserél
socket – konnektor
to fix something – megjavítani valamit


A handyman (or repairman) mainly performs small

repair jobs and tasks around the home or yard for a fee.
Although handymen are historically male, women are
beginning to perform more of these tasks and repairs.
Some handymen have licenses to work on particular
systems, while others stick to more general tasks which
don't require licensing.

A handyman can often be found by flyers on community bulletin boards and in local stores.
Word of mouth is also a good way to find a handyman, since satisfied customers will be
happy to recommend someone who did a good job. A handyman can sometimes be more
useful than a specialist, because he can perform a wide range of tasks in one visit. However,
the quality of service provided by a handyman can also vary widely, so it is a good idea to ask
for recommendations before hiring someone.

to perform – elvégez, előad

repair – javítási munkák
task – feladat
to stick to – ragaszkodik valamihez
flyer – szórólap
community bulletin board – közösségi hirdetőtábla
word of mouth – szóbeszéd
satisfied – elégedett
customer – vásárló, vevő
to recommend – ajánl
useful – hasznos
specialist – szakember
a wide range of – széles skálájú …
to vary – változik
recommendations – ajánlatok


The pipe is BLOCKED. – EL van dugulva a cső.

The window is BROKEN. – Be van törve az ablak.
The carpet is RUINED. – Tönkre ment a szőnyeg.
The drain is BLOCKED. – El van dugulva a csatorna.
The radiator is LEAKING. – Csöpög a radiátor.
There is a STAIN on the carpet. – Van egy folt a szőnyegen.
The lock is FIXED. – Beragadt a zár.
The tap is DRIPPING. – Csöpög a csap.
The washing machine is WRONG. – Rossz a mosógép.

Mr Handyman (2011 okt)

a videót itt tudod megnézni:

Measure twice. Cut once. That's the lingo in the

fix it biz... I should know.Richard Karn here,
actor and home improvement guru, talking to
you about Mr.Handyman. Need a solution to all
those home improvement needs?

Mr. Handyman provides their customers with

professional, credible and reliable handymen for a variety of home repair, maintenance,
and improvement requests. Did you know that Mr. Handyman is the largest employer of
handymen nationwide?

Each technician has over 10 years experience, and when they arrive, they are ready to work.
Mr. Handyman technicians arrive in a clearly marked van, in uniform, and have all the tools
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to measure - mér, megmér

lingo – nyelvezet, nyelvhasználat
biz – üzlet (business)
home improvement – ház körüli javítások, fejlesztések
needs - szükségletek
to provide- biztosít, lehetővé tesz
credible – hihető, hiteles
reliable - megbízható
repair - szerelés
maintenance - karbantartás
improvement - fejlesztés
technician – szerelő, szakember
clearly marked van – világosan megjelölt furgon
tool - szerszám
best of all – az egészben a legjobb
to clean up – feltakarít, kitakarít
HAND TOOLS (2011 okt)
Rabbit adopts abandoned kittens (2012 okt)

a hanganyagot itt tudod elérni:

When veterinary nurse Melanie Humble took home a litter of kittens, she expected her cat
Ellie to show some interest. Instead it was her rabbit Summer who quickly developed a bond
with the baby felines. Although only five-months-old, Summer has shown remarkable
patience with the frisky five-week-old kittens, and lets them snuggle close to her.

"I brought Summer inside on bonfire night because I was worried about her being scared by
fireworks," Melanie said. "I did wonder how she would get on with the kittens tearing
around the house, but she has been really great. I think they think she's their mum. She's a big,
fat rabbit and she just sits there quite happily and lets them climb all over her. It is lovely to
see them all together."

The kittens had been abandoned by their mother and were brought into the veterinary
branch in Aberdeen where Melanie works. Melanie agreed to foster them until they reached
eight-weeks-old. They were too small to feed themself so Melanie have been giving them a
special formula through a syringe every two to three hours. "It's a bit of a full-time job," said
Melanie. "Wherever I go, the kittens have to go, too, but they're lots of fun."

Nyúl fogadta örökbe az elhagyott kiscicákat

Amikor Melanie Humble, aki egy állatorvos mellett ápolónő, hazavitt egy alomnyi kiscicát,
azt goldolta, hogy majd macskája, Ellie, érdeklődni fog irántuk. Ehelyett Summer, a nyula volt
az, aki nagyon gyorsan elkezdett kötődni a bébi macskákhoz. Bár még csak 5 hónapos,
Summer rendkívüli türelemmel viselkedik az eleven öthetes kölykökkel, és hagyja, hogy
hozzábújjanak. Bájos látványt nyújtanak együtt.

„Örömtüzek éjszakáján hoztam be Summert, mert aggódtam, hogy a tűzijátékok megijesztik”

– mondta el Melanie. „Kíváncsi voltam, hogyan fog kijönni a házban rohangáló kiscicákkal,
de igazán nagyszerűen viselkedik. Szerintem azt gondolja, hogy ő az anyukájuk. Summer egy
nagy, kövér nyúl, aki boldogan ül, és hagyja, hogy felmásszanak rá.”

A cicákat elhagyta az anyjuk, és abba az aberdeeni állatorvosi rendelőbe vitték be őket, ahol
Melanie dolgozik. A nő beleegyezett, hogy addig befogadja őket, amíg el nem érik a
nyolchetes kort. Túl kicsik voltak ahhoz, hogy egyedül táplálkozzanak, így Melanie egy
speciális tápszerrel eteti őket két-három óránként egy fecskendőből. „Olyan ez, mint egy teljes
munkaidős állás” – mondta Melanie. „Bárhova is megyek, a macskáknak is jönniük kell, de
még így is nagyon szórakoztatóak.”

veterinary [ˈvetrɪnri] - állatorvosi

a litter ofkittens [ə ˈlɪtər əv ˈkɪtənz] - egy alomnyi kölyök
developed a bond with [dɪˈveləpt ə bɒnd wɪð] - kapcsolatot épít valakivel
feline [ˈfiːlaɪn] - macskaféle
remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbəl] - meglepő, jelentős
frisky [ˈfrɪski] - eleven
to snuggle [tu ˈsnʌɡəl] - szorosan magához ölel, szorít
bonfire [ˈbɒnfaɪə] - örömtűz
to be worried about [tu bi ˈwʌrɪd əˈbaʊt] - valami miatt aggódni
firework [ˈfaɪəwɜːk] - tűzijáték
to get on with [ɡet ɒn wɪð] - kijön valakivel
to tear [tu teə] - rohan, nyargal
lovely [ˈlʌvli] - bájos, kedves
to be abandoned by [tu bi əˈbændənd baɪ] - magára hagyott (valaki által)
foster [ˈfɒstə] - felnevel, táplál
branch [brɑːntʃ] - iroda, vállalat
formula [ˈfɔːmjʊlə] - tápszer
syringe [sɪˈrɪndʒ] - fecskendő
full-time job [fʊl ˈtaɪm dʒɒb] - teljes munkaidős állás
New Zealand mourns Shrek the sheep
a hanganyagot itt érheted el:

New Zealand's national icon, Shrek the sheep, died on a South Island farm at the weekend at
the age of 16, broadcaster TVNZ has reported. The Merino made headlines across the world
in 2004 when he was found living in a cave after six years on the loose. When he was finally
recovered, he was weighed down by an incredible 27 kilogram-fleece. His long-awaited
shearing was then broadcast live on television.

Highly valued for their fleece, Merino sheep are said to grow some of the finest and softest
wool, which is commonly used by the clothing industry. In New Zealand, where sheep are
thought to outnumber the human population of 4.3 million people by 10 to 1, it is hard to
imagine how one sheep could stand out. But his incredible story made him a national

Following his shearing, Shrek made a number of public appearances, including a visit to
New Zealand's national parliament to meet then Prime Minister Helen Clark. He also became
the star of a number of children's books. Despite his fame, Shrek's owner insists his prized
sheep came from humble origins. "He was just an ordinary sheep, went AWOL and hid, and
when he was found he became the darling of the nation," said Shrek's owner John Perriam, in
an interview with TVNZ.

"He had an unbelievable personality. He loved children and he was really good with the
elderly in retirement homes." Perriam told the Agence France-Presse he was forced to put
down Shrek because of his waning health. His memorial service is slated for later this week
at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Tekapo.

source: CNN


Új-Zélad Shreket, a birkát gyászolja

Új-Zéland nemzeti ikonja, Shrek a birka, egy South Island-i farmon lelte halálát hétvégén 16
éves korában, a TVNZ csatorna jelentése szerint. A merinói juh 2004-ben került az újságok
főcímeibe világszerte, amikor hat év után rátaláltak egy barlangban, ahol az után élt, hogy
elkószált. Amikor végre rátaláltak, hihetetlen mennyiségű, 27 kilós gyapjú borította a testét. A
régóta várt nyírását a televízió élőben közvetítette.

A báránybundájuk miatt nagyra értékelt merinói juhok a legfinomabb és legpuhább gyapjat

adják, amelyet a ruhaipar széles körben használ. Új-Zélandon - ahol úgy vélik, hogy a birkák
száma meghaladja a 4,3 milliós lakosság számát 10 az 1-hez arányban – nehéz egy birkának
kitűnnie a többi közül. De ennek a juhnak a hihetetlen története igazi hírességgé tette őt.

A nyírását követően Shrek számos helyen jelent meg, járt az Új-zélandi nemzeti parlamentben
is, ahol találkozott a miniszterelnökkel, Helen Clarkkal is. Számos gyerekkönyv sztárja is lett.
Hírneve ellenére, gazdája állítja, hogy a nagyra becsült birkája szerény származású.
„ Teljesen átlagos birka volt, aki engedély nélkül eltávozott és bujkált, majd amikor rátaláltak
az ország kedvence lett.” – mondta el gazdája John Perriam egy, a TVNZ-nek adott

„Hihetetlen személyisége volt. szerette a gyerekeket, és nagyon jól viselkedett a hajlott

korúakkal is az idősek otthonában.” Perriam az Agence France Presse-nek elmondta, hogy
el kellett altatnia a birkát, mert aggasztó volt az egészségi állapota. A gyászmisét a birka
emlékére ennek a hétnek a végére tervezik a takapo-i Jó Pásztor templomban.

… is reported [z rɪˈpɔːtɪd] - a jelentések szerint

headline [ˈhedlaɪn] – főcím
cave [keɪv] – barlang
to go/to be on the loose [tu ɡəʊ tu bi ɒn ðə luːs] - csavarog/elkószál
long-awaited [lɒŋ əˈweɪtɪd] - régóta várt, várva várt
shearing [ˈʃɪərɪŋ] – nyírás
fleece [fliːs] – báránybunda
wool [wʊl] – gyapjú
to outnumber [tə ˌaʊtˈnʌmbə] - létszámban felülmúl
it is hard to imagine [ɪt s hɑːd tə ɪˈmædʒɪn] - nehéz elképzelni
to stand out [tu stænd aʊt] – kiemelkedik
public appearance [ˈpʌblɪk əˈpɪərəns] - nyilvános szereplés
including [ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ] – beleértve
despite something [dɪˈspaɪt ˈsʌmθɪŋ] - valami ellenére
fame [feɪm] – hírnév
humble [ˈhʌmbll ] – szerény
origin [ˈɒrɪdʒɪn] - származás, eredet
to go AWOL [tu ɡəʊ ˈeɪwɒl] - engedély nélkül eltávozik (katonai kifejezés)
unbelievable [ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbll ] – hihetetlen
retirement home [rɪˈtaɪəmənt həʊm] - nyugdíjas otthon, öregek otthona
to put down (an animal) [tu pʊt daʊn ən ˈænɪmll ] - elaltat (örökre egy állatot)
memorial service [mɪˈmɔːrɪəl ˈsɜːvɪs] – gyászmise
to slate[tu sleɪt] - kiszemel, kijelöl
Blind dog gets own guide dog

a hanganyagot itt érheted el:

When Opal arrived to be Graham Waspe’s new guide dog, after Edward was retired from the
position, she only had to care for Graham. But when Edward became blind, Opal had two
charges to see for.

Graham Waspe, 60, is registered blind, and has only limited vision in one of his eyes due to
two separate incidents earlier in his life. When his seeing-eye dog, Edward, developed
glaucoma and lost his eyes to inoperable cataracts, the vision-impaired man was
devastated, thinking he’d have to give up his loyal friend of six years.

‘My wife and I cried when we heard Edward had glaucoma and would have to have his eyes
removed, but we were determined to keep caring for him,’ said Mr Waspe. He couldn’t bear
to be parted from his loyal friend, so he got a new guide dog to look after them both.

‘Opal arrived far quicker than expected because, sadly, a couple of people in the Stowmarket
area with fairly young guide dogs had died,’ Mr Waspe said.
‘We got Opal on November 12 and she started training with Graham on the 16th and they
were qualified in early December.’ – Mr Waspe’s wife added.

Graham said: ‘Opal’s been great for both of us. I don’t know what we’d do without her.’

So, the new dog, Opal, is not just aiding his owner to carry out everyday tasks, but also
helping Edward to get around. She provides seeing-eye dog services for both blind members
of her family, and the two dogs are really fond of each other.

"Since losing his sight last October, he has just adapted incredibly well. He and Opal are very
affectionate and just love to lie down together."

Despite being unable to see, eight-year-old Edward, who is otherwise healthy, has shown no
sign of slowing down. While he is well known across the schools and community groups of
Suffolk, Opal is now building his own reputation as their owners give talks about the Guide
Dogs charity, training for such special dogs and the incredible ways they help their owners.


Saját vakvezető kutyát kapott a vak kutya

Amikor Opal megérkezett, hogy ő legyen Graham Waspe új vakvezető kutyája miután a
korábbi kutya nyugdíjba ment, csak Grahamről kellett gondoskodnia. De mióta Edward is
megvakult, Opalnak mindkettőjükre vigyáznia kell.

A 60 éves Graham Waspe két egymástól független balesetben vakult meg, és mindössze egyik
szemére lát, arra is nagyon korlátozottan. Amikor vakvezető kutyája, Edward, szemén zöld
hályog keletkezett, majd elvesztette látását mert a hályogot már nem lehetett megoperálni, a
gyengén látó férfi kétségbeesett, azt gondolván, hogy el kell búcsúznia barátjától, aki má6 6
éve hűséges társa volt.

„A feleségem és én sírtunk, amikor meghallottuk, hogy Edwardnak zöld hályog van a szemén
és a szemeit el kell távolítani, de elszántak voltunk, hogy megtartsuk és továbbra is
gondozhassuk”, mondta el Mr Waspe. Nem tudta volna elviselni, hogy elválasszák hűséges
barátjától, így kapott egy új vakvezető kutyát, aki immár mindkettőjükről gondoskodik.

„Opal sokkal gyorsabban érkezett, mint ahogy vártuk, mert sajnálatos módon Stowmarket
környékén meghalt néhány ember, akiknek fiatal vakvezető kutyáik voltak” – mondta Mr

„November 12-én kaptuk meg Opalt, és 16-án kezdett Grahammel tréningezni, december
elején pedig már meg is kapták a képesítést” – tette hozzá Mr Waspe felesége.

Graham elmondta: „Opal mindkettőnkkel nagyszerűen viselkedik. Nem is tudom mit tennénk

Így hát az új kutya, Opal, nem csak a gazdáját segíti a mindennapi feladatok elvégzésében, de
Edwardnak is segít boldogulni. Vakvezető kutyaként segíti a családja minkét nem látó tagját,
és a két kutya igazán kedveli egymást.
„Miután elvesztette látását tavaly októberben, hihetetlenül jól alkalmazkodott a helyzethez. Ő
és Opal nagyon gyengédek egymással, és nagyon szeretnek együtt heverészni.”

Annak ellenére, hogy nem lát, a 8 éves Edward, aki egyébként teljesen egészséges, nem
mutatta még jelét sem annak, hogy visszavenne a tempójából. Míg őt jól ismerik az
iskolákban és a közösségben Suffolk környékén, Opal most szerez hírnevet magának, mivel a
gazdáik beszédeket tartanak a Vakvezető Kutyák jótékonysági szervezetéről, ezeknek a
különleges kutyáknak a képzéséről, és arról a hihetetlen módszerről és képességről, ahogy
gazdáikat segítik.

guide dog [ɡaɪd dɒɡ] - vakvezető kutya

charge[tʃɑːdʒ] - feladat
glaucoma [ɡlɔːˈkəʊmə] - zöld hályog
inoperable [ˌɪnˈɒpərəbll ] - nem megoperálható
cataract [ˈkætərækt] - hályog
vision-impaired [ˈvɪʒnl ɪmˈpeəd] - gyengénlátó
devastated [ˈdevəsteɪtɪd] - kétségbeesett, le van sújtva
loyal [ˈloɪəl] - hűséges
to remove [tu rɪˈmuːv] - eltávolít
can’t bear to … [kɑːnt beə tu] - nem tudja elviselni, hogy …
to aid somebody to …[tə eɪd ˈsʌmbədi tu] - segít valakit valamit csinálni
to carry out everyday tasks [tu ˈkæri aʊt ˈevrɪdeɪ tɑːsks] - mindennapi
to be fond of [tu bi fɒnd ɒv] - imád, kedvel valamit
reputation [ˌrepjʊˈteɪʃnl] - hírnév, elismerés

a videót itt nézheted meg:
FARM ANIMALS (2011 okt)

az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Almost everyone has an irrational fear of something. Some get nervous at the thought of spiders and
other insects. Others shriek at the sight of a mouse. Still others get woozy when they look down from
tall buildings. For most people, these fears are minor. But for some, these fears are so severe that they
cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with normal day-to-day life.

When fears are irrational and disabling, they are called phobias. A phobia is an intense fear of
something that, in reality, poses little or no actual danger.

Common phobias and fears include closed-in places, heights, highway driving, flying insects, snakes,
and needles. However, we can develop phobias of virtually anything. Let’s see the example of Dean,
who is terrified of flying.

Reporter: So Dean, let’s talk about you fear. What are you afraid of?
Dean: I’m afraid of flying. I’m terrified if I have to get on a plane, I’m scared to death even if I see a
Reporter: How does this phobia affect your life?
Dean: Unfortunately, my job involves a lot of travelling. For weeks before every trip, I have a knot in
my stomach and a feeling of anxiety that won’t go away. On the day of the flight, I wake up feeling
like I’m going to throw up. Once I’m on the plane, my heart pounds, I feel lightheaded, and I start
to hyperventilate. Every time it gets worse and worse.
Reporter: Your fear of flying has gotten so bad that you finally told your boss you can only travel to
places within driving distance, didn’t you?
Dean: Yes, that’s true. My boss was not happy about this, so I’m not sure what will happen at work.
I’m afraid I’ll lose my job.

Some phobias, such as fear of flying or driving, are so common that there are therapists who
specialize in their treatment. The number of treatments you will need depends on the severity of your
phobia, but exposure-based therapy is typically brief. Phobias that are limited can often be treated in as
little as two to four sessions. Sometimes a single, long session is all that is needed.

irrational fear[ɪˈræʃnləl fɪə] - irracionális félelem

to get nervous [tu ɡet ˈnɜːvəs] - ideges less
to shriek [tu ʃriːk] - sikolt, visit
to get woozy [tu ɡet ˈwuːzi] - bágyadt, kábult less
anxiety [æŋˈzaɪəti] - aggodalom, nyugtalanság
day-to-day life [deɪ tuː deɪ laɪf] - mindennapi élet
to develop [tu dɪˈveləp] - fejlesz, kifejlődik
to be scared to death [tu bi skeəd tu deθ] - halálra rémülve lenni
to affect [tə əˈfekt] - hatással van
to involve [tə ɪnˈvɒlv] - magával hoz
to have a knot in one’s stomach [tu həv ə nɒt ɪn wʌnz ˈstʌmək] - gombóc van a torkában (csomó a
to throw up [tu θrəʊ ʌp] - hányni
to pound (heart) [tu paʊnd hɑːt] - ver (szív)
to feel lightheaded [tu fiːl ˈlaɪtˌhedəd] - gyengeelméjűnek érzi magát
to hyperventilate [-] - hiperventilál
therapist [ˈθerəpɪst] - terapeuta, pszichiáter
session [ˈseʃnl] - foglalkozás



phobia [uncountable and countable noun] – fóbia

a strong unreasonable fear of something

phobia about
Owen has a phobia about snakes. – Owne-nek kígyó fóbiája van.
Some children suffer from school phobia.- Néhány gyereknek iskola fóbiája van.

-phobia [in nouns] - …fóbia

a strong unreasonable dislike or fear of something, which may be part of a mental illness:
claustrophobia (=fear of being in a small enclosed space) - klausztofóbia

-phobicadjective – fóbiás
Mary is claustrophobic, she is afraid of being in a small enclosed space.– Mary
klausztrofóbiás, fél kicsi és zárt helyen lenni.


There are four general types of common phobias and fears:

Animal phobias: Animal phobias are fears caused by an animal or insect. Examples include
fear of snakes, fear of spiders, fear of rodents, and fear of dogs.

Natural environment phobias: Natural environmentphobias are fears cued by objects

found in nature. Examples include fear of heights, fear of storms, fear of water, and fear of the

Situational phobias: Situational phobias are fears triggered by a specific situation.

Examples include fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), fear of elevators, fear of flying,
fear of dentists, fear of driving, fear of tunnels, and fear of bridges.

Blood – Injection - Injury phobia: Blood-injection-injury phobia involves fear of blood,

fear or injury, or a fear of shots or another medical procedure.

Some phobias don’t fall into one of the four common categories. Such phobias include fear of
choking, fear of getting a disease such as cancer, and fear of clowns.


People with phobias experience many anxiety-related symptoms when they’re exposed to the
object or situation they fear. The symptoms are both emotional and physical. The symptoms
of anxiety and fear can range from mild feelings of apprehension to a full-blown panic
attack. Typically, the closer you are to the thing you’re afraid of, the greater your fear will be.
Your fear will also be higher if escape from is difficult.

Common phobia signs and symptoms:

• Shortness of breath

• Pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate

• Chest painor discomfort

• Tremblingor shaking

• Feeling of choking

• Sweating

• Nauseaor stomach distress

• Feeling unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded, or faint

• Feelings of unreality or of being detached from yourself

• Fear of losing control or going crazy

• Fear of dying
• Numbnessor tingling sensations

• Hot or cold flashes

• Fear of fainting

rodent [ˈrəʊdnt] – rágcsáló

natural environment [ˈnætʃrəl ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt] - természeti környezet
to be triggered by [tu bi ˈtrɪɡəd baɪ] - valami által kiváltva lenni
choking [ˈtʃəʊkɪŋ] – fulladás
to be exposed to [tu bi ɪkˈspəʊzd tuː] - valaminek kitéve lenni
apprehension [ˌæprɪˈhenʃnl] - aggódás, félelem
panic attack [ˈpænɪk əˈtæk] – pánikroham
shortness of breath [ˈʃɔːtnəs əv breθ] – légszomj
accelerated heart rate [əkˈseləreɪtɪd hɑːt reɪt] - felgyorsult szívverés
chest pain [tʃest peɪn] - mellkasi fájdalom
trembling [ˈtrembll ɪŋ] – remegés
sweating [ˈswetɪŋ] – izzadás
nausea [ˈnɔːsɪə] – hányinger
to faint [tu feɪnt] - elájul
numbness [ˈnʌmnəs] - zsibbadás
tingling sensation [ˈtɪŋɡll ɪŋ senˈseɪʃnl] - bizsergő érzés


A filmrészlet az 1996-ös French Kiss (Francia csók) című sikerfilm első jelenete. Miután
megnézted válaszolj az alábbi kérdésekre! A videóhoz felirat is tartozik, illetve a szövegét el
is olvashatod a weboldalon, így akkor is meg tudod csinálni a feladatot, ha még kezdőbb
szinten vagy!

1) What is Kate afraid of?

2) Where is she in this scene of the movie?

3) How does the therapist want to cure her phobia?

4) Does she manage to overcome her fear?

Aviophobia (also called aerophobia): According to a study performed by Boeing Aircraft

Corporation in 1980, 25 million Americans were scared to fly on airplanes. Famous notables
of aviophobia include: singer Aretha Franklin who has an extreme fear of flying. She won't
ever travel on airplanes! Actor and screenwriter Billy Bob Thornton has cancelled television
appearances that required him to get on a plane as he is so scared to get on a plane.

Other celebrities with known phobias include: Actress Natalie Wood was hydrophobic -
her accidental death by drowning in the ocean in 1981 was very strange and unsettling for
those who knew her well. Tennis champ André Agassi has a phobia of spiders, according to
Brooke Shields in a statement to the press in October 1996. Supernatural novelist Anne Rice
has stated that she fears the dark. Actress Kim Basinger has a phobia of wide, open spaces.
Film director Alfred Hitchcock had a peculiar fear of eggs, according to biographer Donald
Spoto. Country star Lyle Lovett reportedly is afraid of cows.


Nagyjából mindhárom melléknév ugyanazt jelenti: félni valamitől, ettől függetlenül minimális
különbségek vannak a jelentések között, ezeket nézzük meg. Mielőtt nekifognánk ennek,
nézzünk meg néhány nyelvtani szabályt is ezekkel a szavakkal kapcsolatban:

Ha azt akarjuk mondani, hogy valaki fél valamitől, akkor a következő szerkezetet kell

afraid/scared/frightened + OF + FŐNÉV
He is afraid of/scared of/frightened of spiders. – Fél a pókoktól.

Ha nem „sima” főnevet, hanem igéből képzett főnevet akarunk használni (repülni-repülés,
enni-evés, tanulni-tanulás), akkor ezt angolul úgy tesszük, hogy az igéhez teszünk egy „ING”
végződést, ennek lesz a neve a GERUND (nagyon fontos, hogy a gerund nem ige, hanem egy
igéből képzett névszó)!

He is afraid of/scared of/frightened of flying. – Fél a repüléstől.

Ha azt akarjuk mondani, hogy valaki fél valamit csinálni, akkor pedig a következő
szerkezetet használjuk:

afraid/scared/frightened + TO+INFINITIVE (magyarul főnévi igenév)

I’m too scared to swim in the sea. – Túlságosan félek attól, hogy a tengerben ússzak.
I was too frightened to open the door. – Túlságosan meg voltam ijedve, hogy kinyissam az

WEIRD PHOBIAS (2011 okt)

a videókat itt nézheted meg:

Maurice Richard "Maury" Povich(born January 17, 1939) is an American actor and TV talk show host who
currently hosts his self-titled talk show Maury. Maury has dealt with a variety of issues across its 19 seasons,
including – but not limited to – teenage pregnancy, sexual infidelity, paternity test results, uncommon illnesses,
makeovers, "out of control" teenagers, transgender individuals, obese children, men controlling and abusing
women, little people, bullying, and unusual phobias. After the taping of these episodes, guests are often tracked
for progress, both on air and on the Maury website (

One of the weirdest episodes of Maury Povich show was about unusual phobias. The guests of the show were all
women with strange phobias, like being afraid of Jell-O, chicken, and cotton balls.


1. How does Carolyn feel if there is a cotton ball near her?

2. What symptoms does she have when she sees a cotton ball?

3. What does she hate the most?

4. What’s her nightmare?

5. How long has she had this nightmare?

6. Why is she afraid of baby toys and diapers?

7. How does her 8-year old freak her out?

FEAR OF PICKLES/Tristadekaphobia

1. How does Mariah feel if there is a pickle near her?

2. What symptoms does she have when she sees a pickle?

3. What does she hate most about pickles?

4. What does she do when she smells a pickle?

5. What was her nickname at school? How did she feel about it?

6. Where did Maury send her to confront her fear?

7. What does Mariah do?

8. What does she say when somebody want a pickle?

FEAR OF JELL-O/Jangelaphobia

1. How does Margaret feel if there red jello-o around her?

2. When and why did her phobia begin?

3. How has this phobia affected her life so far?


Arachibutyrophobia:This is the irrational fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth.
Automatonophobia:This is the fear of ventriloquists' dummies.

Geliophobia:This is the fear of laughter.

Myrmecophobia:This is the fear of ants.

Ochophobia:This is the fear of being in a moving automobile.

Motorphobia:This is the fear of automobiles. In today’s modern world of technology, it has really become difficult
to have a cure for people who have the fear of automobiles.

Pediculophobia:This is the fear of lice. During the school days many children get lice from their classmates and
their scalp starts itching. This gradually develops a fear of lice in many children.

Peladophobia:This is the fear of bald people. These days many people have bold head and this makes real
difficult to treat people with such phobias.

Pentheraphobia:This is the fear of mothers-in-law. Many mother-in-laws are very strict, aggressive and harsh;
they try to keep their daughter-in-law under their control. This tends to develop a fear in many of the married girls.

Triskadekaphobia:This is the fear of the number thirteen. Number thirteen may have proved to be unlucky to
many individuals and gradually become a fear for them.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia:This is the fear of Friday the thirteenth. People who have this fear don’t even get up
from their beds on this day.

Urophobia:This is the fear of urinating or fear of urine. A very irrational and unimaginable fear but many do have
this fear and it becomes difficult for them to survive unless they undergo a treatment.

Gnomophobia:This is the fear of garden gnomes. This is most commonly developed during the early years of
childhood due to some personal.


az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Assistant:Good morning! What can I do for you?

Man: I would like to change this sweater. The sleeves are a bit too
long for me.
Assistant: I see. No problem, Sir. Do you have the receipt?
Man: Yes, here it is.
Assistant: Thank you. Would you like a smaller size, or you want to
choose something else form the shop?
Man: I’d like to try on a smaller size.
Assistant: In the same colour?
Man:Yes, please….Where is the changing room?
Assistant: Over there, next to the cash desk.
Man: I think it fits me much better. I take this.

What can I do for you?– Mit tehetek Önért?

Do you have the receipt? – Meg van a blokk?
Where is the changing room? – Hol van a próbafülke?
Next to the cash desk. – A pénztár mellett.
I think it fits me much better. – Azt hiszem ennek jobb a mérete.


az audiót itt hallgathatod meg:

Miss Woodbridge:Excuse me, can you help me?

Shop assistant: Certainly. What can I do for you?
Miss Woodbridge: I’d like a pair of elegant shoes.
Shop assistant: What colour would you like?
Miss Woodbridge: Black.
Shop assistant: And what size are you?
Miss Woodbridge: Five.
Shop assistant: Ok, have a look at these. Do you like them?
Miss Woodbridge: Well, I like them but I think the heels are too high for
me. I walk a lot during the day and high heels are not comfortable enough for me. I prefer a pair of
shoes with flat heels.
Shop assistant: What do you think of these?
Miss Woodbridge: Oh, I like them. Can I try them on?
Shop assistant: Of course.

What colour would you like? – Milyen színt szeretne?

What size are you? – Mi a mérete Önnek?
What is your size? – Mi az Ön mérete?
What size do you take? – Milyen méretet hord?
Can I try them on? (tsz) – Felpróbálhatom?
Can I try it on? (esz) – Felpróbálhatom?


Assistant: Good afternoon, can I help you?
Woman: Well, yes. Actually, I'm looking for a sweater.
Assistant: This way please, here are all our sweaters!
Woman: Thank you. Oh, that’s a pretty one! Have you got this one in size 10?
Assistant: Let me see, yes! But, only in blue.
Woman: Blue's fine. May I try it on?
Assistant: Of course, the changing rooms are on the left.
Woman: It fits me well, I think I'll take it.
Assistant: Good. Let me put it in a bag for you. Are you going to pay in cash or by credit
Woman: By credit card.
Assistant: Thank you. And here is your sweater.
Woman: Thank you. Bye!
Assistant: Bye and have a nice day!


A ‘fit’ és a ‘suit’ igéknek nagyon hasonló a jelentése, ezért könnyű összekeverni őket. Ne
tedd! A ‘to fit’ azt jelenti, hogy valaminek jó a mérete/formája (pl. ruha, cipő), tehát se nem
túl nagy, se nem túl kicsi.

These trousers don’t fit me, I have to change them. They are too small for me. - Ennek a
nadrágnak nem jó a mérete. Ki kell cserélnem. Túl kicsi nekem.
This sweater fits you. You don’t have to change it. It’s the perfect size. – Ez a pullover jó
neked. Nem kell kicserélned. Tökéletes a mérete.
Ha az a ruhadarab/hajviselet/cipő/stb. jól áll annak, aki hordja, akkor nem a ’fit’ hanem a ’to
suit’ igét kell használnod!

This hairstyle doesn’t suit you. You look older now. – Ez a frizura nem áll jól neked.
Idősebbnek nézel most ki.
These boots don’t suit me. They’re too elegant for me. I’m more sporty than elegant.– Ez
a csizma nem áll jól nekem. Túlságosan elegáns. Én inkább sportos vagyok, mint elegáns.


I. Clothes can be made from …

silk – selyem
cotton – pamut
wool – gyapjú
linen – vászon
denim – farmeranyag
leather – bőr
suede – szarvasbőr, velúr
fur – bőr

II. The patterns

striped – csíkos
dotted/spotted – pöttyös
checked – kockás
plain – sima (nem mintás)
floral – virágmintás

III. Styles

tight – szűk, szoros

baggy – buggyos, lötyögős
flared – kiszélesedő, trapéz
long – hosszú
short – rövid
flat – lapos
platform – magas sarkú
running – futó
long-sleeved –hosszú ujjú
short-sleeved – rövid ujjú
sleeveless – ujjatlan
collarless – gallér nélküli
collared – galléros
high-heeled – magas sarkú, tűsarkú
lace-up – fűzős
knee-length – térdig érő
strapless – pánt nélküli
pleated – rakott
embroidered – hímzett
frilly – fodros
casual – hétköznapi
turtleneck – garbónyakú
waterproof – vízálló
smart – elegáns
scruffy – koszos, ápolatlan
worn-out – elnyűtt
fashionable – divatos


to hit someone below the belt– övön aluli ütést adni valakinek
to have a been in your bonnet – be van sózva
fit like a glove – úgy áll rajta, mintha rá öntötték volna
to treat someone with kid gloves – kesztyűs kézzel bánni valakivel
to have ants in your pants – nem bír nyugton maradni
Roll up your sleeves! – Tűrd fel az ingujjad! (Kezdj el dolgozni!)
wolf in sheep’s clothing – báránybőrbe bújt farkas

a videót itt nézheted meg:

The Reuben Sandwich is unquestionablyone of New York's

greatest contributions to the world of eating and is found in
restaurants in all of the major cities of North America.

The Reuben sandwich is a hot sandwich of layered meat,

sauerkraut and Swiss cheese, with a dressing. These are grilled
between slices of rye bread. The meat is either corned beef or
pastrami, and the dressing is either Russian or Thousand Island
dressing. Several variants exist.


One account holds that Reuben Kulakofsky (sometimes spelled Reubin, or the last name shortened to
Kay), a Lithuanian-born grocer from Omaha, Nebraska, was the inventor, perhaps as part of a group
effort by members of Kulakofsky's weekly poker game held in the Blackstone Hotel from around
1920 through 1935. The participants, who nicknamed themselves "the committee", included the
hotel's owner, Charles Schimmel. The sandwich first gained local fame when Schimmel put it on the
Blackstone's lunch menu, and its fame spread when a former employee of the hotel won a national
contest with the recipe.

Other accounts hold that the reuben's creator was Arnold Reuben, the German owner of the once-
famous, now defunct Reuben’s Delicatessen in New York, who according to an interview with Craig
Claibone, invented the "Reuben special" around 1914. The earliest references in print to the sandwich
are New York based but that is not conclusive evidence, though the fact that the earliest, from a 1926
edition of Theatre Magazine, references a "Reuben special" specifically does seem to take its cue from
Arnold Reuben's menu.

unquestionably– megkérdőjelezhetetlenül
layered – rétegezett
sauerkraut – savanyúkáposzta
rye bread – rozskenyér
corned beef – sózott marhahús konzerv
pastrami – fűszeres, füstölt hús
variant – variáns
to exist – létezik
grocer – közértes
group effort – csoportos erőfeszítés
participant – résztvevő
to nickname – gúnynévvel lát el
fame – hírnév
to spread – terjed
contest – verseny
defunct - megszűnt
according to – valami szerint
reference – hivatkozás
specifically - különösen
cue – tanács, utasítás
CLAM CHOWDERS (2011 szept)

Clam chowderis any of several chowders containing clams and broth. Along with the clams, diced potato is
common, as are onions which are occasionally sautéed in the drippings from bacon. Celery is frequently used.
Other vegetables are uncommon, but small carrot strips might occasionally be added, primarily for color. A
garnish of parsley serves the same purpose. Bay leaves are also sometimes used as a garnish and flavoring. It
is believed that clams were added to chowder because of their relative ease to collect.

New England clam chowder

a videót itt nézheted meg:

Traditional New England clam chowder is thickened with sea biscuits or hardtack crackers, instead of flour.
New England clam chowder is a milk – or cream-based chowder, traditionally made with potatoes, onion, bacon,
flour or hardtack and clams.

Manhattan clam chowder

a videót itt nézheted meg:

Manhattan clam chowder has clear broth, plus tomato for red color and flavor. In the 1890s, this chowder was
called New York clam chowder and Fulton Fish Market clam chowder. Clam chowder, in its cream-based New
England version, has been around since the mid-18th century, and no mention of any Manhattan chowder has
been found that predates the 1930s. Many restaurants in northern Rhode Island sell both red and white
chowders, while the southern coast favors clear and white chowders. Often they are served alongside clam

clam - kagyló
chowder – tengeri halászlé
broth - húsleves alaplé
diced - felkockázott
sautéed – hirtelen süt
dripping - zsír
uncommon – nem szokványos
strip - csík
garnish – körítés, díszítés
purpose - cél
bay leaf - babérlevél
thickened - besűrített
sea biscuit – kétszersült (tengerészek ették régen)
hardtack cracker – kétszersült
to predate – időben megelőz
WALDORF SALAD (2011 szept)

a videót itt nézheted meg:

Waldorf salad was created at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1896, but surprisingly not
by a chef but by the maître d'hôtel, (dining room manager, named Oscar Tschirky. It became
an instant success.

The original version of this salad contained only apples, celery and mayonnaise. Chopped
walnuts later became an integral part of the dish. Waldorf salad is usually served on top of a
bed of lettuce.

surprisingly– meglepő módon

instant success – azonnali siker
to contain – tartalmaz
celery – zeller
chopped walnut – apróra vágott dió
integral part – szerves része valaminek
bed of lettuce – saláta ágy
Have you ever been to an amusement park? Where? Which ride did you enjoy the most? (2011 szept)

Other words for amusement parks:

AMUSEMENT PARK - vidámpark

a large park with many special machines that you can ride on, such as roller coasters and

THEME PARK - olyan vidámpark, ami egy téma köré épült, pl. Disneyland
an amusement park with theme: an amusement park in which all of the entertainment and
facilities are designed around a specific subject or idea, e.g. Disney World

FUNFAIR - búcsú, zsibvásár, majális

a noisy outdoor event where you can ride on machines, play games to win prizes etc

(AMUSEMENT) ARCADE - játékterem

(GB) a place where you play games on machines by putting coins into them/(US) video


dodgem car/bumper car - dodzsem autó

chairoplane - láncos körhinta

merry-go-round - körhinta (inkább gyerekeknek)

waltzer - körhinta, ahol a kocsik saját maguk körül is forognak

carousel - körhinta

Ferris wheel/big wheel - óriáskerék

ghost train - szellemvasút

log flume - vízi hullámvasút

rollercosater - hullámvasút

shooting gallery - céllövölde

swing boat - hajóhinta

haunted castle/haunted mansion - elvarázsolt/szellem kastély


The Wurstelprater is an amusement park and section of the Wiener Prater (a park) in the
second district of Vienna, Leopoldstadt. The best-known attraction is the Wiener Riesenrad, a
Ferris wheel. The park also features various rides, bumper cars, carousels, rollercoasters and
more. The mascot for the park is Calafati, a 9 m-tall sculpture of a Chinese man, which
stands near the Wiener Riesenrad. The park is open from 10:00 am to 1:00 am daily from
March 15 to October 31. Some attractions, as well as the food stands and restaurants, are open
throughout the year. There is no entrance fee to get into the park; instead, each attraction
charges its own fee, the attractions being individual businesses mostly owned by local

best-known – legjobban ismert

mascot - kabalafigura
sculpture – szobor
entrance fee – belépő díj, belépőjegy
to charge – felszámol (díjat)
individual business – saját, egyéni vállalkozás

The history of rollercoasters

At the beginning – more than 500 year ago in Russia –

the first rollercoasters were invented. They were long,
steep wooden slides covered in ice. Riders had to walk
up a ladder to the top of the slide, as high as 21 metres.
There they got into sledges made of wood or block of ice and shot down the slope. They
sledges then crashed into sand piles.

How does a rollercoaster work?

The rollercoaster is powered only at the beginning of the ride, when the train is pulled up the
first hill. When it goes over the top of the hill, the only thing that propels the train is the
weight of the train itself, pulled downward by gravity. There are no cables that pull the train
around the track!

Are rollercoasters safe?

Accidents at theme parks are rare because all the rides are inspected by specially trained
safety experts at least once a year. The people who run the rides also have special training
before they’re allowed to work on them.

block of ice– jégtömb

cable - kábel, vezeték
covered in ice - jéggel borított
ladder – létra
sand pile - homok kupac
sledge – szánkó
slide – csúszda
specially trained safety expert - különlegesen képzett biztonsági szakember
steep – meredek
the weight of the train itself - a vonatnak magának a súlya
to be allowed to do sth - vkinek meg van engedve vmi
to be inspected by somebody - vki által felügyelt
to be invented - ki van találva
to be powered - vmi által meg van hajtva
to be pulled up - fel van húzva
to crash into - beleütközik vmibe
to propel - hajt, meghajt
wooden - fa, fából készült

... és akkor, ahogy ígértem tegnap, megmutatom, hogy én melyik két hullámvasutat próbáltam

For good reason, the "Megablitz" is known as the Prater’s fastest family
roller coaster: the train, specifically designed for the Vienna
Wurstelprater, unites action and adrenaline rush for all. Already at the
61 degree steep "first drop", the three-car trains reach the speed of 70
kilometers per hour. Passengers are then pushed into their seats with a force 4.8 times gravity
along the 550 meter rollercoaster ride - a must for families with strong nerves.


For all speed freaks, the "Boomerang" is the Praters

absolute number one highlight. The train that features
Formula One design is rushing at the racy speed of more
than 85 km/h way up the 37-meter-high ramp like a
rocket before it twists you upside down in a loop and
swings on the second ramp. And just because it's so much
fun, it'll do it again - in reverse. The worldwide unique
brand new abdominal belt guarantees an even more
freed feeling and a more extreme thrill.

is known as – úgy ismert, mint …

rush - roham
force - erő
strong nerves – erős idegzet
ramp – rámpa, felhajtó
rocket - rakéta
to twist – csavarodik, kanyarog
upside down – fejjel lefelé
loop - hurok
to swing – lóbál, hintáztat, lenget
in reverse - visszafelé
abdominal belt – hasi övpánt
freed feeling – felszabadított érzés
thrill – borzongás, izgalom

If you have ever been thinking of quitting your nine-to-five job and join a
circus, you are not alone! Every year hundreds of seemingly ordinary people
ditch their boring life for a thrill of the fair. Some swap teaching for the
tightrope, others leave law for lion-taming and some quit nursing for knife-
throwing. Scientist Fiona Kelly left the world of microbiology to become a
contortionist at Zippo’s Academy Of Circus Arts.

“My friends at the lab were all very surprised when I told them what I was doing.” – she told us.

“They had no idea about my skills. It wasn’t as though I used to conduct experiments with one leg
behind my head.”

Do you fancy joining a circus? Academy of Circus Arts training director Ann Dorwin has worked on
the circus for 22 years. She told us: “You don’t need to have any circus or performing skills to join the
course, but it’s important to be in good health because circus life ca be physically demanding.”

Remember, there’s no such thing as a typical week! “We can pretty much help anyone achieve a high
skill level, even starting with no previous skills. It depends on the individual’s work and diligence.
What’s most important is that you have the motivation to follow our training schedule, the desire to
succeed and a positive attitude. These are qualities we consider when looking at applications – we
won’t turn people down because they don’t have skills or strength.”

source: The Sun

application - jelentkezés
contortionist - gumiember, kígyóember
desire - vágy
diligence - szorgalom
fair - vásár, búcsú, majális
knife-throwing - késdobálás
lab - laboratórium
nine-to-five job - hagyományos 9-5-ig tartó munka
ordinary - normális, rendes
performing skill - előadói képzettség
physically demanding - fizikailag megterhelő, igénybevevő
positive attitude - pozitív hozzáállás
quality - tulajdonság
seemingly - látszólagosan
strength - erő, kitartás
thrill - izgalom, borzongás
tightrope - kifeszített kötél
to achieve - elér, véghezvisz
to conduct experiments - kísérleteket végez
to consider - figyelembe vesz, szem előtt tart
to depend on sth - függ vmitől
to ditch sth - felhagy vmivel, abbahagy vmit
to fancy doing sth - kedve van vmit csinálni
to quit a job - felmondani egy munkahelyen
to succeed - véghezvisz, sikerül csinálnia vmit
to swap - cserél, áttcserél
training schedule - edzésterv

a szótárt itt tudod elindítani:

Madame Tussauds is a wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities. It
was founded by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud and was formerly known as "Madame
Tussaud's", but the apostrophe is no longer used (though it still appears in some signage at the
New York location). Madame Tussauds is a major tourist attraction in London, displaying
waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and famous murderers.


Marie Tussaud, was born Anna Maria Grosholtz (1761–1850) in Strasbourg, France. Her
mother worked as a housekeeper for Dr. Philippe Curtius in Bern, Switzerland, who was a
physician skilled in wax modelling. Curtius taught Tussaud the art of wax modelling.

Tussaud created her first wax figure, of Voltaire, in 1777. Other famous people she modelled
at that time include Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin. During the French
Revolution she modelled many prominent victims. In her memoirs she claims that she would
search through corpses to find the decapitated heads of executed citizens, from which she
would make death masks.

Following the doctor's death in 1794, she inherited his vast collection of wax models and
spent the next 33 years travelling around Europe. Her marriage to François Tussaud in 1795
lent a new name to the show: Madame Tussaud's.

As a result of the Franco-British war, she was unable to return to France, so she travelled
throughout Great Britain and Ireland exhibiting her collection. From 1831 she took a series of
short leases on the upper floor of "Baker Street Bazaar" (on the west side of Baker Street
between Dorset Street and King Street), which became Tussaud's first permanent home in

By 1835 Marie had settled down in Baker Street, London, and opened a museum. One of the
main attractions of her museum was the Chamber of Horrors. This part of the exhibition
included victims of the French Revolution and newly created figures of murderers and other

Some of the sculptures done by Marie Tussaud herself still exist. The gallery originally
contained some 400 different figures, but fire damage in 1925, coupled with German bombs
in 1941, has rendered most of these older models defunct. The casts themselves have
survived (allowing the historical waxworks to be remade), and these can be seen in the
museum's history exhibit. The oldest figure on display is that of Madame du Barry. Other
ancient faces from the time of Tussaud include Robespierre, George III and Benjamin
Franklin. In 1842, she made a self portrait which is now on display at the entrance of her
museum. She died in her sleep on 15 April 1850.
wax - viasz
branch – ág, ágazat, fiók
wax sculptor – viasz szobrász
formerly – korábban, régebben
housekeeper - házvezetőnő
physician - orvos, belgyógyász
to be skilled in – valamire képzett, szakképzett
corps – holttest, tetem
decapitated head – levágott fej
executed citizen - kivégzett állampolgár
death mask – halotti maszk
to inherit - örököl
vast collection – hatalmas gyűjtemény
short lease on … - rövidtávú bérleti szerződés
permanent home – állandó otthon
to settle down - letelepedik
attraction - látványosság
Chamber of Horrors – horror kamra
exhibition - kiállítás
to include – magába foglal
victim - áldozat
to exist - létezik
to contain - tartalmaz
to render – valamilyenné tesz, fordít
defunct – elhunyt, kihalt
cast – minta, öntvény
to survive - túlél
historical waxworks- történelmi viaszfigurák
to be remade – újraalkotva lenni
self portrait - önarckép
on display - kiállítva
Africa (2011 aug)

Africais the second largest continent in the world. It makes up about a fifth of the world's
land. It is surrounded by large areas of water. There are 61 countries in Africa and about a
billion (14,7%) of the world's population live there. It is thought to be the continent where
the first humans evolved.


These are the countries of Africa:


In the late nineteenth century, the European powers occupied much of the continent, creating
many colonial and dependent territories. They left only two fully independent states:
Ethiopia (known to Europeans as “Abyssinia”) and Liberia. Egypt and Sudan were never
formally incorporated into any European colonial empire. However, after the British
occupation of 1882, Egypt was effectively under British administration until 1922.

Areas of Africa under the control orinfluence of European nations in 1914 (at outbreak of
World War I):

From north to south, Africa has most types of climate. In sequence from the north:

 Alpine and Mediterranean climate

 Dry sandy desert
 Fairly dry savannah
 Rain forest
 More grassland
 More deserts
 Table Mountain

Running north-east to the south is the East African Great Rift Valley. This has mountains,
volcanoes, deep rifts and valleys, rivers and lakes. In fact Africa has examples of most of the
Earth's climate types.

Much of North Africa is dry and hot: it is dominated by the Sahara Desert and does not
receive much rain. In Saharan Africa there are few rivers or other water sources. Underground
water sources, such as springs are very important in the desert. These often form oases. An
oasis is an area of vegetation surrounded by desert.

Conditions and winds are different further south, where huge amounts of rain falls near the
Equator. The Equator runs across the middle of Africa. That means much of Africa is
between the two tropics: the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

Slaverywas long practiced in Africa. Between the seventh and twentieth centuries, the Arab
slave trade took 18 million slaves from Africa via trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean routes.
Between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries (500 years), the Atlantic slave trade took an
estimated 7–12 million slaves to the New World. Between 1808 and 1860, the British Navy
captured approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard.

continent - kontinens
to make up - alkot
to be surrounded by – körülvéve lenni
billion - milliárd
population - népesség
human – emberi lény
to evolve - kialakul
to occupy - elfoglal
colonial – gyarmati, gyarmatos
dependent – függő, alattvaló
territory - terület
independent - független
to be incorporated into – magába foglal, egyesít
empire - birodalom
effectively - hatékonyan
influence - hatás
outbreak – kitörés
desert - sivatag
rain forest - esőerdő
rift – hasadás, repedés
valley - völgy
to be dominated by – valami által uralt
vegetation – vegetáció, növényzet
the Equator – az Egyenlítő
tropic of cancer - ráktérítő
tropic of capricorn - baktérítő
slavery - rabszolgaság
slave trade - rabszolga kereskedelem
estimated - becsült
to capture – elfog, elkap
approximately – nagyjából, megközelítőleg
to be aboard – fedélzeten
Food in Africa 1.

The African continent is home to people from hundreds of different tribes, ethnic and social
groups and this variety shows in African cuisine, too. Common to most of the continent are
meals with little meat, plenty of whole grains and beans, and even more fresh fruits and
vegetables. The local traditions have also been under Arab, European and Asian influence
which means that eating habits of different African region vary greatly.

Food in North Africa

The food of the countries lined along the Mediterranean Sea is the most familiar to the
Western between all African countries, probably because of the constant interaction with
Mediterranean Europe.

Think Morocco, Algeria and Egypt! North African cuisine has its roots at the beginning of
civilization. Couscous, main staple in North African diet, has become a familiar word for
many and its popularity out of Africa grows by the day. Carthaginians introduced wheat and
semolina. The Berbers, a Christian nomadic people, made semolina into couscous. Apart
from couscous, olives and olive oil, saffron, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, tomatoes,
zucchini, potatoes and chili peppers define North African cuisine.

Food in East Africa

People in the inland savannah keep cattle, but cattle heads are regarded as a symbol of
wealth, not as food. Meat products are absent from their diet. Sometimes they drink cattle’s
milk or blood, but they eat meat very rarely. They mostly rely on grains and vegetables. You
will find ugali – a starchy corn based paste similar to polenta - served with soups and stews

Matoke, a dish of steamed, green bananas, provide the filling base in many of the Ugandan
Swahili cuisine shows Arab influences, particularly at the coast, in their use of saffron, cloves
and cinnamon, or their preference for spiced steamed rice and pomegranate juice.

tribe - törzs
cuisine - konyhaművászet
common to - megszokott
whole grain – teljes kiőrlésű gabona
influence - hatás
eating habit – étkezési szokás
to vary - változik
constant interaction – állandó kölcsönhatás
root - gyökér
staple – nyersanyag, alap étel
diet - étrend
familiar to - ismerős
Carthaginian – karthagói
wheat - búza
semolina - búzadara
saffron - sáfrány
nutmeg - szerecsendió
cinnamon - fahéj
ginger - gyömbér
clove - szegfűszeg
to define - meghatároz
inland – az ország belseje
cattle- szarvasmarha
to be regarded as – valaminek tartják
absent - hiányzik
to rely on – alapszik, megbízik
starchy – keményített, keményítő tartalmú
stew - ragu
pomegranate - gránátalma

Food in Africa 2.

Food in Central Africa

Remoteand inaccessible, Central Africa has remained quite true to its traditional food, as it
did not have many external influences until the 19th century, not taking into account that
peanuts, chili peppers, and cassava, their staple food, were introduced from the New World.

Plantainand cassava are the main ingredients in the diet. A starchy paste made from
fermented cassava roots accompanies sauces and grilled meats. Meat is hunted in the forest
adding an exotic touch when crocodile, monkey, antelope and warthog make it occasionally
to the menu instead of beef or chicken. Bambara, a sort of porridge made from rice, peanut
butter and sugar, could be the dessert.

Food in West Africa

Sitting down to a typical West African meal, one cannot help butnoticing it is loaded with
starchy foods, very light on the meat side, and well dipped in fat. Fufu a semi-solid paste, not
unlikely mashed potatoes or Italian polenta, but made from root vegetables like yams or
cassava, will accompany soups and stews.

West Africans love hot spices - including chili peppers, probably the only Western World
influence in West Africa cooking along peanuts, and other ingredients from the New World -
and they can boast of having grains of paradise, or Guinea pepper, their own native hot
seasoning. Cinnamon, cloves and mint were incorporated through trade with Arab

Seafood is eaten often and it can be mixed liberally with meat, usually chicken. Goat meat is
the dominant red meat, as beef and mutton are tough and not very appetizing in that area.

Water has a special significance, particularly in very dry areas, and it will be the first offered
to a guest. Palm wine is other beverage enjoyed in West African nations. Made from the
fermented sap from various palm trees, it can be sweet or sour, depending on how long was
left to ferment.

Food in Southern Africa

Southern African cuisine is cultural technicolor with so many influences mingled in their
food. Local ingredients, including game meats like antelope and ostrich, are mixed with
European contributions from Portuguese, Dutch or British settlers, and with Malay or Indian
Seafood is very much appreciated, as are vegetables and fruits –grapes, mangoes, papayas,
bananas. Fresh fruit is very often the dessert of choice, puddings served on occasion.

remote – távoli
inaccessible – elérhetetlen
to remain – megmarad, marad
external influence – külső hatás
to take into account – számításba vesz
plantain – útilapu
cassava - manióka
fermented - erjesztett
to accompany – kísér
to hunt – vadászik
warthog – varacskos disznó
instead of – valami helyett
peanut butter – mogyoró vaj
to notice – észrevesz
loaded with – teli van valamivel
mashed potatoes – krumplipüré
hot spices – csipős fűszerek
influence – hatás, befolyás
to boast of – dicsekszik
grain - gabona
native - őshonos
cinnamon – fahéj
clove -szegfűszeg
mint – menta
to be incorporated – magába foglalt, egyesített
mutton – birkahús, ürühús
appetizing – étvágygerjesztő
special significance – különös jelentőség
beverage – ital
sap - nedv
to be mingled – vegyített, kevert
ostrich – strucc
contribution – hozzájárulás, közreműködés
spiciness – fűszeresség
to be appreciated – megbecsült, nagyra becsült

On general travel websites you search for:

flights [flaɪts] repülőjáratok

airfare [ˈerˌfer] repülőjegy
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coach [kəʊtʃ] távolsági busz
holidays [ˈhɒlədeɪz] nyaralások/üdülések
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hotels [həʊˈtelz] szállodák
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spa [spɑː] gyógyfürdő
going out [ˈɡəʊɪŋ aʊt] szórakozás
restaurant [ˈrestrɒnt] étterem
experiences [ɪkˈspɪərɪənsɪz]élmények

What is an experience?
You can book experiences, such as chocolate making, bungee jumping, theme park visits,
indoor skydiving, or driving a supercar.

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