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- Communication ethics is the notion that an are governed by their morals which in turn affects
communication. Generally speaking communication ethics deals with the moral good present in any form of
human communication.

- Communication ethics is concerned primarily with human communication mediated by communications

technologies, from print to radio, television, and other advanced electronic media. As such it assumes the
importance of ethical responsibilities in direct or immediate communication, such as the obligation to speak
truthfully, and seeks to reflect on how these carry over into the complex circumstances that arise with the
development of communications science and technology.

- Because of the multiplicity of communications media during the last half of the twentieth century, the term
media ethics is sometimes used as a synonym for communication ethics.


- Advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of communication.

- Endorse freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and tolerance of dissent to achieve the informed
and responsible decision making fundamental to a civil society.

- Strive to understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and responding to their

- Promote access to communication resources and opportunities as necessary to fulfill human potential and
contribute to the well-being of families, communities, and society.

- Promote communication climates of caring and mutual understanding that respect the unique needs and
characteristics of individual communicators.

- Condemn communication that degrades individuals and humanity through distortion, intimidation,
coercion, and violence, and through the expression of intolerance and hatred.

- Being committed to the courageous expression of personal convictions in pursuit of fairness and justice.

- Advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings when facing significant choices while also respecting
privacy and confidentiality.

- Accept responsibility for the short- and long- term consequences for our own communication and expect
the same of others.
>Be relatable.
>Emphasize your key points through repetition.
>Keep a good sense of humor.
>Actively listen.
>Respond in a timely manner.
>Remember that you're always "on."
>Analogies are key.
>Adapt readily to any situation.
>Be present.
>Find your own voice.
>Write everything down.
>Put your audience at ease.
>Customize your communication style for each employee.
>Ask before you speak.


Be Clear - The first step in communication is to make your message short and crisp. Simplify your message.
Clarity is an absolute must.
Use Simple Words - Be wary of using bombastic words and use simple words instead which relate with
the audience or person. Simplicity connects people.
Be other centered - Make your interactions with people more about them and take the focus off yourself.
A key to effective communication is having a genuine interest in other people. Pay attention to where you
focus when you communicate. Think about other’s needs. Meet people where they are and deliver more
than they expect.
Give Respect - Treat everyone with respect. Everyone knows something we don’t. Treat everyone you
meet like a million dollar customer. Give people the best treatment possible and make them feel like a
Expand your vocabulary - Improve your vocabulary by learning new words as this is the best way you
can improve your communication as well. The more words you have to play with the better your speech.
Words are the tools we use to communicate and you have to have a great repertoire of words in your
speaking arsenal.
Avoid lengthy emails - While communicating through email get to the point early and avoid lengthy
emails. In other words cut to the chase. Don’t have people scramble for a dictionary. Make your sentences
short and sweet.
Have Polite Manners - Maintain eye contact with the person while in conversation. Don’t use the cell
phone or watch television while communicating with others. Give the person undivided attention.
Be authentic – Be yourself while engaging in conversation. Authenticity is the first step in establishing
credibility with your peers. This helps breaking down the barriers in communication. Another key is to
become audience oriented. Ask leading questions to understand your audience. Credibility does indeed
precede great communication. Believe in what you say and you will be authentic.
Have a call to action - As you communicate please remember that all communication should result in
measurable action. If you don’t have a clear result in mind the audience will not be spell bound. There
should be something for the audience to listen to you and they should be better off having listened to you.
Inspire and motivate – The purpose of language is to inspire and motivate people through your
communication. Words are the tools with which to empower people to live their highest vision. Use words
that are positive and bring out the best in people.
Align your words with deeds - There should be no gap between what you communicate with who you
are. The point is your deeds should match your words. Provide a compelling reason for the audience to pay
attention to. Once you have the attention deliver your message with enthusiasm and passion.
Review yourself – Honestly self-evaluate your communication results on a regular basis and adjust the
sails to make your communication even better in the future.Prepare before giving any
speech/meeting/presentation, rehearsal is the key before important meetings and if you are thoroughly
prepared the communication will be more effective.

The key to communication is to keep it simple, result oriented and having a call to action. If we follow these
12 guidelines we can become better communicators.


Johanna R. Gasing
Christine Joy Buisa
Lei Aliza Manangan
Cindy Fabro
Jay Ar Enabong

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