Compassion: Basic Human Values Moral Norm or Law

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case 1

Basic human values Moral norm or law

Compassion You shall not covet your For me all you need to do is pretty simple,
neighbors’ good your just going to ignore mathhew’s
suggestion that to keep quite about the
charge that the waiter forgot because if
you will listen and tolerate his sort of
evilness you are not the only one who will
suffer from guilt and conscience but also
the waiter and the staff of the restaurant
because if ther owner will conduct
inventory about their sales and know
about the shortage of their sales it will be
deduct from their salary and as we all know
it’s a big impact of their lives because, the
things that they need are expensive, they
have a family to feed, they have many
depts To pay , and etc. and that’s why you
should not always think about the
goodness for yourself but also the
goodness that you can give or help to
others because no matter how educated,
rich, cool, you are but how you treat
people will ultimately tells whou you are
and whou you will become.

Case number two

bhv Mnol gatmbd

Honor your mother and father Our mother is the only person that could
make us feel that we are important and we
are worth it to be loved when we are at
love our worst. No one in this world can
replaced her place in our hearts. Her love is
unconditional and the most powerful force
in the world that encourage you to
conquer your fears and to do your best.
She sacrifices a lot for me to have a better
life and to have a life. And I just thought
God would be proud of me if I take care of
my mom even though I didn’t attend mass
because God gave the wonderful gift to me
which is my mother that Since the day I
was born she cares and love me
wholeheartedly and gives me everything
that she could give. And because of that I
will love her forever and stay by her side
until I die and my life breath ends. I love
you ma!!

Listening and forgiveness you shall not bear false witness Millions of people use internet nowadays
against your neighbor or the so in exchange being bully in the internet
Cybercrime Prevention Act or also call as cybercrime is not an
of 2012″. exemption. Being bullied is not easy
especially when it’s not true, it can destroy
a life and worst it can kill a person. Having
a friend that is being bullied in any way is
not acceptable because it can low her/his
self esteem or worst it can end his/her life.
And if my friend is experiencing cyber
bullying or any bullying actons and I’ll know
who is the one that is responsible, I will get
mad ofcourse but I’ll just control my
emotion because being mad can’t lead you
to nothing and after that I’ll just confront
the one who bully my frind and ask why
did he/she do it or did my friend do
something wrong and if hr/his explanation
is acceptable I’ll let her talk o my friend and
ask for forgiveness and if not I’ll let an
adult handle the problem. Because in the
world nothing is perfect we have different
flaws and sins that we make every single
time in our life and all we need to do is to
forgive and forget and it will make your life
live the best.

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