Labstan August 9 - #2

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August 9, 2019 Transcription #2

A: Legally, you cannot have by definition. But, you

can have the 6th group: Persons in the personal
Tanawa nang uyanguren hardware maingon service of another.
nimog makaluluoy nang tundahan. Tanawa nang
balay sa tag iya, isa ka block sa obrero. It’s in the
top 100 corporations in the Philippines. Time was
when the children lived with the parents. Because This dates back to the times of aristocracy in the west.
of that they were dependent in their parents for The british tradition of the chief butler of the house.
support they cannot even tell how much they were You have a butler, a chauffeur, a chambermaid, a
receiving. Pangutan on nimo nang mga anak sa nanny. They have different rankings. This group is
owner na nagtrabaho sa iyang amahan, pila man also not covered by the labor code.
imong sweldo? “wala koy sweldo” until you ask
mroe questions and he says he pays via credit
card. In the older days, they were really considered as
members of the family. So much so that when the
head of the family dies, it was customary to leave
There is a pre existing fundamental relationship legacies to these different loyal members of the
between the owner and the worker that overrides household.
employer employee relationship. That must mean
that they are receiving even more than a regular
employee even if numerically it cannot be When Prince William married Kate, president arroyo
determined. So the law will leave them where they wanted to get an invitation in the buckingham palace.
are. Remember, it is when the employee is a She didn’t get it. But there was a woman from
member of the family dependent on the employer bacolod who was sitting at the second row. She was
for support. That includes a retired parent who the nanny of Prince William.
lives with his son who now manages a business
and the retired parent is not covered by labor Imelda Marcos wanted to much to be with royalty.
standards benefits because they are actually She could not. How can you tell that somebody is
receiving more than a regular worker. sprung from royalty? Mulingkod gani ka ug mutan aw
kag naay lingkurana, dili ka royalty. You are a
pedestrian. Kay kung royalty ka, kabalo ka na naay
bangko. If that’s the mark of royalty, napahiya si
imelda. Tan aw pa man sya sa likod.

There is now a new law covering domestics and

Because there is this whole tradition behind
they are now called “Kasambahay.”
“kasambahays” and persons in the personal service
of another, the yare excluded from the regular labor
standards benefits.
The law is RA 10361, Kasambahay law.

They are not really properly under the labor code.

The kasambahay is not included in the labor code.
There is a separate law because the kasambahay
is governed by certain protocols that are already
Then you have the “pakiao” workers. Pakiao is a
ingrained in our culture and antedates the
legal term as long as you spell it according to the
industrial revolution.
spelling of the labor code: P-A-K-I-A-O.

Q: Who is a kasambahay?
In english it is, piece rate worker or workers paid by
A: the definition in the labor code is one who is results.
engaged to work by a household to minister to the
personal comfort and safety of the members of the

1. Piece rate
So you must have a household in order for you to 2. Paid by results
engage in kasambahay. If you are not a family,
you cannot have kasambahay. Supposed you are
in blessed singleness, can you have a domestic?
1. Your output is uniform units of the same kind, piece-workers as contemplated by law for the
size and weight. reason that their hours of work — that is, 12 hours
per shift — are fixed by the employer.
2. You are paid on a per piece basis

a) Because you are paid on a per piece

basis, there is no over time. You are Philosophy underlying Piece rate worker’s
not given hours of work. exception from the 8 hour law

The philosophy underlying the exclusion of piece

workers from the Eight-Hour Labor Law is that said
Land mark case for piece rate workers: workers are paid depending upon the work they
do "irrespective of the amount of time
Red V Coconut Products Ltd. Vs. CIR
employed" in doing said work.
G.R. No. L-21348

June 30, 1966

Such freedom as to hours of work does not obtain in
the case of the laborers herein involved, since they
are assigned by the employer to work in two shifts
for 12 hours each shift. Thus it cannot be said that
for all purposes these workers fall outside the law
FACTS: Tanglaw ng Paggawa and Red V Coconut requiring payment of compensation for work done in
Products, Ltd. entered into a collective bargaining excess of eight hours. At least for the purpose of
agreement. The collective bargaining agreement recovering the full differential pay stipulated in the
provided among other things for payment of bargaining agreement as due to laborers who
differentials to night shift workers in the desiccated perform 12 hours of work under the night shift, said
coconut factory. laborers should be deemed pro tanto or to that
extent within the scope of the afore-stated law.

2. YES
It stated:
Although the Eight-Hour Labor Law provides that it
does not cover those workers who prefer to be paid
The present shift differential will remain in effect, on piece-work basis (Sec. 2, CA 444), nothing in
namely, 35¢ for the second shift and 55¢ for the third said law precludes an agreement for the payment of
Shift. overtime compensation to piece-workers.

Then factory workers of this union filed a petition for And in agreeing to the provision for payment of shift
differential pay for working shifts of 12 hours each. differentials to the petitioners-workers
aforementioned, in the bargaining agreement, as
well as in actually paying to them said differentials,
though not in full, the company in effect freely
The Court of Industrial Relations, in 1963 after trial, adhered to an application and implementation of the
rendered its decision on the petition for differential Eight-Hour Labor Law, or its objectives, to said
pay (CIR Case No. 1642-V). It found therein that the workers.
petitioners-workers are engaged on pakiao or
piece-work basis, and, therefore, are not entitled to
overtime pay under the Eight-Hour Labor Law (Sec.
2, CA 444).

If you are a piece rate worker, you are not given time.
If you are and you are given time, you cease to
ISSUE: become a piece rate worker.

1. What kind of workers are they?

2. Are they entitled to overtime pay? There is this big plant of timex in the Philippines.
They have a quota. They are time workers with quota.
But the quota is for purposes of efficiency. The
moment you miss your quota, you are warned. If you
miss it the third time you are sent back to training.
1. They are not strictly under the full concept of

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