History of Science and Technology in The Philippines by Olivia Caoili (Written by Sophia Gabuat)

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A History of Science and Technology in the Philippines by Olivia C.


I. Precolonial Science and Technology

 Philippines have own science and technology even before the Spaniards

colonization (1521) such as medicinal and therapeutic methods of extracting

medicine from herbs; simple tools or weapons of stone flakes but eventually

developed techniques for sawing, drilling and polishing hard stones; learned to

make metal tools and implements -- copper, gold, bronze and, later iron. Were

already engaged in farming, shipbuilding, mining and weaving. Have own system

of writing and weights, measuring system and calendar. And also one of the best

product of engineering of Filipinos in precolonial era was the Banaue Rice

Terraces that occasionally called “the eighth wonder of the world”.

II. Science and Technology During the Spanish Regime

 In this era, Spanish contributed to the growth of science and technology in the

country. Introduced formal education and institution especially in the field of

medicine and pharmacy. They also teaches the natives about more advanced

method in the field of agriculture but it was quite neglected and not given focus at

that time. They also taught religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music. They

help us in the field of engineering through constructing government buildings,

churches, roads, bridges and forts. Trade (Galleon trade) was also given focus at

this era.

III. Science and Technology During the First Republic (1898-1900)

 The country supported institution of higher learning which offers law, medicine and

pharmacy (Universidad Literaria de Filipinas).


IV. Science and Technology During the American Regime

 The Philippines was given more opportunities in this era because of the support in

public education, scholarships in different educational fields (such as science,

engineering, etc.), establishing organization inclined in science researches and

development. They also dealt with the study of tropical diseases and laboratory

projects. In this era, we are inclined in the field of agriculture, medicine and

pharmacy which we become the primary exporter of agricultural materials to the

Americans which was the reason of not giving a much focus on the side of

industrial development.

V. Science and Technology During Japanese Regime

 Re-opening of vocational and normal schools: Agriculture, Medicine, Fisheries,

and Engineering. Priority was the opening of elementary schools.

VI. Science and Technology During the Commonwealth Period

 The era were the government management was completely under by the hands of

the Philippines which they focus on the development of self-reliance.

 Several government agencies were rearrange and built for development of natural

resources (National Power Corporation), local industries (NDC), agricultural and

researches of government science agencies (such as the Bureaus of Science,

Animal Industry and Plant Industry)

VII. Science and Technology since Independence up to the present

 During the early postwar years, science and technology suffered lack of support

from government but because of increasing number of science agencies that

produces great scientist they now exert more effort and funds to this fields.


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