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Force, Acceleration, & Torque
Force Sensors
Acceleration & Vibration

Force, Acceleration, & Torque Torque Measurement

he fundamental operating is expressed in units of weight times crystal is converted (by an amplifier)

T principles of force, accelera-

tion, and torque instrumenta-
tion are closely allied to the
piezoelectric and strain gage devices
used to measure static and dynamic
length, such as lb.-ft. and N-m.

Force Sensors
The most common dynamic force
and acceleration detector is the
to a low impedance signal suitable for
such an instrument as a digital storage
oscilloscope. Digital storage of the
signal is required in order to allow
analysis of the signal before it decays.
pressures discussed in earlier chap- piezoelectric sensor (Figure 6-1). The Depending on the application
ters. It is often the specifics of con- word piezo is of Greek origin, and it requirements, dynamic force can be
figuration and signal processing that means “to squeeze.” This is quite measured as either compression, ten-
determine the measurement output. appropriate, because a piezoelectric sile, or torque force. Applications
An accelerometer senses the sensor produces a voltage when it is may include the measurement of
motion of the surface on which it is “squeezed” by a force that is propor- spring or sliding friction forces, chain
mounted and produces an electrical tional to the force applied. The fun- tensions, clutch release forces, or
output signal related to that damental difference between these peel strengths of laminates, labels,
motion. Acceleration is measured in devices and static force detection and pull tabs.
feet per second squared, and the devices such as strain gages is that A piezoelectric force sensor is

Compression Mode Bender Mode Shear Mode

Piezo Material Piezo Material Piezo Material

Bolted Mass Assembly Bender Mode Bolted Mass Assembly

Piezo Material
Compression Mode
Piezo Material Seismic Mass Sensitive Axis

Sensitive Axis Sensitive Axis Shear Mode

Piezo Material
Mounting Base Mounting Base
Center Support
and Mounting Base

Figure 6-1: Piezoelectric Sensor Element Designs

product of the acceleration and the the electrical signal generated by the almost as rigid as a comparably pro-
measured mass yields the force. crystal decays rapidly after the appli- portioned piece of solid steel. This
Torque is a twisting force, usually cation of force. This makes these stiffness and strength allows these
encountered on shafts, bars, pulleys, devices unsuitable for the detection sensors to be directly inserted into
and similar rotational devices. It is of static force. machines as part of their structure.
defined as the product of the force The high impedance electrical sig- Their rigidity provides them with a
and the radius over which it acts. It nal generated by the piezoelectric high natural frequency, and their

Force, Acceleration, & Torque 6

the flow signal to the control system. suited for the laboratory than the
Impact flowmeters can be used as plant floor. Modern accelerometers,
alternatives to weighing systems to however, have benefited from the
measure and control the flow of bulk advance of technology: their cost,
solids to continuous processes as accuracy, and ease of use all have
illustrated in Figure 6-2. Here, an improved over the years.
impact flowmeter is placed below Early accelerometers were analog
the material chute downstream of a electronic devices that were later
variable speed screw feeder. The converted into digital electronic and
feed rate is set in tons per hour, and microprocessor-based designs. The
the control system regulates the air-bag controls of the automobile
speed of the screw feeder to attain industry use hybrid micro-electro-
Tiny accelerometer is useful for low-mass labo- the desired feed rate. The control mechanical systems (MEMS). These
ratory applications. system uses a PID algorithm to adjust devices rely on what was once con-
the speed as needed to keep the sidered a flaw in semiconductor
corresponding rapid rise time makes flow constant. Impact flowmeters design: a “released layer” or loose
them ideal for measuring such quick can measure the flow rate of some piece of circuit material in the micro-
transient forces as those generated bulk materials at rates from 1 to 800 space above the chip surface. In a
by metal-to-metal impacts and by tons per hour and with repeatability digital circuit, this loose layer inter-
high frequency vibrations. To ensure and linearity within 1%. feres with the smooth flow of elec-
accurate measurement, the natural trons, because it reacts with the sur-
frequency of the sensing device must Acceleration & Vibration rounding analog environment.
be substantially higher than the fre- Early acceleration and vibration sen- In a MEMS accelerometer, this
quency to be measured. If the mea- sors were complex mechanical con- loose layer is used as a sensor to
sured frequency approaches the nat- traptions (Figure 6-3) and were better measure acceleration. In today’s
ural frequency of the sensor, mea-
surement errors will result.

• Impact Flowmeters Feeder

The impact flowmeter is also a force
sensor. It measures the flow rate of γ = 35°
h = 1-1/2 ft.

free flowing bulk solids at the dis-

β = 60° α = 85°
charge of a material chute. The chute Weighing
directs the material flow so that it System
impinges on a sensing plate (Figure 6-
Sensing Plate
2). The impact force exerted on the
plate by the material is proportional Machine
to the flow rate.
The construction is such that the
sensing plate is allowed to move only
in the horizontal plane. The impact
force is measured by sensing the hori-
zontal deflection of the plate. This
deflection is measured by a linear vari-
able differential transformer (LVDT).
The voltage output of the LVDT is con-
verted to a pulse frequency modulat-
ed signal. This signal is transmitted as Figure 6-2: Impact Flowmeter Application

6 Force, Acceleration, & Torque

autos, MEMS sensors are used in air analyzed, and compared to a refer- velocity sensor, and the mechanical
bag and chassis control, in side- ence signature. magnetic switch, detect the force
impact detection and in antilock Acceleration sensors also play a imposed on a mass when acceleration
braking systems. Auto industry accel-
eration sensors are available for fre-
quencies from 0.1 to 1,500 Hz, with Mass Strain Gages
dynamic ranges of 1.5 to 250 G
around 1 or 2 axes, and with sensitiv-
ities of 7.62 to 1333 mV/G.
Industrial applications for Insulated
accelerometers include machinery Posts
vibration monitoring to diagnose, for Base
example, out-of-balance conditions Cantilever
Sensitive Axis Springs
of rotating parts. An accelerometer-
based vibration analyzer can detect
abnormal vibrations, analyze the Figure 6-3: Early Mechanical Vibration Sensor
vibration signature, and help identify
its cause. role in orientation and direction- occurs. The mass resists the force of
Another application is structural finding. In such applications, minia- acceleration and thereby causes a
testing, where the presence of a ture triaxial sensors detect changes deflection or a physical displace-
structural defect, such as a crack, bad in roll, pitch, and azimuth (angle of ment, which can be measured by
weld, or corrosion can change the horizontal deviation), or X, Y, and Z proximity detectors or strain gages
vibration signature of a structure. The axes. Such sensors can be used to (Figure 6-3). Many of these sensors
structure may be the casing of a track drill bits in drilling operations, are equipped with dampening
motor or turbine, a reactor vessel, or determine orientation for buoys and devices such as springs or magnets to
a tank. The test is performed by strik- sonar systems, serve as compasses, prevent oscillation.
ing the structure with a hammer, and replace gyroscopes in inertial A servo accelerometer, for exam-
exciting the structure with a known navigation systems. ple, measures accelerations from
1 microG to more than 50 G. It uses a
rotating mechanism that is intention-
ally imbalanced in its plane of rota-
tion. When acceleration occurs, it
causes an angular movement that can
be sensed by a proximity detector.
Among the newer mechanical
accelerometer designs is the thermal
accelerometer: This sensor detects
position through heat transfer. A seis-
mic mass is positioned above a heat
source. If the mass moves because of
acceleration, the proximity to the
heat source changes and the temper-
ature of the mass changes. Polysilicon
thermopiles are used to detect
Industrial accelerometer with associated electronics. changes in temperature.
In capacitance sensing accelerom-
forcing function. This generates a Mechanical accelerometers, such eters, micromachined capacitive
vibration pattern that can be recorded, as the seismic mass accelerometer, plates (CMOS capacitor plates only

Force, Acceleration, & Torque 6

60 microns deep) form a mass of sensors operate in a similar fashion, have increased the need for accurate
about 50 micrograms. As accelera- but strain gage elements are tem- torque measurement.
tion deforms the plates, a measur- perature sensitive and require com-
able change in capacitance results. pensation. They are preferred for • Torque Applications
But piezoelectric accelerometers are low frequency vibration, long-dura- Applications for torque sensors
perhaps the most practical devices tion shock, and constant accelera- include determining the amount of
for measuring shock and vibration. tion applications. Piezoresistive power an engine, motor, turbine, or
Similar to a mechanical sensor, this units are rugged, and can operate at other rotating device generates or
device includes a mass that, when frequencies up to 2,000 Hz. consumes. In the industrial world,
accelerated, exerts an inertial force ISO 9000 and other quality control
on a piezoelectric crystal. Torque Measurement specifications are now requiring
In high temperature applications Torque is measured by either sensing companies to measure torque dur-
where it is difficult to install micro- the actual shaft deflection caused by ing manufacturing, especially when
electronics within the sensor, high a twisting force, or by detecting the fasteners are applied. Sensors make
the required torque measurements
automatically on screw and assem-
bly machines, and can be added to
Compression 30 ft. lb.
(Permeability Applied hand tools. In both cases, the col-
3 ft. Decreases) Torque lected data can be accumulated on
dataloggers for quality control and
reporting purposes.
45° Shaft
Axis Other industrial applications of
torque sensors include measuring
10 lb. metal removal rates in machine
Tension tools; the calibration of torque
(Permeability tools and sensors; measuring peel
forces, friction, and bottle cap
Figure 6-4: Torque on a Rotating Shaft torque; testing springs; and making
biodynamic measurements.
impedance devices can be used. effects of this deflection. The sur-
Here, the leads from the crystal sen- face of a shaft under torque will • Sensor Configurations
sor are connected to a high gain experience compression and tension, Torque can be measured by rotating
amplifier. The output, which is pro- as shown in Figure 6-4. To measure strain gages as well as by stationary
portional to the force of accelera- torque, strain gage elements usually proximity, magnetostrictive, and
tion, is then read by the high gain are mounted in pairs on the shaft, magnetoelastic sensors. All are tem-
amplifier. Where temperature is not one gauge measuring the increase in perature sensitive. Rotary sensors
excessive, low impedance microelec- length (in the direction in which the must be mounted on the shaft,
tronics can be embedded in the sen- surface is under tension), the other which may not always be possible
sor to detect the voltages generated measuring the decrease in length in because of space limitations.
by the crystals. Both high and low the other direction. A strain gage can be installed
impedance designs can be mechani- Early torque sensors consisted of directly on a shaft. Because the
cally connected to the structure’s mechanical structures fitted with shaft is rotating, the torque sensor
surface, or secured to it by adhesives strain gages. Their high cost and low can be connected to its power
or magnetic means. These piezoelec- reliability kept them from gaining gen- source and signal conditioning elec-
tric sensors are suited for the mea- eral industrial acceptance. Modern tronics via a slip ring. The strain gage
surement of short durations of accel- technology, however, has lowered the also can be connected via a trans-
eration only. cost of making torque measurements, former, eliminating the need for
Piezoresistive and strain gage while quality controls on production high maintenance slip rings. The

6 Force, Acceleration, & Torque

excitation voltage for the strain

gage is inductively coupled, and the
strain gage output is converted to a Bridge
Excitation Strain
modulated pulse frequency (Figure Elements
6-5). Maximum speed of such an
arrangement is 15,000 rpm. Oscillator
Strain gages also can be mounted (Supply)
on stationary support members or on Torque
the housing itself. These “reaction” Output Amplifier
sensors measure the torque that is Signal Demodulator
transferred by the shaft to the
restraining elements. The resultant Bridge
reading is not completely accurate, as
it disregards the inertia of the motor.
Strain gages used for torque mea-
surements include foil, diffused Figure 6-5: Inductive Coupling of Torque Sensors
semiconductor, and thin film types.
These can be attached directly to also can detect torque by measuring whose phase difference increases as
the shaft by soldering or adhesives. If the angular displacement between a the torque twists the shaft.
the centrifugal forces are not large— shaft’s two ends. By fixing two identi- Another approach is to aim a sin-
and an out-of-balance load can be cal toothed wheels to the shaft at gle photocell through both sets of
tolerated—the associated electron- some distance apart, the angular dis- toothed wheels. As torque rises
ics, including battery, amplifier, and placement caused by the torque can and causes one wheel to overlap
radio frequency transmitter all can be measured. Proximity sensors or the other, the amount of light
reaching the photocell is reduced.
Displacements caused by torque can
also be detected by other optical,
inductive, capacitive, and potentio-
metric sensors. For example, a capaci-
tance-type torque sensor can measure
the change in capacitance that occurs
when torque causes the gap between
two capacitance plates to vary.
The ability of a shaft material to
concentrate magnetic flux—mag-
netic permeability—also varies with
torque and can be measured using a
magnetostrictive sensor. When the
shaft has no loading, its permeabili-
ty is uniform. Under torsion, perme-
ability and the number of flux lines
increase in proportion to torque.
This type of sensor can be mounted
to the side of the shaft using two
primary and two secondary wind-
Reaction torque cell with flange mounts.
ings. Alternatively, it can be
be strapped to the shaft. photocells located at each toothed arranged with many primary and
Proximity and displacement sensors wheel produce output voltages secondary windings on a ring

Force, Acceleration, & Torque 6

around the shaft. References & Further Reading

A magnetoelastic torque sensor • Omegadyne® Pressure, Force, Load, Torque Databook, OMEGADYNE, Inc.,
detects changes in permeability by 1996.
measuring changes in its own mag- • The Pressure, Strain, and Force Handbook™, Omega Press LLC, 1996.
netic field. One magnetoelastic sen- • Industrial Control Handbook, E. A. Parr, Butterworth, 1995.
sor is constructed as a thin ring of • Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Bela Liptak, CRC Press LLC, 1995.
steel tightly coupled to a stainless • Instrumentation Reference Book, 2nd Edition, B.E. Noltingk, Butterworth-
steel shaft. This assembly acts as a Heinemann, 1995.
permanent magnet whose magnetic • “Overcoming the High Cost of Torque Sensing in Industrial Applications,”
field is proportional to the torque Darrell Williams, Eaton Corp., 1998.
applied to the shaft. The shaft is • Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, 4th Edition,
connected between a drive motor Douglas M. Considine, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
and the driven device, such as a • Sensor and Analyzer Handbook, H.N. Norton, Prentice Hall, 1982.
screw machine. A magnetometer • “Sensors: The Next Wave of Infotech Innovation,” Paul Saffo, Institute for
converts the generated magnetic the Future, 1998.
field into an electrical output signal • Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia, Douglas M. Considine and Glenn
that is proportional to the torque D. Considine, Van Nostrand, 1997.
being applied. T • Vibration Analysis for Electronic Equipment, 2nd Edition, Dave S.
Steinberg, Wiley, 1988.


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