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Here are seven effective strategies for teaching elementary math:

1. Make it hands-on
Elementary math can be difficult because it involves learning new, abstract
concepts that can be tricky for children to visualize.

Try to imagine what it's like for a five-year-old to see an addition problem for
the very first time. Since it's a totally new concept to them, it can be hard for
them to visualize a scenario where one quantity is added to another.

Manipulatives are hands-on tools that make math a lot easier for young
children to understand. Tools like Lego, clay, and wooden blocks can all be
used in the classroom to demonstrate how math ideas work.

For example, Lego is a great way to demonstrate number building, operations,

fractions, sorting, patterns, 3D shapes, and more.

2. Use visuals and images

While students will come across countless graphs and visuals in their math
textbooks, research shows this isn't the only place they should be utilized.

According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the most

powerful way to use graphics in elementary math is in conjunction with
specific practice or guidance, either from a teacher or another classroom tool
such as Mathseeds.
The Mathseeds online math program uses colorful visuals, graphics, and catchy songs to clearly
demonstrate elementary math concepts in a fun and engaging way. Students can revisit lessons
until they fully understand each topic. Free trial.

3. Find opportunities to differentiate

It's important that students feel comfortable and are given the opportunity to
learn new math ideas at their own pace, without feeling rushed. But while the
idea that 'given enough time, every student will learn' is nothing new, it's
easier said than done.

Mastery learning is about giving students as much time as they need to grasp
a specific skill or concept. It involves varying the time you give each student to

Technology-based classroom tools offer a powerful way to differentiate

learning while teaching elementary math, which is an effective way to help
students in mixed-ability classrooms to succeed. Learn more here.
4. Ask students to explain their ideas
Have you ever noticed how much more confident you feel about a concept
after explaining it to someone else?

Meta-cognition is the process of thinking about your options, choices, and

results, and it has a big impact on the way students learn.

Before assigning a math problem, ask students to brainstorm problem-solving

strategies they can use. Encourage students to work together to suggest
different strategies in a respectful way.

This process can be carried out at every stage of problem solving when
teaching elementary math. Once students have offered an answer, ask them
to verbalize step-by-step how they got that answer.

5. Incorporate storytelling to make

connections to real-world scenarios
When it comes to igniting the interest of young minds, not much comes close
to a good story.

Incorporate story problems into your classroom lessons allow students to see
how certain math concepts can apply to real life. Story problems are also a
good way to help students understand how to use math in everyday life, and
see the relevance of math.
The Mathseeds online math program uses animated story problems to help students apply new
math skills to real-world situations. Free trial.

Mathseeds provides colorful end-of-lesson books as part of its online

program. Many of these are designed so students read the problem, work
through it independently, and then turn to the next page to see the solution.

6. Show and tell new concepts

Elementary math teachers should normally begin each lesson with a 'show
and tell.' Telling is the process of sharing information and knowledge with
students, while showing involves modeling how to do something.

These days, teachers can really kick 'show and tell' up a notch with an
interactive whiteboard, using animations, and videos to clearly show and tell
specific math concepts in an engaging and interesting way.
7. Let your students regularly know
how they're doing
Feedback is an important part of teaching elementary math and improving
students' results.

Let your students know how they have performed on a specific task, along
with helpful ways that they can further improve and extend their skills.

Remember, feedback is different to praise. Focus your feedback on the task

itself (rather than the student) and make sure they have a clear understanding
of what they did well and how they can improve next time. In Carol Dweck's
research around what's known as the 'growth mindset', she writes:

“The growth mindset was intended to help close achievement gaps, not hide
them. It is about telling the truth about a student's current achievement and
then, together, doing something about it, helping him or her become
Do you teach elementary math? Mathseeds is the research-based online
math program specifically designed for students in grades K–2. Created
by a highly experienced team of elementary teachers, Mathseeds
provides self-paced lessons, automated reporting, and a range of
teaching tools to help your elementary math students succeed. Sign up
for a free trial today.
1. Raise the bar for all.

It can be a challenge to overcome the socially acceptable thought I was never

good at math, says Sarah Bax, a math teacher at Hardy Middle School in
Washington, D.C. Rather than being born with or without math talent, kids need
to hear from teachers that anyone who works hard can succeed. “It’s about
helping kids have a growth mindset,” says Bax. “Practice and persistence make
you good at math.” Tell students about the power and importance of math with
enthusiasm and high expectations.
2. Don’t wait—act now!
Look ahead to the specific concepts students need to master for annual end-of-
year tests and pace instruction accordingly. “You don’t want to be caught off
guard come March thinking that students need to know X for the tests the next
month,” says Skip Fennell, project director of Elementary Mathematics
Specialists and Teacher Leaders Project and professor emeritus at McDaniel
College in Westminster, Maryland. Know the specific standards and back-map
your teaching from the fall so students are ready.

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3. Create a testing pathway.

Use formative assessments to ensure that students are understanding the concepts. What
you learn can guide your instruction and determine next steps, says Fennell. Testing is
not something separate from your instruction. It should be integrated into your planning.
Instead of a quick exit question or card, give a five-minute quiz to confirm students have
mastered the math skill covered in the day’s lesson. A capable digital resource designed
to monitor your students in real time can also be an invaluable tool, providing actionable
data to inform your instruction along the way.

4. Observe, modify, and reevaluate.

Walk through your classroom as students work on problems and observe the dynamics.
Talk with students individually and include “hinge questions” in your lessons plans to
gauge understanding before continuing, suggests Fennell. In response, make decisions to
go faster or slower or put students in groups.
5. Personalize and offer choice.

When students are given the opportunity to choose how they learn and demonstrate their
understanding of a concept, their buy-in and motivation increase. It gives them the
chance to understand how they learn best, agency over their own learning, and the space
to practice different approaches to solving math problems. Give students a variety of
options, such as timed exercises, projects, or different materials, to show that
they’ve mastered foundational skills. As students show what they’ve learned, teachers
can track understanding, figure out where students need additional scaffolding or other
assistance, and tailor lessons accordingly.
6. Encourage math talk.
Engage students during conversations about their work and have them describe why they
solved a problem in a certain way. “My goal is to get information about what students are
thinking and use that to guide my instruction, as opposed to just telling them information
and asking them to parrot things back,” says Delise Andrews, who taught math (K–8) and
is now a 3–5 grade math coordinator in the Lincoln Public Schools in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Instead of seeking a specific answer, Andrews wants to have deeper discussions to figure
out what a student knows and understands. “True learning happens a lot around talking
and doing math—not just drilling,” she says.

7. Seek to develop understanding.

Meaningful math education goes beyond memorizing formulas and procedures. Set high
goals, create space for exploration, and work with the students to develop a strong
foundation. “Treat the kids like mathematicians,” says Andrews. Present a broad topic,
review various strategies for solving a problem, and then elicit a formula or idea from the
kids rather than starting with the formula. This creates a stronger conceptual
understanding and mental connections with the material for the student.

8. Choose meaningful tasks.

Kids get excited about math when they have to solve real-life problems. For instance,
when teaching sixth graders how to determine area, present tasks related to a house
redesign, suggests Fennell. Provide them with the dimensions of the walls and the size of
the windows and have them determine how much space is left for the wallpaper. Or ask
them to consider how much tile is needed to fill a deck.
9. Allow for productive struggle.

When giving students an authentic problem, ask a big question and let them struggle to
figure out several ways to solve it, suggests Andrews. “Your job, as a teacher, is to make
it engaging by asking the right questions at the right time. So you don’t take away their
thinking, but you help them move forward to a solution,” she says. Provide as little
information as possible but enough so students can be productive. Effective math
teaching supports students as they grapple with mathematical ideas and relationships.
Allow them to discover what works and experience setbacks along the way.

10. Build excitement and reward progress.

Consider having students earn points and receive certificates, stickers, badges, or trophies
as they progress. Weekly announcements and assemblies that celebrate the top players
and teams can be really inspiring for students. “Having that recognition and moment is
powerful,” says Bax. “Through repeated practice, they get better, and they are

11. Encourage teacher teamwork and


Collaborate with other teachers to improve your math instruction skills. Start by
discussing the goal for the math lesson, what it will look like, and plan as a team to be
most effective. “Together, think through the tasks and possible student responses you
might encounter,” says Andrews. Reflect on what did and didn’t work to improve your
We’d love to hear what you feel are the most important
strategies in teaching mathematics. Share your
ideas in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.
Plus, check out why it’s important to honor all math

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