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Topic 35

21. about Autumn (fall) where I live

1. what is autumn like where you like?

 Do you experience autumn in Korea?

 When does autumn usually begin?
 Is it cold in Korea if it’s autumn?
 Is it a time of harvest during fall in Korea?
 What do people usually eat during autumn?
 What clothes are nice and suitable to wear during autumn?
 Do you enjoy the sight of beautifully colored leaves in autumn?
 Do you think autumn is better than the other seasons?
 Is hiking enjoyable during autumn?
 What are some pleasant and entertaining activities for families during autumn?

2. Places people can visit in Autumn.

 Is it desirable to head out in national parks during autumn?

 Will you enjoy trail hiking during autumn season?
 Did you enjoy the breathtaking autumn foliage?
 Have you travelled into islands during autumn season?
 Have you been to festivals during autumn?
 Did you rent a car or join the tour bus?
 Did you explore the wonderful museums, art galleries and handicraft workshops?
 Are the tree-lined paths a nice place for strolling?
 Did you catch the lantern festival lights?
 Will you like to travel abroad for the autumn season?
3. choose a place you went in Autumn

 Did you go to an island during autumn?

 Did you go on hiking?
 Is the trail packed with tourists?
 Did you see the breathtaking scenery?
 Did you reach famous landmarks?
 Did you go on a picnic during the trip?
 Did the locals offer you food and delicacies?
 If yes, is the food delicious?
 Are you with your friends and family?
 Was your hiking and picnic enjoyable?

22. about Titanic

1. about the story of titanic in the movie briefly.

 Is the movie about the Titanic exciting and impressive?

 Are the scenes in the movie based on a real life event?
 Are the people in the movie so excited to enter the ship?
 Was the Titanic ship so enormous?
 Were the people in the ship cheerful during the trip?
 What are the activities done during the trip?
 What are your feelings about the setting inside the ship?
 What did you feel after the ship started sinking?
 Are there any survivors after the shipwreck?
 Did the main characters survive?
2. about the main female character or …..

 What is the name of the main female character in the movie Titanic?
 How would you describe the main female character?
 Who are her companion entering the Titanic?
 Was she from a rich family?
 Was she engaged?
 Is she a pleasant and charming woman?
 Why did she try to commit suicide?
 Did she feel happiness after meeting Jack?
 How did she fall in love with Jack?
 Was she able to survive?

3. about the main male character or…..

 What is the name of the main male character in the movie Titanic?
 How did he manage to board the Titanic?
 Did he have company when boarding the ship?
 Was he happy that he was in the Titanic?
 How did he meet his love interest in the Titanic?
 How did Jack treat Rose in the movie?
 Is Jack a good artist?
 Was he able to enjoy the luxury in the Titanic?
 Did he survive the shipwreck?
 Is Jack a pleasant character?
4. talk about sharing opinions about the story?

 Do you enjoy movies with romance and drama genre?

 What do you like about romance and drama?
 Does it affect you emotionally?
 Do you think people appreciated the love story in the movie?
 Have you felt any negative feelings when watching the movie?
 Are you able to relate to some scenes in the movie?
 Will you recommend the movie to your friends and family?
 Is the movie suitable for children to watch?
 Was there such horrific loss of life shown?
 Do you feel hatred or anger to any characters in the movie?

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