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Hg, t€n vir ch* lqi Do chu tich

BIEM gi{rc khio FECT ghi
Ae*g sO Eing ch*

PHAF{ *i Trll VA BAtr LA*N{ CUA T}{i SInIH

F,{I{T I; FHG}{ETICS ii Pcint)
three in pront'tncic;iioit
C/nose the warci y.,hos€ ttnierlinecl part ciiffers fi owt the oiher
in each the.foliowing qttestions.
1. A. l,rork€4 B. stopped C. r,i antqq D. hops{i
2. A. bus3" E. sgntiy C. luck"y D.funny
B. channel C. chemistry D. ghildrea
3. A. ghange
B. climb c.rub D. ciu!
4. A. rcb
B,-uqUght C. fought D. thgugh
5 . A. tircught

TYrit € v*Ol!{ {tlzswc{s fuere:

I 2. -t 4 5.

R 4J!{ILAR {3 Paintsi
Choose the correct *n*ver to each of theToliotuirig qu.estiotzs'
1. I rvish he here no.;r.
B. ttlere r- L-,; ho.,-
L-. i14L1 u'uvai D.lvor:ici cg
A. is
2.1*njcy tenriis and voiie,vba11.
y'l D. played
A. plai'ing ts. to piay \-,' -1o-z

3. M:'phore at ihe moi'cent.

A. reilait's E, is repairing C, is repaireci D. ls beinE :'er,airec
zl. lielen tcio me that she to Italy the folior','ing da-v.
A. has gone ts. had gone C' would go D. r.vili go
5. l{oa iaiied her iv{ath test, =_-- she has to do it again'
A. holvever B. but C. because D. sc
6. If the r,rreather fine tomorrolv, we'i1 go to the beach'
A. is B. rYas C' v;ill be D" u'ould be
A, You're v,'elccme' B' Thanks' It's nice of yoi'r to say so'
f-. 1 don't think so. D. i don't agree with you'
8, I piefer dnaking coffee the morning'
A. on B. in C' at D' to
g. The people cailed,vesterday r.vant to buy the house.
A. rvhich B. r'vhose C' whom D' w'ho
i0. Peopie respect him because he it _-- honest man'
A. a B. an Ll' the D' A
i 1. I stiil haven'r rny homervork.
A. done B. made C. ,,.rcrl:ed D. played
12. Car,y-ou the lights? it,s quite dark in here.
A. turn up Cos:r
B. rurn C. tum on D. tur:r ofr
i3. He'd nerrer seen ,vou befcre, ?
A. had hr B. r,vouid i:e C. hadn't he D. ivouidn,t he
14. He in London ior 10 .v-ears. Then he moved to paris.
A. iives B. rs iiving C. has lir.eei D. iivec
i5. Arrn eaiils trvice her sister, rl&o has a bstrer position.
A. mcre than B. as many as C. as inuch as D. so meny as
VYrire rofiT {1715W'€fs h€fe:
t. 2. 'l

U. 7 a)
o. ta.
i i. 1') l2 ,-i

FAR? i1{: REA*{}{G {3 poinrs)

i' Reeri tke passage {rni c|:oose the besi a;'i,slter lc campiete eack blctek. (2points)
Jetils ai'e vetY pcouiar rvith ;voun-r pecple ai1 i1)
---.--.-...--.---- the r.-rcrld. Some
the ,,unifon:r,, oi{2,}
prcpii sa;;^^. iltat jeans are
Buf thel,}taveu,i ajivays beeit
-.^-.,!^* Ihe stc;--v cf jeanrs startei {3i two }runcied years ago. peopje in
Genca, Iial;"'made pa-rits.'lne --
cloth {r1) -..-- in Genoa r.vas calieei,Jeans,'. The
r'2-rric rr:pr-r cailei'ieans". in 1985, a saiesman (5)
7 l L,-1

pants:n;ce of canvas" ,r{is narre r.,,'as Levi Strauss. (6)

_.- California began selling
-_- thel.rve;s so sirong,

!c-rr \ui Le';is began nriaking (9) pants with blue cctton cioth
ca1led cienini. Scon after. factory w'orkers in the U*t"A Staies and Europ;
began (10)
jeans. Yaung pe ople usuaii;,. ciiin,r lvear them.
1. A. in l]. u]
C.- above D. ov.'er
2. A. ycung B. youth C. younger I). youngest
3. A. mo1'e B. rnost C. mostly D. airnost
4. A. rcade B. making C. to rnake D. makes
B. cn C. in D. to
6. A. Although 5. uut C. So D. Because
7. A. faincus B. popiilar C. beautiful D. rvonderi*l
E. A. iate B. latest C. laier D. lately
9. A. his B. her C. its D. their
10. A. \N*ar B. .,*,roig C. r.r'earing D. lvo:'n
?Yrit,s lour flfis7yers il€re:
t. 2. a
1. {
t,I tn
8. 9.

IL thatfollow. (lpoini)
R.esC the passage anC chcose tite best anst,,er to the quesiions
According io the Y/orid Heaith Organization (WT{C) research, the emission
from car exhausts causes more deaths than road accidents. The researeh founcl that
one third of all hai-mful air poliution rvas cause d by rcad transpoit, and that lcng term
exposure to polluticn caused estimated, 2i,000 premature deaths a yaai acrcss the
th-ree countries, France, Austria and Sr.r,itzerland. This is much higher ihan the 9,947
lvho died thatyear as a result of roaii accidents.
in addition, the researchels calculatecl that ihe car f,:raes caused 300,000 exra
cases of bronci:itis in children, and i5,0C0 extra hospital adn:issions for heart riisease
rnade lvorse by the pollution. They calcuiated that the cosr of deaiing i,*,'ith a1l this ',*,as
27 biliion Euros per ,year. A iot of mc.nei' goes into making cars sa{br, but noi as
r:uch is spent solving air pollution.

i. ili-hat is the main iCea of the text?

A. Fcllution and road accidents B. Bad effects cf cai"exhausts
C. The necessi-ry- of i:iaking cars safer D. The taii of road accidents
2. According to ilie passage, aii pciiution causes road acci<ients.
A. more deaths than E. fetver deaths than
C. as ir\any deaihs as D. i-ar fewer deaihs than
I,\hich of'the fc1lo',ving is NOT true?
A. Car e-r,hausts cause brcnchitls and heart <iisease.
B. Car iun-res cause one iliiiri of a1i hannfr,rl air -pa1i'r-rtion.
C. Ea+h year roai accidents caused 9,947 d*aihs.
D. i,{cre peopie dieil as a result of air poiiution than road accideni*s.
4. The inorie)" -<pent soiving air poiiuiicn is
A" 27 biilion Eriros pei vear B. as much as making cars satbr
E. more than making cars saf'er D. iess than rnaking cars -safbr
5. -\:'tich of the lollorving is liCT menticneC as the bad eftbct cf air poilution?
A. Causing iliness in children B. Causirrg premature <ieaths
C. Causing road accidents D. Causing heari diseases
Write t,oryr gfiSWevS
I € 7'OUr snswers h C! E.
t. 2. J. 5.

PART IV: USE OF EfiGLISH (3 points)

I. Choose ihe unierlined part fhat needs con'eciion in eacli of th"e rbllowing
guestions. (I poini)
i. She s_tudied very hard, sQ she passed the exarn eas)'.
2. L{y sister has *'orkecl in a ban-k since five years.
-:. She rvas absent ftom class yesterda,.,-, didn't qbg?
4. i didn'i mind living in Engiand if the r.,,eather lvere betieJ.
5. The boy lvhich rvon tirst pri-ze in the $/as a friend of
A# C

ar snsw€rs here:
t 3. il 5.

II. Put iheytoyds in brsckeis in tke correctform tc compiete thelhliotvit:g senienczs.

il't point)
l. are tryingta find -'ciutions tc p'ali'-rtion piobiem' iSCIENCE)
2" Nlarta sang Yeil' ai h{ike 's birt}iday per'1,\'. 13p4t';TY)
3. ThousanCs ofpeopie die in disasters evcry lv'e&r. GiATiiFE')
4. The painting comes from his own (cOLLECT)
5. It .,.,,as of me to leave the door opcn. (C,{RE)

Write t)our ofiswers ftere:

l1!.,;riie thefuilc.,t,iiig s'entences in sirk a 7!ay that it fttezns exact/;t the sarue es
ihe sei:tence priruteC be;ore it. ii point)
s {Trite y'/otit' Qttswers in sp{lce provided-
i. if ,vou don't sLrdl' har'i, i'ou rr,on't pass the exam"
c- i]nless
2. iohn began pleylngthe piano five years agc.

'F Joi:n has

3. "\1hy dan't you use f .trD light buibs io sa.,'e eiectncity?" Ar:drerv said.
e AnCrew silgge-sted
4. l,{ike piays the guiiar beiter tl"iarr Daviri.
3- I)avid doesn't

5. Graham Bell in vented the telephone ia 1876.

e The ieiephone

rci rnr rrrrcN sINH yAo Lop 10 Tmr xAvr Hec z0L7-z0tr

rnIoNG nAx csArvl on rnr cuilrs rrnlc nnon rrsNc Ar{H

- Udi cdrt trd tdi dting cho 0,2 dt6*. $0 cdttx 0,2 : I0 aiAml
- Pie* bdn bdi dugc ldm trdn d€n A,25.


Choose the word.,vhose underlined part dffirs ftom the other three in proruLncicttion
in each the following questions.

lYritee yoltr
vour onstyers h ere:
1. C 2.4 3,C 4,8 5.D

Choose the correct answers to each of thefollotving questions.

lI/rite voLr qnstt

rtre vollr ers nere:
unswers h
1.8 2.4 3.D 4.C 5.D
6.A 7.8 8.8 9.D 10. B

11. A 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C

PART III: READING (3 points)

L Read the passage and choose the best onslver to complete each blank. (2points)

rfie y0tr
lYrite yolff unstvers
unstLters nere:
1.D 2.8 3.D 4.4 5.C
6.D ],8 8"C 9.A 10. c

II. Read the passage and choose the best qnswer to the cprcstions that follotv. (tpoint)

qnswers h
ll/ritee your onstvers ilere:
1. B 2.4 3.8 4.D s,c
L Choose the tmclerlinecl part that needs correction in eoch of the follotving
cprcstions. (1 Point)
lYrite'e your
voltr ufins'tvers here:
1.D 2.D 3.D 4.4 5.A

II. ptn the tvorcls in brctckets in the coryect form to complete the follotving sentences.

(1 point)

lYrite'e vour
your ulnswers here:
1. scientists 2. beautiftilly 3. natural 4. collection 5.careless

III. Rewrite follotuing sentences in s1ryh a tvay that it

the mectns exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it. (1 point)

1. If you don't study hard, yott lvon't pass the exam'

e Uniess yort studv hurd, vort won't pcrss the exam'

2. John began playing the piano five years ago'

€ John has plcryed the piuno for five vet 'l
e John has been pluving the piono for five veurs.
,,\\ihy don't you use LED iight bulbs to save eiectricity?" Ancirelv said.

e Andrerv snggested rtsing LED light bulbs to srwe electricitv./

e Andrew suggested that J/ we use/ shoulcl use LED light bulbs to su,-e electricitv
4, Mike plays the quitar better than David'
e David cloesn't plcry the guitur as well os Mike'

5. Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876'

€The telephone wos invented by Grahum Bell in 1876.
r{ET -----

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