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Hassan Rouhani wins ____ election?

Iran’s presidential

ICJ stays Kulbhushan Jadhav execution, accepts Indian appeal for suspension.

Pakistan becomes first nation to benefit from China’s ____?

BeiDou Navigation Satellite

Pakistan wins Test series in ____ for first time.

West Indies

Female swimmers win ____ medal for Pakistan in Islamic solidarity games.

____ awarded with highest military award (King Abdul Aziz Medal of Excellence) of
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
General Zubair Mahmood Hayat

Federal government has appointed ____ as Governor of State Bank for three months.
Riaz Riazuddin

____ defeated Pakistan in 2nd test cricket match?

West Indies

Pakistan sign $24 million accord with ____ for energy project?

Pakistan improves on ____ position out of 160 economies according to World Bank’s
logistics index.

Kim Jong Nam ____ half brother of Korean supreme leader was assassinated in?

Pakistan to host ____ summit in Islamabad in March 2017

13th Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)

____ to join Pakistan road link bypassing Afghanistan?


Which famous Pakistani actor died recently?

Farooq Zameer

Prime minister of Pakistan recently visited which country?


____ becomes the first man in history to win five or more titles at three different Grand Slam
Roger Federer
____ President to visit Pakistan
Pakistan Stock exchange PSX KSE-100 closed above the historic points level.
Roger Federer edges Nadal to win
Australian Open
Pakistan tests first MIRV missile named?
According to Transparency International, Pakistan ranks ____ on global corruption index.
116 (ex president Gambia)
United Nations votes on ending _____ settlements
____ leaves the Gambia after 22 years of rule
Yahya Jammeh (ex president Gambia)
New US president Donald Trump took the oath of office as
45th president of US
Who is secretary general of United Nations?
Antonio Gueterres
Antonio Gueterres is a Portuguese diplomat and he is serving as ____ secretary general of
United Nations.
Pakistan will host ____ summit in March 2017?
Economic Cooperation Organization
Where the recent Heart of Asia Conference held?
The current US President belongs to which party?
Donald Trump is the native of the state of?
New York City
Where the last BRICS summit held?
Who is Egyptian president at present?
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Last Organisation of Islamic Cooperation held in
Which leader of Tamil Naidu died in 2016?
India recently joined which 38 member club?
Missile Technology Control Regime
18th SAARC conference was scheduled to held in
Baan ki Moon belongs to which counry
South Korea
Next t20 worldcup will held in?
Australia or South Africa
Which country will host next Olympics
Which Former Sindh Education Minister _____ died in February?
Dr. Hamida Khuhro
first Pakistani women to take 100 wickets in One day Cricket
Sana Mir
Which Former Sindh Education Minister _____ died in February?
Dr. Hamida Khuhro
Who is currently appointed as adviser to the prime minister on aviation PIA
Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan
____ is appointed as new Foreign Secretary of Pakistan
Tehmina Janjua
India beat Pakistan and win?
T20 Blind Worldcup
Pakistan conducted Naval Exercise ____ with 37 countries.
Aman 17
____ is elected as new president of Haiti?
Jovenel Moise
Which country temporarily ban 7 Muslim countries citizens from entering.
United States
Current United States Vice President is
Mike Pence
____ is going to host 13th Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Summit in March
PML-N ____ is appointed as new governor of Sindh
Muhammad Zubair
Security Conference-2017 held in?
Munich, Germany
Who is current and first female secretary to foreign affairs of Pakistan appointed in
Tehmina Janjua
Pakistan army launches operation ____ across the country against terrorists
Raad ul Fasaad
Pakistan Super League 2017 final to be held in?
The 6th International Conference in support of “Palestinian Intifada”, in March 2017 will be
hosted by?
New appointed national security adviser of USA by Donald Trump in Feb-2017?
HR McMaster
South Asian Speakers’ Summit-2017 held in?
Indore, India
New President of Germany?
Frank Walter
Pakistan Stock exchange PSX KSE-100 closed above the historic points level.
Pakistan army launches operation ____ across the country against terrorists
Raad ul Fasaad
Pakistan Super League 2017 final to be held in?
The 6th International Conference in support of “Palestinian Intifada”, in March 2017 will be
hosted by?
New appointed national security adviser of USA by Donald Trump in Feb-2017?
HR McMaster
South Asian Speakers’ Summit-2017 held in?
Indore, India
Frank Walter is elected as new President of
Due to which militant group, Iran threatened Pakistan that they would hit bases of Militants
inside Pakistan?

B. Lashkar-e-Taiba
C. Jaish-al-Adl
D. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan
How many members joint investigation team (JIT) formed by Supreme Court?

A. 4 members (JIT) team

B. 6 members (JIT) team
C. 7 members (JIT) team
D. None of these
Name the Head of Joint investigation team (JIT) to probe Panama case?

A. Wajid Zia (FIA)

B. Brigadier Muhammad Nauman Saeed (ISI).
C. Brigadier Kamran Khurshid (MI).
D. Irfan Naeem Mangi (NAB).
Who is the current IG of Islamabad Police?

A. Ahmed Khan
B. Muhammad Khalid Khattak
C. Tahir Masood Yasin
D. Sikandar Hayat
Who is the current IG of Balochistan Police?

A. Mr. Tariq Umar Khittab

B. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Sukhera
C. Rao Amin Hashim
D. Mr. Ahsan Mehboob
Who is the Current IG of Punjab Police?

A. Mushtaq Sukhera
B. Usman Khattak
C. Arif Nawaz
D. Ameen Venus
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. Special Forces during raid in
Abbottabad on____________?
A. 2nd May 2010
B. 3rd May 2010
C. 2nd May 2011
D. 3rd May 2011
Name the Pakistani Cricket player who announced his retirement from Test cricket in April-

A. Younas Khan
B. Shahid Khan Afridi
C. Misbah Ul Haq
D. Mohammed Yousaf
Name the Imam-i-Kaaba who was invited by Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F) for Centenary
celebrations on 6th April 2017 ?

A. Hassan Al Bukhari
B. Ahmad Mohammad Al al-Abbas
C. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
D. Sheikh Saleh bin Muhammad Bin Talib
Who is the current IG of Sindh police?

A. Allah Dino Khowaja

B. Ghulam Hyder Jamali
C. Nasir Khan Durrani
D. Shahid Nadeem Baloch
Who is the current IG of KPK police?

A. Ihsan Ghani
B. Salahuddin Mehsud
C. Nasir Khan Durrani
D. Ali Ahmed
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will issue a Coin in Recognition of Edhi’s services on March
31 2017, will worth Rs___________?

A. RS 30
B. RS 40
C. RS 50
D. RS 60
Name the First Woman Chief Executive Officer and President of of a Major Pakistani Bank?

Who is the current Chief Justice of Sindh High Court ?

A. Justice Ahmed Ali M. Sheikh

B. Justice Sajjad Ali Shah
C. Justice Faisal Arab
D. Justice Maqbool Baqar
sixth population census Started on 15th March 2017, which is being carried out
A. 17 Years
B. 18 Years
C. 19 Years
D. 20 Years
Who won Pakistan Super League 2017 ?

A. Peshawar Zalmi
B. Quetta Gladiators
C. Karachi Kings
D. Islamabad United
Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad means ______________?

A. Path to Salvation
B. Elimination of discord
C. Sharp and cutting strike
D. None of these
Pakistan Army on launched ‘Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad’ across the country on

A. 13th Jan 2017

B. 2nd Feb 2017
C. 15th Feb 2017
D. 22nd Feb 2017
Which country boycotts South Asian Speakers’ summit-2017 ?

A. Pakistan
B. Nepal
C. Maldives
D. Sri Lanka
South Asian Speakers’ Summit-2017 19-20 Feb 2017 will be held in___________?

A. Colombo, Sri Lanka

B. Kathmandu, Nepal
C. Indore, India
D. Male, Maldives
Who is Newly appointed Ambassador of Pakistan to USA?

A. Jalil Abbas Jilani

B. Tahmina Janjua
C. Aizaz Chaudhary
D. Nafees Zakria
Who is currently appointed as adviser to the prime minister on aviation PIA?

A. Zafar Iqbal Jahgra

B. Azam Shigal
C. Tariq Fatmi
D. Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan
The 13th Meeting of the ECO Heads of State/Government on 1st March 2017 will be hosted
A. Pakistan
B. Turkey
C. Iran
D. China
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Which team has won blind cricket T-20 world cup-on 12 february 2017 in India?

A. Pakistan
B. Australia
C. India
D. West Indies
How many countries had participated in conducting international naval exercise ‘Aman-17’
in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Karachi on 10 to 14 February-2017?

A. 21
B. 38
C. 27
D. 17
Bhikki Power Plant, district Sheikhupura has installed capacity of__________?

A. 1180 MW
B. 1320 MW
C. 480 MW
D. 1480 MW
Which Renowned Pakistani novelist passes away on 4th February -2017 at the age of 88

A. Fatima Surayya Bajia

B. Razia Butt
C. Bano Qudsia
D. Parveen Shakir
PM Nawaz Shairf has inaugurated 75-km long section of Karachi-Hyderabad motorway(total
length would be 136 KM) on 3rd February-2017 it is?

A. M8 Motorway
B. M9 Motorway
C. M12 Motorway
D. M4 Motorway
Current Deputy Chairman Senate is____________?

A. Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman

B. Marvi Memon
C. Moulana Abdul Gafoor Haidri
D. Faisal Kareem Kundi
Current Chairman Senate is___________?

A. Ayaz Sadiq
B. Khrsheed Shah
C. Aitzaz Ehsan
D. Raza Rabbani
Who became the first Pakistani Women bowler from the country in Women ODIs to take
100 wickets in One-day International?

A. Sana Mir
B. Anam Amin
C. Asmavia Iqbal
D. Bismah Maroof

Current Governor Sindh is _______________?

A. Murad Ali Shah

B. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
C. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
D. Muhammad Zubair

Name the Pakistan’s surface-to-surface ballistic missile, which is capable of delivering

multiple warheads using Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology ?

A. Shaheen-II
B. Ababeel
C. Nasr
D. Ghauri

Multan Metro Bus Project Inaugurated by PM Nawaz Sharif on 24th January-2017

completed with cost of 28.88 Billions Rs. its route length is??

A. 22.5 KM
B. 27 KM
C. 33.5 KM
D. 18.5 KM

Pakistan conducted a successful test of the “Ababeel” surface-to-surface ballistic missile on

24 January 2017, its range is___________?

A. 450 KM
B. 750 KM
C. 2200 KM
D. 1400 KM

After how many Years Pakistan’s win first ODI on Australian soil in jan 2017?

A. 12 Years
B. 10 Years
C. 15 years
D. None of these

The late Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi Governor Sindh had served as the
_________Chief Justice of Pakistan?

A. 13th Chief Justice of Pakistan

B. 14th Chief Justice of Pakistan
C. 15th Chief Justice of Pakistan
D. 16th Chief Justice of Pakistan

The Shortest-Serving Governor in Sindh’s History is?

A. Murad Ali Shah

B. Dr. Ishratul Ebad
C. Justice(R) Saeed U zaman Saddiqi
D. Khursheed Shah

Pakistan test fired its first submarine launched cruise missile Babur-III on 9 January 2017,
has the range of___________ kilometres?

A. 450 kilometres
B. 550 kilometres
C. 650 kilometres
D. 700 kilometres

Islamic military coalition formed to combat terrorism is the alliance of ___________ Nations
A. 34 nations
B. 38 Nations
C. 39 Nations
D. 40 Nations

joint operations center to coordinate and support military operations of Saudi-led Islamic
military alliance of 39 Nations against terrorism is located in ?

A. Riyadh
B. Jeddah
C. Medina
D. Dammam

Who has been appointed as a Chief of Saudi-led Islamic anti-terror alliance of 39 Nations in
January 2017?
A. General (retd) Raheel Sharif
B. General (retd) Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
C. General (retd) Pervez Musharraf
D. General Qamar Javed Bajwa

Who becomes most experienced international umpire in cricket history in January 2017 ?

A. Aleem Dar
B. Rod Tucker
C. Sundaram Ravi
D. Marais Erasmus

Justice Mian Saqib Nisar took oath as Chief justice of Pakistan on __________?

A. 25 December 2016
B. 31 December 2016
C. 1 January 2017
D. 15 January 2017

Who is Current Chief justice of Pakistan?

A. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali

B. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar
C. Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk
D. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry

The current Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court is?

A. Justice Mazhar ALam Khan Miankhel

B. Justice Mian Fasih-ul-Mulk
C. Justice Dost Muhammad Khan
D. Justice Yahya Afridi

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Recently inaugurated Chashma- III nuclear power plant can generate___________

megawatts of electricity?

A. 340 megawatts
B. 360 megawatts
C. 400 megawatts
D. 150 megawatts
Pak-Jordan joint military exercise held in December-2016 near Attock, called?

A. Raadul Baraq
B. Ataturk-IX
C. Friendship-2016
D. Fajr-ul-Sharq 1
PM Nawaz has inaugurated 340 MW Chashma Nuclear Project-III in Mianwali on 28
December-2016 with the help of??

A. China
B. Turkey
C. Russia
D. Canada
What is the Name of the gate which is recently inaugurated in December 2016 at Pak Iran
border in Taftan ?
A. Pakistan Gate
B. Iran Gate
C. Friendship Gate
D. None of These
How many regulatory bodies placed under the administrative control of the respective
ministries concerned in December 2016 ?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7
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Who becomes first Pakistani to win ICC Spirit of Cricket Award in December 2016?

A. Shahid Khan Afridi

B. Misbah-ul-Haq
C. Younas khan
D. Azhar Ali
China Pakistan Economics Corridor (CPEC) total length ?

A.2896 KM
B. 7200 KM
C. 2442 KM
D. 4400 KM
Who is Current DG Rangers Sindh?

A. Major Nadeem
B. Gen Muhammad Saeed
C. Gen Rizwan Akhtar
D. Gen Asim Bajwa
The 10-rupee coin, recently issued by SBP, contains the picture of _____________?

A. Derawar Fort
B. Gwadar Port
C. Badshahi Mosque
D. Faisal Mosque
What is the name of the “chaiwala” Who got famous from social media in 2016?

A. Kamal Khan
B. Irshad Khan
C. Rasheed Khan
D. Arshad Khan
Pakistan will conduct its ____________ Population cencus in 2017?

A. 4th population census

B. 5th population census
C. 6th population census
D. 7th population census
Pakistan’s sixth population census will be carried out in _____________?

A. February 2017
B. March 2017
C. April 2017
D. May 2017
Who is newly Appointed DG ISPR of Pakistan Army?

A. Lt General Asim Saleem Bajwa

B. Major General Asif Ghafoor
C. Major General Athar Abbas
D. Major General Waheed Arshad
USA have signed an agreement to provide Rs 8.5 billion to the WAPDA for the construction

A. Dia Mir Bahasha Dam Project

B. Kala Bagh Dam Project
C. Kurram Tangi Dam Project
D. Mirani Dam Project
Pm Nawaz Sharief has inaugurated N-85 Surab-Hoshab road 448 KM long on 14th
December-2016 in?

A. D.G khan
B. Hassan Abdal
C. Raheem Yar khan
D. Turbat
Name the special task force, which is established in December 2016 by Pakistan Navy to
safeguard and protect the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as well as Gwadar port?

A. Task Force 21
B. Task Force 44
C. Task Force 88
D. Task Force 2
Who is the First Pakistani female member of bomb disposal squad (BDU)?
A. Shazadi Gillani
B. Maryyam
C. Rafia Qaseem Baig
D. None of these
According to a notification by the Ministry of Law and Justice, Who will be the next Chief
Justice of Pakistan in 2017 ?

A. Justice Mian Saqib Nisar

B. Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
C. Justice Asif Saeed Khan Khosa
D. Justice Amir Hani Muslim
Name the University which Department to be rename as “Abdus Salam Center for Physics”
Approved by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in December 2016?

A. Punjab University (Lahore)

B. Quaid-e-Azam University (Islamabad)
C. Gomal University (DI Khan)
D. All of Above
Name the International University which started Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program (BBLP)
/ international leadership course in December 2016?

A. University of Oxford
B. Harvard University
C. University of Cambridge
D. None of these
The 2017 Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process will be hosted by which country?

A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Bhutan
D. Azerbaijan
Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process on December 3 to December 4, 2016 was
hosted by which country?

A. Pakistan
B. India (Amritsar city)
C. Bhutan
D. Iran
How many Participating Countries are there in Heart of Asia Conference?

A. 12 Participating Countries
B. 14 Participating Countries
C. 16 Participating Countries
D. None of these
Number of Supporting Countries in Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process are?

A. 15 Supporting Countries
B. 17 Supporting Countries
C. 19 Supporting Countries
D. None of these
Pakistan has started direct train and freight service in December 2016 with which Country?

A. Iran
B. India
C. Afghanistan
D. China
Till now, How many Chief of Army Staff (COAS), of Pakistan are selected from Baloch

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. None of these
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General Qamar Javed Bajwa took oath as Army Chief on __________?

A. 23 November 2016
B. 25 November 2016
C. 27 November 2016
D. 29 November 2016
General Zubair Hayat is the ___________ Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
(CJCSC) of Pakistan?

A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. 17th
Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is___________ Chief of Amy Staff of Pakistan?

A. 13th
B. 15th
C. 16th
D. None of these
Newly selected Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa belongs to Regiment___________?

A. 6th FF
B. 16th Baloch Ragiment
C. 5th Punjab
D. 13th Lancers
Who is the Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), Pakistan?

A. General Rashad Mahmood

B. General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
C. General Zubair Hayat
D. General Raheel Sharif
Who is the Current Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Pakistan?

A. Gen Raheel Sharif

B. Gen Ashfaq Parvaz kayani
C. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa
D. Gen Zubair Hayat
Name the cricket Stadium which is located in Khyber Agency and inaugurated by Gen
Raheel Sharif in November 2016?

A. Younas Khan cricket stadium

B. Shahid Afridi cricket stadium
C. Gaddafi Stadium
D. Arbab Niaz Stadium
Pakistan Army shoots down Indian Quad Copter drone at LOC in November 2016 at which
sector ?

A) Bhimber Sector
B) Rakhchakri Sector
C) Shahkot sector
D) Jura sector.
PAKISTAN 9th International Defense Exhibition and Seminar to be held on 22-25
November-2016 in Karachi Expo Center, its name?

A. Defense Production Workshop-2016

B. Army Arms Ideas-2016
C. IDEAS-2016
D. Combat-2016
Who was the only Pakistani to have climbed six of the world’s tallest mountains of 8000 m
passed away on 21-Nov-2016 due to blood Cancer?

A. Ashraf Amman
B. Nazeer Sabar
C. Numera Saleem
D. Hassan Sadpara
Current Minister of Planning and Development of Pakistan ?

A. Nawaz Sharief
B. Khwaja Saad Rafique
C. Ahsan Iqbal
D. Zafar ul Haq
Ishratul Ebad has longest tenure as a Governor of any province of Pakistan?

A. 12 years (2001-2012)
B. 16 Years ( 2001-2016)
C. 14 Years ( 2002-2016)
D. 10 Years ( 2006-2016)
First caretaker female chief election commissioner of Pakistan who took oath on 7
November-2016 ?

A. Justice Majida Rizvi

B. Asima Jhangir
C. Maryam Orangzaib
D. Justice (Retd) Irshad Qaiser
Current National Assembly of Pakistan is_________?
A. 12th National Assembly
B. 13th National Assembly
C. 14th National Assembly
D. 16th National Assembly
22nd Amendment in 1973 Constitution of Pakistan is related to____________?

A. Pak Army Trail Courts

B. Powers of Election Commission Members
C. Related to NRO
D. Not made yet
Woman Seats in Senat?

A. 12
B. 17
C. 4
D. 10
renowned former producer and director of PTV died at the age of 73 years due to lung
complications in Lahore on 4-11-2016, name?

A. Sohail Azeem
B. Bushra Adil
C. Yawar Hayat
D. Azeem Bombywalay
Who received the ‘most resilient journalist award’ by the International Free Press in Hague,
Holland on 2nd November-2016

A. Javed Chauhdary
B. Hamid Mir
C. Talat Huusain
D. Kamran Khan
Terrorists attacked on Police Training Center on 25 October-2016 night which result 61
martyred and 124 injured in?

A. Peshawar
B. Quetta
C. Karachi
D. Rawalpindi
Pakistan Army won the gold medal at an annual international military patrolling exercise,
‘Exercise Cambrian Patrol’ held in?

A. New South Wales, Australia

B. Moscow, Russia
C. Wales, United Kingdom
D. Istanbul, Turkey
Which Pakistani footballer died in a road accident in Karachi on October 13, 2016?

A. Shahlyla Baloch
B. Samreen Marvi
C. Iffat Saeed
D. None of Above
Who have made first century,double century and also triple century in day and night Test
Match with pink ball in Oct-2016?

A. Veerat Kohli (IndiA.

B. Brandom Macalum (NuzilanD.
C. Azhar Ali (Pakistan)
D. Hashim Amlaa (South AfricA.
Pakistan issued $1 billion five-year Sukuk bonds on October 6, 2016 @ the rate

A. 9.3%
B. 7.5%
C. 5.5%
D. 4.75%
Which Bank has installed world highest ATM at Pakistan-China border in Khunjerab Pass in

A. National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)

B. Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB)
C. United Bank Limited (UBL)
D. Allied Bank Limited. (ABL)

19th SAARC conference-2016 which was going to held in Islamabad, Pakistan has
postponed due to opposite of 3 SAARC Countries?

A. Nepal, India, Bangladesh

B. India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
C. Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India
D. None of Above
which country declared as the third largest host for refugees by Amnesty International in

A. Jordan
B. Turkey
C. Germany
D. Pakistan
Joint Military Exercises Started between Pakistan & Russia in September-2016,

A. Inspired Gambit
B. North Thunder
C. Operation Rajjgal
D. Druzhba 2016 OR (Friendship 2016)
Seven Years old British Pakistani who became world’s youngest computer programmer in

A. Muhammad Usaman
B. Hamza Shahzad
C. Ali Raza
D. Imran Abbas
Military Exercises held in September-2016 between Pak & USA in South Carolina,called?

A. Thunder Bolt
B. Joint C-2016
C. Inspired Gambit
D. none of Above
Current Hijri Year is ?

A. 1435 AH
B. 1437 AH
C. 1438 AH
D. 1434 AH
Which country got first position in Test Ranking in Cricket in its History on 22 Aug-2016?

A. Pakistan
B. India
C. South Africa
D. Sri Lanka
Member of Sindh Assembly and MQM resigned on 22 Aug-2016 ?

A. Farooq Sattar
B. Kashmala Tariq
C. Waseem Akhtar
D. Iram Farooqi
Which country won first position by wining 121 medals in Olympics-2016?

B. China
D. Russia
Tallest Building of Pakistan?

A. Burj Khalifa
B. Habib Bank Plaza, Karachi
C. Minar-e-Pakistan Lahore
D. Icon Tower, Karachi
Pakistan Army conducting an operation along the Pak-Afghan border in Khyber Agency,

A. Operation Zarb-e- Azab

B. Operation Rah-e-Nijaat
C. Operation Rajjgal
D. Operation Zarb-e-Ahaan
Pakistan has launched its biggest Navy’s Warship Fleet Tanker with the help of ?

A. Turkey
B. China
C. Canada
who is Chairman NADRA ?

A. Syed Muzzafar
B. Uzma Adil
C. Abid Sher Ali
D. Usman Yousaf Mobeen
Pakistan has became 6th time world champion on 17 Aug-2016 in ?

A. Cricket
B. Junior Squash
C. Hockey
D. Kabadi
Recently in which country Amnesty International has closed its offices ?

A. Afghanistan
B. Pakistan
C. India
D. Syria
Current President of Azad Kashmir is ?

A. Ch. Abdul Majeed

B. Sardar Masood Khan
C. Raja Farooq
D. Sardar Yaqoob
“Combing operation” Means________________?

A. A searching operation by Forces to find out hidden terrorists.

B. Kidney Operation by qualified Surgeons
C. A bill passed by Pakistani Parliament.
D. None of Above
Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Plant based in Muzzafarabad will produce electricity?

A. 969 Mwt
B. 4500 Mwt
C. 425 Mgw
D. 3200 Mwt
Ex Pakistani Cricket Captain Hanif Muhammad died on 11 Aug-2016 at the age of 81 years,
got the title?

A. Flying Shaheen
B. Little Master
C. Asian Legend
D. None of Above
Russia will invest__________ in the construction of North-South gas pipeline.

A. $1 billion
B. $2 billion
C. $3 billion
D. $4 billion
The North-South gas pipeline will transport LNG from____________?

A. Karachi to Lahore
B. Lahore to Karachi
C. Gwadar to Karachi
D. Gwadar to Sukkur
The total length of North-South gas pipeline is_____________?

A. 1,000 km
B. 1,100 km
C. 1,200 km
D. 1,300 km
Around _______billion m3 of gas would be transported from Karachi to Lahore per annum
through North-South gas pipeline.

A. 11.0
B. 11.4
C. 12.0
D. 12.4
The total length of Karachi-Lahore Motorway is___________?

A. 1,000 km
B. 1,100 km
C. 1,200 km
D. 1,300 km
Pakistan issued 10-year Eurobonds of _____ in the international Eurobond market on 25
September 2015.

A. $5 million
B. $50 million
C. $500 million
D. $5000 million
The coupon rate of Eurobonds issued on 25 September 2015 is___________%?

A. 7.75%
B. 8.0%
C. 8.25%
D. 8.50%
The construction work on Karachi green line (or Karachi Metro bus service) was
inaugurated on

A. 10 February 2016
B. 16 February 2016
C. 20 February 2016
D. 26 February 2016
The estimated cost of the Karachi green line is _____ billion?
A. Rs.15,085
B. Rs.16,085
C. Rs.17,085
D. Rs.18,085
Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) was formed by merging Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad
stock exchanges on?

A. 11 January 2016
B. 12 January 2016
C. 13 January 2016
D. 14 January 2016
Through TAPI gas pipeline Afghanistan, Pakistan and India will receive natural gas from?

A. Kazakhstan
B. Kyrgyzstan
C. Tajikistan
D. Turkmenistan
The construction of TAPI gas pipeline began on 13 December 2015, and the expected
completion date is

A. December 2016
B. December 2017
C. December 2018
D. December 2019
Pakistan will receive _____ billion m3 natural gas from Turkmenistan per year.

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
Pakistan-Qatar deal to import LNG from Qatar to Pakistan is a government-to-government
contract for _____ years.

A. 9
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
According to the Pakistan-Qatar LNG deal Pakistan will receive ________million tons of
LNG annually.

A. 3.25

B. 3.75
C. 4.25

D. 4.75
1-Current Affairs:
Panama Leaks Related to a Law Firm name?
A) Panama Papers
B) Clyde & Co
C) Mossack Fonseca (A)
D) Kennedys Law
2-Current Affairs:
First woman Chief Minister of Occupied Kashmir is:
A) Shama Khalid
B) Anousha Rehman
C) Mehbooba Mufti (A)
D) Sashma Suraaj
3-Current Affairs:
Woman Seats in Senate?
A) 12
B) 17 (A)
C) 4
4-Current Affair:
Captain of Pakistan T-20 Team?
A) Shahid Afridi
B) Muhammad Hafeez
C) Sarfraz Ahmed (A)
D) Shoiab Malik
5-Current Affairs:
Attorney General of Pakistan?
A) Ashtar Ausaf (A)
B) Munir A mailk
C) Salman Butt
6-Current Affairs:
Current National Assembly of Pakistan is? A) 12th
B) 13th
C) 14th (A)
7-Current Affairs:
According to Amnesty International report -2016, Pakistan, Iran, China & Saudi Arabia has
hanging percentage of world
A) 54%
B) 72%
C) 90% (A)
D) 51%
8-Current Affairs:
“Eagle-5” Military Exercises are continuing from 9-30 April Between Pakistan & China in?
A) Balochistan
B) Shanghai (A)
C) Jeddha
D) Karachi
9-Current Affairs:
Who Launched “Pak Sar Zameen Party”
A) Raza Haroon
B) Zulfiqar Mirza
C) Mustfa Kamal (A)
D) Anees Qaimkhani
10-Current Affairs:
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) cost?
A) 46 Billion$ (A)
B) 44 Billion$
C) 45 Billion$
11-Current Affairs:
National Assembly of Pakistan Passed Cyber Crime bill, which is related to?
A) Remove Terrorism Activities
B) Illegal use of Internet (A)
C) Punishment of Prisoners
D) Theft of Electricity
12-Current Affairs:
In absence of President of Pakistan who will perform as Acting president ?
A) Speaker National Assembly
B) Chairman Senate (A)
C) Prime Minister
D) Interior Minister
13-Current Affairs:
O.I.C session in Turkey(Istanbul) in which 57 Islamic Countries has join is:
A) 11th Session
B) 12th Session
C) 13th Session (A)
14-Current Affairs: Marriage Bill 2016 pass by?
A) Punjab Assembly (A)
B) Sindh Assembly
C) KPK Assembly
D) Baluchistan Assembly
15-Current Affairs:
Speaker Baluchistan Assembly?
A Dr. Shela Raza
B Raheela Hammed Khan (A)
C Asad Qaisar
16-Current Affairs:
Operation ” Zarab-e-Ahan” started by Pak Army against Choto Gang in?
A) Multan
B) Rajanpur (A)
C) North Waziristan
17-Current Affairs:
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have signed 1300 Megawatt
Electricity agreement, called?
A) PASA agreement
B) TASA agreement
C) APSA agreement
D) CASA agreement (A)
18-Current Affairs:
Official residence of Tajikistan President??
A) Bagh e Iram (A)
B) Qasar e Millat
C) None of above
19-Current Affairs: NFC award stand for?
A) National Fiscal Commission award
B) National Finance Commission award (A)
C) National Field Commission award
20-Current Affairs:
In 7th NFC award, which province got major Share?
A) Punjab
C) Sindh
D) Balochistan (A)
21-Current Affairs:
In 7th NFC award, which province got minor Share?
A) Punjab (A)
C) Sindh
D) Balochistan
22-Current Affairs:
Most costly Tea of world “dahongpao” found in?? A) China (A)
B) Kenya
C) India
23-Current Affairs:
The first Muslim woman has been elected as the speaker of Germany??
A) Zakia Salam
B) Muhterem Aras (A)
C) Hamidat Marjani
24-Current Affairs:
First Female has been appointed as US Military Combat Command..
A) Lori Robinson (A)
B) Jennifer Linda
C) Adelina
25-Current Affairs:
Lowest Meat Consumption Country in World??
A) Nepal
B) Iran
C) India (A)
26-Current Affairs:
Largest producer of cooper in World??
A) Cuba
B) Chile (A)
C) Argentine
27-Current Affairs:
Largest producer of Cotton in world??
A) Pakistan
B) India
C) China (A)
28-Current Affairs:
Largest Rice Producer of World
A) Pakistan
B) India
C) China (A)
D) Russia
29-Current Affairs:
19th SAARC summit 2016 will be held in which country??
A) Pakistan (A)
B) India
C) Sri Lanka
30-Current Affairs:
Indian Prime Minister Nrender Modi,s Home town??
A) Mumbai
B) Gujarat (A)
C) Hyderabad
31-Current Affairs:
Chief Selector of Pakistan Cricket Team??
A) Mickey Arthur
B) Inzmam Ul Haq (A)
C) Waqar Younas
32-Current Affairs:
Captain of Pakistan Woman Cricket Team ??
A) Sana Mir (A)
B) Asia Iqbal
C) Nain Abadi
33-Current Affairs:
First female President of Taiwan??
A) Jenny Hung
B) Tiffany Leo
C) Tsai Ing-wen (A)
34-Current Affairs:
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Inaugurated Pak China Optic Fiber in Gilgit, its length would
A) 855 KM
B) 820 KM (A)
C) 805 KM
35-Current Affairs:
Pak China Optic Fiber cost would be??
A) 40 Million $
B) 44 Million $ (A)
C) 46 Million $
36- Current Affairs
Famous Footballer Ronaldo belongs to ??
A) Brazil
B) Argentine
C) Portugal (A)
37-Current Affairs:
State Bank of Pakistan has fixed Rate of Interest??
A) 7%
B) 6.5%
C) 5.75% (A)
D) 8%
38-Current Affairs:
American representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan?? A) Johan Kerry
B) Richard Olsan (A)
C) John Karreby
D) David Hill
39- Current Affairs:
Prime Minister of Israel??
A) Kofi Annan
B) Netanyahu (A)
C) Ban Ki Moon
40-Current Affairs:
World Largest Wheat Exporter Country??
A) USA (A)
B) China
C) India
D) Russia
41-Current Affairs:
Total No. of Planets in Solar System??
A) 7
B) 8 (A)
C) 9
D) 6
42-Current Affairs:
New Taliban Leader appointed in May-2016??
A) Mullah Akhtar Mansoor
B) Mullah Haibatullah Sheikh (A)
C) Sarajudin Haqani
D) Mullah Yaqoob
43-Current Affairs:
Iran & India will built Sea port in Iran 100 miles in west of Gwadar Seaport ??
A) Anzali
B) Bassam Abbas
C) Chahbhar (A)
44-Current Affairs:
Biggest Hotel of the World ??
A) Burjh Khalifa
B) Abraj Kudai hotel (A)
C) Grand Las Vegas
45-Current Affairs:
First Two artificial Islands of the World??
A) Palm Islands (A)
B) Lambert Islands
C) Bronae Island
46-Current Affairs:
Largest Producer & Reserver of Natural Gas in the World?
A) China
B) Russia (A)
C) Iran
D) Pakistan
47-Current Affairs:
Pakistan & Iran Gas pipeline is also called??
A) Trade Pipeline
B) Prosperity pipeline
C) Peace pipeline (A)
D) Friendly Pipeline
48-Current Affairs:
G-7 Annual summit-2016 held in ??
A) China
B) Japan (A)
D) Canada
49-Current Affairs:
Army Command & Staff College is in ??
A) Lahore
B) Rawalpindi
C) Karachi
D) Quetta (A)
50-Current Affairs:
PEMRA has recently banned the advertisement of ??
A) Cigarettes
B) Family planning products (A)
C) Ramzan Transmissions Progrmme
D) Panama leaks issues
51-Current Affairs:
Prime Minister of Turkey ??
A) Ahmet Davutoglu
B) Tayyip Erdogan
C) Binali Yıldırım (A)
D) Abdullah Gll
52-Current Affairs:
Richest Chief Minister of Pakistan According -2016??
A) Mian Shahbaz Sharif (Punjab) (A)
B) Qaim Ali Shah (Sindh)
C) Sanaullah Zahari ( Balochistan )
D) Pervaiz Khatak ( KPK )
53-Current Affairs:
Poor Chief Minister of Pakistan According -2016??
A) Mian Shahbaz Sharif (Punjab)
B) Qaim Ali Shah (Sindh) (A)
C) Sanaullah Zahari ( Balochistan )
D) Pervaiz Khatak ( KPK )
54-Current Affairs:
Current Prime Minister of Jordan??
A) Hani Al-Mulki (A)
B) Abdul Rehman gull
C) Basharul Asad
55-Current Affairs:
Speaker Baluchistan Assembly?
A Dr. Shela Raza
B Raheela Hammed Khan (A)
C Asad Qaisar
56-Current Affairs: Marriage Bill 2016 pass by?
A) Punjab Assembly (A)
B) Sindh Assembly
C) KPK Assembly
D) Baluchistan Assembly
57-Current Affairs:
O.I.C session in Turkey(Istanbul) in which 57 Islamic Countries has join is:
A) 11th Session
B) 12th Session
C) 13th Session (A)
58-Current Affairs:
In absence of President of Pakistan who will perform as Acting president ?
A) Speaker National Assembly
B) Chairman Senate (A)
C) Prime Minister
D) Interior Minister
59-Current Affairs:
National Assembly of Pakistan Passed Cyber Crime bill, which is related to?
A) Remove Terrorism Activities
B) Illegal use of Internet (A)
C) Punishment of Prisoners
D) Theft of Electricity
60-Current Affairs:
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) cost? A) 46 Billion$ (A)
B) 44 Billion$
C) 45 Billion$
61-Current Affairs:
According to Amnesty International report -2016, Pakistan, Iran, China & Saudi Arabia has
hanging percentage of world
A) 54%
B) 72%
C) 90% (A)
D) 51%
62-Current Affairs:
Current National Assembly of Pakistan is?
A) 12th
B) 13th
C) 14th (A)
63-Current Affair:
Captain of Pakistan T-20 Team?
A) Shahid Afridi
B) Muhammad Hafeez
C) Sarfraz Ahmed (A)
D) Shoiab Malik
64-Current Affairs:
Attorney General of Pakistan?
A) Ashtar Ausaf (A)
B) Munir A mailk
C) Salman Butt
65-Current Affairs:
Woman Seats in Senate?
A) 12
B) 17 (A)
C) 4
66-Current Affairs:
Jang Group received Asian Media Award-2016 in Manila
A) Silver Medal
B) Gold Medal
C) Press medal (A)
67-Current Affairs:
Next T-20 World Cup will be held in
A) 2019
B) 2020 (A)
C) 2022
D) 2023
68-Current Affairs:
According to UNESCO report-2016 Quran is reading with translation in
A) 143 Languages
B) 158 Languages (A)
C) 172 Languages
69-Current Affairs:
World Bank will provide Loan to Punjab Govt.
A) 100 Million dollar
B) 150 Million Dollar
C) 200 Million Dollar
D) 250 Million Dollar (A)
70-Current Affairs:
T-20 Ranking India at 1st Position While Pakistan at:
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7 (A)
D) 8
71-Current Affairs:
Pakistan has embassies in World:
A) 198
B) 144 (A)
C) 271
D) 111
72-Current Affairs:
Pakistani Youngest Hacker Rafay Baloch,s Paper has selected for
A) Asian Conference 2016
B) OIC Conference 2016
C) International Hacker Conference 2016
D) Black Hat Conference 2016 (A)
73-Current Affairs:
President Mamonoon has conferred total awards on 23rd March 2016.
A) 146
B) 164 (A)
C) 46
D) 64
74-Current Affairs:
Iranian ambassador for pakistan
A) Sadiq Babur
B) Mehdi Honardoost (A)
C) Hussan Rohani
75-Current Affairs:
Current I.G Sindh
A) Ghulam Haider Jamali
B) A.D Khwaja (A)
C) Mushtaq Sakheera
76-Current Affairs:
President of Turkmanistan
A) Tyyab Urdgan
B) Islam Karimov
C) Qurban Ali Mamdoof (A)
77-Current Affairs:
Face Book has Acquired(purchased) Whatsapp in:
A) 22 Billion $
B) 19 Billion $ (A)
C) 16 Billion $
78-Current Affairs:
Saudi Arab Launched Military Exercises of 21 Muslim countries.
A) South Thunder
B) North Thunder (A)
C) Exercises Malabar
79-Current Affairs:
Defence Minister of Saudi Arab?
A) Muhammad Bin Sulaiman (A)
B) Mutaib Bin Abdullah
C) Ahmed Amir
80-Current Affairs:
Current Auditor General of Pakistan:
A) Rana Asad Amin (A)
B) Salman Aslam Butt
C) Qamar Zaman Ch.
81-Current Affairs:
Name of Current Chief Executive Officer of ICC?
A) Zaheer Abbas
B) Daved Richardson (A)
C) Shashank Manahor
82-Current Affairs:
Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan??
A) Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali
B) Justice Sardar Muhammad Raza (Ans)
C) Justice Nasir ul Mulk
83-Current Affairs:
Withholding Tax in Pakistan??
A) 0.3% (Ans)
B) 0.6%
C) 17%
D) 5.75%
84-Current Affairs:
GST in Pakistan??
A) 0.3%
B) 0.6%
C) 17% (Ans)
D) 5.75%
85-Current Affairs:
Defense Minister of Turkey??
A) Shah Muhammad Sulaiman
B) Fikri Isık (Ans) C) Binalin Yaldrim 86-Current Affairs:
Zakat Nisab for 2015-16 announced by Govt??
A) 42537 Rs.
B) 35537 Rs. (Ans)
C) 33537 Rs.
87-Current Affairs:
Muhammad Ali was Great Player of??
A) Cricket
B) Tennis
C) Boxing (Ans)
D) Football
88-Current Affairs:
Indian P.M Nrender Modi & President Ashraf Ghani inaugurated friendship Dam in
A) Gamna Friendly Dam
B) Kabul Dam
C) Salma Dam (Ans)
D) Heerat Dam
89-Current Affairs:
President Ashraf Ghani bestowed highest civil award of Afghanistan to P.M Nrendra
A) Campaign Medal
B) Afghan Cross Medal
C) Ghazi Amanullah Khan Medal (A)
D) Ghazi Abdul Rehamn Medal
90-Current Affairs:
French open tennis trophy-2016 won by??
A) Novak Djokovic (A)
B) Serena williams
C) Roger Federer
91-Current Affairs:
Special Revenue Assistant to P.M Nawaz Sharif ??
A) Tariq Fatmi
B) Sartaj Aziz
C) Haroon Akhtar (A)
D) Aitzaz Chaudhary
92-Current Affairs:
Nuclear Suppliers Group members in world??
A) 28
B) 48 (A)
C) 56
D) 57
93-Current Affairs:
Most Influential Women in the World??
A) Hillary Clinton
B) Angela Merkel (A)
C) Hassina Wajid
D) Sonia Gandhi
94-Current Affairs:
Chairman F.B.R??
A) Tariq Bajwa
B) Qamar u Zaman
C) Nisar Muhammad Khan (A)
D) Qazi Khalilullah
95-Current Affairs:
UN has Declare 2016 as year of??
A) Year of Family Planning
B) Year of Peace
C) Year of Pulses (A)
D) Year of Water cooperation
96-Current Affairs:
Boxing Legend Kimbo Slice belong to??
A) America (A)
B) France
C) Brazil
D) Canada
97-Current Affairs:
Boxing Legend Muhammad Ali died at the age of??
A) 64 Years
B) 74 Years (A)
C) 76 Years
B) 67 Years
98-Current Affairs:
Govt. of Punjab banned the Pakistani Movie??
A) War
B) A girl in a River
C) Maalik (A)
D) Boal
99-Current Affairs:
Euro Cup Football Championship 2016 will be held in??
A) Brazil
B) Russia
C) Turkey
D) France (A)
100-Current Affairs:
Boxing Legend Muhammad Ali died due to disease of??
A) Malaria
B) Septic Shock (A)
C) Cancer
101-Current Affairs:
Boxing Legend Muhammad Ali got the Title??
A) Tiger Wood
B) Champion of America
C) Sports Man of the Century (A)
D) None of Above
102-Current Affairs: World Oceans Day on??
A) 8 August
B) 8 June (A)
C) 11 July
D) 31 September
103-Current Affairs:
USA gave favor in M.T.C.R for India in June-2016, M.T.C.R stands for??
A) Money Tracking Control Regime
B) Missile Technology Control Regime (A)
C) Memorandum Tracking Control Regime
104-Current Affairs:
The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan comes through:
A) Thermal (A)
B) Hydel
C) Solar
D) None of Above
105-Current Affairs: Torkham Border is between??
A) India & Pakistan
B) Pakistan & Afghanistan (A)
C) India & China
D) China & Iran
106-Current Affairs
Longest duration of Fast day (Roza) of 2016 would be in?? A) USA
B) Pakistan
C) Iceland
D) Chili
107-Current Affairs
Shortest duration of Fast day (Roza) of 2016 would be in??
B) Chili (A)
C) Iceland
D) Pakistan
108-Current Affairs:
ISIS (Dash) Leader’s Name??
A) Mullah Akhtar Mansoor
B) Usama Bin Ladin
C) Mullah Fazalullah
D) Abubakar Al-bagdadi (A)
109-Current Affairs:
Pakistani Ambassador in France ??
A) Hassan Jalil
B) Ghalib Iqbal
C) Moeen ul Haq (A)
110-Current Affairs:
Richest football Player of 2016??
A) Ronaldo (A)
B) Lionel Messi
C) Grame Smith
111-Current Affairs:
Danny Danon was appointed to head a permanent committee of legal matters of international
law by UNO in June-2016, belongs to??
A) Israel (A)
B) South Korea
C) Canada
112-Current Affairs:
7th largest Mosque of the World is??
A) Faisal Mosque
B) Grand Jamia Mosque (A)
C) Badshahi Mosque
D) Mhaabat Khan Mosque
113-Current Affairs:
Pakistani Writer Aslam Farakhi died in Karachi yesterday, born in ??
A) Dehli
B) Lahore
C) Lakhnow (A)
D) Karachi
114-Current Affairs:
Pakistan again included in after 2008??
A) Emerging Market Index (A)
B) Nuclear Suppliers Group
C) Ashes Cricket series
D) Polio Free Countries List
115-Current Affairs:
Current Fight between Pakistan & Afghanistan is due to??
A) Drugs smuggling issue
B) American Drone Attack in Pakistan from Afghanistan
C) Border Management Issues (A)
D) Illegal weapons
116-Current Affairs:
Biggest Health Care Contract of Pakistan History is made between??
A) Shoukat Kahnam & London Medical Institute
B) Behria Town Developers & Bait Al Batterjee (BAB) (A)
C) Edhi Ambulance & Shoukat khanum Hospital
117-Current Affairs:
Billy Bowden has retired from ICC umpire panel after umpiring of 84 Test & 200 One
matches, belongs to??
A) New Zealand (A)
B) Australia
C) South Africa
D) Zimbabwe
118-Current Affairs:
Largest Sugarcane Producer of the World??
A) Cuba
B) India
C) Brazil (A)
D) Pakistan
119-Current Affairs:
Minimum Wages rate for all adult labour in Pakistan is ??
A) 12000 Rs
B) 13000 Rs.
C) 14000 Rs. (A)
D) 15000 Rs.
120-Current Affairs:
Which player became fastest to 23 ODI hundreds in 132 matches??
A) Verat Kohli
B) Hashim Aamla (A)
C) AB De Villiars
D) Shahid Khan Afridi 121-Current Affairs:
Taftan Gate has been built in June-2016 at the border of??
A) Pakistan & Afghanistan
B) Pakistan & Iran (A)
C) Pakistan & India
D) Pakistan & China
122-Current Affairs:
Which Player honored with highest Olympic Medal “Olympic Order” in June-2016
A) Pele (Brazil) (A)
B) Lionel Messi (Argentina)
C) Diego Godín (Uruguay)
123-Current Affairs: Longest day of the Year is??
A) 21 June (A)
B) 22 June
C) 22 September
D) 25 December
124-Current Affairs:
2nd Largest Sheltering provider country to Refugees is??
A) Turkey
B) Germany
C) Pakistan (A)
D) Afghanistan
125-Current Affairs:
Pakistani two universities Included in Top 200 Universities of Asia in June-2016, names??
A) Punjab University & LUMS
B) NUST & Quaid e Azam University (A)
C) NUMAL & Agha Khan University
126-Current Affairs:
Famous Qwaal Amjad Sabri was Killed in??
A) Lahore
B) Islamabad
C) Pakpattan
D) Karachi (A)
127- Current Affairs:
Which Country has sent 20 satellite in Space in June-2016??
A) India (A)
B) China
C) Russia
D) Pakistan
128-Current Affairs:
World Bank has approved loan for Pakistan to carry out economic structural reforms??
A) $500 million (A)
B) $600 million
C) $7500 million
129-Current Affairs:
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit 23,24 June-2016 will be held in??
A) China (Beijing)
B) Tajikistan (Dushanbe)
C) Uzbekistan (Tashkent) (A)
D) Russia ( Moscow)
130-Current Affairs:
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has member??
A) 5
B) 6 (A)
C) 7
D) 8
131-Current Affairs:
Best Military Commander Generals In The World 2016 is??
A) Raheel Sharif (Pakistan) (A)
B) Martin Dempsey (United States)
C) Dalbir Singh (India)
D) Fang Fenghui (China)
131-Current Affairs:
Which Egypt’s ex-president announced sentenced to death in june-2016??
A) Hosni Mubarak
B) Muhammad Mursi (A)
C) Anwar Sadat
132-Current Affairs:
British government will decide to remain member of European Union or not, through??
A) Assembly Bill
B) Army Chief
C) Referendum (A)
D) European Union Member countries vote
133-Current Affairs:
Federal Government has approved a scheme for Quran education till??
A) Middle
B) Metric
C) Intermediate (A)
D) Bachelor
134-Current Affairs:
Finance Act Bill 2016-17 is related to??
A) Agricultural products
B) Petroleum Products
C) Tax (A)
D) Electricity Issues
135-Current Affairs:
Which Country will be the first to leave EU??
A) France
B) UK (A)
C) Brazil
D) Russia
136-Current Affairs
Which Team has won Football Euro Cup-2016??
A) France
B) Brazil
C) Portugal (A)
137-Current Affairs: Prime Minister of UK is??
A) David Cameron
B) Theresa May
C) Queen Elizabeth (A)
138-Current Affairs:
Oldest Cricketer to score Test hundred as captain??
A) Sachain Tandulkar
B) Brian Lara
C) Ricky Ponting
D) Misbha ul Haq (A)
139-Current Affairs:
Oxford University London honors to Which Pakistani Singer with lifetime achievement award
in July 2016
A) Atif Aslam
B) Rahat Fateh Ali Khan (A)
C) Abrar ul Haq
D) Shzia Manzoor
140-Current Affairs:
Largest NADRA office situated in??
A) Karachi
B) Lahore
C) Islamabad (A)
D) Gujranwala
141- Current Affairs:
First time Mobile Mosques introduced in which Country in July-2016??
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Malaysia
C) Indonesia (A)
D) Bangladesh
142-Current Affairs:
Which Pakistani Aircraft wins best aircraft trophy at Royal International Air Tattoo Show-
2016 ??
A) F-16
B) F-777
C) C-130 (A)
D) C-17
143-Current Affairs:
Current Chair Person of OGRA (Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority ) Pakistan is??
A) Dr. Asim
B) Touqeer Sadiq
C) Ayesha Mumtaz
D) Uzma Adil (A)
144-Current Affairs:
Film made on the Life of Malala Yousaf Zai ??
A) A Girl in the River
B) He Named me Malala (A)
C) Brave Girl Named Malala
D) Malala as peace Sign
145-Current Affairs:
Pakistan Boxer M. Waseem has won Medal in Boxing competition in July-2016??
A) Gold Medal
B) Silver Medal (A)
C) Bronze Medal
D) Medal of Honor
146-Current Affairs:
United Nation has announced Nelson Mandela day??
A) 18 July (A)
B) 12 October
C) 18 June
147-Current Affairs:
Great Pakistani Naat Khwan Manzoor ul Konain died on 19 July-2016 in ??
A) Lahore
B) Karachi
C) Islamabad
D) Wah Cant (A)
148-Current Affairs:
Chairman Move On Pakistan party??
A) Mustfa Kamal
B) Shahi Syed
C) Mian Kamran (A)
D) Malik Riaz
149-Current Affairs:
Current Chief Justice of Lahore High Court??
A) Ijaz Ul Ahsan
B) Syed Mansoor Ali Shah (A)
C) Syed Sajjad Hussain
D) Faisal Arab
150-Current Affairs:
Which is biggest Restaurant Chain of the World??
B) Richet Burgers
C) McDonalds (A)
D) Subway
151-Current Affairs:
Abdul Sattar Edhi died at the age of??
A) 84
B) 86
C) 90
D) 88 (A)
152-Current Affairs:
Ex Minister for Labor & Man power Mr. Miraj Muhammad Khan died on 21 July-2016 at the
age of??
A) 62
B) 77 (A)
C) 82
D) 58
153-Current Affairs:
Current Spokesperson of Pakistan??
A) Nafees Zakria (A)
B) Qazi Khalilullah
C) Tasneem Aslam
D) Dr. Maleeha Lodhi
154-Current Affairs:
Who took oath as Punjab OMBUDSMAN on 21 July-2016??
A) Manzoor Shah
B) Rafique Rajwana
C) Mian Shahbaz Sharief
D) Najam Saeed (A)
155-Current Affairs: tour de france is a??
A) Car Race
B) Boat Race
C) Bicycle Race (A)
D) Horse Race
156-Current Affairs:
A Pakistani documentary film ‘Song of Lahore’ was awarded with the Audience
Choice Award at the London Indian Film Festival in July-2016 Directed by??
A) Andy Schocken along with Sharmeen Ubaid (A)
B) Andy Schocken along with humayun saeed
C) Andy Schocken along with Syed Noor
157-Current Affairs:
Which Political Party got Majority in AJK elections in 21 July-2016??
C) Independent Candidates
D) PML(N) (A)
158-Current Affairs: Elections held in AJK were??
A) 9th general Elections
B) 10th general Elections (A)
C) 12th general Elections
D) 14th general Elections
159-Current Affairs:
What is the Name of Professional Twenty 20 Cricket league in Pakistan held in February-
A) Pakistan Premier League(PPL)
B) Pakistan Cricket League (PCL)
C) Pakistan Super League (PSL) (A)
D) None of Above
160-Current Affairs:
when USA declared ISIS as terrorist Organization of the World??
A) 20 May-2016 (A)
B) 15 January-2016
C) 15 June-2015
D) 22 March-2016
161-Current Affairs:
Which Indian air base was attacked on January 2016 by a heavily armed group??
A) Amritsar ASF
B) Pathankot ASF (A)
C) Mumbai ASF
D) Hyderabad ASF
162-Current Affairs:
Chief Minister of Sindh??
A) Mola Baxsh Chandew
B) Qaim Ali Shah
C) Parvez Khatak
D) Murad Ali Shah (A)
163-Current Affairs:
Summer Olympics-2016 will be held in??
A) Greek
B) Brazil (A)
C) Germany
D) Japan
164-Current Affairs:
First solar-powered aircraft which complete round the world trip in July-2016 ??
B) Solar Jet VI
C) Solar Impulse 2 (A)
D) Boeing 747
165-Current Affairs:
Lady also known as the “Iron Lady of Manipur” (India) has the world’s longest hunger striker
for 16 years (2000-2016), name??
A) Irom Chanu Sharmila (A)
B) Davia Ananda
C) Darashna Devi
D) None of Above
166-Current Affairs:
Minister of Kashmir Affairs is??
A) Sikandar Sultan Raja
B) Barjees Tahir (A)
C) Hafeez Ur Rehman
D) Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan
167-Current Affairs:
Burhan Wani was killed in an encounter with the Indian security forces on 8 July 2016 in
Kashmir was commander of??
A) Laskar e Tayyba
C) Hizbul Mujahideen (A)
D) Jash e Muhammad
168-Current Affairs:
Punjab-Shandong Business Conference-2016 was held in??
A) China (A)
B) Punjab
C) Japan
D) Turkey
169-Current Affairs:
How many New Members included in Election Commission of Pakistan in July-2016??
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4 (A)
D) 5
170-Current Affairs:
Having longest tenure as a Governor of any Province of Pakistan??
A) Shahbaz Sharif
B) Dr. Ishratul Ebad (A)
C) Rafique Rajwana
D) Muhammad Khan Achakzai

300 Most Repeated Questions (Custom Inspector/Intelligence Officer) (FPSC Written Test)
1. The river Danube rises in which country?
2. Which US state has the sugar maple as its state tree and is the leading US producer of maple
3. Which country is nicknamed ‘The Cockpit of Europe’ because of the number of battles
throughout history fought on its soil?

4. What is the capital of Libya?


5. Apart from French, German and Romansch, what is the fourth official language of the


6. Which country is the world’s largest producer of coffee?


7. In which city was the world’s first underground train was service opened in 1863?

8. How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body?


9. Which country is separated form Ethiopia by the Red Sea?


10. What is the main port of Italy?


11. Mount Logan is the highest peak in which country?


12. In which state is Harvard University?

New Jersey.

13. Which is larger: Norway or Finland?


14. Which city was the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy until 1865?

15. What is measured by an ammeter?

Electric current.

16. What is a rhinoceros horn made of?

17. Which three countries, apart from the former Yugoslavia, share borders with Greece?
Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey.

18. The Palk Strait separates which two countries?

India and Sri Lanka.

19. Ga is the symbol for which element?


20. In the Greek alphabet, what is the name for the letter O?

21. What, in the 16th and 17th century, was a pavana?

A dance.

22. A nephron is the functional unit of which organ in the human body?

23. In which country is the ancient city of Tarsus?


24. The Khyber Pass links which two countries?

Afghanistan and Pakistan.

25. Name the six US states that comprise New England.

Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.

26. Which musical instrument is played by both exhaling and inhaling?

Harmonica (or mouth organ).

27. The northern part of which country is called Oesling?


28. Napier is a city in which country?

New Zealand.

29. What is the Hook of Holland?

A port in the southeast Netherlands,

30. The river Douro forms part of the border between which two countries?
Spain and Portugal.

31. In which country is the Great Slave Lake?

32. Which six countries border the Black Sea?
Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.

33. Kathmandu is the capital of which country?


34. What name is given to a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and tartaric acid used in cooking?
Baking powder.

35. AOL are an internet service provider. What does AOL stand for?
America Online.

36. Who discovered penicillin?

Alexander Fleming.

37. Which English queen had an extra finger on her hand?

Anne Boleyn.

38. Which precious metal has the symbol Pt?


39. The Gobi desert extends over which two countries?

China and Mongolia.

40. Apart from America, which is the only country in the world to which alligators are native?
41. Which are the highest types of clouds: stratocumulus or cirrus?

42. Which ancient measure of length was based on the length of the arm from fingertip to elbow?

43. After World War I, Transylvania became part of which country?


44. Which sea in Northern Europe is bounded by several countries including Sweden, Finland,
Poland and Germany?
The Baltic.

45. A road tunnel runs from Pelerins in France to Entreves in Italy under which mountain?
Mont Blanc.

46. The Barents Sea is part of which ocean?

47. Which two countries are either side of the mouth of the River Plate?
Argentina and Uruguay.

48. Quicklime is an alkaline powder obtained by strongly heating which other material?

49. What is the longest river solely in England?


50. The Great Barrier Reef is off coast of which Australian state?

51. What is the name of the milky fluid obtained from trees which is used to produce rubber?

52. Of what is entymology the study?


53. Of where is Amman the capital?


54. How many innings are there for each team in a game of baseball?

55. Which is the only mammal with the power of active flight?

56. Which lower level of clouds are commonly called ‘rain clouds’?

57. What is the longest river in India?


58. Which metallic element has the property of catching fire if dropped in hot water?

59. Which month of the year obtains its name from the Latin verb for ‘to open’?

60. On what river does Rome stand?


61. Quantas is the national airline of which country?

62. What in Scotland is the meaning of the prefix ‘Inver’?
River mouth.

63. Which US state has the lowest population?


64. Which county is nicknamed the Garden of England?


65. Which African country was formerly called French Sudan?


66. Which sport was originally called ‘soccer-in-water’?

Water polo.

67. Which unit of measurement is derived from the Arabic quirrat, meaning seed?

68. Which Italian city was originally built on seven hills?


69. What does the acronym NAAFI stand for?

Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes.

70. Dolomite is an ore of which metal?


71. Manama is the capital of which country?


72. On which river does Berlin stand?

River Spree.

73. What type of clock was invented in 1656 by Christian Huygens?

The pendulum clock.

74. In which desert is the world's driest place?

Atacama (Chile).

75. Which is the world's saltiest sea?

The Red Sea.

76. ...... and which is the least salty?

The Baltic Sea.
77. Which nun won the Nobel prize for peace in 1979?
Mother Teresa.

78. How many points in the pink ball worth in snooker?


79. Which scientist was named 'Person of the Century' by Time Magazine?
Albert Einstein.

80. What kind of creature is a monitor?

81. Which medical specialty is concerned with the problems and illnesses of children?

82. Who sailed in Santa Maria?

Christopher Columbus.

83. What name is given to the stiffening of the body after death?
Rigor mortis.

84. Which country was formerly known as Malagasy Republic?


85. Addis Ababa is the capital of which country?


86. The name of which North African city literally means ‘white house’?

87. Of what sort of fish is the dogfish a small variety?


88. Which Asian country was divided at the 38th parallel after World War II?

89. What is the name of the Winter Olympics event that combines cross-country skiing and

90. Which American science-fiction writer wrote Fahrenheit 451?

Ray Bradbury.

91. For which powerful opiate is diamorphine the technical name?

92. How many dominoes are there in a normal set?

93. Who was cartoonist who created Batman?

Bob Kane.

94. Aerophobia is a fear of flying, agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, what is acrophobia a fear

95. In computing, how is a modulator-demodulator more commonly known?


96. An auger bit is used to drill what type of material?


97. What part of the wheelbarrow is the fulcrum?

The wheel.

98. What C is a device used to determine small lengths, of which a vernier is one type?

99. Rip, chain and band are types of which tools?


100. What calibrated tool was the standard tool for engineers and scientists prior to the invention
of the hand-held calculator?
Slide rule.

101. What P is sometimes referred to as block and tackle?


102. For what purpose would a gardener use a dibber?

Making holes.

103. What J is a device used to raise an object too heavy to deal with by hand?

104. Ball-pein, club, claw and bush are types of which tool?

105. Which African animal’s name means ‘river horse’?


106. Which Indian religion was founded by Guru Nanak?

107. What is the most distant of the giant planets?

108. What is the capital of Austria?


109. What in printing do the letters ‘u.c.’ stand for?

Upper case.

110. Which eye infection is sometimes called pinkeye?


111. What sort of creature is an iguana?

A lizard.

112. What, politically, does UDI stand for?

Unilateral declaration of independence.

113. Wagga Wagga is a city in which Australian state?

New South Wales.

114. Which Indian religion celebrated the 300th anniversary of its founding in 1999?

115. What do the initials FBI stand for?

Federal Bureau of Investigation.

116. By what name is the fruit of the plant Ananas comosus known?

117. Donnerstag is German for which day of the week?


118. What type of citrus fruit is a shamouti?


119. Apiphobia is a fear of what?


120. Which Asian capital city was known as Batavia until 1949?
121. Which astronomical unit os distance is greater, a parsec or a light year?
A parsec.

122. The ancient city of Carthage is now in which country?

123. What in Russia is Izvestia?
A newspaper.

124. Which is the world's windiest continent?


125. In the book Treasure Island what is the name of the ship?

126. In which part of the body are the deltoid muscles?


127. E is the international car registration letter for which country?


128. Vienna stands on which river?


129. What type of camel has two lumps?


130. In the MG motor car, what do the letters MG stand for?

Morris Garages.

131. The name of which Roman god means 'shining father' in Latin?

132. What is the central colour of a rainbow?


133. Which French city is a meeting place for the European Parliament?

134. What part of the body consists of the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum?
Small intestine.

135. Annapurna is a mountain in which mountain range?


136. What kind of foodstuff is Monterey Jack? (It was also a cartoon's name
'What's for breakfast?'

187. What is the name of a person, plant or animal which shuns the light?
188. What, in field of optics, is biconvex?
A lens which is convex on both sides.

189. Which country was invaded in Iraq in 1980?


190. What did Johann Galle discover in 1846?


191. What, in internet terminology, does SMTP stand for?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

192. How is October 24 1929 remembered?

Black Thursday.

193. The River Danube flows into which sea?

The Black Sea.

194. Which strait separates the North and South islands of New Zealand?
Cook Strait.

195. What, in internet terminology, does FTP stand for?

File Transfer Protocol.

196. Who wrote Black Beauty?

Anna Sewell.

197. What is the capital of Poland?


198. Ice-cream was first produced in which country in the 17th century?

199. In medicine, what does the acronym SARS stand for?

Severe Acute Respiratory System.

200. Which popular name for Netherlands is actually a low-lying region of the country?

201. Which Shakepeare play was set in Elsinore Castle, Denmark?


202. Who said: 'Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration'?

203. The Kyukyu Island chain lies between which two countries?
Japan & Taiwan.

204. Which fibrous protein is the major constituent of hair, nails, feathers, beaks and claws?

205. Of which fruit is morello a variety?


206. Which explorer discovered Victoris Falls in Africa?

David Livingstone.

207. Who was the last king of Egypt?


208. What is the literal meaning of the word mafia?


209. Which war lasted 16 years longer than its name implies?
The Hundred Year's War.

210. What is the national sport of Malaysia and Indonesia?


211. Which is the shallowest of the Great Lakes?

Lake Erie.

212. What name is given to minute or microscopic animals and plants that live in the upper
layers of fresh and salt water?

213. Which country was originally named Cathay?


214. Sinhalese is a language spoken in which country?

Sri Lanka.

215. The Sao Francisco river flows through which country?


216. In which sport do teams compete for the Dunhill Cup?


217. Which Shakespeare character's last words are: 'The rest is silence'?
218. In economics, whose law states that: 'bad money drives out good money'?

219. Who made the first navigation of the globe in the vessel Victoria?

220. Which mountaineer on being asked why he wanted to climb Everest said: 'Because it's
George Mallory.
221. What was the former name for Sri Lanka?

222. Of which Middle East, country is Baghdad the capital?


223. How many arms does a squid have?


224. Which indoor game is played with a shuttlecock?


225. Do stalactites grow upwards or downwards?


226. What food is also called garbanzo?


227. What is the quality rating for diesel fuel, similar to the octane number for petrol?
Catane number.

228. Which German city and port is at the confluence of the rivers Neckar and Rhine?

229. Where in Europe are the only wild apes to be found?


230. The Brabanconne is the national anthem of which country?


231. In which country is the River Spey?


232. Which international environmental pressure group was founded in 1971?

233. What is the capital of Morocco?

234. How many balls are on the table at the start of a game of pool?

235. In which country is the volcano Mount Aso?


236. What name is given to inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, swelling and
restriction of movement?

237. Which mineral is the main source of mercury?


238. What A is the national airline of Russia, code name SU?


239. What would be kept in a quiver?


240. What 'ology' is concerned with the study of unidentified flying objects?
241. Coal and longtailed are types of which bird family?

242. In the game of darts, what is the value of the outer bull?

243. In which part of the human body is the cochlea?


244. What is the modern name of the rocky fortress which the Moors named Gabel-al-Tarik (the
Rock of Tarik)?

245. What was the name of German terrorist Andreas Baader's female partner?
Ulrike Meinhof.

246. And what was the name of the urban guerrilla organisation they headed?
The Red Army Faction.

247. Which German bacteriologist discovered Salvarsan, a compound used in the treatment of
syphilis, before the introduction of antibiotics?
Paul Ehrlich.
248. Which ancient Roman satirist wrote the 16 Satires?

249. Who became the Queen of Netherlands in 1980?


250. Who was the last Bristish king to appear in battle?

George II.

251. What is the art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals to make lifelike
models called?

252. What is the Beaufort scale used to measure?

Wind speed.

253. What is the technical name for abnormally high blood presure?

254. What part of eye is responsible for its color?

The iris.

256. The letter RF on a stamp would indicate it is from which country?


257. What is the meaning of the musical term cantabile?

In a singing style.

258. San Juan is the capital of which island in the West Indies?
Puerto Rico.

259. Which profession gets its name from the Latin word for lead?

260. On which part of the body do grasshoppers have their ears?

Hind legs. 261. Who wrote children's stories about the land of Narnia?
C.S. Lewis.

262. What is the second planet from the sun?


263. What is the highest mountain in the Alps?

Mont Blanc.

264. Of which Caribbean country is Port-au-Prince the capital?

265. Which German city is asscociated with the legend of the Pied Piper?
Hameln, or Hamelin.

266. What name is given to the wind pattern that brings heavy rain to South Asia from April to

267. What is the first book of the New Testament?

The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.

268. What name is given to the time taken for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope
to decay?

269. Who was president of Kenya from 1964 to 1978?

Jomo Kenyatta.

270. Which German author wrote the anti-war novel All Quiet on the Western Front?
Erich Maria Remarque.

271. Which country had a police force called the Tonton Macoutes?

272. What would you find in formicary?


273. Who was the first British sovereign to make regular use of Buckingham Palace when in
residence in London?
Queen Victoria.

274. Of where is Sofia the capital?


275. What is meant by the musical term andante?

At a moderate tempo.

276. In a bullfight, what is the mounted man with a lance called?

A picador.

277. Which team has a soccer team called Ajax?


278. Which Dutch explorer discovered New Zealand?

Abel Tasman.
279. Who became first black world heavyweight boxing champion in 1918?
Jack Johnson.

280. The name of which city in South America means Vale of Paradise?
_____281. Which gas used in advertising signs has the symbol Ne?

282. Which branch of mathematics uses symbols to represent unknown quantities?


283. What does the abbreviation RAF stand for?

Royal Air Force.

284. What name is given to the use of live animals in the experiments?

285. Viti Levu is the largest island of which country?


286. The Golden Arrow was a famous train that ran from Paris to which destination?
Monte Carlo.

287. Which country fought on both sides during World War II?

288. What centigrade temperature is gas mark 6 equal to?

200 degrees C.

289. In the game of chess, which piece is called springer in Germany?


290. What is the meaning of the Russian word 'mir'?


291. Who, in World War II, were Axis Power?

Germany, Italy. Japan.

292. Which scientist used kites to conduct electrical experiments?

Benjamin Frankline.

293. What is the longest river in France?


294. Which inventore had a research laboratory at Menlo Park?

295. Which birds fly in groups called skeins?

296. In medicine, which is the most widespread parasitic infection?


297. What nationality was the explorer Ferdinand Magellan?


298. Which Italian city is called Firenze in Italian?


299. What is Autralia's largest city?


300. Which term meaning 'lightning war' was used to describe military tactics used by Germany
in World War II?

CUSTOM INSPECTOR (BS-16) MCQS Paper -BATCH 4 held on 2015

1)First Vice president of USA who visited Pakistan? Lyndon B. Johnson

2)Barack Obama is the president of USA?44th
3)China joined WTO in? Dec 2001
4) Pakistan joins 3G Generation on? 23 April 2014
5) Lahore Islamabad Motorway length? 375 km . confirm it
6 ) In how many years metro bus project was completed? 2 years I think
7) Current Interior Minister of Pakistan? Ch.Nisar Ali Khan
8) A recent conference that took place in Srilanka? Commonwealth Conference 2013
9) Latest union that Pakistan joined? SCO
Options UNO, SAARC, SCO, None of these
10) Who won FIFA cup final in 2014? GERMANY
11) The last series that Pakistan cricket team played with? SRILANKA
12) 2015 ICC cricket world cup was hosted by? Aus & New Zealand
13) When Musharaf imposed Martial Law? 12 October 1999
14) When local government bill was passed? 2002
15) Ijmaa means? Consensus
16) Which kalimah is read after wadhu? Kalimah Shahadath
17 Who is the principle scrip of Quran? Options a) Zaid bin Harris b) Abdullah bin Masood C)
Hazrat Omar D) None of these
18) What are the Quran words called that can't be understood by common men?
19) Ramadan is which month of Islamic Calender? 9th
20) Nemaz e Istasqa is prayed for? Rain
21) Lunar Eclipse is? Earth passes between sun and moon
22) Who invented vaccine?
23) Which metal catches fire when thrown in water? Sodium
24) Why a pen appears bent , dept in water? Due to Refraction
25) Largest Gland? Liver
26) Photosynthesis involves? Cholorophyll
27) Water is universal solvent due to? Chemical characteristics or Physical properties
28) Bone weakening is due to deficiency which vitamin? Vitamin D
29)Dialysis is done due to? Failure of Kidney
30) Blood is produced in?a) Bone Marrow b) Heart c) Liver d)None of these
31) In which form calcium is present in Animals bone? Calcium phosphate
32) Concave lens is used for? Short Sightedness
33) When a moving bus stops. The people standing in bus move forward due to? Inertia
34)Hygrometer used for?Measuremnet of Humidity of air
35) population percentage of Punjab? 55%
36) Land locked country? Mongolia
37) Pass that connects Malakand and Mardan?
38) Viceroy of Subcontinent at time of Simmons Commission 1945?
39) South China Sea dispute between? Options A) China &India B) USA and China C) China &
Japan D) Japan& USA
40) Hazrat Younus remained in abdomen of fish? 40 days
41) Total number of Ghazwath? 27
42)Pak Afghan border? Durand Line
43) Largest University of Punjab? Punjab University
44) Largest shipping Corporation? Karachi Shipping Corporation
45) Fire Extinguishing Gas?
46) Surah with two Bismi'Allah?Surah tooba
47) Converting Metal into gold? Alchemy
48) First book of Hadith? Imam Bukhari

1) Ratio of girls to boys is 5:7.If girls are 575. What is the number of Boys?
2) if a pizza is divided in 12 pieces, and 8 pieces are eaten. What is the ratio of remaining ?
3) if A is mother of B & C.And D is husband of B . What is the relation between A & D? Mother
in Law.
4) Zain, Hamid and Harris share 2560 Rs.If Hamid's share is four times of Zain while Harris
share is 1/3 of Hamid. What is Zain's share thn?
5) Ali purchased a house for 4500 Rs.He sold it with 10% profit to Zahid. With 20% loss Zahid
sold it to Arif.What is the price of house that Arif bought.
6) 106 X 106+96 X 96 is equal to?
7)Divide 15x^4y^3 by 3x^2y
8) HCF of 92 and 95 is?
9) The sum of three even consecutive number is 222. What are the numbers?
Options A) 73,72,75 B) 71,76,78 C) 73,75,78, D) None
10) Sum of 3x+4x? Options A)-7x B) 7x^2 C) 7x D) None
11)If 4x is subtracted from 7x ?
Options: A)3x B)-3x C) 3x^2 D ) None
12) 64,32,16,8,---? ANS is 4
13) 3,6,12,24,----
14) Another series question
15) y=2x+5.if y=4 thn what is value of x?
10 Analogies

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