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• What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘Facebook’?
• Do you like the Facebook logo?
• Facebook or Twitter?
• What are the best things about Facebook?
• Do you think it’s dangerous putting information on Facebook?
• What are your favourite Facebook applications or games?
• How would you sell someone to Facebook who didn’t want to open an account?
• What is the purpose of Facebook?
• Would you ever pay to use Facebook?

• Can you remember when you first heard of Facebook?
• What do you think of the name ‘Facebook’?
• What do you think Facebook will be like a decade from now?
• What would you like Facebook to do differently?
• Is Facebook a good place to meet new people?
• Would you let your 14-year-old
14 child open a Facebook account?
• What do you think of people who are addicted to Facebook?
• What questions would you like to ask Facebook’s owner?
• Have you ever put anything on Facebook that you regretted?


SMS language
b b4 D8 ily lyk
c ur M8 WTH!? hv
r btwn PLS thx, thnx, or ty g2cu
u x or xxx SIS rotfl ema
y xlnt btw ruok dl or d/l
gr8 wat asap pls or plz cu or cya
2DAY B4 wan2tlk xoxo cul/cul8r
m8 BF txt omg bcoz
l8r BRO tlk2ul8r np HVND
sk8r BT tmb lol It woz

EX.2 Read and translate these sentences: goin disco 2nite


2. hi m8 u k?-sry
sry i 4gt 2 cal u lst nyt-y
nyt dnt we go c film 2moz

A: I mu m8. Ltns. Hru?
B: Oh, I’m fine. I mu 2. How is ur sis?
A: My sis is Ok. She is on a d8 2day.
B: Ic. That’s gr8. It’s getting l8. We should go b4 It get’s dark. I hope I will cu l8r. Maybe 2morrow?
A: Ok! Hand. CU

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