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.Final Report

Development of Laboratory and Petrophysical

I Techniques for Evaluating Shale Reservoirs

Prepared by:
Res Tech Houston, Inc.
Houston, Texas . .-

Gas Research Inslilule

Supply Products Group REPRODUCED BY: ~

U.S. CepanllMfll of Commeru
April 1996 Nalional Technical kllonnalion bnnce
Springfield, Vrrginia 221fi1





GRI CONTRACT NO. 5086-213-1390



LEGAL NOTICE: This report was prepared by ResTech Houston, Inc., as an account of work sponsored
by the Gas Research Institute (GRI). Neither GRI, members of GRI, nor any person acting on behalf of

a. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with any respect to the
accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that
the use of any apparatus, method or process disclosed in this report may not infringe
privately owned rights; or

b. Assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of,
any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report.

NOTE: This is not a final report. Results and conclusions presented in this report are preliminary
and should not be construed as final.

P896-1'74859 -
1 . 1111111111111111111111111111111
PAGE GRI-95/0496
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Development of Laboratory and Petrophysical Techniques for Evaluating Shale
Reservoirs - Final Technical Report October 1995

7. Author(s) 8. Perfonning Organization Rept No.
Kent Guidry, Don Luffel, and John Curtis GRI-95/0496
9. Performing Organization 10. ProjectlTaskIWork Unit No.

ResTech Houston, Inc.

3707 FM 1960 West, Suite 400 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No.
Houston, Texas 77068-3555
(C) 5086-213-1390

12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered

Gas Research Institute Final Technical Report

8600 West Bryn Mawr Avenue October 1986 - September 1993
Chicago, Illinois 60631

15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words)

A log model had been developed for the shales to accurately determine reservoir characteristics. A limited suite of logs
can be employed in the analysis. The methodology is available on a PC software program for use by the producers.

New core analysis techniques developed by GRI increased the understanding of the shales. More accurate porosities
and saturations can now be measured. In addition, matrix permeability was measured for the first time on shaie samples. A
methodology for determining kerogen volume and density was developed by GRI which helped further to refine the Devonian
Shale Specific Log model. An interpretation scheme (GRI Hydrocarbon Log) was developed by GRI that utilizes geochemical
and lithology information obtained from drill cuttings. This same geochemical data is being used to permit calculation of the
total gas content of the shales. Both of these interpretation schemes compliment the log analysis model and further enhance
the operators ability to identify the more productive formation layers.

Formation stress was calculated from acoustic logs and compared to values measured in six shale wells. They
compared favorably especially in the ED well area, and enabled better stimulation designs.

Fractures are the key to producibility of the shales. With the help of better fracture descriptions by K & A Technology,
interpretation schemes were modified to identify and characterize the fractures better. The borehole camera (SHC) was
found to do an adequate job of characterizing the fractures in the event the operator decides not to fill the borehole with liquid
to obtain imaging information.

Five different rock types exist in the shales of the Appalachian basin. These rock types all have a distinct microfabric
that controls matrix permeability and are associated with depositional environment. Logs can be used to identify the rock
types and areas of greater potential.

17. Document Analysis 3. Descriptors

Gas Fields
Devonian Shale

b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms
Formation Evaluation
Laboratory Techniques

c. COSATI Field/Group
18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report 21. No. of Pages
Release Unlimited 20. Security Class (This Page) 22. Price


Title: Development of Laboratory and Petrophysical Techniques for Evaluating Shale


Contractor: ResTech Houston, Inc.

Investigators: D.L. Luffel, J.B. Curtis

Manager: F.K. Guidry

Period: Final Technical Report: October 1986 - September 1993

Objectives: Develop a log based methodology to accurately describe the shale in terms of geologic
and engineering properties. In addition, develop better laboratory techniques to provide
the "ground truth" and reduce the number of assumptions that must be made. The better
reservoir description will aid the operator in selecting zones for completion and in the
design of a fracture stimulation treatment for enhancing gas production from the shales.

Prospective: Geophysical well logs provide the most cost effective means of describing a reservoir. In
complex, low porosity reservoirs, such as the shales, an accurate reservoir description is
vital. Small changes in reservoir characteristics, such as gas porosity, kerogen content
and fracture attributes, can make a big difference in shale producibility. The results from
this project will enable an operator to make a better economic evaluation of his well.

Results: A log model was developed for the shales and sands of the Appalachian basin that
accurately determines porosity, mineralogy and gas content. Sufficient knowledge has
been gained in the area to enable the computation with a minimum log suite of only a
litho-density and gamma ray measurement and have very little loss in the quality of
results. The log model has been employed in other shale reservoirs, such as the Barnett
shale in the Fort Worth basin and the Antrim shale in the Michigan basin, with equally
good results. The methodology is available on a PC for use by the operators.

Closure stress can be calculated accurately with log data. The acoustic measurements
necessary for calculating Poisson's ratio can be obtained in the cased hole rather than
risk potential wellbore damage by having to fill the air-drilled openhole with liquid.
Knowledge of stress contrast will aid in the design of stimulation treatments.

The key to developing the reliable log models above is through accurate laboratory data.
Techniques were developed that involved crushing the rock sample to determine
porosity, grain density, and saturations in these extremely low permeability rocks. In
addition, matrix permeability down to the 10.8 range was measured accurately for the first
time in the presence of micro cracks.

A key constituent in the log model is kerogen. A laboratory method was developed to
isolate kerogen from the whole core rock samples and measure its density to enable
accurate corrections to the log measurements. A hydrocarbon log was developed that
uses measurements of free gas, pyrolysis free oil, remaining hydrocarbon generative
capacity, mudlog total gas and lithologic information from well cuttings. This GRI
developed interpretation scheme may be used to identify gas and oil concentrations in

cuttings, determine whether shale hydrocarbons could have been generated in situ, and
determine changes in relative matrix permeability.

Five rock types were identified from sidewall samples taken from 16 wells in the
Appalachian basin. Each of these probably deposited in a unique paleo-environment.
The micro fabric associated with each of these rock types controls the matrix permeability
of the shales. All 5 rock types can be identified with the well logs on the basis of

Fractures are the key to producibility in the shales. A technique has been developed,
through a cooperative effort between K&A, Kim Walbe, and ResTech, to better interpret
the borehole images from the FMS and/or CAST devices. Fracture attributes, such as
orientation, dip, intersections, can be determined to help identify the formation layers with
the better producibility.

Approach: A reliable data base of core analyses, well logs, mud logs, noise and temperature logs,
production data, production logs, and core descriptions were assembled. These data
were integrated, log models built for characterizing the reservoir. Results from these
models were compared to core analyses reSUlts, observations, and results from
production logs to determine reservoir qualily and producibility.

Implications: Better laboratory techniques are now available for determining key reservoir
characteristics more accurately on drill cutlings without the expense of whole core.
These techniques can be utilized on any complex, low permeability rock and not just with
shales. The improved log models for determining porosity, mineralogy, saturations,
fracture attributes, and stress will allow the producer to locate the layers in his well that
have better producibility.



Section Page No.

GRI Disclaimer . iii

Report Documentation Page iv
Research Summary v
Table of Contents vii
List of Fig ures x
List of Tables xv
Executive Summary 1
Formation Evaluation 2
Core Analysis..................................................................................................... 5
References 6
1.0 Shale Core Analyses 7
1.1 Summary 7
1.2 Introduction 9
1.3 Porosity and Fluid Saturations, CSW Program 13
1.4 Relation of Kerogen, Water Salinity, and Formation Resistivity 20
1.5 Capillary Pressure 24
1.6 Physicochemical Properties of Devonian Shale 26
1.7 Matrix Permeabiltiy 26
1.8 References 49
2.0 Development of the GRI Hydrocarbon Log and Total Gas Log - Applications
of Geochemistry to Formation Evaluation 69
2.1 Summary 69
2.2 Introduction 70
2.3 Hydrocarbon Log Applications 73
2.4 Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Logs in the ED Well Study Area 77
2.5 Total Gas Log 81
2.6 References 83
3.0 Formation Evaluation in Shales 89
3.1 Summary.......... 89
3.2 Introduction 90
3.3 Database........ 91

3.4 Pre-Interpretation Processing 92
3.5 Mineralogy Model..................... 94
3.6 Water Saturation and Bulk Volume Hydrocarbon 102
3.7 Presentation of Results 103
3.8 References 106
4.0 Devonian Shale Closure Stress Analysis 116
4.1 Summary 116
4.2 Introduction 117
4.3 Direct Measurement of Closure Stress 118
4.4 Determination of Closure Stress from Logs 121
4.5 References 125
5.0 Devonian Shale Rock Types 129
5.1 Summary 129
5.2 Introduction 131
5.3 Database 133
5.4 Geologic Rock Type Description 135
5.5 Geologic Rock Types and Matrix Permeability 138
5.6 Log Identification of Geologic Rock Types 139
5.7 Reservoir Characteristics and Producibility 142
5.8 References 145
6.0 Log Characterization of Fractures in Devonian Shales 152
6.1 Summary 152
6.2 Introduction 153
6.3 Description of the Fracture Analysis Tools 154
6.4 Advantages/Disadvantages of Each Fracture Identification Device 156
6.5 Fractures and Gas Production 158
6.6 Conclusions 164
6.7 References 165
7.0 Summary of How to Evaluate Producibility and Recovery of Gas Shales 178
7.1 Introduction 178
7.2 Logging Program 179
7.3 Coring/Core Analysis 181
7.4 References 183
AppendiX A Principles of Petroleum Geochemistry as Applied
to Formation Evaluation 185
AppendiX B Calculation of Kerogen Volumes and Determination of Kerogen

Density Values 219
Appendix C GRI Shale Database 227


Page No.

Figure 1-1 Relationship of bulk volume of gas to porosity from core

analyses Jarvis #1143 (CSW No. 2) 54

Figure 1-2 Relationship of bulk volume of hydrocarbon to porosity from

core analyses, CSW No. 4-A 54

Figure 1-3 Relationship of bulk volume of hydrocarbon to porosity

from core analyses, CSW NO.5 55

Figure 1-4 Relationship of bulk volume of hydrocarbon to porosity

from core analyses, CSW No. 1-A 55

Figure 1-5 Correlation of kerogen density with vitrinite reflectance 56

Figure 1-6 Kerogen volume from core relates to uranium yield from
spectral GR log 56

Figure 1-7 Comparison of formation water salinity from core analyses with
resistivity and kerogen volume from logs, CSW No. 1-A 57

Figure 1-8 Mercury capillary pressure curve for core sample at 3431.2 feet,
CSWNo. 2 58

Figure 1-9 Pore throat radius histogram for core sample at 3431.2 feet,
CSWNo. 2 58

Figure 1-10 Effect of matrix permeability on cumulative production for typical

Devonian shale well, Pike County, Kentucky, based on
computer simulation 59

Figure 1-11 Sequence of experiments to link core analyses to reservoir

permeability 59

Figure 1-12 Photomicrograph of thin section from, 4219 feet, FMC No. 69. Photo
A with plane polarized light, photo 8 with green-light fluorescence.
Vertical dimension of photos is 0.44 mm. . 60

Figure 1-13 Pulse permeability test schematic ...................................................... 61

Figure 1-14 Pulse test pressure response, Lower Huron shale core, sample #23,
FMC No. 69 61

Figure 1-15 Km varies from 0.2 to 8' 10-8 md, unrelated to porosity 62

Figure 1-16 Schematic of equipment for measurement of shale gas

permeability of crushed core samples 62

Figure 1-17 History match of 20/35 mesh crushed sample from FMC No. 69
sample No. 36 63

Figure 1-18 Extrapolation of square-root-of-time plot for estimating initial
expansion pressure, Pe, i, for FMC No. 69, sample No. 18 63

Figure 1-19 Pulse permeabilities on crushed shale chips using helium

correlate with porosity 64

Figure 1-20 Schematic of degassibility cell ........................................................... 64

Figure 1-21 Degassibllity test results, shale core at 4183 feet, FMC No. 69 65

Figure 1-22 Desorption isotherms for companion crushed sample at4183 feet,
FMC No. 69 65

Figure 1-23 Permeability (K_b product) of matrix from degassibility of Vycor

plug using helium agrees before and after fracturing 66

Figure 1-24 Degassibility of Vycor plug with helium is not affected by

NOB stress 66

Figure 1-25 Degassibllity of Berea sandstone plug with helium is affected by

pore pressure but not NOB stress 67

Figure 1-26 Degassibility of shale plug from 4218 feet, FMC No. 69, shows
one slope 67

Figure 1-27 Degassibllity of shale plug at 4201 feet, FMC No. 69, shows two
slope behavior. Results for Km shown for late slope only 68

Figure 2-1 Hydrocarbon log from the Calhoun 24 - GRI cooperative well
program 84

Figure 2-2 Hydrocarbon log from the Pleasants 20 - GRI cooperative well
program 85

Figure 2-3 Hydrocarbon log from the FMC No. 69 well over a portion of the
Lower Huron interval 86

Figure 2-4 Hydrocarbon log from the FMC No. 80 well over the Sunbury interval .... 87

Figure 2-5 Correlation of kerogen density with vitrinite reflectance 88

Figure 3-1 Comparison of an individual well histogram prior to standardization

to the area-wide bulk density histogram 109

Figure 3-2 Comparison of an individual well histogram after standardization

to the area-wide bulk density histogram 109

Figure 3-3 Log analysis model for the Devonian shale 11 0

Figure 3-4 Solution methodology for the shales ................................................110

Figure 3-5 Volume of kerogen determination by use of the uranium yield from
a spectral gamma ray 111

Figure 3-6 Volume of pyrite determined from x-ray diffraction versus the volumetric
cross section (UMA) derived from logs 111

Figure 3-7 Density porosity corrected for heavies content versus kerogen volume
for determination of density porosity correction for kerogen 112

Figure 3-8 Density/Neuron, both corrected for kerogen and pyrite, crossplot
for determination of clay point, quartz and clay volumes, and porosity ...112

Figure 3-9 Crossplot of bulk volume hydrocarbon versus porosity for a check on
formation water resistivity (Rw) 113

Figure 3-10 Presentation of log results ................................................................114

Figure 3-11 Core versus log porosity for the laslfour whole cored wells 115

Figure 4-1 Comparison of compressional and shear traveltime derived from both
open and cased logs and the computation of each to derive
Poisson's ratio for the FMC No. 78 126

Figure 4-2 Log presentation of measured versus log calculated stress pressure
for Berea (FMC No. 80) and Transition/L. Huron (FMC No. 69) 127

Figure 4-3 Comparison of stimulation effectiveness for a well (FMC No. 69) with
stress contrasts present versus one (typical CSW well) without 128

Figure 5-1 Map of study area displaying well locations 147

Figure 5-2 Paleoenvironments ..........................................................................148

Figure 5-3 Depositional environments - stratified basin ........................................148

Figure 5-4 Crossplot of common discriminators for determination of geologic

rock types; discriminator cutoffs shown on plot... 149

Figure 5-5 Devonian shale producibility model .....................................................150

Figure 5-6 Decision tree for determination of reservoir types ............................... 150

Figure 5-7 Percent of total production from 12 wells by reservoir rock classification
for non-fractured zones perforated 151

Figure 5-8 Percent of total production from 12 wells by reservoir rock classification
for the fractured zones perforated 151

Figure 6-1 Example of an interpreted partial fracture as seen on the FMS image
in the FMC No. 80. It is observed to extend over several feet and
is projected to extend over approximately 10ft. .. 167

Figure 6-2 CAST image of a natural fracture in the FMC No. 78 well 168

Figure 6-3 Image of a natural fracture as seen using the borehole television .........169

Figure 6-4 Comparisons of fracture identification devices used in the shales of
the Appalachian basin 170

Figure 6-5 Schematic of fracture attributes for a layered reservoir 171

Figure 6-6 Index map of 12 Antrim shale wells analyzed in Otsego,

Ogemaw, and Sanilac Counties 172

Figure 6-7 Borehole map of dip projection of intersecting fractures in the

Lachine Shale, Rachow B3-31 well 173

Figure 6-8 Wulff plot of dip directions of open fractures over the interval
1291-1542 ft, Rachow A2-31 welJ... 174

Figure 6-9 Wulff plot of dip directions of open fractures over the interval
1299-1545 ft, Rachow B3-31 well. 174

Figure 6-10 Schematic - Single dip fracture model 175

Figure 6-11 Schematic - Conjugate dip fracture model 175

Figure 6-12 Relationship between open and partially open fractures

and intersections for the Antrim Shale - Otsego
County, Michigan 176

Figure 6-13 Relationship between fracture factor and gas production

for nine Antrim Shale wells 177

Figure 7-1 Comparison of calculated log results using either a

comprehensive or reduced logging suite, CSW lA,
Devonian Shale well, Appalachian Basin 184

Figure A-1 Formation of oil and gas deposits by thermal transformation of organic
matter (After Baker, 1979) 205

Figure A-2 TOC contour map for the Lower Huron shale member 206

Figure A-3 TOC contour map for the Rhinestreet shale member 207

Figure A-4 Sl contour map for the Lower Huron shale member 208

Figure A-5 Sl contour map for the Rhinestreet shale member 209

Figure A-6 SlfTOC contour map for the Lower Huron shale member ..................210

Figure A-7 SlfTOC contour map for the Rhinestreet shale member 211

Figure A-8 Hydrogen Index (HI) contour map for the Lower Huron shale member ...212

Figure A-9 Hydrogen Index (HI) contour map for the Rhinestreet shale member ....213

Figure A-10 Van Krevelen diagram illustrating kerogen types and stages of
kerogen evolution (After Tissot and Welte, 1984) 214

Figure A-11 Relative amounts and types of hydrocarbons generated with
increasing thermal maturation (After Milner, 1982) 215

Figure A-12 Vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) contour map for the Lower Huron shale
member 216

Figure A-13 Vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) contour map for the Rhinestreet shale
member 217

Figure A-14 Pyrogram - data output of pyrolysis instrument (After Peters, 1986) ......218


Title Page No.

Table 1-1 Summary of whole cores recovered in Devonian shale from
comprehensive study wells '" 12

Table 1-2 Summary of core analysis results - CSW wells 17

Table 1-3 Comparison of log and core analyses - CSW wells 18

Table 1-4 Comparison of core analyses in air or nitrogen, Antrim shale,

Ward Lake Energy - Latuszak B 1-32 19

Table 1-5 Measured kerogen density values ........................................... 22

Table 1-6 Summary of formation water salinity measurements from core

analyses . 23

Table 1-7 Reservoir properties for model results shown in Figure 1-10 28

Table 1-8 Pulse permeability validation test results with Berea sandstone
core plug . 33

Table 1-9 Pulse permeability results on shale core plugs (TAMU),

FMC No. 69............................. . . 34

Table 1-10 Pulse permeability results on shale core plugs (TAMU),

FMC No. 78 35

Table 1-11 Comparison of results from shale chips, plug tests and routine
crushed tests, FMC No. 69 38

Table 1-12 Comparison of results from shale Chips, plug tests, and routine
crushed tests, FMC No. 78 39

Table 1-13 Comparison of permeability from helium degassibility (Juniata

College) and from helium flow through Vycor and Berea plugs
(Core Lab) 44

Table 1-14 Matrix permeability results from degassibility tests (Juniata College)
on shale core plugs from FMC No. 69 47

Table 2-1 Evaluation of source-rock generative potential 73

Table 2-2 Interpretation of free gas and total gas data 76

Table 2-3 Mean source-rock characteristics of the Transition and Lower

Huron intervals, Pike County, Kentucky............. 79

Table 2-4 Comparison of gas occurrences and net pay zones, Transition and
Lower Huron intervals, Pike County, Kentucky............................. 80

Table 2-5 Mean geochemical values of Sunbury shale interval, FMC No. 80 well
Pike County, Kentucky 81

Table 3-1 Devonian shale constituents volume fractions 94

Table 3-2 Antrim Shale consituents volume fractions Upper and Lower Black ........ 96

Table 3-3 Barnett Shale constituents volume fractions 97

Table 4-1 Results of open and cased hole stress tests CSW program 119

Table 4-2 Results of open and cased hole sress tests ED wells 120

Table 4-3 Results of cased hole slug tests ED wells 121

Table 5-1 List of wells used in well log geologic rock type identification study... 134

Table 5-2 List of wells used in the producibility model study 135

Table 5-3 Rock type discrimination 136

Table 5-4 Cross-elassification of rock types predicted by the log model

with core validation points 141

Table 5-5 Production by reservoir rock type, non-fractured intervals 144

Table 5-6 Production by reservoir rock type, fractured intervals 144

Table 6-1 Production vs fracture attributes 159

Table 6-2 Number of fracture intersections (I) and number of open

and partial fractures (0) defined by borehole mapping 161

Table 6-3 Gas and water production rates, stimulation dates, and stratigraphic
units in which completions were made, Michigan Basin Antrim Shale ... 163

Table 7-1 Recommended logging program for evaluation of shale well. 180

Table 7-2 Recommended rotary sidewall core analysis program for

evaluation of shale wells 182

Table A-1 Kerogen types and organic precursors 192

Table A-2 Kerogen types and generated hydrocarbon product 193

TableA-3 Main bitumen fractions formed by thermal alteration of kerogen .. ..... 198

Table A-4 Reproducibility of total organic carbon data 200

Table A-5 Reproducibility (R') of pyrolysis data 201

Table B-1 Results of kerogen isolation 222

Table B-2 Measured kerogen density values 225


ResTech's involvement in the GRI shales program under GRI Contract No. 5086-213-

1390 entitled "Formation Evaluation Technology for Production Enhancement" began in October

1986. There have been three phases in the shale program with significant advances being made

in each that would serve as the bUilding block into the next.

The GRJ Co-op program was a 30 well program and the initial phase of the shale

program. The standard air hole suite of logs were run, in addition to rotary sidewall core data.

The main objective during this phase was to refine the log model for the calculation of porosity,

mineralogy, and saturations. A methodology for interpretation of the GRI low-fiowrate acoustic

flowmeter1 and a producibility model for shales were developed.

The Comprehensive Study Well (CSW) program began in 1988 until 1991 and was a

seven well program. The wells were drilled in different parts of the basin and Were whole-cored to

refine the geologic and reservoir descriptions. Significant advances were made in the area of

core analyses that helped our understanding of the reservoir properties. Whole core allowed the

measurement of mechanical properties to aid in stimulation design and the calibration of a

mechanical properties log. Geochemical measurements on core samples led to the introduction

of the GRI Hydrocarbon Log. In addition, kerogen density was measured for the first time, which

allowed further refinements to be made to the Devonian Shale-specific Log Model.

Comprehensive suites of logs were run on the CSW wells which included air-hole, liquid hole, and

cased hole logs. This allowed the calibration of the environmental corrections to the logs when

going from air to liquid wellbores. In addition, logs were run for the first time that require a liquid

as the wellbore fluid to operate. Imaging devices, such as the Formation Microscanner (FMS) and

Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST) were run to characterize the fracture systems.
Acoustic logs were run to get shear and compressional travel times for the computation of

Poisson's ratio and closure pressure gradient.

The final field based, Experimental Development (ED) three-well program, began in 1991

and concluded in 1993. This program concentrated on one area, Pike County, Kentucky, and

enabled the shale team to quantify its shale reservoir description in terms of permeability and

fracture attributes, thus providing a means for better stimulation evaluation. The shale was

detenmined to be a layered reservoir, each with its own reservoir characteristics and producibility.

ResTech's contribution to the overall shale program was in the area of formation

evaluation and core analyses. Each major accomplishment under these two tasks will be briefly

discussed in this section and discussed in more detail in the remaining sections of this report.


A database has been built that consists of logs, core analyses, production data and

production logs (Appendix C). From this information, a log model was developed to accurately

determine porosity, mineralogy, gas and water saturation. The results from the log analysis, along

with results from other diagnostic tools,2 allow the selection of completion intervals and individual

perforations. As a result of our present understanding of the reservoir properties of the shale, a

reduced logging suite can be employed by the operator at a significant savings in logging cost.

Additionally, the analysis can be performed by the operator in his office with the aid of a software

package for the PC. The software uses the methodology for analyzing shales developed by

GRl/ResTech and is being marketed by The Logic Group.

A mechanical properties and stress log was developed during the CSW program and

refined during the ED well program. Knowledge of the presence of stress contrasts is an

important input into a stimulation design. The shear and compressional travel times, needed for

determination of Poisson's ratio and closure pressure, was successfully obtained in the liquid-filled

cased hole, thus avoiding the need to fill the open-hoie with liquid and risk possible borehole

damage. Excellent agreement was obtained between measured and log calculated closure


The reservoir characteristics determined from logs can be utilized for the determination of

geologic and reservoir rock types. Five geologic rock types were found to exist in the shale of the

Appalachian basin. Each of those are associated with a particular depositional environment that

controls the microfabric of the shale. Matrix permeability appears to be a function of rock

microfabric. Identification of these five geologic rock types with logs is accomplished by

determination of compositional data, such as quartz, clay, kerogen, and pyrite volumes.

There are four reservoir rock types, which are classified according to the porosity and

kerogen volumes present. These four can be further classified as to the presence or absence of

fracturing. The higher porosity rock types (1 and 2) have the best producibility, regardless of

whether it was identified as being fractured. More recent work has shown that fractures must be

present to have good producibility. Observations have shown that fracturing is more prevalent in

zones having porosity development, therefore, the rock types can be utilized as an initial

screening of zones to complete in the absence of a fracture identification device.

Significant advances have been made in the area of interpretation of imaging data for the

identification and characterization of fractures. A cooperative effort between K&A Technologies,

Kim Walbe & Assoc., and ResTech resulted in a set of procedures and guidelines for

interpretation of the various fracture identification devices.

Fracture attributes, such as spacing, intensity, intersections and dip, have been shown to

be closely tied to producibility of the shales. If the operator elects not to fill the hole with liquid to

acquire imaging data, the borehole camera will be an adequate replacement and much more

economical to run.

Geochemical data collected at the wellsite and in the laboratory were interpreted to

provide information on the concentration of free gas and oil in a drilled section, determine whether

shale hydrocarbons could have been generated in-situ, identify discrete reservoirs by evaluation

of their geochemical signatures and determine changes in relative matrix permeability. Examples

of each of these applications are discussed in this report.

The geochemical data have been organized into an interpretive framework, termed the

GRI Hydrocarbon Log. The Hydrocarbon Log complements the use of wireline logs, and the

same geochemical data were also used for calibration of the Devonian Shale Specific Log. The

Hydrocarbon Log is currently licensed by GRI to EXLOG, a subsidiary of Baker-Hughes, Inc. A

series of individual well reports were completed and submitted to GRI as the wells were analyzed.

A big part of the storage mechanics for gas in the shales is by adsorption. The gas can

be adsorbed onto the clays, particularly illite: adsorbed in solution in kerogen; and in soiution in

bitumen. Each of these contributions must be addressed to fully understand the amount of gas in

place in the shales. The geochemical data collected for the development of the GRI Hydrocarbon

Log, along with wireline logging data is being utilized for the development of a Total Gas Log. The

approach taken was to rigorously correlate organic geochemical and mineralogic data from a set

of representative samples to the free gas, adsorption/desorption isotherm, specific degassibility

and gas composition data measured on the same sample set. These correlations were then

compared to the wireline log responses and initial results in the CSW #1A and Pike County Study

areas have been favorable. Utilization of wireline log responses to evaluate desorption potential

will allow construction of Desorption Potential maps both aerially and stratigraphically across the



A very important pre-requisite to bUilding models for formation evaluation is a good core

analysis research program. This began during the GRI Co-op shale program with the collection of

rotary sidewall core data and continued through the CSW and ED well programs with whole cores.

Important advances have been made in the understanding of reservoir properties as a result of

these programs.

A new method was developed to measure porosity, gas, oil and water content of the

shales. This method involves crushing the core prior to measuring grain density with helium,

therefore, drill cuttings samples can be used. The results from this methodology have shown

porosity and gas content to be much higher than previously thought, especially in the organic rich

"black" shales. An excellent correlation was found from these improved results between

measured porosity and gas content. Water content was found to be constant at an irreducible

water saturation of 2.5-3.0%. This information enabled the use of a reduced logging suite for the

analysis of the shales.

Matrix permeability was measured for the first time on core samples with permeabilities in

the range of 1 to 20 x 10-8 md. Three methods were developed and all three provided similar

results. One method uses pulse pressure testing of core plugs with helium, while the second uses

this same methodology on core chips or drill cuttings. The third method involves use of

degassibility tests on core plugs using either helium or methane. The method using pulse

pressure testing on core chips or cuttings is preferred at this time due to cost and the added

complexity of microfractures present in the plugs, but riot in the subsurface. The matrix

permeability determined on the core chips was found to correlate very well with gas porosity, thus

enabling matrix permeability to be log calculated. Although this value was found to be extremely

low, it does have a bearing on long-term gas production from the shales.

The presence of kerogen in the shales has a significant effect upon the density logging

device. Kerogen has a very low density and will cause the density device to read optimistically

high values of porosity. During the initial phases of the shale program, kerogen density was not

known and an assumed density had to be used when correcting density logging tool. For the first

time, kerogen density was measured successfully in the laboratory, alleviating the uncertainty in

this correction (Appendix B). In addition, kerogen density was found to vary across the basin and

was not a constant value as initially thought. This variation was found to be related to thermal

maturity, which allows a predictive capability. These more reliable kerogen density

measurements have allowed a refinement to the Devonian Shale-specific log model for greater

accuracy in the calculation of reservoir properties.


1. McBane, RA., Campbell, RL. and DiBello, E.G.: "Acoustic Flowmeter Field Test Results,"

SPE 17722 presented at the SPE Gas Technology Symposium in Dallas, Texas, June,


2. McBane, R.A., Campbell, RL. and Truman, RB.: "Comparison of Diagnostic Tools for

Selecting Completion Intervals in the Devonian Shale Wells," JPT, February, 1988.



In the past seven years several important advances have been made in our

understanding of the reservoir properties of the Devonian shale in the Appalachian Basin, based

on an extensive GRI core analysis research program. This program featured analyses of 519 feet

of conventional core in four Comprehensive StUdy Wells (CSW) in West Virginia and Kentucky,

and 445 feet of conventional core in two wells in Pike County, Kentucky. Important advances

made are:

1. Three new methods were developed for measuring matrix permeability, Km, of

shale at native fluid saturations. Km appears to vary over a fairly limited range of 1

to 20 x 10-8 md, but most of our measurements were made in black, organic-rich


2. New methods were developed to measure porosity, gas, oil, and water content of

shales. Results show free gas content and porosity much higher than previously


3. New methods were developed to measure kerogen content and formation water

salinity of shales, both of which are important for log analyses. Neither of these

rock properties were very well known previously.

With respect to the new methods of measuring Km, the first involves use of pulse

pressure testing of core plugs with helium. The second involves pulse testing of crushed core

chips or drill cuttings wiih helium. The third method involves use of degassibility tests on core

plugs using either helium or methane. The tests using core plugs require special interpretation to

account for presence of microfractures, which do not reseal under overburden stress. These

microfractures, which occur in almost every core plug, are introduced by the cortng and plugging

operations, but are not present in the subsurface.

Currently, we favor using crushed core chips or drill cuttings to measure Km since this

method is cheaper (roughly $100 vs $500/sample), quicker, and drill cuttings are more widely

available. The permeability results from these studies have been important in computer

simulation of long term gas production expected in the Devonian shale. Also, these results have

expanded our understanding of the relative roles that matrix permeability and natural in-situ

fractures must play to explain well test and historical gas production. In turn this has led to a

much better picture of reservoir natural fracture spacing and interconnectivity as derived from logs

and whole core description.

For measurement of porosity and fluid content of shales, the new method involves

crushing the core samples, and therefore, can be used on drill cuttings samples. Average

porosities in the Devonian shale range from 3.5 to 7.9 percent and average bulk volumes of free

gas range up to 4.0 percent adjusted to reservoir stress. This is much higher than previous

reports of 2 to 3 percent porosity and 0.1 to 0.2 percent free gas. Water content averages 2.5 to

3.0 percent bulk volume without much variation, and the shale appears everywhere in the

Appalachian Basin to be at irreducible water saturation.

New methods were developed to measure formation water salinity and kerogen volume.

Both of these are important in log analyses. Water salinity, previously unknown, varies widely

from 12,000 to 222,000 ppm NaCI in the Devonian shale in the CSW wells. Kerogen volume

varies from zero to 19 percent. A strong relation was found among water salinity, formation

resistivity (from logs), and kerogen content. Generally, black, organic-rich shales have high

kerogen, low salinity, and high resistivity. Gray shales have low kerogen, high salinity, and low

resistivity. As a result of our present understanding of the reservoir properties of Devonian shale,

a reduced logging program can now be used to provide a fairly complete reservoir description.

Presently, a combination of GR and density logs is sufficient, which is commonly all that's


Measurement of the shale properties of porosity, fluid content, water salinity, and kerogen

volume is now commercially available from WAI Core Laboratories, as a result of these research

studies. These can be done on either crushed core samples or drill cuttings.


In gas productive shale reservoirs, in situ shale properties such as porosity, fluid

saturations (gas, oil, water) and gas permeability at native liquid saturation are important to

assess the gas productivity and reserves of existing or prospective wells and areas. This needs

to be done with a minimum logging program on a routine basis to be cost effective. Because

shales have low porosity and low permeability, and are complex mineralogically, log analyses

must be soundly based on independent measurements of the shale reservoir properties and

mineralogy in several wells representing the overall range of shale properties of interest. These

independent measurements are best obtained from core analyses and core geological

description, and must be in harmony with observed well gas productivities and historical reserves.

Prior to the GRI program in shales research, shale core analysis for measurement of

reservoir properties was seldom done since shales are generally regarded as seal rocks with no

ability to store significant free gas. In addition, because of the low porosity and low permeability of

shale, core analyses are difficult to conduct accurately.

1.2.1 Background

Over the past ten years of the GRI shale research program, the perception of shale

properties, gas storage capacity, and especially the gas flow network in the Devonian shale

reservoirs in the Appalachian Basin has evolved. In this program the earliest cores obtained were

wireline rotary sidewall core plugs. During the two-year period of 1985-1986, a total of 174 rotary

sidewall core plugs from 19 wells were taken and analyzed. The sidewall core plugs were

extracted, dried, and the ambient core porosities and grain densities measured using helium.

From these measurements water, oil, and gas saturations were derived. In most cases the dry

gas pemneability was then measured at overburden stress and reservoir pore pressure using a

pulsed permeameter. All of these core analyses results have been previously reported. 1,2

Important core properties were that the ambient porosities ranged from roughly 2 to 9

percent and averaged 4.3 percent. Water saturations averaged about 40 percent and oil

saturations averaged about 30 percent. These data represent a significant advance in our goal to

evaluate the reservoir properties of the Devonian shale. There are, however, some major

uncertainties in these measurements. These uncertainties have become more evident as our

experimental procedures have evolved. With regard to porosity measurement, there are two

problems. First, the oil and water extraction may have. been incomplete because of the low

permeability. Second, measurement of grain volume (and therefore porosity) by helium injection

into the core is often incomplete at these very low permeabilities. These factors can cause the

measured core porosity to be low, and the oil and water saturations to be incorrect. In summary,

the above uncertainties are such that these results need to be viewed qualitatively. Nevertheless,

the results show two very important features. The average porosity is at least 4.5 percent and the

average gas filled porosity is about 1.3 percent of the bulk volume. This average porosity is much

higher than previously published for Devonian shale {12l =2 to 2.5 percent),3,4 and the average

gas filled porosity is also much higher than recently reported (BVG = 0.1 percent),5 which directly

relates to potential in piace gas reserves.

The last important feature shown for these sidewall core analysis results is that the range

of gas permeabilities was from < 0.01 to 837 ~d. These permeabiltiies were measured on dry,

extracted cores and are therefore, much higher than gas permeability measured at native fluid

saturations. More importantiy, most of these cores are expected to have microcracks induced by

the coring, drying, and extraction process, which are unlikely to close fully under restored stress,

and which could account for virtually all of the observed permeability.6 These permeability results

are, therefore, unreliable.

Several other important shale properties were established from core analyses during the

GRI program prior to September 1986. Based on XRD and thin section point count (TSPC)

analyses on samples from these same rotary sidewall core plugs, the main constituent minerals

were identified and measured. These are important since they form the basis for developing the

log analysis method specific to Devonian shale. In this log model, pyrite and kerogen content are

especially important. The kerogen content was established with TSPC analyses, but as shown

later, an improved new analytical method was subsequently developed that shows significantly

higher kerogen volumes than shown by TSPC.

1.2.2 Comprehensive StUdy Well (CSWI Program

The next major advance in our development of reliable core analysis methods and a

better understanding of shale reservoir properties stems from the CSW program initiated by GRI

in 1987, in the Devonian shale of the Appalachian Basin. In this program, a total of 519 feet of

four inch diameter conventional, oriented core was recovered during air drilling from four CSW

wells located in West Virginia and Kentucky, as summarized in Table 1-1. The cores were used

for various measurements including one sample each foot to measure porosity and fluid

saturations. In addition, crushed samples were used to measure geochemical properties (TOC,

Rock Eval Pyrolysis), mineralogy (XRD), and formation water salinity. Core plugs were used to

measure capillary pressure, electrical properties, and gas permeabilities, and thin sections were

used to derive lithology and kerogen.

Table 1-1
Summary of Whole Cores Recovered in Devonian Shale from
Comprehensive Study Wells

Well Depth Interval Formation Total Ft Recovery

Jarvis #1143 3424' - 3574' L. Huron 150
Evans #91 2335' • 2394' Cleveland 50
(CSW#4A) 2585' - 2694' M. Huron/L. Huron 92
Peake #753 3889' - 3949' L. Huron 47
(CSW#5) 4119' -4179' L. Huron/Java 60
Pocahontas #21728 3110' -3230' M. Huron/L. Huron 120

During study of the core in the CSW program several new analysis methods were

developed. A topical report, issued in May 1989,2 and three subsequent papers,Y-g describe the

new methods and results from their application to core from all four of the CSW wells.

1.2.3 Experimental Development (ED) Program, Pike County, Kentucky Research Wells

Following the CSW program, GRI selected a research study area in Pike County,

Kentucky in cooperation with Ashland Exploration, Inc. Three wells were drilled, evaluated

completed, and tested through the Devonian shale section during late 1991 and 1992. In two of

these wells, the Ashland - Ford Motor Company (FMC) Nos. 69 and 78, 445 feet of four-inch

diameter cores were recovered from the Devonian shale section similar to the CSW program. As

a result of the studies made during core analyses in the CSW program, and the advances made

associated with these studies, the major remaining task was that of determining shale matrix

permeability. This became, therefore, the primary goal of the Pike County research study from a

core analysis viewpoint.

Three new laboratory methods were developed, validated, and used to measure matrix

permeability, Km, on core plugs and crushed core samples from 14 locations within the core from

FMC No. 69 and 31 locations within the core from FMC No. 78. The three new methods are:

1. Pressure pulse testing on core plugs using helium.

2. Pressure pulse testing on crushed core chips (or drill cuttings) using helium.

3. Degassibility testing on core plugs using helium or methane.

In order to interpret these tests on core plugs, the number and extent of microfractures

present are needed. To aid in this a special study was done on thin sections prepared from end

trims from each core plug location, in which fluorescent-dyed epoxy was injected at net

overburden stress (NOB) prior to thin section preparation.


As previously discussed, porosity and fluid saturations are important for determining in

place gas in the Devonian shale. For routine measurement of porosity and fluid saturations in

reservoir rocks it is customary to drill cylindrical plugs from the full diameter core. Then, the fluid

contents of the plugs are extracted and measured using the Dean Stark method. Then, the

porosities of the plugs are measured at ambient (room) conditions using helium. A method similar

to this was used on shale core samples from the first well cored in the CSW program, the CSW


1.3.1 CSW#2

For analysis of the core from esw #2, full diameter biscuit samples were broken from the

core each foot. Inspection of the core using UV light and pentane cuts on chips showed the core

had negligible oii content. This was confirmed from TOe and pyrolysis tests. 10 Fluid content

measurements were obtained by drying the core samples in an oven at 230'F for nearly one

month and all weight loss was assigned to water. After drying, the grain volumes, grain densities,

and porosities were measured using helium, For the entire set of 121 core sampies, average Sw

= 67.6 percent and average I2l = 4.5 percent. Detailed results have been reported. 2

Since the reservoir property of most economic interest is the gas in-place, the parameter

to examine is the bulk volume of gas (BVG), which is the product of I2l and Sg. A plot of BVG as

related to I2l is presented in Figure 1-1, using all of the core data. This plot shows several

important features:

1. The data show a good correlation, with a fairly low standard deviation of about 1.0

percent bulk volume on BVG. The best fit line shown is a Reduced Major Axis

(RMA), least square fit.

2. On average, alll2l > 3 percent is occupied by free gas.

3. The bulk water volume (BVW) present is depicted in Figure 1-1 as well as BVG, as

a function of core porosity, from the RMA line and an equivalent (45') line that has

been constructed. This illustrates that BVW shows very little change over the range

of porosity data. Based on capillary pressure data (to be discussed), the values of

'" and BVW shown in Figure 1-1 suggest reservoir capillary pressures present in

the range of 1,000-2,000 psi. This equates to a gas column in the reservoir of

2,500 to 5,000 feet above free water level.

4. The style of plot shown in Figure 1-1 is similar to that shown by Heseldin 11 and

Alger, 12 for correlating 0, BVG and capillary pressure.

5. Note that the good correlation shown in Figure 1-1 implies that for the cored

section, a knowledge of porosity alone (e.g., from log analysis) leads directly to the

value of BVG and Sw, within the variations as shown.

1.3.2 CSW#4A

Initial inspection of the 142 feet of core in the CSW #4A with UV light and pentane cut of

chips showed widespread presence of oil. Dean Stark extraction was conducted on 25 full core

pieces from 2,335-2,366 feet to determine oil and water saturation, and to prepare the cores for

measurement of porosity. During this process it became evident that extraction of water or oil

from full core pieces was not effective, so no further extraction of full core pieces was done.

Results of these extractions showed average 0 = 2.47 percent, average So = 19.7 percent,

average Sw = 77.2 percent, and average grain density = 2.49 gm/cc. It was evident that grain

densities and porosities were much too low, and fluid saturations, therefore, incorrect.

1.3.3 New Core Analysis Method Development

Because of the two critical problems encountered - incomplete extraction of oil and water

and incompiete penetration of the core samples by helium when measuring porosity - new

procedures had to be developed. These procedures, their validation, and the underlying

experimental development are documented.2,8,9 The central feature involves crushing the core

sample to speed up the process of extraction, drying, and porosity measurement.

The new method was applied to all of the shale samples from the CSW #4A. For the first

25 core samples in which porosities were measured on whole core, adjacent samples were

analyzed with the new crushed core method. For the crushed sample method, average porosity

rose from 2.47 to 7.88 percent, average grain density rose from 2.49 to 2.64 gm/cc, and BVG rose

from 0.1 to 3.2 percent, all compared to results from the companion whole core analyses.

1.3.4 Results 01 New Core Analyses, CSWs #4A, 5, 1A

Figure 1-2 shows for CSW #4A a plot of bulk volume of hydrocarbon (BVH =BVO + BVG)
versus porosity, similar to, but a better correlation than, the plot shown for CSW #2 (Figure 1-1).

In this case, all porosity greater than about 2.5 percent is occupied by hydrocarbons.

Figure 1-3 shows similar results for 104 core samples from the L. Huron and Java shales

in CSW #5, with irreducible BVW 012 to 2.5 percent on average. Figure 1-4 shows core analysis

results on 119 core samples from the M. Huron/L. Huron shale in CSW #1A.

Table 1-2 presents a summary of results for foot-by-foot core analyses on 519 feet of core

from the lour CSW wells. Note that average BVW falls in a narrow range of 2 to 3 percent.

Amount of BVO ranges from zero for CSW #2 to about 1 percent for the black, organic rich

shales. Average porosity ranges from 4.2 to 8.6 percent, but these measurements are made at

ambient conditions. Reservoir stress loading is expected to reduce porosity by 0.25 to 0.60 p.u.

based on measurements13 made on six core plugs from CSW NO.2. This reduction in porosity

will result in the same reduction for the average BVG values shown in Table 1-2. That is, values

of BVO and BVW should not change at reservoir stress since these liquids are relatively


Table 1-2

Summary of Core Analysis Results CSW Wells

Bulk Vol of Bulk Vol of Bulk Vol of

Gas (%) Oil (%) Water (%) "

Lower Huron 1.5 3.0 4.5

Cleveland 3.8 1.1 2.8 7.7
Lower Huron 2.0 1.0 2.2 5.2

Lower Huron 1.5 0.8 2.2 4.5
Java 0.7 0.7 2.8 4.2

Middle Huron 2.5 0.5 2.5 5.5
Lower Huron 4.7 0.6 3.3 8.6

Note: All measurements represent ambient conditions, i.e., no stress loading.

Table1-3 presents the summary of log and core analyses for each of the four CSW wells.

The log analysis methods used specifically for the Devonian shale have evolved during the GRI

program, and are based in large part on mineralogy and reservoir properties developed from core

analyses. 14 Currently, in the Devonian shale, log responses do not permit distinction between

gas and bitumen (oil), so these have been combined as bulk volume of hydrocarbon (BVH) in

Table 1-3.

Table 1-3

Comparison of Log and Core Analyses CSW Wells

Core ('!o)
Ambient Adjusted Log ('!o)
Lower Huron
Bulk Volume of Hydrocarbon 1.5 1.0 0.7
Bulk Volume of Water 3.0 3.0 3.2
0 4.5 4.0 3.9

Bulk Volume of Hydrocarbon 4.9 4.4 4.5
Bulk Volume of Water 2.8 2.8 2.6
0 7.7 7.2 7.1

Lower Huron
Bulk Volume of Hydrocarbon 3.0 2.5 1.6
Bulk Volume of Water 2.2 2.2 2.2
0 5.2 4.7 3.8

Lower Huron
Bulk Volume of Hydrocarbon 2.3 1.8 2.0
Bulk Volume of Water 2.2 2.2 2.7
0 4.5 40 4.7

Bulk Volume of Hydrocarbon 1.4 0.9 1.2
Bulk Volume of Water 2.8 2.8 2.4
0 4.5 3.7 3.6

Middle Huron
Bulk Volume of Hydrocarbon 3.0 2.5 2.3
Bulk Volume of Water 2.5 2.5 2.5
0 5.5 5.0 4.8

Lower Huron
Bulk Volume of Hydrocarbon 5.3 4.8 4.0
Bulk Volume of Water 3.3 3.3 2.2
0 8.6 81 6.2

Also in Table 1-3, ambient core analysis results for porosity and BVH have been reduced 0.5 p.u.

to adjust to reservoir stress for comparison to log results. Overall, agreement of core to log

analysis results is good, especially considering the low porosity levels.

1.3.5 Modification of Analysis Method for Shales with Immature Kerogen

SUbsequent to the above analyses of core from the CSW program, core analyses were

performed on 239 samples from the Antrim shale from 254 feet of conventional core recovered

from the Ward Lake Energy - Latuszak No. 81-32, Otsego County, Michigan. Results of the Dean

Stark analyses and subsequent drying showed a systematic anomaly in the calculated oil

saturation values. 15 The oil saturation values in many cases were significantly negative, Le.,

water weights collected by Dean Stark were higher than the total weight loss of the core sample

after drying. The amount of the anomaly correlated with increased kerogen content of the core


After conducting a series of tests, we concluded that the problem is that the kerogen in

the Antrim shale oxidized during the ex1raction and drying processes, which were conducted at

230°F. This was demonstrated by the following tests. Companion crushed core sample splits

were selected from five locations previously analyzed. The Dean-Stark extraction procedure was

modified so that a nitrogen gas blanket was flowed into the ex1raction apparatus. The samples

were then dried at 230°F under vacuum. Table 1-4 shows the results of these tests compared to

results with the normal method of ex1raction and drying in an air atmosphere.

Table 1-4
Comparison of Core Analyses in Air or Nitrogen,
Antrim Shale, Ward Lake Energy-Latuszak 81-32

Analysis in Air Analysis in N2

Bulk Grain Grain
Density Density Density
Sample Depth gm/cc 0,% 50,0/0 Sw,% gm/cc 0,% 50,% SW, % gm/cc
11 1515.6 2.475 8.9 -0.2 48.8 2.669 10.2 3.2 42.6 2.704
56 1569.0 2.287 6.0 -44.8 42.9 2.433 10.5 8.5 24.4 2.515
106 1624.4 2.377 4.1 -29.8 65.0 2.464 7.3 4.1 36.5 2.533
122 1640.5 2.241 12.4 7.9 21.3 2.516 14.6 4.4 8.0 2.586
181 1700.4 1.952 11.3 -9.8 19.7 2.188 20.8 1.1 10.2 2.434

Results are now in the range expected, except sample 181 which has an anomalously

high porosity. Original bulk density for that sample appears incorrectly low. We now believe that

immature kerogen such as present in the Antrim (vitrinite reflectance, Ro = 0.46 percent) is

SUbject to oxidation during extraction/drying, so that a nitrogen blanket is necessary. As the

kerogen oxidizes, it gains weight and volume, and in a ratio such that apparent grain density is

reduced. This effect was not apparent in any of the Devonian shales from the Appalachian area,

in which Ro is in the range of 0.65 to 1.1 percent, i.e., more mature than the kerogen from the

Antrim. As a general practice, however, use of a nitrogen blanket is now recommended for all

routine shale analyses, since it doesn't add much additional difficulty or expense to the laboratory



1.4.1 Kerogen Volume From Cores

Kerogen, a major constituent of the Devonian shale, is important to determine because it

appears as hydrocarbon-filled porosity on conventional logs. In this study one task was to

determine kerogen quantitatively from core analyses and then to develop a reliable log analysis

method to solve for kerogen volume. Geochemical measurements of total organic carbon (TOC)

and rock evaluation pyrolysis have been made on a wide range of shale samples to evaluate

source rock potential of the Appalachian Basin. In the May 1989 topical report,2 a relationship

was shown for calculating kerogen volume, Vk, from TOC and pyrolysis:

Vk=[(Ct-51·Cs1)/Cklpb/ Pk (1.41)

where: Ct = TOC in the rock sample, wt trac

51 = free oil in the rock sample, wt frac

Cs 1 = carbon in the free oil, wt frac

Ck = carbon in the kerogen, WI frac

Pb = bulk density of the rock sample, gm/cc

Pk = density of kerogen, gm/cc

Values of Cs 1, Ck, and Pk have not been previously measured for Devonian shale

samples. For Cs 1, values should only vary from 0.85 to 0.9, so 0.87 has been used. For Ck,

values in general are expected to average 0.7 to 0.8 16. For Pk, no measurements have been

reported anywhere, and the uncertainty in this parameter was considered to have the most impact

on reliable calculation of Vk.

In order to measure Ck and rk, new experimental procedures were developed to extract

kerogen from the host rock and the finely-divided pyrite present with the kerogen. 17 Details of

these procedures are shown in Appendix B. From two kerogen samples extracted (using the new

procedures) from CSW No. 4A Breathitt County, Kentucky and FMC #70, Pike County, Kentucky,

Ck was found to relate to vitrinite reflectance (Ro):

Ck =0.784 + 0.088 log Ro (1.42)

For example, with Ro =1, Ck =0.784, which is in the range originally expected.

Kerogen density values, are presented in Table 1-5 for samples from five wells in the

Devonian shale, one well in the Antrim shale in the Michigan Basin, and one well in the Barnett

shale in the Fort Worth Basin. 18 Kerogen density varies rather widely, but fortunately seems to

correlate closely with R o as shown in Figure 1-5, with the relation:

Pk = 0.3491 Ro + 0.9626 (1.43)

Table 1-5

Measured Kerogen Density Values

Well, Formation Depth, ft Density, gmlcc Ro,%

Lower Huron 3210 1.179 0.65

Cleveland 2373 1.109 0.60

FMC No. 69
Lower Huron 4364 1.267 0.99

FMC No. 70
Lower Huron 5250 1.340 1.07

NOMECO - Bagley B 3-11

Norwood/Antrim 1478 1.230 0.46

Mitchell- T.P. Sims #2

Barnett 7682 1.664 2.00

Through the use of Equation (1.41) kerogen volume was calculated on 198 shale core

samples from the four CSW wells and several previous GRI cooperative wells in the Devonian

shale program in the Appalachian Basin. Figure 1-6 shows these results of Vk calculated from

core samples plotted asa function of the uranium yield from the spectral GR log. Despite the

apparent data scatter, the correlation coefficient is still acceptable. The best-fit fourth degree

polynomial line shown is:

Vk = 0.0493 + 0.0217 U - 8.59 x 10-4 U2 + 1.667 x 10-5 U3 - 1.231 x 10-7 U4 ...... (1.44)

where: Vk =kerogen volume, frac

U = uranium yield from log, ppm

This correlation is revised from those previously presented, 9, 14 primarily because of the

kerogen density measurements now available. In the previous correlations, Pk was assumed to

be 1.0 gmlcc, which is significantly lower than what has been subsequently measured.

1.4.2 Formation Water Salinity

To calculate water saturation from log analyses, it is important to establish formation

water salinity. Because formation water is not produced from the Devonian shale in the

Appalachian Basin, water salinity has not been measured. Through use of core samples from the

air-drilled CSW wells, water salinity was measured directly on crushed core samples. Table 1-6

summarizes the salinities determined for each CSw. For CSW No.2 the data are less precise

because chloride measurements were made on samples adjacent to the whole pieces used for

water content measurements rather than on a companion crushed sample. Overall a wide range

of water salinities is present.

Table 1-6

Summary of Formation Water Salinity Measurements

from Core Analyses

Salinity (1.000 ppm NaCI)

No. Samples Average Range
Lower Huron 10 49 12t0102

Cleveland 2 71 57 to 85
Lower Huron 13 72 32t0114

Lower Huron 7 71 41 to 92
Java 3 192 161 to 210

Middle Huron 9 136 85 to 222
Lower Huron 6 48 19 to 90

1.4.3 Relation of Salinity, Kerogen Volume. and Formation Resistivity

Initially, salinity results for core samples from CSW Nos. 2 and 4A were thought to vary

because of experimental uncertainties, especially with the new procedures for measuring BVW.

However, as the lab procedures evolved, it became evident that large salinity differences are

present. This is illustrated for CSW No. 1A in Figure 1-7, which shows water salinity measured

throughout the cored interval from 15 core samples. GR and induction log curves are shown for

comparison, as well as kerogen calculated from the Jog uranium curve. Water salinity varies from

19,000 to 222,000 ppm NaCI and seems to be linked with changes in Rt and kerogen volume.

Especially surprising is the rapid change in salinity over very short distances, such as from 3,179

to 3,185 feet. The general trend is that for black, organic-rich shales (high (Vk) there is high Rt

(and low salinity); for gray shales with low organic content (low Vk) there is low Rt (and high



Capillary pressure properties of the Devonian shale are important in assessing the

amount of pore space available to store gas, and in relating to several other rock properties such

as permeability, relative permeability, rock quality, and rock type. These data can be used to

compare with and to validate the fluid saturations determined by core and log analysis.

High pressure mercury capillary pressure tests have been conducted on 1 inch diameter

by 1 inch long core plugs from 10 depths in CSW #2. Results from these tests have been

reported. 19 The plugs were dried at 220"F in a vacuum oven for up to 15 days. For basic rock

properties, bulk volumes of the cores were measured by immersion in mercury and grain volumes

were measured with helium.

Figure 1-8 shows a capillary pressure typical of this group of core plugs. The saturation

scale is normalized such that mercury saturation becomes 100 percent at 50,000 psi.

Comparison of this volume of injected mercury to total porosity measured from helium injection

shows fairly good agreement for the group of ten cores. Figure 1-9 shows the same data as

Figure 1-8, but in terms of pore throat radius, in the form of a histogram. Figure 1-9 shows pore

throat radii are everywhere smaller than about 0.2 micron and the bulk of the porosity entered by

mercury is associated with pore throat radii in the range of 0.01 to 0.2 microns. For a point of

reference, if the threshold or entry mercury pressure is about 1000 psi (which corresponds to pore

throat radii of 0.1 microns), this is equivalent to a capillary pressure of 160 psi in a reservoir gas-

brine system. Alternatively, this means that in order for free gas to be present in this quality of

rock, the zone containing gas must be at least 400 feet above the free water level (zero capillary

pressure base). Free water level is difficult if not impossible to identify in the Devonian shale so it

is difficult to apply these results directly to reservoir description in the Devonian shale. One

important benefit of the mercury capillary pressure data is that it characterizes the pore throat size

distribution. Based on the amount of gas present in the reservoir as determined from foot-by-foot

core analyses it is evident that capillary pressure in the reservoir corresponds to levels of the

order of several thousand psi (for air-mercury), and that gas resides in pores with pore throats of

0.001 to 0.1 microns.

Capillary pressure tests were not conducted on core plugs from any of the other CSW

wells, or from the Pike County wells because there is no satisfactory way to remove the oil

(bitumen) present. Some work was directed toward measuring capillary pressure on crushed core

chips, since oil and water can be efficiently extracted from these. This work was generally

unsuccessful, because accurate measure of dead volume among the chips could not be made in

a systematic manner using mercury injection.


Purpose of this project was to measure the fundamental properties of shales using

experimental methods developed by an expert in clay chemistry. The objective was to blend this

experience in clay chemistry and the results of these lab tests with the research being conducted

by the other GRI shale contractors, to improve our experimental approach in all the research

areas. This project was initiated in March 1991 and terminated March 1992. The research was

performed by Purdue Research Foundation under subcontract to ResTech Houston and under

direct supervision of Dr. Phillip F. Low. Ground samples of five Devonian shales were used for

the determination of the following properties: specific surface area, water adsorption isotherm,

water-holding capacity under various applied pressures, salt content, infrared spectrum, and

interparticle permeability in the presence of different concentrations of an organic solute, 1,4

dioxane. There were two significant results: (1) it is possible to change the permeability of a shale

appreciably by adding a clay-flocculating solute to the aqueous permanent, and (2) the clay

content of the shale, as indicated by some of the above properties, has a marked influence on the

degree to which the added solute influences shale permeability, but this influence is modified by

the presence of organic matter and, probably, salt content. Results of this project are reported in

our Annual Technical Report of October 1991. 17


1.7.1 Background

As mentioned previously, early attempts to measure gas permeability of 174 rotary

sidewall shale cores collected during the GRI cooperative research well program in 19 wells

showed K ranged from < 0.01 to 837 ~d (1000 ~d= 1 md). Soeder4 reported K of 0.001 to 8 ~d in

black Devonian shale cores. Gas permeability measurements were recently conducted on 38

Devonian shale core plugs from the CSW No's 2, 4A, and 52, and CSW No. 1A.20 For 24 of

these plugs, K was too small to measure with the pulsed permeameter «0.01~d). Nine others

had visible fractures. The remaining five plugs (gray, quartz-rich shales) showed 0.04 to 12 ~d,

but all these plugs developed cracks visible to the naked eye within a few months. We believe in

all of the above core plug tests K was too high because of microfractures, which are coring

induced, and that shaie matrix permeability (Km) is generally < 0.01 ~d.

Since average reservoir permeability of Devonian shale in the Appalachian Basin is

greater than about 10 ~d based on initial flow rates on wells (typically greater than 20 to 30

MCF/D), natural fractures must playa dominant role in gas productivity. A reasonable question

then is whether or not it is important to determine matrix permeability if it is so small (e.g., <

0.01~d)7 Figure 1-10 shows the predicted cumUlative production from a typical Devonian shale

well, based on computer mOdeling. This was provided by Chris Hopkins, SA Holditch & Assoc.

The fracture spacing, aperture, and other reservoir properties used in the computer model are

shown in Table 1-7.

Table 1-7
Reservoir Properties for Model Results Shown in Figure 1-10

Parameter Value Used

Interval thickness 100 feet
Well drainage area 80 acres
Initial reservoir pressure 650 psia
Gas porosity 2.8%
Adsorbed gas
Langmuir volume 110 SCF/ton
Langmuir pressure 540 psia
Apparent total adsorbed gas porosity 10.7%
Natural vertical fractures
Spacing, X direction 2.5 feet
Spacing, Y direction 3.9 feet
Aperture 6.3 microns
Reservoir permeability 2.2 md-ft
Propped fracture
Radius 200 feet
Conductivity Infinite
Total gas in place 2.0 BCF

These properties are fairly typical of those found to fit observed productivity best for the

Pike County, Kentucky, GRJ research study wells. Note that in Figure 1-10 for high matrix

permeability, Km , > 0.001 (Jd (10-6 md) recovery is essentially independent of Km, i.e.,

productivity is controlled only by fracture properties and spacing. For low values of Km «10- 9

md), recovery is too low to be of economic interest. Within the range where 10-9 < Km < 10-6 md,

Km is one of the important controls on well productivity. As will be shown from the results of our

core studies, Km falls in the range of 10-9 to 10-7 md. Of course, reservoir fracture properties

(spacing, interconnectivity, aperture) are still the most important control on productivity, but these

are difficult to predict or measure with logging tools. Therefore, knowledge of Km narrows the

window on the variability of the fracture properties necessary to explain observed productivity.

1.7.2 Experimental Approach

Emphasis on methods to measure Km grew during the period just prior to the beginning of

the three well GRI research study in Pike County, Kentucky. Figure 1-11 shows the sequence of

experiments planned to link core analyses to reservoir permeability. A key element in determining

reservoir permeability in this program was the use of short-depth-interval slug tests

(approximately ten feet)21 Interpretation of FMS logs and borehole camera images coupied with

whole core description provide the means of determining natural fracture spacing, azimuth, and

interconnectivity both in the open and cased hole well environment. 22 Short term productivity (as

inferred from the short term well tests) can then be linked to the fracture characteristics (based on

logs, cores) and Km from core analyses to predict long term productivity and cumulative

production such as depicted in Figure 1-10.

For the task of measuring Km using core analyses, three separate methods were chosen:

1. Pressure pulse testing on core plugs using helium.

2. Pressure pulse testing on crushed core chips (or drill cuttings) using helium.

3. Degassibility testing on core plugs using helium or methane.

To make comparisons of results from each of these tests, companion core plugs or

crushed core samples were taken at each of several selected core locations. For FMC No. 69,

core plugs were drilled at 14 locations. For FMC No. 78, core plugs were drilled at 31 locations.

For the pulse permeability tests, 1 1/2 inch diameter core plugs were drilled, while for the

degassibility tests, 3/4 inch diameter plugs were drilled adjacent to the 1 1/2 inch diameter plugs.

Pieces of core (approximately 200 gm) were selected from the rock surrounding the 1 1/2 inch

diameter plugs, to be used for crushed core permeability tests. Pieces of core (approximately 100

gm) were selected from the rock surrounding the 3/4 inch diameter plugs, to be used for

adsorption isotherm/degassibility tests. Pieces of core (approximately 200 gm) adjacent to both

sets of plugs were selected to be used by Core Lab Houston for measurements of 0, So. Sw. Sg.

and geochemical/mineralogy properties using crushed core.

In order to interpret Km from the pulse tests on core plugs, the number and extent of

microfractures present are needed. To aid in this a special thin section study was done on end

trims from each core plug location. in which fluorescent-dyed epoxy was injected in the end trims

at net overburden stress prior to thin section preparation.

1.7.3 Thin Section Study

The laboratory preparation and petrography for this study were done by WAI Core

Laboratories. Carrollton, Texas. From each 1 1/2 inch diameter core plug drilled for pulse

permeability tests. an end trim 1/2 inch thick was cut. These were loaded five at a time into a

rubber sleeve core holder with powered sand surrounding each disk. Epoxy containing

fluorescent, rhodamine red dye was injected and hardened while maintaining a net overburden

(NOB) pressure of 2000 psi. The samples were then mounted on a glass slide, and cut and

lapped in water to a thin section about 30 microns thick. The thin sections were studied with a

petrographic microscope, using both standard transmitted light (plane-and cross-polarized) and

reflected light with the appropriate wavelength (green to generate fluorescence from the red dye in

the epoxy. This fluorescence permits detection of smaller fractures than possible with standard

transmitted light.

Figure 1-12 shows photomicrographs taken of a thin section at 4219.0 feet. FMC No.• 69.

with both transmitted plane-polarized light and reflected green-light fluorescence of the same

view. Vertical dimension of each photo is 0.44 mm (440 microns). Fracture aperture (slot width)

as viewed in the plane light photo is about 10 microns, and the fracture is parallel to bedding.

When viewed under green-light fluorescence, there are several smaller aperture microfractues

now visible. These generally are less than 5 microns aperture, tend to be discontinuous, and

often cluster around the larger, visible fractures. Macrofractures are defined as those visible with

plane polarized light, (>5 micron aperture) and microfractures are thOse visible only with reflected

fluorescence «5 micron aperture).

For each thin section, a study was made to document the number and type of fractures

present. This was done by examining the fractures present while traversing the microscope stage

across the full 1 1/2 inch diameter, perpendicular to the axis of the fractures. As a summary, for

13 thin section samples from FMC No. 69 and 31 samples from FMC No. 78, on average: (a) 1to

5 continuous microfractures were present, (b) 0 to 2 continuous microfractures were present, and

(c) 5 to 20 discontinuous microfractures were present. Continuous fractures are defined as

extending the full diameter of the thin section. Every thin section had at least one continuous

fracture. Virtually every fracture appeared to be coring-induced, as evidenced by lack of

cementing material, and the fact that all were parallel to bedding. Recent reports 23-24 provide

detailed results of the study.

1.7.4 Pressure Pulse Permeability, Shale Core Plugs

In a new method recently proposed, Kamath25 showed how pressure pulse data

collected during liquid flow can be used to calculate fracture and matrix permeability separately.

In this method very small upstream and downstream chamber volumes are used (a few ml). This

is in contrast to the iarge chamber volumes of about 50 ml commonly used in pulse

permeameters. Small chamber volumes permit measurement and interpretation of large pressure

transients at very early times (a few seconds), which is the key to detecting permeability

heterogeneities (such as fractures). Ideally, chamber volumes should be equal to the gas filled

pore volume of the core (about one ml for these shale cores) for best results 26

Although the pressure pulse method proposed by Kamath demonstrated that matrix and

fracture permeabilities could be determined separately on cores, this was done only for

conventional reservoir rocks with permeabilities greater than 10 ~d, using liquid flow. For this

study, to determine extremely low shale matrix permeabilities in the presence of micro-fractures

using gas flow, laboratory equipment, procedures, and interpretation methods had to be newly

developed. This was done with a research project undertaken by X. Ning at Texas A&M

University, as a part of his doctoral research. This project was funded by GRI through ResTech

and SA Holditch & Assoc. and has been fUlly documented.27 Highlights of the experimental

method and results of that work are presented here. Experimental Method

A schematic of the pressure pulse decay method is shown in Figure 1-13. For the 1 1/2

inch diameter by 1 1/2 inch long core plugs used, typical gas filled pore volumes at native state

liquid saturations are about 2 to 3 percent of bulk volume, or 0.9 to 1.3 ml. For the experimental

equipment, upstream chamber volume (Vup) =3.4 ml and downstream chamber volume (Vdown)
= 2.0 ml. These were the smallest chamber volumes that could practically be achieved. The core

plug is initially pressured with helium to 1000 psig, with sleeve pressure of 4000 psig. Although

net overburden pressure of Devonian shale in the Pike County area is typically 2000 psig, it was

necessary to use 4000 psig sleeve pressure (3000 psi net overburden) to minimize helium

leakage between the core and the sleeve. Small leaks in these tests are much more critical than

in conventional pulse tests, since test times are typically over 15 hours, and total system volume

is very small.

The initial pressure equilibration step to 1000 psig was typically conducted for one to two

days. Then a pressure pulse of 40 psi was introduced from the upstream chamber. Test

pressures were recorded initially at intervals of 0.1 sec and 'overall for periods up to about 15

hours. The pressure transient data were analyzed by numerical simulation, type curve analysis,

and an approximate analytical solution. This work27 showed that the approximate analytical

solution provides an efficient, reliable interpretation. This involves the material balance equation,

Darcy's Law, pseudo-pressure, pseudo-time, and La Place transformation. Validation Tests

Prior to testing shale plugs, the laboratory test procedures and interpretation method were

verified by testing a low permeability, dry Berea sandstone core plug. Permeability of the core

plug was measured with the new pulse method using helium with K = 0.0010 md and I2l =6.8
percent at net overburden stress of 3000 psi. This matched the permeability previously measured

by Core Lab with a steady-state method. Then the core was cracked lengthwise, reassembled,

and re-tested. As shown in Table 1-8, these pressure data were analyzed with resulting matrix K

=0.0013 md, which is in good agreement with that measured before cracking the core. Fracture

permeability is 740 md. Presuming the crack introduced is planar, the aperture is calculated to be

3.4 ~m. The overall apparent permeability of the core, including both the matrix and the fracture

conductivity, is 0.063 md, about 50 times that of the uncracked core. Porosity is also calculated

from the pressure pulse data, with results shown in Table 1-8.

Table 1-8

Pulse Permeability Validation Test Results

With Berea Sandstone Core Plug

Homogeneous Plug Fractured Plug

Matrix permeability, md 0.0010 0.0013
Fracture permeability, md N/A 740.
Fracture aperture, ~m N/A 3.2
Core permeability, md 0.0010 0.063
Porosity, percent 6.8 6.5

33 Results of Shale Core Tests

Table 1-9 shows the results of pressure pulse tests conducted on twelve shale core plugs

from FMC No. 69. Table 1-10 shows the results on eleven shale core plugs from FMC No. 78. All

of these plugs contained their native state fluid saturations. The effective fracture aperture for

each core plug is calculated from the fracture permeability and number of fractures with the

assumption that all fractures within each plug have the same aperture and that all are slots with

smooth planar sides. As discussed earlier, these fractures are all considered to be induced by

coring, and not present in the subsurface. For FMC No. 78, two core plugs (samples #2 and #12)

contained no apparent macrofractures, and test data could not be used initially to derive

permeability. Each of these two plugs were deliberately fractured and retested, with the results

shown. Figure 1-14 shows the pressure response and interpreted results from a typical core test,

in this case from core sample #23, FMC No. 69.

Table 1-9

Pulse Permeability Results on Shale Core

Plugs (TAMU), FMC No. 69

Sample Core Rock Gas-Filled Km Fracture Kf No. of

Number Depth, ft Type Porosity, % 10-8 md Aperture, J.Im md Fractures
5 4201.2 2E 2.5 0.8 1.0 75 10
8 4218.2 2E 4.4 4.0 1.1 99 4
16 4262.5 4E 2.0 0.5 1.0 84 9
18 4269.5 3D 4.3 2.1 2.4 492 3
21 4290.5 4E 3.4 0.5 1.1 108 9
22 4298.1 2E 2.3 0.6 0.4 13 8
23 4302.1 4E 1.9 1.2 1.8 278 4
27 4321.5 2E 3.1 2.0 0.5 19 5
29 4333.0 38 1.6 5.9 0.8 48 1
31 4345.1 2E 3.2 4.3 5.5 2570 1
33 4364.3 2E 3.9 7.9 0.7 40 2
39 4399.0 2E 1.7 2.5 0.3 8 2

Table 1-10

Pulse Permeability Results on Shale

Core Plugs (TAMU), FMC No. 78

Sample Core Rock Gas-Filled Km Fracture Kf No. of

Number Depth, ft Type Porosity, % 10-8 md Aperture, 11m md Fractures
1 4154.2 10 1.7 1.7 0.6 29 3
2' 4167.1 20 6.0 1.2 1.4 176 3
3 4175.2 3E 3.8 0.4 0.4 17 4
6 4200.3 4E 4.6 2.8 2.1 386 1
12' 4260.3 2E 5.4 0.2 1.0 80 2
15 4273.8 2E 5.1 2.8 3.2 835 1
17 4282.4 3E 4.3 3.0 0.1 1 2
21 4316.8 4E 4.4 5.5 0.8 57 2
27 4365.4 3D 2.5 1.7 1.8 284 1
28 4367.7 3C 4.8 1.1 0.5 24 3
30 4377.8 2E 3.8 0.4 1.9 309 2
, Core plug was artificially fractured.

The most important property shown by these tests Is the matrix permeability, Km . This

ranges from 0.5 to 5.9 x 10-8 md for FMC No. 69 and 0.2 to 5.5 x 10-8 md for FMC No. 78, which

is a surprisingly narrow range. Note, however, that most of the rock types available from the core

in these two research wells are black shales. Rock types are shown for each core plug in Tables

1-9 and 1-10. The numerical designation is an engineering classification 17 where:

1= 0> 4%, Vk < 8%

2= 0> 4%, Vk > 8%

3= 0 < 4%, Vk < 8%

4= 0 < 4%, Vk > 8%

with Vk = bulk volume of kerogen.

The alphabetic designation is a geologic classification,28 where:

A =shaly sandstone/siltstone
B = very shaiy sandstone/siltstone

C = burrowed silty shaie

o = gray shaie
E =black organic-rich shale

Figure 1-15 shows a plot of Km versus gas-filled porosity (0g) and illustrates that there is

no apparent correlation of Km to 0 g. This is in contrast to what has been found for Km

measurements made on crushed sampies (to be presented). Attempts to seek a correlation of

Km with other rock properties such as total porosity, kerogen volume, heavy mineral volume, and

rock type have been unsuccessful.

1.7.5 Pressure Pulse Permeability, Crushed Core Samples

As indicated by Figure 1-11, another approach used to derive matrix permeability is

through pressure pulse tests with heiium using crushed core samples companion to the 1 1/2 inch

diameter core plugs. In this method shale core samples are crushed and then a narrow sieve cut

is used to obtain a relatively uniform particle size. Advantages of this method are that it is quick to

run (of the order of one hour rather than several days for core plugs); it can be used on drill

cuttings; and since the shale is likely to part along microfractures and bedding planes, individual

particles are unlikely to contain microfractures. A disadvantage of this method is that it is

conducted at no overburden stress. A detailed description of the experimental method, validation

tests, and results is included in a topical report in preparation. 29

36 Experimental Procedure

The laboratory measurements on crushed core samples were conducted by Core Lab

Carrollton. Figure 1-16 shows a schematic of the laboratory equipment used. In this method a

measured weight (from 15 to 30 gm) of crushed shale at native fluid saturations is loaded into the

sample cell. Helium is then expanded into the sample cell from a reference cell of known volume

and pressure (about 200 psig). Pressure almost instantly drops to a level dictated by the dead

volume in the sample cell, then decays with time to a lower pressure as helium moves into the

pores within each crushed shale particle. Permeability and gas-filled porosity can be calculated

from these pressure data. Validation Tests

Prior to applying the new experimental method to shale samples, tests were run on Berea

sandstone for which permeability can be measured independently. Berea samples used were

from FMC No. 80, Pike County study area, with porosity of 6 to 8 percent and dry core helium

permeability of 1 to 10 microdarcies as routinely measured by Core Lab. Initially, a test plug was

carefully crushed to 3 mm chips. At the permeability level involved, all useful pressure transient

data ended within 10 sec. In order to extend the useful time over which pressure data can be

collected, a one inch diameter plug was used as a pseudo-large-chip. These data were modeled

by Chris Hopkins of SA Holditch & Assoc. using a reservoir simulator. Results showed K =
0.0056 md and 0 = 7.1 percent. For this plug, Core Lab measured K = 0.0068 md and 0 = 6.6

percent with the CMS-300 system.

Next, several tests were run on crushed shale chips using different sieve cuts (10/20,

20/35, and 35/60) to determine which gave best data for analyses. Photographs were also taken

to characterize chip shapes for chips from the three sieve cuts. Based on this study 20/35 mesh

(0.500 to 0.841 mm) was chosen as optimum. Figure 1-17 shows the results from a typical test of

a shale sample from FMC No. 69, with both the experimental data and the simulation results. In

order to determine porosity, bulk volume of the core chips was determined from the instantaneous

pressure immediately after the expansion step is initiated, termed Pe,i. Figure 1-18 shows an

extrapolation procedure devised by Hopkins for this purpose. As shown by the data in Figure 1-

18, temperature cooling effects which we were initially concerned about, are negligible even

during the first few seconds.

Table 1-11

Comparison of Results from Shale Chips, Plug Tests and

Routine Crushed Tests, FMC No. 69

Pulse Shale Pulse Core Pulse Pulse Core Routine

Sample Core ChT Km PlujKm Shale Chip Plug Analyses
Number Depth, ft 10 md 10 md 0g% 0g% 0g%
2 4183.4 0.5 - 1.0 - 0.2
5 4201.3 2.4 0.8 1.6 2.5 1.9
8 4218.2 5.0 4.0 2.1 4.4 1.8
16 4262.3 2.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.5
18 4269.9 3.5 2.1 2.4 4.3 3.3
21 4290.7 9.5 0.5 2.5 3.4 3.4
22 4298.1 14.0 0.6 2.9 2.3 3.5
23 4302.1 7.0 1.2 1.9 1.9 2.8
27 4321.4 13.0 2.0 2.7 3.1 3.6
29 4333.0 0.5 5.9 1.6 1.6 0.4
31 4345.2 5.5 5.6 2.6 2.5 0.4
33 4364.3 19.0 7.9 3.0 3.9 4.1
36 4376.2 10.0 - 2.0 - 5.0
39 4399.0 1M 2.Q 2..2 1.2 ;u:
Median 6.2 2.1
Average 2.2 2.8 2.6 Results otTests

Table 1-11 shows the permeability and gas-filled porosity results interpreted from the

pressure pulse data collected on 14 shale, core chip samples from FMC No. 69. Table 1-12

shows the same type of results for crushed core samples from 31 locations from FMC No. 78. All

of these crushed core samples contain their native state fluid saturations as present in the

reservoir. For comparison of permeabilities, median values were chosen as a better average

measure since some of the permeabilities cover a big dynamic range. Arithmetic average

porosities are shown for comparison.

Table 1-12
Comparison of Results from Shale Chips, Plug Tests, and
Routine Crushed Tests, FMC No. 78

Pulse Shale Pulse Core Pulse Shale Pulse Core Routine

Sample Core Chip Km Plug Km Chip Plug Analyses
Number Depth, It 10"md 10"md 0g, % 0g, % 0g, %
1 4154.2 11.9 1.7 1.9 1.7 3.7
2 4167.1 2.9 1.2 1.7 6.0 2.6
3 4175.2 4.8 0.4 2.1 3.8 2.3
4 4177.3 5.1 - 2.4 - 1.6
5 4190.2 10.1 - 2.0 - 2.6
6 4200.3 18.2 2.8 1.9 4.6 3.7
7 4211.8 14.8 - 2.0 - 4.5
8 4218.3 1.6 - 1.3 - 3.5
9 4228.9 1.0 - 0.9 - 0.2
10 4239.3 7.4 - 2.4 - 3.4
11 4252.1 7.0 - 1.7 - 3.0
12 4260.3 19.2 0.2 2.8 5.4 4.7
13 4267.4 20.7 - 3.0 - 5.1
14 4269.2 44.5 - 2.7 - 4.3
15 4273.8 11.7 2.8 2.4 5.1 1.9
16 4278.1 4.4 - 1.8 - 1.7
17 4281.7 17.3 3.0 2.8 4.3 4.6
18 4285.3 9.7 - 2.6 - 2.9
19 4287.9 2.2 - 1.9 - 0.4
20 4307.2 13.6 - 2.6 - 3.4
21 4316.8 13.0 5.5 2.6 4.4
22 4324.3 7.8 - 1.8 - 2.4
23 4333.8 8.7 - 2.1 - 2.8
24 4337.0 4.1 - 1.7 - 2.6
25 4354.3 5.9 - 2.0 - 2.5
26 4361.8 9.8 - 2.3 - 3.8
27 4365.4 6.8 1.7 2.1 2.5 3.2
28 4367.7 8.5 1.1 1.4 4.8 0.4
30 4377.8 13.6 0.4 1.2 3.8 0.5
31 4380.6 0.4 - 0.6 - 0.3
32 4389.6 0.6 0.7 M
Median 8.5 1.7
Average 2.0 4.2 2.7

For FMC No. 78, only 11 core plugs were tested. Even though all 31 core samples were

used to derive the average porosity for the crushed samples, the same average porosity (within

0.1 porosity unit) occurs if only the same 11 samples are used as tested with the core plugs.

Porosities from the plug tests are significantly higher. Since these measurements were conducted

at overburden, they should be lower than the crushed sample measurements (at ambient

pressure) by about 0.5 porosity unit. Although no further work is planned, this suggests some

added interpretation may be needed on the plug tests to resolve this.

The permeability agreement is rather surprising considering that the shale chips are

tested with no overburden stress with a pore pressure of 100 psi, whereas the pressure pulse

tests on core plugs are conducted at 3000 psi NOB stress and a pore pressure of 1000 psi. For

conventional, low permeability reservoir rocks these two effects would normally cause the chip

samples to show a gas permeability higher than the core plugs by over 10 to 100. There is some

evidence from permeability derived using degassibility experiments conducted on Vycor and

Berea sandstone plugs at Juniata College that gas permeability in shales is rather independent of

overburden stress. This is discussed in the next section. Although these effects are not fully

understood, it appears that these inexpensive, rapid tests on core chips provide a good alternate

method of measuring shale permeability.

Figure 1-19 shows that chip permeabilities correlate fairly well with gas-filled porosities.

All but two of these core samples, from both FMC #69 and FMC #78, lie in the Transition and

Lower Huron section. Eight points are shown in Figure 1-19 that represent permeabilities

measured on drill cuttings samples taken while drilling with reverse circulation. Two of these are

from the Olentangy shale in the FMC #69, three from the Chagrin shale in the FMC #78, and three

from the Transition/L. Huron shale in the FMC # 80. Note that for the gray shales (whether

cuttings or chips), permeabilities appear higher than would be expected based on the correlation

line shown by the black shales.

1.7.6 Permeability From Degassibility of Core Plugs

A new degassibility method has been developed by Juniata College to measure shale

matrix permeability to helium or methane in the presence of gas desorption. 30 Gas adsorption

accounts for 30 to 80 percent of the total gas stored in shales. Although microfractures present in

laboratory shale core samples are highly conductive, the gas produced and its rate during initial

degassing are primarily related to the permeability of the matrix.

The development of the degassibiiity method is still in the research stage, and will be

separately reported by Juniata College under their GRI Contract No. 5091-213-2200. Highlights

of the experimental method used and a summary of results obtained are presented here to show

the linkage with the permeabiiity results from the methods just presented. Currently, matrix

permeability results calculated from the degassibility method are significantly higher than those

derived on core plugs using pressure pulse methods and these differences are not yet

resolved. 31 Experimental Method

Figure 1-20 shows a schematic of the equipment used for the degassibility tests. A shale

core sample, with 3/4 inch diameter by 1 1/2 inch long, is held in a rubber sleeve at 2000 psi net

overburden pressure. The core is equilibrated at 500 psig with methane, usually for three hours.

The dead volume at the core face is then exhausted rapidly to a vacuum and sealed. Pressure

rebound is measured, from which gas produced into the dead volume from the degassing of the

core is calculated as shown in Figure 1-21. This is plotted as a function of square root of time,

with early linear behavior as shown. Slope of this early time behavior is defined as specific

degassibiiity, G, as follows:

G = M/(2A~pt1/2) (1.71)


M = gas produced, mols

A = surface area available for degassing, cm 2

t.p = pressure drop causing degassing, atm

t = time function, sec

An independent measurement is then made of the adsorption isotherm on a companion

crushed core sample using helium and methane as shown in Figure 1-22. The slope of the

isotherm, S (which varies with pressure) is defined as mols/cm 3 - atm. The permeability can then

be found:

K = 3140 z RT IJG2/PS (1.72)

where: K = permeability, md

z = gas compressibility factor,

R = gas constant, atm-cclmol- 'K

T = absolute temperature, 'K

IJ = gas viscosity, cp

G = degassibility, mols/atm - cm 2 - sec1/2

p = pressure, atm

S = mol/cm 3 - atm

In order to account for the effect of microfractures, their number and surface must be included in

the calculation of G (Equation 1.71), as these add new surface area for degassing. Validation of Degassibility Method

At the beginning of research on these degassibility tests, validation tests were done with

unfractured Vycor and Berea sandstone plugs. Vycor is a porous glass with average pore

diameter of 0.004 to 0.007 microns, porosity of about 28 percent, and air permeability of about 5

to 10 microdarcies. The Berea sandstone plugs, obtained from core recovered from the FMC No.

80, have porosity of 6 to 8 percent, and dry core air permeabilities of 1 to 10 microdarcies.

For the Vycor glass, helium degassibility tests were run at 3000 psi NOB stress and an

initial soak pressure of 263 psia. From these tests, permeability was derived. For rocks with very

low permeability (especially shale) gas permeability is strongly influenced by the mean pore

pressure present, as well as the NOB stress. Pore pressure is important because of the gas

slippage effect, commonly referred to as the Klinkenberg effect. The following relation links gas

permeability, K, to mean pore pressure, Pm:

K = Koo (1 + b/P m) ,." ..,.,.,., (1.73)

where Koo = Klinkenberg permeability, i.e" slippage corrected permeability at

infinite pore pressure,

b = Klinkenberg factor, psia

Pm = mean pore pressure, psia

For rocks with K over about 10 md, b is negligible and K A K_. For very low permeability rocks

(shales), where b »P m even at reservoir pressures, K A K_ (b/P m) and

K Pm '" Koo b (1.74)

For a given NOB stress, Koo b is a constant and K is proportional to 1/P m, so the Koo b product is

a useful parameter to characterize a given rock rather than K alone. For the Vycor plug

degassibility data, Koo b = 0.50 md-psi. To validate this result, Core Lab Houston measured

steady-state air permeability on the same Vycor plug using 1000 psi NOB stress, at seven

different mean pore pressures from 23 to 65 psia and found Koo b = 0.67 md - psi, which is a

good match at this permeability level. The same type of degassibility tests were conducted using

helium on four Berea sandstone plugs from FMC No. 80. Dry core, gas permeabilities were

measured on these same Berea plugs by Core Lab Houston using helium and the CMS-300,

unsteady-state method. Table 1-13 shows good agreement between the Koo b product obtained

from degassibility and from Core Lab flow tests, for both the Vycor plug and the Berea plugs.

Table 1·13
Comparison of Permeability from Helium Degassibility (Juniata College) and from Helium
Flow Through Vycor and Berea Plugs (Core Lab)

Koo b. md-psi
Degassibility Flow through
Sample No. (Juniata)· (Core Lab)··
Vycor 0.50 0.67
Berea #6 0.19 0.14
Berea #34 0.39 0.43
Berea #42 0.20 0.20
Berea #73 1.90 1.10
• NOB sleeve pressure - 3000 psi for Vycor, 2000 psi for Berea
•• NOB sleeve pressure'" 1000 psi forVycor, 1500 psi for Berea

Another goal of the degassibility verification tests was to demonstrate that matrix

permeability of the Vycor and Berea plugs could be determined reliably after a fracture was

introduced. Figure 1-23 shows the helium degassibility behavior of the Vycor plug before and

after introducing a fracture. For these tests NOB = 2000 psi, and initiai soak pressure = 260 psi.

Note that the specific degassibility (G) from the slope of the eariy straight line must be divided by

the surface area available to degassing. This area consists of one core face only for the

unfractured plug, but both core faces and the fracture faces for the fractured case. For the

unfractured Vycor plug, from five degasslbility tests average Kcob = 0.50 md - psi:': 1.6 percent
standard error. For the fractured Vycor plug, from four degassibillty tests, average Kcob = 0.37 md

- psi:': 12 percent standard error. This is a reasonably good match. Note that, at the high

permeability present (compared to that expected for shales), most of the early time data for the

fractured Vycor plug are stabilized before the two second exhaust step is complete. For the

Berea plug, similarly tested after fracturing, there was even less success at capturing early time

data. This is because the Berea sandstone porosity (and gas storage) is only 25 percent of that in

the Vycor plug, but the permeabilitles are similar. So the Berea loses a bigger fraction of its total

gas in the initial two second exhaust step prior to pressure rebound. As a result, matrix

permeability of the fractured Berea cores could not be derived from degassibility tests. Effect of Overburden Stress

Normally for low permeability rocks, higher NOB sleeve pressures result in lower

measured values of K and Kco, for the same pore pressure (Pm). For these test samples of

Vycor and Berea it appears that the product Kco b is essentially independent of NOB pressure.

Figure 1-24 shows the degasslbility behavior ofVycor is independent of NOB stress from 1000 to

3000 psi. Since all tests were run at the same initial soak pressure (and same effective Pm), this

implies the same resultant K and Kco b (0.50 md-psi, Table 1-13). Inference from this is that as

NOB sleeve pressure is Increased, Kco decreases but b increases proportionally such that Kco b is

constant. The Berea sandstone cores behaved similar to this. Figure 1-25 shows helium

degassibility tests run at both 2300 and 3300 psi NOB stress, at initial pore pressures of 750 and

500 psi. This shows degassibility independent of NOB stress as with Vycor. Although this effect

(Kco b product independent of NOB) has not yet been verified for shale cores, this would be an

important finding. This would validate use of permeability tests on crushed shale chips or drill

cuttings at ambient conditions (no load stress) for determining in-situ permeabilities. Results of Shale Tests

On all of the degassibility tests, the shale plugs were first dried in a vacuum oven at 60'

C. This represents different conditions than the native state fluid saturations left in the shale for

the pulse tests conducted on either the plugs or crushed core samples previously described.

Methane degassibility tests have been conducted on two shale plugs from FMC No. 69. Figure 1-

21 shows methane degassibility of plug #2 (4183 ft). Figure 1-22 shows the adsorption isotherms

measured on a companion crushed sample. Through combination of the isotherm and the

degassibility data, calculated matrix permeability is 16.1 x 10-8 md. This is based on observation

of three microfractures present.

Helium degassibility tests have been conducted on ten shale plugs from FMC No. 69,

including plug #2. Degassibility response is shown for plug #8 (4218 ft) on Figure 1-26. This

shows an approximate straight line slope behavior. From this slope, calculated K =21.7 x 10-8
md, based on five observed microfractures. Figure 1-27 shows a different, two slope behavior for

plug #5 (4201 ft). Early slope suggests Km = 55 x 10-8 md and late slope shows Km = 1.9 x 10-8

md, based on five observed microfractures. For both cores (plugs #5 and #8) NOB = 2000 psi

and initial soak pressure = 500 psi. Based on the more complex slope behavior shown in Figure

1-27 the complete degassing behavior apparently needs to be modeled rather than the early slope


Table 1-14 shows the apparent matrix permeability from helium degassibility on ten core

plugs from FMC No. 69, after correction for the effect of the microfractures observed to be


Table 1-14

Matrix Permeability Results from Degassibility Tests (Juniata College) on Shale Core Plugs
from FMC No. 69

Sample No. of
Number Core Depth, ft Km 10-8 md Fractures Gas Used
2 4183.4 63.0 3 Helium
2 4183.4 16.1 3 Methane
5 4201.3 1.9 5 Helium
8 4218.2 21.7 5 Helium
18 4269.9 1.27 5 Helium
18 4269.9 0.15 5 Methane
21 4290.7 17.7 3 Helium
22 4298.1 103.4 0 Helium
29 4333.0 0.67 0 Helium
33 4364.3 16.3 2 Helium
36 4376.2 101.4 1 Helium
39 4399.0 199.7 0 Helium

There are several important features. Matrix permeability ranges from 0.67 to 199.7 x 10-8 md,

with a median of 19.7 x 10.8 md (helium only). This compares to a median Km of 2.1 x 10-8 md

for the helium pulse tests on core plugs from FMC No. 69(TAMU - see Table 1-11), and 6.2 x 10-8

md for the helium pulse tests on core chips (Gore Lab - see Table 1-11), all on essentially

companion rock samples. Overall agreement, therefore, is reasonably satisfactory considering

the technical difficulties of these measurements. Note that in Table 1-14, for the degasslbility

tests, three of the plugs appear to have no microfractures (plugs 22, 29, and 39). Adjacent plugs

to these tested at TAMU (Table 1-9) and thin sections of these studied at Gore Lab show one or

more microfractures. It is likely that microfractures are present in the degassibility test plugs, but

not detected during examination. There is also the possibility that more microfractures are

present In some of the other degassibility test plugs than shown in Table 1-14. Effect of this is to

lower the calculated values of Km.

Table 1-14 also presents a comparison of Km derived from degassibility tests using both

helium and methane for plugs 2 and 18. These show that Km from methane is lower than that

found from helium by a factor of 4 to 8. Most of this difference is due to the lower Klinkenberg

factor (b) for methane. Methane b is lower than helium b by a factor of about 3, so apparent Km

(see Equation 1.74) should be lower by 3, also. However, there are too few tests made with

methane to draw any general conclusions yet.

Several important features have emerged from the degassibility tests. For example,

these tests show that for very low permeability materials (':Jycor, Berea sandstone, Devonian

shale), gas permeability at a given mean pressure is relatively independent of NOB stress.

Further, because of the very high apparent value of Klinkenberg factor, b, gas pemneability is

inversely proportional to mean pore pressure, Pm. These two features permit linkage of helium

permeabilities derived from pressure pulse tests on core plugs run at 3000 psi NOB stress and

Pm = 1000 psi with tests on crushed shale chips at ambient stress and Pm = 100 psi. That is, K

from chip tests should be about 10 times K from core plugs. From Table 1-11, the experimental

results on FMC No. 69 show average K from chip tests is about three times that from core plugs.

Last, it is important to understand the results of the degassibility tests conducted with methane

since this mimics the dual process of gas desorption and flow transport that occurs in the

reservoir during production.


1. "Devonian Shale Well Log Interpretation," Gas Research Institute Final Technical Report,

August 1985-September 1986, GRI-87-0092, prepared by ResTech Houston, Inc. April


2. "Core Analysis Results, Comprehensive Study Wells, Devonian Shale," Gas Research

Institute Topical Report, GRI-89/0151, May 1989.

3. Kalyoncu, RS., Coppins, w.G. Hooie, D.T., and Snyder, M.J. "Characterization and

Analysis of Devonian Shales: I. Physical Characterization," Proceedings, First Eastern Gas

Shales Symposium, Morgantown, West Virginia, October 17-19,1977.

4. Nuhfer, E.B. and Vinopal, R.J. "Petrographic Characteristics for Distinguishing Gas-

Productive Devonian Shale from Non-Productive Shaie," Second Eastern Gas Shales

Symposium, Vol. I, Morgantown, West Virginia, October 16-18,1978.

5. Soeder, D.J. "Porosity and Permeability of Eastern Devonian Gas Shale," SPEFE, March

1988, p. 116-124.

6. Luffel, D.L., Howard W.E., and Hunt E.R.: 'Travis Peak Core Permeability and Porosity

Relationships at Reservoir Stress," SPEFE Sept. 1991, p. 310-18.

7. Luffel, D.L. and Guidry, F.K.: "Reservoir Rock Properties of Devonian Shale from Core and

Log Analysis," Paper 8910 presented at the 1989 Society of Core Analysts Annual

Symposium, New Orleans, August 2-3.

8. Luffel, D.L. and Guidry, F.K.: "New Core Analysis Methods for Measuring Reservoir Rock

Properties of Devonian Shale," JPT, November 1992, p. 1184-90.

9. Luffel, D.L., Guidry, F.K., and Curtis, J.B.: "Evaluation of Devonian Shale With New Core

and Log Analysis Methods," JPT, November 1992, p 1192-97.

10. Brown & Ruth Laboratories, Inc. "Geochemical Report, GRJ CSW 2 Well, Calhoun Co.,

West Virginia," Report prepared for· Gas Research Institute, Devonian Shale Program,

March 1, 1988.

11. Heseldin, G.M. "A Method of Averaging Capillary Pressure Curves," SPWLA Fifteenth

Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 1974 Paper E.

12. Alger, R.P. Luffel, D.L., and Truman, R.B. "New Unified Method of Integrating Core Capillary

Pressure Data with Well Logs," SPEFE, June, 1989.

13. "Electrical Properties and Permeability of Devonian Shale Samples, Sterling Drilling and

Production, Jarvis Well No. 1143, CSW#2," Core Laboratories Irving, April 15, 1988.

14. Guidry, F. K. et al: "Devonian Shale Formation Evaluation Model Based on Logs, New Core

Analysis Methods, and Production Tests," Proc., SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium

(1990) paper NN.

15. "Core Analysis Report, Ward Lake Energy - Latuszak 81-32, Michigan," prepared by WAI

Core Laboratories, Houston, December 6, 1990.

16. Tissot, B.P. and Welte, D.H.: "Petroleum Formation and Occurrence," Springer - Verlag,

1978, p. 132.

17. "Formation Evaluation Technology for Production Enhancement," Gas Research Institute

Annual Technical Report, GRI -91/0376, October 1990-0ctober 1991.

18. "Development of Laboratory and Petrophysical Techniques for Evaluating Shale

Reservoirs," Gas Research Institute Annual Technical Report, GRI-93/0009, October 1991-

October 1992.

19. "Special Core Analysis Study, CSW No.2, Devonian Shale Formation," Prepared for Gas

Research Institute, Devonian Shale Program, September 6, 1988.

20. "Resistivity and Tight Gas Permeability of Devonian Shale Samples, Wolf Creek Field, CSW

#1A Well," WAI Core Laboratories Irving, May 16, 1989.

21. Luffel, D.L. Hopkins, C.w., Lancaster, D.E. Graham, R.L. and Schettler, P.D., Jr.:

"Permeability in Devonian Shale Wells Using New Well Test and Core Analysis Methods,"

1992 International Gas Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 16-19, p. 284-


22. Lorenzen, J.J., Olszewski, AJ., Lowry, P.H., Hill, D.G., and Frantz J. H., Jr.: "Fracture

Analysis in the Devonian Shale Using Core and Log Data," 1992 International Gas

Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 16-19, p. 264-71.

23. Reservoir Engineering and Treatment Design Technology, Topical Well Report, GRI-

93/0422.2 Ashland Expl. Inc., FMC 69 (COOP1) Well, Pike County, KY, Vol. II - Data

(Section 3.2) Gas Research Institute.

24. Research Results from the Ashland ExpLlnc. FMC 78 (Experimentai Development) Well,

Devonian and Berea Siltstone Formations, Pike County, KY, Vol. II - Data, Topical Well

Report GRI - 95/0446.2, Gas Research Institute.

25. Kamath, J., Boyer, R.E., and Nakagawa, F.M.: "Characterization of Core Scale

Heterogeneities Using Laboratory Pressure Transients," SPEFE, September 1992, p. 219-


26. Dicker, AI., and Smits, R.M.: "A Practical Approach for Determining Permeability from

Laboratory Pressure Pulse Decay Measurements," SPE 17578 presented at the 1988

International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering, Tianjin, China, November 1-4.

27. "The Measurement of Matrix and Fracture Properties in Naturally Fractured Low

Permeability Cores Using a Pressure Pulse Method," Gas Research Institute Topical

Report, GRI-93/0103, March 1993.

28. "Petrology of Devonian Shales: Affects on Naturai gas Production," Gas Research Institute

Topical Report, GRI-89/0306, August 1989.

29. "Advances in Shale Core Analysis," Gas Research Institute Topical Report, GRI - 93/0297,

June 1993.

30. "Physiochemical Properties of Methane Storage and Transport in Devonian Shale," Gas

Research Institute Annual Technical Report, GRI-91/0296, June 1990 - May 1991.

31. Luffel, D.L., Hopkins, C.w., and Schettler, P.D., Jr.: "Matrix Permeability Measurement of

Gas Productive Shales," SPE 26633 presented at the 1993 SPE Annual Meeting, Houston,

October 3 - 6.

= 0.647
(J = 1.0 -
n = 117

5 Ih A


,.. A
• I
o 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 1-1 Relationship of bulk volume of gas to porosity from core analyses,
Jarvis #1143 (CSW No.2)

= 0.942
(J =0.9 -
v = 134

5 /
/:~ ~


o ~
o 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 1-2 Relationship of bulk volume of hydrocarbon to porosity from core

analyses, CSW No. 4-A

I . 1
r = 0.881
20.0 cr = 0.8
n = 104

10.0 V

0.0 ~
~ B~H
10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0

Figure 1-3 Relationship of bulk volume of hydrocarbon to porosity from core

analyses, CSW No.5


20 r = 0.959
cr = 0.6
n = 119

10 / BVyv

5 ~ ;!: BV~

o Vi
o 5
10 15 20 25
Figure 1-4 Relationship of bulk volume of hydrocarbon to porosity from core
analyses. CSW No. 1-A

pk = 0.3491 RO + 0.9626


r = 0.96
• CJ = 0.06
n =6

o 2

Figure 1-5 Correlation of kerogen density with vitrinite reflectance


r = 0.89
n = 198
CORE 0.2 •
• ~• • •

• o 0
~: .:
0.1 . •
~ ••
• •

Z;t ..... .
• • 4 •

. . .........
o 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 1-6 Kerogen volume from core relates to uranium yield from spectral

CSW #1-A
0 API 250 OHM-M % KPPM
250 500 3100 2 2000 0 50 250 0
..--- ....

< 3150
IJ 1\
.-- ............ .,
\'* RILM

RILD ~.";
J ";
- 3200
.~ .......


<2----.: :/
...... ......
t ".
:> .-. ..~.. :
c::::; :(
"'" ......
<:: "'. 1:;..

/ 3250
\. (

Figure 1-7 Comparison of formation water salinity from core analyses with
resistivity and kerogen volume from logs, CSW No. 1-A


'iii'"a. 10000
(f) 1000
z 100
z 10

100 80 60 40 20 o

Figure 1-8 Mercury capillary pressure curve for core sample at 3431.2
feet, CSW NO.2

~ 40 .
o~ ~
oz 30
~ -
::> 20
>- ~
g; 10 ~ c--
a: r-
o I h
0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Figure 1-9 Pore throat radius histogram for core sample at 3431.2 feet, CSW NO.2

<J) 1 E·06 md
:::2: 600 1 E·07 md
z 1 E-08 md
:::l 400
o ..".;>""
g: 300 .;;.;:;;"7 _ 1 E-09 md
w .1iIJ"*
,*'" -
_ --
.'-> .-'--
;:: 200 .~~"7


~ ,*",*'" .,.,.,,, - _ .• _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ..
1 E-l0 md
~ 100 ~.,

",. ... ...

:::l .I. ""__ .. " Matrix Permeability
() ,,%"

10 20 30 40 50 60
TIME, years

Figure 1-10 Effect of matrix permeability on cumulative production for typical Devonian
shale well, Pike County, Kentucky, based on computer simulation


Thin Section , I
-j Microfracture Study

• Short Interval
Prod Tests rl Pulse Test Permeability ~ CRUSHED
• Core CORE
• Mud Log f--- I--- f-
• Borehole Camera
Y Degassibility. permeability~ -j Pulse Test
Permeabilitv I
Porosity, Sw, so"
Sg, Kerogen

-l Mineralogy I

Figure 1-11 Sequence of experiments to link core analyses to reservoir permeability


Figure 1-12 Photomicrograph of Thin Section from 4219 Feet, FMC No. 69. Photo A
with Plane Polarized Light. Photo B with Green-Light Fluorescence.
Vertical Dimension of Photos is 0.44 mm.


V / /




Figure 1-13 Pulse permeability test schematic

Gas 0 = 1.9 % .8
Km = 1.2 x 10 md
35 Kf =2nmd


(psi) 15


o Experimenlal
0 - AnalyticaJ Solution
1x100 1X101 1x102 1X103
TIME (sec)
Figure 1·14 Pulse test pressure response, Lower Huron shale core, Sample
No. 23, FMC No. 69

0 •
•0 •
• •
10 -8 md 0
0 0

0 FMC #69

• FMC #78 •
1 10

Figure 1-15 K varies from 0.2 to 8 x 10-8 md, unrelated to porosity



Gas Blowdown


Figure 1-16 Schematic of equipment for measurement of shale gas permeability

of crushed core samples

o Measured

100.7 Simulated


100.3 09 = 2.14 %
= 10 x 10-8 md
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Figure 1-17 History match of 20/35 mesh crushed sample from FMC 69 sample
No. 36

101.8 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

tU 101.6 10:-•••- - - - P•.I

Q 101.2

100.8 L-'--'--"_.l---'--'----'__.L..--'--'----'_L--'--'--"_L--'--'----'-_
o 2 4 6 1~ 8 10

Figure 1-18 Extrapolation of squre-root-of-time plot for estimating initial

expansion pressure, Pe,i' for FMC·69 Sample No. 18


0 • • ••\t. •
10 -8 md

2 0 •• •• •..
Black Cuttings

• Black Chips

• • Gray Cuttings 0
Gray Chips 0
0.5 1 5
Figure 1-19 Pulse permeabilities on crushed shale chips using helium correlate
with porosity



VACUUM ---j~f---*---.:L-*_-{tj

VENT E=~~~==J-~:-- OIL PRESS

Figure 1-20 Schematic of degassibility cell


,,'" ~
GAS OUT, ,' "
micro SCF 100

o L..-_..L..-_..J--_..L-_....l-_--l
o 5 10 15 20 25
(TIME, sec) 1/2

Figure 1-21 Degassibility test results, shale core at 4183 ft, FMC No. 69



GAS 60
SCF Iton


o 200 400 600 800 1000

Figure 1-22 Desorption isotherms for companion crushed sample at

41.83 ft, FMC No. 69

2000 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . ,


1200 Koob = 0.50 md
micro SCF


Koob = 0.37 md
o '--__-'-__---"- .l....-_ _...J

o 5 10 15 20
(TIME, sec) 1/2
Figure 1-23 Permeability (Koo b product) of matrix from degassibility of
Vycor plug using helium agrees before and after fracturing


. /
micro SCF 300 •' NOB

• 1000 psi

T 2000 psi

• 3000 psi
o 4 8 12
(TIME, sec) 1/2

Figure 1-24 Degassibility of Vycor plug with helium is not affected by NOB

., T 3300 psi NOB
1000 0, v 2300 psi NOB
• !~~!l!J!!I!!!!IIIIl- Po = 750 psi

/ .~~""'~""""'''''''''''- Po = 500 psi
micro SCF 500

o L-_I....---..I_-..l._--l.._--l...-...J
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
(TIME. sec) 1/2

Figure 1-25 Degassibility of Berea sandstones plug with helium is affected

by pore pressure but not NOB stress

NOB = 2000 psi
Po = 509 psi
K = 22 x 10 md

micro SCF


o "- '-- --.l._ _..1

o 10 1/2 20
(TIME. sec)

Figure 1·26 Degassibility of shale plug from 4218 ft, FMC No. 69, shows
one slope

400 . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . ,
NOB == 2000 psi
Po == 502 psi
Km == 1.9 x 10 md

GAS OUT, 200

micro SCF

oL._ _-L_ _--l.. l-.---J

o 10 20 30
(TIME. sec) 1/2

Figure 1-27 Degassibility of shale plug at 4201 ft, FMC No. 69, shows two
slope behavior. Results for Km shown for late slope only



Geochemical data has been used not only to calibrate the well log analysis model, as

discussed in Section 1.4, but to also more completely evaluate gas occurrence in the shale

reservoir. GRI research has resulted in two evaluation approaches, the Hydrocarbon Log, and

the Total Gas Log.

Geochemical data collected at the wellsite and in the laboratory were interpreted to

provide information on the concentration of free gas and oil in a drilled section, determine whether

shale hydrocarbons could have been generated in situ, identify discrete reservoirs by evaluation

of their geochemical signatures and determine changes in relative matrix permeability. Examples

of each of these applications are discussed in this section.

The geochemical data have been organized into an interpretive framework, termed the

GRI Hydrocarbon Log (Figure 2-1). The Hydrocarbon Log complements the use of wireline logs,

and the same geochemical data were also used for calibration of the Devonian Shale Specific'

Log. The Hydrocarbon Log is currently licensed by GRI to EXLOG, a subsidiary of Baker-

Hughes, Inc. A series of individual well reports were completed and submitted to GRI as the wells

were analyzed. Details on earlier application and instrumentation for wellsite geochemical

analysis, completed through a contract from GRI to EXLOG/Brown & Ruth Laboratories, Inc., may

be found in Curtis and McBane (1989)1.

Geochemical and wireline log data are being used to permit calculation of the total gas

content of a shale reservoir and the magnitude of the individual components which make up the

whole. This will allow quantification of the potential for gas storage by adsorption, the amount of

gas stored as free gas in porosity, and perhaps the relative contribution of gas production by

desorption from the shale matrix. Initial data correlations in the CSW1A and Pike County study

areas have been completed with favorable results. The work is currently incomplete due to the

necessity to more completely degas core samples from wells in the ED well study area. Sample

degassing will be completed and a topical report published in 1994. The report will address not

only the Total Gas Log results, but will also summarize our knowledge of gas storage in Devonian

shales of the Appalachian, Michigan and Ft. Worth basins, as shown by the work of the GRI

research team.

The Hydrocarbon Log examples shown in this report are from wells in the Appalachian

basin. Applications of the Hydrocarbon Log in the Antrim Shale of the Michigan basin may be

found in GRI Topical Report GRI-92/0258, "Stratigraphy, Gas Occurrence, Fromation Evaluation

and Fracture Characterization of the Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin."


Hydrocarbon production from the Devonian shales is apparently related to a variable

combination of fracture and shale matrix permeability. Interbedded siltstone beds may, at times,

augment gas flow through the tight shale matrix. The typically 500 to 2000-foot thick Devonian

shale section is both a source rock and reservoir and, therefore, difficult to evaluate using

conventional well logging techniques. The shale matrix is composed of various clay minerals

(predominantly illite and kaolinite), clay- and silt-sized quartz, and pyrite. In addition to bound

water present in the clay fraction, pore water, gas, hydrocarbon liquids, bitumen and kerogen are

also present. (A brief summary of theory concerning generation of hydrocarbons from organic

matter, analytical procedures and terminology may be found in Appendix B of this report). The

multi-component nature of the shale formations requires a suite of logging measurements to

successfully evaluate potential reservoirs, as discussed in Section 3.0 of this report.

Data required to construct the GRI Hydrocarbon Log are generated by geochemical and

lithologic analysis of the drill cuttings. The analyses can be performed on cores, rock flour from

air-drilled wells or cuttings from wells which are drilled with oil-free mud. The ability to use rock

flour is a definite advantage, as little information of any type is normally available from such well

samples. The Hydrocarbon Log contains information on the sample depth, lithology, hydrocarbon

types and concentrations (Figure 2-1). The geochemical data can readily be interpreted to (1)

discriminate between gas and oil in a drilled interval, (2) identify potential hydrocarbon reservoirs

and (3) identify zones of possible enhanced permeability.

The following geochemical analyses were completed to obtain the data:

free gas present in the sample (SO) by measurement of headspace gas in

canned cuttings (Manger and Curtis, 1991)2,

free oil present in the sample (S1) by pyrolysis,

hydrocarbons derived from the cracking of kerogen in the sample, a

measure of source-rock generative potential (S2), also by pyrolysis.

An indication of relative thermal maturity, the temperature (oC) at which maximum

cracking of kerogen occurs (pyrolysis Tmax) was also used with vitrinite reflectance data to

evaluate the data in light of the measured thermal maturity of the gas-generating organic matter.

Key mudlog results were plotted with the laboratory geochemical data for each well. The

general format of the Hydrocarbon Log is similar to that of a wireline log (Figure 2-1).

1) Depth column - with a scale of one inch = 100 feet.

2) Lithology column - keyed to symbols listed on the log header. The samples are

normally collected at ten-foot intervals.

3) Four data tracks - depicting mudlog Total Gas, pyroiysis data and ratios of interest.

a) Track 1 - The plotting of mUdlog Total Gas with SO, the free gas present

in a rock sample allows the identification of potentially permeable

intervals, as discussed below. The Total Gas scale is 100 units = 2%

methane, while the SO scale is milligrams hydrocarbon per gram of

sample (mg HC/g sample).

b) Track 2 - SO is again plotted (on a smaller scale) along with 51, the free

oil measured in the sample by the THA analysis. This presentation

allows the operator to determine the type and concentration of

hydrocarbon (gas or oil) present in an interval.

c) Track 3 - "Production" indices for free gas (SO P.I.) and free oil (51 P.r.)

are plotted as dimensionless ratios:

50 Production Index (50 P.r.) = 50


51 Production Index (51 P.r.) = S.1


Relative changes in these indices over an interval may signal changes in

relative thermal maturity, hydrocarbon generation or contamination of

samples by migrated fiuids or drilling additives. A high oil production

index in a gas reservoir does not mean that oil will be produced, but

rather that the gas may have a relatively high BTU value, due to the

presence of hydrocarbons heavier than methane.

d) Track 4 - The amount of hydrocarbons generated by pyrolysis of the

kerogen present in the samples is plotted as S2, in units of milligrams

hydrocarbon per gram of sample. Pyrolysis closely simulates the

generation of hydrocarbons from organic matter over geologic time

(Waples, 1985)3. The potential of a sample to generate hydrocarbons

(source potential) can generally be classified into one of several

categories (Table 2-1).

4) Comments column, used to note stratigraphic tops, lost sample returns, etc.

Table 2-1
Evaluation of Source - Rock Generative Potential

Quantity of S2 Hydrocarbons Source Potential

0-2 Poor
2-5 Fair
5-10 Good
10 + Very Good


2.3,1 Discrimination Between Oil and Gas

Theory - Gas may not readily be discriminated from oil by evaluation of standard wireline

logs, but residual gas may be readily determined by geochemical analysis of cuttings. The

concentrations of free gas (SO) and free oil (S1) released from the porosity of the shale samples

are quantitatively determined by pyrolysis as milligram hydrocarbon per gram of sample (mg HC/g


Interpretation Example - The Hydrocarbon Log from the Calhoun 24 study well of the

earlier GRI Cooperative Well Program, located in Calhoun County, WV (Figure 2-1), displays a

plot of the SO and S1 values from which gas and oil concentrations may be read as milligrams

hydrocarbon per gram of sample. For example, looking at Track 2, the silty shale interval from

2610-2690 ft contains relatively high concentrations of free gas (SO=I.O mg HC/g sample) and

free oil (S1 =1.5 mg HC/g sample). The interval could produce a high BTU gas. This interval

contrasts with 2700-2740 ft, which contains little free hydrocarbon (SO=S1=less than 0.1 mg HC/g

sample). By scanning the curves plotted in Track 2, the type and amount of hydrocarbon in a

given interval may be rapidly determined. Gas escapes more readily from the fine-grained drill

cuttings than do the heavier hydrocarbons. Therefore, the important information derived from this

examination of the Hydrocarbon Log is not the absolute amount of gas present, but rather what

fluids are present in the formation at specific depths.

2.3.2 Identification of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Theory - A second interpretation technique for the wellsite geochemical data allows the

identification of potential reservoirs. The reservoirs are recognized by the presence of out-of-

place hydrocarbons; that is, hydrocarbons which now reside within a rock matrix, but were not

generated within that specific matrix because it was never an effective source rock. The

importance of this interpretation is that it locates well intervals which were permeable enough to

accept migrating hydrocarbons and which therefore may be permeable enough to produce


The S2 (source potential) yields measured by pyrolysis are used to distinguish gas and

oil associated with hydrocarbon-generating source rocks from nonassociated (migrated)

hydrocarbons. This interpretation method is only valid for a kerogen with 1) substantial initial

potential to generate hydrocarbons and 2) a thermal maturity level no greater than that equivalent

to vitrinite reflectance values of 1.0% Ro ' (Maps depicting the distribution of kerogen types and

isoreflectance values for portions of the basin are located in Appendix B of this report).

Interpretation Example - The high SO and S1 values from 2620-2680 It in the Calhoun 24

study well (Figure 2-1) are from a silty shale which is relatively lean in hydrocarbon-generation

potential (S2 curve). This relationship is indicated by a comparison of the high values of free gas

(SO) in Track 1 and free oil (S1) in Track 2, with the low S2 values shown in Track 4 of the

Hydrocarbon Log. The amount of hydrocarbon-generation potential (S2) of the organic matter in

the silty shale is probably too low to have generated the large amount of free hydrocarbons (SO +

S1), indicating that some of the free hydrocarbons have migrated into the section. This interval

from 2620-2680 ft may therefore be a shale gas reservoir with relatively high BTU gas. The silty

nature of the section may result in increased permeability and porosity compared to a more

massive shale section.

The gas production index (SO P.I.) of the upper zone as shown in Track 3 of Figure 2, is

much higher than the P.1. of the lower zone, as would be expected if the upper zone is a potential

gas reservoir.

2.3.3 Identification of Changes in Matrix Permeability

Theory - The Total Gas (TG) curve from a mud log is a quantitative measurement of the

C1-C5 hydrocarbons being produced from a drilling well. This information can be combined with

the free gas (SO) yields of cuttings samples (measured by headspace gas analysis) to derive

information about the relative matrix permeability to gas of the drilled section. The ability to high-

grade portions of a shale interval based on gas and oil concentrations and relative permeability

would be an extremely valuable addition to available techniques for identifying completion zones.

There are at least four possible interpretations of variations in free gas (SO) and Total Gas

data (Table 2-2).

Table 2-2
Interpretation of Free Gas and Total Gas Data

Free Gas Total Gas Possible Interpretation

High High Trapped/sorbed and free gas present in sediments;
both permeable and impermeable rocks present
High Low Trapped/sorbed gas only present; sediments
Low High Free gas present in sedients; sediments permeable
Low Low Very little gas present in sediments

The third combination of SO and TG is of particular interest. High Total Gas from the

mudlog indicates that gas is present in the formation and released by the action of the drill bit. A

low amount of free gas (SO) in the drill cuttings from the same interval indicates that the sediments

were sufficiently permeable to degas during the time it took for the cuttings to reach the surface

and be canned for later analysis. This permeability relationship is relative in nature and can be

used to study tight sediments in any section of the well if there is sufficient gas present in the

sediments to register on the mudlog.

Interpretation Example - Analysis of the Hydrocarbon Log from the Pleasants 20 study

well (Figure 2-2) indicates that permeable, gas-bearing zones might be present from 5390-5420 ft

and from 4835-4850 ft. This is shown by the combination of high mudlog Total Gas and low free

gas (SO). The more organic-rich (higher S2) zone from 5730-5852 ft appears to be less

permeable than the zone from 5390-5420 ft, based on the Free Gas - Total Gas relationship. The

S2 values of the intervals were probably lowered by thermal maturation of the sediments, as the

section is now overmature. The interval from 5395-5523 ft was stimulated by the operator.

Although the initial production was reported as 500 Mcfd on a 24-hour test, a later well test

registered a flow of only 16 Mcfd. The zone may be as permeable as indicated by the

geochemical data, but the reservoir may be of limited extent. Alternately, the hydraulic fracturing

treatment may have been ineffective, as the stimulated interval also appeared to be the best

completion interval based on well log analysis.


Hydrocarbon logs were plotted and interpreted for four wells to facilitate

understanding the nature of hydrocarbon generation in the Pike County, Kentucky study area and

allow comparison with other shale gas production areas previously studied by GRI. The same

data used in construction of the Hydrocarbon Logs were also used for geochemical calibration

and further development of the Devonian Shale Specific Log.

Hydrocarbon logs were generated and interpreted for the Ashland Exploration, Inc.

Ford Motor Company #69, #70 and #80 wells in Pike County, Kentucky. The following

generalizations can be made. Figure 2-3, from the FMC #69 well, is representative of the Lower

Huron Member of the Ohio Shale.

Free Gas Concentrations: Qualitative SO values are variable, with concentrations in

the FMC #69 well exceeding 40% by volume. Gas concentrations in the FMC #70 were less than

5% over the Lower Huron Member, with concentrations increasing to less than 10% in the

Olentangy Shale. Concentrations in the FMC #78 exceeded 20% in the Lower Huron, with

greater concentrations in the Rhinestreet Shale Member of the West Falls Formation. The

relatively high concentrations noted in these wells, in relation to other Appalachian basin wells,

may be a reflection of the generally greater cuttings particle sizes, compared to earlier GRI study

wells. The larger particles result from the application of reverse circulation drilling, as developed

for GRI by Reuben L. Graham, Inc.

Total Organic Carbon Concentrations (TOC): Generally low, less than 3% in the

potentially productive intervals of the wells. This may be a function not only of original organic

matter productivity, but also of depositional environment and subsequent preservation of the

organic matter.

Free Oil Concentrations: Pyrolyis values are variable, but generally lower than seen

in adjacent Martin County, Kentucky. The shale section of the FMC #70 well exhibited relatively

higher values than the other Pike County wells.

Kerogen Richness: Pyrolysis S2 values are all less than 10 mg hydrocarbon/g

sample for the Pike County wells, indicating little remaining potential for further hydrocarbon

generation with increased thermal maturation (which would be caused, for example, by burial of

an equivalent formation to greater depth.)

Kerogen Thermal Maturity: The measured level of thermal maturity for all Pike

County wells places the kerogen in the "oil window" (see Appendix B), where generation of liquids

and gas would be expected. Although the amount of free oil is less than seen in other GRI study

wells, the Lower Huron and Rhinestreet Shale Members contain sufficient free oil to corroborate

the measured thermal maturity values.

More detailed evaluation of the potential pay zones in the FMC wells, the Transition

zone and Lower Huron Member. may be made by analysis of key geochemical parameters

refiecting the source-rock character of the shales, and by comparison of the Hydrocarbon Log

data with zones identified as potentially productive by the GRI Devonian Shale Specific Log.

Table 2-3 compares the source-rock character of the FMC #69, #70, and #78 wells.

Table 2-3
Mean Source-Rock Characteristics of the Transition and Lower Huron Intervals,
Pike County, Kentucky

Well TOC (wt. '\'0) S1 (mg HC/g sample) S2 (mg HC/g sample)
FMC #69 1.8 0.7 1.0
FMC #70 2.5 1.7 1.4
FMC #78 1.1" 0.4" 0.7"

" Incomplete data set for Lower Huron due to core degassing in progress at Juniata College

The evaluated shale section generally has quite similar gas- and oil-generation

characteristics. This is most likely due to similar depositional and thermal histories in the

geographically-limited study area. Generally, the same types and amounts of organic matter were

deposited in the study area. This conclusion is by no means trivial, however, as it allows

elimination of a key variable - the extent of gas generation - when analyzing relative differences in

gas production potential over the study area.

Gas sorption, porosity and matrix and fracture permeability are the remaining key

variables potentially affecting production. Although the GRI Hydrocarbon Log looks at much

coarser intervals than wireline logs - commonly 10ft intervals compared to 2 ft intervals, a

comparison of gas occurrence and wireline log-derived "net pay" can be made (Table 2-4).

Table 2-4
Comparison of Gas Occurrences and Net Pay Zones,
Transition and Lower Huron Intervals, Pike County, Kentucky

Well Mudlog Shows Gas Content ('!oj Net Pay/Ft Interval

FMC #69 1? 12.2 0.1
FMC #70 o 0.9 0.5
FMC #78 0* 10.6* 0.3*

* Incomplete data set for Lower Huron due to core degassing in progress at Juniata College

The lack of mudlog shows for the FMC #69 and FMC #78 wells may be related to

whole cores being taken over the potential pay section, a process which can supress mudlog

shows. Utilization of the Hydrocarbon Log interpretation scheme to identify zones of relatively

greater matrix penmeability requires the presence of mudlog shows.

Headspace gas measurements yield a large amount of useful concentration and

compositional data and are relatively inexpensive, but are also qualitative. The difference in

average gas contents between the FMC #70 and the remaining wells may be due to smaller

cuttings particle sizes and/or relatively greater matrix permeability, both of which would cause

samples to degas more quickly prior to canning. Alternately, the differences may be significant

and will be reflected by future production data, and allow an understanding of the differences in

net pay over the analyzed intervals.

The preceding discussion focused on the evaluation of the Transition zone and

Lower Huron Member of the Ohio Shale, the historical potential shale pay sections in the Pike

County area. The source-rock character of the shallower SunbUry Shale section of the FMC #80

well in Pike County was also evaluated by geochemical analysis of nine intervals, covering 46 It of

the 58 It of the Sunbury section encountered in the well. The FMC #80 Hydrocarbon Log is

plotted as Figure 2-4. The averaged geochemical values for the Sunbury Shale interval are

shown in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5
Mean Geochemical Values of Sunbury Shale
Interval, FMC No. 80 Well, Pike County, Kentucky

TOC (wt%) Gas Content (%) S1 (mg HC/g) S2 (mg HC/g)

3.1 7.6 2.5 3.6

The TOC, gas contents and pyrolysis parameters of the Sunbury Shale all equal or

exceed those of the deeper, productive shale intervals (Tables 2-3 and 2-4). Therefore, although

limited in vertical extent, the Mississippian Sunbury Shale has generated significant quantities of

hydrocarbons in the study area, some of which may have migrated into the underlying Berea

Sandstone. Twelve feet of net pay were flagged by log analysis, yielding a net paylft of interval of

0.2, similar to the deeper sections of the other Pike County study wells (Table 2-4). The

permeability of the Sunbury Shale section in the FMC #80 well has not been determined.


Geochemical and wireline log data are being used to permit calculation of the total gas

content of a shale reservoir and the magnitude of the individual components which make up the

whole. This will allow quantification of the potential for gas storage by adsorption, the amount of

gas stored as free gas in porosity, and perhaps the relative contribution of gas production by

desorption from the shale matrix.

Previous work by Juniata College for GRI has shown that gas may be stored in mUltiple

ways in Devonian shale reservoirs; as free gas in porosity; adsorbed on days, particularly lillite;

adsorbed in solution in kerogen; and in solution in bitumen. Determination of each of these

amounts from wireline logs would allow us to fully understand the nature of shale gas production

across a productive area in a basin.

The approach taken was to rigorously correlate organic geochemical and mineralogic

data from a set of representative samples to the free gas, adsorption/desorption isotherm, specific

degasibility and gas composition data measured on the same sample sets. Available samples

from the Appalachian basin encompass a wide range of kerogen types, concentrations and

thermal maturation levels. The samples were selected with a view towards studying end

members of data types, to derive reasonable calibrations. Wireline responses over the same

interval will then be compared to the data correlations. The following specific geochemical

characteristics have been determined:

Gas concentration and composition from cuttings and core samples;

Kerogen type (I.e. marine, terrestrial, oil/gas - prone);

Concentration of previously generated hydrocarbons;

Remaining capacity to generate hydrocarbons;

Thermal maturity (2 techniques)

Using these data, a correlation stnucture has been constructed that relates the wireline log

responses of two of the three potential gas adsorbates, kerogen and clay type and concentration

to measured organic, mineralogic and gas composition and isotherm variables. The concentration

of free oil, the third potential adsorbate, has been mapped for ratioing to measurable wireline

responses. The correlation structure allows a quantitative evaluation of the effects of varying

kerogen type and concentration, free oil concentration, level of thermal maturity and lithologic

composition (particularly matrix clays) and wireline log responses, on gas adsorption in shales.

Utilization of wireline log responses to evaluate desorption potential will allow construction of

Desorption Potential maps both areally and stratigraphically across the basin (s).

Initial data correlations in the CSW 1A and Pike County study areas have been completed

with favorable results. The work is currently incomplete due to the necessity to more completely

degas core samples from wells in the ED well study area. Sample degassing will be completed

and a topical report published in 1994 through a GRI contract with ResTech Houston, Inc. The

report will address not only the Total Gas Log results, but will also summarize our knowledge of

gas storage in Devonian shales of the Appalachian, Michigan and Ft. Worth basins, as shown by

the work of the GRI research team.


1. Curtis, J.B., and McBane, RA, 1989, Use of geochemistry to improve identification of

completion intervals: SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1989, p. 163-167.

2. Manger, K.C., and J.B. Curtis, 1991, Geologic influences on location and production of

Antrim Shale gas: Devonian Gas Shales Technology Review, v.7, no.2, p.5-16.

3. Waples, OW., 1985, Geochemistry in petroleum exploration: IHRDC, Boston, 232 p.

.2._- - - - - .2 o-- - -.5
SO SO P.l.

- - ----
0 -~ Q. - - 5 0 .5
..c: o E
Co ..c:
Total Gas 0
S1 .5
S1 P.l. 0
CD 0
C 0 100.0 0 5 0 1.0 0 10 0
,--- - - ---
'._.: .. Top
2600 c= __ Shale
:---::-j. "

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- - -:-::L:
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Figure 2-1 Hydrocarbon log from the Calhoun 24 - GRI cooperative well program

--. >-
so so 50 P.I.

- C)
2_ - - - - - - - - A.2 a - - ...:5 a C

-• -
0: 0 a- - - a - 5
- - .5 52 E
c- o: E
Total Gas a .5 S1 Pol. a 1 0
0 ...J
0 100.0 a 5 a 1.0 a 10

, (
4800 1-------- ' \
:-:-:-:-. (l :,
:-:-:-:-. ('~-------
- ----

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- ---- . ~(
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5300 ___ :.:c ,,
:-:-:-:-: , 1;
~~:~:~~ -.~
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--------- .. -.
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. ... ----_ .. -

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5500 ----
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- .. ---...-:.,
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-------- I'~
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----- I,),
----- ,
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-- -- - ;

----- --.
( - " - - -- -- - ,
) . / Ionodaga

Figure 2·2 Hydrocarbon log from the Pleasants 20 . GRI cooperative well program

FMC NO. 69

.•Q....•••...$.Q...(gJ..:..Q!?).,.:'(~......1.Q9 Q....~.Q.,.%..1.9.Q
51 52
o TOTAL GAS, units 100 0 mg/gm 0.5 0 mg/gm 10
4300 o 5.0







j'" SO
" .


4440 ===u....__--' ----I_.J.-:._ _--'---.l.._ _- - j

Figure 2-3 Hydrocarbon log from the FMC No. 69 well over a portion of the
Lower Huron interval

FMC NO. 80
..Q $.Q (gJ.. 7.g§2,.~(O 1.QQ Q ~Q.,.%..1.9.9.
TOTAL GAS units 1


i4---t- SO


" .
••••••••••••••••. . . - SO '.
.... .........



Figure 2-4 Hydrocarbon log from the FMC No. 80 well over the Sunbury


pk = 0.3491 RO + 0.9626


• data points = 6
corr. coet. = 0.96
std. dev. = 0.06
1+--<0.-----''--_---'-_ _ ...0...-_ _' - - _ - - ;

o 2

Figure 2-5 Correlation ot kerogen density with vitrinite reflectance



Prior to ResTech's involvement in the Gas Research Institute's shale project, logs were not

being used for evaluation. They were used primarily for correlation purposes. The reason for

that, in the opinion of ResTech, is due to the complexity of the rock and the fact that existing log

models didn't work very well.

During the initial phases of the project, a database of logs, core analysis data, production

data and production logs was built. A log model was developed 1,2,3 and would serve as a

building block for the determination of engineering parameters for the design and evaluation of

stimulation treatments. Even though the model was developed for the shales of the Appalachian

basin, it has been used successfully to evaluate shales in other basins, such as the Antrim shale

in the Michigan basin and the Barnett shale in the Forth Worth basin.

During the past six years, under GRI contract No. 5086-213-1390, considerable progress

has been made in the area of formation evaluation in shales4. Knowledge gained from core and

log analyses in the GRI shale program now permits the characterization of shale formations with a

minimum suite of logs. This suite could be as little as a gamma ray and density log only. The

methodology is available for use on a personal computer (PC). The software (designated as

Devonian Shale Analysis )can be purchased from the Logic Group located in Austin, Texas.

In this section, the evaluation procedures for characterizing the shales and how well those

log-derived values agree with the measured values will be discussed. In addition, the features of

the Devonian Shale Analysis (DSA) software will be outlined.


The Devonian shales of the Appalachian basin contains significant quantities of natural gas

trapped within low quality. unconventional reservoir rock. These shales are generally thought of

as being a potential shield or source rock. Existing log models didn't work very well because of

the compiex lithology and low porosities present5-7. Through extensive use of core analysis, log

models were developed specifically for the shales for the determination of porosity and


The results of the log analysis, along with results from other diagnostic tools; such as the

mud log, borehole television. temperature and noise logs; are used in the determination of

completion intervals and individual perforations.

Most of the wells drilled in the Appalachian basin are air-drilled which limits somewhat the

type of geophysical well logs that can be empioyed. A typical logging suite utili;:ed by ResTech

for an evaiuation includes the following:

Dual induction


Litho-density with Photoelectric Absorption Index (Pe)

Sidewall Neutron

• Spectral Gamma Ray

Borehole Television

Because of the knowledge gained through continued research in formation evaluation and

core analyses in the shales, a reduced logging program can be utilized for the evaluation. The

evaluation performed with the reduced suite of logs results in very little loss in the quality of

answers received. The reduced logging suite consist of:

Litho-density with Photoelectric Absorption Index (Pe)

Gamma ray

Since the highest quality results are obtained with a full suite of logs, the discussion in this

section will focus on the use of a complete suite.


There are approximately 250 wells in the shale database (Appendix C), with half of those

having a sufficient logging suite for performing an evaluation. In addition to log data, other data

that may be included in the database are mudlogs (total gas curve), borehole television, core

analyses, and production information.

Even though the vast majority of the wells were drilled with air, during the Comprehensive

Study Well (CSW) Program additional Jogs were obtained. After running the standard suite of logs

in air, the hole was filled with water and acoustic and formation microscanner data obtained. Both

of these devices require a liquid medium to establish communication with the formation. Although

the acoustic information can be utilized for many purposes, it was mainly used here for obtaining

stress profile information for the formation. The formation microscanner was used for locating and

orienting the natural and induced fractures which are extremely important in these shales due to

the low matrix permeability present.


Even though considerable effort is exerted at the wellsite to obtain good quality logs,

additional steps are required before processing can begin. The pre-processing steps include:

depth shifting

environmental corrections

• standardization

3.4.1 Depth Shifting

Depth shifting is the process of putting all measurements on depth with one another relative

to some base measurement. Generally the deep resistivity measurement is used for the base

measurement, but any measurement could be used. Measurements made on different trips into

the wellbore are the usual source of error, but even measurements made on the same tool can

have minor depth discrepancies. Proper tie-in procedures by the logging engineer can

significantly reduce depth discrepancies.

Depth corrections can be made automatically with a computer depth matching routine or

can be shifted manually by making an analog playback of each curve and comparing. The analog

playback of the digitai data gives the added advantage of checking the digitally record data

against the data presented on the service companies blueline print.

3.4.2 Environmental Corrections

Environmental corrections are performed to compensate for the type fluid in the wellbore,

the wellbore geometry, borehole temperature and the position of the logging tool in the hole. The

objective is to bring all measurements to a standard condition of 7 7/8" wellbore diameter, liquid-

filled borehole and eccentered logging tool.

Environmental corrections were not performed in the field in most of the earlier version

software programs. They are now being performed by some of the service companies, but check

with the service company performing the job to verify. Occasionally it may be necessary to

reprocess the raw data if the corrections are improperly applied or if the logging parameters used

are incorrect.

3.4.3 Standardization

Random and systematic errors occur in the recording of all data 8,9. The errors associated

with logging measurements are well documented in the literature. The errors can be caused by

tool malfunctions, improper calibration, poor logging techniques, and/or attempts to normalize the

data while recording.

Several methods can be utilized for removal of these errors. Cross-plots of various

measurements over a stratigraphically equivalent interval can be used. Shifts in the cloud of data,

on one well with respect to other wells, may indicate a calibration error. The method that was

used by ResTech is a comparison of histograms (one-axis frequency plots) for each available log

measurement over an equivalent stratigraphic interval.

After all histograms were generated, they were sorted by logging measurement and county.

Some of the data showed trends across the basin while others were relatively constant. The most

frequently occurring trend for each measurement was selected as the standard to which all other

measurements were standardized (Figure 3-1, Figure 3-2).


The Devonian shale is a complex rock composed of multiple minerals. Before the reservoir

characteristics such as porosity and water saturation can be determined, the log response to the

various minerals present must be accounted for. The shales were found to contain thirteen

constituents from core analysis performed on samples from approximately 30 wells throughout the

basin (Table 3-1). With only seven independent geophysical logging measurements in a well with

a maximum log suite (and fewer in a well with a normal logging program), the log model had to be

simplified to a manageable number of components. This meant grouping the minerals into

categories so that they could be solved directly with the number of log measurements available.

The criteria for grouping of the minerals were:

average volume fraction present

frequency of occurrence
similar log response for each member of the group

Table 3-1
Devonian Shale Constituents
Volume Fractions

Percent Volume Fraction Total Samples Percent

Mineral Minimum Maximum Average Analyzed Occurrence Source

Quartz 16.5 79.6 44.5 206 100.0 X-Ray

Calcite 0.0 13.9 1.3 206 9.2 X-Ray
Dolomite 0.0 6.0 1.3 206 10.2 X-Ray
Ankerite 0.0 13.2 1.6 206 16.0 X-Ray
K-Feldspar 0.0 4.2 0.9 206 48.1 X-Ray
Plagioclase 0.0 14.7 5.1 206 98.5 X-Ray
Illite 1.9 60.9 35.7 206 100.0 X-Ray
Kaclinite 0.0 14.2 3.0 206 58.7 X-Ray
Chlorite 0.0 20.5 3.8 206 92.7 X-Ray
Pyrite 0.0 11.1 2.5 206 78.6 X-Ray
Siderite 0.0 16.0 1.3 206 38.8 X-Ray
Kerogen 0.0 29.7 7.5 173 99.4 Geo-Chem
Porosity 0.8 13.7 4.7 551 100.0 Core

As shown in Figure 3-3, the thirteen constituents were grouped into five categories. The

primary minerals of quartz, calcite, dolomite, k-feldspar and plagioclase (dominated by quartz)

have been designated quartz. The clay minerals of illite, kaolinite and chlorite (dominated by illite)

have been designated clay. The heavy minerals of pyrite, ankerite and siderite (dominated by

pyrite) have been designated pyrite. Kerogen and porosity are solved for alone because kerogen

has a large effect on the porosity measurements and porosity is the major component of interest.

The constituents in the log model and the log measurements used to resolve their quantity

is shOwn in Figure 3-4. The uranium yield from a spectral gamma ray is used to determine

kerogen volume. The pyrite volume is determined with the Photoelectric Absorption Cross-section

Index (Pe). The remaining constituents (quartz, clay and porosity) are resoived in a traditional

manner with a bUlk density, neutron porosity and material balance equation. The portion of

porosity filled with water can be portioned with the resistivity measurement. The remaining portion

of porosity is filled with hydrocarbon, mostly gas.

Although the shale log analysis model was developed for the Devonian Shale as found in

the Appalachian Basin, the same basic approach was successfully applied in the Antrim Shale in

the Michigan Basin and in the Bamett shale in the Fort Worth Basin. Table 3-2 shows the volume

fractions of the important constituents present in the Antrim shale. These were measured on core

samples from two wells, the Ward Lake Energy Latuszak B1-32, and the Nomeco Bagley East B3-

11. As with the Devonian shale in the Appalachian Basin, roughly the same five volumetric

components are grouped as shown in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 for purposes of log analysis. Very

little change in the Devonian shale log analysis model was required to analyze the Antrim shale.

Table 3-2
Antrim Shale Constituents
Volume Fractions
Upper and Lower Black

Percent Volume Fraction Total

Samples Percent
Mineral Minimum Maximum Average Analyzed Occurence Source
Quartz 24.5 55.9 35.9 9 100.0 X-Ray
Calcite 0.0 7.0 0.9 9 22.2 X-Ray
Dolomite 0.0 5.2 1.7 9 55.5 X-Ray
K-Fledspar 1.5 4.0 2.3 9 100.0 X-Ray
Plagioclase 0.8 2.0 1.3 9 100.0 X-Ray
illite 3.7 12.1 8.9 9 100.0 X-Ray
Chlorite 0.6 1.5 1.0 9 100.0 X-Ray
Muscovite 13.6 27.4 20.1 9 100.0 X-Ray
Pyrite 2.2 3.6 2.7 9 100.0 X-Ray
Kerogen 3.4 39.5 22.6 29 100.0 Geo-Chem
Porosity 3.6 16.3 9.6 139 100.0 Routine

For the Barnett shale in the Fort Worth Basin, the volumetric fractions of the important

constituents present are shown in Table 3-3. These were measured on core samples from two

wells, the Mitchel Energy W.C. Young #2 and the Mitchell Energy T.P. Sims #2. The Devonian

shale log analysis method was successfully applied to the Barnett shale, but was modified slightiy

to allow for the occasional presence of apatite stringers (a phosphatic mineral), which contain high

concentrations of associated Thorium (high GR activity) 1a.

The average porosity of 3.8 percent shown by Table 3-3 represents measurements made

on nine whole core pieces from T.P. Sims #2 that had been extracted by using a carbon dioxide-

driven toluene process as specified by Mitchell Energy. Porosity was measured using helium. As

a follow-up, these core pieces were then crushed, re-extracted with boiling toluene, dried, and

porosity re-measured using helium. The new average porosity of 5.4 percent (shown in

parentheses) shows some increase due to better penetration of helium into the pore space.

Essentially no added fluid was extracted after crushing.

Table 3-3

Barnett Shale Constituents
Volume Fractions

Percent Volume Fraction

Mineral Black Shale Carbonates No. Samples
Quartz 33.7 14.5 30
Feldspars 5.5 1.8 30
Dolomite 7.2 34.1 30
Calcite 11.4 27.7 30
Clay 34.0 17.7 30
Pyrite 4.0 4.1 30
Apatite 4.2 0.1 30
TOC (wt%) 4.1 0.6 71
Bitumen (wt%) 0.04 10
Porosity 3.8 (5.4) 2.6 366

3.5.1 Kerogen Volume

Kerogen is a bituminous mineraloid substance in the black shales that has a low bulk

density and high hydrogen index. These properties also vary with the maturity of the kerogen.

Both the density and neutron porosity devices will indicate an apparent porosity that is too high in

the presence of kerogen. As the maturity of the kerogen increases, the effect it has on the

porosity devices is diminished somewhat. An attempt to quantify the effect of kerogen on the

logging devices is being studied jointly by ResTech and Dr. John Curtis from Colorado School of

Mines, and was discussed in Section 2.0.

Kerogen has an affinity for uranium which was noted by previous investigators11. When

the volume of kerogen computed from the geochemical analysis on core samples is plotted

against the uranium yield from a spectral gamma ray, an excellent correlation is found (Figure 3-

5). A best fit line yields the following equation:

VK =2.89 ' U - 0.178' U2 + (6.24 '10- 3)' U3

-(1.11' 10-4)' U4 + (7.70 '10-7)' U5 - 6.08 (3.51)

where: VK = volume fraction of kerogen (%)

U =Uranium yield (ppm)

The total gamma ray measurement, which is commonly run in conjunction with other logging

devices, can also be used for the determination of kerogen volume in the absence of the spectral

gamma ray service.

3.5.2 Pyrite Volume

The heavy minerals in the shale (pyrite, siderite, ankerite) will increase the bulk density of

the formation and cause an apparent decrease in density porosity. There will be very little effect

on the sidewall neutron porosity measurement. The effect of the presence of heavy minerals on

the density measurement must be accounted for before it can be used for obtaining porosity.

The Photoelectric Absorption Cross-section Index (Pe) measurement is utilized for the

determination of pyrite volume(Vp). The Pe value for pyrite and siderite (15-17 barns/electron) is

considerably higher than that of the other minerals present (2-5 barns/electron) and can provide a

reliable estimate of the heavies present. The Pe is, however, converted to a volumetric quantity

(Uma) which has units of barns/cc prior to use. To derive a method of determining pyrite volume

from logs, the pyrite weight fraction was determined on core samples using X-ray diffraction and

converted to a volume fraction. This value was plotted against the apparent volumetric cross

section (Uma) determined from logs (Figure 3-6). From a best fit correlation the equation for

determining pyrite volume fraction is:

Vp =2.32 • Uma - 18.69 (3.52)

The volume of pyrite (Vp) is then corrected to include the kerogen volume (VK) determined


VpC =Vp (1 - VK) (3.53)

In older wells, where a Pe measurement is not available, the volume of pyrite can be zoned

from knowledge of its presence in an offset well where a complete set of log measurements are


3.5.3 Quartz, Clay and Porosity Volumes

After determining the volume fractions of kerogen and pyrite, the porosity devices must be

corrected for their infiuence. Once these corrections are made, the corrected density and neutron

porosities can be used in a traditional manner for the determination of the remaining constituents

in the model (quartz, clay, porosity).

Only the density measurement is corrected for the presence of pyrite.

0DPC = 0D - VpC 0DP (3.54)

where: 0DPC =density porosity corrected for presence of pyrite

0D =density porosity from log
0DP = apparent density porosity for pyrite

A value of -0.6 is used for 0DP, which corresponds to a density of 3.72 glee for the heavies

constituent. This is approximately the correction that is expected for the average mixture of heavy

minerals present, however, this value can be changed in a later step if it is determined to be


The correction for kerogen is made with the use of crossplots. In Figure 3-7, the density

porosity corrected for pyrite is plotted versus the kerogen volume determined earlier. The

assumption is made, and core analysis supports this, that the distribution of low porosity

occurrence in the kerogen rich shales is approximately equal to that found in the kerogen free

shales. Therefore, the slope of a line bounding the lower portion of the cloud of data represents

the correction that must be applied to the porosity device for the presence of kerogen (0010. The

neutron porosity correction for kerogen (0NK) is determined in a similar fashion. The correction is

applied as follows:

00KPC =00PC - VK 00K (3.55)

0NKC =0N - VK 0NK (3.56)


00KPC = density porosity corrected for kerogen and pyrite

00PC = density porosity corrected for pyrite

VK = kerogen volume

00K = density porosity in 100% kerogen

0NKC = neutron porosity corrected for kerogen

0N = neutron porosity from log

0NK = neutron porosity in 100% kerogen

After making the above corrections for kerogen and pyrite, a ternary plot (quartz, clay water)

can be used with the corrected density and neutron measurements (Figure 3-8). A line from the

quartz point through the lower portion of the cloud of data represents the zero porosity line. A line

from the water point through the center of the data is constructed to intersect the zero porosity

line. The intersection should occur at a ratio of 56/44 quartz to clay, which will determine the clay

pick for the density/neutron. This ratio was derived from the results of X-ray diffraction

measurements on 206 core samples in the shales.

Response equations for the two porosity logs, formation density and sidewall neutron, can

be written to include all of the constituents in the model and solved in the traditional manner. The

equations are as shown below:

0DKPC = 0+ VQ elDQ + VCl elDCl (3.57)

0NKC = 0+ VQ elNQ + VCl elNCL. (3.58)

1 - VK - Vp = 0+ VQ + VCl (3.59)


0 = fluid porosity fraction

VQ = volume fraction of quartz

VCl = volume fraction of clay

0DQ 0NQ = apparent density and neutron porosity of quartz

0DCL 0NCl = apparent density and neutron porosity of clay

Density and neutron porosities are based on the limestone scale. Equation 9 is the material

balance equation. The above equations solve for the remaining three constituents in the shale

model (Figure 3-3). Recall that the first two constituents (kerogen, pyrite) were determined

previously in Equations (3.51) and (3.52).

In the absence of a neutron porosity device, the gamma ray corrected for kerogen can be

used in the traditional manner for determination of quartz and clay. The corrected density porosity

can be used alone for the determination of porosity.

All of the constituents in the Devonian shale log model have been determined. The next

step is to partition the porosity into that portion containing water and that containing hydrocarbons.


Once porosity has been determined, it can be partitioned into hydrocarbon and water

portions with the deep resistivity measurement. The Archie equation 12 is used for the

determination of water saturation.

n Rw
Sw = m (3.61)


Sw = formation water saturation

m = cementation exponent

n = saturation exponent

Rw = formation water resistivity

RILD = deep resistivity measurement

BVH = 0(1 - Swl (3.62)

The formation water resistivity is difficult to determine through conventional means (i.e.,

Rwa technique, water tables, etc.) This is due to the low porosities present and the lack of 100%

water saturated zones. The shales in the Appalachian basin are at irreducible water saturation

and do not produce water. The value that seems to work best in the shales is 0.085 ohm-meters

at 75"F (80,000 PPM NACL). A crossplot of 0 versus bulk volume hydrocarbon provides a quick

check of the Rw used (Figure 3-9). The data should plot along a line parallel to a 45" line and

intersect the porosity axis at approximately 2.5 to 3.0 porosity units.

Attempts to measure electrical properties on core samples in the shales have been

unsuccessful 13. This is largely due to the low porosity and permeabilities present and the inability

to completely saturate the cores with brine. In order to match the saturations measured on core

samples, a variable saturation exponent (n) was used.

n = 2.667' VK + 1.7 (3.63)

The cementation exponent (m) was then set to equal the saturation exponent.


A typical presentation of log computed results for the Comprehensive Study Well (CSW No.

1A) is show in Figure 3-10. Four tracks of log results are presented with the depth track in the

center. From left, the gamma ray and caliper are presented in API units and inches, respectively.

The bulk volume analysis containing all of the constituents in the log model is presented in Track

2. Track 3 contains the resistivity curves presented on a logarithmic scale. The porosity, bulk

volume hydrocarbon, and bulk volume water are presented in Track 4. Core measured porosity is

also presented in this Track for comparison to log calculated values. Good agreement is evident

on this well. A crossplot is also presented to show the agreement between log calculated and

core measured porosities on the latest four wells that were cored in the shales (Figure 3-11). For

the 269 samples measured, the correlation coefficient is 0.77 with a standard deviation of only


The recommended completion interval is selected from the log analysis, as well as from

other diagnostic tools. The other devices or measurements that help in that selection include

mudlog, temperature log, noise log, borehole television, and a fracture identification device.

Generally, the most favorable completion intervals are those with highest porosity (> 4%), most

fractures, and best sustained mud log gas shows. Kerogen rich shales appear to have the best

gas-in-place (free and adsorbed), the highest natural fracture density, and lowest stress (Which

acts to contain any artifically-induced fractures created by stimulation treatment). However, in

some parts of the Appalachian Basin, there are gray shales (kerogen-free) that are commerically


The above methodology has been developed as a program for use on a personal computer

(PC). The software can be purchased from the Logic Group located in Austin, Texas (telephone

(512) 451-5707) at a cost of about $750. Some of the features of the Devonian Shale Analysis

(DSA) software package include:

1. Shale can be zoned for analysis using different log analysis variables.

2. Sands within the shale interval can be selected for analysis using a more traditional

log model.

3. All parameters necessary for analysis of the shales can be interactively selected from

crossplots on the PC monitor.

4. Minimum log suites (density, gamma ray) can be utilized with very little loss in the

quality of answers.

5. Results from the analysis can be presented in a log and/or listed format.

6. Summaries for net pay can be run using any combination of cutoffs and on as many

as fifteen separate zones.

7. Interactive normalization of the log measurements prior to analysis is available.

8. Defaults for all user inputs are provided for the in-experienced user.


1. Campbell, RL., and Truman, R.B.: "Formation Evaluation in the Devonian Shale," SPE

15212, Unconventional Gas Technology Symposium, Louisville, KY, May 18-21, 1986.

2. Campbell, R.L., and Truman, RB.: "A Devonian Shale-Specific Formation Evaluation Log."

GRI Eastern Devonian Shale Technology Review, October, 1987.

3. McBane, R.A., Campbell RL. and Truman, RB.: "Comparison of Diagnostic Tools for

Selecting Completion Intervals in Devonian Shale Wells," JPT, February, 1988.

4. Guidry, F.K., Luffel, D.L., Olszewski, A.J., and Scheper, R.J.: "Devonian Shale Formation

Evaluation Model Based on Logs, New Core Analysis Methods, and Production Tests,"

SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium, June 24-27,1990.

5. Kalyoncu, R.S, Coppins, w.G. Hooie, D.T., and Snyder, M. J.: "Characterization and

Analysis of Devonian Shales," Proceedings First Eastern Gas Shales Symposium,

Morgantown, West Virginia, October 17-19, 1977.

6. Nufher, E.B. and Vinopal, R.J.: "Petrographic Characteristics for Distinguishing Gas-

Productive Devonian Shale from Non-Productive Shale," Second Eastern Gas Shales

Symposium, Vol 1, Morgantown, West Virginia, October 16-18,1978.

7. Soeder, D.J.: "Porosity and Permeability of Eastern Devonian Shale," SPEFE March 1989,

p. 116-124.

8. Conolly, E.T.: "Digital Log Analysis-Recognition and Treatment of Field Recording Errors."

SPWLA 15th Annual Logging Symposium, June, 1974.

9. Patchett, J.B.,Coalson, E.B.: "The Determination of Porosity in Sandstones and Shaly

Sandstone, Part 1- Quality Control" SPWLA20th Annual Logging Symposium, June, 1979.

10. "Log Core, Geochemical Analyses in Barnett Shale,: Special Report prepared by ResTech

for GRI, May, 1991, under GRI Contract No. 5086-213-1390.

11. Fertl, W.H., Rieke, H.H. III: "Gamma Ray Spectral Evaluation Techniques Identify

Fractured Shale Reservoirs and Source Rock Characteristics" JPT, November, 1980, p.


12. Archie, G.E., "The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining some Reservoir

Characteristics: T.P. 1422, Petroleum Technology, January, 1942.

13. "Electrical Properties of Devonian Shale, CSW #1A, and CSW #5 Wells, "Performed for

ResTech by Core Laboratories Dallas, September 5, 1990.


I- gl'------------,------,------'1
"~'" ;t- E":.:'ST
il---'-A:.:":cA_W..::'D:c OO

"~ :f------

ow -

0 . 2.8 2.e 2.4

Figure 3-1 Comparison of an individual well histogram prior to

standardization to the area wide density histogram


I- gt----------+-----'----~
"'"~ :f- I-__A_"E_A_W_'D..::E"_'ST:.....::OO::...::."--'----3
~ :t-----i
ow -
:=l ---~--

O!c,.o'----=,."",-" 2.6 2.4 2.2

Figure 3-2 Comparison of an individual well histogram after standardization

to the area wide bulk density histogram





Figure 3-3 Log analysis model for Devonian Shale


Uranium Yield ~ Kerogen Volume

Absorption ~ Pyrite Volume

Bulk Density Quartz Volume

Neutron Porosity ~
Clay Volume

Resistivity ~ Water Saturation

Figure 3-4 Solution methodology for the shales


data points = 198
corr. coef. = 0.89

20 • •
• • 10.


. ,/
. • •



••• •
. ..• •,: •

o 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 3-5 Volume of kerogen determination by use of the uranium yield from a
spectral gamma ray


20 /
data points = 99
corr. coef. = 0.476 /
10 • /
'\, !•
• ••

o 5
.~ ~

15 20 25

Figure 3-6 Volume of pyrite determined from X-ray diffraction versus the
volumetric cross section (UMA) derived from logs

. CSW No. 1A

0.25 1----4---4----+----l-----l

0D Cp
• 0D (slope) = 0.60

-0.05 P-'---J--->-----1-----..j'-----l

-0.15 l-.-_....l.-_---l._ _.l..-_-L._---I

o 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25


Figure 3-7 Density porosity corrected for heavies content versus kerogen volume
for determination of density porosity correction for kerogen

0.35 .-----....,...-----,----r-----r------,

0.25 1-----+----1----1-- Porosity--I

-0.15 l-.-_....l.-_---l._ _.l..-_-L._----'

-0.05 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45
0N (DEC)
Figure 3-8 Density / Neutron, both corrected for kerogen and pyrite, crossplot for
determination of clay point, quartz and clay volumes, and porosity



0.15 -+---l---+----,/'~!--+--_;
HYDROCARBON 0.1 +-----j--"'7f--.7''--t---+--j

Intercept = 0.027
0.05 -t----7f-~"'__'t--

a 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

Figure 3-9 Crossplot of bulk volume hydrocarbon versus porosity for a check on
formation water resistivity (Rw)



6 CALIPER 16 1 0 2 2000 .25 0
3100 I--r---+------...-i

3150 1---+---+-----71---1

3200 1----,..=--+------<i>""t£J--i

BVW - _

3250 '----"----'------...:::...-i

Figure 3-10 Presentation of log results

data points = 269
0.2 carr. coet. = 0.77
std. dev. = 0.009

0.15 -+---+--+------,A---4--1
o (CORE) •••
0.1 -+---1-..-..:A---+------+---l

0.05 +-+.\T. ~~-=-+-- core .055
log .049

o 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
o (LOG)
Figure 3-11 Core versus log porosity for the last four whole cored wells



Determination of the closure stress in shales is an important part of the Gas Research

Institute gas shales research program, primarily as this controls fracture height (and impacts on

fracture length and width) during hydraulic fracture treatment. During both the CSW and ED well

programs, closure stresses were measured directly in numerous intervals of the shales both in

open and cased wellbores, of six wells. 1,2,3,4 These results showed very lillie variation in the

closure stresses in the four CSW wells, suggesting there were no good barriers to vertical fracture

growth during fracture stimulation treatment. However, in the later program for the two ED wells

(in Pike County, Kentucky) sufficient closures stress contrast was found within the shale section,

so as to form barriers to vertical fracture growth. The ED wells appear to be different from the

CSW wells because the area around the ED wells has experienced more production and pressure

depletion. This lowers closure stress in the productive intervals (black shales) compared to

surrounding gray shales that are less productive.

A stUdy was also made to calculate closure stress foot-by-foot from full wave acoustic

logs that were run in all the above CSW and ED wells. In the four CSW wells, these calculated

stress results had to be calibrated differently for each well to fit the measured stresses. We

believe this is due in part to uncertainty in the reservoir pressure (which was averaged over fairly

long zones) in those wells. For the two ED wells reservoir pressures were measured over short

depth intervals (about 10 feet) with a new slug test method developed by GRI.2,4 In these wells

the closure stresses calculated from the acoustic logs without adjustment are in good agreement

with measured stresses. Also, within this study we determined that reliable data can be obtained

from the newer full wave acoustic logs in liquid-filled cased wells. This is an important advance in

the Appalachian Basin where wells are drilled with air, since these open boreholes had to be filled

with water to enable running a usable acoustic log in the past.


The in-situ, closure stress profile within layers of a reservoir rock controls the vertical

height growth of a fracture during hydraulic fracture treatment. This height growth in turn affects

the growth of the fracture length and width, and therefore the stress profile is important in

optimizing the design of the fracture treatment. During both the CSW and the ED well program in

the Devonian shale of the Appalachian Basin, the Gas Research Institute conducted a program in

which direct measurements of closure stress were made at mUltiple shale depth intervals in 4

CSW and 2 ED wells, both in the open and the cased hole. During this program, the reliability of

the measurements improved as methods and equipment evolved. In the ED program, methods

were developed to measure reservoir pore pressure through use of short-depth-interval nitrogen

injection slug tests. These tests were usually run companion to the stress tests. Reservoir

pressure in the Devonian shale, which can vary widely in the Appalachian Basin due to gas

production and pressure depletion, has an important effect on closure stress in each of the

reservoir layers. Since the reservoir pressure was measured in detail (over short depth intervais),

only in the ED wells, and more stress tests were performed on the ED wells, this discussion will

focus primarily on results in these wells.

Direct measurements of closure stress in wells are expensive to use on a routine basis.

Closure stress can be determined indirectly from full wave form acoustic logs, which is less

expensive, and has the added advantage that this can provide a foot-by-foot profile of stress.

This method of using acoustic log data will be described in the following discussion along with

results as compared to directly measured stress.


As mentioned above, methods were developed by GRI for direct measurement of closure

stress 2 ,4 In these tests nitrogen was injected through drill pipe (open-hole) or tubing (cased-

hole) into an interval limited by a packer (open-hole) or a packer/perforations/bridge plug (cased-

hole). Alter injection of nitrogen above fracture pressure, a downhole shut-off tool was used to

terminate injection and to minimize wellbore storage. Downhole BHP data were then collected

and the falloff pressure data were interpreted to identify closure stress.

In the CSW program open-hole stress tests (OHST) were conducted in four zones on two

wells (Table 4-1), within intervals of 34 to 105 feet. Cased-hole stress tests (CHST) were

conducted at 10 locations (one-to-two-foot perforated intervals) in three CSW wells (Table 4-1 ).1

In addition, cased-hole stress/breakdown tests (BOT) were conducted over longer perforated

intervals (2 to 176 feet) of these same three wells (Table 4-1). These are referred to as

breakdown tests since they were performed just prior to initiating production. Usually 5 to 10

times larger volumes were pumped (as compared to the stress tests). Note in Table 4-1 that in

common intervals for the three types of tests, results obtained for closure stress were generally in

agreement. Closure stresses, which range from 0.28 to 0.61 psi/It, are low largely due to the low

reservoir pressures generally present (0.16 to 0.28 psi/It). Note that for each stress test,

formation name and lithology type (gray shale or organic-rich black shale) are shown. Closure

stress is somewhat dependent upon lithology type in the shales.

Table 4-1
Results of Open and Cased Hole Stress Tests

Gradient Formation Shale
Well Test No. Interval (ft) Stress (psia) (psi/ftl Name Type
CSVV2 OHST1 2625-2705 1551 0.58 U.Oevonian Gray
CSVV2 OHST2 3372-3421 1392 0.41 U. Huron Gray
CSVV2 OHST3 3469-3574 1765 0.50 L. Huron Gray
CSWl OHST4 2917-2951 1249 0.43 M. Huron Gray
CSVV2 CHSTl 4358-4359 2545 0.58 L. Huron Gray
CSVV2 CHST2 4097 2354 0.57 L. Huron Gray
CSVV2 CHST3 3552 1671 0.47 L. Huron Gray
CSVV2 CHST4 3370 2051 0.61 L. Huron Gray
CSW3 CHST5 4249 1507 0.35 L. Huron Black
CSW3 CHST6 4464-4466 1668 0.37 Rhinestreet Gray
CSW3 CHST? 4520 2100 0.46 Rhinestreet Gray
CSW4A CHST8 2760 1600 0.58 L. Huron Gray
CSW4A CHST9 2682 750 0.28 L. Huron Black
CSW4A CHST10 2603 805 0.31 M. Huron Gray
CSVV2 BOn 4192-4336 2018 0.47 L. Huron Gray
CSVV2 BOT2 4069-4189 1901 0.46 L. Huron Gray
CSVV2 BDT3 3893-4069 1980 0.50 L.Huron Gray
CSVV2 BDT4 3552-3680 1655 0.46 L. Huron Gray
CSVV2 BDT5 3345-3379 2040 0.61 L. Huron Gray
CSW3 BOT6 4464-4466 1694 0.38 Rhinestreet Gray
CSW3 BDT? 4115-4324 1420 0.34 M/L. Huron Black
CSW3 BOT8 3869-4007 1576 0.40 M. Huron Gray
CSW4A BDT9 2571-2723 1104 0.42 MIL. Huron Gry/Blk

In the EO well program both open and cased hole stress tests (OHST, CHST) were

performed in the shale in two wells.2,3 A total of 3 open-hole tests and 13 cased-hole tests were

performed with results shown in Table 4-2. As shown previously, formation name and lithology

are shown. Table 4-3 shows the results of the reservoir pressures measured with 11 cased-hole

nitrogen slug tests in the two ED wells.

Table 4-2
Results of Open and Cased Hole Stress Tests
ED Wells

Stress Gradient Formation
Well Test No. Interval (tt) (psia) (psi/tt) Name Shale Type
FMC 69
OHST2 4216-4227 1660 0.393 Trans/L. Huron Gry/Blk
OHST3 4475-4486 2029 0.453 L. Huron Black
CHST 1 4506 2120 0.471 Olenlangy Gray
CHST2 4368 1430 0.327 L. Huron Black
CHST3 4303 1400 0.325 L. Huron Black
CHST4 4270 1676 0.392 TransiL. Huron Gry/Blk
CHST5 4220 1750 0.415 Trans/L. Huron Gry/Blk
CHST6 4170 1835 0.440 TransiL. Huron Gray
FMC 78
OHST1 3916 1558 0.398 Chagrin Gray
CHST1 4450 2150 0.483 Olenlangy Gray
CHST3 4345 2200 0.506 L. Huron Black
CHST4 4273 1700 0.398 L. Huron Black
CHST5 4224 1950 0.462 L. Huron Gray
CHST6 4190 2000 0.478 L. Huron Black
CHST7 4155 2265 0.545 Trans/L. Huron Gry/Blk
CHST8 4094 1900 0.464 Trans/L. Huron Gray

Table 4-3
Results of Cased Hole Slug Tests
ED Wells

Reservoir Pressure
Pressure Gradient Formation Shale
Well Interval (ft) (psial (psi/ftl Name Type
4170 870 0.209 Trans/L. Huron Gray
4220 690 0.164 Trans/L. Huron Gry/Blk
4270 540 0.126 Trans/L. Huron Gry/Blk
4303 600 0.139 L. Huron Black
4368 690 0.158 L. Huron Black
4506 1000 0.222 Olentangy Gray
FMC 78
4094 660 0.161 Trans/L. Huron Gray
4155 540 0.130 Trans/L. Huron Gray
4190 635 0.152 L. Huron Gry/Blk
4273 650 0.152 L. Huron Black
4291 650 0.152 L. Huron Black


As discussed earlier, closure stress can be determined indirectly from full wave form

acoustic logs, which is less expensive than direct measurement, and has the added advantage of

providing a foot-by-foot stress profile. The method of doing this is discussed, followed by results

showing the use of acoustic logs in cased-hole, and finally the results comparing closure tests

from logs to direct measurements.

4.4.1 Methodology

Effective stress can be predicted from the general equation: 5,6

s= Pm+a Pp (4.41)

where: S = total stress gradient (psi/tt)

Pm = matrix stress gradient (psi/tt)

Pp = pore pressure gradient (psi/tt)

a = 1-b, elastic constant

b = Biot's constant

Biot's constant is the ratio of the compressibility of the matrix material to the

compressibility of the rock skeleton. This value cannot be measured very easily and is generally

a function of porosity. As porosity increases, b decreases. However, since compressibility is also

dependent upon the geometric form of the skeleton, two rock formations of similar porosity and

lithology can have significantly different elastic constant values. 7

Equation (4-1) can be written for stresses in both the horizontal and vertical direction.

The horizontal stress gradient is otten called the closure pressure gradient and can be related to

the vertical matrix stress gradient through Poisson's ratio. Poisson's ratio (~) is calculated with

the use of the compressional and shear acoustic velocities extracted from the waveforms

recorded with the long-spaced acoustic device:

~ = (Vc2 - 2VS2) /2 (Vc2 - VS2) (4.42)

where: Vc = compressional wave velocity, ftlsec

Vs = shear wave velocity, ftlsec.

The final equation used to calculate horizontal stress gradient (fracture closure stress)

results from a combination of Equations (4.41) and (4.42).

Sx =-IL(SZ-u1 Pp)+U2Pp (4.43)


where: Sx = horizontal stress gradient (psi/tt)

Sz = total vertical stress or overburden stress gradient (psi/tt)

a1, a2 = elastic constant terms

Pp = pore pressure gradient (psi/tt)

The two elastic constant terms (a1, a2) need not be equal. In rocks that exhibit

anisotropic porosity conditions or that have extensive vertical microfracturing, a1 and a2 can be

very different. Best results were obtained in the ED wells (Pike County, Kentucky) research area

by setting the two equal at a value of 0.2 for the gray shales. However, in the black organic rich

shales, which have extensive fractures, a value of 1.0 was used for a2, and 0.2 was used for a1.

4.4.2 Acquisition of Acoustic Log

Most of the wells drilled in the shales of the Appalachian basin are air-drilled. To get the

acoustic measurements necessary for calculating Poisson's ratio and closure stress, the open-

hole wellbore must be filled with liquid to establish acoustic coupling with the formation. With the

more recent acoustic devices, however, the compressional and shear travel times can be

obtained in a liquid-filled cased hole. This precludes the need for filling the open-hole with liqUid

and risking potential wellbore damage. Figure 4-1 shows good agreement between both the

compressional and shear wave travel times comparing the logs run in the water filled open-hole

and water filled cased-hole, for the FMC No. 78. Also, note that calculated Poisson ratios are in

good agreement. As a result, in future wells we recommend running the full wave acoustic log in

a water-filled cased hole rather than in the open-hole.

4.4.3 Log Calculated Results

The closure stress gradient calculated with the acoustic logs, using the methodology

above, was in excellent agreement with measured values (Figure 4-2). A total of 7 openhole and

18 cased hole stress tests were made in formations that included the Berea sandstone and .the

shale section which includes the upper and lower portion of the Chagrin, the Lower Huron,

Olentangy, and Rhinestreet formations.

An important feature to note is the variation in the stress profile in the shale section as

shown by Figure 4-2 for FMC 69. Stress in the black, organic-rich section of the L. Huron at about

4400 feet is roughly 800 psi lower than the stress in the transition zone above. The lower stress

at 4400 feet is largely due to the low reservoir pressure present. This stress difference should act

as an effective barrier to vertical fracture growth during hydraulic fracture treatment. In addition to

forming an effective barrier to vertical fracture growth, the variation of the closure stress also

impacts on fracture length, width, and fluid conductivity. This is shown in Figure 4-3 2 This

diagram shows the effect of the variable closure stress in the black shale section of the FMC No.

69 well, on fracture length and conductivity, as calculated from a layered reservoir simulation

model. Closures stress is shown at the right for this well, as a delta variation rather than absolute

stress. Note the fracture is well confined vertically to roughly 300 feet, with a fracture half length

of roughly 600 feet. For comparison, the stress variation (shown as a delta stress) is shown on

the left of Figure 4-3 for a typical CSW well which exhibits very little stress contrast. This lack of

stress contrast is due in part to similar reservoir pressure, which has not experienced as much

depletion as the ED well area.


1. Devonian Gas Shales Technology Review, GRI Vol. 6 No.1, July 1989, p. 8-24.

2. Research Results from the Ashland Exploration, Inc. Ford Motor Company 69 (COOP1)

Well, Pike County, Kentucky, Topical Report, GRI-93/0422.1, Gas Research Institute.

3. Research Results from the Ashland Exploration, Inc., Ford Motor Company 78

(Experimental Development) Well, Devonian and Berea Siltstone Formations, Pike

County, Kentucky, Topical Well Report, GRI-95/0446.2, Gas Research Institute.

4. Tests and Procedures for Reservoir Evaluation in Low Permeability Reservoirs, Final

Report, GRI-94/0436, Gas Research Institute.

5. Howard, G.C. and Fast, C.R: "Hydraulic Fracturing," SPE of AIME, 1970

6. Anderson, RA.: "A Review of the Elastic Solution of Fracture Pressure," American

Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1976.

7. Newberry, B.M., Nelson, RF., and Ahmed, U.: "Prediction of Vertical Hydraulic Fracture

Migration Using Compressional and Shear Wave Slowness," SPEIDDE 13895, Low

Permeability Gas Reservoirs Conference, 1985.

o .5 140 ~S/F 40 240 ~S/F 40

4100 I - - - - T - - - - t - - - + - - - - I



4150 I - - - - - - j ! : - - - - t - - - - t - - - - - I


4200 1--------''''.-----+----+----1

4250 I------+----+----"'t----I


4300 '--_ _-t:.. ' - -_ _....L..._ _- - {

Figure 4-1 Comparison of compressional and shear travel time derived from
both open and cased logs and the computation of each to drive
Poisson's ratio for the FMS No. 78


1 0 0 LOG 3000






4500 ~==:::::+====g-:=:-"===1

4600 I----+-~-=;;:::::::'f------l

Figure 4- 2 Log presentation of measured versus log calculated stress pressure

for Berea (FMC No. 80) and Transition/L. Huron (FMC No. 69)

400 ~ , . . . . - - - - - - - - - . ,
_ ffi Fracture
-. 200 C1. Conductivity
....... ~ ,.................... ...

l~~~~~1ii= ~:~~~z~~~--I
~. ..1
.. ]~ . ..1

II. -200 '._"'_ _~'_"

1000 0 800 400 o o 400 800 0 1000

Figure 4-3 Comparison of stimulation effectiveness for a well (FMC No. 69)
with stress contrasts present versus one (typcial CSW well)



During the early stages of the shale program an attempt was made to link geologic rock

types and reservoir characteristics to producibility. David K. Davies did all of the petrology on

core samples and performed a study1 to Identify the following:

Various geologic rock types that occur in the Devonian shale sequence

Key reservoir properties of each rock type

Nature and distribution of pore system in the shales

Contribution to production of each rock type

Methodology for determining the geologic rock types with log data

The key findings in this work were:

1. Five geologic rock types were found to exist in the Devonian shale sequence

2. These rock types are closely associated with depositional environment

3. The matrix permeability is controlled by the microfabric associated with the particular

rock type

4. These geologic rock types can be identified with the log data which enables the

mapping of rock types on a regional or basin-wide scale

More recent work has indicated that matrix permeability, although extremely low, does

have a bearing on long term production in the shales (see Section 1.0).

In conjunction with Davies' study, ResTech made an attempt to link reservoir

characteristics to producibility. The reselYoir characteristics identified with the logs and used in

the initial producibility model included porosity, gas content, kerogen volume, and presence of

fractures. Later, gas content was deleted from the producibility model, because these rocks are

at irreducible water saturatiorl arld all porosity irl excess of 2.5 - 3.0% porosity cOrltairls gas2 ,3.

The firldings were that the better producibility is associated with the higher porosity rock and that

the lower kerogen content rock produces more gas per perforation for the same porosity range.

The characteristics of the fracture system (spacing, aperture, intersections, etc) have

been shown to be extremely important to the producibility of these shales (see Section 1.0). This

information was really brought to light during the final stages of the shale program through work in

the Pike County, Kentucky area. Imaging devices (FMS, CAST) were run to describe the fracture

system and extensive coring was done to describe the rock characteristics and to serve as the

"ground truth". However, all of the wells in the Appalachian basin are typically air-drilled and the

imaging devices cannot be run. In addition, coring is expensive and cannot be done on very

many wells.

Observations of the data in the shale database have indicated that many times the

fractures are associated with zones having the highest porosities. These high porosity zones, in

the limited database in Pike County, Kentucky, also have lower stress. An explanation may be

that the gas generated from the large volume of organic source material that is present, builds to a

pressure that eventually exceeds the stress level present in the shale. Fractures are then

created, which allows gas to migrate laterally and vertically. This will be most prevaient where

stress levels are lowest, i.e., higher porosity zones.

To produce gas in these low permeability shales, two conditions must be met. First, gas

must be present in the rock and secondly, there must be a fracture system to deliver it to the

wellbore. In the absence of a fracture identification device, detection of porosity development

alone may qualitatively satisfy the above two conditions. In addition, identifying the better quality

rocks (geologic rock types) will enhance selection of the best zones and lead to better long term

well performance.


Substantial quantities of natural gas are trapped within low quality, unconventional

reservoir rocks of Middle and Upper Devonian age in the Southern Appalachian basin. These

rocks are a major potential source of future gas supplies. Generally these clay-rich rocks are not

studied in terms of their reservoir potential, but rather as potential seals or source rocks.

Most shales differ greatly from sandstones in lateral continuity, porosity and many other

characteristics. However, the basic questions regarding these reservoirs are similar1: is gas

production random or ordered, is it mappable and is it controlled by primary or secondary factors4

The study undertaken by David K. Davies and ResTech 1 was designed to answer some of these


Five geologic rock types were identified from petrographic analysis performed on 175

drilled sidewall core samples from 16 wells and 35 core plug samples from conventional cores in

four wells. The samples were from nine stratigraphic intervals: the Upper Devonian Undivided,

the Cleveland, Chagrin, Upper, Middle and Lower Huron members of the Ohio shale, the Java,

Angola and Rhinestreet shales. The five geologic rock types are shown below:

Rock Type A - Shaly sandstones and siltstones

Rock Type B - Very shaly sandstones and siltstones

Rock Type C - Burrowed silty shales

Rock Type D - Gray shales

Rock Type E - Black organic-rich shales

Rock types A and B are considered to be more closely associated with conventional

reservoir rocks. Sorting differences are important in these rocks, but are less important in the true

shales (Rock Types C,D and E). Of the sandstones and siltstones (Rock Types A and B), A

appears to have the higher matrix permeability. The ability to measure matrix permeability of

shales was developed only recently, and has been applied to only a limited number of core

samples from rock types D and E (see Section 1.8).

Within the shales (Rock Types C, D and E), microfabric appears to control matrix

permeability. The shales with chaotic microfabric (Rock Type C), appear to have the highest

matrix permeability, while those with more parallel microfabric (Rock Types D and E) tend to have

lower matrix permeability.

These rock types are based on variations in mineralogy, texture and microfabric.

However, to identify the rock types with logs, rock composition (specifically shaliness and

kerogen/heavy minerals ratio) must be used. All five of the rock types can be identified with well

logs. This permits mapping of the rock types on a regional or basin-wide scale for the

identification of areas with higher quality rock.

To enhance the identification of better producibility in the shales, in a separate study done

by ResTech eariy in this program, reservoir characteristics (porosity, kerogen content, fractures)

were compared to production information. Thirteen wells were evaluated with 274 individual

perforated intervals. These wells were chosen because production logs were available and

contribution of gas from each perforation could be determined. The higher porosity rock (0 > 4%)

contributed 88% of the total gas from the 13 wells from only 65% of the perforations. The

presence of kerogen tended to reduce the producibility of the shales.

This data is from those zones that were identified as not being fractured by whatever

fracture indicating device was available, such as borehole television or mudiog. Only 10% of the

perforated intervals from the thirteen wells were identified as having fractures. We now know that

some fracturing must have been present in most of the zones that produced gas, if not all.


The database for the David K. Davies study included 210 core samples from 21 wells and

is shown in Figure 5.1. These samples were analyzed to provide:

1. Gross lithology and sedimentary structures

2. Petrographic characteristics (composition, texture, fabric, pore structure)

3. Physical properties (porosity, permeability, saturation, grain density)

4. Organic geochemistry (total organic carbon, pyrolysis, kerogen type)

For the log identification of the five geologic rock types, 14 of 21 wells were chosen and are

shown in Table 5-1. The criteria for selection of these wells were:

1. Complete logging suite available

2. No apparent depth discrepancies between core samples and log measurements

3. Good borehole conditions and geophysical log data

Table 5-1
List of Wells Used in Well Log Geologic Rock Type Identification Study

Well County State

Northern Area
Bullard No. 1100 Calhoun West Virginia
Harold No. 994 Roane West Virginia
Fleming No. 2568 Doddridge West Virginia
Peake No. 753 (CSW 5) Jackson West Virginia
Stover A NO.1 Jackson West Virginia
Childers No.2 Mason West Virginia
Roff NO.4 Washington Ohio
Lothes NO.4 Noble Ohio
Southern Area
Emma Preece No. 1 Martin Kentucky
J.B. Goff NO.1 Martin Kentucky
Looney No. 21495 Buchanan Virginia
E.J. Evans No. 91 (CSW 4A) Breathitt Kentucky
Crouch No. 23 A Wyoming West Virginia

The well logs were analyzed using the Devonian Shale-specific Log Analysis Model to provide

log-derived values for mineraiogy, porosity and saturations.

Comparison of reservoir characteristics derived from log data with production from

individual perforated zones required the following:

1. Complete open hole logging suite

2. Pre-stimulation production logs run after perforation

Twelve (12) wells were utilized for this study and are listed in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2
List of Wells Used in the Probucibility Model Study

Well County State

Northern Area
Bullard No. 1100 Calhoun West Virginia
Harold No. 994 Roane West Virginia
Sands No. 1097 Gilmer West Virginia
Jarvis No. 1143 (CSW 2) Calhoun West Virginia
Peake No. 753 (CSW 5) Jackson West Virginia
Devaugh No. 2024 Richie West Virginia
Southern Area
Williamson No. 21539 Pike Kentucky
E.J. Evans No. 91 (CSW 4A) Breathitt Kentucky
CNG No. 2814 (CSW No.3) Logan West Virginia
E.J. Evans No. 87 Breathitt Kentucky
E.J. Evans No. 89 Breathitt Kentucky
T. Looney No. 21495 Buchanan Virginia


The Devonian shales are commonly described as having two lithological groups, black

shales and grey shales4 ,S. A more detailed analysis of the rock reveals that there are in fact five

discrete rock types.

Rock Type A - Shaly sandstones and siltstones

Rock Type B - Very shaly sandstones and siltstones

Rock Type C - Burrowed silty shales

Rock Type D - Gray shales

Rock Type E - Biack organic-rich shales

Each core sample was classified in terms of overall texture and composition in an attempt

to relate reservoir quality to wireline log response. Table 5-3 indicates the characteristics of each

rock type, such as texture, shale fabric, and mineralogy.

Table 5-3
Rock Type Discrimination

Petrophysical Analysis
Mineralogy (WT%)
Rock Texture Shale Quartz + Clay Pyrite Siderite Calcite Dolomite TOC
Type Grain Size Fabric Feldspar (WT%)
A 0.06WS 77 12 1 Tr 4 5 0.4
B 0.04 PS - 62 34 2 1 Tr Tr 0.5
C 0.02 PS Burrowed 47 47 3 1 1 1 0.5
D 0.02 PS Random 39 50 5 4 2 1 0.6
E 0.02 Parallel 48 45 6 Tr Tr Tr 4.7

Note: Grain Size is mm, clay includes mica, dolomite includes ankerite.
WS = Well sorted
PS = Poorly sorted

5.4.1 Rock Type A

Rock Type A is a well sorted fine grained shaly sandstone. It represents the most

proximal, high energy portions of the distal deltaic turbidite apron (Figures 5-2 and 5-3). This

generally occurs in beds that are several feet in thickness and is graded (grain size decreases

upwards). Bioturbation is uncommon. Mean grain size ranges from .04 to .09 mm (average .06)

and rock consists primarily of quartz, feldspar, and minor amounts of clay. The clays are

kaolinite, iron-rich chlorite, and minor amounts of illite.

5.4.2 Rock Type B

This rock type is very similar to rock type A. It is distinguished by the higher clay content

and textural properties. Grain size will range from .01 to .10 m and average .04 mm. The clay

component of this rock is primarily illite. Rock Type A and B both contain minor amounts of

preserved organic matter (TOe averages .4 to .5%). This rock type is more poorly sorted than

Rock Type A.

5.4.3 Rock Type C

This rock type consists of burrowed silty shales and is associated with the coarser

grained clastics (Rock Type A and B). These burrowed silty shales were deposited in shallow,

well oxygenated marine waters (Figures 5-2 and 5-3). The color of these shales is a medium gray

and is distinguished by extensive bioturbation. Sorting is poor and grain size averages .02 mm.

X-ray diffraction indicates clay content to be high (47.3%) and is predominantly illite.

5.4.4 Rock Type D

Rock type 0 is very similar to e, except the color is a darker gray and was deposited in

relatively deep, partially deoxygenated bottom waters. This rock type also contains relatively

large amounts of heavy minerals (siderite, pyrite).

5.4.5 Rock Type E

This rock type is easily identified because of its large volume of organic carbon. The

organic carbon content can range from 1.59 to 21.5 percent by weight. Rock type E was

deposited in the deepest portions of the basin in anoxic bottom waters (Figures 5-2 and 5-3). The

color of this rock is black, hence the name "black shale". The black shales also contain large

amounts of authentic pyrite (average 5.5% by weight).


Matrix permeabilities in the Upper Devonian rocks appear to vary as a function of rock

microfabric1, based on qualitative inference from petrology. Rock microfabric is largely controlled

by depositional environment.

Within the shaly to very shaly sandstones and siltstones (Rock Types A and B), Rock

Type A should have the highest matrix permeability. In these more traditional rocks, permeability

is associated more with sorting, rather than microfabric. These rocks are of turbidite origin and

are characterized by development of intergranular macroporosity as well as microporosity. The

pore sizes in these rocks are in the range of 10 to 30 microns in diameter.

The remaining three rock types (Rock Types C,D and E) are shales and were deposited

in a stratified basin. Higher permeability in these shales is a function of chaotic microfabric, which

is the result of the activity of burrowing organisms. Extensive burrowing is found in well

oxygenated bottom waters in the shallowest portions of the stratified basin.

Of the shales, Rock Type C should have the highest matrix permeability. This rock type

is characterized by chaotic microfabric as a result of burrowing activity. The burrowing results in

disruption of the original depositional fabric and the plate-like illite/muscovite components have

random orientation. Rock Type C was deposited in shallow, well oxygenated bottom waters.

Rock Type D has an indistinct to sub-parallel microfabric, because of a tendency for a

combination of chaotic and sub-parallel grain alignment. There is very little burrOWing activity in

this rock, which should have a lower matrix permeability than Rock Type C. This rock was

deposited in dysaerobic bottom conditions.

Rock Type E (black shales) has the lowest matrix permeability of the three shale types.

Its microfabric is parallel, dominated by abundant, well defined, small-scale laminations. The

small-scale laminations are the result of grain segregation. The black shales were deposited in

the deepest water with anaerobic bottom conditions.


The subsurface identification of geologic rock types requires the use of wireline log data.

Conventional coring is economically non-feasible because of the thickness (approximately 3000')

and cost of coring.

The rocks were first classified into one of the five geologic rock types discussed

previously, using petrologic analysis of core samples. Discrimination between the various rock

types was based on a combination of compositional and textural data.

For the development of a log model to identify rock types, criteria used to discriminate

among the various rock types must be applicable to both petrologic and log analyses. These

criteria are termed "common discriminators". Textural data (color, microfabric, etc.) cannot be

readily determined from logs, therefore, the model is based exclusively on compositional data.

Those compositional data of the shales that can be identified with the log model was discussed in

Section 3.0.

Three common discriminators are used to discern all five geologic rock types. In the

following definitions, mineral volumes are treated as fractional.

Common Discriminator 1

log [ Quartz Volume ]

Clay Volume + Pyrite Volume

This discriminator is a measure of the shaliness of the rock and can be used to identify

Rock Types A and B. Rock Types C, D and E have similar degrees of shaliness and cannot be

distinguished from one another with this discriminator alone. The second discriminator must be


Common Discriminator 2

log r(Kerogen VOIUme)2]

_ Pyrite Volume

This is a measure of the organic carbon richness of the rock and can be used to

determine Rock Type E. Only Rock Type E contains large amounts of organic carbon. This

leaves only the need to distinguish between Rock Type C and D, which are the most difficult to

differentiate. One difference noted between Rock Types C and D was grain density. Rock Type

D contains higher quantities of pyrite, siderite and ankerite. To take advantage of this difference,

a third discriminator is used.

Common Discriminator 3

log [ Quartz Volume ]

Clay Volume + (Pyrite Volume)

Common Discriminator 3 is identical to common discriminator 1 with the exception of the

cube term on the heavies volume. Use of this discriminator is restricted to those samples that fall

within the values of:

Common Discriminator 1 < 0.06

Common Discriminator 2 < 0.925

A cross plot of the common discriminators with common discriminator cutoffs shown for

distinguishing each rock type is shown with core-derived rock type in the Z-axis (Figure 5-4)

Table 5-4 shows how well the log model predicted each of the rock types. The database

for this comparison includes 141 core samples from 14 wells. The core samples were classified

into Rock Types using the criteria shown in Table 5-3. Using the log derived common

discriminators, the log derived geological rock types were computed and compared to the core

described rock types. Rock Types A, B, D and E are identified with the greatest accuracy (100%,

67%,72% and 94%, respectively). Rock Type C is predicted with less accuracy (54%).

Table 5-4
Cross-Classification of Rock Types Predicted by the
Log Model with Core Validation Points

Rock Type Predicted from Logs

Rock Type Total

(Core) Samples A B C 0 E
A 8 8 - - - -
B 18 4 12 1 - 1
C 24 1 2 13 5 3
D 29 2 1 2 21 3
E 62 - 1 2 1 58

Total number of Core Validation Points = 141

Number of Intervals Correctly Identified by Log Model =112

Number of Points Correctly Identified =100· (112/141) =79.4%

To interpret Table 5-4 proceed horizontally across each rock type. In this table 100% correct

identification would result in all values falling in cells along a diagonal line from the top left to the

bottom right. When data falls outside these cells, it is the result of misidentification by the log

model. For example, of the 29 core samples of Rock Type D, the log correctly identified 21

samples. Two samples were mistakenly classified as Rock Type A, one as Rock Type S, two as

Rock Type C, and three as Rock Type E. Some of the misidentification is most likely the result of

sampling and/or depth discrepancies between core samples and log depth.


The David K. Davies study related geologic rock types A through E to depositional

environment based on study of cores. In addition, ResTech attempted to relate observed short

term well producibility to reservoir characteristics that could be found from log data alone (i.e., no

core).7 For a given interval in the shale to produce gas, two conditions must be met. First some

minimum amount of free gas must be stored in the shale in that interval and secondly, some

minimum permeability must be present. Matrix permeability cannot be determined presently from

logs. In shales, fracture permeability controls initial productivity, provided gas is present.

The initial producibility model, therefore, included consideration of the parameters of

porosity, bulk volume gas, kerogen content, and presence of natural fractures. It was later found

that the shales are at irreducible water saturation and all porosity in excess of 2.5 - 3.0% is filled

with hydrocarbon. This reduced the producibility model to be a function of only porosity, kerogen

content and fractures (Figure 5-5).

To determine if a linkage exists between gas production and reservoir characteristics, the

results from the Devonian Shale Analysis (DSA) log analysis program on 12 wells were

integrated with results from production tests prior to hydraulic fracture treatments. Since these

are air-drilled wells, the presence of fracturing was determined with the use of mud logs and/or

borehole television 6. Each perforated interval was classified as to its reservoir characteristics.

Four classifications were chosen (Figure 5-6) and these four were then further classified as to the

presence or absence of fracturing (I.e. 1F, 2F - etc.). The spinner surveyor GRI's acoustic

flowmeter were utilized for determining the gas flow rate from each perforation.

Twelve (12) wells were chosen for this study. The criteria for selecting these wells were:

Production Profile Evaluation (PPE) logs were run on the wells prior to stimulation.

A pre-stimulation production test was performed on the well.

There were 232 individual perforated intervals in these twelve wells. The fractured

intervals were broken out of the total and evaluated separately to avoid the over-influence of

production from a particular rock type by the presence of fractures. Of the 232 perforated

intervals, only 26 were classified as being fractured from observations of the fracture identification

device that was available on that particular well. Most of the wells in the study had only a mudlog

or borehole camera for the identification of fractures.

Shown in Table 5-5 are the results from the non-fractured intervals.

Table 5-5
Production By Reservoir Rock Type
Non-Fractured Intervals

No. of %ofTotal Total

Rock No. of Zones Zones % Zones Production %ofTotal
Type Perforated Productive Productive Perf'd MCFD Production
1 56 39 69.6 27.2 372.8 52.7
2 66 44 66.7 32.0 216.1 30.5
3 51 22 43.1 24.8 84.5 12.0
4 33 10 30.3 16.0 34.0 4.8
Total 206 115 55.8 100.0 707.4 100.0

In the non-fractured rock, the production by reservoir classification is shown in Figure 5-7. This

indicates that most of the production comes from zones with porosities greater than 4% (Le., rock

classification 1 and 2). The total production from the 12 wells was 707.4 MCFID. Rock

classifications 1 and 2 contributed 83% of the gas from 59% of the perforations, while rock

classifications 3 and 4 contributed only 17% of the gas from 41 % of the perforations. The

presence of kerogen tended to reduce the producibility.

Results from the fractured intervals are shown in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6
Production by Reservoir Rock Type, Fractured Intervals

No. of % of Total Total

Rock No. of Zones Zones % Zones Production % of Total
Type Perforated Productive Productive Perf'd MCFD Production
1F 7 6 85.7 26.9 266.0 79.5
2F 12 9 75.0 46.2 59.6 17.8
3F 2 1 50.0 7.7 1.9 0.6
4F 5 3 60.0 19.2 7.2 2.1
Total 26 19 73.1 100.0 334.7 100.0

Figure 5-8 shows the above information for the four reservoir rock classifications. For the

limited dataset stUdied, fractures enhance production when they occur in high porosity zones

containing gas. Many of the lower porosity zones perforated didn't produce gas, even though

fractures were observed. The totai production from the fractured intervals that were perforated

was 334.7 MCF/D. Reservoir Rock Type 1F (high porosity, low kerogen content) produced 80%

of that from only 27% of the total perforations. Combined Reservoir Rock Types 1 and 2 (0 >

4%), produced 97% of the total gas produced from the fractured intervals perforated.

More recent work has indicated that natural fracturing must be present for the shales to

be comericallly productive. This fracturing can now be identified with imaging devices (FMS,

CAST ....etc.) as discussed in Section 6.0. That is, natural fractures can be distinguished from

drilling induced fractures, many of which may have been mis-identified by earlier logs. In addition,

many natural fractures are missed by either coring or logging because near vertical fractures are

simply not present in the vertical wellbore, but may be positioned within a few feet of the wellbore.

A review of all the previous data discussed above suggests that to find the best zones, emphasis

should be aimed at finding natural fractures from image logs. In the absence of image logs, any

indirect indication of fractures (e.g., rapidly changing closure stress, pore pressure changes,

lithology changes, hole breakouts) should be considered. At this point of our knowledge, the

zones with best porosity seem to correlate to some extent with best productivity (fracture

presence) but this is overly simplistic to be a general rule.


1. Vessell, R.K. and Davies, D.K.: "Petrology of Devonian Shales: Affects on Natural Gas

Production," GRI Topical Report No. GRI-89/0306; August, 1989.

2. Luffel, D.L., and Guidry, F.K.: "Reservoir Rock Properties of Devonian Shale from Core

and Log Analysis," Society of Core Analysts Annual Symposium, August 2-3, 1989.

3. Luffel, D.L., Guidry, F.K. and Curtis, J.B.: "Formation Evaluation in Devonian Shale

Through Application of New Core and Log Analysis Methods," SPE 21297 presented in

Columbus, Ohio, October 31 - November 2, 1990.

4. Broadhead, R.F., Kepferle, R.C., and Polter, P.E., 1982: "Stratigraphic and

Sedimentologic Controls of Gas in Shale-Example from Upper Devonian of Northern

Ohio," Bull. American Association Petroleum Geologists, 66: 10-27.

5. Soeder, D.J., 1988, "Porosity and Permeability of Eastern Devonian Gas Shale". SPE

Formation Evaluation, 3: 116-138.

6. McBane, R.A., Campbell, R.L., and Truman R.B.: "Comparison of Diagnostic Tools for

Selecting Completion Intervals in Devonian Shale Wells," JPT, February 1988.

7. Gas Research Institute's Annual Technical Report No. GRI - 88/0311, ResTech Contract

No. 5086-213-1390; Report period October 1987 - October 1988.

1 Bullard No. 1100 Calhoun Co. W. Virginia
2 Harold No. 994 Roane Co. W. Virginia
3 Brafford No. 1985 Ritchie Co. W. Virginia
4 Stover A NO.1 Jackson Co. W. Virginia
5 J. B. Golf NO.1 Martin Co. Kentucky
6 Childers NO.2 Mason Co. W. Virginia
7 Rolf NO.4 Washington Co. Ohio
8 Emma Preece NO.1 Martin Co. Kentucky
9 lothes No.4 Noble Co. Ohio
10 Tice No. 14 Pleasants Co. W. Virginia
11 Caldwell No. U5433 Wayne Co. W. Virginia
12 No. 6701 Mingo Co. W. Virginia
13 Central Trust No. 21 Mingo Co. W. Virginia
14 Crouch No. 23·A Wyoming Co. W. Virginia
15 Williamson No. 21539 Pike Co. Kentucky
16 Fleming No. 2568 Doddridge Co. W. Virginia
17 looney No. 21495 Buchanan Co. Virgina
18 Sterling Drilling No. 1143 Calhoun Co. W. Virginia
19 C.N.R. Well No. 21680 Martin Co. Kentucky
20 E.J. Evans No. 91 Breathitt Co. Kentucky
21 Peake No. 753 Jackson Co. W. Virginia

Figure 5-1 Map of study area displaying well locations

Rock Type C
Burrowed Silty Shales Rock Types A-B
Rock type D Oxygenated Sheij Deposits Shaiy SandstonelSiitstones
Gray Shales Very Shaly Sandstones/Siltstones
Dysaerobic Basin Deposits Turbidite Deposits


Rock Type E
Black Organic-Rich Shales
Anoxic Basin Deposits

Figure 5-2 Paleoenvironments

f----Fine Clastics - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coarse C:astics---:

Dominantly Shales with I Oominantly
Resecimented Coarse Clastics Sandstones/Siltstones

Sea Le.... el
I Turcidity Flows


_ ~~ ~ :'y~~!~e _
Anaer::bic i
So'ttQm Walers
Rock Tyoe 0
Gray Shales

...\Rock Type E
Organic RicJ'1 Shales

Figure 5-3 Depositional environments - stratified basin


2 f--
o ct:o.
D"'iJD ~

o 0 0 A
0 El
Q., ~
.~ • B
-... -.\ Ia • •
D·· ...

• ... C
a: 0
f- •
..; ~ .t1
... I

• • eo...
• 0
• D

-1 f-- • 0 E

, I

-0.5 o 0.5 1

2 -

1 -
~ • D

<l: •• 0 ~ <90
• ••
2 0
a: 0 -

-1 :'l ~o
• •

... 0

~ ~ 10

1 I I 1
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

Figure 5-4 Crossplots of common discriminators for determination

of geologic rock types; discriminator cutoffs shown on plot.



Fractures Porosity

Figure 5-5 Devonian shale producibility model



1 1F 2 2F 3 3F 4 4F

Figure 5-6 Decision tree for determination of reservoir types




52.7 707 MCF/D TOTAL PROD.

1 2 3 4
Figure 5-7 Percent of total production from 12 wells by reservoir rock
classification for non-fractured zones perforated


20 19.2

1F 2F 3F 4F
Figure 5-8 Percent of total production from 12 wells by reservoir rock
classification for the fractured zones perforated



Recent work in the laboratory has shown matrix permeabilities in the Devonian shales to

be extremely low. 10.7 to 10-8 md (Section 1.0).1 Because of this, a well developed fracture

system must be present to get acceptable deliverability rates of the gas for economic production.

It, therefore becomes very important to be able to identify, characterize, and quantify the fracture

systems in these shale wells.

Several fracture identification devices have been utilized in the shales of the Appalachian

basin, including the microresistivity device (FMS)", acoustic reflectance device (CAST)'", and the

borehole camera. Since all of the shale wells in the Appalachian basin are air-drilled, the well

must be filled with a liquid to obtain the fracture data with the exception of the borehole camera.

An air-drilled hole is an ideal environment for the use of this device.

Each of these devices can determine fracture strike. The dip magnitude can be

determined with the FMS or CAST, but only inferred with the borehole camera. What has been

found to be a key to good producibility is not just the number of fractures that are present in an

interval, but the presence of intersecting fracture sets. The fracture intersections are present

when there are fractures with different fracture orientations occurring within a common depth

interval or if the fracture orientations are the same, but

*Trademark of Schlumberger Inc.

""Trademark of Halliburton Logging Services

they dip in opposing directions. With fracture identification devices, the fractures can be projected

vertically and/or horizontally and fracture intersections counted for a given reservoir layer.


The Devonian shales contain large quantities of naturai gas and have a long established

history of natural gas production. The shales have extremely low matrix permeabiJities and gas

producibility is dependent upon the presence of a well developed fracture system and gas

storage. The gas storage in the shales was addressed in Sections 2.0 and 3.0. This section will

be devoted to a discussion of the fracture identification devices that have been utilized in the

Devonian shales and the, advantages/disadvantages of each.

During the early years of the GRI shale project (prior to 1987), very little importance was

given to the presence of fracturing in the shales. Two reasons for this were 1) that fractures were

not being identified very often with the devices being utilized at that time (mudlog, borehole

camera), and 2) a dual porosity system was not identified on weli tests. In 1987 GRI initiated the

Comprehensive Study Weli (CSW) program and fractures began to take on more importance.

During this program, several of the welis were filied with liquid so that fracture identification

devices (FMS, CAST) could be run and interpreted.

In 1991-1992 the GRI program in Pike County, Kentucky was begun and significant

advances were made in reservoir description of the shales. This was especialiy true with fracture


1. Matrix permeabilities, measured in the laboratory for the first time, were found to be

extremely low, giving support to the need for a fracture system to explain the


2. A more detailed core fracture description was provided by K&A Energy Consultants.

3. Improved interpretation schemes and methodologies were developed for the wireline

fracture identification tools.


Because of the need to characterize the fracture system in terms of orientation, dip,

intersections, etc; the formation microscanner (FMS). Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool

(CAST), and the Borehoie Camera were selected as the primary tools for the task. All of these

tools allow a direct measurement of these characteristics, whereas the temperature logs,

mud logs, and noise logs do not.

6.3.1 Fonmation Microscanner (FMS)

This tool uses small arrays (approximately 1 1/2 x 3 inches) of electrodes to make

resistivity measurements that are processed to make an image of the borehole wall. The earliest

version contained electrode arrays of 27 buttons on two pads 90° to each other. The next version

had 16 electrodes on all four pads that were 90° to each other. The latest tool version is called

the Formation Micro Imager (FMIl* and has eight pads on the four arms, each with 24 buttons.

The advantage of the newer tools is additional borehole coverage on a single pass. Very little

difference is seen in the resolution of the three devices.

"Trademark of Schlumberger Inc.

Resistivity measurements are recorded every 0.1 inch or 120 samples per electrode per

foot. Because of the electrode spacing, the measurement has a moderately shallow depth of

investigation and high vertical resolution. The measurements must be accelerometer corrected

because of the very small sample increment. The microresistivity data that become the basis for

the computed image are controlled by several geologic factors that affect the ability of the rock

matrix to conduct electricity and provide an accurate resistivity image of the borehole. Figure 6-1

is an example of a partial fracture as seen on an FMS image.

6.3.2 Circumferential Acoustic Scanning T'Ool (CAST)

The CAST'M* tool provides full borehole coverage from a rotating transducer that emits

and receives high energy acoustic pulses reflected from the surface of the borehole. The system

measures both reflected pulse amplitude and two-way travel time which are processed, enhanced

and presented as a full borehole image in both amplitude and travel time formats. The image

presented represents features manifested on the borehole surface, since the image is dependent

on reflectance of acoustic energy. As a resuit, this type of imaging device is considered to not

have any depth of investigation. Figure 6-2 shows a natural fracture interpreted from a CAST


Currently, there are two versions of the CAST tool. Only the newer version makes

corrections for hole deviation, drift, and magnetic declination.

6.3.3 Borehole Camera

The downhole camera is comprised of a light source, the television camera, and the

camera telemetry system 2. Orientation of observed features is accomplished by use

*Trademark of Western Atlas Wireline, Inc.

of an intemal gyroscope compass, which portrays two dots on the screen to indicate magnetic

north. A gamma ray can be run with the camera for depth control. The entire logging operation is

taped on a 1/2 inch, VHS format recorder. Comments by the interpreter can be placed on the

audio tracks on the recorder and text can be superimposed on the downhole image with a

keyboard. The light intensity and focus can be controlled from the logging truck to provide

sharper images. The interpretation can be made at the wellsite or may be reviewed later using an

ordinary TV and VCR.

A typical borehole camera image is shown in Figure 6-3.


During the course of work in the shales with the Gas Research Institute, much experience

was gained in the use of the fracture identification devices. On several wells, data from all three

devices were collected and compared 3. Basis for comparing these devices was cost of running,

required borehole conditions, borehole coverage, operational sensitivity, and ability to define

fractures and other geological features.

6.4.1 FMS

The FMS costs approximately $20K to nun and interpret which includes the cost of filling

the borehoie with water or mUd. This cost will vary with the total depth of the well and the amount

of data collected. The wellbore must be filled with a conductive fiuid prior to its use, and this is a

disadvantage in the Appalachian basin, since most of the wells are air-drilled. Washouts may

cause the interpreted results of fracture dip and strike to be qualitative, since good pad contact is

essential. Borehole coverage, which can vary depending upon which tool version is used, will

range from 40 to 80 percent with one pass of the tool. However, multiple passes over the zones

of interest can increase borehole coverage. Bed resolution is excellent as long as good pad

contact with the formation is maintained. This tool has the added benefit of producing other

geological information, such as bedding plane dips and faults.

6.4.2 CAST

The cost of running the acoustic imaging device is approximately the same as the FMS

($20K). The wellbore must still be filled with a liquid, but this liquid need not be electrically

conductive. The CAST tool provides 360 degrees of wellbore coverage, so only one pass is

required. If the newer tool is utilized, which is recommended, fracture strike and dip quantification

is also excellent. In addition, bedding plane fractures can be delineated. However, the resolution

does not appear to be good enough to resolve other geological features, such as beds,

unconformities, faults, etc. The acoustic imaging type devices are also very sensitive to

eccentering, which will cause part of the image to be "blacked out."

6.4.3 Borehole Camera

The Borehole Camera is relatively inexpensive to run ($2.5K), but can only be run

effectively in an air-drilled borehole. A complete view of the wellbore can be seen with the

camera. In addition to visual observation of fracturing, gas and oil entries into the wellbore can be

observed and recorded. Although the fracture orientation can be determined, fracture dip is not

directly measured and can be only inferred. Because of this, other geological feature detection,

such as faults, bedding plane dip, etc. are not easily discemib[e. If the camera lens remains clear,

good borehole images can be obtained. Dust cake can be a problem, but use of an air dryer

reduces this problem.

The advantage/disadvantage for each of the three devices is summarized in Figure 6-4.


6.5.1 Appalachian Basin

As was mentioned previously, matrix permeability of the shales is extremely low, which

makes the presence of natural fractures Uoints) very important. This became evident in the

Experimental Development (ED) Research Program in Pike County, Kentucky. Two wells were

drilled and evaluated with complete logging suites and whole cores in the shale section. The

logging suite included the imaging devices and borehole television for fracture identification.

Most of the fractures identified have heights in the range of one to three feet, which

makes the shale section behave like a layered reservoir. Each of these layers has distinct

reservoir properties and productive capacities. The greatest contribution to gas production

appears to be from those layers that have the dominant east-west striking fracture set in

association with other intersecting fracture sets. Shown in Table 6-1 are the fracture attributes

versus post stimulation production rates from zone isolation tests (ZIT) for the layers perforated in

the two shale research wells in the GRI (ED) Research Area.

Table 6-1
Production vs Fracture Attributes

FMC NO. 69
Fracture Attributes
Perf #E-W Avg E-W #N-S Avg. N-S Post-Stirn
Layer Depth, ft Fractures Spacing, ft Fractures Spacing, ft ZIT (MCF/D)
A 4170 0 - 3 6.38 0
C 4220 0 - 0 - 0
0 4270 3 1.21 1 23.83 32.7
E 4303 1 0.81 10 0.95 15.4
H 4368 1 0.18 5 1.33 7.0
K 4506 1 22.29 0 - 0

FMC NO. 78
Fracture Attributes
Perf #E-W Avg E-W #N-S Avg. N-S Post-Stirn
Layer Depth, ft Fractures Spacing, ft Fractures Spacing, ft ZIT (MCF/D)
B 4094 4 1.36 1 5.19 3.8
0 4155 0 - 2 8.39 1.4
E 4190 3 2.69 9 1.79 11.1
F 4224 a - 2 4.32 9.5
H 4273 6 2.49 4 3.87 8.7
H 4291 - - - - 0.0
I 4345 1 5.56 14 1.35 4.0
J 4379 3 1.51 7 4.88 2.2
K 4450 1 10.31 4 4.99 0.8

In addition to the number of intersections, other fracture attributes that were found to be

important to gas production included fracture intensity and spacing. These fracture characteristics

can be determined for each reservoir layer and used as a direct input for reservoir simulation

modeling (Figure 6-5).

6.5.2 Michigan Basin

Within this region, 11 wells were studied in Otsego, Ogemaw, and Sanilac Counties,

Michigan (Figure 6-6.)4 Wells in Ogemaw and Sanilac Counties have very few fractures in the

Devonian-Age Antrim Shale, whereas, the wells studied in Otsego County have abundant non-

vertical fractures, particularly in the black Lachine Shale member (Table 6-2). Of equal

importance is the presence of abundant fracture intersections. Figure 6-7 shows that a borehole

map cross section through an Otsego County well illustrates the occurrence of fracture

intersections within a short distance (S· radius from the wellbore axis).

Table 6-2
Number of Fracture Intersections (I) and Number of Open and Partial Fractures (0) Defined by 80rehole Mapping

Latuszak Latuszak Rachow Rachow SI. Charlton Frederic 8agley E Greer 8eck 8ryer Wilson
Well A1-32 81-32 A2-31 83-31 C4-31 83-20 83-11 2-19 8-30 5-33 81-9
County Otsego Otsego Otsego Otsego Otsego Otsego Otsego Ogemaw Ogemaw Ogemaw Sanilac

1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0

Upper - - - - - - - 0 1/5 2/3 4/5


Ellsworth - 1/2 2/4 0/2 1/4 - 38/21 0 0 0 213

Lachine 18/17 9112 81/42 79/30 28/17 25/16 (e) 38/27 213 0/3 0/5 0/1

Paxton 0 3/8 0/2 0/1 3/3 - 40/9 0 0 0 011

'"..... Norwood 0 3/8 0/2 0/1 3/3 - 40/9 0 0 0 011

Traverse - 18/18 - - 112 - 12/11 0 213 0 5/6

Figures 6-8 and 6-9 illustrate relatively abundant intersecting fractures. In particular, the

Wulff plot in Figure 6-8 shows fractures dipping to the NW and SE at angles varying from 65° to

near vertical. These dips share a common strike orientation of NE-SW, forming conjugate

fracture sets. Figure 6-9 shows most fractures dipping to the SE, a nearly equal number dipping

to the SW, and lesser numbers dipping to the NE and NW.

Figure 6-10 shows that in the Michigan Basin, the relatively abundant non-vertical

fractures create a situation wherein a verticai wellbore may intersect a relatively large number of

fractures. Compare this with Figure 6-5 within which nearly all fractures are represented as

vertical or nearly vertical for a Pike County, Kentucky well. In this case, a vertical wellbore would

largely parallel the fractures and reduce the chances of intersection.

The schematic in Figure 6-10 5 shows that in a simplistic case, only those fractures that

contact the wellbore would be able to conduct gas from the matrix. The conjugate fracture dip

schematic (Figure 6-11)6 shows that the intersecting conjugate fracture network allows greater

communication between the wellbore and the shale matrix than do nonconjugate fractures, and

results in high production rates for the Michigan Basin Devonian Shale wells (Table 6-3).

Table 6-3
Gas and Water Production Rates, Stimulation Dates, and Stratigraphic Units in which
Completions were made, Michigan Basin Antrim Shale

Gas and Water Production Data Formation

Well Production Available Stimulation Completed
Latuszak A1-32 49 MCFO* 4/90-5/92 12/89 Lachine
37 BWPO* Single stage Norwood
cased hole
Latuszak B1-32 123 MCFO* 3/90-5/92 12/89 Lachine
37 BWPO* Single stage Norwood
cased hole
Rachow A2-31 245 MCFO 4/90-5/92 10/89 Lachine
16 BWPO* Single stage Paxton
open hole Norwood
Rachow B3-31 193 MCFO* 4/90-11/92 7/89 Lachine
25 BWPO* Single stage Paxton
cased hole Norwood
Sl. Charlton 381 MCFD* 4190-9193 11189 Single Lachine
C4-31 61 BWPO* stage cased hole Norwood
Frederic B3-20 194 MCFD* 9/92-5/93 Two stage cased Lachine
40 BWPO* hole Norwood
Makarewicz 8-19 89 MCFO - 2/93 Lachine
23 BWPO Single Stage Paxton
cased hole Norwood
Bagley B3-11 250 MCFO - Two stage cased Lachine
175-200 BWPO Norwood
Greer 2-19 No commercial - Two stage, Lachine
quantities of gas cased Norwood
Beck 8-30 Not Completed - - -
Bryer 5-33 Not Completed - - -
Wilson B1-9 Not Available - - -
Note. HGEF - High gas energy fracture (propellant)

Within Otsego County, a relationship was derived for the abundance of fractures and near

wellbore intersections (Figure 6-12) for both the Lachine and Norwood black shale units within the

Antrim. This forms a predictive model for Otsego County where oniy fracture abundance can be


A simplistic additive equation is proposed to represent the effect of fracture characteristics

on gas production:

Zf= Fo + 10 + (FCf2) (6.51)

wtthin which:

Zf = the cumulative effect of fractures

Fo = abundance of open and partially open fractures

10 = abundance of intersections among open and partially open fractures

Fc = abundance of closed (healed) fractures.

Figure 6-13 illustrates a relationship between gas production and the effect of fractures

and intersections for eight of the Otsego County wells. Six single-stage stimulation wells show a

direct relationship. Two dual-stage stimulation wells suggest a similar relationship, but with

enhanced levels of production due to the advanced stimuiation technique.


The importance of characterizing the fracture system in low permeabiiity rocks, such as

the Devonian shale, is apparent. The intensity of fracturing is important and can be determined by

the three fracture identification devices discussed in this report. Of equal or more importance is

the existence of intersecting fractures. This can also be determined, much more readily so with

the data from an FMS or CAST, since fracture orientation and dip can be quantitatively defined.

If cost is a factor, the borehole camera will do an adequate job of characterizing the

fractures. It will be more difficult to determine accurately the number of fracture intersections that

occur in a given interval, but this tool provides the added benefit of qualitatively showing variations

in the rate of gas entry from individual borehole/fracture intersections.


1. Ning, X: "The Measurement of Matrix and Fracture Properties in Naturally Fractured Core

Samples using a Pressure-Pulse Method," paper presented at the SPE 1992 Annual

Technical Conference and Exhibition, Texas A&M University, Oct. 4-7.

2. Walbe, K. and Collarti, D.: "Use of the Borehole Television Camera and the Low-Volume

Flowmeter to Identify and Measure Gas Flow in Low-Permeability Formation," SPE

218351, SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting and Low Penmeabiiity Reservoirs

Symposium, Denver, April, 1991.

3. "Development of Laboratory and Petrophysical Techniques for Evaluating Shale

Reservoirs" Annual Technical Report prepared for the Gas Research Institute by

ResTech Houston; Oct. 1991 - Oct. 1992, Report#GRI-93/0009.

4. Caramanica, F.P., Lorenzen J.: "Impact of Reservoir Properties and Fractures on Gas

Production, Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin", March 1994, Report # GRI - 93/0330.

, 5. Caramanica, F.P., Hill, D. G.: "Spatial Delineation of Natural Fracture and Relation to Gas

Production," SPE 29170, SPE Eastern Regional Conference and Exhibition, Charlestone,

W. Virginia, November, 1994.


o 360






Figure 6·' Example 01 an inlerpreted partial Iracture as seen on the FMS image in the FMC No. 80
It is observed to extend over several leet and is projected to extend over approximately 10 It.

] b7
o 360





- '.'!!!-

4246 ''?~.

Figure 6-2 CAST image 01 a natural fracture in the FMC NO. 78 well.

Figure 6-3 Image of a natural fracture as seen using the borehole television.

Advantages Disadvantages
FMS High resolution Expensive (must mud-up)

Good strike/dip quantification of natural Limited borehole coverage on single pass

and induced fractures of 4-pad tool (40%) often results in poor
Data routinely corrected for borehole fracture identification
deviation and magnetic declination
Joint identification dependent largely
Low operational sensitivity upon degree spalling

Large spalls difficult to quantify

CAST Essentially full borehole coverage Expensive (must mud-up)

usually result in superior fracture
identification Eccentricity and motor noise locally limit
effective borehole coverage
Good strike/dip quantitication of natural
fractures; fair for induced fractures Joint identification dependent largely
upon degree of spalling

Large spalis difficuf! to identify and quantify

Tools not routinely corrected for borehole

deviation and magnetic declination

SHC Quick and inexpensive to run (does not Light intensity varies around borehole,
require mud-up) slight view obstruction by arms

High resolution visual image No or poor dip quantification

Easily reviewedlinterpreted with TV and
VCR Poor identification of induced fractures

Full borehole coverage Joint identification dependent largely up

Gas/fluid entry detection
Limited identification of bedding.
Can properly identify/quantify many large
spalls as joints

Good strike quantification, qualification

of dios

Figure 6-4 Comparisons of fracture idenfification devices used in the shales of the
Appalachian basin.

FMC 69


Figure 6-5 Schematic of fracture attributes for a layered reservoir

o 20 40 60 80 100

:.. -<r ..
. . .-<r -<r


'---.------t SANILAC

Figure 6-6 Index map of 12 Antrim shale wells analyzed in Otsego, Ogemaw, and
Sanilac Counties.

148' 32S'

\1400' MD
\ \
\ \ C££]
\ 0' 5'
\ \
\'420' MD
\ ~5'
\ 10

\1440' MD
5' from
\ Wellbore

1\ 'I
5' from \ 1460' MD
Wellbore \
\ \

Figure 6-7 Borehole map of dip projection of intersecting fractures in the Lachine
shale, Rachow B3-31 well.




Figure 6-8 Wulff plot of dip directions of open fractures over the interval 1291-1542
ft. Rachow A2-31 well.

Figure 6-9 Wulff plot of dip directions of open fractures over the interval 1299-1545
ft. Rachow 83-31 well.

Figure 6-10 Schematic - single dip fracture model

Figure 6-11 Schematic - conjugate dip fracture model


0 60
• U. Antrim

5w 0 Ellsworth
a: 40 Lachine
'i? Paxton
20 0 Norwood

6. Traverse
0 20 30 40 50

Figure 6-12 Relationship between open and partially open fractures and intersections
for the Antrim shale - Otsego County, Michigan

0 Latuszak A1-32
g /:"
• Latuszak B1-32
f2 300 0 Rachow A2-31
-- --- /--7 • Rachow 83-31
8 z
~ ~ 200 <:r
/:" St. Charlton C4-31
¢ Makarewicz 8-19
~ 5
8 ~ 100
/ .& 8agley 83·11 "

V <> Frederic 83-20 "

o •
,/ "Two stage fracture stimulation
* Greer 2-19"

o 50 100 150 200


Figure 6-13 Relationship between fracture factor and gas production for nine Antrim
shale wells



The purpose of this section is to summarize what information is needed to evaluate

producibility and expected recovery from gas shales, with main focus on formation evaluation from

logs and cores. In this discussion a distinction is made between new, exploration areas where

very little infonmation is available, and more developed areas (e.g. Devonian Shale in Appalachian

Basin) where many of the shale properties are fairly well established. In addition, estimated costs

of collecting these evaluation data are presented, since these must be balanced against the

benefits (i.e., lower cost completion/stimulation and improved productivity)1.

The information that is needed for evaluating producibility and expected recovery of gas

can be ranked in order of priority roughly in the following manner:

1. Bulk penmeability
2. Fracture spacing and interconnectivity
3. Gas content (adsorbed and free)
4. Reservoir pressure
5. Reservoir thickness
6. Closure stress profile
7. Matrix permeability

In this list, some of the information tends to be inter-related, e.g. bulk permeability is

related to fracture spacing and interconnectivity, although there is a need to determine both. In

addition, some of the information can be derived from alternate sources. For example, gas

content can be measured directly on crushed sidewall cores, or derived from laboratory measured

adsorption isotherms on core samples and a knowledge of reservoir pressure. Closure pressure

profile which is important in designing fracture stimulation treatment, can either be measured

directly in a few intervals or derived from the full-wave acoustic log and a knowledge of reservoir


The most important information with respect to evaluating producibility is the bulk

permeability. This can be measured directly by well test over short intervals with several tests. or

over a longer section with only a few tests or perhaps one combined test. This bulk permeability

is related to the fracture spacing and interconnectivity, which can best be determined from cores

and logs. Reservoir pressure can only be determined from well tests. Closure stress can be

measured directly with a special well test, or determined from logs and knowledge of reservoir

pressure. With the exception, then, of measurements of bulk permeability, reservoir pressure,

and closure stress with well tests, all of the priority information shown above can be determined

largely from log and core data, which is the focus of this section.

In the following discussion the recommended logging program is described for both a

comprehensive log suite and a reduced log suite. Next, the recommended coring and core

analysis program is described for both a comprehensive approach and a reduced approach.


Table 7-1 shows the recommended logging program and costs for either a

comprehensive or a reduced program. For a new area, e.g. the New Albany shale in the Illinois

Basin, where few wells have been extensively evaluated, the comprehensive program is

appropriate on key "wildcaf' wells. In a more developed area such as the Antrim Shale in parts of

the Michigan Basin, the reduced program is appropriate. in a very mature area such as the

Devonian shale in the Appalachian Basin, even the reduced program could be abbreviated.

Table 7-1
Recommended Logging Program for Evaluation of Shale Well

Comprehensive Reduced
Reservoir Property Logging Program Cost Logging Program Cost
Natural Fracture Imaging Tool 20,000 Borehole Camera 3,500
Description Temperature 600 Temperature 600
HC Log 2,500 Mud Log 1,500
Gas Content, 01 L, Lith Dens/Neu, 9,300 OIL, Lith Dens 5,000
Closure Stress Full Wave Acoustic 5,000 Full Wave Acoustic 5,000

In the comprehensive program, the imaging logs (FMITM or CAST'M) provide data to

permit description of natural fracture spacing, fracture azimuth/dip, and interconnectivity. Use of

the temperature log, which is limited to air-drilled wells only, and the mud log provide less

expensive logs which can be calibrated against the image logs in the comprehensive program,

then applied in a reduced program in later development wells for finding fractures. The borehole

camera, which can only be run in an air-drilled well, also provides a less expensive log (compared

to image logs) for finding natural fractures, and this should be considered for the reduced

program. The next priority of information needed from logs is the gas content, although this is

usually determined from a combination of core and log data. Log data are used to determine

porosity, free gas and water saturations, mineralogy, and kerogen content. For the

comprehensive program, logs needed are the induction, litho-density, neutron, and spectral

gamma ray. For the reduced program, induction and litho-density with gamma ray are usually

sufficient. Figure 7-1 shows a comparison of porosity (PHI), bulk volume water (BVW), and bulk

volume free gas (BVG) by difference, as calculated from a comprehensive (fUll) logging suite, with

these same parameters using a reduced logging suite (ind/lith-den/GR), in the CSW #1, Devonian

shale well, Appalachian Basin. Core measured porosities are shown for comparison. Note that

there are only minor differences between the results of the comprehensive and reduced program.

Of course, this is a research area where extensive knowledge has been developed.

FMI - Trademark of Schlumberger

CAST - Trademark of Dresser-Alias

The last priority of information needed from logs is the closure stress profile, although this

can only be determined from some knowledge of reservoir pressure (measured from well tests, or

estimated from local knowledge). The full wave acoustic log is needed to determine closure

stress. Although the wellbore must be filled with liquid (water usually), the acoustic log can be run

reliabiy in a cased hole. As discussed in Section 4.3, the relationships to derive closure stress

from acoustic data have been validated in the Devonian shale in the Appalachian Basin. Other

shale areas may require that these relationships be modified through calibration with closure

stresses that are measured directly, such as in early key study wells.


In a new, unproven area, some core samples should be collected to establish the key

shale properties (especially the totai gas content), and to integrate with the log analyses. Rotary

sidewall cores are the most reliable (and least expensive) method of collecting shale samples for

measuring most of the other desired shale properties. Table 7-2 shows a recommended program

for analyzing rotary sidewall shale core samples for one or more key wells. In this program, three

different rock types are assumed present, and two core sample measurements of each property

are shown (except for the more expensive adsorption isotherm measurement). Costs for each

type of measurement are shown and well-site cost of obtaining the 24 cores (one log trip) is

estimated to be $3,000.

Table 7-2
Recommended Rotary Sidewall Core Analysis Program for Evaluation of Shale Wells

Reservoir Property Sample Needed, gm No. of Cores Total Cost

1. Gas Content by degassing 30-40 6 600

2. Adsorption Isotherm 30-40 3 3,000

3. TOC, Rock Eva!. Pyrolysis 10 6 360

4. 0,SW,SO,SG 30-40 6 780

5. Mineralogy 5 6 450

6. Water Salinity 10 6 90

7. Matrix Perm 30-40 6 750


1. Unextracted/undried samples used for steps 1,2,3,4,7.

2. For Step 5, residue from Step 4 can be used.

3. For Step 6, part of the sample extracted in Step 4 is used.

4. For above program, assume three rock types, two of each measurement per rock type

(except isotherm), or 24 cores.

5. Cost of obtaining 24 rotary sidewall cores (one log trip) 43,000.

In at least one well in a new area, it is recommended that a conventional core of 60 to 120

feet be taken. This core can then be used to perform all of the analyses shown in Table 7-2,

although the direct gas content measurement may be less reliable since some gas can be lost

while retrieving the core. More importantly, the continuous core can be used to determine

lithology, mineralogy, fracture occurrence, and the properties in Table 7-2 in more detail as a

function of depth/location. Cost of conventional coring and analyses is estimated to be $50,000 to

$100,000 depending on how many measurements are chosen, and length of core.


1. Applications and Benefits of Technology in Naturally Fractured, Lower Permeability

Reservoirs, with Special Emphasis on Results from GRI's Devonian Shale and Berea Sand

Research in the Appalachian Basin, GRJ Producer Seminar, GRI-93/0226, Gas Research

Institute Exploration and Production Technology Research Department, 1993.

2. Gas Content Measurements and Log Based correlations in the Antrim Shale, Gas Research

Institute, Topical Report, GRI-93/0293, July 1993.

CSW #1-A
.30 o 3100 .30






Figure 7-1 Comparison of calculated log results using either a comprehensive or

reduced logging suite, CSW 1-A. Devonian shale well, Appalachian Basin


Principles of Petroleum

Geochemistry As Applied to

Formation Evaluation



Geochemical data for the Lower Huron Member of the Ohio Shale and the Rhinestreet Shale

Member of the West Falls Formation were mapped to determine the variability of various geochemical

parameters which affect wireline responses, to allow for the calculation of kerogen concentrations and

densities, and to facilitate correlation of adsorbed gas concentrations with wireline log measurements.

These applications are discussed in Section 2 of this report. While page-size examples of these maps are

illustrated in this appendix, full-size working copies were provided to GRI and appropriate contractors.

This appendix provides a discussion of the geochemical terminology used in this final report, the

interpretation of the mapped data, and its application to exploration and development of the shale gas

resource in the study area.

An evaluation of the hydrocarbon source-rock potential of carbonaceous shales requires a

detailed understanding of the composition of organic matter in the sediments. The three factors which

define the nature of the organic matter are:



Thermal Maturity

Each of these factors is discussed in turn, followed by the analytical procedures used to determine

each factor.


With the exception of biogenic methane, hydrocarbons are predominantly derived from the

thermal transformation of organic matter preserved in fine-grained sediments, particularly shales (Waples,

1985),1 Hunt (1972)2 has shown that the average organic matter content of shales, on a world-wide

basis, is about 1%, About 90% of this organic matter is a high moiecular weight, insoluble, polymeric

materiai cailed kerogen, The remaining 10% is bitumen, a solvent-soluble fraction containing

hydrocarbons as weil as resins and other complex organic compounds, The transformation of kerogen

into bitumen in a source rock and the subsequent migration of a portion of the bitumen into more porous

and permeable reservoir-quality rocks results in the formation of gas and oil deposits (Figure A-1).

Photosynthesis by green plants, which is the basis for production of organic matter, may be

represented in a simplified form as foilows:

6C0 2 + 6H20 = C.H,20. + 602

However, the ultimate conversion of atmospheric CO 2 to petroleum is an extremely inefficient

process. Bond (1986)3 estimated that one CO2 molecule out of 50x10 6 molecules ends up in a petroleum

reservoir. Although life has existed on the Earth for more than three billion years (Dott and Batten,

1981)4, only during the last billion years have conditions been favorable on the Earth's surface for the

production of large quantities of organic matter.

The concentration of organic matter in sediments is controiled by both productivity and

preservation, These in turn are controiled by the geological conditions under which the organic matter

was created, deposited and preserved. Productivity depends upon:

• sufficient light intensity for photosynthetic processes

favorable climate

general water chemistry (e.g., pH, Eh, sulfate concentration)

availability and distribution of nutrients from decaying organisms or

continental runoff

The depositional environment of the host sediments also affects productivity. For example, the

productivity of organic matter in a shallow sea is relatively constant compared to deep sea environments

where up welling of nutrient-rich waters may affect productivity {Demaison and Moore, 1980)5.

Preservation of the organic matter depends on another set of factors:

resistance of organic matter to degradation, particularly microbial


protection from oxidizing agents such as oxygen, sulfate and nitrate ions

sedimentation rate, because a more rapid rate of sedimentation limits the

exposure of organic matter to degradation processes

bioturbation rate, because mixing of organic carbon in sediments that are anoxic

below the top few centimeters may limit the exposure time of organic carbon to oxic


Waples (1985)1 considered preservation to be the principal control on the concentration of

organic matter in sediments. The majority of petroleum source-rocks appear to have been deposited

under essentially anoxic conditions (Demaison and Moore, 1980)5. The limited availability of oxygen in

such environments enhances the preservation and subsequent accumulation of organic matter in

sediments, because diagenesis is then essentially restricted to anaerobic processes. These anaerobic

processes are less efficient in destroying organic matter, particularly refractory organic matter (Emerson

and Hedges, 1988)6, than aerobic processes, and are limited by the availability of sulfate and nitrate ions

in the water column and in sediments.

A.2.1 Distribution of Total Organic Carbon Values in the Appalachian Basin Study Area

Total organic carbon (TOe) is a measurement of organic carbon present in kerogen, bitumen, and

liquid hydrocarbons. TOe is a screening measurement, and does not distinguish between these phases,

and also does not indicate whether kerogen is (or has been) capable of generating hydrocarbons, i.e.,

whether the carbon is "live" or is refractory, graphite-like material, or whether a portion of the carbon is a


Samples were collected at 10-1t intervals as each well was drilled and composited into 30-1t

intervals unless an obvious lithologic change was noted, in which case 10-1t or 20-1t samples were

analyzed. The quantity of total organic carbon in each sample composite was determined by combustion.

TOe values are reported as weight percent organic carbon. Appropriate commercial standards and

replicate analyses were run every tenth sample. The reproducibility for samples with greater than 1%

TOe is typically less than 2%, which is acceptable for this study.

The TOC values measured in a set of samples may be underestimates of the original organic

carbon content in the formations, because TOC values decrease with increasing thermal maturation as

carbon atoms are lost when bitumen forms from parent kerogen, and hydrocarbons subsequently migrate

out of the sampled interval (Alan Daly, personal communication). However, this effect is least important

for kerogens which have intermediate to low initial atomic H/C ratios because the hydrogen concentration

of the kerogen limits the amount of carbon that can be transferred out of kerogen into bitumen. The

kerogens in the two mapped intervals, the Lower Huron Member of the Ohio Shale, and the Rhinestreet

Shale Member of the West Falls Formation, have intermediate to low atomic H/C ratios of 1.25 to 0.8.

This range indicate that observed TOC values are a good measure of the original concentration of organic

carbon in these rocks, particularly for kerogens which are not thermally overmature. The apparent lack of

long distance migration of hydrocarbons out of these formations into adjacent formations, as noted by

analysis of GRI Hydrocarbon Logs, also means that measured TOC values reasonably reflect original


Toe Maps - The mapped TOC values were averaged by mUltiplying TOC (expressed in wl%) by

the stratigraphic interval of each sample composite (in feet) and dividing the sum of these products by the

total thickness of the stratigraphic interval (in feet). Therefore, the average TOC of each rock unit at a

given drill site is given by:

TOCavg = (TOC wl%)(interval thickness feetl

total thickness, feet

The distribution of TOC values within the Lower Huron Member and Rhinestreet Shale Member

are shown as Figures A-2 and A-3. The TOe data were contoured using a contour interval of 1% TOC. A

lower limit of 1% TOC was chosen because rocks with less than 1% TOC have low potential to generate

hydrocarbons (Peters, 1986)7. In addition, the average TOe concentration of shales, on a worldwide

basis, is 1% (Hunt, 1972)2.


Organic matter in a particular body of sediments is predisposed to generate a particular

combination of oil, condensate (low specific-gravity hydrocarbon liquids), or gas, as determined by the

initial chemical composition of the organic matter. Ancient and modern plants and animals contain four

major classes of organic compounds, consisting primarily of carbon and hydrogen in distinct structural

configurations. These classes include: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and lignin's. The composition of

kerogen formed from an accumulation of organic matter varies with the abundance of each of these

classes of organic compounds. Kerogens can be divided into four types, labeled I-IV, based on their

organic precursors (Waples, 1985)1. The kerogen types and the macerals which compose them are

summarized in Table A-1.

Table A-1
Kerogen Types And Organic Precursors

Maceral Kerogen Type Original Organic Matter

Alginite I Fresh-water algae

Exinite II Pollen, spores

Cutinite II Land-plant cuticle

Resinite II Land-plant resins

Liptinite II All land-plant lipids; marine


Vitrinite III Woody and cellulosic material

from land plants

Inertinite IV Charcoal; highly oxidized or

reworked material of any origin

After Waples (1985).1

Macerals can be considered as the "organic minerals" of kerogen, analogous to the true minerals

that form a rock. Most kerogens are composed of a mixture of maceral types. The hydrocarbons

produced by thermal maturation of each kerogen type are summarized in Table A-2. The products listed

in Table A-2 are formed primarily during the main stage of hydrocarbon (bitumen) generation from parent

kerogens. Continued thermal maturation, as discussed in a following section, results in the production of

gas from these liquids.

Table A·2
Kerogen Types And Generated Hydrocarbon Product

Depositional Hydrocarbon
Kerogen Type Environment Organic Precursors Product

I Lacustrine Algal Liquids

II Marine, reducing Marine algal, pollen Liquids

conditions spores leaf waxes,

fossil resins

III Marine, oxidizing Terrestrial-derived. Gas

conditions woody and cellulosic


IV Marine, oxidizing Reworked organic None

conditions debris, highly oxidized


After Waples (1985) 1

A.3.1 Distribution of Pyrolysis Data· S1 "Free Oil", S1/TOC, and Hydrogen Index Values in the

Appalachian Basin Study Area

Sample composites with TOC values> 0.5% organic carbon were pyrolized. The amount of

bitumen in the sample thermally distilled out of the sample at temperatures up to 300 oC is termed S1.

The amount of hydrocarbons generated by pyrolytic degradation of kerogen at temperatures up to 550 ·C

is termed S2. The amount of C02 generated by pyrolysis of the sample is termed S3. The temperature at

which the maximum amount of S2 hydrocarbons is generated is termed Tmax. The magnitude of errors in

measuring S1, S2, and Tmax is less than 3%, 3%, and 1%, respectively, which are acceptable for this

study. The measurement of S3 values, which have the poorest precision, is only an approximation with

current technology (Peters, 1986)7.

51 Maps - Maps of the distribution of pyrolysis S1 values for the lower Huron and Rhinestreet are

shown in Figures A-4 and A-5. The average values for the lower Huron and Rhinestreet Shale members

were calculated in a manner identical to that used to calculate the TOC values. Previous work (Curtis,

1988)8 has shown that the saturated hydrocarbon portion of the bitumen in the Appalachian Devonian

shales studied by GRI resembles a condensate. S1 is commonly referred to as "free oil", although a

portion of the liquid may actually be sorbed on clays, kerogen, or solid bitumen. The S1 parameter

represents hydrocarbons which are not producible, but which do affect wireline log responses similar to

gas and need to be determined independently so that total hydrocarbon volume determined from logs can

be partitioned into gas and oil.

S1ITOC Maps - In order to evaluate the amount of generated hydrocarbons, reflected in the S1

parameter, normalized to the amount of organic carbon, maps of S1ITOC X 1000 were constructed.

These are shown in Figures A-6 and A-7 for the lower Huron and Rhinestreet, respectively.

Hydrogen Index Maps - The hydrogen index of kerogen, determined by pyrolysis, is a measure

of the remaining capacity of a kerogen to generate hydrocarbons, which is controlled by the source of the

organic matter and thermal maturity of the kerogen. The hydrogen index provides information on the

original and remaining ability of the kerogen to generate gas, liquids or both, and is expressed as a

function of the pyrolysis S2 parameter normalized to the amount of organic carbon present in the rock

(Peters, 1986)7:

Hydrogen Index =82 (mg hydrocarbon/g rock) X 100
TOC (wt"lo)

In the case of thermally immature kerogens, a hydrogen index < 150 indicates a terrestrial source

of organic matter whereas a hydrogen index> 300 is commonly indicative of kerogen of marine origin

(Peters, 1986)7. A hydrogen index between 150 and 300 is due to mixing of kerogen types, and therefore

not definitive as to the origin of the organic matter. It is necessary to assume that the kerogen is thermally

immature in order to use this criterion, because as discussed previously, any previous generation of

hydrocarbons by the organic matter would have iowered the initiai source-rock potential of the organic

matter. Therefore, the measured hydrogen index of thermally mature organic matter is an underestimate

of the H content of organic matter at the time of deposition, because the 82 parameter decreases with

thermal maturation of the kerogen from its initial value to approximately zero when all hydrocarbon-

generating potential has been exhausted. This set of circumstances affects modeling of the depositional

environments of the Devonian shale sequence and an understanding of the amount and distribution of

generated gas. From a log analysis standpoint, the present-day hydrogen index is of most interest.

The average values of hydrogen indices for each well calculated in a manner identical to that used

to calculate the TOC value, range from 6 to 501. Although the kerogen in the GRI study area is thermally

immature for oii generation (e.g., Breathitt County, Kentucky) to overmature (Wise County, Virginia), which

has caused a decrease in hydrogen index values, 57% of the samples still have hydrogen indices> 300.

A comparison of the maps, shown as Figures A-8 and A-9 demonstrates that marine organic matter

(hydrogen index> 300) predominates in the western two-thirds of the study area at the Lower Huron level

and at least one-half of the study area at the Rhinestreet level. Therefore, the variable nature of the

organic matter across the basin requires careful consideration of variable effects on wireline log



Both time and temperature playa role in the formation and evolution of kerogen. Temperature is

the most important factor because the quantity of bitumen generated from kerogen is linearly dependent

on time, but exponentially dependent on temperature (Barker, 1979)9. The equiiibration of organic matter

with the environment created by progressive burial of the enclosing sediments can be divided into three

stages (Tissot and Welte, 1984)10:




Diagenesis extends from the sedimentlwater interface to the depth where the temperature

reaches approximately 700C (Hunt, 1979)11. Within this interval, microbial activity is the primary agent

transforming the organic matter into kerogen. Diagenesis processes polymerize and condense

biologically - derived organic compounds into kerogen precursors such as fulvic and humic acids.

Because C02, H20 and NH3 are lost from the kerogen precursor material (Waples, 1985)1, kerogen

evolution can be monitored by measuring the decrease in atomic HIC and OIC ratios (Figure B-10). In

addition, diagenetic processes generate biogenic methane with trace amounts of heavier hydrocarbons,

and accompany the initial expulsion of depositional pore fluids from the compacting sediments.

Catagenesis is the stage of kerogen evolution which results in the most significant generation of

bitumen (Figure A-11). The temperature range is approximately 500 to 2000C (Hunt, 1979)11. Not all

kerogen types generate hydrocarbons at the same catagenic level. For example, resinite and sulfur-rich

kerogens generate liquid hydrocarbons at lower temperatures due to structural and bond-strength

considerations, respectively (Wapies, 1985)1. Resinites consist of polymerized species which readily

decompose by a reversal of the polymerization process. Sulfur-rich kerogens readily decompose because

carbon-sulfur bonds are weaker than other types of bonds in sulfur-poor kerogens. The presence of

clays, which can catalyze bitumen formation from kerogen, can also reduce the temperature at which

bitumen molecules are cleaved from the parent kerogen.

The bitumen formed from kerogen is enriched in hydrogen relative to the kerogen, resulting in a

decrease in the HIC atomic ratio of the kerogen (Figure A-10). The four main fractions of bitumens are

listed in Table A-3. Significant bitumen generation begins at different subsurface temperatures in different

basins. This "threshold of oil generation" generaliy occurs at temperatures between 50° and 125°C. The

variation of temperature with depth for different basins is due to differences in paleo- and present-day

geothermal gradients and thermal conductivities of the host sediments. The variation of temperature at

the onset of oil and gas generation is, however, due primarily to compositional differences between the

kerogens. The compositional variations produce differences in structural configurations and bond-

strengths, as discussed in the preceding paragraph, which in tum affect the temperature of formation of

liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons from the parent kerogen.

Metagenesis. at temperatures above 200°C, forms methane and pyrobitumen (Hunt, 1979)11. At

elevated temperatures, the kerogen, bitumen, and petroleum in the system are intensely altered, ultimately

leaving no residual potential to generate hydrocarbons (Figure A-11).

Table A-3
Main Bitumen Fractions Formed By Thermal Alteration of Kerogen

Fraction Important Compound Classes

Saturated Hydrocarbons n-alkanes, isoprenoids other branched

compounds; alicyclics, including steranes,
diterpanes, and triterpanes

Aromatic Hydrocarbons simple aromatics, napthoaromatics, small

sulfur-bearing compounds

Resins porphyrins, tally acids

Asphaltenes asphallenes
After Waples (1985)1

A.4.1 Distribution of Vitrinite Reflectance Values in the Appalachian Basin Study Area

Increasing thermal stress on vitrinite, a kerogen component derived from the woody and cellulosic

porVon of land plants, results in a progressive increase in its reflectivity in reflected iight (Waples, 1985) 1.

Therefore, vitrinite reflectance has been used to determine the rank of coal (Stach, 1975)12 and can also

be used to characterize the kerogen in shales. For example, it appears that vitrinite reflectance is a

function of kerogen density, which is important to Jog analysis.

Kerogen was isolated from whole rock samples to determine thermal maturity by measurement of

vitrinite reflectance. Vitrinite reflectance measurements are reported as % Ro, which is defined as the

reflectance of the vitinite particle viewed under oil. Petroleum generation starts between 0.5 and 0.6 %

Ro, which is the approximate boundary between diagenesis and catagenesis of kerogen. Gas is the main

product generated above 1.4 % Ro. Reflectance values in excess of 4.0 % Ro are usually associated with

methane production, leaving a carbon-rich kerogen with little remaining source-rock potential. Graphite

exhibits a reflectance of approximately 11.0 % Ro.

Vitrinite Reflectance Maps - Because vitrinite measurements were only taken at 200 to 300 foot

intervals, only one vitrinite reflectance value is normally available for each rock unit per well. In those few

cases where multiple values were available, they were averaged. The vitrinite reflectance values are

shown in Figures A-12 and A-13 for the Lower Huron and Rhinestreet members, respectively.

The maps indicate a general increase in vitrinite reflectance, and therefore in thermal maturity, of

the kerogen towards the east - southeast at the stratigraphic level of both formations. This increase in

kerogen maturity mirrors the direction of increasing thickness of the entire Devonian shale sequence and

the resulting increase in the depth of burial, which implies increasing temperature (Roen, 1984)13.

However, in a portion of northwestern West Virginia and southeastern Ohio the vitrinite reflectance

contours indicate that the kerogen is more mature than would be predicted by a maturity gradient dipping

to the southeast. The change in strike of the Ro contours in north- central West Virginia at the

stratigraphic level of the Lower Huron Member and in northwestern West Virginia at the level of the

Rhinestreet Shale Member indicates that these rocks have been heated to a greater extent than rocks in

the southern portion of the study area.


Multiple analytical techniques were used to systematically determine the quantity, quality and

thermal maturity of the organic matter in the Devonian shale formations of the GRI study area. Each

laboratory analysis will be discussed In turn. The geochemical interpretation and geologic implications of

the data are discussed with the mapped data.

A.5.1 Determination of Total Organic Carbon

The quantity of total organic carbon (TOC) in each composited sample was determined by

combustion in a LECO IR-212 Carbon Determinator/HF-l00 Induction Furnace combination.

Approximately 250 milligram (mg) aliquots of sample were ground to -200 mesh, placed in ceramic filtering

crucibles, treated with hot and cold 10% HCI to remove carbonates, dried, and combusted. TOC values

are reported as weight % organic carbon, derived from the amount of C02 measured during combustion

of the sample. Appropriate commercial standards and replicate analyses were run every tenth sample.

The reproducibility of the TOC determination ranges from 0.22% to 6.2%, depending on the magnitude of

the TOC parameter (Table A-4). The errors for samples with greater than 1% TOC (considered a fair to

good source rock) are less than 2%, which is acceptable for this study.

Reproducibility (R') of Total Organic Carbon Data

Sample TOe (wt'!o) R' ('!oj

6117-016A 0.84
6117-0168 0.85 1.9

6117-032A 2.97
6117-0328 2.98 0.53

6159-040A 1.15
6159-0408 1.14 1.4

6281-011A 0.26
6281-0118 0.25 6.2

6372-014A 7.11
6372-0148 7.16 0.22

A.5.2 Pyrolysis

5ample composites with TOe values> 0.5% organic carbon were pyrolized in a Geocom Rock-

Eval II instrument. One hundred mg aliquots of samples ground to -200 mesh were heated at a rate of

25·C/minute to 550·C in a helium atmosphere. The output of the instrument is a pyrogram (Figure A-14).

A fiame ionization detector measured the amount of bitumen in the sample (peak 51) and the amount of

hydrocarbons generated by pyrolytic degradation of kerogen (peak 52). The amount of C02 generated

by pyrolysis of the sample (peak 53) was measured by a thermal conductivity detector. The temperature

at which the maximum amount of 52 hydrocarbons was generated (Tmax) was also recorded. The

reproducibility of the data is shown in Table A-5. The magnitude of the errors in measuring 51. 52 and

Tmax for samples with sufficient potential to be considered source rocks is less than 3%, 3% and 1%,

respectively. The measurement of 53 values, which have the poorest precision, is only an approximation

with current technology (Peters. 1986)7.

Reproducibility (R*) of Pyrolysis Data

Sample S1 (mg/g) R* (%) S2 (mg/g) R* (%)

6298-064A 0.52 0.47
6298-0648 0.53 5.1 0.39 67.8

6369-005A 2.66 25.24

6369-0058 2.71 1.0 25.81 1.1

6370-015A 0.97 11.98

6370-0158 0.93 2.8 11.39 2.5

6397-034A 0.84 6.19

6397-0348 0.88 3.1 6.21 4.7

Table A-S (Cont'd)

Sample S3 (mg/g) R* ("!o) Tmax·C R* ("!o)

6298-064A <0.10 443
6298-064B <0.10 - 442 0.2

6369-005A 0.32 441

6369-005B 0.41 19.6 441 --
6370-015A 0.26 437
6370-015B 0.35 23.4 437 -
6397-034A 0.47 439
6397-034B 0.59 13.5 441 0.2

A.5.3 Visual Kerogen and Vitrinite Reflectance Measurements

Kerogen was isolated from whole rock samples to determine maceral composition and thermal

maturity. Samples were ground and acidified with HCI to remove carbonates. The remaining silicate

minerals were then removed by treatment with HF acid. Kerogen was floated and separated from the

residue using a ZnBr2 solution. The separated kerogen was mounted on glass slides for maceral

determination and was placed in plastic plugs for measurement of vitrinite reflectance. Maceral

information was obtained in transmitted and fluorescent light.

Increasing thermal stress on vitrinite results in a progressive increase in its reflectivity in reflected

light (Waples, 1985)1. Vitrinite reflectance measurements were made using a Zeiss microscope fitted with

a reflectometer.


1. Waples, D.W., 1985, Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration: IHRDC, Boston, p. 232.

2. Hunt, J.M., 1972, Distribution of Carbon in the Earth: AAPG Bulletin, v. 56 p. 2273-2277.

3. Bond, J.G., 1986, Introduction to Exploration Geochemistry: Boston, IHRDC, p 352.

4. Dott, R.H., Jr., and R.L. Batten, 1981, Evolution of the Earth: New York, McGraw-Hili, Inc. p. 352.

5. Demaison, G.J., and GT. Moore, 1980, Anoxic Environments and Oil Source Bed Genesis:

Organic Geochemistry, v. 2, p. 9-31.

6. Emerson, S., and J.1. Hedges, 1988, Processes Controlling the Organic Carbon Content of Open

Ocean Sediments: Paleoceanography, v. 3, no. 5, p. 621-634.

7. Peters, K.E., 1986, Guidelines for Evaluating Petroleum Source Rock Using Programmed

Pyrolysis: AAPG Bulletin,v. 70, p. 318-329.

8. Curtis, J.B., 1988, Well Sample/borehole Diagnostic Methods for Tight Black Shales; Exlog/Brown

& Ruth Laboratories Final Report to Gas Research Institute, No. GRI 88/0223.

9. Barker, C. 1979, Organic Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration: AAPG Education Course Notes

Series #10, p.159.

10. Tissot, B., and D.H. Welte, 1984, Petroleum Formation and Occurrence, 2nd Edition: New York,

Springer-Verlag, p. 699.

11. Hunt, J.M., 1979, Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology: San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Co.,


12. Stach, E., 1975, Textbook of Coal Petrology: Gebruder-Borntraiger, Berlin, Germany.

13. Roen, J.B., 1984, Geology of the Devonian Black Shales of the Appalachian Basin: Organic

Geochemistry, v. 5, p. 241-254.




Figure A-I Formation of oil and gas deposits by thermal transformation of organic matter
(After Baker, 1979)


. ......

---_._-' ;,:,~;


" ."
... o~o ..;; .." ..
----- ..... ~IO ..




ConliN' 1",..YII! • 1.0'4

,,, ..

. KY /
n' ", .'
Figure A~2 Toe contour map for the Lower Huron shale member



.' ~.,.., ~ ..

... ...

.~ ..... ".'

C"~to,,, 1~1.'val
• 1.0"'10


. KY

Figure A-3 Toe contour map for the Rhinestreel shale member

... ..' ... ..'
_ _,::,_ _",,;

. _.-

... . '~

;.J ••.•.


',' Contour Inl"~S. ~.-:C He/a: Rock)..

u· u·

Figure A-4 81 countour map for the Lower Huron shale member

.. '


.. "
0.7 •
0,' "
/ ..

'.' ."
.. '



.., '!

PYROLYSIS 51 VALUES <mg He/g Rock)

~, Contou, lnrltrval • 1.0

Figure A-5 51 contour map for the Rhinestreetshale member

... ... u·
u . "



- ,,;. ). "O~"NC;"~''''
,- '--


, -~

. '

... ...


~. .10,.

.... Sl/TOC ll: 1000 (gHCIlOOO I Orc_ale C)

Coni..... 1n1....&1 • 100
.....!£L -"~-
. ' u· ,,'

Figure A-6 S1fTOC contour map forthe Lower Huron shale member


._--- .__ .;

. '
. ~"" .

.-~~-~ '.' ." /

'. , """

.3U /
... ,

- '-.~ "

SI!TOC x 1000 (gHCIlOOO g Organic C>

Con lOy' Inu.nal • 100
. KY

Figure A-7 S1/TOC contour map for the Rhinestreet shale member

. ' U' P'



.. '.' :»7... ','~'~".

-~2-;a-- >c(

_"2 ~---- ....

- ----,
".,.,. 334 on
.-/- l,lO·'')N''''''''

... ..






Catllou, Int.,..... 100


Figure A-8 Hydrogen Index (HI) contour map for the Lower Huron shale member

.',. ,,'


'.' ."





" "\
., -., ~~

;)! COl'ltour Interval· 100

. KY

Figure A-9 Hydrogen Index (HI) contour map for the Rhinestreet shale member


0 ,.
;' "
\ II

" "- "-
I f;)\e~ttI
10 I .
'1-.. ," III
I e"
. , 'lit::-
I V '" .>.:--. -- - -- --
I ;~;~()
--- Q.

.,.'" '\.
I ..
I ...
I ..
>-<..... ()

I • /
0, /

o. 0.05 0.10 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.30
-------------------~'"- Atomic ratio ole

• Approximate lao-values of vitrinite reflectance

- - - - - Boundarl.. of the field of kerogen

• Evolution pathl of the prlnclpa' typu of kerogen

loll, II I Korogon TyPoa

Figure A-I0 Van Krevelen diagram illustrating kerogen types and stages of kerogen evolution
(After Tissot and Wefle. 1984)



a: ":;
•c u
0 '"u
a: •c
:> " ,.
0 :I:
'"Z i;


(/) -
(/) (/)

( /)
W .

Z :>
:> :;



3HnlYH3drl31 ONY Hld30

Figure A-II Relative amounts and types of hydrocarbons generated with increasing thermal
maturation (Mer Milner, 1982)

... ... n· u·


---_.-- t
... ..




, :~?c~S

"" ... "'.... -....-...,

. ,~
.... , .: ..




... ...
Figure A-12 Vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) contour map for the Lower Huron shale member

t,- . '

. --'--.


;- •. >





Conl0U' Interval· O.l'1.Ra



Figure A-13 Vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) contour map for the Rhinestreet shale member

Geocom Rock-Eval II

0" 90"
I 550· C

51 PEAK Flame Ionization

Detector Response

,----------------.::::....-=;::::::::::=--;s~2 PEAK

Thermal conductiVity/
Detector Response Oven Temperature

* Isothermal Heating

F igureA-14 Pyrogram - data output of instrument (After Peters, 1986)


Calculation of Kerogen

Volumes and Determination

of Kerogen Density Values



As discussed in Section 1.4.1 in the body of the report, knowledge of kerogen volume in the

shales is critical to log analysis, because wireline logs see kerogen as gas-filled porosity. Using core

samples or drill cuttings, an equation to estimate kerogen volumes from shale Total Organic Carbon

(TOC) and pyrolysis data was derived as shown in Section 1.4.1.

Vk = [ (Ct - S1 • CS1 ) I Ck 1Pb I Pk (1.41)

where: Ct = TOC, w1 frac

S1 = free oil in the rock sample, w1 frac

CS1 = carbon in the bitumen, w1 frac

CK = carbon in the kerogen, w1 frac

Pb = bulk density of the rock sample, gmlcc

Pk = density of kerogen, gmlcc

Kerogen is a function of TOC and dominates the elemental C in samples with TOC > 0.5%.

In order to apply Equation 1.41 to caiculate bulk volume of kerogen from core analyses, (which

can then be used to calibrate the log model), several properties of the bitumen and kerogen must be

determined. For the bitumen fraction, S1 can be obtained from pyrolysis on individual core samples, or

from maps described in Appendix A. For CS1, an additional bitumen parameter, measurements are not

available or readily obtained. However, CS1 was reliably estimated, at a value of 0.87 by modeling the

composition from detailed S1 gas chromatography data. The reduction to the TOC value to correct for the

presence of bitumen carbon is not very large «10%) and not very sensitive to errors in the estimation of


The kerogen properties, Ck and Pk are much more critical and relatively unknown, with no

published data for the Devonian shales of the Appalachian basin. This lack of data arises due to the

difficulty in isolating kerogen from the matrix material of the host shale. The techniques developed to

isolate kerogen and measure its density and carbon weight fraction are discussed in the following.


Kerogen isolation does not effectively remove finely-divided pyrite, FeS2, by the industry standard

technique using hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid (HF + HCI) digestion of the rock matrix. The presence

of pyrite in the kerogen isolate raises the measured density (which results in errors in the log analysis

model calibration), and yields apparent elevated sulfur concentrations.

Kerogen isolation using HF + HCI followed by Lithium Aluminum Hydride (LiAIH) treatment of the

kerogen isolate appears to result in acceptable removal of pyrite. This was accomplished by a

modification of pUblished kerogen isolation procedures 1,2 The reduction of elemental iron

concentrations to less than 0.1 %, and measured sulfur values to approximately 2%, (typical of Type"

kerogens) are proof of the effectiveness of the procedure. This work was completed in conjunction with

Mr. Robert Blake of Core Laboratories, Caroilton, Texas. Table B-1 shows the results.

Table B-1
Results of Kerogen Isolation

Elemental Composition of Kerogen Sample, Wt %

Element Acid Only LiAIH Only Acid + LiAIH
C 53.00 70.20 77.07
H 5.44 7.01 7.21
N 1.34 2.10 2.28
0 5.16 5.54 7.04
S 13.05 3.86 1.94
Ash 2l.Q1 ~ 4.47
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00

Note: Results above from shale sample at 2638.5 ft, CSW No. 4A

Initial attempts to isoiate kerogen used the standard technique of rock digestion by HF and HCI

acids alone. Results are shown in Table B-1. Measured kerogen density was high, so incomplete

removal of pyrite dispersed in the kerogen is suspected. The high ash content (22.01%) and high sulfur

(13.05%) are direct indications of the failure of the acid digestion to completely isolate kerogen from its

rock matrix. Next attempts employed the use of LiAIH, which requires extreme care in handling. The

results of the elemental analysis after the LiAIH treatment alone are shown in Table B-1. This approach

reduced the ash and sulfur content significantly. The best results were obtained, however by first treating

the sample with HF and Hel acids, followed by LiAIH treatment of just the resulting kerogen isolate. The

results are shown in Table B-1. Less than 0.1 % iron is left in the sample, as evidenced by the low sulfur

value. The density of this kerogen isolate was then measured, but the need to correct for the presence of

the ash (indigested rock material) was evident. The following discussion documents how we solved this

final problem in obtaining reliable kerogen density values to calibrate the log analysis model.

Ash is predominantiy silicates and refractory elements that were not digested or volatilized during

the isolation process, Le., rock matrix. Semi-quantitative emission spectroscopy of two kerogen isolates

from the CSW 4A well indicated that> 98% (by weight) of the ash was composed of Si, A, Ti. Similarly, >

97% (by weight) of the ash from a sample of the Lower Huron of the Ashland FMC #70, Pike County, KY,

was composed of the same elements. These elements would most likely be present as quartz, clay, and

resistant Ti-bearing minerals which are commonly concentrated in sedimentary rocks. For the CSW No.

4A sample, assuming that the minerals were quartz (Si02), muscovite (K AI3 Si3 012 H2) and rutile (Ti02),

the ash density is 3.1 glee. Also, 800 ppm Fe was measured and could have readily been present in the

rutile, or, less likely, as ilmenite (FeTi03). If the Ti was present as sphene (CaTiSiOs) (Fe), the ash density

would be 2.9 glee. These calculations are approximate, as oxygen is double-counted in the elemental and

ash analyses, and more volatile elements initially present in the clays and Ti-minerals are lost during

diagenesis and the kerogen isolation. Therefore the ash density in the CSW 4A samples could

reasonably range from 2.9 - 3.1 glee.

Based on the ash composition for the FMC No. 70 well, the ash density could range from, 2.85 -

3.08 glee. These values agree well with the assumed ash density of coals of 3 glee, as reported in the

literature. Given the semi-quantitative nature of the analysis, an ash density of 3 glee seems reasonable

for both the CSW No. 4A and FMC No. 70 samples.

Correction for ash density on the kerogen sample was made as follows:

Ash-free kerogen density =(100 - A) (P K) (pA) I [ (100) (pA) I - [ (P K) A] (B.1)

= ash, wt%

= measured density of kerogen

= ash density (3 glee)

For instance, use of this correction for the Breathitt County samples (atomic H.C = 1.12) from the

Lower Huron (2638.5 ft) corrects kerogen density from 1.30 to 1.27 glcc. The Pike County sample from

the FMC No. 70 well (atomic H.C =0.69) corrects from 1.43 to 1.34 glcc, using 3 glcc for the ash.

These kerogen density values compare quite well with that inferred from coals. Coal densities in the

literature range from 1.29 - 1.65. These densities are usually not ash-free; however, the density of "pure

vitrinite" with atomic HIC = 0.68 was measured as 1.29 glcc. As noted above, the Pike County kerogen

with HIC = 0.69 corrects to 1.34 glcc. The ash-free vitrinite densities ranged from 1.274 to 1.698 glcc,

with a minimum at 85 Atom % C.

Because it became evident that kerogen density will vary across a region, the relation of thermal

maturity to kerogen density was determined to allow for corrections in areas where kerogen densities have

not yet been measured. As is the case with coals, the density of kerogen apparently increases with

thermal maturation, most likely due to the loss of hydrogen and other voiaties and accompanying increase

in the proportion of carbon. The measured vitrinite reflectance of the CSW No. 4A sample at the Lower

Huron level is 0.6 % Ro. The % Ro for the FMC No. 70 sample is 1.07 before LiAIH treatment and 1.09

after treatment, which is statistically an indistinguishable difference.

Kerogen densities have now been determined for the wells as shown in Table B-2.

Table B-2
Measured Kerogen Density Values

Measured Density, Corrected Density.

Well Depth glee glee Ro% Lab
CSW1A 3210 1.1972 1.1792 0.65 Core
CSW1A 3206 1.7270 " " Juniata
CSW4A 2372.9 1.2555 1.1094 0.60 Core
CSW4A 2638.5 1.2956 1.2620 0.60 Core
FMC 69 4364.8 1.2769 1.2666 0.99' Core
FMC 70 5250 1.4289 1.3400 1.07 Core
FMC 78 4361.8 1.2890 '" 0.97* Core
8-11 1478 1.2301 " 0.46 Juniata
T.P. Sims 7682 1.6645 " 2.00 Juniata
,. Ash

'" Ash not determined due to similarity to previous data

A crossplot (Figure 1-5, Section 1) of the corrected kerogen density values versus vitrinite reflectance,

Ro, yields the following relationship (as shown in Section 1.4.1):

P, = 0.3491 Ro + 0.9626 .................................................................................(1.43)


Pk =kerogen density, glee

Ro =vitrinite reflectance, %
The best fit line through the data indicates a correlation coefficient of 0.96. Kerogen density

values as a function of Ro were then used to derive kerogen volumes for all the core samples for

calibration of the log analysis model.


1. Lawlor, D.L., Fester, J.I., and W. E. Robinson, 1963, Pyrite removal from oil shale concentrates using

lithium aluminum hydride: Fuel, v.42, p. 239-244.

2. Saxby, J.D., 1970, Isolation of kerogen in sediments by chemical methods: Chemical Geology, v. 6, p.




Logging Data
Core Analysis Data
Log Analysis Performed


The first section (pages 229-240) is a summary of all data ResTech gathered during this project. The
nomenclature is as follows:

0 = Data available on digital format only

H = Data available in hard copy prints only
X = Both digital and hard copy data available


GR = Gamma Ray SNP = Sidewall Neutron Porosity

CALI = Caliper NGT = Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry
OIL = Dual Induction TEMP = Temperature log
LDT = Litho Density NOIS = Noise Log
FDC = Formation Density Compensated PL = Production Log

1 = DLL = Dual Laterolog 20 = BHC = Borehole Compensated Sonic
2 = PI = Phasor Induction 21 = SDT = Sonic Digital Tool
3 = IES = Induction Electric Log 22 = VL = 3-D Velocity Log
4 = GL = Guard Log 23 = CBl = Cement Bond Log
5 = MLl = Microlaterolog 24 = AFM = Acoustic Flowmeter
6 = MSFL = Micro Sperically Focused log 30 = EPT = Electromagnetic Propagation log
7 = ML = Microlog 31 = MUdlog
8 = SFL = Sperically Focused Log 32 = Hydrocarbon log
9 = SP = Spontaneous Potential

10 = CNL = Compensated Neutron 40 = FMS = Formation Microscanner

11 = GRN = Gamma Ray Neutron 41 = CAST = Circumferential Acoustic Scanning
12 = NL = Nuclear Log 42 = BHTV = Borehole Televiewer
13 = RT = Radioactive Tracer 43 = SHDT = Dipmeter
14 = GST = Geochemical log
15 = TDT = Thermal Decay Tool

• Air & Liquid Logs both (otherwise logs run open hole in air only or liquid only)
•• Cased Hole Log (liquid filled)

RA = Routine Analysis (porosity, saturations, pg, pb) REP = Rock Evaluation Pyrolysis
TOC = Total Organic Carbon XRD = X-ray Diffraction
RO = Vitrinite Reflectance TS = Thin Section

1 = Pulse Permeability 7 = Mechanical Properties
2 = Formation Water Salinity 8 = Scanning Electron Microscopy
3 = Cation Exchange Capacity 9 = Regained Permeability
4 = Capillary Pressure 10 = Fluid sensitivity
5 = Electrical Properties 11 = Mineralog
6 = Kerogen Density

• whole core (otherwise from rotary sidewall core)

DSA = Devonian Shale Analysis
SP = Stress Profile
PPA = Production Profile Analysis
The second section (pages 241-286) is a more detailed list of the data available.

Logging Data Core Data Analyses

466 OH X X X X X X 4, 12,23,30 X X X X X X X

467 OH X X X X X X X X 4, 12,20, X X X X X X X
468 OH X X 4, 12
469 OH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

470 OH H H 4,23
471 OH X X X X X X X X X 3, 30 X X X X X X

472 OH X X 4, 12
473 OH X X H 3, 12
474 OH X X H 12
475 OH X X X. 1, 10
476 OH X X 4, 12
477 OH X X 4, 12
478 OH X X 3, 12
479 OH X X 4, 12
480 OH X X 4, 12
481 OH X X 4, 12
482 OH X X 4, 12
483 OH X X 4, 12
484 OH X X 4, 12
485 OH X X 4, 12
Logging Data Core Data Analyses

486 OH X X 12

498 VW X X X X X X X 30 X X X X X X

784 KY H H X H

903 OH X X H H 4, 12
904 OH H H H X H H H

906 VW X X X X X X X X X 31 X X
923 VW X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

928 VW X X X H

tv 929 VW X X X H H
a 930 VW X X X H H

931 VW X X X H H

932 VW X X X H H
933 VW X X X H H

934 VW X X X H H

937 VW X X X X X X X X 31 X

942 VW X X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X X X

952 VW X X X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X X

953 KY X 24 X

954 VW X

970 VW X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X
Logging Data Core Data Analyses


971 I/'N X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

974 I/'N X X X

975 I/'N X X X

988 I/'N X X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X X X

989 I/'N X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
993 I/'N D D D X H

994 KY X X X X X X X X
995 OH X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X X

IV 996 I/'N X X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X X X
.... 1003 KY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

1004 OH X X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X X X

1005 I/'N X X X X D D X X X 31 X X

1042 KY X X X X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X X X

1085 I/'N X X X X X X X X X 31 X X
1119 I/'N X X X X X X X X 31 X
1121 I/'N X X X X X X X 5, 10, 13, 15, X
1122 KY X X X X X X 23 X
1123 I/'N X H X X X H H 5,10,13,15, X
1125 I/'N X X X X X X X X X 32 X X X X X X X X
1131 IL D D D 10
Logg ing Data Core Data Analyses

1132 IL D D D 10

1133 KY D D D D D 10,20

1134 MI D D D 10
1135 MJ D D D 10
1136 NY D D D

1137 NY D D D D

1138 NY 0 D D 0 10
1139 OH 0 D D

N 1140 OH 0 D D D 10
1141 OH 0 D D 10
1142 OH 0 D D 10
1143 OH 0 D D 10
1144 OH 0 D D 10
1145 OH 0 D D 10
1146 OH 0 D D 10
1147 OH 0 D D 10
1148 OH 0 D D 10
1149 OH D D D

1150 PA D D D 0 10
1151 PA 0 D D D
Logging Data Core Data Analyses


1152 PA 0 0 0 10

1153 PA 0 0 0 0 10

1154 PA 0 0 0 10
1155 TN 0 0 0 10
1156 VW X H X X H H H H 5,7,9,10,15, X
1157 VW 0 0 0 10
1158 VW 0 0 10
1159 VW 0 0 0 10
N 1160 NY 0 0 0 10
1173 VW X X X X X

1190 KY X X X X X H X 11,23 X

1191 VW X X X X X X X X 31,32 X X

1215 VW X X X X X X X X 31,32 X X

1273 KY X X X X X X X X 31,32 X

1284 VW X X X X X X X X X 31,32 X X X X X X X

1308 VW X X X X X X X X X 6,14,21,31, 'X 'X 'X 'X X

32 40
1311 KY X X X X X X X X X 21,31,32 X

1320 KY X X X X X X X X X 24,31,32 X X X X X X X X

1332 VW X X X X X X X 21,23,31, 'X X

logging Data Core Data Analyses

1354 VI X X X X X X X X 31, 32 X X X X X X X X

1429 KY D D D D D D D

1496 KY X X X X X X 23 X

1513 KY X X X X

1514 KY X X X X H X 23,24 X
1515 KY X X X X 23
1516 KY X X X X X H 23
1517 KY X X X
1518 KY X X X X
1529 Wo/ X X X X H X 23 X

1530 Wo/ X X X X X X 23, 31 X

1531 Wo/ X X X X X X 23, 31 X
1532 Wo/ X X X X X X 23,31 X
1533 Wo/ X X X X H H 23, 31
1534 Wo/ X X X X X X X 10,31
1535 Wo/ X X X X X X

1536 Wo/ X X X X X X X H 31
1537 Wo/ X X X X X H

1538 Wo/ H H H H H H
Logging Data Core Data Analyses

1539 VVV X X X X X X H

1540 KY X X X X X X H

1560 VVV X X

1586 KY X X X X X

1587 KY H

1588 KY X X X X X X H

1595 VVV X X X X X I
1596 VVV X X X X X
1597 VVV X X X
1618 VVV X X X X X X X 2,21,24, 'X 'X 'X 'X 1,3,4,5, X X X
31,40 7,8,9
1626 KY X X X X X X
1627· KY X X X X X X

1628 KY X X X X X X 2 X

1637 KY X X X X X X 2,31,32 X X
1648 VVV H H H H H H 23
1649 VVV H H

1650 VVV H H H H

1651 VVV H H

1652 VVV H H H
Logging Data Core Data Analyses


1653 IJ'N H H H H 23

1654 IJ'N H H H H

1655 IJ'N H H H

1656 IJ'N H H H H H

1657 IJ'N H H H H

1663 KY X X X X X X X X X

1664 KY H H H H H H H

1665 KY H H H H H H 23
'" 1666 KY H H H H H
'" 1667 KY H H H H H

1690 IJ'N H H H H H

1691 IJ'N H H

1712 IJ'N H H H H H H

1713 IJ'N H H H

1714 IJ'N H H H H H H

1719 KY X X X X X 10 X X

1720 KY X X X X X X X X 5 X

1730 IJ'N H H H

1731 IJ'N H H H H H
Logg ing Data Core Data Analyses

1732 \NIl H H H H
1733 \NIl H H H H
1735 \NIl H
1736 \NIl H H H H H 23 X X
1756 \NIl X X X X X X X 31,32 X X
1782 KY X X X X X X X X X X
1787 KY X X X X X X X X X X
1794 KY X X X X X X X X X
1799 KY X X X X X
1806 KY X X X X X X X 2,14,21, ·X ·X ·X ·X ·X 1,3,5, X X X
W 23,31,40 7, 8, 9
1807 \NIl H H H H H X X
1808 \NIl H H H H H
1809 \NIl H H H H H X X
1810 \NIl H H H H
1811 \NIl H H H H H X X
1846 \NIl X X
1850 \NIl X X X X X X X X 2,10,14,21, X X X X X 1,3,5, X X X
23,24,31, 7,8,9,
1860 KY X X X X X X X 31 X
1863 \NIl X X X X X X 31 X
1891 KY X X X X X X X 23,31 X X X X X 2,5,8 X X
1911 KY X X X X X X X X X 23, 31 X X
Logging Data Core Data Analyses

1941 MI X X X X 2,21,31 X X
1942 MI X X X X 2,21 X X
2045 PA X X X X X X X X
2070 PA X X X X X X X X X X
2071 PA X X X X X X
2201 MI H H H H 5,10,21

2699 MI X X X 5,10,40, 'X 'X 'X 'X X

3756 42
2700 MI H H H H 10,21
W 2738 MI X X X 5, X
CO 3778 10,31,40,
633-P 42
2739 MI X X X 5,10,31, X
3777 40
2740 MI X X X 5,10,31 X
2843 TX X X X X 7,8,10, X
2923 TX X X X X 7,8,10, 'X 'X 'X X
2981 KY H H H H
2982 KY H H H H
2983 KY H H H H
2984 KY H H H H
Logging Data Core Data Analyses
2985 KY H H H H H H
3041 TX X X X 7,10,20 X
3042 TX X X X X 7,10,23 X
3043 TX X X X X 7,10,20 X
3044 TX X X X X 7,10,20 X
3045 TX X X X X 7, 10, 20 X
3046 TX X X X X 7,10,20 X

3102 KY X X X X X X 31 X
w 683-P
3103 KY X X X X X X 31 X
3105 KY H H H H H
3106 KY H H H H H H

3253 KY X X X X X X X 21,23,31, 'X 'X 'X 'X 'X 7, 11 X X

771-P 40,43
3303 KY X X X X X X X 21,31,40 'X 'X 'X 7 X X
3379 TX D D D D 9,10,40
3402 MI X X X X X 10,20,31, X
Logging Data Core Data Analyses

3464 KY X X X X X X 2,21,23, X X X 7, 11 X X
3585 MI H H H X 9,41

3586 MI H H H X 9,41

3757 MI H 1,40
3779 MI X X X X 1,5,10,21, X
777-P 40
3815 MI X X X X 1,5,7, 10, X
775-P 21,31,40
3816 MI D D D D 1,6,10,40
3821 MI X X X X 10,21,31, X
.l> 760-P 41
o 3822 MI D D D D 10,42 ·X ·X ·X ·X X
772-P KY D D D D D
IWell Name: Trainer No. 1 State: Ohio
File No. 466 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 974-1865

LDT/GR/CALI 974-1865
NGT/GR 974-1865
Buckeye GL 974-2840
NL 974-2840
Gearhart CBL 1000-1800
Schlumberger EPT 1000-1850

I Well Name: Lockard Unit 5 State: Ohio

File No. 467 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 1070-2142

LDT/GR/CALI 1070-2170
NGT/GR 1070-2108
EPT 1070-2130
BHC 1070-2160
DIPMETER 1070-2170
Buckeye GL 1070-3050
NL 1070-3050
PL 1600-1880
Gearhart CBL 1200-2000
NOISE 1000-2170

File No. 468

IWell Name: Dixon Lease #3
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 930-2800
NL 930-2800

IWell Name: T. Willis Lease #1 State: Ohio

File No. 469 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 1108-1948

LDT/GR/CALI 1108-1948
NGT/GR 1108-1943
EPT 1108-1930
Buckeye NL 10-3068
Gearhart PL 1600-1830
CBL 1300-1890

IWell Name: Lockard Lease #4 State: Ohio
File No. 470 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1180-3146
Gearhart PL 1500-2150
CBL 1530-2200

IWell Name: Leach #1 State: Ohio

File No. 471 Field Name: County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 1346-2344

LDT/GR/CALI 1346-2344
NGT/GR 1346-2344
EPT 1346-2344
IES 1346-3372
FDC/SNP 1346-3377
NOISEITEMP 1346-3377

I Well Name: Booth Lease #1 State: Ohio

File No. 472 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1110-3030
NL 1110-3030

I Well Name: O.J. Leach #1 State: Ohio

File No. 473 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye IES 1400-3430

NL 1400-3430
TEMP 1400-3430

IWell Name: Bierhup #1 State: Ohio

File No. 474 Field Name: County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye NL 1311-3300
TEMP 1400-3300

File No. 475
Well Name: G. Harper Unit #1
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLL 1796-2910

FDC/CNL 950-2910

IWell Name: Lockard Unit #6 State: Ohio

File No. 476 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1110-3130
NL 1110-3130

IWell Name: Booth Lease #2 State: Ohio

File No. 477 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1050-3062
NL 1050-2170

File No. 478

IWell Name: B. Kriebel #1
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye IES 1300-3230

NL 1300-3230

File No. 479

IWell Name: Dixon Lease #5
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye NL 912-2775
GL 912-2775

File No. 480

IWell Name: Dixon Lease #6
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1050-2938
NL 1050-2938

File No. 481
Well Name: Lockard Unit #1
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 560-2086
NL 560-2086

File No. 482

Well Name: Oberholzer #2
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1080-2986
NL 1080-2986

IWell Name: Eberts Lease #2 State: Ohio

File No. 483 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1100-3092
NL 1100-3092

IWell Name: Dixon Lease #1 State: Ohio

File No. 484 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1000-2850
NL 1000-2850

IWell Name: Dixon Lease #2 State: Ohio

File No. 485 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1060-2964
NL 1060-2964

IWell Name: Dixon Lease #4 State: Ohio

File No. 486 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye NL 1050-2970

IWell Name: #8195 State: West Virginia
File No. 498 Field Name: County: Logan
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1672-3314

LDT/GR/CALI 1672-3314
SNP/GR 1672-3314
NGT/GR 1672-3314
EPT 1672-3300
PL 1650-3300

IWell Name: Denver Miniard #1550 State: Kentucky

File No. 784 Field Name: County: Perry
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/GRICALI 2790-3806

TEMP 2790-3806

IWell Name: Oberholzer #1 State: Ohio

File No. 903 Field Name: County: Vinton
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye GL 1100-3050
NL 1100-3050
TEMP/NOISE 1100-1730
GRiCALI 1169-1726

IWell Name: Burger Unit #2 State: Ohio

File No. 904 Field Name: County: Tuscarawas
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 1185-5570

FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1185-5566
NOISEITEMP 1185-5566

File No. 906

IWell Name: Sands #1097
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Gilmer
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 2452-5193

LDTITEMP/CALl/GR 2452-5198
NGT/GR 2452-5175
NOISEITEMP 2452-5193
PL. 2960-5170
EXLOG MUDLOG 2460-5170

File No. 923
Well Name: #6701
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Mingo
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 1784-3064

LDT/CALI/GR 1784-3080
NGT/GR 1784-3080
NOISEITEMP 1784-3000
PL 1784-3040

IWell Name: Mace #1008 State: West Virginia

File No. 928 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALI/GR 2300-5306

TEMP 2300-5306

IWell Name: Mace #1 007 State: West Virginia

File No. 929 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALI/GR 2450-5315

TEMP/NOISE 2450-5315

IWell Name: Morris #1006 State: West Virginia

File No. 930 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALI/GR 2146-5370

TEMP/NOISE 2146-5370

IWell Name: Frame #1066 Slate: West Virginia

File No. 931 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALI/GR 2370-5416

TEMP/NOISE 2370-5416

IWell Name: Calhoun Co. #1068 Slate: West Virginia

File No. 932 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALI/GR 2448-5344

TEMP/NOISE 2448-5344

IWell Name: Schoolcraft #1 009 State: West Virginia
File No. 933 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALl/GR 2450-5546

TEMP/NOISE 2450-5546

IWell Name: Schoolcraft#1010 State: West Virginia

File No. 934 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALl/GR 2448-5470

TEMP/NOISE 2448-5470

File No. 937

Well Name: Davis #1091
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 2748-4892

LDT/CALl/GR 2748-4892
NGRlGR 2748-4892
NOISEITEMP 2748-4894
EXLOG MUDLOG 2740-4900

IWell Name: Bullard #1100 State: West Virginia

File No. 942 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 2238-4695

LDT/CALl/GR 2238-4710
NGT/GR 2238-4692
NOISEITEMP 2238-4710
PL 3124-4610
Gearhart FDC/CALl/GR 2234-4716
NGT 2234-4716
EXLOG MUDLOG 2330-4680

File No. 952
IWell Name: Harold #944
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Roane
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 2238-4136

NGT/GR 2238-4132
FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 2238-4113
NOISEfTEMP 2238-4136
Schlumberger LDT/CALl/GR 2234-4130
PL 2580-3950
EXLOG MUDLOG 2260-4130

IWell Name: Christine Shewey #3 State: Kentucky

File No. 953 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PL 2480-3606
BDM AFM 500-3350

IWell Name: Jarvis #872 State: West Virginia

File No. 954 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PL 3408-5436

IWell Name: L. F. Brafford #1985 State: West Virginia

File No. 970 Field Name: County: Ritchie
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger D1USNP/GR 1608-3769

LDT/CALl/GR 1606-3769
NGTlGR 1608-3769
NOISEfTEMP 1608-3769
EXLOG MUDLOG 1670-3815

IWell Name: Caldwell #U-5433 State: West Virginia

File No. 971 Field Name: County: Wayne
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1567-2993

SNP/GR 1567-2967
LDT/CALl/GR 1567-2985
NGT 1567-2985
NOISEITEMP 1567-2967
PL 1520-2975

IWell Name: Wayne Co. #10-5-293 State: West Virginia
File No. 974 Field Name: County: Wayne
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CALI/GR 1823-3447

IWell Name: 8-2-291 REV State: West Virginia

File No. 975 Field Name: County: Wayne
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys FDC/CALI/GR 1460-3170

File No. 988

IWell Name: Stover A #1
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2562-5248

LDT/CALI/SNP/GR 2550-5248
NGT/GR 2562-5220
NOISE 2562-5249
TEMP 2562-5250
PL 2550-5015
EXLOG MUDLOG 2584-5230

File No. 989

IWell Name: C. Trust #21
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Mingo
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 1528-2630

LDT/CALI/GR 1528-2630
NGT/GR 1528-2630
TEMP/NOISE 1528-2630
PL 1528-2630

IWell Name: Dal Nibert #2-1912 State: West Virginia

File No. 993 Field Name: County: Mason
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PL 2560-3215
FDC/CALI/GR 756-2015

I Well Name: Goff Heirs #2 State: Kentucky
File No. 994 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger D1UGR 1836-2955

SNP/GR 1836-2955
LDT/CAlI/GR 1836-2952
NGT 1836-2927
TEMP 1836-2955

IWell Name: D. Lothes #4 State: Ohio

File No. 995 Field Name: County: Noble
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger D1UGR 1710-3994

LDT/CAlI/SNP/GR 1710-3994
NGT 1710-3994
TEMP 1710-3994
NOISE 1710-3990
Oil Services MUDLOG 1750-3990

IWell Name: Verlin Childers #2 State: West Virginia

File No. 996 Field Name: County: Mason
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 2144-3396

LDT/CAlI/GR 2144-3396
NGT/GR 2144-3370
NOISEITEMP 2144-3400
PL 2758-3164
Oil Services MUDLOG 2170-3400

IWell Name: Goff Heirs #1 State: Kentucky

File No. 1003 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1851-3805

SNP/GR 1851-3780
LDT/CAlI/GR 1851-3807
NGT/GR 1851-3782
TEMP 1851-3814
NOISE 1851-3808

IWell Name: Roft #4 State: Ohio
File No. 1004 Field Name: County: Washington
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1850-4444

LDT/CALl/SNP/GR 1850-4446
NGT/GR 1850-4420
NOISE 1850-4450
TEMP 1850-4450
PL 2700-4420
Oil Services MUD LOG 1940-4460

File No. 1005

IWell Name: Karl Blaine #2
Field Name:
Slate: West Virginia
County: Mason
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 1870-3118

FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1870-3125
NGT/GR 1870-3126
NOISEITEMP 1870-3128
Schlumberger LDT/CALIIGR 1870-3126
PL 2350-2940
NGT/GR 1870-3126
SNP/GR 1870-3126
Oil Services MUDLOG 1950-3120

IWell Name: Emma Preece #1 State: Kentucky

File NO.1 042 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1526-3293

SNP/GR 1526-3293
LDT/CALIIGR 1526-3293
NGT/GR 1526-3293
NOISE 1526-3293
TEMP 1526-3293
PL 2150-2980
Halliburton TEMP 2300-2580
EXLOG MUDLOG 1564-3250

File No. 1085
IWell Name: Devaughn #2024
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Ritchie
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schiumberger DIUGR 1102-3241

LDT/CALl/SNP/GR 1102-3244
NGT 1102-3219
NOISEITEMP 1102-3251
PL 2200-3160
Stratagraph MUDLOG 1150-3260

IWell Name: Holtzworth #1 State: West Virginia

FileNo. 1119 Field Name: County: Pleasants
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1134-4573

LDT/CALl/SNP/GR 1126-4573
NGT/GR 1124-4573
NOISE 1124-4573
TEMP 1124-4577
Oil Services MUDLOG 850-4640

File No. 1121

Well Name: #20403
Field Name:
Slate: West Virginia
County: Lincoln
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 85-4059

FDC/GR 85-4079
CNUGR 2638-4062
SNP/GR 2640-4040
MLL 2638-4030
SHC 2640-4062
DIPMETER 2640-4064
TEMP 2500-4029
TDT 2450-4060
Birdwell TEMP 0-2400
NOISE 2600-4086
GR 2500-4072
McCUllough NOISE 3300-3721
NOISE 3812-4041
CBL 3150-3739
TEMP 0-3660
RT 3100-3725

IWell Name: #20336 Slate: Kentucky
File No. 1122 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIL 500-3450

FDC/CALIIGR 500-3455
SNP/GR 500-3455
TEMP 500-3455
McCullough CBL 2900-3431
CBL 2250-3250

IWell Name: #20401 State: West Virginia

File No. 1123 Field Name: County: Lincoln
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLL 2400-3902

DIL 1834-3919
FDC/CALl/GR 1834-3926
CNUGR 2355-3926
BHC 2990-3926
MLL 2440-3896
SNP/GR 1834-3926
TDT/GR 1773-3873
TEMP 1966-3859
Birdwell NOISE 1800-3927
GR/CALI 1750-3920
3-D VELOCITY 2400-3924
McCullough NOISE 1900-3920
RT 3750-3873
GR 2200-3875
RT 3400-3770
CBL 3100-3875
CBL 2100-3034

File No. 1125

IWell Name: C. B. Tice #14
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUFDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1930-5910

NGT 1930-5911
NOISEITEMP 1930-5913
Schlumberger PL 5200-5750
Brown & Ruth HL 2100-5900
EXLOG MUDLOG 2100-5900

Twell Name: Missouri Portland #1 State: Illinois
File No. 1131 Field Name: County: Hardin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schiumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 39-367

IWell Name: Simpson #1 State: Illinois

File No. 1132 Field Name: County: Wayne
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 3700-5493

IWell Name: Skaggs Kelly #3-RS State: Kentucky

File No. 1133 Field Name: County: Johnson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIL 880-1502

LDT/CALl/GR 880-1502
CNUGR 880-1502
BHC 880-1502
TEMP 880-1502

File No. 1134

IWell Name: 4-40 Club #1-35
Field Name:
State: Michigan
County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 150-5891

IWell Name: State Chester #1-18 State: Michigan

File No. 1135 Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell FDC/CNUCALl/GR 0-1731

lwell Name: #6213 (JO) State: New York

File No. 1136 Field Name: County: Allegheny
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Survey GRITEMP 2600-4372

CALI 2600-4372

IWell Name: A.E. Scudder # State: New York
File No. 1137 Field Name: County: Steuben
Service Co, Data Available Interval

Gearhart FDC/CALl/GR 1998-4008

TEMP 1998-4008

File No. 1138

Well Name: Valley Vista #1
Field Name:
State: New York
County: Steuben
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell FDC/CNUCALl/GR 521-3848

TEMP 521-3848

IWell Name: Louise Beckholt #1 State: Ohio

File No. 1139 Field Name: County: Knox
Service Co. Data Availabie Interval

Birdwell CALl/GR 550-1260

TEMP 550-1260

IWell Name: #3 State: Ohio

File No. 1140 Field Name: County: Ashtabula
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Buckeye FDC/CNUCALl/GR 300-2896

TEMP 300-2156

IWell Name: McGuire #20149-T State: Ohio

FileNo. 1141 Field Name: County: Lorain
Service Co. Data Avaiiable Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 100-1338

TEMP 100-1338

File No. 1142

IWell Name: S. Carpenter #1-5
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Gallia
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 525-2846

IWell Name: W. P. Newberry #1-7 State: Ohio
File No. 1143 Field Name: County: Gallia
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 510-2754

File No. 1144

Well Name: L. McCombs #1-6
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Gallia
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 498-3060

File No. 1145

IWell Name: S. Wisemandle #1-8
Field Name:
State: Ohio
County: Gallia
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 526-3028

IWell Name: M. Carter #1-9 State: Ohio

File No. 1146 Field Name: County: Gallia
Service Co. Data Availabie Interval

Schlumberger FDCICNUCALl/GR 530-2704

IWell Name: A. V. Meleske #20143 State: Ohio

Fiie No. 1147 Field Name: County: Trumbull
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALlIGR 486-2746

IWell Name: Schockling #1 State: Ohio

File No. 1148 Field Name: County: Noble
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 16504140

IWell Name: #10056-A State: Ohio
File No. 1149 Field Name: County: Mei9s
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CALl/GR 2130-3470

IWell Name: #1 State: Pennslyvania

File No. 1150 Field Name: County: McKean
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALIIGR 0-5208

TEMP 0-5208

IWell Name: #1 State: Pennslyvania

File No. 1151 Field Name: County: Allegheny
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 2000-6508

IWell Name: Presque Isle #1 State: Pennslyvania

File No. 1152 Field Name: County: Erie
Service Co. Data Availabie Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 50-1274

TEMP 50-1274

IWell Name: Glenn McCall #5 State: Pennslyvania

File No. 1153 Field Name: County: Indiana
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 100-7850

TEMP 100-7850

File No. 1154

IWell Name: C. Solevitz #1
Field Name:
Slate: Pennslyvania
County: Lawrence
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 100-4200

IWell Name: Gruy Federal #1 State: Tennessee

File No.1155 Field Name: County: Grainger
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 1100-1870

IWell Name: #20402 State: West Virginia
File No. 1156 Field Name: County: Lincoln
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSP 2547-4058

MLL 2558-4040
FDC/CNUCALl/GR 2400-4064
BHC 2547-4061
ML 2558-4040
TEMP 0-4007
NOISE 3381-4013
TDT 950-4002
CBL 2600-3996
PL 2920-4012
Birdwell DIL 2547-4050
FDC/CALl/GR 2546-4060
CNUGR 2450-4040
CALI 2400-4066
NOISEITEMP 2400-4066
SNP 2530-4048
3-D VELOCITY 2500-4060
Basin Surveys FDC/CALl/GR 0-2539
Exploration Services MUDLOG 2500-4060

IWell Name: DLK Farms #3 State: West Virginia

File No. 1157 Field Name: County: Mason
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 1880-3410

TEMP 1880-3410

IWell Name: M.E.R.C #1 State: West Virginia

File No. 1158 Field Name: County: Monogalia
Service Co. Data Availabie Interval

Schlumberger CNUGR/CALI 1200-7500

IWell Name: Emeh & Pyles Unit #1 State: West Virginia

File No. 1159 Field Name: County: Wetzel
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALl/GR 2396-6984

IWell Name: Houghton College Fee 1 State: New York

File No. 1160 Field Name: County: Allegheny
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CNUCALIfGR 502-2331

File No. 1173
Well Name: Looney Heirs #1118
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Roane
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CALl/GR 1970-4126

NOISE 1970-4126
TEMP 1970-4126

File No. 1190

Well Name: #20337
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell OIL 1905-3566

FDC/GR/CALI 1650-3602
GRN 1450-3602
NOISEITEMP 1651-3590
McCullough CBL 1600-3571
Allegheny FOC 100-1645
GRN 100-1650
Schlumberger PL 100-3571

IWell Name: Stump #1126 State: West Virginia

File No. 1191 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger OIL 2428-4662

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 2428-4659
NGT 2428-4641
NOISEITEMP 2428-4667
EXLOG MUDLOG 2520-4675
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2500-4650

IWell Name: Gustavson #1133 State: West Virginia

File No. 1215 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 2000-4023

FOC/SNP/CALl/GR 2000-4018
NGT/GR 2000-4000
NOISEITEMP 2000-4021
Schlumberger LDT/CALl/GR 2037-4021
EXLOG MUDLOG 2058-4020
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2058-4020

File No. 1273
IWell Name: J. Workman #1
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1957-3886

LDT/CALl/GR 1957-3889
NGT/GR 1957-3889
NOISEJrEMP 100-3891
SNP/GR 1957-3861
EXLOG MUDLOG 1980-3880
Brown & Ruth HDYROCARBON LOG 1980-3870

IWell Name: E.H. Crouch #23-A State: West Virginia

File No. 1284 Field Name: County: Wyoming
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1355-6037

LDTlSNP/CALl/GR 1355-6036
NGT/GR 1355-6012
NOISEJrEMP 1355-6044
Gearhart PL 3981-5744
EXLOG MUDLOG 1400-6044
Brown & Ruth HDYROCARBON LOG 1400-6012

File No. 1308

IWell Name: Fleming #2568
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Doddridge
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger 'DIUGR 1796-5347

'LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1796-5345
'NGT/GR 1796-5307
GST 4850-5230
SDT 1796-5261
MSFL 1796-5273
FMS 1796-5260
NOISEJrEMP 50-5351
PL 4600-5165
EXLOG MUDLOG 1860-5360
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2000-5307

IWell Name: Sloan #21525 State: Kentucky
File No. 1311 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1564-3213

LDT/CALl/GR 1564-3226
SNP/GR 1564-3202
NGT/GR 1564-3206
NOISEITEMP 1564-3232
SDT 2412-3208
PL 2150-3006
EXLOG MUDLOG 1580-3236
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 1600-3120

I Well Name: Williamson #21539 State: Kentucky

File No. 1320 Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 2641-4356

SNP/GR 2641-4351
NGT/GR 2641-4330
NOISEITEMP 2641-4362
Schlumberger LDT/CALl/GR 2641-4355
NGT 3400-4318
PL 3540-4314
AFM 180-4318
Young wireline NOISEITEMP 4000-4338
EXLOG MUDLOG 2670-4370
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2700-4320

IWell Name: Hogue #2678 State: West Virginia

File No. 1332 Field Name: County: Ritchie
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1476-5393

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1476-5394
NGT/GR 1476-5394
TEMP 1476-5394
SDT 40-5386
CBL 1200-4890
EXLOG MUDLOG 1570-4680
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 1600-5394

IWell Name: Looney #21495 State: Virginia
File No. 1354 Field Name: County: Buchanan
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1980-5359

LDT/CALl/GR 1980-5362
SNP/GR 1980-5333
NGT/GR 1980-5362
TEMP 107-5368
PL 4400-5292
EXLOG MUDLOG 2000-5370
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2000-5330

File No. 1429

1Well Name: Davidson #1
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Boyd
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Allegheny DIUGR 50-2164

FDC/CALl/GR 16-2174
SNP/GR 820-2174
TEMP 820-2174
NOISE 820-2174

IWell Name: E. J. Evans #52 State: Kentucky

File No. 1496 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1854-3217

LDT/CALl/GR 1854-3219
SNP/GR 1854-3194
TEMP 1854-3226
McCullough CBL 1600-3147

File No. 1513

Well Name: Fed. G.O. #9561
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1680-2045

FDC/CALl/GR 1680-2053

IWell Name: Pocahontas #20460 State: Kentucky
File No. 1514 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys OIL 1656-3364

TEMP 1656-3368
McCullough CBL 2200-3317
Schlumberger PL 200-3240
AFM 500-3365

IWell Name: Pocahontas #20372 State: Kentucky

Fiie No. 1515 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys OIL 2103-3799

McCullough CBL 1900-3787

IWell Name: #20586 State: Kentucky

Fiie No. 1516 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell OIL 2051-3880

NOISEITEMP 2000-3886
McCullough CBL 2000-3022

IWell Name: Columbia Gas #80-4 State: Kentucky

File No. 1517 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger LDTICALlIGR 100-2240

File No. 1518

IWell Name: Marik! MR-262
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Yourng Wireline FDCICALlIGR 1585-3521

TEMP 1585-3521

IWell Name: Jarvis #849 State: West Virginia
File No. 1529 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/GR/CALI 2310-5630

NOISEfTEMP 2310-5630
McCullough CBL 1700-5594
Schlumberger PL 60-5593

IWell Name: Looney #1119 State: West Virginia

File No. 1530 Field Name: County: Roane
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/GRICALI 2010-4507

Young Wireline CBL 1350-4473
Schlumberger PL 60-4476
Ohio Independent MUDLOG 2040-4497

I Well Name: Elmore #1117 State: West Virginia

File No. 1531 Field Name: County: Roane
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Young Wireline FDC/GR/CALI 2035-4080

TEMP/NOISE 2035-4080
CBL 1700-3943
Schlumberger PL 0-3991
Ohio Independent MUDLOG 2130-4060

IWell Name: Gunn #990 State: West Virginia

File No. 1532 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/GR/CALI 2110-5410

NOISEfTEMP 2110-5410
Completion Services CBL 1700-5378
Schlumberger PL 0-5388
Hywellinc. MUDLOG 2160-5426

IWell Name: Davis #1096 State: West Virginia

File No. 1533 Field Name: County: Calhown
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Dresser Atlas D1UGR 2193-4736

FDC/GR/CALI 2193-4736
NOISEITEMP 2189-4739
Young Wireline CBL 1250-4722
Oil Services MUDLOG 2280-4726

I Well Name: Bennet Heirs #2109 State: West Virginia
File No. 1534 Field Name: County: Gilmer
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Allegheny DIUGR 186-2383

FDC/CNUCALl/GR 186-2383
TEMP 186-2383
Schlumberger FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 2320-4302
DIUGR 2320-4302
TEMP/NOISE 2308-4302
Stratigraph Inc. MUDLOG 2394-4320

IWell Name: Bennet Heirs #1341 State: West Virginia

File No. 1535 Field Name: County: Gilmer
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2330-5948

FDC/G R/CALI 2330-5948
NOISEITEMP 2330-5948
Allegheny DIUGR 458-2367
FDC/GR/CALI 458-2367
TEMP 458-2367

IWell Name: H. Bennet #2265 State: West Virginia

File No. 1536 Field Name: County: Gilmer
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Allegheny DIUGR 1850-4015

TEMP NOISE 1850-4015
Schlumberger PL 50-3700
Stratagraph MUDLOG 1990-4008

File No. 1537

IWell Name: S. White #12421
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Boone
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIL 2842-4355

FDC/GR/CALI 2842-4350
TEMP 2635-4363
Birdwell TEMP/NOISE 2646-4350

Twell Name: S. Boone Coal #12414 Slate: West Virginia
File No. 1538 Field Name: County: Boone
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIL 535-2596

FDC/GR/CALI 535-2602
Birdwell NOISE TEMP 2200-4010

File No. 1539

1Well Name: S. Boone Coal #11924
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Boone
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIL 2968-5396

FDC/GR/CALI 2968-5400
SNP/GR 2968-5401
TEMP 2908-5403
Basin Surveys DIL 470-2983
FDC/GR/CALI 470-2989
Birdwell NOISE 2700-5390

-lwel' Name: E. J. Evans #47R State: Kentucky

File No. 1540 Field Name: County: Knott
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2239-3286

LDT/GR/CALI 2239-3288
SNP/GR 2239-3264
NGT/GR 2239-3266
TEMP 2240-3286

File No. 1560

1Well Name: Shock#1045
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PL 2750-5200

I Well Name: E. J. Evans #56 State: Kentucky

File No. 1586 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1831-2795

FDC/GRICALI 1831-2797
TEMP 1831-2804

IWell Name: E. J. Evans #71 State: Kentucky
File No. 1587 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger Pl 2100-2700

IWell Name: E.J. Evans #64 State: Kentucky

File No. 1588 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 1706-2705

FDC/SNP/CALI/GR 1706-2692
TEMP 1545-2669
McCullough NOISE 1900-2650

IWell Name: Keen #995 State: West Virginia

File No. 1595 Field Name: County: Roane
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Nl Industries FDC/G R/CALI 2070-4100

TEMP/NOISE 2070-4100

IWell Name: Pischke #868 State: West Virginia

File No. 1596 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

NL Industries FDC/CALI/GR 1970-5360

TEMP/NOISE 1970-5360

File No. 1597

IWell Name: Harold #993
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Roane
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Young WireJine FDC/CALI/GR 2110-4098

NOISEITEMP 2110-4098
CBl 1600-4056

IWell Name: Jarvis #1143 - CSW 2 Slate: West Virginia
File No. 1618 Field Name: County: Calhoun
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger 'PlrLDT/SNP/CALIIGR 2052-4538

'NGT/GR 2000-4484
FMS 3400-3700
'TEMP 50-4385
SDT 2100-4401
PL 2900-3830
CBL 1900-4387
AFM 3400-4375
Gearhart LDT/GR 2060-4548
'FDC/SNP/GR/CALI 2060-4548
'NGT/GR 2060-4548
TEMP 2060-4550
EXLOG MUDLOG 2092-4550
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2100-4500

IWell Name: E. J. Evans #83-R State: Kentucky

File No. 1626 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Availabie Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1766-2816

LDTICALl/GR 1650-2822
TEMP 1750-2824

File No. 1627

IWeil Name: E.J. Evans #86
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Avaiiable Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1836-2884

LDTICALl/GR 1836-2884
TEMP 1836-2884

IWell Name: Neely Evans #1 State: Kentucky

File No. 1628 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PI 1738-2805
LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1738-2805
NGT/GR 1738-2805
TEMP 1738-2805

IWell Name: Poca #21680-CSW1 State: Kentucky
File No. 1637 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PI/GR 1755-3405

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1755-3405
NGT/GR 1755-3349
TEMP 100-3407
EXLOG MUDLOG 1780-3400
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 1850-3400

IWell Name: Daugherty #4 State: West Virginia

File No. 1648 Field Name: County: Roane
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys FDC/CALl/GR 1990-5468

TEMP 2100-5469
NOISE 2100-5460
McCullough CBL 2592-5396
Schlumberger PL 2500-5380

IWell Name: McLean #A-47 State: West Virginia

File No. 1649 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Seismograph Service TEMP/NOISE 0-4554

File No. 1650

IWell Name: McLean #A-49
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CALl/GR 2740-5090

TEMP 2650-5090 .

I Well Name: McLean #A-50 State: West Virginia

File No. 1651 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell NOISE/GR 0-4526

IWell Name: McClean #51 Slate: West Virginia

File No. 1652 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Seismograph NOISEITEMP/GR 2590-4368

IWell Name: Stover #931 State: West Virginia
File No. 1653 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys DIL 1025-2524

FDC/GR/CALI 524-2524
NOISE/GR 2500-4190
NL McCullough CBL 2400-4168

IWell Name: D. Foster #1-844 State: West Virginia

File No. 1654 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CALl/GR 2652-5102

TEMP 2000-5102
Birdwell FDC/CALIIGR 4400-5100
NOISElGR 2550-5098

IWell Name: Hull-Allen #834 State: West Virginia

File No. 1655 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Seismograph Services FDC/GR 2138-2500

NOISElGR 2138-4060

IWell Name: R.H. Rhodes #1 State: West Virginia

File No. 1656 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Availabie Interval

Allegheny FDC/CALl/GR 2400-2700

TEMP/NOISE 2400-4350

IWell Name: Frye #1 State: West Virginia

File No. 1657 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 3000-4989

FDC/CALIIGR 2930-4987

IWell Name: E.J. Evans #57 State: Kentucky
File No. 1663 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1500-2730

FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1500-2730
Pl 1910-2650
TEMP 1500-2730

IWell Name: Harmon #1 State: Kentucky

File No. 1664 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Young Wireline DIUGR 1802-3510

FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1802-3510
NOISEITEMP 1800-3514

File No. 1665

IWell Name: #21528
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUFDC/GRICALI 2047-3649

NOISEITEMP 2047-3652
Young Wireline CBl 1200-2348

File No. 1666

IWell Name: #108 Moore
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Young Wireline FDC/CALIIGR 1898-3506

NOISEITEMP 1898-3506

IWell Name: #106 Mullins State: Kentucky

File No. 1667 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Young Wireline FDC/CALl/GR 1860-3448

TEMP/NOISE 1860-3448

IWell Name: Mclean #A-6 State: Kentucky

File No. 1690 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell FDC/CALl/GR 1550-4254

NOISEITEMP 2574-4254

File No. 1691
IWell Name: Putman Co. #B-1
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger TEMP/GR 2570-4225

File No. 1712

IWell Name: AC. Canterbury #12191
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Boone
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger OIL 2122-4447

FDC/CALl/GR 2122-4451
Birdwell NOISEITEMP 1900-4443

File No. 1713

IWell Name: Nunnenkamp #12400
Field Name:
Slate: West Virginia
County: Boone
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger FDC/CALl/GR 2350-3991

IWell Name: AC. Canterbury #12420 State: West Virginia

File No. 1714 Field Name: County: Boone
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell OIL 2140-4195

FDC/CALl/GR 1900-4200
NOISEITEMP 1900-4200

I Well Name: E. J. Evans #88 State: Kentucky

File No. 1719 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 36-2738

LDT/CALl/GR 36-2738
CNUGR 36-1675
PL 2000-2675
TEMP 1600-2738

IWell Name: E.J. Evans #93 State: Kentucky
File No. 1720 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1754-2778

LDT/SNP/GR/CALI 1754-2784
TEMP 1754-2784
NGT/GR 1754-2765

IWell Name: Lollie Null #828 State: West Virginia

File No. 1730 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell FDC/CALIIG R 2050-2500

GR 0-3947

File No. 1731

IWell Name: Paul Parsons #832
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 225-2210

FDC/CALIIGR 100-2225
Birdwell NOISElGR 2277-4160

IWell Name: Frank Hardy #837 State: West Virginia

File No. 1732 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys FDC/CALIIG R 1000-2482

NOISElGR 2100-4230

File No. 1733

IWell Name: Fred Gates #840
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys FDC/CALIIGR 830-2360

NOISE/GR 2350-3950
McCullough CALI 1400-2350

IWell Name: Frank Hardy #845 State: West Virginia

File No. 1735 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Seismograph GR 300-3986

IWell Name: Siders #2-929 State: West Virginia
File No. 1736 Field Name: County: Putman
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys DIL 950-2444

FDC/CALl/GR 425-2444
TEMP 200-4098
CBL 1170-2419
McCullough CBL 3500-4069

IWell Name: #2814 - CSW 3 State: West Virginia

File No. 1756 Field Name: County: Logan
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2882-4963

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 2882-4963
TEMP 2882-4963
PL 3400-4500
EXLOG MUDLOG 2950-4960
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 3040-4970

IWell Name: E. J. Evans #65 State: Kentucky

File No. 1782 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1853-2902

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1700-2901
NGT/GR 1853-2901
PL 1880-2809
TEMP 1800-2907
Young Wireline GR 1800-2881

IWell Name: E.J. Evans #92 State: Kentucky

File No. 1787 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1528-2555

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1528-2557
NGT/GR 1528-2532
TEMP 1528-2555
PL 1590-2458

IWell Name: E. J. Evans #87 State: Kentucky
File No. 1794 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1502-2507

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1502-2507
NGT/GR 1502-2513
TEMP 1502-2507
PL 1661-2451
Young Wireline GR 1500-2496

File No. 1799

IWell Name: E. J. Evans #69
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 1540-2805

LDT/SNP/CALlIGR 1540-2805

IWell Name: Evans 91 - CSW 4A State: Kentucky

File No. 1806 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PI/GR 1824-2852

-LDTI*SNPI*CALlI*GR 1824-2848
-NGT/GR 1824-2796
TEMP 1700-2845
--SDT 1822-2852
FMS 1822-2852
--GST 1822-2830
PL 2140-2749
CBL 1800-2811
--LDTI**CNUCALl/GR 1800-2811
EXLOG MUDLOG 1850-2844
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2040-2520

File No. 1807

IWell Name: SIV 30
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Young WireJine FDC/GR/CALI 2257-5507

NOISEITEMP 2257-5507
Schlumberger PL 3500-4165

IWell Name: SIV 29 State: West Virginia
File No. 1808 Field Name: County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Young Wireline FDC/CALl/GR 2025-4011

NOISEITEMP 2025-4011

File No. 1809

1Well Name: Ritchie Kem #48
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys FDC/GRI CALI 1940-5224

TEMP/NOISE 1940-5224
Schlumberger PL 1800-3890

File No. 1810

1Well Name: Lemaster #DEK 70
Field Name:
State: West Virginia
County: Jackson
Service Co. Dala Available Interval

Basin Surveys FDC/CALl/GR 1500-5061

NOISE 2600-5064

IWell Name: Rector, Kem #72 State: West Virginia

File No. 1811 Field Name: County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Basin Surveys FDC/CALl/G R 2100-4644

NOISEITEMP 2100-4644
Schlumberger PL 3270-3887

IWell Name: Anderson Dek #76 Slate: West Virginia

File No. 1846 Field Name: County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PL 3250-3924

IWell Name: Peake #753 - CSW 5 State: West Virginia
File No. 1850 Field Name: County: Jackson
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PI/GR 2158-4740

'LDTI*SNP/CALl/GR 2158-4712
'NGT/GR 2158-4712
TEMP 2158-4740
"SDT 3100-4541
FMS 2560-4710
"CNUGR 2158-4715
'FDC/CALl/GR 3100-4541
"GST 3100-4541
PL 3400-4300
AFM 4200-4635
CBL 3100-4542
EXLOG MUDLOG 2190-4750
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 2510-4750

IWell Name: w.R. Combs #KF947 State: Kentucky

File No. 1860 Field Name: County: Perry
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2600-3596

LDT/GRICALI 2620-3596
SNP/GR 2600-3596
NGT/GR 2620-3596
TEMP 2400-3596
Hydrocarbon Well Logging MUDLOG 2650-3600

IWell Name: Island Creek #A-38 State: West Virginia

File No. 1863 Field Name: County: Logan
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DJUGR 1688-4270

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1688-4270
NGT/GR 1688-4256
Hydrocarbon Well Logging MUDLOG 2450-4270

IWell Name: Poca. #21738-CSW1A State: Kentucky

File No. 1891 Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1848-3422

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1848-3423
NGT/GR 1700-3403
TEMP 1600-3430
CBL 2959-3372
SDT/GR 3126-3372
EXLOG MUDLOG 1866-3433

IWell Name: Evan 89-CSW4 State: Kentucky
File No. 1911 Field Name: County: Breathitt
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 1638-2802

LDT/SNP/CALJ/GR 1638-2802
NGT/GR 1638-2802
NOISEITEMP 1638-2802
Schlumberger PL 2000-2690
CBL 1000-2742
Hydrocarbon Well Logging MUDLOG 1660-2800

1941 IWell Name: SI. Charlton #A4-17 State: Michigan

File No. 555-P Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PI/GR 875-1800

NGTlGR 800-1800
SDT/GR 840-1800
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 1540-1720
Tooke MUDLOG 800-1800

1942 IWell Name: SI. Charlton #B1-17 State: Michigan

File No. 555-P Field Name: County: Otesgo
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PI/GR 1080-1738

NGT/GR 1080-1748
SDT/GR 840-1745
Brown & Ruth HYDROCARBON LOG 480-1645
Tooke MUDLOG 840-1742

2045 I Well Name: Commonwealth 242-1 State: Pennslyvania

File No. 301-P Field Name: County: Centre
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSNP/GR 1570-6984

LDT/CALJ/GR 1570-6982
NGT/GR 1570-6940
TEMP 1550-6990

2070 IWell Name: Commonwealth 244 #3 State: Pennslyvania
File No. 300-P Field Name: County: Centre
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 1462-7010

FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1462-7182
NOISEfTEMP 1544-7182
Schlumberger PL 5695-7010

2071 IWell Name: Commonwealth 246 #2 State: Pennslyvania

File No. 299-P Field Name: County: Centre
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Birdwell DIUGR 1516-7188

FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1519-7188

IWell Name: Stevens #1-12 State: Michigan

File No. 2201 Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUMLUGR 900-1526

LDT/CALIIGR 900-1526
CNUGR 200-1526
NGT/GR 200-1526
SDT/GR 900-1526

3756 2699
File No. 586-P
IWell Name: Latuszek #B 1-32
Field Name:
Slale: Michigan
County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Inlerval

Schlumberger DIUMLUGR 943-1774

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 943-1774
BHTV 1500-1774
FMS 1495-1774


File No. 2700

IWell Name: Walker #C2-29
Field Name:
Slate: Michigan
County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLUGR 1437-1580

CNUGR 900-1590
NGT/GR 1400-1585
SDT/GR 1400-1586
FDC/GR/CALI 1446-1589
John B. Curtis HYDROCARBON lOG 1380-1600

3778 2738 IWell Name: SI. Charlton #C4-31 State: Michigan
File No. 633-P Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLUMLUGR 960-1580

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 960-1580
BHTV 1390-1588
FMS 1350-1580
POGO, INC. MUDLOG 1000-2040

3777 2739 IWell Name: Ranchow #B3-31 State: Michigan

File No. 632-P Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUMLUGR 914-1530

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 600-1530
FMS 1300-1530

3776 2740 IWell Name: Ranchow #A2-31 State: Michigan

File No. 631-P Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLUMLUGR 913-1545

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 913-1545
FMS 913-1545
POGO, INC. MUDLOG 880-1540

IWell Name: W.C. Young #2 State: Texas

File No. 2843 Field Name: County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSFUGR 600-7348

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 600-7352
BHC/GR 593-7312
ML 600-7312

File No. 2923

Well Name: T.P. Sims #2
Field Name:
State: Texas
County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSFUGR 991-7988

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 991-7988
SDT/GR 7250-7979
FMS 7494-7992
ML 991-7930

2981 IWell Name: FMC #68 State: Kentucky
File No. 734-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2818-5357

LDT/CALl/GR 2818-5358
TEMP 2818-5358

File No. 735-P
Well Name: FMC #72
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLUGR 2605-5060

LDT/CALl/GR 2605-5060
TEMP 2605-5060

2983 IWell Name: FMC #73 State: Kentucky

File No. 736-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 2686-4785

LDT/CALl/GR 2686-4792
TEMP 2686-4792

2984 IWell Name: FMC #74 State: Kentucky

File No. 737-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 2500-4736

LDT/CALIIGR 2558-4742
TEMP 2558-4742

2985 IWell Name: Pocahontas #21797 State: Kentucky

File No. 605-P Field Name: County: Martin
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1903-3490

FDC/SNP/CALl/GR 1901-3490
TEMP 1901-3490

IWell Name: D. Stevenson #1 State: Texas

File No. 3401 Field Name: County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Welex DIUGUGRISP 1101-8194

ML 1101-8194
BHC/GR 4000-8190

File No. 3042
IWell Name: James Fitch #2
Field Name:
State: Texas
County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DIUGR 600-7531

FDC/CNUCALl/GR 683-7529
ML 703-7507
CBL 6052-7453

IWell Name: Stella Young #4 State: Texas

File No. 3043 Field Name: County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Gearhart DJUGR 358-7203

FDC/CNUCALl/GR 452-7203
ML 420-7182
BHC/GR 358-7192

IWell Name: Royce Chism #1 State: Texas

File No. 3044 Field Name: County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGRISP 574-7250

LDTlCNUCALl/GR 574-7222
ML 574-7193
SDT/GR 3700-7238

IWell Name: A. Clough GU #A-3 State: Texas

File No. 3045 Field Name: County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGRISP 809-7470

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 806-7470
ML 809-7470

IWell Name: Cole Trust #3-1 State: Texas

File No. 3046 Field Name: County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUSFUGRISP 1071-7930

LDT/CNUICALl/GR 1071-7896
ML 1071-7767
BHC/GR 1071-7907

3102 IWell Name: FMC #62 State: Kentucky
File No. 683-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 1982-4616

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 1982-4622
TEMP 1982-4622
Hydrocarbon Well Logging MUDLOG 2030-4630

3103 IWell Name: FMC #70 State: Kentucky

File No. 682-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2864-5352

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 2864-5352
NGT/GR 2864-5363
TEMP 2864-5352
Hydrocarbon Well Logging MUDLOG 2890-5410

3104 IWell Name: FMC #64 State: Kentucky

File No. 754-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 1895-4735

LDT/CALl/GR 1895-4741
TEMP 1895-4741

3105 IWell Name: FMC #75 State: Kentucky

File No. 755-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2809-5758

LDTICALIIG R 2809-5758

TEMP 2809-5758

3106 IWell Name: Tierney Land #43 State: Kentucky

File No. 756-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 2340-4373

LDT/CALl/GR 2340-4378
NOISEITEMP 2340-4378

3253 IWell Name: FMC #69 - Coop 1 State: Kentucky
File No. 771-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2584-4646

TEMP 2584-4646
NGT/GR 2584-4616
SDT/GR 2584-4646
FMS 3450-4500
SHDT 2584-4654
CBL 1900-4560
Hydrocarbon Well Logging MUD LOG 2585-4650

3303 IWell Name: FMC #80 - Coop 2 State: Kentucky

File No. 774-P Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 2410-4470

LDT/SNP/CALl/GR 2410-4473
NGT/GR 2410-4473
TEMP 2410-4473
SDT 2410-4461
FMS 2410-4461
Hydrocarbon Well Logging MUDLOG 2470-4487

IWell Name: T.P. Sims "B" #1 State: Texas

File No. 3379 Field Name: County: Wise
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGRISP 1000-9964

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 1000-9964

IWell Name: livingston-DEY A1-15 State: Michigan

File No. 3402 Field Name: County: Livingston
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 408-2052

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 447-2051
NGT/GR 447-2051
BHC/GR 408-2040
CAST 447-1290
Bill Core MUDLOG 415-2045

IWell Name: FMC #78 • ED State: Kentucky
File No. 3464 Field Name: County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger PI/GR 2600-4775

lDT/SNP/CAllIGR 2600-4778
NGT/GR 2510-4760
TEMP 2600-4778
SDT 2500-4693
CBl 2100-4693
FMS 2510-4760
Hydrocarbon Well logging MUDlOG 2550-4780

IWell Name: Frederic I B3-20 State: Michigan

File No. 3585 Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 976-2100

FDC/CALl/GR 976-2099
CAST 1192-2026

File No. 3586

IWell Name: Makarewicz 8-19
Field Name:
State: Michigan
County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGRISP 811·1602

FDC/CALl/GR 811·1598
CAST 850·1200

3757 IWell Name: latuszak AI-32 State: Michigan

File No. 684-P Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLUGR 1100-1954

FMS 1672-1883

File No. 777-P
IWell Name: Beck #8-30
Field Name:
State: Michigan
County: Ogemaw
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DlUMlUGR 450·2096

lDT/CNUCALl/GR 364·2096
NGT/GR 450-2096
SDT/GR 364·2096
FMS 364·2096

775-P -, Well Name: Greer #2-19 State: Michigan
File No. 3815 Field Name: County: Ogemaw
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLUMLUGR 700-2537

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 704-2537
NGT/GR 700-2537
FMS 700-2537
SDT 1500-2537
ML 700-2537
S. J. Harrigan MUDLOG 0-2550

1well Name: Bryer#5-33 State: Michigan

File No. 779-P 3816 Field Name: County: Ogemaw
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DLUMSFUGR 96-2277

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 98-2281
NGT/GR 447-2271
FMS 1650-2120
ML 96-2277

3821 ,well Name: Wilson B 1-9 State: Michigan

File No. 760-P Field Name: County: Sanilac
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Halliburton DIUGR 295-1963

LDT/CNUCALl/GR 295-1964
SDT/GR 292-1957
CAST 1000-1960
Well Site labs MUDLOG 300-1960

3085 3822 IWell Name: Bagley East B3-11 State: Michigan

File No. 765-P Field Name: County: Otsego
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 126-1620

BH1V 126-1620

File No. 772-P

1Well Name: FMC #66
Field Name:
State: Kentucky
County: Pike
Service Co. Data Available Interval

Schlumberger DIUGR 1680-3360

LDTICALl/G R 70-3353
TEMP 70-3353


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