Problem Set

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Problem Set #1

1.1 Develop your personal definition for the practice of surveying.

- Surveying is the method of studying and determining the relative positions of places with respect
to points which may be located above or below the Earth's surface. In other words, surveying is
collecting and measuring information about the environment and the physical earth generation of
that information, and spreading the information and its various results with the help of clients.
1.2 Explain the difference between geodetic and plane surveys.
- Geodetic Surveying: This is a type of surveying in which the curved Earth's surface is considered on
an ellipsoid and computations are made on it. While, Plane Surveying: This is a type of surveying in
which other than leveling. Computations and fieldwork is done with the reference base taken as a
flat horizontal surface.
1.3 Describe some survey applications in
a). Archeology- land surveying methods can actually be useful in identifying the sites prior to
b). Mining- Mine surveyors help find precious and non-precious metals and minerals by measuring
mines, tunnels and other underground or surface works
c). Agriculture- To measure the area of certain farms

1.4 List 10 uses for surveying other than property and construction surveying.

(1) For the formation of topographic sheets and maps.

(2) For optical tooling.
(3) Using laser scanning or terrestrial photogrammetry various forms of artwork is done.
(4) Used in forensic surveying which involves mapping of sites of accidents.
(5) Assists the military by performing ordinance surveys.
(6) Creating Land and Geographic Information Systems for the use of public.
(7) For mapping the bottom of waterways and oceans.
(8) Used for mapping archeological artifacts.
(9) Used for prepping navigational charts which can be used on the land, in the air, or at the sea.
(10) For mapping other celestial objects and the Earth's surface with laser scanning, remote sensing and

1.5 Why is it important to make accurate surveys of underground utilities?

It is important to make accurate surveys of underground utilities so that we can find out exact locations.
And also it can be known whether they need any servicing or repair, so that any kind of accidental
destruction related to excavation of other projects can be prevented.
1.6 Discuss the uses for topographic survey.

These surveys are used to determine the locations of elevations, artificial features and natural features
used in map. They are used whenever data of elevation is required in the final product. Some examples
of it include:
These are mainly used for creating maps
(a) For designing highways
(b) To assist in construction surveys
(c) For delineation of flood plains
(d) Helps in locating sites for buildings

1.7 What are hydrographic surveys, and why are they important?

Hydrographic surveys which define depth and shorelines of lakes, oceans, reservoirs and other types of
water bodies. Sea surveying is related to; offshore and port industries, and marine environment,
including marine investigations and measurements carried on by ship borne officials.

1.8 Name and briefly describe three different surveying instruments used by early roman engineers.

1). Groma- used for sighting

2). Libella- an A-frame with a plumb bob for leveling

3). Chorobates- a horizontal straightedge about 20 ft. long with supporting legs ad a groove in top for
water to serve as a level.

1.9 Briefly explain the procedure used by Eratosthenes in determining the Earth’s circumference.

Erathosthenes had also observed that on summer solstice and at noon, the sun at Syene was directly
overhead. (This was easy to interpret because during that time of day, the reflection of the sun could be
clearly seen at the bottom of a deep vertical well.) He reasoned that at that particular moment the Sun,
Alexandria and Syene were in one common plane of meridian, and if the length of the arc between the
cities could be measured and also the angle which it subtends at the centre of Earth, he would be able
to calculate the circumference of Earth.
He calculated the angle by determining the length of the shadow cast at Alexandria from a long vertical
shaft which was of known length. Further the arc length was determined by multiplying the daily
average distance traveled and the number of caravan days between Alexandria and Syene. Using these
measurements and calculations, Eratosthenes computed the circumference of the Earth to be
approximately 25,000 mi.
Modern geodetic measurements which use better instruments, but methodology similar to that of
Eratosthenes showed that the value calculated by Eratosthenes was a bit larger but still astonishingly
close to the value which is currently the accepted one.
1.10 Describe the steps a land surveyor would need to do when performing a boundary survey.

The steps. which are to be followed by a land surveyor, while performing a boundary survey:
(a) To take preliminary walk of the property with the owner.
(b) Courthouse research to locate adjoiners and deed of property so as to determine ownership, right of
ways, conflicts of interest, possible easements and so on.
(c) Location surveys of properties in case of any encroachments, conflicting elements, and so on.
(d) Resolution of the elements of conflict between survey and deed.
(e) Delivery of the report of survey to the owner.

1.11 Do laws in your state specify the accuracy required for surveyors made to lay out a subdivision? If
so, what limits are set?

Yes, the laws in my state specify the accuracy required for surveys made to layout a subdivision.
There are various limits which are set on the engineers and the surveyors working in the area. It is
required that all engineers should be aware of the accuracy limits possible in layout and plants design,
construction, and manufacturing processes, although there may be another person carrying out the
actual surveying.
In other words, civil engineers and surveyors, who are involved in designing and planning of the survey,
must have a deep and proper understanding of the instruments and the methods used, including their
limitations and capabilities. This can be achieved by making observations with the type of equipment
which are used in practice so as to get an actual concept of the errors and the small, but important
differences that come across in observed quantities.

1.12 What organizations in your state will furnish maps and reference data to surveyors and

1). DPWH


3). DENR

1.13 List the legal requirements for registration as a land surveyor in your state.

The basic educational requirement is a diploma in Geodetic Engineering or a related field with subjects
in surveying such as Civil Engineering and Forestry. One must pass the examinations conducted by the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to become a licensed Surveyor.
1.14 Briefly describe the European Galileo system and discuss its similarities and differences with GPS.

The European Galileo System is supposed to offer five types of services:

(1) Open service (OS)
(2) Commercial service (CS)
(3) Public regulated (PR) service
(4) Search and rescue service (SAR)
(5) Safety of life (SOL) service

The Galileo System is supposed to consist of 27 satellites and 3 spare ones which would be orbiting in 3
planes inclined at an angle of 56 degrees to the equator. The satellites are supposed to have a nominal
orbital height of 23,222 kilometres above the Earth. L1F, L1P, E6C, E5a, E5b are the six navigation signals
broadcasted by these satellites.
The first experimental satellite of Galileo was launched in 2005. The second launch was postponed to
2007 following the failure in second satellite. ESA (European Space Agency) signed a contracting recent
for launching the first 4 satellites.
The system would be validated by these satellites. After validation, the rest of the system would be
launched in future. It is similar to GPS in the way that for both of them the strength of the signals should
work in canopy situations.
The difference is that it offers greater accuracy than GPS, because of its commercial service which
provides meter level positioning of point.

1.15 List at least five non-surveying use for GPS.

Some of the non-surveying uses of GPS:

(a) Logistics in transportation
(b) Hunting
(c) Tracking information about location of phone calls
(d) Timing of telecommunication networks
(e) Boating industry uses it for navigation

1.16 Explain how aerial photographs and satellite images can be valuable in surveying.

Satellite imaging and aerial photography has innumerable applications in surveying. Photogrammetry,
for example, is used in surveying of land, in order to compute the coordinates of corners of a section,
boundary section, or point of proof which can help to locate these corners. Maps of large scale made by
photogrammetry are of many uses, for example, subdivision design.
Photogrammetry is used in hydrographic surveying, mapping shorelines, to determine accurate ground
coordinates in control surveying and to develop cross sections and maps for engineering and route
surveys. Photogrammetry also plays a necessary role in collection of important data required for
modern Geographical and Land Information Systems.
1.17 Search the Internet and define a VLBU station. Discuss why these stations are important to the
surveying community.

VLBI actually means "Very Long Baseline Interferometry'. VLBI is a geometric technique, in which the
data is recorded from the radio source by multiple telescopes that are scattered on the earth's surface.
Since the telescopes that are fixed on Earth, VLBI tracks the orientation of Earth in an inertial frame of
reference and thus important information related to any kind of space navigation and satellite orbit
determination can be provided.
These stations are important for the surveying community because these stations provide exact
locations on the Earth's surface. They are used in determining tracking information of satellites; these
stations may also be used in developing ITRF00 and similar worldwide reference frameworks.

1.18 Describe how a GIS can be used in flood emergency planning.

GIS plays an important role in flood emergency planning because it has capabilities to overlay the type
of soil and its permeability with slopes, watershed regions, and soil saturation. A list of residences and
business which will be affected by the flooding can be obtained with the help of GIS for evacuation
process. It can be used to get the safest routes out of the flooded region.

1.19 Visit one of the surveying websites listed in Table 1.1 and write a brief summary of its content.
Briefly explain the value of the available information to surveyors.

NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) provides the framework for all positioning activities in the
Nation. The foundational elements of latitude, longitude, elevation, and shoreline information impact a
wide range of important activities.

1.20 Read one of the articles cited in the bibliography for this chapter, or another of your choosing,
that describes an application where GPS was used. Write a brief summary of the article.

One of the applications of GPS is that, is can assist our business and travel arrangments. For a person
who is new to a city, GPS allows him to travel intercity, from one town to the other on highways and so
on. The person even knows the whereabouts of the next fuel station, just because of a dash mounted or
a hand held GPS unit.
GPS can easily extract the location and the directions to the nearest motel. Nowadays, portable in-car
navigator is available which have voice guidance to eateries. fuel stops and restaurants already listed
with their contact numbers. GPS directs to the exact door of the specified location, thus making life
simpler on the road.
GPS helps in getting to the right person as well. GPS can automatically track persons, vehicles or boats,
thus enabling one to conduct his meetings and various proceedings in an efficient manner.
1.21 Same as Problem 1.20, except the article should be on safety as related to surveying.

Surveying is a work requiring specific equipment. It is necessary to check each equipment and
circumstances in order to lessen the possibility of danger occurrence. Surveyors should be equipped
with basic knowledge of safety in a workplace so that precautions can be observed to avoid accidents.

Land surveyors are not allowed to interfere with dangerous job such as timber cutters and mining
workers. Land surveyors are also tasked to observe rules and regulations of the road to avoid getting
hurt or killed.

Land surveyors are equipped with safety equipment such as hard hat, satellite phone and though
stitched clothing. These ensure proper safety of the surveyors.
Problem Set #2

6.1 What distance in travel corresponds to 1 msec of time for electromagnetic energy?

299.792 m = 299,792,458(0.001)

6.2 A student counted 92, 90, 92, 91, 93, and 91 paces in six trials of walking along a course of 200-ft
known length on level ground. Then 85, 86, 86, and 84 paces werecounted in walking four repetitions
of an unknown distance AB. What is (a)* the pace length and (b) the length of AB?

(a) pace length = 200(6)/(92+90+92+91+93+91) = 2.18 ft/pace

(b) AB = (85+86+86+84)2.18/4 = 186 ft

6.3 What difference in temperature from standard, if neglected in use of a steel tape, will cause an
error of 1 part in 5000?

31° F or 17.2° C

6.4 An add tape of 101 ft is incorrectly recorded as 100 ft for a 200-ft distance. What is the correct

202 ft

6.5 List five types of common errors in taping.

1. Instrumental errors. A tape may differ in actual length from its nominal graduated length because of
a defect in manufacture or repair, or as a result of kinks.

2. Natural errors. The horizontal distance between end graduations of a tape varies because of the
effects of temperature, wind, and weight of the tape itself.

3. Personal errors. Tapepersons setting pins, reading the tape, or manipulating the equipment.

6.6 List the proper procedures for taping a horizontal distance of about 123 ft down a 4% slope.

In taping on uneven or sloping ground, it is standard practice to hold the tape horizontally and use a
plumb bob at one or perhaps both ends. On steeper slopes, where a 100-ft length cannot be held
horizontally without plumbing from above shoulder level, shorter distances are measured and
accumulated to total a full tape length. A pin is therefore set beneath the 70-ft mark. The rear tape
person moves ahead to this pin and holds the 70-ft graduation there while another pin is set at, say, the
25-ft mark. Then, with the 25-ft graduation over the second pin, the full 100-ft distance is marked at the
zero point. In measuring the distance between two points on a steep slope, rather than break tape every
few feet, it may be desirable to tape along the slope and compute the horizontal component.
6.7 For the following data, compute the horizontal distance for a recorded slope distance

AB, (a) AB = 385.29 ft, slope angle= 06°03’26”

(b) AB =186.793 m, difference in elevation A to B=-8.499 m.

(a) AB = 385.29 ft, slope angle = 6°03’26” H = 385.29cos 6°03’26” = 383.14 ft

(b) AB = 186.793 m, difference in elevation A to B = −8.499 m.

H 𝐻 = √186.7932 − 8.4992 = 𝟏𝟖𝟔. 𝟔𝟎𝟎𝒎

A 100-ft steel tape of cross-sectional area 0.0025 in.2, weight 2.3 lb, and standardized at 68°F is 99.992
ft between end marks when supported throughout under a 12-lb pull. What is the true horizontal
length of a recorded distance AB for the conditions given in Problems 6.8 through 6.11? (Assume
horizontal taping and all full tape lengths except the last.)

6.8 86.05 ft;

6.9 124.74 ft;

6.10 86.33 ft;

6.11 94.23 ft;

For the tape of Problems 6.8 through 6.11, determine the true horizontal length of the recorded slope
distance BC for the conditions shown in Problems 6.12 through 6.13. (Assume the tape was fully
supported for all measurements.)

6.12 95.03 ft;

6.13 65.08 ft;

A 30-m steel tape measured 29.991 m when standardized fully supported under a 5.500-kg pull at a
temperature of 20°C.The tape weighed 1.22 kg and had a cross-sectional area of 0.016 cm2. What is
the corrected horizontal length of a recorded distance AB for the conditions given in Problems 6.14
through 6.15?

6.14 28.047 m;

6.15 16.299 m;
For the conditions given in Problems 6.16 through 6.18, determine the horizontal length of CD that
must be laid out to achieve the required true horizontal distance CD. Assume a 100-ft steel tape will
be used, with cross-sectional area 0.0025 in.2, weight 2.4 lb, and standardized at 68°F to be 100.008 ft
between end marks when supported throughout with a 12-lb pull. (Assume horizontal taping and all
full tape lengths except the last.)

6.16 97.53 ft;

6.17 68.95 ft;

6.18 68.76 ft;

6.19 When measuring a distance AB, the first taping pin was placed 1.0 ft to the right of line AB and
the second pin was set 0.5 ft left of line AB. The recorded distance was 236.89 ft. Calculate the
corrected distance. (Assume three taped segments, the first two 100 ft each.)

236.87 ft

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