Daily Conversation

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Bullshit: Omong kosong.

C’mon guys, don’t be mad. I’m just kidding: Ayolah teman, jangan marah. Aku cuma

Don’t have kittens Jangan gugup.

Don’t screw up on this stupid issue Jangan meributkan soal kecil seperti ini.

Drop it Sudahlah, lupakan saja.

Eat shit and die, man Tutup mulut.

Get the drift? Mengerti?

Get out of it: Sudahlah, lupakan saja.

Get off my ass (sangat kasar), Get off my back, Sudahlah, jangan menggangguku.
Get off my case:
He is crazy about her, He is stuck on her: Dia tergila-gila padanya.

He’s such a fuckhead: Dia memuakkan.

I’m screwed, I’m sucked: Saya benar-benar kacau.

I catch up to you: Nanti aku menyusul.

I’m in deep shit, I’m in hot water, I’m in trouble: Aku sedang kesulitan.

I’m scared shitless: Aku takut sekali.

I’m sticking my neck out for nothing: Aku berharap terlalu muluk.

It has really pissed me out, get on my case: Benar-benar menjengkelkan.

Life is a bitch, Life sucks and then you die: Hidup memang tidak mudah.
Make your own sandwich: Masa bodoh.

Must have got up on the wrong side of bed: Mimpi apa semalam.

No hassle: Tidak apa-apa.

She drives me crazy: Dia membuat ku gila.

Spit it out: Cepat katakan.

The shit is going to hit the fan: Bakal jadi rame nih.

Toasted: Sangat mabuk

VIP: Very Important Person.

Wasted: Drunk Pissed: Mabuk (karena minuman).

Wuss: Pengecut / penakut.

You’ve got your just dessert: Kamu sudah menerima balasanmu.

You look like shit: Kamu kusut sekali.

You gotta kick the habit: Kamu harus menghentikan kebiasaan itu

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