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Cameron Campbell

Brit Lit
Macbeth Scene 1

My Interpretation of Macbeth Scene 1 would probably have something to do with

music. I would make the setting a concert of some sort. The three Witches are discussing

when they will meet again, they decide to meet after the concert is over. They will find

Macbeth when they meet. The five interpretations of the first scene were all very

different and some of them were pretty strange. The first one I didn’t really know what

was going on at first, then I realized it was the three Witches. They looked really gross in

that version, but I think the first one was the truest to the text in that it presented to

scene in its most basic form without much liberties taken. The second interpretation was

very different from the first. I feel like this one took the most liberty, it completely

change the three Witches to three crusty guys eating lunch at a waste plant. It was kind

of awkward how close the cameras were to their faces, but it all made for a very funny,

creative and enjoyable scene. At the beginning of the third interpretation I was kind of

taken back when they were carving the eyes out of the statues, but I suppose that’s what

three Witches would do. The forth one was once again different. It reminded me of a sci-

fi film, and I especially liked how they used blue lighting to really create a mood for the

scene. The three Witches work well as three nurses in a hospital in my opinion, this one

was definitely my favorite and very unique from the others. The last interpretation was

really cool in my opinion. I thought it had a lot going for it, like the really nice
Cameron Campbell
Brit Lit
Macbeth Scene 1
landscape they used to film in. It had a big Lord of the Rings vibe to it which I also really

enjoyed. It felt very mystic and mysterious.

I don’t think any of the interpretation are necessarily the correct one. I think

certain ones stuck more by the text while others took more liberty with the scene and

switched it up in some really cool creative ways. That’s really the beauty of this kind of

scene and theatre in general, is that there’s so much that can be left up to interpretation

and when you’re creative enough you can come up with some cool ideas. And even if a

lot of it is set in stone there is always room for the creative liberties that a director might


Grade: 100

Nice work, Cameron. Very personal and thorough!

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