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Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, an Eurasian poet, rationalist, radical thinker and teacher, was born in Calcutta
on April 18,1809.

Derozio’s poem ‘Freedom to the Slave’ has a simple and straight title, indicating freedom
to the slave. The main issue here is freedom and this is for those who are not free. The poem is actually a
panegyric to freedom, here Derozio seems to be much influenced by the English romantic poets o the
nineteenth century whose devotion to and praise of freedom are unequivocal as also of the high ideals of
liberty, equality and fraternity of the French Revolution (of 1789). Derozio strongly expresses that without
‘freedom’, a human being has no entity of his own. In the initial part of the poem, the poet speaks of a
slave's feeling on learning that he was no more a slave- no more in the bondage of any slavery. The slave
seems happy beyond any measure. He looked much brightened and found proud and joyous to think that
he was not a slave any more. After a free man, he likened himself delightfully to the blowing wind, flying
birds and flowing streams. He was as free as them to move and act as he wished or freely like them.
Derozio implies here, that slavery is not just a physical state of enslavement of a person, but it is the total
subjugation of thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Freedom, as a matter of fact, brings about a psychological
change, an upsurge of the mind to entertain the idea that one is free, no more a slave.

Indeed, Derozio is frank to declare what freedom means to a slave. It is only when
human beings are free (from slavery) that they can truly enjoy the beauty and the liberty that are around
him. After all neither by birth nor by nature, none is enslaved, rather everyone is lot to be free and joyous.
It is only mischiefs of human cunningness and tyranny that make slaves of others to make most for
themselves by the exploitation of others, weak and humble.

It is to be remembered in this connection that Derozio’s poem ‘Freedom to the Slave’

was written at a time when India, under the British rule, was subjected to enslavement and exploitation. In
this connection the poet pays a warm tribute to freedom. In this very word he perceives the unfailing spirit
of a patriot who is ever ready to stand for its sake. The poet also eulogizes ( প্রশংসা করেরেন) those who
fight and bleed for the cause of freedom. He sends, too, his best wishes and blessings for those who stand
and fight for freedom.

Bust be the generous hand that breaks

The chain a tyrant gave,

And, feeling or degraded man,

Gives freedom to the slave.

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