IGP - Division - Memorandum - No. - 153 - S. - 2018 PDF

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鉱印u踊1 0=り農婦り順調調eg

Website: WWW del)edbataen.com i釧問臨bataan @dcoed.gov.Dh l FB Page両ttDS://肌VW.facebook.com/DepedBataan
TeIephonel F棚; 047-2372102 I Address Bartaan P「owICial CapitoI Gompound. BaIanga Cfty 2100

Ap「= 25,之018

No.堂」 s.2018

Submission of Income Generating Prqject (IGp) Proposals

To: Assistant SchooIs Division Superintendent

aD and SGOD Chjets
Education Program Supervisors
Public SchooIs District Supervisors
Pubiic Eiementary, Junio「 High SchooI and Senior High Schooi Principais

Teaching and Non-Teaching PersonneI

l. This O飾ce informs alI concemed thatthe deadIine fo「 the submission ofIncome
Generating (IGP) Proposals for Schooi Year 2018-2019 wi= be on June 29, 2018.

2. Two (2) hard copies of th示GP proposal (One COPy ShaiI be submitted to the
SDO whiIe帥e other one wi= be the proponents received copy) and an
electronic copy (in CD, With case and p「OPer IabeI) must be submitted to the
SDO Annex on or before June 25, 2018.

3. Submission of IGP proposals w川take place only once a yea「. 〃mis is to ensure

that IGP proposaIs that w川be screened, eVaIuated and approved wilI be

implemented for the entire schooI yea「.

4. Attached is the Aewi5Ed G沈ぬ砺踏切鋤タOfJわCt#7Je Ga朋画ty

何頭で碑as stated in Division Memorandum No. 165, S. 2016 entitled
Revised Guideiines in Conducting Research, Cu「riculum Innovation and

Income Gene「ating PrQject fo「 reference and compIiance.

5. Wide dissemination and compliance w帥this Memorandum is enjoined.

Revised GuideIiれeS in Su馴mission of IれCOme Generating P叫iect Proposa1

1. Format of Proposal on Income Genera飢g P「qject (IGP)

Cover Page
TabIe of Contents
I. Prqj ect

B. P「OPOnentS

C. PrQject Site
D, Pa巾Cipants

E. 11me F「ame

II. I ntrod uく鵡On

III. Objectives

IV. Source ofCapital and Material

(Specfty the sou「Ce and the amount)

V, Budgetary OutIay

一InitiaI Capital

-Expenses (Detailed/Itemized)
一PrQjected Income for one (1) year

VI. Marketing PIan

Inciude :
-丁arget Market

-Where the Product wi= be sold

-Marketing Strategies

VII. Strategies for Implementation

Activities PersonneI 丁甘喝鏡 Success

InvoIved Date Indicator


VⅢI. Sharing of Income

Sha血g of Income sha= be detemined by the proponent provided that

there w川be訓∝ation for the Schooi Share, Feeding P「Ogram, Pupil Share

and RevoMng Fund.

2. IGP proposals should be reviewed by the Schooi Review Committee and endo「Sed

by the PubIic Schooi District Supervisor (both for Elementary and Secondary)
befo「e forwarding to the SchooIs Division O簡ce fo「 evaluation and approvaI.
3. Duration ofthe IGP should be for at Ieast one (1) yea「 from the date of approvai.

Report on the Statement of Financial Conditjon and Statement of Cash F10W in the
mid of the impiementation stage shouId be submitted to the SDO.

4. Proponents are encouraged to incIude 4P七「ecipients as particjpants of the IGP.

5. AccompIishment repo砧ncIuding na鵬tive and picto「ial report for the IGP shall be

Submitted to the SDO at the end of the SchooI Year or after a year of

6. OnIy those IGPt approved by the Division Evaluation Comm請ee shalI be c「eくIited

fo「 P「OmOtion.

7. Format

Bond Paper Size 8.与〃X宣l〃

Font Styie llmes New Roman
Font Size 12
Text Spacing DoubIe Space

8. Kindiy indicate in the P「OPOSaI the contact number of the Proponent.

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