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Batyr Ironhide

When but a few weeks old, Drowfau (or whatever) attacked Batyr’s memory, capturing him and
several other younglings – the plan had been for the drowfau to raise several as slaves to create a
breeding program to have a continual supply of ivory. A mercenary band, known simply as Red Sky,
intervened after the attack, wiping out most of the drowfrau. Unfortunately, most of the other
Phantusk younglings either died in the attack, or couldn’t survive long enough to return to the
memory: all that was left was Batyr. When the Red Sky band arrived at the destroyed village, no
survivors were found. Over a series of weeks, they tried to return Batyr to any memory they found,
but none would take him. Accepting this, the leader of the Red Sky appointed two other members
to be “parents” of the young Phantusk (who they named Batyr). He grew up only in the Red Sky,
and the Red Sky became his family, and his memory. He knows the name of every Red Sky member
in living memory, and the names and stories of all the Red Sky leaders and heroes.

Now many years a full-fledged member of the Red Sky, he is to go out and find people to recruit, or
find potential clients, or areas where the Red Sky could find good business. His massive frame,
enhanced in bulk by heavy armored plates, has given him the surname “Ironhide”. While a towering
figure that would make many opponents balk at the thought of a one on one fight, with tusks and an
armor helm that could smash both shield and door with ease, Batyr’s preferred method of combat is
archery: his bow, nearly twice the size of a man, and his large arrows make him a walking siege tower
in many respects.
1. What is your character’s name What does it mean to them? Things to think about: Family name?
Translational meaning? Batyr Ironhide - Batyr was his given name by his "parents" - the two Red Sky
warriors chosen to raise him. Ironhide, on the other hand, is a source of honor - In the Red Sky, you lose
your surname when you join. You have to earn a surname. There are many surname lineages in the Red
Sky, and more are added from time to time. The Ironhide surname is awarded to those who have proven
loyalty to Red Sky and taken hits for their comrades. Many times, the surname of "Ironhide" is awarded
in death, when a warrior took a killing blow for another. Those who live with the Ironhide surname are
monoliths of self-sacrifice for the Red Sky, and for Batyr it is a great honor to hold it in life.

2. What kind of folk is your character, and what do they look like? Things to think about: Do they look
traditionally like the folk they are? What’s different about them? Batyr is a Phantusk, and a large one at
that. He looks more like the eastern-breed of Phantusk, with more pointed ears and four large tusks,
one of which is broken. However, he does not look like a typical phantusk, because he wears metal
armor, and most noticably, he wears the tusks of another phantusk around his neck, which often rattle
on his armor.

3. Where was your character born? Where are they now? Things to think about: Are they from your
folk’s homeland? Why/why not? Why are they where they are now? Batyr was born to a Memory in the
phantusk homeland, but due to an attack and kidnapping, and then a rescue by Red Sky warriors, is now
travelling with them and has been doing so for many years. He has since become a fully fledged member
of the Red Sky, and has no desire to return to a Memory that no longer exists or a Memory that does not
want him when he has a place in the world.

4. What significant events have shaped your character already? Things to think about: Do you have a
profession? How did they come to it? Traumatic Events. The most significant event was the drowfrau
attack that took him from his home and basically severed all ties with the Phantusk people. The other
significant event is being adopted into the Red Sky, and subsequently joining the Red Sky. While in a
combat with a band of raiders while on a job, Batyr stepped in and took a strike from a bodak that
would have crushed several Red Sky warriors. The blow broke one of his tusks and nearly killed him. He
was then rewarded the surname "Ironhide" for his act of sacrifice. His profession is mercenary, but
within the company he has many duties, usually construction or deconstruction due to his size and

5. Who were the important folk in your character’s past? Are they family, friends, or enemies? Things to
think about: Does your character know their family? Do they have a loyal friend somewhere? Who
trained them? Who has it out for your character? Do they have a romantic relationship? All of the
members of the Red Sky are important to Batyr, both living and dead. His traditional family is all dead,
and he was too young for friends. There was one enemy, Gatooph Gruum, a phantusk who at one time
betrayed the Red Sky, killing many members. Batyr killed him and sawed off his tusks to dishonor his
body, and now wears them himself. All of the members of the Red Sky, including Gruum, helped train

6. What religious faith does your character hold, if any? How devout are they? Things to think about:
Which god(s) might your character revere? How seriously do they take worship? Does this affect their
morality? Batyr has no religious faith, but he respects others beliefs. His morality is tinged more towards
good, but will do nearly anything if its part of the job. However, he, like the Red Sky, have some basic
principles: no killing children, no starting problems to create business, live to fight another day, and
finally but most importantly, comrades come first.

7. How does your character view magic? Things to think about: Do they focus on a particular school of
magic? Do they shun any schools? What is their favorite kind of spell? Batyr has no negative feelings
regarding magic. It is what it is. He doesn't really focus on any kind of magic, but has an interest in magic
that can help reinforce protection, make construction easier, or is defensive in nature.

8. What does your character value? What is your character uncomfortable with? Things to think about:
Moral strengths and weakness? Vices? Batyr values respect and honor in word: a person is only as good
as their word, and if they go back on it, or don't carry through, then they deserve neither honor nor
respect - they are literally and figuratively below Batyr. Batyr is uncomfortable with children as slaves,
and basically anything to do with the harming of children. He can get bullish about it, and if seeing
particularly brutal acts, may get physical. Batyr respects various peoples belief, but cares little for how
they pertain to him: for instance, he is aware of the Phantusk dislike of people wearing ivories, but due
to the nature of Gruum's betrayal, wearing his tusks as a trophy is a mark of pride and a statement to
the world, and Batyr could care less if other Phantusk dislike it. Batyr sees every member of the Red Sky
as being a glorious hero, despite the various character drawbacks and flaws that the various
mercenaries exhibit, and no matter the member's past. Having been raised by the people that he grew
to idolize, he often overlooks their more negative characteristics, shrugging off the things that they do
or have done, and often coming up with defensive reasons for why they did various things.

9. What motivates your character? Things to think about: Why is your character adventuring? Revenge?
Curiosity? Devotion? Debt? Escaping a past? Forging a future? The progression of the Red Sky motivates
Batyr; he wishes to see the mercenary band reach further heights of acclaim. In many ways, he wishes
the Red Sky to become a renowned band, with each individual being a legendary hero in their own right,
like they are in his memory. Currently, he is adventuring for many reasons, 1: to look for places of
recruitment, 2: to look for places that a mercenary band could find good work, 3: to learn more about
the world, since his own uprbringing has been solely inside the world of a mercenary company and the
work that they do.

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