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It is time for
Monitor Developed in Sweden—
Just follow the
indications—the If it works here, in our environment,
close with
Resource Man- it works everywhere.
agement Sysistem

Simplicity through automation

a rebreather is designed to take
care of you and leave

you to do your diving. The
in-built full dive computer
is upgradable over the
Silence Economical
Don &
Experience Each refill of oxygen and
scrubber, which comes in
The cost per diving hour
is no higher than for ordi-
Dive long, dive
quietly, dive
easy-to-handle pre-pack-
aged canisters, will give
you long hours worth of
nary open circuit scuba
diving, but the added
experience is priceless.
safely. Stay nearly diving. With the new Mk VI No bubbles,
down as long as Freedom No Stress Discovery, you will experi-
ence a new way of diving,
Safety no noise
you want. Blend The new fully auto- Always providing you which is safe, quiet and
in and get close
to the wildlife.
matic Mk VI Discovery
rebreather is designed
Comfort with the optimal oxygen
mix (nitrox) for any giv-
lasts as long as you want. In the unlikely event that
our sophisticated control
to give sport divers the With the new Discovery, en depth, you are not system detects an error
Sounds too good ultimate diving experi- exploring the underwater only in less risk of de- that cannot be correct-
to be true? ence without all the
technical complica-
realm has never been so
comfortable and un-
compression sickness,
you also feel better after
Simplicity ed, it will alert the diver,
through vibration
Not any more. tions. complicated. the dive. Finally, our post diving proce- and a flashing red
Forget everything And don’t worry about dures are as simple and safe as light in the mouth-
you might have heard Don and Dive running out of time or the rest. Simply rinse the entire piece, to switch
about pO2, scrubber Open the tanks, activate low on consumables. unit in fresh water, remove the to open circuit
life and oxygen cells. the wet switch, wait for The superior gas econ- electronics and put the rest and abort calmly
Relax and let the unit the automatic system omy of a rebreather will in your dishwasher. Just don’t to the surface.
handle the controls. All to perform its checks, allow you to stay down forget to charge the battery for Our dealer will
you have to do is and you are all set to there as long as the next weekend adventure! take care of
breathe. go. Breathing warm and dive tables permit, and the rest.
humid air as you explore
keeps you warm and
you will seldom have to
ascent due to lack of No Hassle
hydrated longer. breathing gas.

Just flip the switch Plug and play One sensor is enough
The compact combined mouth- The Discovery is powered by Now you can forget about multiple
piece makes going to open circuit a rechargable Li-Ion battery oxygen sensors and the confusing
as easy just flipping a switch. Also act- —the same type used in mobile complexities of voting logic. A new
ing as an automatic diluent valve (ADV) phones. Just detach the unit and way of continuous calibration of the
inceasing bouyancy is as simple as charge it at home or in your car and you are set sensor ensures that the readings are al-
taking a deep breath. to go. Bright green diodes shows the charge status. ways accurate.
The Technical Bits:
Dimensions (h x w x d): 53 x 41 x 18 cm

Weight: 15 kg (33lb) ready to dive

Becoming one
Colour: Yellow/Black

Weight Harness Sizes: Fits any BC

Counterlung Sizes: 4 or 6 liters

with the ocean
Scrubber type: Pre-packed

Weight of scrubber (nominal): 2.7kg

Scrubber duration: Will outlast oxygen supply

O2 Cylinder: 3 liter 100 bar, aluminium

Diluent Cylinder: 3 litres 210 bar, aluminium

Standard Features:

Fully automatic
Combined mouthpiece for Closed Cir-
cuit/Open Circuit with built-in Automatic
Diluent Valve
Full dive computer
IrDA and PC software
Software Upgradable through Internet
Head Up Display with vibrator
Audible Warnings
Resource Management System
Automatic Sensor Calibration

Battery: Li-Ion, rechargeable


Depth Limits: 40m with air as diluent.

First stage (Oxygen):

Poseidon XStream, pure oxygen certified

First stage (Diluent): Poseidon XStream

Second stage (In mouth-piece):

Poseidon XStream

Buddy regulator: Poseidon Cyklon

Oxygen Control:
Preset oxygen pressure setpoints
Oxygen Sensors:
2 Galvanic cells, Automatic calibration,
P.O. Box 8050
continuous analysis SE-421 08 Västra Frölunda
Languages: English
Phone: +46 (0)31 734 29 00
Rebreather Operating Temperature Range:
+4°C to +32°C

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