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GP HL Extension Presentation - Change of Date.

Respected Coordinators,
This email is on behalf of the Global Politics class of 2020 regarding the
HL extension presentation and the Formative Assessment period scheduled in September.
According to the FA schedule, it is stated that the tests will be conducted between 3rd and 6th
of September 2019 and our presentation falls on the 6th of September 2019. With these tests
holding the greatest value, and being the deciding factor for our grade, we believe that we will
have inadequate preparation time for the Oral Presentation or the tests, which will hamper the
quality of our grades if kept during the same period.

We are aware about the fact that we have no Formative Assessments scheduled on 6th;
however, this presentation requires in-depth research and preparation. ​ ​As this presentation
directly contributes to 10% of our IB grade, we feel that this requires our utmost attention and
time as this requires extensive research and preparation time. Hence, we request you to change
the date of the final HL extension presentation.

Thanking you,
IB Global Politics Class of 2020

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