9 - Baterías - Conceptos y Fundamentos para Pruebas y Mtto

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Battery Testing and Maintenance as

per NERC PRC-005 Guidelines

Volney Naranjo
Senior Applications Engineer


• NERC basics
• PRC-005-6
• Required Testing Schedule
 Main electrical tests & Best practices
 Recommendations

NERC & PRC-005

NERC Basics
 North American Electric Reliability
 Regulatory authority that develops reliability
standards applicable to U.S. and parts of
 Reliability Standards define the requirements
for planning and operating the North
American bulk power system
 14 Standards families
• Requirements for battery testing are in

Appendix 4B - Sanction Guidelines of
 NERC Standards are mandatory and enforceable
• Enforcement includes
– Rectification of issues
– Fines up to $1 million per day

Amount of penalty that could be applied for

each day that a violation continues.

Standard PRC-005

 Active Version: PRC-005-6

• Effective and Enforcement date: January 1 st of 2016
• Implementation plan
 Purpose:
• Document and implement maintenance programs of all Protection Systems
affecting the reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES) to keep them in working
 Applicability:
• Protection systems facilities: 75 MVA @ 100KV or above
• Owners of transmission and generation, and distribution providers of the BES
 Requirements
• Five main requirements (R1…R5)
• Requirement 1 (R1) covers batteries

Standard PRC-005-6
 The Standard also includes
• Compliance:
– Compliance enforcement authority
– Evidence retention
– Compliance monitoring and assessment process
– Table of Violation Severity Level (VSL)

PRC-005-6: Summary of Requirement 1 (R1)

Table 1-4(a):Vented Lead Acid
Table 1-4(a):Vented Lead Acid
4 Calendar Months 18 Calendar Months 18 Calendar Months
Verify - Station DC supply Verify that the station battery
Verify float voltage of battery charger
voltage can perform as manufactured by
evaluating cell/unit
measurements indicative of
battery performance (e.g.
Inspect electrolyte levels Verify battery terminal connection resistance internal ohmic values or float
current) against the station
battery baseline.
Inspect for un-intentional
Verify battery continuity or
Verify battery inter-cell or unit-to-unit connection
6 Calendar Years

Inspect the condition of all cells where visible Verify that the station battery
OR can perform as manufactured by
Measure ohmic values when cells are not visible conducting a performance or
modified performance
Inspect physical condition of battery rack capacity test of the entire
battery bank.

9 All these verifications, inspections and tests need to be documented

Table 1-4(b): Valve Regulated Lead Acid

Table 1-4(b): Valve Regulated Lead Acid

4 Calendar Months 6 Calendar Months 18 Calendar Months 6 Calendar Months

Verify that the station battery
can perform as manufactured
Inspect condition of all
by evaluating cell/unit
individual units by Verify float voltage of battery
Verify station DC measurements indicative of
measuring battery charger
supply voltage battery performance (e.g.
cell/unit internal ohmic
internal ohmic values or float
current) against the station
battery baseline.
Inspect for un-
intentional grounds
Verify battery terminal
connection resistance or
Verify battery inter-cell or unit-
3 Calendar Years
to-unit connection resistance

Verify battery continuity Verify that battery can perform

as manufactured by conducting
Inspect physical condition of a performance or modified
Battery Rack performance tests

All these verifications, inspections and tests need to be documented
Table 1-4(c): Nickel-Cadmium

Table 1-4(c): Nickel-Cadmium

4 Calendar Months 18 Calendar Months 6 Calendar Years

Verify - Station DC performance or modified

Verify float voltage of battery charger
Supply Voltage performance discharge test

Inspect Electrolyte Levels Verify battery terminal connection resistance

Inspect for un-intentional Verify battery inter-cell or unit-to-unit connection

grounds resistance
Verify battery continuity

Inspect the condition of all cells

Inspect physical condition of battery rack

All these verifications, inspections and tests need to be documented




 NERC PRC-005-6
 IEEE 450 (VLA), IEEE 1188 (VRLA), IEEE 1106 (NiCd)
 Table summarizing IEEE, NETA and NERC for VLA, VRLA,

– I – Indicates recommendations by IEEE Standards,

depending on each type of battery
– N – Indicates recommendations by NETA Standard for
Maintenance Testing Specifications
– P – Indicates NERC PRC-005-6 requirements and


Quarterly/ Tri-
Monthly Yearly/18-months*
Activity annual*

Lead Float voltage measured at the battery terminals I I I P I I N P I N P

General appearance and cleanliness of the whole installation I N I N I I I I
Charger output current and voltage I I I I P I I

Crack in cells (evidence of electrolyte leakage) I I I I I I
Evidence of corrosion at terminals, connectors, racks or cabinets I N I N I I I I
Ambient temperature and ventilation I N I N I I I I
Pilot cells (If used) voltage and electrolyte temperature I I I
Battery float charging current or pilot cell specific gravity I I I
Unintentional battery grounds I N N I P P I
Electrolyte levels I N I P I
Voltage of each cell I I I N N
Specific Gravity of 10% of the cells of the battery I2 I
Temperature of at least 10% of cells I I
Temperature of the negative terminal of each cell I I N
Specific Gravity of all cells I2
Cell condition I P
Cell/unit internal ohmic values I P10 N P4 I N P
Cell-to-cell and terminal connection resistance N6 N6 I N P3 I N P
Structural Integrity of the battery rack N N I P P
AC ripple current and/or voltage imposed on the battery I
Performance or modified performance capacity test of entire bank I8 N8 P4 I9 N9 P10
Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections 5 N6 N6
Perform a thermographic survey under load 7 N6 N6
Verify presence of flame arresters N
Verify existence of suitable eyewash equipment N N

14 Verify Equalizing Voltage Setting is in accordance to Battery's Manufacturer recommendation N N

Verify all charger functions and alarms N N
NERC vs. IEEE & NETA – Lead Acid

* Tri annual (4-months) Time frames indicated in NERC-PRC-005-6

1. This inspection applies for the initial installation as well, according to IEEE Std 1188
2. For lead-antimony batteries. For other technologies, only if float charging current is not used to monitor state of charge
3. Standard indicates to verify battery continuity, terminal connection resistance, intercell or unit-to-unit connection
4. Standard indicates to evaluate battery performance by indicative measurements like internal ohmic values or float current
every 18 months or perform a capacity test every 6 years
5. NETA MTS Table 100.12
6. Only one of the three actions is required
7. According to NETA MTS Section 9
8. Intervals and test procedure according to IEEE Std 450, every 25% of life expectancy or two years (whichever is less)
9. Intervals and test procedure according to IEEE Std 1188, every 25% of life expectancy or two years (whichever is less)
10. Measure internal ohmic values every 6 months or perform a capacity test every 3 years


Main Electrical Tests and Best Practices

Ohmic Measurement

 Batteries have a characteristic ohmic value

pending construction type
 Measurement under good testing practices allow
to characterize and trend
 Health condition will change the ohmic value
 Ohmic value ↑ = ↓ Capacity
• No direct correlation for capacity calculation
 Conductance, resistance and impedance
• Results not directly comparable


Ohmic Measurement

 Reliable and consistent data depends on

• Electrical, chemical, and thermal equilibrium
• Constant use of the same measurement technology
• Changing floating signal (ripple or noise)
 Degradation
• Significant change, variation or deviation from a baseline value

Establish warning values from

trends over time and other confirmation tests

Impedance Test

 AC current signal is applied

 AC voltage drop is measured across
each cell using four wire technology
 Measures the internal impedance of
each cell
• Resistance and the capacitive
reactance of the cell
 Online test
• Does not load or stress the battery


Impedance Test

 An impedance tester provides

• ohmic value
• voltage of each cell
• float voltage and current
• ripple current
• strap resistances
• battery continuity verification
 One single instrument/test for
several NERC requirements
and other standards

Impedance Test
 Best Practices

Ohmic Value (mohms)


• Be consistent on the use instrument 1

and accessories 0.5
• Investigate any deviation from: 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
– string average Cell
– historical value
Instrument A Instrument B
– baseline value
• Battery fully charged 1.2

Ohmic Value (mohms)

• Floating signal: noise or ripple 0.8

• Instrument changes 0.6

• Temperature 0.2
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
21 Cell
Discahrged Charged

Impedance Test

 Suggested percentages to use as flags

impedance testing
Type of Single Test Trending
% change % change from Overall %
from average last test change
VLA 5 2 20
VRLA 10 3 50
NiCd 15 10 100

 Over time, establish your own

percentage deviation warning values

Performance Test (Capacity)

 A test to determine the capacity of the battery (Discharge test)

100% 100%
 Capacity: Capacity Capacity

•Amount of energy a battery can store 0%

•Ability to deliver current at a specified rate
•Expressed in Ah
– 800 Ah means: 100 A for 8 hours or approx. 200 A for 4
hours… 75% 75%

– Ratio is not linear

Capacity Capacity

0% 100%
 Capacity test Charged Charged

• controlled discharge to a specified voltage

• constant current or constant power

Capacity Test Types

 Tests to determine the capacity:

• acceptance test
• performance test
• modified performance test

 Acceptance, performance and modified performance

• to determine the capacity of the battery

 Modified performance:
• to verify the battery’s ability to meet its duty cycle

 Refer to IEEE standards for details on how to perform the test

Capacity Testing

 The only test to get the true condition of the battery

 The following is required for testing
• Discharge table
• Battery fully charged
& properly maintained
(Pending type of test)
• Temperature
• Load bank
• Means to measure individual voltages throughout the test


Capacity - Test Connections

 Battery Load Test and Individual Cell Voltage Monitoring

Torkel900 BVM
Discharge Results


Capacity Calculation

Capacity - Best Practices

 Recommend test duration is close or equal to the duty cycle

• Confirms capacity and ability to meet the expected load
 For trending purposes try to use always the same duration
 At the beginning of life, capacity will range from 90% to 110%
or above
 80% or Lower: take provisions to replace the battery
within a year



 Review or implement a battery maintenance program based

on manufacturer, IEEE, NETA and NERC recommendations
and requirements
• NERC requirements are the minimum requirements for
 NERC compliance is very important and most of the operators
have to comply
• Be prepared for an audit with inspections and test records
 No single test provides the complete information about the
condition of cell
• Combine ohmic measurements and capacity testing
Recommended Equipment

 BITE2/2P
• ohmic value
• voltage of each cell
• float voltage and current
• ripple current
• strap resistances
• battery continuity


Recommended Equipment

• ohmic value
• voltage of each cell
• float voltage and current
• ripple current
• strap resistances

Recommended Equipment

• Performance test
• Modified performance test
• Capacity testing
• Overall battery voltage


Recommended Equipment

• Automated battery voltage
measurement during
capacity tests

Recommended Equipment

 PowerDB Software
• Default and customized
test forms
• Database
• Trending
• Asset organization
• Reporting capabilities
• Compliance scheduler


Power on
At Megger, we understand that keeping the power on is essential for the success
of your business. That is why we are dedicated to creating, designing and
manufacturing safe, reliable, easy-to-use portable test equipment backed by world-
leading support and expertise.

We can assist your acceptance, commissioning and maintenance testing for

predictive, diagnostic or routine purposes. By working closely with electrical
utilities, standards bodies and technical institutions, we contribute to the
dependability and advancement of the electrical supply industry.


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