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: 17
GED106/AM11 July 21, 2019


Technology has helped us through many things in our lives. Making it easier and faster to

do certain tasks. It has also helped us with gaining more ways to communicate with other people.

This academic paper shall aid people in learning how technology can affect the way we

communicate with other people.

Technology is used throughout our lives, especially with how we communicate with other

people. Using it as a way to convey information and understand others without having to see them

face to face. Although this might show how technology can help with communicating, this can

also affect a fraction of how people communicate in real life of face to face. According to a research

that Lucas Lengacher made for Huntington University regarding how Mobile Technology affects

the way people communicate face to face and how it affects their interpersonal interaction, there

are negative correlation between their phone usage and their approachability, initiation, and

approachability in terms of communication. Through his research, he found out that many people

felt disconnected from others when they are on their phones. 60% of the people that Lucas

researched on seemed to have felt this disconnection from others. This research has also showed

how addicted people can be when it comes to their phones, 70% of the people checked their phones

within the first 5 minutes of the day. There were also 80% of them that felt disconnected during

dinners as they had the habit of checking or using their phone during their dinner with others.

Using the research that Lucas has provided, it can be concluded that technology can give a

negative effect to the communicating abilities of the people using them. Often making them feel

left out of their group. This can be fixed by creating a designated and limited time in terms of using

their phones or any other gadgets that may distract them. This may help in creating a more proper

and open communication with the people around them.

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