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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [1]

Grade 6
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Answer the questions

(1) + + + + + + = 23 kg

+ = 6 kg

+ = 8 kg

What is the weight of one ?

(2) If today is Sunday, what will be the day after 75 days?

(3) Tap A can fill a tank in 6 hours, while tap B can empty the full tank in 9 hours. If both taps are open
together, how long will it take to fill an empty tank?
(4) If AB and CD are parallel, find the measure of angle x.

(5) + + + = 40
-9 =
Find the value of + + + +

(6) A watch shows 7:30 as the time. If the minute hand points to South, in what direction does the hour
hand point?
(7) Nina and Aleksandra start walking to school at the same time every morning. The ratio of the distance
of Nina's house to the school and Aleksandra's house to the school is 11:21. If they both reach school
at the same time, what is the ratio of the walking speed of Nina and Aleksandra?
(8) When 25 is added to 50 % of a number, it gives the number itself. Find the number.

(9) ♥ × 6 = ♣, and
♣ − ♥ = 550,
then what is the value of ♣ + ♥ ?
(10) The ratio of the weight of Ania to that of her friend Sandra is 7:11. Sandra goes on a diet and loses 4 kg
and now the ratio of their weights is 7:9. How much does Sandra weigh now?

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [2]

3 6 7
(11) What is the LCM of , and ?
9 24 15

Choose correct answer(s) from the given choices

(12) ♦♦♦+♠=♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠
Based on the above condition, which of the following statements is true?

a. ♦=♠♠♠ b. ♦=♠♠
c. ♦ = ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ d. ♦ = ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠

(13) If e and f are two whole numbers, the commutative property is applicable for their subtraction if and only
if :
a. e = f b. e > f
c. e < f d. e ≠ f

(14) If a number is divisible by 14 and 28, it will be necessarily divisible by :

a. 35 b. 26
c. 30 d. 28

(15) Assuming the following are made of cloth, which of them can be used to completely cover a cube if you
fold along the lines?
a. b.

c. d.

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [3]

(1) 3 kg

Step 1
The second addition statement is:

+ = 6 kg

This statement means that whenever we see the above two fruits together, we can write 6 kg in
place of them.

Step 2
The third addition statement is:

+ = 8 kg

This statement means that whenever we see the above two fruits together, we can write 8 kg in
place of them.

Step 3
The first addition statement is:

+ + + + + + = 23 kg

There are many fruits in the above statement. Let us try to decrease the number of fruits in the
above statement by replacing fruits with their weights from steps 1 and 2:

1. Remove one and one from the above statement and use the number 8 kg in its

place (Using the addition statement in step 2). The above statement becomes:

8+ + + + + = 23 kg

2. Remove one and one from the above statement and use the number 6 kg in its

place (Using the addition statement in step 1). The above statement becomes 6 + 8 +

+ + = 23 kg

Now we are left with only one fruit in the above statement. From here, we can find its weight.

Step 4
The statement we arrived at in step 3 can be written as:

14 + + + = 23 kg

We know the sum (23 kg) and one addend (14). The other addend can be found by subtracting the
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known addend from the sum:
Unknown addend = Sum − Known addend

+ + = 23 − 14 = 9 kg

Step 5

Weight of 3 = 9 kg

Weight of one will be:

= 3 kg

(2) Friday

Step 1
One full week has 7 days. Let us think how many full weeks will be there in 75 days.

Step 2
When we divide 75 by 7, we get 10 as quotient and 5 as remainder. This means in 75 days we
have 10 full weeks and 5 extra days:
75 days = 10 full weeks + 5 extra days

Step 3
If today is Sunday, after 10 full weeks it will be Sunday again, and after 5 more days, it will be

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(3) 18 hours

Step 1
If both taps are open together, then the time it will take to fill an empty tank is equal to the LCM of
the time in which tap A fills the tank and tap B empties the full tank.

Step 2
Calculating the LCM of 6 and 9.
All the prime factors of 6:
2 |6 2 is a factor of 6
3 |3 3 is a factor of 3


Step 3
All prime factors of 9:
3 |9 3 is a factor of 9
3 |3 3 is a factor of 3


Step 4
So, the LCM of 6 and 9 is = 3 × 3 × 2 = 18

Step 5
Therefore, the time it will take to fill the empty tank is 18 hours.

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [6]
(4) 21°

Step 1
The parallel lines AB and CD are intersected by a transversal as shown below,

Here, ∠P and ∠Q are corresponding angles, i.e.,

∠P = ∠Q

Step 2
On comparing the given angles with ∠P and ∠Q,
4x + 1x = 105°
⇒ 5x = 105°
⇒ Hence, x = 21°.

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(5) 23

Step 1
From first expression we have: + + + = 40
or 4 = 40
On dividing both sides by 4, we get: = 10

Step 2
From second expression we have: -9 =
or = +9
or = 10
We can replace = 10 as we found out in step 1:
10 = 10
Dividing each side by 10, we get =1

Step 3
We now have the value of both the symbols, let us put in the third expression to find its value:
+ + + +
=2 +3
= 2 × 10 + 3 × 1
= 20 + 3
= 23

Step 4
Hence, the value of + + + + is 23.

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [8]
(6) South-West

Step 1
At 7:30, clock will look as following

Step 2
Following picture shows relation between directions,

Step 3
Lets compare above two pictures. If minute hand is in South direction, hour hand should be in
South-West direction.

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(7) 11:21

Step 1
We are given that Nina and Aleksandra start walking to school at the same time and reach school
at the same time. We can say that they both take equal time to reach the school.

Step 2
Let us assume that they both take t time to reach the school. Let us also assume that d1 and d2 is
the distance from Nina's house to the school and Aleksandra's house to the school, respectively.

Step 3
Since, we know that Speed = ,
Nina's speed = ,
Aleksandra's speed =

Step 4

Now, the ratio of the walking speed of Nina and Aleksandra =

d1 t
= ×
t d2

Step 5
According to the question, the ratio of the distance of Nina's house to the school and Aleksandra's
d1 11
house to the school = =
d2 21

Step 6
Therefore, we can say that the ratio of the walking speed of Nina and Aleksandra = = 11:21.

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [10]
(8) 50

Step 1
Let us assume the number to be x.
50 50x
50 % of x = x × =
100 100

Step 2
If we look at the question carefully, we will notice that the number(x) is equal to the sum of 25 and
50 % of x.
So, it can be written as:
x = 25 +
25 × 100 + 50x
2500 + 50x
By cross multiplying both the sides
100 x = 2500 + 50x
⇒ 100 x - 50x = 2500
⇒ 50x = 2500
⇒ x = 50

Step 3
Therefore, the number is 50.

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [11]
(9) 770

Step 1
We have been told that ♥ × 6 = ♣. This means, 1 club is same in value as 6 hearts.

Step 2
We have also been told that ♣ − ♥ = 550. This means that:
Value of 1 club − Value of 1 heart = 550

In the first step, we learnt that the value of 1 club is same as the value of 6 hearts.
Combining these two facts, we can say that:
Value of 6 hearts − Value of 1 heart = 550

This means, the value of 5 hearts is 550.

Step 3
1 550
If the value of 5 hearts is 550, then the value of 1 heart will be of 550, that is, = 110
5 5

Step 4
Going back to what we learnt in step 1, the value of 1 club = 110 × 6 = 660

Step 5
This means, the value of 1 club + the value of 1 heart is = 660 + 110 = 770

Step 6
Now, the value of ♣ + ♥ is 770.

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [12]
(10) 18

Step 1
It is given that the ratio of the weight of Ania to that of Sandra = 7:11 =
Therefore, we can assume the weights of Ania and Sandra be 7x and 11x, respectively.

Step 2
Sandra goes on a diet and loses 4 kg, therefore her new weight will be (11x - 4) kg.
Now, the new ratio of the weight of Ania to that of Sandra =
11x - 4

Step 3
By cross multiplying both sides in the above equation, we get,
7 × (11x - 4) = 63x
⇒ 77x - 28 = 63x
⇒ 77x - 63x = 28
⇒ 14x = 28

Step 4
Thus, the weight of Sandra = 11x - 4
= (11 × 2) - 4
= 22 - 4
= 18 kg

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ID : eu-6-Olympiad [13]
(11) 14

Step 1
Please have a look at this article on how to find LCM of fractions.

Step 2
From this article we know that:
a c e LCM(a, c, e)
LCM( , , )=
b d f HCF(b, d, f)

Step 3
3 6 7 LCM(3, 6, 7)
LCM( , , )=
9 24 15 HCF(9, 24, 15)
3 6 7 42
⇒ LCM( , , )= = 14
9 24 15 3

Step 4
3 6 7
Therefore, the LCM of , and is 14.
9 24 15

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(12) a. ♦=♠♠♠
Step 1
It is given that,
Let us take one ♠ from both sides,
Step 2
We can rewrite the above equation as following:
3 ♦ = 9♠
Step 3
Which also means,

♦= 9


♦ = 3♠
♦ =♠ ♠ ♠
Step 4
Hence, option a is the correct answer.

(13) a. e = f

Step 1
The Commutative Property is applicable to an algebraic operation if the order of the operands
does not matter.
For example, a + b = b + a and a × b = b × a .

Step 2
For the Commutative Property to be applied for the subtraction of two whole numbers e and f, the
numbers should be equal.

Step 3
Hence, the values e - f and f - e will be equal only if e = f, in which case the value would become

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(14) d. 28

Step 1
If a number is divisible by two different numbers, it is necessarily divisible by their L.C.M.

Step 2
L.C.M of 14 and 28 = 28.

Step 3
Thus, if a number is divisible by 14 and 28, it will be necessarily divisible by 28.

(15) a.

Step 1
If we look at a cube from the top, we observe that a cube has 4 continuous faces, i.e. 1, 2, 3 and
4, and two side faces i.e. 5 and 6.

Step 2
On observing the given options, we see that option a. has four squares along the column that will
cover the continuous four faces of the cube, and two squares on either side of the column that will
cover the two side squares.

Step 3
Hence, the figure given in option a. can be used to completely cover the cube if we fold along the

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