Strategic Management Process

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Aug 21, 2019 15:10

Strategic Management Process





Goals And
Objectives Strategic
008 Intent
Vision ,
Mission & 011

t Process
nt Model

Stages In
Stategic Stage-3
Manageme Formulation
of Strategy

Stage-1 Evaluation
Determining & Control
Objectives Analysis 004

001 Strategic Management Process $Ensuring that the policies falicitates external stake holders and the other
effective execution managers . at this level strategy does not
ȴStrategic Planning- It is determining $Using best known business practices mean about SBU or other competitive
the objectives of the firm resources for continuous improvement advantage but overall strategic
required and formulation of policies to $Installing information and operative directions.
attain objectives it includes the systems
overlapping decesions so the $Motivating People ȴcorporate goals and objectives flow
organization gets a effective strategy . It $Creating a culture and work climate from the mission of corporation the
means where the firm sees itself in next $Exerting the internal leadership and managerial purpose of setting objective is
year. keep Improving the execution process. to convert strategic vision into Specefic
targets which management wants to
ȴStrategic uncertainty - it is a key for acheived and use these targets as
constructing strategies a typical analysis 004 Stage-5 Evaluation & Control yardsticks for tracking company's
can result in many strategic performance
uncertainties such uncertainties shall be ȴThe final stage is to evaluate the
grouped in a logical cluster or theme companies performance and accessing ȴThe managers use the objective
then the importance of each cluster be new external developments and making setting as a tool for stretching
assessed in order to set priorities corrective adjustments it is the stage organisation to its full potential
where the company has to decide challenging the personell to go all out
ȴ Each uncertainty involves potential whether to continue or change and deliver big gains pushes company to
trends or events that could have impact companies vision objectives strategy or be more inventive.
on present proposed or even the strategy execution process . But untill
potential business. the targets are being acheived the ȴObjectives are not restricted to too
company continues the course . Fine management only. It is needed at all
tuning and efforts of improving strategy organizational levels the objectives shall
002 Stage-3 Formulation of execution are sufficient be broken down into separate targets for
every level department SBU etc.
ȴThe first step in this stage is to gather
all the alternative in the light of strength 005 Stage-2 Analysis
weakness of organisation and OT in 007 Strategic Management Model
external enviroment. The second step is ȴThis Includes 2 types of analysis
to choose mist appropriate alternative as $Environmental scanning ȴevery organisation has a mission vision
a strategy of firm. $ Organisational Analysis and a goal though it may not be written
designed or communicated. The answer
ȴThere can be the following alternatives ȴExternal enviroment consists of where organisation is going to be can be
economic social technological and determined by where the organization
$Should company continue the same market. The external enviroment is has been
business Dynamic the management should
$If it should continue then shall it systematically analyse each element to ȴStrategic Managemt process is
expand units or aquire new units determine opportunity and threats of for Dynamic and continuous. A change in
$If it diversify then shall it diversify in firm in future. one of the factor may require the change
related area or unrelated areas in any or all other factors.
$Should it get out of existing business ȴOrganisation analysis involves review
fully or partially of financial resources productive capacity ȴTherefore the strategic management
marketing and distribution effectiveness process shall be on continuous and not
ȴThe company may also use the and so on. This helps in obtaining at the end of a year actually this process
combination of alternatives known as strengths and weaknesses of entity never ends.
combination strategy which can be matched with opportunity
and threats of external enviroment in ȴGenerally the strategic management
form of table of SWOT analysis. process isnot cleanly and neatly
performed as per the model . But there is
003 Stage-4 Implementation a give and take among different level of
006 Stage-1 Determining Objectives organisation. Creative ideas are
ȴImplementation is operation oriented encouraged at the meeting .
it is the most demanding and time ȴFirst the company shall determine a Communication and feedback is required
consuming part of the SM process . To path that would lead to acheivement of throughout the SM process
ensure the results a manager must be goal and improve the present market
able to motivate people build and position for current and future
strengthen companies competencies and prospectus the top management decision 008 Goals And Objectives
meet or beat performance targets about the company's direction
constitutes to the vision of the company. ȴ Objectives are organisations
ȴPrincipal aspects performance targets they function as
$Developing Budget ȴManagers must be clear about role of yardsticks for tracking an organization
$Staffing Organisation organisation this is important for both performance and progress

$To provide basis for motivating use of 010 Vision

ȴCharacteristics of objectives organisational resources
$Should define relationship with $To establish a general tone or ȴA strategic vision is a road map which
external environment organisational climate provides specefics for the technology
$Should be facilitative towards mission $To specify the purposes and customer focus product markets to be
$Should provide basis for strategic translating these purposes into goals in persued the capabilities it plans to
decesions making such a way that the cost time and develop and a company that
$Should provide standards for perfoance can be assessed management is trying to create
performance appraisal
$They should be concrete and Specefic ȴThe following points to be kept in mind ȴElements of strategic vision
$Should be related to time frame while drafting mission statement $Coming up with a mission statement
$Should be challenging $The mission statement shall give the which convays rthe essense that--" who
$Different objectives shall corelate organization it's own identity emphasis we are and where are we now"
among themselves and path of development mission $Using the mission statement to decide
statement shall set apart the long term course making choices about "
ȴA company shall have both short-term organization from other similar where we are going?"
and long term objectives short term companies $Communicating the strategic vision in
objectives are quarterly targets which $A comoanies business is defined by clear and extiting manner
helps the management to indicate the what needs it satisfies which customers
performance efficiency and long term it targets and the techniques used etc. ȴExamples of Vision
objectives are what the company wants $Good mission staements are unique $ICAI: To become world's leading
after a particular long period day 5 years for the organization for which they are accounting body a regulator and
For eg if the company wants to double it's developed developer of trusted professionals with
sales in 5 years it can begin in 3rd or 4th world class competencies in accounting
year it has to acheived it's short term ȴExample(ICAI)(Pg3.9) assurance taxation finance and business
targets to acheived the long term advisory services
objectives. ȴAs per the management experts peter $Tata Motors- to be a world class
drucker and Theodore levitt in the corporate furthering the interest of the
ȴAreas of Long term objectives mission statement some questions shall stakeholders
$Profitablity be raised and answered by the firm such
$ Productivity as ȴEssentials of vision
$Employee development $What is our Mission? $A challenge in developing the vision is
$Employee relations $What is our ultimate purpose ? how to prepare company for the future
$Competitive position etc. $What do we want to become ? $Forming strategic vision is a exersice in
$What kind of growth do we seek? intelligent entrepreneurship
ȴLong term objectives are the results $What business are we In? $A well articulated vision creates
obtained from certain strategies the time $In what business we would like to be enthusiasm among members
frame for strategies and objectives shall in future $The best worded vision statement
be consistent illuminates the direction in which the
ȴAs per peter drucker the organization company is to be headed
ȴobjectives should be measurable must ask the question "Which business
realistic challenging obtainable and we are in?" And the answer to this shall
congurant among the divisions of be marketing oriented and not 011 Strategic Intent
organisation. All objectives shall be linked production oriented . For Eg
with a timeline. The objectives are often Revlon- In factory we make cosmetics ȴStrategic management provides a
stated in terms of Profitablity productivity .(This is production oriented)In retail framework which guides the firm in one
market share etc. Clearly stated store we sell Hope(This is Marketing way to acheived sttategic objectives This
objectives provide many benefits. Oriented). intent can be in form of Mission and
 vision at corporate level and business
ȴDifference Between Mission&Purpose model or business definition at business
$Mission is a statement which defines level.
009 Mission role of organisation in the society while
purpose is anything for which the ȴElements of strategic Intent
ȴA company's mission statement is organization strives for
typically focused on present business $Mission strictly focuses on the needs $Vision - it is a blueprint of firms future
scope Mission statement bradlly describe of society while purpose relates to what position it provides a glimpse that what
an organizations present capabilities and organization strives to acheived for the form wants to become every sub
business makeup etc accomplishing it's mission division in form shall follow the vision
$For example both book publisher and $A mission defines the business of the
ȴNeed of Having A Mission magazine editor extinguish the company it's goals and ways to reach
$To ensure unamity of purpose in information need but a publisher aims to them helps the investors and
company produce better reading material while a shareholders to understand the business
$To develop basis for allocation of editor strives to present better newas of firm it also defines present capabilities
resource analysis and role in society of firm

$ Business Definition explains the

business of firm WRT customer needs
target markets with business definitions
one can acertain strategic business
choices . Strategic restructuring depends
on business definition.
$Business model- it is strategy for
effective operation of business
acetaining desires customer base rival
forms operating in same industries rely
on different business models due to their
diffrent choices .
$Goals and objectives- Goals are the
end result that the organization
attempts to acheived . Objectives are the
measureable targets help in
accomplishment of goals . These are the
end Results achieved after the overall
planning during the particular period
It may be noted that in real life there is
no distinction between the goals and

012 Strategic Decision Making

ȴDecisions making is a process of

selecting best course of action from all
the available alternatives for the
accomplishment of organisational
objectives. Such decesions making can be
at operational level as well as strategic

ȴDimensions of strategic DM
$It requires top management
involvement this means every problem
relating to Decesions making shall be
discussed with top management
$It requires commitment of resources
to action
$It Requires orienting organisations
internal environment to the changes in
external environment
$They have significant impact on
long-term prospertiy of the firm
$These decesions are future oriented
$These decisions generally have multi
functional or multibusiness

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