Lesson Plan - Motion

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. relate the concept of motion in daily life by being able to give real life examples;
2. define the different quantities of a motion (distance, time, speed, and acceleration);
3. identify how motion can be affected by forces by changing its speed and direction
of a body; and
4. solve worded problems in motion systematically.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Motion
B. Reference : World of Science for Critical Thinkers 8, Science and
Technology I: E-Science the Next Generation, IPA SMP/
MTs Kelas VIII
C. Materials : PowerPoint, projector, laptop, video, marker
D. Scientific processes : Investigating

III. Procedures
A. Preparation / Introduction
1. Start the class by praying.
2. Check the attendance.

B. Motivation / Review
1. The students will play the game “What do you know?”
2. Discuss the procedures of the game.
3. The class will be divided into four groups.

C. Lesson Development / Presentation / Interaction

1. Clarify the written result from the game “What do you know?”
2. Show the video about motion.
3. Introduce the concept of motion.
4. Practice exercises regarding motion and its quantities.

D. Board Work
1. Game “What do you know?”
Write “What do you know?” in a cartolina and let students write their prior
knowledge about motion and its quantities.
2. Liezl drove off to work, leaving her house at 6.00 am. She reached her office at
8.00 am. If the average speed of her car is 30 km/h, how many kilometers (km)
is her house from her place of work?
1) Given
time Liezl left the house 6.00 am
time Liezl reached the office 8.00 am
average speed of Liezl’s cars 30 km/h

2) Find : Distance from Liezl’s house to her place of work (d) in km

3) Formula :d=sxt
4) Solution :
Liezl traveled for 2 hours and then directly use the formula:

d = 30 km/h x 2 h = 60 km
5) Answer : 60 km

3. Andie is contestant in a science quiz challenge. Her house is 50 km away from

the venue. If the average speed along that route is 40 km/h, what time should
she leave the house to get there by 8.00 am?
1) Given
time Andie needs to reach the contest venue 8.00 am
average speed s 40 km/h
distance of the venue from her house d 50 km
2) Find : time Andie should leave the house
3) Formula :t=d/s
4) Solution :

t = 50 km / (40 km/h) = 1,25 h

5) Answer : Andie must leave the house 1 hour 25 minutes before 8.00
which means it’s 6.35 am.

4. Anthony Gerard is a runner for their school varsity team. He can run the 100-
meter event in 18 s. what is his speed in m/s? Convert this in km/h.
1) Given
distance AG ran d 100 m
time to run the distance t 18 s
2) Find
a) speed of AG in m/s
b) speed of AG in km/h
3) Formula :s=d/t
4) Solution
s = d / t = 100 m / 18 s = 5,56 m/s
𝑚 3600 𝑠
5,56 x 1000 𝑚 = 20,016 km/h

5) Answer : AG speed to run is 20,016 km/h

E. Generalization
- Motion generally refers to a change in the position of an object.
- Moving object can be described in terms of its position, direction of motion,
and speed.
- Speed is the distance an object travels at a given time; or the rate the distance
changes per unit time. Speed is also the same as the value of velocity.
- Acceleration is the rate at which an object’s speed (or direction) changes per

IV. Evaluation
Given a quiz to check whether students already meet the objectives:

Answer these following questions clearly:

1. What is the meaning of motion and give an example!
A change in the position of an object.
2. What are the quantities of motion?
Distance, time, speed, and acceleration
3. Write the formula of speed and acceleration!
 Speed
s= 𝑡
with s as speed (usually in m/s), d as distance, and t as time.
 Acceleration
∆𝑣 𝑣𝑓−𝑣𝑖
a= or
𝑡 𝑡
with a as acceleration (usually in m/s2), ∆𝑣 as velocity changes from initial
to final, and t as time.

4. Sally, a flight stewardess travelled 1.000 km on her first flight. If the airplane
travelled at an average speed of 310 km/h, how many hours did it take for her to
reach its destination?
1) Given
distance d 1000 km
average speed t 310 km/h
2) Find
how many hours did Sally take her flight?
3) Formula : t = d / s
4) Solution
t = d / s = 1000 km / (310 km/h) = 3,22 h
5) Answer : Time Sally takes for her first flight would be 3 hours and 22

5. Jack takes his children to school before going to work. The school is just 4 km from
his house. It took him 15 minutes to get there. At the same speed, he then went to
work, and it took him 30 minutes to get there. What is the total distance that Jack
travelled from his home, school and then to his office?
1) Given
distance house – school (dhs) d 4 km
time house – school (ths) t 15 min
time school – work (tsw) t 30 min
2) Find
total distance Jack take from his house to school and go to work?
3) Formula : d = s x t; s = d/t
4) Solution
 The speed Jake takes from house to school
𝑑ℎ𝑠 4 𝑘𝑚
s = 𝑡ℎ𝑠 = 15 𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0,26 km/min
 Jake has the same speed going to work. So, we can just add the speed to the
formula to search the distance from school to work

s= 𝑡𝑠𝑤
0,26 km/min = 30 𝑚𝑖𝑛 → dsw = 0,26 km/min x 30 min = 7,8 km
 Total distance Jake takes from house, school, and work
dt = dhs + dsw
dt = 4 km + 7,8 km = 11,8 km
5) Answer : The distance Jake must take to go from his house to the school then
go to work is 11, 8 km.
V. Assignment
Research the basic concept of Newton’s first law with these guided questions:

1. State the law of inertia!

2. Explain balanced and unbalanced forces!
3. Mention one example of Newton’s first law that can be found in daily life!

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