Arte e Design: G P V P I

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arte e design

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Game Publisher
Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster Cool Mini or Not
Version v0.1 (2013.02.03)
Page Info
02 Campaign Scenario Set Up
03 Strategic Scenario Set Up

These components are intended for the personal use of existing owners of the
game. AUGE makes no claim to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and
does not benefit financially from these components. All artwork from the original
game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may
not be sold, used or distributed in any way except for personal use.
Set Up
Campaign Scenarios
1. Place the Sector Tiles according to the layout described on the Scenario;
2. Place the Objective Markers according to the layout described on the Scenario;
3. Players now alternate placing Strategic Points with whoever roll highest on a 1d6 going first. They need to
strict to the following rules:
a. Each Sector Tile can only have a maximum of 4 Strategic Points;
b. it must be placed at least 3 squares away from a Sector Door;
c. it must be placed at least 6 squares away from another Strategic Point on the same Sector Tile OR 4
squares away from another Strategic Point on another Sector Tile;
d. each room smaller than 8x8 squares can only hold a maximum of 1 Strategic Point;
e. if the Scenario describes any further restrictions to Strategic Point placement, players must strict to
4. Each player will secretly decide how his Force is composed according to the following rules:
a. Each player can only recruit models of its own Faction;
b. each Scenario will list how many Force Points each player has, players need to spend those Points
selecting their models and can't go over the budget. If any Force Points remain, those are wasted;
c. it also lists the minimum and/or the maximum amount of models the player may have. If not, then
each Force needs to have a minimum of X models. Where X equals 1/10 of the initial Force Points
each player has to create his Force;
d. it may also list if any particular models are required on that Scenario;
5. Each player will now alternates deploying their Forces. They roll 1d6 each and whoever rolled highest, go
a. Each Scenario describes where players can deploy his Force;
b. each player can only deploy to their respective Deployment Zones;
c. if the Scenario describes multiple Deployment Zones, players can freely mix and match the order and
zones in which they deploy their Forces;
d. if the Scenario describes any further restrictions to deployment, players must strict to them.
6. Players now decide whoever goes first by rolling 1d6, whoever rolls highest gets to take the first Active
Strategic Scenarios
1. Roll 1d6 and check on the Objective Theme table (page 34) to see which will be the Scenario's Theme;
2. Roll 1d6 again and check on the specific Theme Table (Vanguard, Strain or Head-to-Head Strategic Scenario)
to specify which will be the Missions, Objectives, additional set up or rules required for the game;
3. Players then decide how many Force Points they wish to use for the game, or, if desired, roll 2d6 and
subtract 2 (reroll any result of 0) and use ten times that amount as the initial Force Points allowed for each
Faction. If the theme specifies a required amount of tiles, use at least that many tiles times 20 instead.
4. Each player roll 1d6 and now alternate choosing tiles and placing them on the table, whoever rolls highest
going first, according to the following:
a. Use one Sector Tile for each full 20 Force Points each Faction will have to generate their Forces;
b. Each Sector Tile must be adjacent to a previously placed Sector Tile, except for the very first tile;
c. Sector Doors must match;
d. Players may use whichever Sector Tile side they want and can rotate them any way they want before
placing them on the table;
e. If there's an odd number of Sector Tiles in the game, the player who placed less tiles automatically
wins or loses (his choice) the Strategic Points placement roll.
5. Players now alternate placing Strategic Points and/or Objective Markers with whoever roll highest on a 1d6
going first. They need to adhere to the following rules:
a. Each Faction can place up to a total of 6 Strategic Points or Objective Markers minus the Objective
Markers required by the Scenario's Theme;
b. each Sector Tile can only have a total maximum of 4 Strategic Points or Objective Markers;
c. Objective Markers must always be placed first;
d. each specific Strategic Point can only have a maximum of two copies in the game;
e. it must be placed at least 3 squares away from a Sector Door;
f. it must be placed at least 6 squares away from another Strategic Point on the same Sector Tile OR 4
squares away from another Strategic Point on another Sector Tile;
g. each room smaller than 8x8 squares can only hold a maximum of 1 Strategic Point;
h. if the Scenario's Theme describes any further restrictions to Strategic Point placement, players must
strict to them.
6. Each player will secretly decide how his Force is composed according to the following rules:
a. Each player can only recruit models of its own Faction;
b. each player will have the previously set amount of Force Points to spend on their Forces, players
need to spend those Points selecting their models and can't go over the budget. If any Force Points
remain, those are wasted;
c. it also may list the minimum and/or the maximum amount of models the player may have. If not,
then each Force needs to have a minimum of X models. Where X equals 1/10 of the initial Force
Points each player has to create his Force;
d. it may also list if any particular models are required on that Scenario;
7. Each player will now alternates deploying their Forces. They roll 1d6 each and whoever rolled highest, go
a. Each Scenario describes where players can deploy his Force;
b. each player can only deploy to their respective Deployment Zones;
c. if the Scenario describes multiple Deployment Zones, players can freely mix and match the order and
zones in which they deploy their Forces;
d. if the Scenario describes any further restrictions to deployment, players must strict to them.
8. Players now decide whoever goes first by rolling 1d6, whoever rolls highest gets to take the first Active

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