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This paper focuses on the stress students have to deal in their academic life and understanding

the stress. Stress itself has different meanings if we talk in the context of physical world a stress

is an external pressure or mechanical stress in biological view which helps the cells to grow

these are positive stresses but in psychological terms stress is one deficiency to cope up

emotionally with affect the physical and cognitive activities. It is negative type of stress, The

term stress, meaning hardship or adversity, can be found-though without a programmatic focus-

at least as early as the 14th century (Lumsden 1981). It can also be related to emotional

background. Stress as a cause of human distress and dysfunction. Stress is your body’s way of

responding to any kind of demand or threat. Stress can affect your physical, mental health and

your behavioral responses. Your body responds to stress by producing chemicals and hormones

to help you rise to the challenges. When you feel danger, whether it’s real or imagined—the

body’s defenses show a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the

“stress response.

Stress can be classified into following types like acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic

stress. In this acute stress might be healthy for you as these stressful situations give your body

and brain practice in developing the best response to future stressful situations. Sometimes when

it leads to sever case it can lead to mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder

or acute stress disorder. When acute stress are repeating it is said to be episodic acute stress.

People who always seem to be having a crisis tend to have episodic acute stress. They are often
short-tempered, irritable, and anxious. Negative health effects are persistent in people with

episodic acute stress. It may be hard for people with this type of stress to change their lifestyle,

as they accept such stress as a part of life. If acute stress isn't resolved and begins to increase or

lasts for long periods of time, it becomes chronic stress. This stress is constant and doesn’t go

away. There are many reasons which cause this type of stress it may be poverty, a dysfunctional

family, an unhappy marriage, etc. Chronic stress can be detrimental to your health, as it can

contribute to several serious diseases or health risks like heart disease, Cancer, lung disease,

suicide. The stressors in a students life could be poor sleeping habits, academic pressure,

financial problem of the family, full schedules, poor eating habits, failure, peer pressure, pressure

to outstand in the crowd and one of the major cause of stress can be due to the expectations the

parents have and the pressure students go through to meet their expectations.

The types of students stress that we are focusing in this paper are academic stresses like

mentioned above.


1. The amount of stress experienced may be influenced by the individual’s ability to

effectively cope with stressful events and situations.-D’Zurilla & Sheedy,1991

2. The term stress, meaning hardship or adversity, can be found-though without a

programmatic focus-at least as early as the 14th century (Lumsden 1981).

3. Psychological stress occurs when an individual perceives that environmental demands tax

or exceed his or her adaptive capacity. - Cohen S, Kessler RC, Gordon UL

4. stress is treated as a set of psychological and physiological reactions to noxious agents. --

-Selye and Smelser 1963

5. stressor are associated with the onset symptoms severity, and course of major depressive

disorder. –Kendler et al.,1997

6. Stress and the psychological distress it engenders may impair students’ academic

performance (Alva & de Los Reyes, 1999), resulting in higher dropout rates.

7. Stressor affecting students can be categorized as academic, financial, time or health

related, and self-imposed. –Goodman,1993; LeRoy,1988

8. Academic stressors include the student’s perception of the extensive knowledge base

required and the perception of an inadequate time to develop it.- Carveth,Gesse, &


Study objectives

The purpose of the research is to study and understand the stress student face in their academic

life. This research could help us to know what are the major reasons or stressors for student

stress and distress. From this study we could also (further) relate it to the academic performance

or the relation between stress, eating habits or obesity and academic performance. The topic

focuses on the stress students face and ways they can cope up with it. Also the understanding of

student stress can provide a base for further studies. The study tries to show the type of stress

in a student life and what are the causes for it. And what effect these stress and stressors can have

on the health of a student. The health refers to both mental and physical health. We are

attempting to determine whether stress has a relation with other variables as academic

performance, eating habits/obesity, physical health and mental health.


Outlooks R. S. Lazarus

2) Sources of stress among college students. Ross, Shannon E. Niebling,Bradley C.Heckert,

Teresa M.

3) What is stress

4) The stress of life by Hens Selye www.repositorio.cenpat-conicet.gob.a

5) What is stress? Concept,definition and application in seed science Ilse Kranner ,Farida V.

Minibayeva ,Richard P. Beckett ,Charlotte E. Seal

6) College students academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management,and

leisure satisfaction by Ranjita mishra,phD,CHES,Michelle McKean

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