21st Century Leadership

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21st Century School Leaders Competencies

1. 21st Century School Leaders are visionary. They …

 Want the world to be a better place
 Want to make a difference
 Believe in collective genius
 See now and the future as collaborative

 2. 21st Century School Leaders are emotionally intelligent. They …
 Lead from the heart, align vision with passion and unite people
 Use a distributed leadership model
 Empower others and unleash passions
 Actively seek and promote Talent Development in their teams
 Use an abundance not scarcity mindset
 Recruit smarter more creative people than themselves
 Think ‘Yes’ and then work out ‘How?’ and encourage others to adopt this approach
 Are supportive, authentic and sincere
 Do not use a ‘blame’ approach and ultimately take responsibility for everything that
happens in the school or organization
 When necessary, hold people accountable to the vision and their individual

3. 21st Century School Leaders master self-leadership. They …
 Are driven by purpose, not ego, power or money
 Have grit and commit to see tasks through
 Develop ‘Focus’ as a 21st Century Skill and simplify wherever possible
 See their work as joy, creating their own happiness and making a difference to the
lives of others
 See failure as a growth point, an iteration and ask what have I/we learnt from this
and plan next steps
 Are courageous and conquer their fears and limiting thoughts
 Manage their well-being

4. 21st Century School Leaders embrace change and innovation. They …
 See opportunities and possibilities in everything
 Are Change Agents and Change Advocates
 Understand how to manage organizational change
 Nurture a desire to innovate in their teams

5. 21st Century School Leaders welcome and value diversity. They …
 Seek different perspectives and empower others
 Are compassionate, responsible Global Citizens
 Empathize and adjust communication and styles of collaboration across cultures and

6. 21st Century School Leaders develop a 21st Century Mindset. They …

 Have a growth mindset
 Have a positive attitude
 Think outside the box
 Think strategically
 Are solution-oriented, proactive and non-reactive
 Use data analysis to inform decision-making
 Seek constant improvement for themselves and the organization they are leading,
pushing themselves outside their comfort zone

7. 21st Century School Leaders are learners. They …

 Focus on learning for themselves and the organization

 Use systems thinking, design thinking, innovation and disruption to create Learning
 Are reflective lead learners
 Are Instructional Leaders
 Are learning partners with students and teachers
 Seek different perspectives about the future of learning

8. 21st Century School Leaders are connected with the world. They …
 Develop fluency with digital and social media
 Develop agile and flexible partnerships with others
 Are intercultural and Intergenerational savvy
 Understand that Sustainability must be embedded into the curriculum

9. 21st Century School Leaders take action. They …

 Operate with a strong results focus
 Emphasize the importance of efficiency, productivity and priorities
 Solve problems effectively
 Create the future.

Compiled by

Muhamad Bustaman Abdul Manaf

Institute Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education


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