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NIM : MAT81766

Matusiak OAO
Trial Balance
August 31, 2020

Before Adjustment Adjusting Entries After Adjustment

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Cash 10.400 10.400
Accounts Receivable 8.800 2.400 11.200
Supplies 2.300 1.600 700
Prepaid Insurance 4.000 1.500 2.500
Equipment 14.000 14.000
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 3.600 900 4.500
Accounts Payable 5.800 5.800
Salaries and Wages Payable 0 1.100 1.100
Unearned Rent Revenue 1.500 1.100 400
Share Capital - Ordinary 12.600 12.600
Retained Earnings 3.000 3.000
Service Revenue 34.000 2.400 36.400
Rent Revenue 11.000 1.100 12.100
Salaries and Wages Expense 17.000 1.100 18.100
Supplies Expense 0 1.600 1.600
Rent Expense 15.000 15.000
Insurance Expense 0 1.500 1.500
Depreciation Expense 0 900 900
71.500 71.500 8.600 8.600 75.900 75.900

Prepare the adjusting entries that were made

Account Receivable 2.400

Service Revenue 2.400

Supplies Expense 1.600

Supplies 1.600

Insurance Expense 1.500

Prepaid Insurance 1.500

Depreciation Expense 900

Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 900

Salaries and Wages Expense 1.100

Salaries and Wages Payable 1.100

Rent Revenue 1.100

Unearned Rent Revenue 1.100
Alena Co.
Trial Balance
September 30, 2020

Unadjusted Adjusting Adjusted

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Cash 8.700 8.700
Accounts Receivable 10.400 1.100 11.500
Supplies 1.500 850 650
Prepaid Rent 2.200 1.700 500
Equipment 18.000 18.000
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 0 700 700
Notes Payable 10.000 10.000
Accounts Payable 2.500 2.500
Salaries and Wages Payable 0 725 725
Interest Payable 0 100 100
Unearned Rent Revenue 1.900 1.450 450
Share Capital - Ordinary 22.000 22.000
Dividends 1.600 1.600
Service Revenue 16.000 1.100 17.100
Rent Revenue 1.410 1.450 2.860
Salaries and Wages Expense 8.000 725 8.725
Rent Expense 1.900 1.700 3.600
Depreciation Expense 700 700
Supplies Expense 850 850
Utilities Expense 1.510 1.510
Interest Expense 100 100
53.810 53.810 6.625 6.625 56.435 56.435

a. Journalize the adjusting entries that were made

September 30, 2020
Accounts Receivable 1100
Service Revenue 1100

Supplies Expense 850

Supplies 850

Rent Expense 1700

Prepaid Rent 1700

Depreciation Expense 700

Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 700

Salaries and Wages Expense 725

Salaries and Wages Payable 725

Interest Expense 100

Interest Payable 100

Unearned Rent Revenue 1450

Rent Revenue 1450

c. If the note bears interest at 12%, how many months has it been outstanding?
Asumsi 12% itu per tahun:
Notes Payable 10.000
Interest Payable 100
Interest Expense 100

$ 100 / $ 10.000 = 1%
Karena 12% untuk setahun berarti 1% tiap bulan. Karena baru 1% berarti baru sebulan.
Alena Co.
Income Statement
For The Month Ended September 30, 2020

Service Revenue 17.100
Rent Revenue 2.860
Total Revenue 19.960

Salaries and Wages Expense 8.725
Rent Expense 3.600
Depreciation Expense 700
Supplies Expense 850
Utilities Expense 1.510
Interest Expense 100
Total Expenses 15.485 -

Net Income 4.475

Alena Co.
Retained Earnings Statement
For The Month Ended September 30, 2020

Retained Earnings, July 1 0

Add: Net Income 4.475 +
Less: Dividends 1.600 -
Retained Earnings, September 30 2.875

Alena Co.
Statement of Financial Position
For The Month Ended September 30, 2020

Assets Liabilities
Cash 8.700 Notes Payable 10.000
Account Receivable 11.500 Accounts Payable 2.500
Supplies 650 Salaries and Wages Payable 725
Prepaid Rent 500 Unearned Rent Revenue 450
Equipment 18.000 Interest Payable 100
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment -700
Total Liabilities 13.775

Share Capital - Ordinary 22.000
Retained Earnings 2.875
Total Equity 24.875

Total Assets 38.650 Total Liabilities and Equity 38.650

For the Month Ended March 31, 2020
Trial Balance Adjustment Adjusted Trial Balance Income Statement Statement of Financial Position
Account Titles Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Cash 4.500 4.500 4.500
Accounts Receivable 3.200 3.200 3.200
Supplies 2.000 1.520 480 480
Equipment 11.000 11.000 11.000
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 1.250 250 1.500 1.500
Accounts Payable 2.500 2.500 2.500
Unearned Service Revenue 550 290 260 260
Share - Capital Ordinary 12.900 12.900 12.900
Dividends 1.100 1.100 1.100
Service Revenue 6.300 290 6.590 6.590
Salaries and Wages Expense 1.300 700 2.000 2.000
Miscellaneous Expense 400 400 400
Supplies Expense 1.520 1.520 1.520
Depreciation Expense 250 250 250
Salaries and Wages Payable 700 700 700
23.500 23.500 2.760 2.760 24.450 24.450 4.170 6.590 20.280 17.860
Profit 2.420 2.420
6.590 6.590 20.280 20.280
Wang Roofing
Income Statement
For the Month Ended March 31, 2020

Service Revenue 6.590
Total Revenue 6.590

Salaries and Wages Expense 2.000
Miscellaneous Expense 400
Supplies Expense 1.520
Depreciation Expense 250
Total Expenses 4.170 -
Net Income 2.420

Wang Roofing
Retained Earnings Statement
For the Month Ended March 31, 2020

Retained Earnings, March 1 0

Add: Net Income 2.420 +
Less: Dividends 1.100 -
Retained Earnings, March 31 1.320

Wang Roofing
Statement of Financial Position
For the Month Ended March 31, 2020
Assets Liabilities
Cash 4.500 Accounts Payable 2.500
Accounts Receivable 3.200 Salaries and Wages Payable 700
Supplies 480 Unearned Service Revenue 260
Equipment 11.000
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment -1.500
Total Liabilities 3.460

Share Capital - Ordinary 12.900
Retained Earnings 1.320
Total Equity 14.220
Total Assets 17.680 Total Liabilities and Equity 17.680
c. Journalize the adjusting entries from the adjustments columns of the worksheet.

1. A physical count reveals only 480 Yen of roofing supplies on hand

March 31 Supplies Expense 1520
Expense 1520

2. Depreciation for March is 250 Yen

March 31 Depreciation Expense 250
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 250

3. Unearned revenue amounted to 260 Yen at March 31

March 31 Unearned Service Revenue 290
Service Revenue 290

4. Accrued salaries are 700 Yen

March 31 Salaries and Wages Expense 700
Salaries and Wages Payable 700

d. Journalize the closing entries from the financial statement columns of the worksheet.
March 31 Service Revenue 6590
Income Summary 6590
(To close revenue account)

March 31 Income Summary 4.170

Salaries and Wages Expense 2.000
Miscellaneous Expense 400
Supplies Expense 1.520
Depreciation Expense 250
(To close expense accounts)

March 31 Income Summary 2420

Retained Earnings 2420
(To close net income to retained earnings)

March 31 Retained Earnings 1100

Dividens 1100

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