Portions For CAT 1 (August 2019) : Analysis of Data Structures & Algorithms: II Year ECM Slot B2

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Analysis of Data Structures & Algorithms: II Year ECM Slot B2

Portions for CAT 1 (August 2019)

Module:1 Implementing Data Structures:

Linked list, Stack, Queues, Trees, Heaps, Hash Tables
Module:2 Algorithm Analysis
Analysis Algorithms - Asymptotic notations – Recurrences -Substitution - Recursion-tree –
The master method
Module:3 Algorithms with Numbers:
Sorting and Searching, Divide and Conquer algorithms

Model of the questions:

1. Design suitable data structure for a given problem
2. Write algorithms for insertion/deletion/search for the given data structures
3. Problem related to Data Structure
4. Given an algorithm describe the problem that it solves.
5. Given an algorithm determine its asymptotic efficiency.
6. Given a recurrence relation determines the asymptotic efficiency.
7. Sorting Algorithms & Divide & Conquer Algorithms

Topics for Study and References:

1. Data Structures
Linked list, Stack, Queues, Trees, Binary Search Trees, Heaps, Hash Tables
(Algorithms for Insert, Delete and Search)
– (Ref Books 1) Weiss 2) Horowitz & Sahni 3) Thomas Cormen 4) Levintin)

2. Brute Force Algorithms: (Refer to any of the above 4 books)

Insertion Sort (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan, IIITD&M)
Bubble Sort (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan, IIITD&M )
Selection sort (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan, IIITD&M )
Linear Search (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan, IIITD&M)
Design of brute force algorithm for a given problem

3. Divide & Conquer Algorithms: (Refer to any of the above 4 books)

Merge sort (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan, IIITD&M )
Quicksort (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan, IIITD&M)
Binary Search (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan, IIITD&M)
Design of divide and conquer based algorithm for a given problem

4. Asymptotic Notations: O, Ω, Θ (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan also refer

to Book - Cormen)

5. Asymptotic Efficiency for Recurrences Relations :

Master Method (Attached Reference Material by Prof Sadagopan also refer to Book -

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