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The best problem solving occurs when people bring a variety of perspectives to the table,

passionately tell their version of the truth, respectfully listen to all sides, and find a common

solution that is best for students and the district. Kenneth H. Blanchard stated, “A clear purpose

will unite you as you move forward, values will guide your behavior, and goals will focus your

energy.” A superintendent is tasked with communicating a clear purpose, possessing strong

values, and collaboratively setting goals with all stakeholders to use as a foundation for decision

making. The behavior of the superintendent also sets the tone for the culture of collaboration

within the district.

Involving all stakeholders allows a collaborative culture to be built where transparency

becomes the norm. Involving all stakeholders also invites the possibility of competing interests

to be present at the discussion. It is the task of the superintendent to set a clear goal, balance the

discussion so all voices are heard and respected, and lead the group to a decision that is best for

students and the district. It is also the role of the superintendent to assist all stakeholders in

bringing forward a consensus to the collaborative decision.

Having clearly defined vision, mission, and belief statements as well as a strategic plan

developed collaboratively with all district and community stakeholders, assists a superintendent

in gaining the trust and guidance needed to bring people to a consensus. Building a relationship

with staff, school board members, and community members is also important foundational work

to guarantee a positive environment where collaboration can happen. Taking the time to build a

strong foundation allows the superintendent to then build a strong district.

Problems in a school district arise every day. Superintendents must be able to prioritize

the problems, develop a system for problem analysis, and include all necessary stakeholder in the

problem solution process. Great superintendents see problems as an opportunity to bring people
together to find a common solution that drives the district closer to their vision, mission, and


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