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Innovation Week – Programme (Draft)

Dates: 11-15 November 2019

Locations: Berlin, Braunschweig, Munich
Participants: fifteen international scientists with start-up-idea from Brazil, Ghana,
India, Japan, Mexico, Palestinian Territories, Russia, Serbia, South
Africa, USA and others (tbc)

Date, Location Programme

11 Nov Welcome
General overview: Introduction to the German research and innovation
landscape, funding opportunities

Presentations by selected institutions

• TU9 German Universities of Technology
• Project Management Jülich (PtJ) (tbc)
• Other: tbc

Business Model Canvas

Social Media-Workshop

Evening: Transfer to Braunschweig or Munich (each city five persons)

12-14 Nov Stay at/Visits to one the participating universities

Berlin, • Technical University of Berlin
Braunschweig, • Technical University of Braunschweig
Munich • Technical University of Munich (TUM)

You will be placed into one of the three day-long visits according to your
project/topic match.

The programme at each university consists of:

• Networking events: Meet peers, investors, entrepreneur experts,
successful start-ups and other relevant contact partners
• Pitch-trainings
• Workshops regarding prototyping, intellectual property and other
related topics
• Individual consulting sessions with start-up advisers
• Free time for individual appointments (The host institution can help
with initiating the contacts.)

A detailed programme will be submitted before the event

Innovation Week – Programme (Draft)

15 Nov Final pitch before Jury

Networking event
with participation of TU9 universities and other partners

Conclusion, city tour

Evening, if applicable: departure and homeward journey

16 November If applicable: departure and homeward journey

Benefits for participants at a glance

• Get to know the German innovation scene and learn more about funding possibilities.

• Present your start-up idea to relevant German stakeholders such as entrepreneur

experts, companies, investors and funders.

• Take the opportunity of participating in individual consulting sessions and receiving

detailed feedback on your start-up idea and pitch.

• Exchange ideas with peers, start-up advisors and sucessful start-up founders.

• Learn more about prototyping, intellectual property/patent registration in Germany and

Europe, writing a business plan and other related topics.

• Step into the German start-up scene!

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