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Q.1-2. Study the given information carefully to answer the questions that follow.
uhps fn, x, iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dks /;kuiwoZd i<+s A
Two coins are tossed simultaneously find the probability of -
nks flDdksa dks ,d lkFk mNkyk tkrk gS] izkf;drk Kkr dhft,&
Q.1. Getting atleast one head-/ de ls de ,d gsM izkIr djus dh&
1 3 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
4 4 2 8
Q.2. Getting atleast two head-/ de ls de nks gsM izkIr djus dh&
1 3 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1
4 4 2 8
Q.3-5. Study the given information carefully to answer the questions that follow.
uhps fn, x, iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dks /;kuiwoZd i<+s A
Three coins are tossed simultaneously find the probability of -
rhu flDdksa dks ,d lkFk mNkyk tkrk gS] izkf;drk Kkr dhft,&
Q.3. Getting two tails -/ nks Vsy izkIr djus dh&
3 5 2 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1
5 8 5 8
Q.4. Getting more heads than the number of tails -/ Vsy dh la[;k ls vf/kd gsM vkus dh&
2 5 7 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5 8 8 2 8
Q.5. Getting atleast one head and one tail -/ de ls de ,d gsM vkSj ,d Vsy vkus dh&
1 3 3 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
8 10 4 2 5
Q.6. Five coins are tossed are simultaneously. Find the probability of:

a. Getting at least three head./

1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
2 3 4 5
b. Getting at most four tails./
1 1 31 1 29
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2 32 32 16 32
Q.7. Find the probability of getting composite number in a single throw of a dice?

1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
2 3 4 5
Q.8-9. Study the given information carefully to answer the questions that follow.
uhps fn, x, iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dks /;kuiwoZd i<+s A
Two dices are rolled simulataneously find the probability of
nks ik¡ls ,d lkFk Qsads tk;s rks izkf;drk Kkr dhft,&
Q.8. Getting a sum greater than nine / ;ksx ukS ls vf/kd gks&
10 1 5 1 8
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
11 11 6 6 9
Q.9. Getting a multiple of two on one dice and a multiple of three on the other dice
,d ik¡ls ij nks dk xq.kt vk;s vkSj nwljs ij rhu dk xq.kt vk;s&
5 25 11 5 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
12 36 36 6 12
Q.10. Getting the sum of the numbers on two faces divisible by three or four
nksuksa ik¡lksa ij izkIr la[;kvksa dk ;ksx rhu ;k pkj ls foHkkftr gks&
4 5 5 1 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
9 9 12 7 12
Q.11. A die is thrown twice. What is the probability of getting a sum 7 from both the throws ?
,d iklk nks ckj Qsadk tkrk gSA nks ckj Qsads tkus ls 7 dk ;ksx vkus dh laHkkouk fdruh gS\
5 1 1 1 5
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
18 18 9 6 36
Q.12. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of obtaining a total score of six.
nks ikls ,d lkFk Qsads tkrs gS] N% dk ;ksx izkIr gksus dh izkf;drk D;k gksxh\
1 1 5 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
6 12 36 9
Q.13. Three dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability of getting a total score of 5.

1 1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
12 6 3 36 24
Q.14. If from a pack of 52 playing cards, one card is drawn at random. What is the probability that it
is either a king or a queen ?
Iysbax dkMZ ds 52 iÙkksa esa ls ,d dkMZ fudkyk tkrk gSA D;k lEHkkouk gS fd ;k rks ;g ,d jktk gksxk
;k jkuh gksxh \
2 1 3 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
13 13 26 52
Q.15. If from a pack of 52 playing cards, two cards are drawn at random; what is the probability that
these are either face cards or honors cards.

12 C 28 c 20 c 16 c
2 2 2 2
(1) 52C2 (2) 52C2 (3) 52C2 (4) 52C2 (5) None

Q.16. A bag contains seven white and three black balls. Two balls are drawn at random one after
another without replacement. Find the probability that balls drawn are black ?
,d FkSys esa lkr lQsn rFkk rhu dkyh xasnsa gSaA cxSj cnys gq, ,d ds ckn ,d] nks xsansa FkSys ls fudkyh
tkrh gSA D;k laHkkouk gS fd fudkyh xbZ nksuksa xsans dkyh gksa \
1 3 1 2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
30 40 15 27
Q.17. A bag contains 4 red and 6 white balls. A ball is taken out and not retained to it. Then find out the
probability that in the second draw the ball is while if the ball in the first draw is red.
,d FkSys esa 4 yky rFkk 6 lQsn xsans gSaA ,d xsan fudkyh xbZ rFkk og okil ugha j[kh x;hA D;k laHkkouk
curh gS fd nwljh ckj esa fudkyh xbZ xaasn lQsn gksxh] tcfd igyh ckj esa fudkyh xbZ xasn yky FkhA
2 1 2 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
5 5 3 3
Q.18. A bag contains four black and n Red balls. If two balls are chosen at random from the bag; the
probability that they are black is . Find the number of red balls?

(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (5) 7
Q.19-22. A bag contains 7 blue balls and 5 yellow balls.
,d cSx esa 7 uhys xsan vkSj 5 ihys xsan gSA
Q.19. If two balls are selected at random, what is the probability that none is yellow ?
;fn csrjrhc <ax ls nks xasn pqus tk,a] rks fdruh laHkkouk gS fd dksbZ ihyk ugha fudysxk\
5 5 7 7 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
33 22 22 33 66
Q.20. If three balls are picked at random, what is the probability that two are blue and one is yellow ?
rhu xasns csrjrhc mBkbZ tk,a rks nks uhyh vkSj ,d ihyh gksus dh laHkkouk D;k gS \
2 6 12 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
15 91 91 15
Q.21. If two balls are picked at random, what is the probability that either both are blue or both are
yellow ?
nks xsans csrjrhc mBkbZ tk,a rks nksuksa ds ;k rks uhyh ;k ihyh gksus dh laHkkouk D;k gS \
3 4 2 31
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
5 105 7 66
Q.22. If four balls are picked at random, what is the probability that one is blue and three are yellow ?
pkj xsans csrjrhc mBkbZ tk,a rks ,d uhyh] vkSj rhu ihyh gksus dh laHkkouk D;k gS \
4 17 14 11
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
15 280 99 15
Q.23. A bag contain 3 green and 7 white balls, Two balls are drawn from the bag in succession without
replacement. What is the probability that.
,d cSx esa 3 gjh vkSj 7 lQsn xsans gS] cSx ls 2 xsans Øe'k% fcuk foLFkkiu ds fudkyh tkrh gS izkf;drk
Kkr dhft, fd&
(i) both are white ?/nksuksa lQsn jax dh gks \
1 5 7 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
7 11 11 15
(ii) they are of different colour ?/ os fofHkUu jax dh gks \
7 7 5 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
15 9 11 11
Q.24. A bag contains 4 white and 3 black balls, Another contains 3 white and 5 black balls. If one ball
is drawn from each bag, find the probability that
,d cSx esa 4 lQsn rFkk 3 dkyh xsans gS] nwljs cSx esa 3 lQsn rFkk 5 dkyh xsns gSaA ;fn ,d xsan izR;sd
cSx ls fudkyh tk;s rks izkf;drk Kkr dhft, \
(i) both are white :/nksuksa lQsn gks&
1 2 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
3 3 4 4
(ii) both are black :/nksuksa dkyh gks&
3 1 3 5
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
24 24 12 24
Q.25. In a class there are 15 boys and 10 girls. Three student are selected at random in which what
is the probability that one girl and two boys are selected ?
,d d{kk esa 15 yM+ds vkSj 10 yM+fd;ka gSA rhu Nk=ksa dks csrjrhc rjhds ls pquuk gS ftlesa ,d yM+dh
vkSj nks yM+dks ds vkus dh izkf;drk D;k gksxh\
21 25 27 27
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
46 46 46 94
Q.26. In a class there are 8 boys and 5 girls. In how many ways they can sit in a row so that no two
girls sit together?
,d d{kk esa 8 yM+ds vkSj 5 yM+fd;k¡ gSa ,d iafDr esa mUgsa fdl izdkj cSBk;k tk, fd nks yM+fd;k¡ ,d
lkFk u cSBs\
9! 8! 8! 9!
(1) (2) (3) (4)  8! (5) None of these
4! 4! 5! 4!
Q.27. A committee of 5 students is to be chosen from 6 boys and 4 girls. What is the probility that the
committee has exactly 2 girls?
6 yM+dksa vkSj 4 yM+fd;ksa esa ls 5 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ,d lfefr cukuh gSA lfefr esa 2 yM+fd;ksa ds gksus dh
izkf;drk D;k gS\
10 5 12 16
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
21 24 21 25
Q.28. The letters of word SOCIETY are placed at random in a row. What is the probability that three
vowels come togethger ?
'kCn SOCIETY ds v{kjksa dks ,dk,d ,d iafDr esa j[kk tkrk gSA D;k lEHkkouk curh gS fd rhuksa Loj
,d lkFk vk,axs \
2 3 4 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
7 7 7 7
Q.29. If the letters of the word 'DISCUSSION' be arranged randomly, what is the probability that all
vowels are not together?
;fn 'DISCUSSION' 'kCn ds v{kjksa dks ;kn`PN;k O;ofLFkr fd;k tk;s rks dksbZ Hkh Loj ,d lkFk u vk;s
bldh izkf;drk D;k gS\
161 331 348 359
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
180 360 360 360
Q.30. What is the probability to select a three digit number divisible by 2, which is constructed from
the digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, the repetition is not allowed.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 vadksa dh lgk;rk ls rhu vadksa dh la[;k;sa tks 2 ls foHkkftr la[;k;sa gSa] dks pquus dh
çkf;drk fdruh gS \ tcfd vadksa dh iqujko`fÙk Lohdk;Z ugha gSA
5 9 3 11
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
8 20 8 20
Q.31. The probability to solve a probability problem by Asfaq and Pankaj is 1/3 and 2/5 respectively.
What is the probability that the problem is solved by them?
izkf;drk ds ,d iz'u dks v'kQkd vkSj iadt }kjk gy djus dh izkf;drk dze'k% 1/3 vkSj 2/5 gSaA iz'u
ds gy gks tkus dh izkf;drk D;k gS\
11 2 13 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
15 15 15 5
Q.32. A table has two drawer. First drawer has 3 gold coins and second has 4 silver coins. Open a
drawer randomly & take a coin. W hat is the probability that it is a gold coin ?
,d est esa nks njktsa gSaA igyh njkt esa rhu lksus ds flDds vkSj nwljh njkt esa pkj pk¡nh ds flDds
gSaA ;n`PN;k ,d njkt dks [kksydj ,d flDdk fudkyk tkrk gSA ;g lkssus dk flDdk gks] bldh
çkf;drk D;k gksxh \
3 3
(1) (2) 30% (3) (4) CND (5) None of these
7 4
Q.33. A box carrying one dozen of oranges. One third have gone bad. If three oranges are taken out
from the box at random. Find the probability that at least one is good ?
,d cDls esa ,d ntZu ukjafx;ka gSa ftlesa ls ,d frgkbZ [kjkc gks xbZA ;fn cDls ls rhu ukjafx;k ;kn`PN;k
fudkyh tk;s] rks D;k lEHkkouk gS fd de ls de ,d ukjaxh vPNh gksxh \
1 54 45 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
50 56 56 56
Q.34. There are a matching -type question having 2 columns 'A' and 'B' column 'A' has 3 items which
can be matched with 4 items in column 'B'. Find the probability to solved correctly?
feyku djus okys ,d iz'u esa nks LrEHk 'A' vkSj "B' gSaA LrEHk 'A' ds rhu rF;ksa dks LrEHk 'B' ds 4 rF;ksa
ls feykuk gSA iz'u ds lgh gy gksus ds izkf;drk Kkr dhft,\
1 1 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None of these
9 10 12 24
Q.35. The Probability that a student will qualify in IBPS PO exam is and that will not qualify in
2 1
IBPS Clerk exam is The probability that he will qualify in both the exams is . What is the
3 5
probability that he will qualify either IBPS PO or the IBPS Clerk exam?

27 23 21 7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) None
60 60 60 12
Q.36-40. The questions given below contain two statements giving certain data. You have to decide
whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question? Mark answer-
uhps fn, x, ç'uksa esa nks dFkuksa ds ek/;e ls dqN tkudkfj;ka nh xbZ gSa vkidks ;g fu.kZ; djuk gS fd
D;k dFkuks esa nh xbZ tkudkjh mÙkj nsus ds fy, i;kZIr gSa\ mÙkj nhft,&
(1) If statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficient.
;fn dsoy dFku I gh i;kZIr gS ysfdu dsoy dFku II i;kZIr ugha gS
(2) If statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficient.
;fn dsoy dFku II gh i;kZIr gS ysfdu dsoy dFku I i;kZIr ugha gS
(3) If each statement alone (either I or II) is sufficient.
;fn ;k dsoy dFku I ;k dsoy II i;kZIr gSa
(4) If statement I and II together are not sufficient./ ;fn dFku I o II nksuksa vi;kZIr gSa
(5) If both statements I and II together are sufficient, but neither statement a lone is sufficient.
;fn nksuksa dFku I o II ,d lkFk i;kZIr gSa ysfdu vyx&vyx i;kZIr ugha gSa
Q.36. A two-digit number is divisible by 8. W hat is the number?
,d nks vadh; la[;k 8 ls foHkkftr gks tkrh gS og la[;k D;k gS\
I. Sum of the digits is 10. / vadksa dk ;ksx 10 gSA
II. Digit which is at unit's place is rd of the digit which is at ten's place.
bdkbZ dk vad ngkbZ ds vad dk 3 gSA
Q.37. What is the average age of x, y and z?/ x, y vkSj z ds vk;q dk vkSlr fdruk gS\
I. Ratio of the age of x and y is 4:3 and age of x is double the age of z.
x vkSj y dh vk;q dk vuqikr 4:3 gS vkSj x dh vk;q z dh vk;q dh nqxquh gSA
II. Age of z is 5 years less than the age of y./z dh vk;q] y dh vk;q ls 5 o"kZ de gSA
Q.38. What is the time taken by Raj from point A to other point B?
jkt dks fcUnq A ls fcUnq B rd tkus esa fdruk le; yxsxk\
I. If he walks 25% faster than his usual speed then he reches 20 seconds earlier.
;fn og viuh okLrfod pky ls 25% vf/kd rsth ls pys rks og 20 lsds.M igys igq¡prk gSA
II. If he walks half of his usual speed he takes 100 seconds more to reach the finishing point B
;fn og viuh okLrfod pky ds vk/kh pky ls pys rks fcUnq B rd igqp ¡ us esa 100 lsd.s M vf/kd yxrs gSA
Q.39. What is the length of the train?/ jsyxkM+h dh yEckbZ fdruh gS\
I. If crosses a pole in 10 seconds./ ;fn [kEHks dks 10 lsds.M esa ikj djrh gSA
II. Speed of the train is 10 m./sec./ jsyxkM+h dh pky 10 eh-@lsa- gSA
Q.40. If A and B work for a day alternately, in how many days will the work be completed?
;fn A vkSj B ,d dk;Z dks ,dkUrj Øe esa djs rks dk;Z fdrus fnuksa esa iw.kZ gksxk\
I. A can do that piece of work in 6 days./ A dk;Z ds ,d Hkkx dks 6 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrk gSA
II. B can do that piece of work in 8 days./ B dk;Z ds ,d Hkkx dks 8 fnu esa dj ldrk gSA
Q.41. If a person saves Rs. 85000 in a year what is the average monthly income?
;fn ,d O;fDr ,d o"kZ esa 85000 :- cpkrk gS rks mldh vkSlr ekfld vk; D;k gS\
I. The average monthly income for the first 4 months is Rs. 18000.
igys 4 ekg ds fy, vkSlr ekfld O;; 18000 :- gSA
II. The average monthly income for the last 8 months is Rs. 21000.
vafre 8 ekg ds fy, vkSlr ekfld O;; 21000 :- gSA
Q.42. What is the average age of children in the class?/ d{kk esa cPpksa dh vkSlr vk;q D;k gS\
I. The teacher's age is equal to the number of children.
v/;kid dh vk;q cPPkksa dh la[;k ds cjkcj gSA
II. If teacher's age is included the average age is increased by 2 years.
;fn v/;kid dh vk;q lfEefyr dh tkrh gS rks vkSlr vk;q 2 o"kZ c<+ tkrh gSA
Q.43. The area of a rectangle is equal to the area of a semi-circle. What is the length of the rectangle?
,d vk;r dk {ks=Qy ,d v)Zo`Rr ds {ks=Qy ds cjkcj gSA vk;r dh yEckbZ D;k gS\
I. The perimeter of the rectangle is 42 m.
vk;r dk ifjeki 42 eh- gSA
II. The circumference of a semi-circle is 110 m.
v)Zo`Rr dh ifjf/k 110 eh- gSA
Q.44. What is the ratio between the number of men, women and children in a town?
,d dLcs esa iq:"kksa] efgykvksa vkSj cPpksa dh la[;k ds chp vuqikr D;k gS\
I. The total population of the town is 93280 in which there are 54200 men.
dLcs dh dqy tula[;k 93280 gS ftlesa 54200 iq:"k gSaA
II. The ratio between the number of men and children in the town is 5 : 2 and number of
women is twice the number of children.
dLcs esa iq:"kksa vkSj cPpksa dh la[;k ds chp vuqikr 5 : 2 gS rFkk efgykvksa dh la[;k cPpksa dh la[;k
dh nksxquh gSA
Q.45. How much profit did Ruchika earned on selling a book?
,d iqLrd cspus ij :fpdk dks fdruk ykHk gqvk\
I. She bought the book at 40% discount on the marked price.
mlus iqLrd vafdr ewY; ij 40% NwV ij [kjhnkA
II. She sold it at 8% profit on the marked price.
mlus bls vafdr ewY; ij 8% ykHk ij cspkA
Q.46. Find the share of Mukesh in a partnership.

I. Mukesh and Ramesh started a business with a capital of Rs. 24000 and Rs. 26000

II. After 3 months Mukesh widhraw half of his capital and Ramesh invested 50% of his capital

Q.47. What is mother’s present age?

I. Father’s age is 8 years more than mother’s age. Father was got married at the age of 28

II. Father’s age is 30 years. 4 years ago, the ratio of ages of mother and father was 12 : 13.

Q.48. What is Devendra’s monthly salary?

I. Devendra saves 25% of his monthly salary which was Rs. 200 less than the saving of
II. Avinash saves of his monthly salary which is Rs. 7200.
Q.49. What is the difference between the simple interest and compound interest on a certain amount?

I. Rate of interest is 5% per annum.

II. The interest at the end of 5 years is Rs. 1250.

Q.50. How much percent marks did Sudhanshu get in Maths?

I. Sudhanshu got average 55% marks in Maths, Sanskrit and Science.

II. The marks got by Sudhanshu in Maths is 10% more than the average marks.
Q.51-55. The questions given below contain three statements giving certain data. You have to decide
whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question ?
uhps fn, x, ç'uksa esa rhu dFkuksa ds ek/;e ls dqN tkudkfj;ka nh xbZ gSa vkidks ;g fu.kZ; djuk gS
fd D;k dFkuks esa nh xbZ tkudkjh mÙkj nsus ds fy, i;kZIr gSa\
Q.51. What is Pramod's monthly income?/ izeksn dk ekfld osru D;k gS\
(I) Pramod's monthly income is Rs. 1200 more than the Subodh's monthly income.
izeksn dk ekfld osru lqcks/k ds ekfld osru ls 1200 :- vf/kd gSA
(II) The ratio between monthly income of Subodh and Aryan is 2:5.
lqcks/k vkSj vk;Zu ds ekfld osru dk vuqikr 2:5 gSA
(III) The annual income of Aryan is Rs. 216000 / vk;Zu dk okf"kZd osru 216000 :- gSA
(1) Only I (2) Only II (3) Only II and III
(4) All (5) None of these
Q.52. What is the ratio between the marks obtained by Rajeev in Hindi and Sociology?
jktho ds fgUnh vkSj lekt'kkL= esa izkIr vadksa dk vuqikr D;k gS\
(I) The total marks obtained by Rajeev in Hindi, Sociology and General Studies is 230.
jktho }kjk fgUnh] lekt'kkL= vkSj lkekU; Kku esa feys dqy vad 230 gSA
(II) The ratio between the marks obtained by Rajeev in Sociology and General Studies is 2:3.
jktho ds lekt'kkL= vkSj lkekU; Kku esa izkIrkadksa dk vuqikr 2:3 gSA
(III) The difference between the marks obtained by Rajeev in Hindi and General Studies is 10.
jktho }kjk fgUnh vkSj lkekU; Kku esa feys vadks dk vUrj 10 gSA
(1) II and III (2) I and II (3) All (4) I and III (5) None of these
Q.53. What is the ratio between the present ages of Gautam and his father?
xkSre vkSj mlds firk dh orZeku vk;q dk vuqikr D;k gS\
(I) 5 years ago, Gautam's age was of his father's age.
5 o"kZ iwoZ xkSre dh vk;q vius firk dh vk;q dh FkhA
(II) 2 years ago, the sum of ages of Gautam and his father was 36 years.
2 o"kZ iwoZ xkSre vkSj mlds firk dh vk;q dk ;ksx 36 o"kZ FkkA
(III) The sum of ages of Gautam's sister, his mother and his father is 62 years.
xkSre dh cgu] mldh ekrk vkSj mlds firk dh vk;q dk ;ksx 62 o"kZ gSA
(1) I and II (2) II and III (3) I and III
(4) All (5) None of these
Q.54. What is the speed of train?/ Vsªu dh pky D;k gS\
(I) The train crosses a pole in 15 seconds./ Vsªu ,d iksy dks 15 lsds.M esa ikj djrh gSA
(II) The length of the train is 360 m./ Vsªu dh yEckbZ 360 ehVj gSA
(III) The train crosses a platform of equal length in 30 seconds.
leku yEckbZ dk IysVQkeZ Vsªu 30 lsds.M esa ikj djrh gSA
(1) I and II (2) II and III (3) All (4) Any two (5) II and either I or III
Q.55. In how many days will 8 men and 4 women complete a work?
8 iq:"k vkSj 4 efgyk;sa feydj ,d dke fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk djsaxs\
(I) 10 men complete the same work in 8 days.
10 iq:"k ml dke dks 8 fnu esa iwjk djrs gSA
(II) 8 women complete the same work in 20 days.
8 efgyk;sa mlh dke dks 20 fnu esa iwjk djrh gSA
(III) 5 women complete the same work in 32 days.
5 efgyk;sa mlh dke dks 32 fnuksa esa iwjk djrh gSA
(1) I and II (2) I and III (3) II and III (4) I and II or III (5) Any two
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