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Trends & special topics

Why authentic leadership is more

important than ever
By Nicholas Barnett, CEO, Insync

The confidence and faith physical and sexual abuse have rocked
• To restore faith in the community to its core.
in leadership in Australia
leadership change
and across the world is Politicians have not been immune from
is required from the the claim of being self-serving and
at, or near, an all-time
inside. catering to their own interests.
low. Unfortunately the
• Discovering a shared confidence and faith in
and worthy purpose Employees and the community are
our business leaders is calling out for authentic leadership
with employees can no exception. So how can the faith of employees,
transform a company. customers and the community be
The spotlight has been shining brightly
• Sustained and on the banking industry, in particular, restored?
authentic leadership is in recent times as a result of what is It certainly won’t be restored by
perceived as their disregard for some putting out more fancy advertising
required to embed
of their customers and the community. and marketing campaigns that tell us
the shared Many scandals have engulfed the everything is rosy.
purpose. industry and fresh scandals only
exacerbate the problem. Shayne Elliot, CEO, ANZ Bank was quite
bold when he recently admitted that
The high CEO and executive pays most of the senior employees of ANZ
add further fuel to the fire with many are the elite despite its old slogan and
customers and much of the community multi-million dollar advertising campaign,
perceiving the pays to be wildly ‘we live in your world’. He explained that
excessive. And this is occurring at he and his senior executives who live in
a time when employee numbers are suburbs like South Yarra in Melbourne or
being cut and pay rises for the masses Double Bay in Sydney and work in one of
are minimal or non-existent. It is little ANZ’s corporate offices don’t live in the
wonder that many employees and real world of their everyday customers.
much of the community see so many
CEOs and executives as only interested That is the sort of authenticity that the
in themselves and their shareholders. community would like to hear and see
a whole lot more often. There’s nothing
Trust in some not-for-profit institutions wrong with saying sorry and admitting
and their leaders has also been you have made a mistake. In fact it is a
tarnished in recent times. Some of sign of great strength, although many
those institutions have been perceived leaders don’t see it the way. Most are
to have been more concerned about very reticent to say sorry or admit they
their own interests and the reputations were wrong.
of some of their leaders than the rights
and interests of their stakeholders, If you say you are sorry or admit to a
including the vulnerable and children. mistake it is important that it is done
The significant cover-ups of cases of in a genuine fashion. A PR team might
advise saying sorry or admitting a

Governance Directions November 2017 619

Trends & special topics

What we do is a function of the purpose

that drives us.

mistake, but it is best not to say it if Taken to its extreme, employees purpose. This becomes an important
you don’t really mean it. People will become expendable as they are simply source of meaning and fulfillment for
pick up on any insincerity a mile away. a cost and even customers will be employees that unlocks significant
brushed aside if they don’t contribute additional discretionary effort,
sufficiently to profits. This might add to productivity and innovation.
Change required from the inside out short-term profits but is likely to harm
If new advertising and marketing employee trust and engagement and
campaigns won’t help then what will? therefore your long term prospects. A sustained and authentic
leadership is required
Promising change and saying you’ll do If your company is seen by your Engaging employees in a new purpose
things differently next time won’t cut customers and the community to be is only the start. Sustained and
it either if you and your organisation simply interested in increasing its authentic leadership will be required
don’t begin the process of changing profitability, at the expense of the if your new purpose is to become
from the inside. What we do is a interests of some of your customers deeply embedded and ultimately your
function of the purpose that drives us. and the community, it will be costly organisation’s new way of life. The
We will always revert to the purpose either now or in the future. The big same goes for any transformational
that drives us, particularly when times four banks are finding that out right change program. There will be pockets
get tough. now and the loss of trust and respect of cynicism and areas of pushback but
But if you discover a new higher order is not just costing them millions — it your leadership and commitment must
purpose with your team and genuinely is costing them billions — the new be resolute.
embed that into your culture so it Federal Government’s $6.2 billion
banking levy is a case in point. Employees and others will be
becomes a way of life, you will begin
watching to see if you and the rest
to change and shape a whole new
of the leadership team’s actions and
character and identity from the inside Discover and embed a new purpose behaviours are consistent with your new
out. Your new purpose will also act as
Also paradoxically, many companies purpose and the values you espouse.
the foundation stone for your strategy,
in Australia and across the world have Walking the talk will be crucial.
all your plans, decisions and actions.
found that discovering a shared and
The transformation of our leaders and worthy purpose with its employees
their organisations by discovering and and then embedding that purpose Everyone is watching — all the
living a higher order purpose is the only into its culture can transform the time
way to rebuild the faith and trust that company, empower and energise The explosion of the internet and rise
has been lost. employees, build a sustainable of social media means that everyone is
competitive advantage and build watching everything you do all the time,
greater organisational capacity and everywhere. They are not just watching
The paradox of chasing higher shareholder return over the long run. what you do at work, they are watching
profits what you do outside your work too.
Many companies are discovering that the As purpose shapes a whole new Those watching extrapolate any of your
relentless pursuit of profits can provide identity from the inside out it becomes inappropriate actions and behaviours
a short-term boost but it is simply not a magnet that attracts like-minded outside work to what you might do or
sustainable. Greater profits at any cost employees, particularly millennials, be like at work.
will almost certainly end in tears. who are looking for a company that
is different and has a higher order

And the watching is magnified The word went around that company
manyfold for leaders, particularly those like wildfire that certain things that
that have a prominent government, were previously considered appropriate
business or religious position. If you were no longer appropriate. The new
do anything slightly unexpected or CEO did not have to say or do anything
out of the ordinary it can be tweeted else. A different message may have
or pictures and videos can spread the been conveyed if he had let that email
world in minutes. go without talking action.
As they say, reputations of leaders
and organisations can take many Be the authentic leader you were
decades to build but they can be born to be
smashed in seconds. In Roman times there were many sales
And employees and others aren’t just of what looked to be beautiful marble
watching and listening to the big things statues. However on a really hot day
that you do. They are also watching and some wax began to weep out of the
listening to the very little things too. marble if it had been used to cover a
chip or crack that the sculptor didn’t
want to be noticed.
The big impact of little things
Discerning buyers began to examine
A head of people and culture told me
their marble statues after they had
how she was finishing up a session
been put over fire knowing that any
with her team on some important
wax or other fillers would run out and
OH&S training for a segment of the
expose any chips or cracks. Imperfect
company. As soon as the training was
sculptures were exposed. The genuine
finished her CEO said in front of others,
article was said to be ‘without wax’.
‘thank goodness that is out of the way,
now please come and join the rest of It is often difficult to diagnose whether
the executive team so we can now get someone is the genuine article until
on to something that is important to they are put under pressure, as that
this company’. is when cracks will often appear.
Those that are the genuine article
That CEO’s few words undermined the
will not reveal any cracks even under
entire people and culture team and
immense pressure. They will display
trivialised the OH&S training program
resilience and endure and stay true to
without him even knowing it.
themselves and their organisation’s
As leaders we give prominence to or purpose and values even against
trivialise actions and behaviours all the seemingly insurmountable odds.
time so we need to be extra careful
It is more important than ever for
with every big and little thing we say
our companies and our leaders to be
and do.
without wax — to be the authentic
leaders they were born to be!
What you don’t do sends a big Nicholas Barnett can be contacted
message too on (03) 9909 9209 or by email at
David Morrison, former head of the
Australian Army, said, in a widely
televised video about sexual relations, Reference
Barnett N and Howard, 2017, Why Purpose
that what you walk past as a leader
Matters: and how it can transform your
you are really saying you condone. And organisation, Bookbaby.
everyone is watching what you walk
past and extrapolating what they think
you condone.
A new CEO explained to me how
he read what he thought was an
inappropriate email on the first day of
his new job. He called in the person
who had written the email pointing out
that in his view it was inappropriate.

Governance Directions November 2017 621

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