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Jaen, Trisha Mhae D.

Section 181- BSMT 111

Another School Year. Why?

When every school year comes some student are very excited and some are not. For me,

another school year and going back to school is such a privilege to pursue your study and reach

your dreams and goals. Proceeding to another school year is a reward for us that means you excel

in your study and you passed all the requirements needed. We all know that college is a stepping

stone to reach your dreams and goals.

As a student, you'll experience different problems, challenges and dramas not only for

your study, but also to your friends, family and even to yourself. And to pass all that

circumstances you need to have a time management and understand that you have a lot of subject

and requirement that need to pass on time. From the story I have read entitled another school

year, why I also encounter the same scenario when the student asking his professor why should

they have english subject and read the Hamlet and it is not related to his course - pharmacist. I

know how irritated the student is. But then I understand his professor. Its not the professor’s fault

to teach that subject, but because it's part of their curriculum to teach that subject.

And also entering to college not only to get the course you want and to work as you

graduate, but also the other subject not related to your course teach you how to communicate to

others, understand and how to live and survive in the real world. Just like the student in the story,

when I was a senior high school, I entered Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) strand because I the course I want to take in college are under this strand. The subject

that you take on this strand is more related to sciences like physics,biology and chemistry and

mathematics that the engineering student study. It was the second semester of my grade 12 when

we have entrepreneur subject. Many grade 12 stem students are asking why should we study this
subject and it is not related to the course we will be taking to college. And the teachers explain

the reason. As the time goes by we understand the relevance of the subject and we didn’t notice

that we already enjoying the subject.

As a daughter, my both parents are businessman. They owned a business and they raised

us by that business. And I realized someday when I reached my dream to be a registered medical

technologist and get a work, I want to have a my own business too. I will not only just base on

my work to have my money, but also i want to open a business to have extra income not only for

myself but also for my family. Lastly, as I have said, taking the subject that is not related to your

course may help you also. It will teach you to gain confidence, helps you to communicate with

others and live in the real world.

"There are two educations. One should teach is how to make a living and the other how

to live"- John Adams.

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