Microsoft Excel 2013 MOS Foundation - Lesson 4 PDF

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Microsoft Excel 2013: MOS Foundation

Lesson 4
Create Tables

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By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

● Create tables

● Format tables

● Convert tabular data into normal data range

● Remove duplicates

● Filter tables and sort data

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Tables in Excel 2013

An Excel table is a series of adjacent cells that have been formatted as a named Excel object.

Actions within tables that can be performed in Excel 2013

Format data and copy formulas to a new row

Perform quick calculations of column totals and apply other mathematical functions

Define table names and search for data

Analyze a named table object online

Create formulas using table names

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Create and Format a Table

The simplest way to create a table is by converting it to an existing data range. The table can have an existing table
format or a new thematic style.

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Business Scenario

John is currently working on a bonus report and wants to create a table for
the data he has prepared.


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Define Table Names

Table names can be defined using the Name Manager under the Formulas tab. By defining a table name, you simplify the
process of creating formulas.

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Business Scenario

John’s manager has asked him to prepare a bonus report for the previous
year. He wants to define table names for the report he has prepared.


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Insert Table Rows and Columns

There are different ways of inserting new rows and columns in a table in Excel 2013.

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Business Scenario

John has been working on the bonus report. Now, his manager wants him
to add the details of a new employee to the existing table. Also, John
discovers that he has missed on the S/N column in the table.


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Delete Table Rows and Columns
There are several ways of deleting table rows and columns in Excel 2013.

TIP: Use absolute or mixed cell references to prevent #REF! errors in formula
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Business Scenario

John’s manger has asked him to publish the bonus report online. But
before that, he has asked John to remove the SSN number and the
employee details of those working in the Human Resource department.


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Move Table Rows and Columns
Excel 2013 allows you to move rows within a table by using the ‘Insert Copied Cells’ or Insert Cut Cells’ function.

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Business Scenario

As per the latest requirement, the bonus report John has been working on
should first display the last name of the employees. He is also required to
present the information of the Sales and Marketing team together. John
has to incorporate these changes.


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Convert to Range
By using the Convert to Range option in tables, you can convert tabular data into a normal data range.

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Business Scenario

John's manager wants to present the bonus report in a stakeholder

meeting. He wants the bonus table to be represented in a normal range,
i.e., without any table format. He has asked John to remove the table
format and convert it into a normal data range, ensuring the data is
retained as is.


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Remove Duplicates
Excel 2013 allows you to remove duplicate records in a table and keep only unique data.

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Business Scenario

John's manager wants to present the bonus report in the stakeholder

meeting. During review, he has found some duplicate entries in the table.
He has asked John to remove the duplicate entries to avoid confusions.


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Design Table Styles

Table styles are a combination of formatting elements, which include fonts, borders, and fills, that are coordinated
to provide a polished appearance.

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Business Scenario

John has completed the bonus report. Before submitting the report to his
manager, he decides to design the table to make it more visually appealing.


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Table Style Options

Table style options are used to differentiate tabular entries through a wide array of formatting options.

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Filter Tables

Filters allow you to study and segregate data using three different parameters:

Filter by Value For search data using values and logical conditions

Filter by Search For searching data by manually entering a name in the search box using wildcard characters

Filter by Color For search data using both cell color and font color

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Business Scenario

The Finance department has requested John to provide the details of

employees of the Sales department with earnings of more than $40,000.
John has to filter the data from the existing bonus table.


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Sort Table Data

There are two ways to sort a data range:

● Sort by columns: Allows you to arrange data in one or more columns in a worksheet or a table in either ascending or
descending order.

● Sort by rows: Available only when the data range contains information that could be arranged in either direction.

Some standard sort orders:

● A to Z for text;

● Smallest to largest for numbers;

● Oldest to newest for dates; and

● Arranging data using features such as cell color, font color, and cell icon.

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Business Scenario

John’s manager is preparing for a meeting and has asked John to sort the
earning details report based on department name and then by earnings.


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Quiz 1

State True or False: We can create a table by using existing data range.

a. True
b. False

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Quiz 1

State True or False: We can create a table by using existing data range.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a.

Explanation: We can create tables using an existing data range and format it as well.

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Quiz 2

Which of the following options are not correct for tables?

a. We can delete rows and columns

b. We can insert new rows and columns
c. We can delete cells
d. All the above

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Quiz 2

Which of the following options are not correct for tables?

a. We can delete rows and columns

b. We can insert new rows and columns
c. We can delete cells
d. All the above

Answer: c.

Explanation: In a table, we can only delete rows and columns and not cells.

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Quiz 3

State True or False: We can remove duplicates from a table.

a. True
b. False

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Quiz 3

State True or False: We can remove duplicates from a table.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a.

Explanation: : Yes, we can remove duplicates from tabular data.

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Here is a quick recap of what was covered in this lesson:

● An Excel table allows you to filter and sort tabular data, as well as insert pivots for
a table.
● Tables can be formatted with various styles with emphasis on titles, headings,
and number format. Range references help to automatically update cell
references while inserting cells in a worksheet.
● ‘Remove Duplicates’ option allows you to filter duplicate records from the data.
● ‘Table Styles’ are a combination of formatting elements that provide a refined
appearance to documents.
● Table element formatting makes table entries easier to differentiate.
● Filters allow segregation of data using three different parameters – Filter by
Search, Filter by Value, and Filter by Color.

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Thank You

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