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at. Sat Chit Ekam Brahma! SAMARASA JNANA CHANDR. An Unséctarian Philosophical Treatis From the standpoint of the Adwaita-wada BY VIGHUR MUTHUCGUMARASWAMY MUDR., B.A The Adwaits Chanda Marudha WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY TANDALAM BALASUNDARA MUDR. AYL., Munshé to the Tamtl Translator to Government and Chief Examiner to the University of Atadras tn Tamil for Several Years, MADRAS: PRINTED BY FHOMPEON AND CO., AY THE “ MINERVA PRESS, POPHAM’S BROADWAY. 19c2. {AU Rights Reserved.) [Postage extra, VHT Chaar #5 Films. Se we Pic Ur test vtowee ae avnet ros DeuahvsiG1 548 Sti MOUBH pjas ht Hr, —j— YAH TOD INC, We Br tow ASE 5 Op gh BI G01 15s ope pmoouid, 9. af, purse Or dina! ®, BreGg * st 2861834 9 de Capt HNOaionr ge erent a Br Bru i en wa rane at Sat chit Bk Brawler! INTRODUCTION. is desired by my exieemed friend Mv. VY. Mootheocoomara= swamy Mudaliar, 6.4.0 the author of the Sawergse (nana Chandrika > Tventore fo say a few words te the publie—particularly to the of introducing his work English reading uative Public hy way tothem, that the appearance of this small and Food work, whieh “is the preeions life bload of a smastor-spirit em- thabmed ind treasived upon purpose toa file beyond life? in the words of the ereat Epic Poet, os qaite opportune, as itaims at the sod hardly» fon of broad and eatholie views ab al the loading Religions inen embraced by the enlightened nations of the Mast and the West in consideration of the fet (hat ne saehoy fegien is withont iiacees= sible feights and antathemable deptlis, that the cuntinal virtues of all such Religions lead their voted s sooner oy dater to “That ond Beginning, mean, and end te all things lad,” — Baily), And that © Mil are but parts nf one stapendons whole Whose body Nufue is and God the snl” Pope) T pornsed only.the first fow fors of this murk while it was passing through tho Pross, aud E feel ps good conples of the sack. Ph oread rs of this rk: are not unaware of the fact Uhat this isnot the « ets of the same Religion, nay different Religioai-ts themselves sioiid carp and setly sanguine that they ave in which the differont snoor ufone anether ether by publehine pamphletscr hy detie yering lectures, and thas wean L the lectins. of their fellow subjects, nas much as all of asare the Juyal subjects of a Gracious Sove- reign whose avowed ubject is to govern us with a parental care and vili INTRODVOTION. withont distinction of caste, erced or colour, and whose expecta: tion is that all ILis, Majesty’s subjects shonld live in amity, fester] ing feelings of Brotherhood towards one andther. Such being] the cainting slate or things, Pimake bold ta say that this work’ which ging at universal love and brotherhood is, in my hambi. opinion, a desderattin of the p esent day, and thatits author who ign Graduet in Arts of the University of Madras of ao andinar: attatnne nts and a splendid scholav in ‘Puimil pf no sectarian Tei deurivs is, to suy the least about him, aire lover of the Supreme Reing and of al those who have «deference to that Being, be they of whatever country, caste creed, or colour. [may qnote the menorable Ines of Coleridge in speaking of his character as a trae Adyaithee. o He prayeth well, who luveth wot Both mar and dard anc beast, Ue prayeth best who deverh best AMD things, beth great uneet cinali” fy couchision, to those the Hughsh reading native public -1 mean) that wonld long to heve a detinins idea of the Samarasw (nana Chandiche Votore wong Chrough the book, Pana “quote the following extracts from Jeremy Taylor and 'Pennyson, as they breathe the same soutuments that pervade the work before me. “Noman can hinder oar private addresses to Gods every man can build a chapel iu his breast, himself the priest, his heart the sacrifice, and the carth he treads on the allar? —Jeremy Taylor, + Tinke possession of man's mind and deed, Teare not what the sects may brawl, T sit ns God bel iding no torr at ereud But comtem dating MEO Pome ie 'T. BALASUNDARAM, Munshi, Gavi rnment Tamil Tearslater’s Offers (Ching Braman rin Trowil for the Madras University for several years), Maonas, , With December 1901 ° > a. 2 Ft LD Yb WaM, “he. remy deny unfiog o Gar mn. caf Ganunangafu go mBsen ore ust pS aseGsgeny uta Py sod (AO wont.) Goma Hey De wes or , a ee) Pr fimpuprs Yo oy ou a Qs YG Fy oF nomen rent Pagani Ft Nhe pe we ei ove, a routs juom dlp) nt i Dy hp veyeap Qanwfi es dioe oy a ou (twee sre womar eter rubs uy ao roo 1 ota Gan agudas Spaom unyab 7 > op 8 ett te 1 pina + yh 1 bt DEW hE tte srg paCuntaia th cigpdsia w Gonna da BON _Vd-LNYF5IY dpFeOwig 1 0 Fen ona udiat hii see Cryaq ondiur oi ygau, OM yFt 1 & BL jon cw Boye Ge gar rm RIC Fo 65 BG DeLiaar Pu a 3 1 BAB. eoSeguyp os Gumus og 2 15t ee anagem Cuwgar ry mR. R x ap paadiast, Cuphurp udeuw greyarann wai sD Spagpohlyys Qancr@ pens Ken sere Gongs wigowe Gaon s Ogag@ubss warn segror #6 Adions Qusirgy gro Qancr ey Qinges Dee dhvamp Cenysp MAHsG unnga désSeser Origiga ad gag@ernt Asa wh s@Cu soopgwod onajans Pasaticr Sori GupBsr, Cs 6 Bear Ge oir iluswour gf Btoveivsn. cop iipeasedrig ons Gar. ay GagGsLywa sania aus Pas owFide8 Cryoy uw ofpeac. S46G YLISoatly FA wBiea Gg CePEIw opCoiri m buy ere eG weagpsrat Gund sqpora Garsinprsrm goings Qrend WH EG inbywey weiruaps Giger’ auein Orn corp ser Quigond Asgiaog Corer norh gw Aovesir Glvbane pgoirGLaeir(1) Mtr ss (WAR sGuGEr eelQuugaar astren@arar Pmayss & oner eréoaud wade im xc unemini ugbuseee Urciremn wore tober £ gi Gide Canigeaoad aPOunaps wyldum apes son! usm owsir Pkeriuag Ad YuQenGs@ uisie 4B Cuncs eeu Gosirea oir wx) soorunderd Param wWeir aout Boor wineuonds soirggy anton ujeorunten yeoman Cunggin BD wyeo_unter Cum ae anon é sowmter gpswater’s Quiblustoré A Bunteré 205.6 Canenrcs Laurens MAgwi' uso unter eo ga Peqir very enter. 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A. souiact Quen Pu, oS 5S Ho. nesters Sette BHM sar preflir Des) « Asa Deg oO RO salt CES Bord gon suis oti wang Soi ‘en er 3 Bee Waunepeveir gain eninge gy oBam sa Qs wm Fa g7@ YeII Ap Borie) 1 mo Qunettieys- Cag Qsnomasr Gp werova sir Oar ci Gev vias x urls, srg wn Quis go Burr dish ybor Oar trig Gmms La Wary acne Qu29 wa Cs wird Caw s%OsO$ gwsds arent, xii Ft dp tro aear, Cag usatlownsiry wreSei or ucot@unsirwy Capp oom wari Curr voniQurch y Guguart Aundluits Pi gerw weFeE Weis loor codiQureirg 684 Oi Sigias g A swsgrs Gurr end wei Qunuiry galpaor as ye ngeracn weniCu Cuunevernr er Gam ° Agua Orgy Apir Giniug upCu Qusirens BBG Him up mG) wan hGt sire orem’ PLO La lao oy boa Sigrer y gg Ouran usr eS wa leg iigy Winds be amedrpidly vucveva @advert i Cam ere GUTS rs wut GkAs: dn CpoirI® rakgan gris use sou tg P4T 27 & oar 5h Dear laresres) 01 fgeie tic Caper gm PANE ease Pas Duk wb, Rowgy st wearb Upto wk yetds yes pi ir apssOe rprge (pat Bravia Bor Pae SOP. 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Cou seiner ominFiontis give gib Gugi sess ysirceuer Oudwerrn gna k Foto rman busta Des eid sop gine Foi S senor, a. Ekamévadvityim Brahma! PREFACE But one word by way of apology to the public, in the Lingua Franca, of the modern civilized world for launching this booklet at this most opportune moment on the troubled waters of Indian Reli- gious controversy, Short-sighted and narrow-minded fanatics are even to-day crying out ab the top of their voice against all healthy and sane movements intended to make for national unity, catholicity, and harmony. Ever and anon some of these beniybted baby-souls blabber forth all sorts of strange nonsense in the name of Country, God, and Religion. ‘Would you describe all fantastic myths, you have at once a large following P ~ Would you sermon on the heterogenous mass of absurd ceremonies and customs ; and you surely turn a pretty penny in no time : Would you lecture cn all imaginable superstitions and provoking customs; and you by all means lead the masses at once by the nose. . ‘The other day, an intelligent friend of mine was relating to me some of his expetiences uf popuiar Audakshepams, and by all means, I spent a very pleasant half hour in his sweet society. He had been once of late ushered into the sanctimonious presence of a man of God, a Hindu missionary forsooth, who; Lord: bless his soul! spoke most astounding things in his hearing. The sprightly audience was in ecstacies over the man’s reverential exposition of Godhead: ‘yet methought” my friend remarked “1 was cither with Satan or Satan’s Own, all the while I heard the Tamil oration, It was one ‘blasphemy all through, and a hideous caricature of the Hindu religious systems.” The pandit would have it, that bis God Shiva was by no means aa advocate of monogamy ; Vishnu was always at his heels to follow up his brifiant example,*and the lotus-born Bramha would most certainly not brook being placed on a lower level than either, As the father, so the son. . Chandra was a noble dean; and perchance would be no mean ornament even at a modern fashionable nautch-party, Indra the PREFACE. xvii Pauranikar went on to add was a gentleman to the inch. He alone of all the gods knew to perfection what it was td revel in the charms of a sweet maiden’s swimming eyes ! Leaving Indra alone for a moment, what would become of the whole world without a anmatha, bodiless as he was? Heaven Itself would metamorphose at once into a Hell, and the gods would change into Heaven knows what! “ What! of a verity” the Hindu minister of the Aryan Gospels would seem to have observed in a breathless climax “ Radha Krishna tops the list of lady loving gods: none dike the thief Krishna who would have nothing less of his numberless lady-loves than their native simplicity denuded of all artificial beauty and modesty to boot.” Well, that is Religion reader as we often find it obtaining in this blessed land of blessed pandits (there are pandits and pandits); and much worse wa#the state of things when the Sun of the Indian Theistic church rose on the horizon of Bengal more than a century ago. Many noble souls had relapsed into materialistic agnosticism but that sort of opium-eating would not do for a couple of months, would not for a moment hold water. It may be that it is given to man“ to fill the heavens with com- merce” “ to rift the hills, roll the waters, flash the lightnings, and weigh the Sun.” What our great-great grand-fathers spoke of as elements, we now know to be compounds : but what further can we say, about them. A thousand years ago our Acharya thought of water as one of the panchabitas : but the modern graduate in the fuiness of his wisdom lectures on hydrogen and oxygen. But what is hydrogen? what oxygen ? who can say P and in the words of a depatted friend of mine ihere seems to be in fact in almost every one of the various branches of human knowledge an imperial edict ‘thus far shalt thou go and no farther’ thundered forth in solemn majesty. “Veil after Veil will lift but there must be Veil upon Veil behind.” In the beginning of the roth Century, the school-going population in India was terribly dissatisfied with its surroundings and Christia~ nity stepped in with the Bible. By hundreds and thousands enlightened men for a time found their way to the bosom of Christ's church. Now came in, in its train the Bramo Samaj movement, and so long as it was conducted on perfectly PREFACE. national lines, people flocked to the Bhramo standard in countless numbers. And yet neither of these churches could get at the heart of nation. Once the novelty ceased, they ceased to he attractive to the masses at large. But the contact of India with Christianity and modern science proved most beneficial in x deeply national sense otherwise. The advent of the spiritual lominary' Christ, and the lesser stars of Rajah Ram Mohun Roy and Keshub Chander sen and the 'T'heosophi- cal Society brought in time into existence by the*Makathmas of old woke up the sleeping lion of India’s forests and the Advaita sent up its thundering roar far into the stillness of the night reigning all around. Paramahamsa Ramakrishna was born ; and he embodied in his own person the virtues of both Rama and Krishna they say. Madame Blavatsky having already united the Eagt with the West in a spiritual sense, and paved the way fos the deification of Science in Iandia,aud Earope, the upheaval did much to help young men of Benga! to stem the tide of moral materialism that had threatened to inundate and engulf the land with its train of refined superstitions. Sdéréda came down on Earth in a human form in the person of « noble English lady, the pride and glory of both the East and the West: the inspired pioneer of Vedanta moved the earth from end to end and lo! the religious situation ix brightening here, there, everywhere ! The crusade against all trash is-begun in right arnest. Down, down with immora- lity, down, down with superstition and ignorance. Down with hypocrisy ! Down with shopkeeping in religion ! My sectarian friends stand stupified, astounded at what they deem to be utter blasphemy! Are the thunders of Heaven spent already they ask themselves, Their pucca stories are very fine religion for young India to imbibe into their Blood and Being and how dare any busy-body treat them with his supreme contempt ? Ming is only a feeble attempt at true refornr%ind ere long Heaven willing, I hope to have made some impression in the circle of my own friends and acquaintances. I am at all events pretty sure I shall not. have appealed to posterity in vain, and that is no doubt some consolation for a thankless enterprise. The many-headed world views some of us go-a-head reformers as they put it, with very much suspi- cion : they can’t conceive how their gods could get on without per- fectly sectarian followers to plead for them as occasion arose; their PREFACE. xx usual paraphernalia of show and sham the chief attraction to the un- lettered Hindu in the yodhead, and above all, ybu dare not dissociate your Shiva or Visbnu or their happy train from the notion of the dancing-girl element in which it would appear all religion is happily centred for the masses at lurge. Young India, young Madras! avery fine religious situation to be sure! Sink all differences ; move out of narrow grooves, grow out of your surroundings gind rise superior to in-born prejudices, and unite in one chorus for the homage and adoration of Satchitananda the ocean of existence, knowledge, and bliss. This perennfAal font of spi. i- fitual ambrosia is flowing hard by, and dive deep into it, and drink deep of it'for thy glory here and hereatter. The Adwaita knows no race, creed or color: it reigns in the tand of its cradle, it reigns in the land of its adoption, with science and no-science, with goed and bad philosophy, with the man and with the brute the Adwaita reigns s‘upreme. , It talks of Mahomet the Prophet as no less than the Prophet of Allah the supreme, of Jesus the Christ, as by all manner of means at once the son of Man and God, of divine Budba as the hely manifestation of God in human flesh, of Lord Krishna as the mystery of mysteries, no human language could delineate, no tuman tall-talk ever reach and no bu. man mind dare approach with levity and the supremé Shévam as That by the understanding of which everything conceivable is understood, as That which could be reached by attaining unto that Peace which in the words of St, Pau! passeth ail understanding and as the Zué Sat of the Aryan primeval revelation in and through which alone, we live _and move and have our very Being. Comfortable little religions are now shaking to their very founda- tions at thesonward march of Modern Science, and the religion par excellence of Shankare the greatest metaphysician ever born stands unshaken in all its glory and sublimity like the veritable Adnalayas of Bharata Varsha ‘ Hail! Hail! Swami Vivekananda! Hail! Hail! Mrs. Besant! Oh! World ! Behold the glorious sight of Western monism shaking hands in all the sincerity of sincere friendship with the Adwaita- Vada of India’s intellectual giants. I must express my deep sense of thankfulness to Messrs. Tanda- lam Balasundra Mudaliyar, K. Kuppusawmy Madaliyar, 3,4, K, 9, xx PREFACE: Gopalachariar, and Ww: Mahadeva Mudaliyar, for their kind and friend- ly services in revising the proof sheets for me. This edition has been hurried through the press at the instance of my friends and as a matter of course | doubt not but that many a typographic error has crept in here and there i» my maiden work, but I sincerely hope my enlightened friends would condone my fgults and failings, whatever they be, with a generosity worthy of thesr liberal education, a large-hearted- ness worthy of their noble traditions, now quickened into new life and activity, by astudy of Positive Science, Comparative religion and Transcendental Philosophy. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti !! VICHUR MUTUCUMARASWAMY, Ba., Joint Sccretery, The Madras Hindu Theistic Mission. DMN SH LD- sitet Spigpra sampean Over g@e wiley GorwRés wmCrrenp-~ly ins PROD DanarS God Ne gr psn torts Lith) ofdtev’gab uni sg marnte bags. “ Spt sQung Ssapigs Impsgpa Quireny cnr Ion @usn is g@ sreir gon om pt siep Aursipel ungs gsr wsor Querpm priué Aeceurts, Bpigtann QurSupwre Beups supe; CuGerer on anDiseruimasin, Ren piGsrofng, sapahaehons 96ip ser uemsnet ger solder e) Qeierib, ounrenciren 7% Bens, 23 wiser yemrisss gutserD unc0s@rh@ 9197 Dew sr eBuCader Dguypsosys oPO pig ySGuisgGe ani. Greet Asregu Aparms Gundry 2@snnu Ceraaalle Semis Usa ns apiD agamsyd ogtran mse Crs gid SCae) Sor REDE gigas. wien SQL prestonwanbaOd snopes, sgerBed wmgverasin Qaenfix QriuCasing oq mpdCi0ed onpene gr Coveefi OsrarOs, ogacr H8elig sess enibgsuy ayfun ond, epercparer Gard QanaivOs, sranaree Grab Ser aGWaké gud Cria gure Qa Gete yorks wridemsorner gyiguTidabsar gm _anerapuigy Quarug: Sept g: Curgy. “ Garg Bib siou@uorts 4G. UTtsBedr Bornes) int QuirasGor Pei eons el Lda oh wr BUDe sGE BO Epp dd Guranare i Burrid BS BocrBurd anu n@,banitor.” aarpk sryorengi. sdepd sdpralOs Orratsenrn Doyss QugisesBer wi@si@srerfu Sigsaagdiern Capassacehd stite WL * msarauCn sous", (oupls mraupRypstC gn’, “@iswd Curclerg” versa: f cavonsk: got Digs Opehe GOurs, Dossy wrershiid EG wsunls senBomsd 265 Ogres. @pig Cupsfuncr opsgiCush yotsr@erer, s0uded AD.g (pam QuGs Avnet Désoa Qugismsur rg sake muys, BursiMver gugns Aéspmasernis Sere@u wf sao Sorex, BS Aggelper episA wadCwn ss graplear muyie UT gy Lupep QuersQsrsixOpor Por pari, sido | gut Qan@m0 Queer | acaiCar! Ngtsnvers gs CarImsscel_worsé scorer wn Bu S%repu Her Gov Guas wrdaCorn sPuerdverni | 6 g9s word gusts Cerish ge mre STUDS D! LTH HOH SH FAG I est SrUCpd sroIEph aig seronuMsTed Bajeow FeIGn Bb a'n wu srerg Ragyrer werarenieletor WL uigus. Qwiweri@ver wp és) ais Grom CUA stun Crrag assprnyparg A ruturpmaps urws@an usar AgePerwiroe, yom rade. 24 otrerset £6 Silos, Grape BRRTUPK Qorarep as Curluc@ ais Msgs Pang Cuné ger Sapunacr $Crrag Gurcrop Qurery @arfiniprad scrO scxehypis cvgroaPderCrn @groniuar Agsuses ysmii sergiet, sido, Surscewd, Guru Songs yamits ons Bss piGer Gog ga Bsrhsgd Srsssotge@srd? #B8SAuse Ase serCep svarg YAF Oriuiacr gseqac Gupte moi gsaster CarreferwwGurd Saré@s ancO@sui. sarCa végagdaris ener Grargdrnt Apids gross Saguord surs ys Pues wise Aisrigs Oring _mgeGs ysRQucues Sairan_gQeh MaRer ed. Ops —ewwiGur pane ane inner npg yoienburt Osan Bu irerbsterys oOsgS@srcr. Sagugors rei gel st HOLT 3g Buss hue, * Ge Ppp 2 ere0r ConGagysCanes GOmB14 168 mariIGan siorise aOsC snip waGa woePuy epgrs eerie? Qener apior pid Laue weep SQeng ayiriargud Gur gud.” aery wrarougegt Srsreiuag Gu Aagsror gpelaise ao Pox porn, “Car gihue Ws qeCurit srg LiLy.gus Carguaudwrp oy amps Bip eoran santé Casgpi Bup" cor ySCargs a Bunter a Cunk ger Osm ison fui Congo angmgenw aceriéesséasnysrorgy samei | IG s BDasceear bi use CasQuer grb urgutb aori 5% urge geo Our nar : appar & QwOsta® at sari unGrQwCur Qs sihiQsra® aigsat unr saiQea fg UG Qui Gwar Poor jase Quer Dehat AGinGert Qarein® AsranDot sexi uaPs.” aarp Gres Rggencei sqenuCssCw wsirCopumaga us Cones Lontsé spOR Beasnyseer growrisi, onsergren 6 Biens. 25. B®, sch, Hy, wi, Ose, aml, ceruer UpLEITEG see euusg Der Puecunseran yorarsr Qasrg Gerd eviuevdds# we gCiowmd, , Guess wrist sand DanQatercr uerexGereré sen oA 88 sésGerg row, SaCanpscr wstar weryene woirem eid Qercn_ pen Qe Ger yspOsng sow, Spurs Sa@ssr ust shutter ob pri sépsmis rer pucHa or Critg CurpSu@sng ew ub, Ssurenssmsarger usinigs Crt cass RpRovi gbar0Gw uerCuQuer papMuGsrg Found. OQarsr Har pp@uupis Moran apQucr Perp Ga iQug dss g@uCors sramstors gh sb Ordaws QasriuiSismpige riCgrePis@srG sius. us antrd uisnCutAiumsarn WAsh3 IePoosser parr sfexgut Bor Oriigertg, Cucro.upCopt grpSQe Gat. swesevmsa PMs Auncigdweriun ws VAD Cure g HoH Gus AgCwedlarw So Papo Qeissis yRA.g YoRso7Cent gITsP @ongat. sr oes sBuuni, wroporudaarn Perp mauter Borgo? Csrpeouis Qsrc¥® yaerg Baw srkds Buses verul@upp Apts Coss us Ue ss Berger, ecrarérycrar wn g@r Quereré = raimu%er g SHO gromUDUILs AEDES 87 g SCRew op was Supe gs sopels sebg s@sCert vay sMOnrgat, s8Carsis age Gugmap upsg, s1Ounifig, Pot nyt Osdarri) SarmgsiGar1 Carga’ Gonget seirai! AGespWd 965 SDasCr Cred 6G Aw UTcTgNEe Oswappd Atug mLneunGn! OgistreiGe 9 ru usrissenh Des CsQunPagid nunerwouro! ws Govgner @ursiCp ganopp Qscrping. giCani Usi pag Hor ACer signs Bo Cadmus. a[seger stuuPursmsrremwtes 765 lle dium esugeu Sev rtf) gugrorsorg Ca1d6@F Orergyucr 2 | Share —aern “OsrpQ@ur Orreror gs Ash) gyae amoung Cu@umfu Merrie RIAscrmd, gp Ovcrns, Og@aedrpi, 9 Gur pis 5 Gacr gd sefisacarzgret, sur Cughgsnee Bbar sivister yorugeda arominn Od, Agee vat yOgel dey pb, Akg rP sors permp QuPice Syd PepBaners; wha sétvaguenys, srQui~ig senargoris dep widww aSSeri SCs HY A uns Br spCor SorkséngusareuCerCares uracig 4 26 wusigyres +6 Biles. ange Quganpdar wrumA yy GumiGsOs @rovdsr Pw wn@rueiru. Asawd gio WCAG Cpicirg wmaunand o@ewUd sre stQung errs or SGuasi@uctOs, Qupmavder sured Sere Qsseani grasuni HpGomauras, wiaer, uptiuer, @tueargesesu Ri puissdsorrs ur AGuOurPus yuma DeGss Parra Ccdaggis araQurerpen®, yicSemerPsGer grantsrp Ae waser CureAd p> eché Gc, Quip Be meh seri Aacr SGaroid Int Spisus sebCp App Bed seus unever Qasr. uésehS snonerusm Binet Crdage gesmscergns CoCar ind: Seragai- go ft fsof Qa PCungur 9f Faruéqguswos woruwsg smdw story Shiser cats Busds Gori PF «Os qmays Cagsg BainB:s Siw YASS Speg CunAGig WiggreTomé6 UTETZWEwr ApureCp? Pcsendw siorgastot Sraigesisorren Irgpsi sor Bago gexgACaCu Sac yssiserni: Mer Dias spova mgs Mud, seers ord ypigpat Cspusséspae yor sage PIP wPrcistor wands DetgAorp Yor sigs Ber ungys Cat ag Crab syg@u Cunpsige RagPAven_ps sobs Sptiierans Cui Qs Bint strat Dowerguasss serCurg Carrs dou GA@arg swry ga@arg Usgasong YsCZA ig GaCar pusphachey UduT serenus%er arg. Gu Quepts Oserpuy. Crpemgys GySFGF Cad, Urged Gyedégs urgid, Carpergu csqdg¢ Cargd auigyushigs srw waror sbvss_ Gu SoCursanongid usri ssiaster. gad CzerGrréunQurp sePpagmsg? Pirgpei@srOio, Deduippsés Amdegs waig uGias YrRUg Hoorg EIGarU wr aruGeerena@ere ? Gags usaner soumsGerdamigrdgésornsayd,ene sauppBer Csrmad saga guru s7nsa; wmubgerors saab uy eaingno Cw Go egehis ecrauster Api Buanpss, gorCa, tings who Ss Psd sbopQuarg HevviCsed, acromonr woeayori Perpuip. urd gangCior tach ssl@togres JaCenpscr ungransy ulsaiig sapisCaci® QuorinsGu Cop@snain Oprsirapsra. © grbng eG peri créiaens Bon. Qerav9 gutb sbngsGn QunéSi Sup FOC suTLFq CugeBup ” srwsen sre 56 BMene. 55 OanCon? Beir mis Sacir Or renderer oaOgiserdr? yer Baera, Qo WsCGrarp Gaus? Pr uwIpepeS anpaswrea eer De DWOurchée Cars PriumOsr? gor Seg rue Soepsyrer Oprea@arcr? qpsrofldues Aare Menus gptordug unmmerd? DiCur garanCrr’ cast crit ty urn ncri? Ga@arG ust gsgeb Srgcorsndia. siruts7 athe Pune Ritgy cress arf gioner Liadar «Cunltuneren. waar, Gar Usrerpag opuarosee ts Ber h Cu s@ngOraedr? Sriunn son, (eve Ramcou) Crapang SLL swdOruis, Qs Puke « IAC Law (@Corn@ snug) Cloro- form au) aucuute Qadr qmréancr arylms Crrd sired ud BUGUSp Anos Gers niysscr QaOardd, 6igarOi, gorryer Bi, gaa hpwg vom ay s¢ usopb sok» rere5aoj.2, Baie Bd Sadrpes or ytiyssehethur Ale sma papun & asin Opec? ppowsir «Al tenia ont, 113 97 a CA sencurs BoD 9% gorCear Gor? crar@a, SacytrG nso Mr uds Bend. oo5 gar LfOGG gasr aS pm ig ata Som. dt geld ang auchly yn Bu Diss a Hay Doi ai etul > wom aes ger reacts rein Gin u Ougponeir Cupar 2 orate are Fe MEU grew sign Yams § Oru Quarry er gS ee asc uy goer 6 a0 avincGubp ots a aor mk. ul sipacir QLeréCs Ld gems sun Cppaend gore GansrOn sau 159 Ca go6,0 Cc gus ss srurgpua@sace® aig Bun verpQsergr Poe wSrcmnslers WirdeCar Wo MFLUDAD sours, Ys Burners Cor oi gy Cur sons Qaor gaviuas gart Gur gyth. Dla soo 6nz G5 Ouitu ogpalguler Ap M35) bei emp AmMiujie Swot widen Cxr@asn aFra, gat um Barer ums or OL OA Beirgrr crv of mwa gy venm eiLindan,e wysmiSpov Rie Gist wamsler ern oa ape un@snus Bos Cunen Cura? 1 Gist Sumer srannt a gibeir a ait) Amai Qs snC > ws wigs. “cco > sre oggetiu Cp Mum Gog. oréure, (phy vawitiGunrcs ug@usrayter usmarcir 662 Yorn! Bons sipons Soro run Ren sell ug~B sacazaee ae wna Gf Hes Sus GAs Regaged wala soon e@coA ug@er Querésehis sserugent tery quagis_e ergZO up OO Pig@6s tc @GPCune Rom Bi si@uuorr egy soe bs Cuné guns, Di AduarBo s Gacf'ns2® guns Suu oi Cairgy oot Cun Ca ea 56 _ SmLpgonsKr en FH Ril ones. Bilis wees sepa fi Sos R ams izonter siCor ugasi@s sy Si sidungin Cus MAurmscher un gure so ysis gy gpmasl aor wri: MerpSars sedsuner gpooas irdAsg, vaDSer scin BS Hous Auer Susr wins * gy De Afus Feurwae eeuendss Bb Gach» eA. ar2@9 sr iumatort Uh agamgss Sram Ki Pagerdus sinCun@sanrast Ion é por vero Criuns@, gis Lm PvemciCapp ster uses em Guar laGgh gyi, Yon Ife grams srmser Onin Ser sAaiuingePer DgCur za0,ten2 weve rricuemi@eisg sruommdediern gviGury vsg8er8 Gung BByd Quigg. HaTpamM ua Dupuy), cerig rms 6G af CuQueirs. qooanh 90016 sysran gus Oxon ceds%or wna: Suse) epi? HrwerCn yori sO nn acm reife. CaruropPGuria. a5 ee TsTT SIF Hrs ysraligs ions KAP BOCUIBD Bec GO HH. Boog Bu, 95 Qa, yms wiés, g05 aZOLBi2, Hse AF srs won Tv D Crawiscegn wyertud seriusl Oa GEIS Segays geo nd ged md osinm Cun, a* QUACs ww Qieg ward. Ob usslgah very Gury, YF, 0IoCnr apupe sub Sun Wiser Bis wnpmran«id, Qi rd acm, ss andr, wRgebr Dares Dra bOep mrp Meir a9 urate ri 9. Bust I Lib, orang 96 an SexpwsésriaCion sdstgriuéase aby scdraer Geir ewer EGeP%S Don DEO Aduayr. avatar Omeiry wns Aah snGear, gyoie Gera ues BoP Yowras osupd, ei9Pin CanilO, gb us Sx gun oon Se, rare gis Se Ot Burs Qe Bruanh opsduarars wruponp yb sceBaohageib ord svn tenr ts arotwt.i. Disc unpword por, cpags A Cunideih xPCu0 g Jory ggiig un Le sen dep pomiSi. Oy Pius upogermps At FbCza RIE YS gud. QEGmedr Kacdr 6 ir, saeir wm tC» er. Gneir Der gOsor, wor eQilrar, 82s Oorirm woonpwou CoPuegn ? Sporty: oer Css sui ag vei o, Qoisy vearoams at FO SEB iE gs F oar veranGacr gS. Sugusst Oardrord Ocu@aer wpS Lear, src BLA gy wma. Boh. car Curd s@s sirevennin groper iu ? Qungrdin apps Gung Darya wEsn Sy wrgemeuIpcn4” crete grsr Seer ariiGagpis sulle QagsOsr om gran go gy ners seine gy 3 Darel sigs rcrQungiter +o gp pplwus gis 5) arcing. Queers Qurgerts agla@s woo up Argulpwn Qreosren eusenggre: sé Sins. 57 Guigerdiwapenps Qurg@erar nuags sSSeriéCer Ourgser rer Geengs «Pi. Curgter wyerri@ugeg Wrfens@u dung@er ors Aggrégd Qeiun Herp Curedy Cums wrdsCorn Gingahegts PsmsCugys vewissengreut. Gasgib. 6s Coang SPurr Srsiow 2” “os aaga@rm ao Furud eCang sor: csCwan gelsuns” word 5 PLCurég OserlerGur ? @rewenug usisss AS susred Qsicngs QungerexCer Drain. werent al Biusci seks Cugua, uiéoséAg Ouggi Buns Quge ecufogslugnd aSiig: Sowers gad (sine Bich) gucrgade? & pach; orbpak; oui gadts sod padi; mi opnds; woh gad ; serpy Crapl@ridsce Yyarruond Saragugy 3 ob ong S16 SILO HP Gorho myR 570? raw weve AF Bou aif Ping CpscouuCur? gdop rinsed: geben aswel wid dp Usnerpeee, Rader omar Ig, + BiCnsg, anigs Sar Dssver gd, tiaourCin Qucrarcsris ot Buh Bais ? nus idler Bari: bry Rags acronamn cog SSeAeirm IAF wrrailters alOt upriggion s aPrQondgud? “Appiunsgn Regye GAGs Cappduss@ge oil Ca” aera orbsmounaine ug. ewgsgscr “yawn suk, Sa Rawlees” erstroph ako gyrer qpissi. “ CrCanr Csanow yor igcun gla; Ra” carps «GB widow st aarp Sugmgyd, sapwpyc, wr sorter, earan Meter yd, Apet ApBese Pun mou, Bpazandoosys, Copndut x panp ud, gents? Osdamry?, Casndae usr gergyin, SALLM Soa ge GuPCur wguz, pares) yuonsireereic, une sip, wim comenuinyd Ras Mya Dai gengransauuns seein Qucrig: Aan gy BF Qrias 4 thupiGiingy Quers. “untsBarp woes Crug sf” aarp Gutuh Qutul Qesw sms y mis garpsi. « Sustd Ss uppar oe Veer g Orerpgpaniig Criss CsiiQsnorgs Agi@u Gigran yepRaCer, Gary Tui, weir Quncir AA wn Geox Upi@ssCs” carp sip Cashing une oo CupQasrain® RB Béa eQurpitg Rawi® SpusPpaorsusas Ooredia Quug Bes Be qo Canons. srogurfac ciCgsCousirg? up@psirena@sn cop 8 58 evunsenssrer 7% Bienes. Qwins Qurcgar wGa rar rein Bou gsmfuse os mip iugs Wes Rujcoto airenfl Aaya rene DSiug1j ws weer iisg. QOS srs Sougsjoiragpier wars Du asdovrie? cep Bfui mifers Hi ssyapgcu wrdSaran_s SAAS suigward SaeqgawrS Souda. Cgu MiarsGurg Gragderp: grawiery.s 4 Su® Qungeddwréard, gGuaefldre. spysei Qurgetderssr&, ab14sQweru Cengaaiite sermut Qegyé BESES Qi QurerpBunes yeriyr eos QwamerCror? 35% Qugnd ustiés OurerBoadard agezeun Oeoguchnssgrd Quris QuriCuwrd. aisogenug separ g) enpas_angare are? yur tors Carr gy yeep pad ysarersGL_Cur ? cara, Crsen Cezar’ aug CpxinQuains gare Puuns, goons Ag Assen su amici, geass Qsrgew olOMi. uiCop uséenetoryps, UE ges Yd, Sou Parwy> sceinpi! aister akstor umdes umgbad gyfud Bituer Quaré sxsOlOcunti. apster Quisster uxaiéonesr grupos Pe sed sei Bo ygesaie SorsQaratlQuar anys sOger Gans G Oi. ister wiser SIorgy As ugdser Uneosermnd UPIS swarod wsMOupp WserpsreSi. Casméoogx wiSur ai, g@rasins Qusgdinuinems, oqecr Cast uengns, g& Cant Sagegi Case Casoranor sms yi Oaungmid, aCe ger gots Bibs iasten YS sa Voir oy Bro sromnsn gud: orib@uggior er wR Lselgus sazigiCnCumS arent) Seren owssng x nflées Curb geQgoré Seirout Coat una Cn amGlé gt asiranns g1Do5i ov Sb pein prev ames ema SoCuafuer Agurss sri, whut UG whoben saucers, araGgacr, sciramGereCsncnergerS pts scurar Gem Meuds%er ap@ast w agi soph epbedr - POruoviQuiplegy eairmaoenh sormis HRs oP oGrH uGQePsQeSlu0gGi He sOssé, oOswF sOpgCu woiGupé sszmsyOs oh sare GGuef, * za weed (poRwent andiwenl wneot, gugu GearCa uaripst Curd gibd using s GGuce Bis aww Cages SoaiisanenAust on uf. Con urerenfiu candscr scstears ps SGtearCuum@ coopur Qinoser “C muds panda Unpragne erasdacon Grade pal Gactore era Bat eres Sige sacorer wuAtuaA Oo M.A vub0udge und Lorieay> RG erksOarsid ody es Rag sand Ladrigsh Hor@arar Ganehoed weecnBale Spepare aig goal uid ats) wind aipaenégm eap awireomUd Utol eoed Remitg 4 agases | 1] euvrencst et £6 Silene. 63 ° sohssah cpwnGu saat oCersaspub sizerors Os HrGors raed, SasguCorsorsed, Parsarsursed, IrsineGorsorseid UsConsunags Cprerg@ocru. wari s@ Our PrgeCurg, ures Comsmsend peirgy QoriDa@s srepilar ngs ured. verGa Qundies Gren Quipig Quig@rer was sagasTs UOT weed. “oa@s QuiGs wenGiry WinSu@ crax dP ipae pt gid HUGS ais Perv yind wiasd1 oF IM woman wis”? 61120 6 AO sips Siok anu tym, BLT Lien, nd PD eran gina wireiya Buses prs Prin wrayer) Cu@uen gs Bip” carQayis Guigerefsers assnigaiims waiwOs geir® ASGION 2.0051 SyrO poll gy # sua ges. @saaory.s, DacTasDrytd, wsido Mu wry.d, ys ooy.d, Op aoneib s@meens QuACLT Sar, Bo warm: QuACumis cr Cy 8221.95 ednO sahisw rg MuCon aaris mer: ser aBepi: ole 15 eng Suen g. som Ry pb Coig cor Sow pgs FAC gn apne. udvacris urge Bs So inAun ders Bid rirlerw 6s Aeirsckr gs is Gsstogyd, srand, Qswagoumis Vergy gemsor gy Giauuyd wo argersys End G. siomer sreguir SG omracirsre, Te paou Wiis or ige oboogumis Peiny SAE Gio Gucgienetr. Ppa goim ord? Beant nap Punt Way 5”? © Hy FY DS Baa Goor e orcer Par oirss1 org TLD BOS Page” sarg grniwisens, usw y@Casrssugs stor Wiiigafu 9g coemesRerilg mot unstars wr UToipwhs reves Gsmousus ooumys, arse sg card soso oi ©. J adlunuud oRery se sesraipRefluet wmptg orb usb tbs, aagmsg sous Bas urgGark #O gesunorerg@Curveii, onda me abpég Subopa Go, wiswsu geturg Me acoweyiuh :—" soSapgy: SEs SUD: serend “Aegaysor. vost are 1 5 caer Megs0?vs s-ixCr_Cog way ge” crereyd GuiCuri ueiisergy Denar s giermyd ogy separrujs Sor eGo (His Imperial Majesty Kdward VII) ecatt Fé@ rag fri Qugip@sitsg QreCarcrawcus GusC ron serrer, Hain @ sws@eror Mearsing bp aarommesno ¥sarGeoHsG 64 rnsonsrrat FB Aas. . afugrs oberon m_ssCo so Per Surnurd sCorer obGurdari! wats gd Cun Bun Flinn sropciraé, QF unagyw aciremer gba wreak, gogprst geomet apsMunt Kh, C LE. FM. U. gaieer cops 6 Br ww ruré sexésrd gearing naalCun sib gery. sererapg. yushss scarafleow CoCpaae puddles wmd gt Qudui_pg oO Siwis unsucsjio s uraeBir ssing CoN Gey wbapCunt gacnd Smups anptGtrsrg | eao@i! Qe PsCursap Bein an p gid Gui Iyer x2 sie ulgrenu Cwnngnee gos wid gus Pi Gover Oi appmpigy Sor Bu CarrbSpacier. srmPGun crap SewOOsC sn gigi. Frn@uGss winsQurerpter gySark gy 285.9) ywOangQurerg yplord sein C_md. p.cinano yearibe smi. Ht@o sme me gasartCa whet gt «Ass Oi Purser spsrmlGun grr Sp (pds) i YA@up Serailey i, tan@ ugess aWriupSu wgGo Ungland (4k@vs0@) ganresiryeor sepau Qsng@u Indin ugsarags) Knyglan ycoder soi 6g India) af egig anpCar it pana? wp isat wads. an xPooud wm gid CseFt. oy uRus pened Le URtOs sen HDi 3 bers. Sgis wes@ranlipaGany wl Gow Guar m. 1 DA gor. orca Denon sen oom) es Ags Am Sar ud yalpu tO rpasr yo yar® apseduar Oa GsCrnbsnrigu, wi uw, ri soni, were, weston yuna Canter Bor sits Barack 1 dca» Gpir, Dgeaiaf ascusi Cots apr Sw ytud Gapser ye pe UL ter scirems som@Lr:, oremerearb noptat. SCrapnomsahd, ga@wu soonsern gomsnPaes@o oa Gsrégi Rpatg smaurg, UIETG. uBpanar Gaga@eierp CarvGunr w@perOpb. uppCwi smi ygemomuisar® coussrCopters aras orp aD sug Bary & wR wb Mor iaGa SarmerGenr QDoa@uari soksai. Pos wsw Agwans sb 57 Qaorramser ope Ce wor ui@ubge Avis wnaflioss 6 Burr: ytranbut Sapa rib Cpd. Rpt seCLTi orbencd sncie@Pond.” Soy ondars Boss agg Gasirpordurd 2 aifé g Cwenomp Oscrpart Sy wom Saprimu Card Qudp 82g dairp urd Co Ce Grerigu. guoraGous ugss au gm, secur, wtb semOutsrantiuaot r@acg wwa@Ces acrCar OzerC@e angered QraxCG ad Oiypb gtype oyps Con GCw seumb Cen Bumis wpsGand ssingpi: Perera. scmtery dpigrd Daayl onarongyran £6 Bion. 65 “giayf, cha) srqpd Sméscverg@uscr®, Srrdisme, raQet Gb unisgnks abou asinnds Cogud seiarrb; Copd soin_mibs ure Og Kb9F ai PiudDusigsrs weCodors@end. wmoris dares. “garb Dednwre.d” £4 QuCo aerere. ves grogmd aipsAsiages wepGor! Ab glow yori Berd eerort, gu wongion Sasinon ecrepis. Bago IreBurmd Saswind wee oer CpnO céarsyspays srCoumani app danr ' appsart | Bi Bhs Qe. uns amgomt ati eren sn een t Pips gar ipend Baus, ney Brot tis, % yes Pu@udwrw s@w.w hips mas peg BG psdaich cdg 9. ply 280 yuav 9 San use my Lin we@lay WO_wS0 rt 9 ase Baers 69% OB) 2) 4 Syn t-o §etzoru BOIS Ry 20Oanerar \ro IG)_BA p_g-rae ro eB Kov0!T evr) coe) BaoasGlry over,\- mi @Bec0g 0 g trv wxroS¥or-9010 FIO 3H503 YB -GAyair H4IHI 790.G-4 7 MOHoaiToHMLwocFSLED 0 sour promioSas cmosSeg comm J5TO wD. BoQs yoo Browse Goes a Lr iro 2@ an; GO 2805-50 Brose ;euO8 a> 2G 95 1 0as (0 OF ep BOLT ces. BEM CBRTITO VOMu3g1;@wravatr oad or Bigg BOG yr anae fue h ans) WProrougror #6 Bion ©. BD OG TANG) TOIT) ES ayn grat Suva meas eCpercagirr2ap@easorain®S BORK? oBrafiioo.10. 622g anQeeoAWr rin, Pr@cersSuve costo @aoriNQain 5 10iTasr, Joa yo2 023 . panrasyo sOOQua. BB EN OMT Hz) OO? 0.8 Broomet Qe soar + Sebago B95) 1 SoBe gers 1 OPC rwud ory Sakae aio gh voredl voreh)> worehl§ 45878, Seny DG ES. my. dice Puesew. Carmo gnu A . 2 sel @ruir B. 2 orer Saker a. 50 actor Pair. Cog .gocf@ussire. dsein ggoflGuecir.. doiMgrar $F Pans phociCuspgs. BesPopirrer, Copies. of this work tdi be had ef:— Messrs, THOMPSON & Co.,- . Broadway, Madras, AND ‘Mr. C. RAJAVELU MUDALIAR, Supe or, Commissariat Examiner's Oftice, ’ Fort St George

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