Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS)

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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

a. Etiology: infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The
causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viruses.
 Bacteria (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia)
 Parasites (trichomoniasis)
 Viruses (human papillomavirus, genital herpes, HIV)
 Yeast (candidiasis)
b. Pathology: cause inflammation (eg, in gonorrhea ) , or ulceration (syphilis, or chancroid),
which predispose to transmission of other infections (eg, HIV).
c. Signs and symptoms:
 Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area
 Painful or burning urination
 Discharge from the penis
 Unusual or odd-smelling vaginal discharge
 Unusual vaginal bleeding
 Pain during sex
 Sore, swollen lymph nodes, particularly in the groin but sometimes more
 Lower abdominal pain
 Fever
 Rash over the trunk, hands or feet
d. Treatment and prevention
 Abstinence
 Vaccination
 Reduce number of sex partners
 Mutual monogamy
 Use condoms

a. Etiology: is a fungal infection caused by yeasts that belong to the genus Candida. The
most common of which is Candida albicans
b. Pathology:

Predominantly spongiotic
(intercellular swelling of epidermis)
changes in the epidermis with
irregular acanthosis (thickening of
epidermis), mild spongiosis and
inflammatory changes

The superficial epidermis, the

characteristic feature is the presence
of neutrophils in the stratum corneum
and upper layer of the epidermis. The
neutrophils may form small
collections which resembles impetigo
or psoriasis
C. Signs and symptoms:
i. Thrush (Oropharyngeal Candidiasis): When the candida yeast spreads in the
mouth and throat. Most common in newborns and elderly people with
weakened immune system or adults who are wearing dentures, treated for
cancers, or have diabetes.
 White or yellow patches on the tongue, lips, gums, roof of mouth, and
inner cheeks
 Redness or soreness in the mouth and throat
 Cracking at the corners of the mouth
 Pain when swallowing, if it spreads to the throat
ii. Genital Yeast Infection (Genital Candidiasis): too much yeast grows in the
vagina (men can also get a genital yeast infection, but much less common). This
can be caused by pregnancy, diabetes, use of some medicines, lubricants, or
spermicides, or a weakened immune system. Occasionally, the infection can be
passed from person to person during sex.
 Extreme itchiness in the vagina
 Redness and swelling of the vagina and vulva (the outer part of the
female genitals)
 Pain and burning when you pee
 Discomfort during sex
 A thick, white “cottage cheese” discharge from the vagina
 For men may have an itchy rash on his penis.
D. Treatment and prevention
For thrush:
 Treated with anti fungal medicines
 Rinsing with chlorhexidine mouthwash may help prevent infections
For genital yeast infection:
 Treated with anti fungal medicines
 Wearing loose cotton underwear may reduce the chance of getting infections
E. Diagnosis:
 Gomori methenamine silver stain (GMS). The stain highlights the pseudohyphal
or hyphal forms penetrating into the keratinized epithelium
 PAS stain can also be used to highlight the organisms.

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