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 Deadline of submission of Research Protocol: October 31, 2018 at the Medical Directorate Office

1. The manuscript must be written in English on standard 8.5 inch x 11 inch white bond paper on one side
only, double spacing with a margin of 1.5 inches on the left side and 1 inch on the right, top and bottom
margins, Font 11, Times New Roman.
2. Each manuscript component should begin in this sequence:

 Title page (title only)

 Abstract (not more than 200 words) and key words
 Introduction
 Materials and methods
 Results
 Discussion
 Summary
 Conclusion
 References
 Tables
 Illustrations (with legend)
 Pictures (colored or glossy black & white)

3. Only standard abbreviations are accepted


1. 5 copies of the manuscript must be submitted ((3 copies w/o name and 2 copies with complete name of
the author/s and adviser/s)

2. Each manuscript is inside folder

3. Posters will be limited to the size of one tarpaulin (4x3 feet Portrait) to be submitted on November

4. For Case Reports, submit five (5) letter-size prints out of Tarpaulin layout.

5. Electronic copy of the research must also be submitted (CD or USB).

6. Identify of the author/s and constituency should not be mentioned anywhere in the paper.

7. Failure to comply with the manuscript Rules and Guidelines will merit automatic disqualification from

8. Please submit your manuscript to CORES secretariat, 2 nd floor Medical Directorate Office c/o Ms. Arlyn
Y. Tamondong.

9. Deadline of Submission of completed manuscript: October 31, 2018


1.2.1 Posters will be limited to the size of one tarpaulin (4x3 feet Portrait)
1.2.2 The poster should contain the following:
Department and Institution where the study was done
Background and Rationale or Significance of the Study
- 1 or 2 statements
Case Presentation (history/physical findings/work-ups)
Case Discussion (includes differential diagnosis)
1.2.3 The text of the poster should be readable from a distance or at least 1 meter.
Recommended height of the smallest letter should be 1 cm.
1.2.4 Poster presentations should be scientific in nature and must avoid
Sensationalism as well as too much gimmickry.
1.2.5 .All authors of the paper, should be present during the open forum to answer
The questions from judges and guests. They will be advised as to the time.
1.2.6 5 copies of the manuscript must be submitted (3 copies w/o name and 2 copies with name)
1.2.7 Each manuscript is inside folder
1.2.8 Electronic copy of the manuscript must also be submitted.
1.2.9 Identify of the author/s and constituency should not be mentioned anywhere in the paper.
1.2.10 Failure to comply with the manuscript Rules and Guidelines will merit automatic
disqualification from contest.
1.2.11 Please submit your manuscript to CORES secretariat, 2nd floor Medical Directorate Office
c/o Ms. Arlyn Y. Tamondong.
1.2.12 Deadline of Submission of completed manuscript: October 31, 2018

1.3 Rules for Oral Presentation (Descriptive, Analytical, Meta-Analysis and Case)

1.3.1 Each presentor will be given 7 minutes to present his / her descriptive or
analytical papers.

1.3.2 A green light will signal the start of the presentation.

1.3.3 Two cue lights will be provided to warn the presentor 2 minutes before the
allotted time.

1.3.4 A corresponding deduction will be given to the presentor if he / she exceeds

the allotted time.

1.3.5 Each presentor will be given 5 minutes to answer questions from the judges
and members of the audience.

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