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(Research and Development)
Arranged by:
Laela Fitri Febia, Dina Rachmawati, Siti Hikmah

INTRODUCTION information that can be accessed easily. No

1.1 Background exception in education, the internet is also a
Reading is a process through which reader source of information for students.
tries to catch author’s point of view or idea Research in the United States by Pavlik
in order to communicate with the author. about the use of communication and
Reading becomes a significant skill information for educational purposes is
considering need of understanding written known have a positive impact (Isjoni,
text. Broughton et al. argued, "Reading is a 2008). The Indonesia government also
complex skill, that is to say, that it involves supports the use of the internet in the
a whole series of lesser skill" (Broughton & learning process, can be seen that teachers
et al., 2002). Reading may be considered as and students in the demand to access the
the key to get information from books, internet as a learning source. The internet
magazines, newspaper, and brochure. Many can be useful in the learning process. Based
books written in English and reading skill on the researcher’s experience during the
will aid students to fulfil their need. preservice teaching program, there were
Meanwhile, in digital era the use of internet problems faced by teachers and students in
is very important. Educators need to see the teaching reading process. First students did
benefits that technology can bring teaching not get a text containing local content.
reading with involving ICT as the media in Second, teacher used text book as a
teaching and learning processes. worksheet which was not practical and easy
Internet opens up sources of information for the students. Third, teacher rarely
that were previously difficult to access, involved the internet as a learning media.
now it is not a problem any longer. The Those were the reasons why researcher was
internet has become a necessity for interested in research conducting website as
everyone. The internet opens all a learning media to teach reading.

There are two previous research related to The researcher limits the problem of this
this research. First, was conducted by study on developing worksheet through
Rachmawati, et. al. (2019). This research word-press learning media in reading
used WordPress in developing an comprehension for legend in narrative text.
interactive media. Another previous 1.4 Research Questions
research was conducted by Murti (2018) a 1. What are students’ learning needs in
student at University of Sultan Ageng reading of narrative text?
Tirtayasa. This research used Audio 2. How is the process of developing a word
Listening as the media. The similarities of press media for reading comprehension in
the two studies above with this research are narrative text?
developing learning media and using 3. How is the quality of the media?
WordPress. While the differences are the 1.5 Objective of Research
first research is about developing 1. To find out what are the students
WordPress as an interactive media, and the learning needs in reading of narrative text.
second one is of the Audio Listening as the 2. To know the process of developing a
Media. Thus, there is no research and word press media for reading
development in reading area. So, the comprehension in narrative text.
researcher chose this research with entitled 3. To find out the quality of the product.
“Developing WordPress-based Media for
Teaching Reading”. The research consists
3.1. Research Design
of five chapters, appendices, and This research was intended to develop
documentations which include the data WordPress media for teaching English,
collected by the researcher. especially in narrative text at tenth-grade of
1.2 Identification of Problems senior high school. Thus, research and
1. Students still had difficulty in reading development design was used in this
English texts, especially narrative text research. The research adapted the model
2. There was no interesting media that of research and development proposed by
supported the teaching and learning process Borg and Gall. Based (Gall & Borg 1983:
3. The English teacher only uses book as p. 772) Educational Research and
the media when teach the material. Development (R&D) is a process used to
1.3 Limitation of Problems develop and validate educational products
(Gall & Borg, 1983). The steps of this

process are usually referred to the R & D and researcher’s capability in developing
cycle, which consists of several steps there the product.
are research and information collecting, 1. Research and information collecting
planning, developing preliminary product, 2. Planning
preliminary field testing, main product 3. Develop a preliminary form
revision, main field testing, and operational 4. Preliminary field testing
product revision. The steps can be seen on 5. Main product revision
Figure 3.1: 6. Main field testing
7. Operational product revision
3.5. Research Instrument
3.5.1 Semi-structured Interview
The interview was conducted to an English
teacher that taught tenth grade students at
3.2. The Model of Development
SMAN 1 Ciruas. Researcher used field note
This study adapted Borg and Gall’s (1983)
and voice recorders to collect the data and
model. In which only seven out of ten steps
information obtained. The interview session
were taken. The original steps are consists
was conducted to find out the teaching and
of ten steps are follows:
learning process the media that use in
1. Research and information collecting
teaching reading, and students responses
2. Planning
related to the media that use in teaching
3. Develop a preliminary form
reading. Furthermore the data obtained used
4. Preliminary field testing
as the basis information to develop
5. Main product revision
appropriate local content-based WordPress
6. Main field testing
media for teaching reading.
7. Operational product revision
8. Operational field testing
9. Final product-testing
10. Dissemination and implementation
3.4. Procedure of Research
There were seven steps that used in this
study. These steps used due to the
researcher’s need, the limitation of time,

3.5.2 Open-Ended Questionnaire for

needs Analysis
The open-ended questionnaire was used in
order to find out the students’ learning
needs. The students’ open-ended
questionnaire distributed to 36 tenth grade
students at SMAN 1 Ciruas. The students’
needs analysis form was adapted from
(Nation & Mecalister, 2010).
Meanwhile, for Media expert judgment there
are has five aspects, consists of learning
objectives, usability, functionality, visual
communication, and Layout.

3.5.3 Experts Judgement Form

Experts’ judgement form will be used for
judgement from expert in order to evaluate
or revise the WordPress material made by
researcher whether the product is
appropriate or not. This form conducted
after researcher made and revised the
product. The form used five scales to 3.5.4 Students Assessment
measure the quality of the product based on The students assessment form has purpose
likert-scale. There are five categories, first to collect the students’ assessment based on
is very poor, second is poor, three is WordPress media given. The students’
enough, four is good and five is very good. assessment form was distributed twice to
tenth grade students at SMA N 1 CIRUAS.
The assessment form the students were in
the form of likert scale five categories.

form. The data was collected on

preliminary field and main field test which
are the fourth and sixth steps in developing
process. Both material and expert
judgement form are used to find out
whether the media is appropriate or not to
be implemented in the teaching and
learning process.
3.6. Data Collection technique 3.7. Data Analysis Technique
Based on the research question, this From the data collection technique, there
research used three instruments. The first were two data used in this research. Those
was qualitative data and the second one are qualitative and quantitative data. The
was quantitative data. The qualitative data semi-structured interview and students’
obtained to answer the first research questionnaire analysed qualitatively. While,
question. The process of R&D was the material expert judgement form, media
obtained to answer the second research expert judgement form, and students’
question. The quantitative data was used to assessment form analysed quantitatively.
answer the second research question. The 3.7.1 Qualitative Data Analysis
first data obtained qualitatively in the form The analysis of qualitative data, there were
of the semi-structured interview and three steps in analysing the qualitative data
questionnaire. The data was collected on adopted by Miles and Huberman (2014).
research and information collecting which The analysis of the data in the qualitative
is the first step of developing process. The method consists of three steps such a data
second data collected on planning, develop condensation, data display, drawing, and
preliminary product, preliminary field test, verifying conclusions. The result of semi
main product revision, main field test and structured interview and open-ended
operational product revision steps. The steps questionnaire analysed qualitatively.
are used to find out the process of developing 3.7.2 Quantitative Data Analysis
the product in detail. The material expert judgment form, media
Third data obtained from the material expert judgment form, and students’
expert judgement form, media expert assessment form were analyzes statistically.
judgement form, and students’ assessment These data were analyzes in descriptive

statistics. Descriptive statistics analysis was discussed base on the research instruments
appropriate to be applied in likert scales as follow:
since the likert scales contain multiple 4.1.1 Open-Ended Questionnaire
items and can be taken to be interval scales. Students’ needs analysis from students
The process in analyzing the data will be open ended questionnaire has accordance
shown as percentage with the formula: answers with the results of semi-structured
interview analysis. The result from open-
ended questionnaire showed that students’
needs media for their learning activity in
the class especially reading using ICT or
internet to support their understanding and
To analyse validation data from the experts, also avoid boredom. The students also
researcher used descriptive analysis to never get any local content before from the
discuss the comment and suggestion from teacher related to their learning materials.
the expert, then it would be put into table Each point of the question will be described
score and it would be classified by likert qualitatively as follows:
scale as the following:


4.1 Students’ Needs Analysis 4.1.2 Semi-structured Interview
Analysis of the data of research question Analysis of the data from semi-structured
number one revealed that students needed a interview showed that the WordPress
WordPress media in reading based on media based on local content was needed in
local-content for learning narrative text. It teaching reading on narrative text since the
was supported by the findings of open- source of local content stories was limited.
ended questionnaire and semi-structured In addition the teacher did not use an
interview. The detail information was interactive media that involved Internet and

also always used book as the media in learning process especially in the reading
teaching English. The WordPress media activity. It was based on the judgement
considered to be good not only on the from material expert and media expert.
equipment but also in the spoken text. Besides, the validity of media also
4.2 The Developing of WordPress Media supported bused on the students’
4.2.1 Research Information and assessment.
Collecting 4.3.1 Preliminary Field Testing
In this step the researcher searches data and The first test was given by the material
information as the basis for making the expert:
product because this step can also be called
need analysis. This step has a purpose to
find out whether the media can represent
what students need or not. All data and
information in this step are in the form of
semi structured interviews and students'
needs analysis, which was conducted on
April 18, 2019. Then both of these data are
in qualitative data and the results are used Second from material expert:

as guidelines for making products. There

were seven steps:
1. Research and information collecting
2. Planning
3. Develop a preliminary form
4. Preliminary field testing
5. Main product revision
6. Main field testing
7. Operational product revision
4.3 The Product Quality of WordPress-
based Media
Based on the analysis of the data, the local
content WordPress-based media that
developed was suitable for the teaching and

Third was from students’ assessment:

The result from students’ assessment in

4.3.2 Main Field Testing main field testing
In the second test, the revised product was
judged and tested to material expert, media
expert, and thirty four students. The experts
and the students were given the same
5.1 Conclusions
questionnaire as in the preliminary test to
There are three findings that can be showed
find out the comparison between the first
from this study. First, the students needed
and second test.
the WordPress-based media in learning
reading activity. This statement is based on
interview analysis and students’ open-
ended questionnaire, the data showed that
students need other media besides books by
involving the internet, where it can avoid
boredom in the classroom. Second, the
process of developed WordPress-based
media consists of seven steps, there has
gone well according to the every step.
Third the media was appropriate to be used
in the classroom based on the analysis of
the data, the local content WordPress-based
media that developed was suitable for the

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the reading activity as the alternative Qualitative data analisys.
media. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.
Murti, O. C. (2018). Developing a Local

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