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Title: Coco Wine Processing in San Juan, Batangas: Input to the Local Tourism Industry

Direction: Kindly put a check on your appropriate answer.

I. Personal Profile of the Respondents

For Coco Wine Producers

A. Size of the Business

_______ Small-Scale/Cottage Industry
_______Medium Scale
_______Large Scale

B. Years in the Business

_______ 1-5 years
_______5-10 years
_______10 years or more
C. Sex:

For Tourists
_______Place of Origin

Frequency of visits
_______Once a year
_______Twice a years
_______Four times or more per year

Reasons for Visiting

_______Mountain adventure
_______exotic foods/drinks adventure

For Local Residents/Local Tourism Officer

_______15-20 years old
_______20-25 years old
_______30-35 years old
_______35 years old and above

Length of Service (in years)

Below 5______ 16-20 _______
6-10 ______ 21-35 _______
11-15 ______ above 36 _______

II. Below are some of practices/process use din coco wine making. Put a check mark
on your answer using the scale as your reference.
SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
D - Disagree
SD - Strongly Disagree


1. There is consistency of attractions, communications

Products and services combined with the positioning
That creates brand equity of locally produced wine.
2. There is a wine tourism market positioning in line with
The existing and/or wished image taking also into
Account the regional competition.
3. Wine tourism has links to lifestyle product with a high
degree of complementaries with food, entertainment
and the arts of the locality
4. Wine tourism led to segmentation of activities in line
With food, heritage and sports
5. There is heritage and architecture as dominant images
Of wine tourism
6. Wineries has a beautiful landscape synonymous with
Enjoyment and food and would enjoy the scenery as
Part of the experience
7. Wine tourism is being promoted as a lifestyle
8. Wine festivals ate being held in the locality
9. There is an on-line marketing of locally produced
10. The local government has devoted strong commitment
Large investments and consistence over time to promote
Wine tourism on the locality
III. Below are the problems encountered in the wine tourism. Put a check mark on
your answer using the scale as your reference.
SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
D - Disagree
SD - Strongly Disagree

1. No trade entity, insitutional or policial structures
Have been developed to provide comprehensive
Strategy in promoting wine tourism
2. The tourism industry and the travel agencies in
Particular lack attractions and regret the absence
Of wine route in the locality
3. Close accommodations and various catering
facilities are missing to meet the demands of the
4. The locality is not yet fully developed in terms of
Infrastructure to provide comfort to the tourists.
5. There is no increase for the demands of locally
Produced wine.
6. There is limited number of wineries for visitation in
the locality
7. Marketing and Packaging of the locally produced wine
Are not being considered thoroughly
8. The products and services are limited and fall short
with its neighboring province (wine produced in
Quezon Province)
9. Lack of knowledge of coco wine farmers in efficient
Promotion and marketing of the wine

IV. Below are the implications of coco wine industry to the local tourism. Put a
check mark on your answer using the scale as your reference.
SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
D - Disagree
SD - Strongly Disagree


1. The local government is promoting coco wine as its

Main local product.
2. Coco wineries are open to visitors/tourists
3. Neighboring resorts have coco wine in their in-house
4. Tourists often look for coco wine to complement their
Adventure in the locality
5. The local government of San Juan has yet to create a
Strong image of their place as a wine capital in the
Mind of the consumer
6. The official website of the local government of San Juan
Has provided the necessary information for tourists to
Locate the winery
7. Producers of coco wine held events on a regular basis as
A way of promoting both the coco wine and the place
8. Coco wine producers have link to local conventions and
Visitors bureaus
9. Tourists specifically go to San Juan for the purpose of
Buying Coco wine ONLY

Thank you!

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